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The primary purpose of this study is to develop a realistic model of an oil company which can be used to evaluate alternative systems of petroleum accounting. The model is used to simulate several accounting variables produced by the full cost and successful efforts methods of accounting. The simulated accounting variables are net operating income, net oil properties, operating expenses and return on investment. This study also evaluates the oil company models used in prior petroleum accounting research. There are currently two systems of petroleum accounting (full cost accounting and successful efforts accounting) that are generally accepted. The full cost method basically requires the capitalization of all exploration and development costs while the successful efforts method does not permit the capitalization of either geological survey costs or the costs of dry exploratory wells. A petroleum accounting model should satisfy three requirements. The model should incorporate all significant revenues and expenditures. The values of these revenues and expenditures should be realistic and the timing of the business transactions must be realistic. Earlier accounting studies employed deterministic and stochastic models which failed to satisfy one or more of the three requirements of a petroleum accounting model. Because there are many significant differences between these models and the oil companies which they claim to represent, the findings of these studies cannot be considered to be realistic. The model developed for this study represents the exploration, development and production activities of an oil company. Multinomial probability distributions are used to model exploratory drilling success. A binomial distribution is used to model development drilling success. Exponential decline curves are used to represent oil production. The model displays the type of behavior that is predicted by the economic theory of exhaustible resources and it satisfies the three modeling requirements stated previously.
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An investigation of the role of women in the South African construction industry12 November 2012 (has links)
M.Tech. / Purpose: This study looked at the challenges and gender-based issues which women in construction face in South Africa and abroad compared to their male counterparts in order to establish why fewer women are attracted to the industry as compared to men and why women in construction have a lower success rate. Methodology: A literature review on the topic was completed and close-ended and open-ended questions were posed in the questionnaire, which was completed by contractors and consultants nationwide and subsequently analyzed. Problem investigated: Women have not emerged as significant players in the industry both in terms of size and volume of contracts, as well as breaking down the 'glass ceiling' which is still faced by many women today, especially consultants. Findings: Construction has always been a male dominated industry. Therefore, women continue to feel restricted and not well received by their male counterparts. Women still confirm that they have to constantly prove their worth to their male counterparts in order to be accepted and add value to the organization. Research limitations: The study focused on women in the construction industry as a whole and did not look at women specifically within the various built environment disciplines. Further research is also required to investigate and look into female students' experiences whilst studying and after graduation. Value: The study highlights the challenges and gender-based issues that exist with women in construction today, and suggests what should be done to attract and retain more women in the sector.
