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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychische Störungen bei Patienten mit muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung

Baumeister, Harald, Höfler, Michael, Jacobi, Frank, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Bengel, Jürgen, Härter, Martin January 2004 (has links)
Hintergrund: Ein signifikanter Anteil der Patienten mit einer chronischen körperlichen Erkrankung weist eine komorbide psychische Störung auf. Ob und in welchem Ausmaß sich die Prävalenzraten psychischer Störungen bei Patienten mit einer chronischen Erkrankung von denen der Allgemeinbevölkerung unterscheiden, ist bislang noch kaum untersucht. Fragestellung: Die vorliegende epidemiologische Studie untersucht geschlechts- und altersadjustierte 4-Wochen, 12-Monats- und Lebenszeitprävalenzen psychischer Störungen bei Rehabilitationspatienten mit muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen im Vergleich zu Prävalenzraten der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Methode: Die Daten der drei Stichproben (N = 4192) basieren jeweils auf einem zweistufigen, epidemiologischen Untersuchungsansatz mit einer schriftlichen Befragung der Patienten bzw. Probanden zu ihrem psychischen Befinden (GHQ-12; M-CIDI-S) und einem anschließenden Interview (M-CIDI) bei einem randomisiert ausgewählten Teil der Gesamtstichprobe. Ergebnisse: Mit adjustierten Lebenszeitprävalenzen von 59.3 % (OR: 1.6) und 56.2 % (OR: 1.4) weisen die Patienten mit einer muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankung im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung (47.9 %) eine deutlich erhöhte Prävalenz psychischer Störungen auf. Am häufigsten sind affektive Störungen (22.5 % bis 34.9%) und Angststörungen (18.4 % bis 33.8 %). Schlussfolgerung: Der im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung deutliche Zusammenhang zwischen chronischen körperlichen Erkrankungen und psychischen Störungen verdeutlicht die Bedeutsamkeit einer verstärkten Diagnostik und Behandlung komorbider psychischer Störungen bei chronisch erkrankten Patienten. / Background: A significant part of patients with chronic diseases have comorbid mental disorders. However, by now it is nearly unexplored if and to what extend the prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with chronic diseases differ from the rates of the general population. Objective: The present epidemiologic study investigates sex- and age-adjusted 4-week, 12-months, and lifetime prevalence rates of mental disorders in inpatients with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases compared to prevalence rates of the general population. Methods: In each sample (N = 4192), the data based on a two-stage epidemiologic design. The first stage entailed the use of a screening questionnaire for mental disorders (GHQ-12; M-CIDI-S). The second stage consisted of an interview (M-CIDI) of a randomised part of the sample. Results: The adjusted lifetime prevalence in both clinical samples (musculoskeletal: 59.3 %, OR 1.6; cardiovaskular: 56.2 %, OR 1.4) is high compared to the rate of the general population (47.9 %). Affective disorders (22.5 % to 34.9 %) and anxiety disorders (18.4% to 33.8 %) are the most common disorders. Conclusions: Compared to the general population there is a clear correlation between chronic diseases and mental disorders, that shows the importance of an improved diagnostic and treatment of patients suffering from comorbid mental disorders.

Grundlagen und Forschungsstrategien regionaler Bedarfs- und Allokationsforschung am Beispiel des ASAT-F1-Projektes

