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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity Sector

To, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks. Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated. The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins. In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.

Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity Sector

To, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks. Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated. The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins. In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.

Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity Sector

To, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks. Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated. The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins. In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.

Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity Sector

To, Hong Thi-Dieu January 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks. Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated. The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins. In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.

Boendesprinkler : Hur ska boendesprinkler projekteras och installeras för att undvika vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella? / Residental sprinklers : How should residental sprinklers be designed and installed in order to avoid water damage and legionella growth?

Mohammadi, Adam, Asp, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
Rapporten är sammanställd av två kandidatstudenter vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan på högskoleingenjörsprogrammet Byggteknik och design, i samarbete med Säker Vatten AB. Efter tre års studier är detta en examinerande rapport för utbildningen. Rapporten är ämnad för alla typer av läsare, men utan byggingenjörsexamen likt vår, eller med motsvarande kunskapsnivå så kan läsare uppfatta rapporten som svårläst. Metoden för rapporten har varit så att författarna kontinuerligt intervjuat aktörer med olika intressen för hur branschen utvecklar sig. Aktörerna i fråga har alla mångårig erfarenhet eller en relevant utbildning bakom sig. Litteraturstudier har gjorts av föreskrifter, standarder, normer och rapporter som behandlar boendesprinkler, rörförläggningar, legionella och vattenskador. Tolkningar och utförande av detta baseras på kunskap som införskaffats som ingenjörsstudenter under utbildningens gång, allt för att så nyanserat som möjligt närma sig svaret på rapportens problemformulering: ”Hur ska boendesprinkler projekteras och installeras för att undvika vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella?” Som huvudsyfte har arbetet inneburit att fokusera på problemformuleringen. Problemformuleringen har i sin tur fördelats i tre frågor där varje fråga berört olika verksamheter och organisationer i branschen. Frågan specificerar vattenskadorna som kan      uppkomma i samband med boendesprinkler. För att besvara den frågan har      relevanta avsnitt i BBR, standarden SS 883001 samt branschregler Säker      Vatteninstallation studerats. Frågan hanterar tillväxten av legionella i      boendesprinkleranläggningar. Här har myndigheter och branschorganisationer      såsom Smittskyddsinstitutet, Svenskt vatten och Stockholm Vatten varit      till stor hjälp. Frågan har behandlat vilka krav som ställs på de      som projekterar och installerar boendesprinkler idag. Utgångspunkten för      fråga tre har varit normer från Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen som      behandlar boendesprinkler, samt VVS-Företagens och Sprinklergruppens      utbildning för sprinklermontörer. Förhoppningen är att den här rapporten ska fungera som underlag för skrivande av branschregler för projektering och installation av boendesprinkler. Branschregler som säkerställer att vattenskador och tillväxt av legionella undviks.  Med korrekta branschregler så bör förståelsen för boendesprinkler och dess effekt öka. Antalet boendesprinkleranläggningar bör då också öka, vilket skulle resultera i ett mer brandsäkert Sverige. / The report was compiled by two graduate students at the Royal Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science program Constructional Engineering and Design, in collaboration with Säker Vatten AB. After three years of study, this is a graded report for our education. This report is intended for all types of readers, but without education like ours, or equivalent level of knowledge, the report may be difficult to understand. The methodology for this report is that the authors continually interviewing actors with different interests in how the industry develops. The players in question all have many years of experience or relevant training behind. Studies of literature have been made of regulations, codes, standards, and reports dealing with residential sprinklers pipe laying, legionella and water damage. Interpretations and execution of this is based on the knowledge acquired as engineering students during their education, all to approach an answer so nuanced as possible to the problem report:" How should residential sprinklers be designed and installed in order to avoid water damage and legionella growth?” As the main work has meant to focus on the problem statement, which in turn is divided into three questions, each question touched on various businesses and organizations in the industry. This question specifies      the water damage which may arise in connection with residential      sprinklers. To answer that question, the relevant section of BBR, the      standard SS 883001, as well as industry regulations plumbing safety      studied. This question handles the      growth of legionella in residential sprinklers. Here are authorities and      industry organizations such as the Infectious Diseases Institute, Swedish      Water and Stockholm Water were a great help. This question has dealt      with the demands placed on the projecting and installing of residential      sprinklers today. The starting point for question number three were      standards from Swedish Fire Protection Association which deals with      residential sprinklers, and training for installers of sprinkler. This report will hopefully serve as a basis for the writing of industry regulations for design and installation of residential sprinklers. Industry regulations which will ensure that water damage and the growth of Legionella will be avoided. With proper industry regulations will the understanding of residential sprinklers and its effect increase. The number of residential sprinkler installations should then also increase, which would result in a more fireproof Sweden.

Utredning av vattenskadetrender : Hur kan antalet vattenskador minskas? / Investigation of water damages : How can the number of water damages be reduced?

Hjalmarsson, Lovisa, Aydogdyeva, Ayna January 2015 (has links)
Vatten är en av de vanligaste skadeorsaken i Svenska byggnader. Det inträffar 100 000 vattenskador varje år och dessa kostar 5-6 miljarder att åtgärda. Detta problem har legat till grund för vårt arbete där vi frågar oss: ”Hur kan antalet vattenskador minskas?” Vi har försökt att besvara frågan med hjälp av statistik från Vattenskadecentrum, intervjuer med branschfolk och studier av branschregler. Det som framkommit är att badrum och kök är de mest drabbade utrymmen. Efter år 2011 har andelen skador i kök blivit fler än de i badrum. Orsaken till detta är ökningen av trycksatta vattenledningar i kök samt avsaknaden av krav på tätskikt och golvbrunn. Trots att vattenanvändningen i badrum, relativt sätt, har ökat har andelen skador minskat tack vare förbättrad teknik, strängare normer och bättre material. Vi tror att om antalet vattenskador ska minskas bör branschregler för kök kompletteras, utbilda och auktorisera fler företag samt upplysa fastighetsägare om vikten av fackmässigt byggande. / Water is one of the most common cause of injuries in Swedish buildings. It occurs 100 000 water damages every year and it costs 5-6 billions to repair. This problem has been the basis for our report with the question: “How can the number of water damages be reduced?” We have tried to answer the question using data from Vattenskadecentrum (Water damage center), interviews with professionals and studies of regulations. What has appeared is that the bathroom and kitchen are the most affected areas. After 2011, the quantity of water damages in the kitchen has passed the quantity of water damages in the bathroom. This is due to the increased number of pressurized water pipes in the kitchen and the absence of requirements for waterproofing and draining gutter. Despite the change of water usage in bathrooms, the percentage of water damages in bathrooms has decreased thanks to improved technique and materials. To reduce the number of water damages should regulations for the kitchen enlarge, train more in the industry and inform property owners about the importance of professionally-building.

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