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A study of Hong Kong textile industry (1973-1982).January 1984 (has links)
by Roger Ying Chu. / Bibliography: leaves 60-61 / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1984
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The expansion of the Kwai Chung Container Terminal : a critical economic appraisal : research report.January 1983 (has links)
by Chan Chui-hay, Ernest, Wong Tak-sing, Allan. / Bibliography: leaf 64 / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1983
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Feasibility study on the establishment of a steel fabrication factory in southern part of China.January 1991 (has links)
by Cheung Him-wah, Tam Sui-leung. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Bibliography: leaves 62-63. / SUMMARY --- p.ii / CONTENTS --- p.iii / CHAPTER / Chapter 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Economic Situation of Hong Kong --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Economic Situation of China --- p.2 / Chapter 1.3 --- The Feasibility Study --- p.3 / Chapter 1.4 --- Supporting Arguments --- p.4 / Chapter 2 --- METHODOLOGY --- p.7 / Chapter 2.1 --- Market Demand Analysis --- p.7 / Chapter 2.2 --- Location Selection Analysis 一 Part I --- p.7 / Chapter 2.3 --- Location Selection Analysis 一 Part II --- p.8 / Chapter 2.4 --- Form of Investment Analysis --- p.8 / Chapter 2.5 --- Cash Flow Analysis --- p.9 / Chapter 2.6 --- Flow Chart --- p.9 / Chapter 3 --- MARKET DEMAND ANALYSIS --- p.10 / Chapter 3.1 --- Types of Product --- p.10 / Chapter 3.2 --- Forecasting Methodologies --- p.11 / Chapter 3.3 --- Demand Forecasting --- p.12 / Chapter 4 --- PRELIMINARY SELECTION OF LOCATION --- p.18 / Chapter 4.1 --- Background --- p.18 / Chapter 4.2 --- Shenzhen Special Economic Zone --- p.19 / Chapter 4.3 --- Huichow --- p.21 / Chapter 4.4 --- Shantou Special Economic Zone --- p.23 / Chapter 4.5 --- Guangzhou 一 Guangzhou Economic & Technology Developing Zone --- p.24 / Chapter 4.6 --- Hainan Special Economic Zone --- p.26 / Chapter 4.7 --- Zhuhai - The West Economic Developing District --- p.28 / Chapter 4.8 --- First-round Conclusion --- p.30 / Chapter 5 --- FORMS OF INVESTMENT --- p.33 / Chapter 5.1 --- Background --- p.33 / Chapter 5.2 --- Compensation Trade --- p.33 / Chapter 5.3 --- Joint Exploration and Exploitation --- p.35 / Chapter 5.4 --- Equity Joint Venture --- p.35 / Chapter 5.5 --- Contractual Joint Venture --- p.37 / Chapter 5.6 --- Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise --- p.38 / Chapter 5.7 --- Comparisons of the Three Forms of Investment --- p.39 / Chapter 5.8 --- Final Selection of Investment Form --- p.41 / Chapter 6 --- COST ANALYSIS AND CASH FLOW ANALYSIS --- p.43 / Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction of Cost Analysis --- p.43 / Chapter 6.2 --- Cash Flow Analysis --- p.53 / Chapter 6.3 --- Net Present Value Analysis --- p.58 / Chapter 7 --- CONCLUSION --- p.60 / APPENDEX I / APPENDIX II / APPENDIX III / APPENDIX IV / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.62