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zimmermann, Petra, Nocon, Agnes, Settele, Angela, Spiegel, Barbara, Bühringer, Gerhard, Lieb, Roselind January 2004 (has links)
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Weiter steigende Raten des Konsums psychotroper Substanzen und klinisch bedeutsamer Substanzstörungen vor allem bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, veränderte Gebrauchs- und Problemkonstellationen der Konsumentengruppen und die Einführung neuer Therapien und Versorgungsmodelle (Prävention, Frühintervention, Therapie und Rehabilitation) erfordern insbesondere angesichts der begrenzten Finanz- und Versorgungsressourcen neue Bedarfs- und Allokationsmodelle. Diese sollen praxisnah und effizient zu entscheiden helfen wann, bei welchen Rahmenbedingungen, welche Interventionsart und -strategie die individuell erfolgversprechendste ist. Diese Fragen werden in einem Forschungsprojekt des Suchtforschungsverbundes ASAT bearbeitet, das in einer umschriebenen Region mittels schrittweiser, epidemiologisch basierter Bedarfsund Bedürfnisanalysen die Ableitung und Priorisierung von institutionellen und therapeutischen Zuordnungsstrategien untersucht. Methodik: Basierend auf einem prospektiv-epidemiologischen Design wurden (1) bei einer repräsentativen regionalen Bevölkerungsstichprobe (EDSP-Studie) Inzidenzmuster, Spontanverlauf, Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen des Substanzgebrauchs, -missbrauchs und der -abhängigkeit sowie Inanspruchnahmeverhalten, gedeckter und ungedeckter Bedarf beurteilt. (2) Ergänzt wird diese Erhebung durch eine Gesamterfassung und Evaluation des regionalen Suchthilfesystems. (3) Über statistische Analysen von Verläufen und Suchthilfeangeboten in der Region sollen "natürliche" Allokationsprozesse dargestellt und "outcome"-orientiert bewertet werden. (4) Anhand der dabei sichtbaren Mängel und Defizite können dann zusammen mit den Einrichtungen verbesserte Allokationsrichtlinien für einzelne sowie Gruppen von Patienten abgeleitet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in das regionale Suchhilfesystem übertragen werden. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts bestätigen die Möglichkeit, Risikogruppen über spezifische Verlaufsanalysen zu identifizieren (z.B. regelmäßige Cannabiskonsumenten, Mehrfachkonsumenten, mehr weibliche Konsumenten mit einem höherem Abhängigkeitsrisiko). Die Inanspruchnahmemuster deuten in Teilbereichen (Frühintervention) auf ein hohes Ausmaß ungedeckten Bedarfs hin und scheinen neue Allokationsentwürfe zu erfordern. Den Einrichtungsträgern und regional Verantwortlichen der Suchthilfe können nach Auswertung weiterer Daten umfassende Bedarfsabschätzungen und verschiedene alternative Allokationsmodelle basierend auf der Perspektive von KlientInnen/ PatientInnen bereitgestellt werden. / Background and Aims: Increasing rates of substance use and substance use disorders especially in adolescents and young adults, changing patterns of use and associated problems and the introduction of new therapies and programs of care (prevention, early intervention, therapy, rehabilitation) require new need and allocation models especially because of restricted financial and care resources. These models should provide a rational basis for the improvement of allocation processes as well as setting priorities in the provision and restructuring of community and patientoriented interventions. In the present paper, we will present a project of the ASAT research network program which aims at a multi-staged, integrated epidemiology-based need and program evaluation in an area to determine institutional and therapeutical allocation processes. Methods: Based on a prospective epidemiological design, (1) prevalence and incidence, risk factors and course of substance use, abuse and dependence are investigated in a representative sample of the community-based EDSP study. Additionally, helpseeking behaviors, met and unmet need are assessed. (2) The investigation is supplemented by a survey of all substance use services in the area. (3) Course of substance use and service provision of substance use services in the area will be analyzed and reviewed to identify natural allocation processes and to determine the outcome. (4) With the knowledge of deficits and unmet need, improved allocation guidelines for specific groups of clients and patients will be developed. The results will be transferred into the regional health care system. Results and discussion: First results show that the identification of new risk groups with the help of course typologies is possible. The patterns of help-seeking point to a high rate of unmet need, especially with regard to the targeted early intervention, and a need of alternative allocation models. After the assessment and the overall data analyses, need evaluations and several alternative allocation models based on the clients'/patients' perspective will be provided.

Raucherentwöhnung in der primärärztlichen Versorgung – Chance oder Fiktion?: Ergebnisse der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS)"-Studie

Hoch, Eva, Franke, Annett, Sonntag, Holger, Jahn, Birgit, Mühlig, Stephan, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2004 (has links)
Durch eine stärkere Einbeziehung deutscher Hausärzte in die Raucherentwöhnung soll die Versorgung von Rauchern flächendeckend verbessert werden. Inwiefern dieser Anspruch realisierbar ist, wird im Rahmen der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependent Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) Studie überprüft. SNICAS ist eine zweistufige epidemiologische Punktprävalenzstudie [Stufe I (Vorstudie): Charakterisierung einer repräsentativen, bundesweiten Stichprobe von n = 889 Hausärzten; Stufe II: Stichtagserhebung an n = 28 707 unselektierten konsekutiven Patienten], an die sich eine regionale klinische Interventionskomponente anschließt. In diesem Beitrag werden Prävalenzraten des Rauchens, Aufhörmotivation und bisherige Aufhörversuche von Primärarztpatienten berichtet. Dargestellt werden Erkennens- und Interventionsraten von Rauchern durch Hausärzte, das ärztliche Interventionsverhalten sowie deren Einschätzung der Chancen und Barrieren von Raucherentwöhnung im Praxisalltag. Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen ein großes Interesse der Hausärzte am Thema Raucherentwöhnung. Dennoch weisen niedrige hausärztliche Interventionsraten bei gleichzeitig hohen Prävalenzraten von Rauchen und Nikotinabhängigkeit auf ein beträchtliches Versorgungsdefizit. Als Ursachen hierfür werden neben ambivalenter Aufhörmotivation der Patienten strukturelle Barrieren diskutiert. Die Autoren fordern neue klinische Versorgungsmodelle, die ein abgestimmtes Zusammenspiel von Hausärzten mit anderen, auf Raucherentwöhnung spezialisierte Berufsgruppen fokussieren. / Through smoking cessation interventions, primary care physicians could play an important part in the treatment of smokers in Germany. In the "Smoking and Nicotine Dependent Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) study, we examined whether this increased involvement of primary care physicians might be implemented. SNICAS is a two-stage epidemiological point prevalence study. In stage I (pre-study), a nationwide sample of 889 primary care doctors was characterized; in stage II, 28 707 unselected consecutive patients were assessed on the target day. The investigation was followed by regional clinical interventions. The present article contains our findings on the prevalence of smoking, the motivation to quit, and the history of quit attempts among primary care patients. Information will be provided on how frequently physicians recognize and treat smokers; what kind of interventions they offer; as well as how they judge the opportunities and obstacles for smoking cessation in routine care. Despite the high prevalence of smoking and nicotine dependence and the primary care doctors’ interest in treating smokers, insufficient interventions are provided. Reasons for this situation include, but are not limited to the patients’ ambivalent motivation to quit and structural barriers. Hence, new clinical models of health care with an improved cooperation between primary care physicians and other specialists in the field of smoking cessation seem necessary.

Substance Use, Abuse and Dependence in Germany: A Review of Selected Epidemiological Data

Perkonigg, Axel, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1998 (has links)
To provide background information about previous findings about the prevalence of use, abuse and dependence of various substances (nicotine, alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs) findings of available epidemiological studies in Germany from the 1980s and 1990s are summarized and critically evaluated. Focusing on findings of substance use surveys in adolescents and young adults the review indicates: (a) a considerable number of large scale questionnaire surveys in general population samples documenting the frequency of use and patterns of use of most substances; (b) indications of increasing rates of drug use particularly in East Germany; (c) high rates of illicit drug use, mainly of cannabinoids, but also stimulants and hallucinogens, among young age groups. No data are available from substance use surveys or from clinical epidemiological studies allowing the determination of how frequent substance abuse and substance dependence diagnoses are in the general population or in adolescents and young adults. Priorities for future research to ameliorate this unsatisfactory situation are outlined with emphasis on research in adolescents and young adults.