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明代的開中法 =: The grain-salt exchange system in Ming China. / Grain-salt exchange system in Ming China / Ming dai de kai zhong fa =: The grain-salt exchange system in Ming China.January 1970 (has links)
論文(碩士) -- 香港中文大學. / Lun wen (shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1970. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1-18 / Chapter 第二章 --- 開中法的由來 --- p.19-93 / Chapter 一 --- 北宋的折中法 --- p.19-34 / Chapter 二 --- 范祥鈔法的創行 --- p.34-52 / Chapter 三 --- 鈔法推行後的入中情形 --- p.52-54 / Chapter 四 --- 遼、金、元的入中法 --- p.54-60 / Chapter 第三章 --- 明代的開中法的制定 --- p.94-144 / Chapter 一 --- 開中法的建立 --- p.96-100 / Chapter 二 --- 開中法的手續與規限 --- p.100-106 / Chapter 三 --- 與開中有關的機構和官員 --- p.107-116 / Chapter 第四章 --- 開中形式的更改 --- p.145-222 / Chapter 一 --- 納量中鹽 --- p.146-155 / Chapter 二 --- 納鈔中鹽 --- p.156-160 / Chapter 三 --- 納銀中鹽 --- p.160-167 / Chapter 四 --- 正鹽納糧輸邊,餘鹽納銀解部 --- p.167-177 / Chapter 第五章 --- 支鹽辦法的變換 --- p.223-295 / Chapter 一 --- 配支法(品搭法) --- p.224-234 / Chapter 二 --- 守支法和兌支法(附代支法和償鈔法 --- p.234-242 / Chapter 三 --- 常股存積法 --- p.242-249 / Chapter 四 --- 買補餘鹽法(附工本鹽法) --- p.250-259 / Chapter 五 --- 河鹽法(附小鹽法) --- p.259-266 / Chapter 第六章 --- 葉淇變法的因果及其評議 --- p.296-358 / Chapter 一 --- 變法的背景 --- p.296-306 / Chapter 二 --- 變法的影響及其評議 --- p.306-327 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.359-368 / Chapter 附文 --- 引斤商榷 --- p.369-397 / Chapter 附表甲 --- 明前期大同開中淮鹽一引納 --- p.381-383 / Chapter 附表乙 --- 洪武朝云南府開中淮浙川鹽--引納米數目 --- p.346-385 / Chapter 附表丙 --- 洪武朝云南烏撤開中安寧鹽--引納米數目 --- p.386-387 / Chapter 附表丁 --- 明代鹽司正餘鹽每引斤重表(單位:斤) --- p.388-391 / Chapter 正文附表一 --- 北宋折中事例表 --- p.398-420 / Chapter 正文附表二 --- 范祥變法以前市糴糧草用錢數目 --- p.421-423 / Chapter 附表三 --- 明代各鹽司行鹽地方表 --- p.424-428 / Chapter 附表四 --- 明代都轉運鹽使司及其批驗所 --- p.429-430 / Chapter 附表五 --- 明代鹽司鹽場(或鹽井)統轄表 --- p.431-438 / Chapter 附表六 --- 明代鹽官品屬祿米表 --- p.439-440 / Chapter 附表七 --- 洪武弘治萬曆三朝歲辦鹽課本折比較表 --- p.441 / Chapter 附表八 --- 明天啟年間(1621-1627)各鹽司歲解太倉銀 --- p.442-443 / Chapter 附表九 --- 葉淇變法(弘治五年,1492)以前各地中鹽則例表(每小引鹽納糧石數) --- p.444-456 / Chapter 附表十 --- 明代每小引鹽(二百斤)納銀額(單位:两) --- p.457-461 / Chapter 附表十一 --- 明代歲辦鹽課表 --- p.462-467 / Chapter 附表十二 --- 明各鹽司始設及其洪武間歲辦額鹽比較表 --- p.468-469 / Chapter 附表十三 --- 明代各地起運戶口食鹽鈔錢銀數 --- p.470-474 / Chapter 附表十四 --- 明代編歸正賦的戶口食鹽鈔數目 --- p.475-479 / Chapter 正文第一表 --- 北宋折中法表解 --- p.30 / Chapter 第二表 --- 咸平六年(1002)鎮戎軍鹽粮折算则例 --- p.31 / Chapter 第三表 --- 天聖元年(1023)陜西逐處入便糧草添饒錢數則例 --- p.32-33 / Chapter 第四表 --- 陜西州軍入中錢文則例 --- p.36-37 / Chapter 第五表 --- 陜西沿邊州軍鹽價 --- p.38-39 / Chapter 第六表 --- 北宋(960--1126)中葉的鹽課歲入 --- p.49-51 / Chapter 第七表 --- 洪武四年(1371)二月中鹽則例表 --- p.98 / Chapter 第八表 --- 明十三清吏司屬官表 --- p.134-136 / Chapter 第九表 --- 萬曆十九年(1591)戶部預定下年度各邊中鹽引價表 --- p.165 / Chapter 第十表 --- 隆慶三年(1569)戶部預派下年度各邊鹽引配搭表 --- p.226-227 / Chapter 第十一表 --- 正統八年(1443)兩淮鹽場搭配表 --- p.228-229 / Chapter 第十二表 --- 成化四年(1468)王允中所擬兩淮鹽場配搭表 --- p.230-232 / Chapter 第十三表 --- 萬曆六年(1578)四運司歲辦本色常股存積鹽額及其比例 --- p.245-246 / Chapter 第十四表 --- 隆慶二年(1568)停掣河鹽後兩淮的三□引價 --- p.262-263 / Chapter 第十五表 --- 隆慶二年(1568)九月小鹽法引斤及價銀虧損表 --- p.264-265 / Chapter 第十六表 --- 隆慶三年(1569)、萬曆元年(1573)、二年(1574)分別預派下年度各邊鹽引用銀表示的數額 --- p.307-309 / Chapter 第十七表 --- 萬曆十四年(1586)陜西各鎮銀糧料草布帛盈虧表 --- p.321 / Chapter 第十八表 --- 嘉清隆慶時期太倉銀收支比較表 --- p.352-353 / Chapter 第十九表 --- 萬曆(1573-1620)年間的借餉數目 --- p.354-357 / 附參考書及論文目錄 --- p.480-499
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Competition in the Hong Kong photofinishing industry: a structural analysis and a study of competitive strategies.January 1987 (has links)
by Chan Yee-Kwong. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1987. / Bibliography: leaf 114.
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A competitive analysis of the computer & related industries in Hong Kong.January 1996 (has links)
by Long Wai-Man. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-54). / ABSTRACT --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGMENT --- p.iv / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.v / LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS --- p.vii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.viii / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Objective of the Study --- p.1 / Introduction to the Computing Industry --- p.2 / The Evolution of the Computing Industry --- p.2 / Types of Computers --- p.3 / Recent Trends in the Computing Industry --- p.5 / Industrial Structure and Competition of Hong Kong's Manufacturing Industries --- p.7 / Chapter II. --- THE COMPUTING INDUSTRY IN HONG KONG --- p.10 / The Hong Kong Computing Industry --- p.10 / The Hong Kong Computer Market --- p.13 / Chapter III. --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.16 / Measurement of Market Concentration --- p.16 / Data Collection and Limitation --- p.19 / Limitation of Data --- p.20 / Entropy Concentration Index --- p.20 / Chapter IV. --- EMPIRICAL FINDINGS --- p.23 / Industrial Concentration of the Computing Machinery and Equipment Industry (1984 -1993) --- p.23 / Analysis of the Electronic Calculator Industry --- p.29 / Analysis of the Computer Industry --- p.33 / Chapter V. --- "CONCLUSIONS, FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECT" --- p.37 / Competition in the Computing Machinery Industry --- p.37 / The Future of the Hong Kong Computing Machinery Industry --- p.39 / APPENDIX 1 HSIC CLASSIFICATION FOR COMPUTING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY --- p.41 / APPENDIX2 STATISTICAL DATA ON THE COMPUTING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY IN HONG KONG --- p.43 / Definition of Terms --- p.43 / Statistics by Product Types --- p.44 / Statistics by Number of Persons Engaged --- p.48 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.53
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The China automotive components industry: an opportunity for the Hong Kong industrialists.January 1997 (has links)
by Li Wen-Ye, Mak Wai-Leong. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-58). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.v / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Hong Kong Industrialists --- p.1 / China Automotive Components Industry --- p.3 / The Opportunities --- p.4 / Chapter II. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.5 / Objective --- p.5 / Content --- p.6 / Chapter III. --- CHINA AUTOMOBILE & COMPONENTS INDUSTRIES --- p.7 / China Automobile Industry --- p.7 / China Automotive Components Industry --- p.10 / Chapter IV. --- EVALUATION OF CHINA AUTO COMPONENTS INDUSTRY --- p.13 / Market Size --- p.13 / The Original Equipment (OE) Parts Market --- p.14 / The Replacement Parts Market --- p.18 / Chapter V. --- EXTERNAL ANALYSIS OF AUTO COMPONENTS INDUSTRY --- p.21 / Potential competitors --- p.21 / Rivalry among established companies --- p.22 / Bargaining power of buyers --- p.24 / Bargaining power of suppliers --- p.25 / Threats of substitute products --- p.26 / Conclusion of Porter Analysis --- p.27 / Chapter VI. --- CASE STUDIES --- p.28 / Company Profile --- p.28 / Company Analysis --- p.39 / Chapter VII. --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.44 / Entry Framework --- p.44 / Government Policy --- p.45 / Market Selection --- p.46 / Product Selection --- p.47 / Technological Requirements --- p.48 / Location Selection --- p.49 / Forms of Investment --- p.51 / Chapter VIII. --- CONCLUSION --- p.53 / APPENDIX --- p.54 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.57
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Determinants of employment in the textile and clothing industry in South Africa :an econometric perspective and investigative analysisManenzhe, Phathutshedzo Patricia January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M. Com. (Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / Unemployment is one of the most economically crippling challenges facing South Africa today. The Department of Trade and Industry identified the Textile and Clothing Industry as a labour absorbing industry for many developing countries, including South Africa. However, the capacity of the sector to create jobs in South Africa has been changing. This study therefore aims to examine the probable causes of employment in the textile and clothing industry of South Africa and to propose policy recommendations that to alleviate the unemployment issues in the industry. The determinants of unemployment are analysed using co-integration analysis from an econometric perspective with annual time series data from 1986 to 2016. The study identifies domestic demand, real output, wage rate, and imports as some determinants in the textile and clothing industry. The results suggest that the model is co-integrated at 5% level of significance and there is a long-run relationship between employment and its determinants. For further examination of the relationship between unemployment and its determinants, the study conducted the Vector Error Correction Model and VECM Granger Causality techniques. The model was found to converge back to equilibrium at 0.183 convergence speed. These techniques revealed that the linear model is a good fit, passing both diagnostic and stability tests. The study also conducted the impulse response functions and variance decomposition to assess how shocks to economic variables reverberate through a system. Employment show an increase given positive economic shocks to output and wage rate. The study has recommended subsidization and incentivizing of the industry by government to assist in keeping operational costs low and improve output. For imports, the study suggested a mutual co-operation through joint ventures between South African companies and Chinese firms. South Africa may benefit from the transfer of technology and expertise, increased production capacity and job creation. Keywords: Employment, unemployment, long-run relationship, labour-intensive, demand, output
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