Prevalence of Use, Abuse and Dependence of Illicit Drugs among Adolescents and Young Adults in a Community Sample

Perkonigg, Axel, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1998 (has links)
Prevalence findings for 1995 of illicit drug use as well as DSM-IV abuse and dependence are reported from a representative population sample of 3,021 respondents from Munich, Germany, aged 14–24 years. Results are based on personal interviews using the M-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI) with its DSM-IV diagnostic algorithms. Findings indicate that more than 30% of the adolescents and young adults are or have been using one or more illicit drugs at least once in their life. Men were slightly more likely to ever use drugs and used them more frequently than women. Cannabinoids were by far the most frequently used type of drug, followed by various stimulating drugs and hallucinogens. There is also considerable polysubstance use among 14- to 24-year-olds. Criteria for DSM-IV abuse without dependence were met by 4.1% of all men and 1.8% of all women, a dependence syndrome of any type of illicit drug was diagnosed in 2.5% of the men and 1.6% of the women. Cumulative age of onset incidence analyses suggest that substance use starts early, in about one-third before the age of 16 years and continues to rise for most drugs throughout adolescence and young adulthood. Overall these findings suggest that substance use and substance disorders are more prevalent than suggested in most previous German studies.

Is the Use of Ecstasy and Hallucinogens Increasing?: Results from a Community Study

Schuster, Peter, Lieb, Roselind, Lamertz, Christina, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1998 (has links)
This report presents findings of a community survey of 3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years in Munich, Germany, carried out to determine the prevalence of use and abuse of and dependence on ecstasy, amphetamines and hallucinogens. The response rate was 71%. Results: (1) In 1995, 4% of the male and 2.3% of the female respondents aged 14–24 reported the use of ecstasy. Ecstasy-related substances (amphetamines and chemically related substances) were reported by 3.6% of men and 1.6% of women. Hallucinogens were reported slightly less frequently by 3% of men and about 2% of women (LSD combined with others). (2) Compared to findings from a 1990 survey this constitutes a substantial, at least twofold, increase in consumption rate of both types of substances. (3) Among lifetime users of both ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens about two thirds could be regarded as regular users. (4) The prevalence of DSM-IV abuse and dependence on ecstasy and related substances is about 1%, identical to rates of hallucinogen abuse and dependence. Findings also point to a significant dependence potential for both substances. (5) Furthermore, considerable overlap between the two substances was found. Conclusion: Our study suggests a substantial increase in both the use of ecstasy and related substances as well as hallucinogens. The data further suggest that the increase is strongest in younger age groups, but the risk of first use of these substances continues to be present up to the age of 24 years. The higher proportion of women contributing to this increase is noteworthy.

Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology Study (EDSP): Objectives and Design

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Perkonigg, Axel, Lachner, Gabriele, Nelson, Christopher B. January 1998 (has links)
The primary and secondary objectives of the Early Developmental Stages of Substance Abuse Study (EDSP) are described along with a detailed description of the overall design, special design features and instruments used. The EDSP is a 5-year prospective study with three waves of assessments. Special design features are the linkages with family genetic investigations as well as neuroendocrinological stress tests in high-risk subjects. Overall, 3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years are included. The response rate for the baseline investigation was 71%. Diagnostic assessments were made by using a modified lifetime (baseline) and 12-month change version of the WHO-CIDI, adjusted for DSM-IV. Modifications refer to a more detailed quantitative assessment of symptoms and substance use variables as well as the inclusion of questions to assess course of disorders and subthreshold diagnostic conditions.

The Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology Study (EDSP): A Methodological Update

Lieb, Roselind, Isensee, Barbara, Sydow, Kirsten von, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2000 (has links)
The objectives of the community-based Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) Study are described along with a detailed account of the overall design, special design features, sample characteristics and instruments used. The EDSP employed a prospective-longitudinal design to study substance use and other mental disorders in a representative population sample of 3,021 subjects aged 14–24 years (birth cohorts 1970–1981) at ‘baseline’ – the outset of the study. Two follow-up investigations were conducted after the baseline investigation covering an overall period of 3–4 years. Special design features are the linkage with a family supplement (EDSP-FS) as well as neurobiological laboratory studies of high-risk subjects.

Increased 12-Month Prevalence Rates of Mental Disorders in Patients with Chronic Somatic Diseases

Härter, Martin, Baumeister, Harald, Reuter, Katrin, Jacobi, Frank, Höfler, Michael, Bengel, Jürgen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2007 (has links)
Background: Although it is well established that chronic somatic diseases are significantly associated with a wide range of psychopathology, it remains unclear to what extent subjects with chronic somatic diseases are at increased risk of experiencing mental disorders. The present epidemiological study investigates age- and sex-adjusted 12-month prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with cancer, and musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory tract diseases, based on comprehensive physicians’ diagnoses and compared with physically healthy probands. Methods: Prevalence rates were calculated from two large epidemiological surveys. These studies investigated inpatients and patients from the general population with cancer (n = 174) and musculoskeletal (n = 1,416), cardiovascular (n = 915) and respiratory tract diseases (n = 453) as well as healthy controls (n = 1,083). The prevalence rates were based on the Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview, a standardized interview for the assessment of mental disorders. Results: Prevalence rates were very similar for inpatients (43.7%) and patients from the general population (42.2%). The adjusted odds ratios (OR) of patients with chronic somatic diseases were significantly elevated for mental disorders in comparison with healthy probands (OR: 2.2). Mood, anxiety and somatoform disorders were most frequent. The prevalence rates did not differ significantly between the somatic index diseases. The number of somatic diseases per patient had a higher association with mental disorders. Conclusions: There is a strong relationship between chronic somatic diseases and mental disorders. A future task is to improve the care of mental disorders in patients with chronic physical illness, specifically with multimorbid conditions.

Childhood Separation Anxiety and the Risk of Subsequent Psychopathology: Results from a Community Study

Brückl, Tanja M., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Höfler, Michael, Pfister, Hildegard, Schneider, Silvia, Lieb, Roselind January 2007 (has links)
Objective: To examine the association between separation anxiety disorder (SAD) and mental disorders in a community sample and to evaluate whether separation anxiety is specifically related to panic disorder with and without agoraphobia. Method: The data come from a 4-year, prospective longitudinal study of a representative cohort of adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years at baseline in Munich, Germany. The present analyses are based on a subsample of the younger cohort that completed baseline and two follow-up investigations (n = 1,090). DSM-IV diagnoses were made using the Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Cox regressions with time-dependent covariates were used to examine whether prior SAD is associated with an increased risk for subsequent mental disorders. Results: Participants meeting DSM-IV criteria for SAD were at an increased risk of developing subsequent panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDAG) (HR = 18.1, 95% CI = 5.6–58.7), specific phobia (HR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.001–7.6), generalized anxiety disorder (HR = 9.4, 95% CI = 1.8–48.7), obsessive-compulsive disorder (HR = 10.7, 95% CI = 1.7–66.1), bipolar disorder (HR = 7.7, 95% CI = 2.8–20.8), pain disorder (HR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.3–9.1), and alcohol dependence (HR = 4.7, 95% CI = 1.7–12.4). Increased hazard rates for PDAG (HR = 4.2, 95% CI = 1.4–12.1), bipolar disorder type II (HR = 8.1, 95% CI = 2.3–27.4), pain disorder (HR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.01–3.5), and alcohol dependence (HR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.1–4.) were also found for subjects fulfilling subthreshold SAD. Conclusions: Although revealing a strong association between SAD and PDAG, our results argue against a specific SAD-PDAG relationship. PDAG was neither a specific outcome nor a complete mediator variable of SAD.

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