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Adoption of open access publishing for scholarly communication by academic staff at the University of LimpopoShoroma, Moritidi Abigail January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. ( Information Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / This study aimed to examine the extent of awareness and the adoption of Open Access (OA) publishing for the purpose of scholarly communication by academic staff at the University of Limpopo (UL). The study was guided by Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory (1) to measure the level of awareness of academics on the availability and use of OA resources; (2) to determine the adoption and usage levels of OA publishing as a platform for information sharing by academics in scholarly communication; (3) to establish academics’ attitudes towards the use of the OA publishing platforms; and (4) to identify perspectives of academic staff with regards to challenges and benefits presented by OA publishing. A dominantly quantitative research approach was adopted using a google forms questionnaire with closed ended questions to collect data from 250 academics at the University of Limpopo. Academics were selected using the systematic simple random sampling method. To ensure the survey instrument’s reliability and validity, the researcher conducted a pilot study through a web-based survey. A descriptive statistics method of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse data.
The study established that the majority (82%) of academics were aware of OA publishing platforms. The internet and subject librarians were the main communication channels through which they became aware of OA publishing. The study also found that there was minimal the adoption and usage of OA publishing among academics. Their attitudes towards OA and their perceptions of the benefits and challenges of OA. The general attitudes of academics about OA were positive, signifying the acceptance of this scholarly communication mode. However, some of the challenges encountered in adopting and using OA publishing include slow internet connectivity and access, publication charges by some publishers, lack of skills to publish online, power interruptions, lack of policies on OA, fake and predatory
publishers and OA articles not being peer-reviewed. These were reported as problems that directly or indirectly hinder academics from publishing in OA platforms. The study recommends the institutionalisation of OA publishing at UL to improve research output dissemination. An area for further research will be to establish more insights regarding the feasibility of OA development and possible ways of dealing with article processing fees.
Keywords: Open Access publishing, scholarly communication, Academic staff, Institutional Repositories, Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory, University of Limpopo.
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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Retrieving data from a patient in real-time is a challenging operation, especially when
requiring information from the network to support the patient’s health. A real-time healthcare
system process is conducted with a continual input, processing, and output of data. It needs to
have the ability to provide different priorities to different applications, users, or data flows, or to
guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow.
The current Internet does not allow applications to request any special treatment. Every
packet, including delay-sensitive audio and video packets, is treated equally at the routers. This
simplest type service of network is often referred to as best effort, a network service in which the
network does not provide any guarantees that data is delivered or that a user is given a guaranteed
QoS level or a certain priority.
Providing guaranteed services requires routers to manage per-flow states and perform
per-flow operations. Such network architecture requires each router to maintain and manage perflow
state on the control path, and to perform per-flow classification, scheduling, and buffer
management on the data path. This complicated and expensive network architecture is less
scalable and robust than today’s modern stateless network architectures such as Random Early
Dropping (RED) for congestion control, DiffServ for QoS, and the original IP network.
This thesis introduces a new DiffServ-based scheme of IP bandwidth allocation during
congestion, called Proportional Allocation of Bandwidth (PAB) which can be used in all
networks. In PAB scheme, the bandwidth is allocated in proportion to Subscripted Information
Rate (SIR) of the competing flows. PAB implementation uses multiple token buckets to label the
packets at the edge of the network and multilevel threshold queue at the IP routers to discard
packets during congestion.
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Descubrimiento y evaluación de recursos web de calidad mediante Patent Link AnalysisFont Julián, Cristina Isabel 26 July 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las patentes son documentos legales que describen el funcionamiento exacto de una invención, otorgando el derecho de explotación económica a sus dueños a cambio de dar a conocer a la sociedad los detalles de funcionamiento de dicha invención. Para que una patente pueda ser concedida debe cumplir tres requisitos: ser novedad (no haber sido expuesto o publicado con anterioridad), cumplir la actividad inventiva y tener aplicación industrial. Es por ello que las patentes son documentos valiosos, ya que contienen una gran cantidad de información técnica no incluida antes en otro tipo de documento (publicado o disponible). Debido a las características particulares de las patentes, los recursos que éstas mencionan, así como los recursos que mencionan a las patentes, contienen enlaces que pueden ser útiles y dar apoyo a diversas aplicaciones (vigilancia tecnológica, desarrollo e innovación, Triple-Helix, etc.) al disponer de información complementaria, así como de la creación de herramientas y técnicas que permitan extraerlos y analizarlos.
El método propuesto para alcanzar los objetivos que definen la tesis se encuentra divido en dos bloques complementarios: Patent Outlink y Patent Inlink, que juntos conforman la técnica de Patent Link Analysis.
Para realizar el estudio se selecciona la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de Estados Unidos (USPTO), recogiendo todas aquellas patentes concedidas entre los años 2008 y 2018 (ambos incluidos). Una vez extraída la información a analizar en cada bloque se cuenta con: 3.133.247 de patentes, 2.745.973 millones de enlaces contenidos en patentes, 2.297.366 millones de páginas web de patentes enlazadas, 17.001 paginas únicas web enlazando a patentes y 990.663 patentes únicas enlazadas desde documentos web.
Los resultados del análisis de Patent Outlink muestran como tanto la cantidad de patentes que contienen enlaces (20%), como el número de enlaces contenido en patentes (mediana 4-5) es todavía bajo, pero ha crecido significativamente durante los últimos años y se puede esperar un mayor uso en el futuro. Existe una diferencia clara en el uso de enlaces entre áreas de conocimiento (42% pertenecen a Física, especialmente Computación y Cálculos), así como por secciones dentro de los documentos, explicando los resultados obtenidos y la proyección de análisis futuros.
Los resultados del análisis de Patent Inlink identifica una cantidad considerable menor de dominios webs que enlazan a patentes (17.001 frente a 256.724), pero existen más enlaces por documento enlazante (el número de enlaces total es similar para ambos bloques de análisis). Así mismo, los datos muestran una elevada dispersión, con unos pocos dominios generando una gran cantidad de enlaces. Ambos bloques muestran la existencia de una alta relación con empresas y servicios tecnológicos, existiendo diferencias relativas a los enlaces a Universidades y Gobiernos (más enlaces en Outlink).
Los resultados muestran que el modelo de análisis propuesto permite y facilita el descubrimiento y evaluación de recursos web de calidad. Así mismo, se concluye que la cibermetría, mediante el análisis de enlaces, aporta información de interés para el análisis de los recursos web de calidad a través de los enlaces contenidos y dirigidos a documentos de patentes.
El método propuesto y validado permite de un modo eficiente, eficaz y replicable la extracción y análisis de los enlaces contenidos y dirigidos a documentos de patentes. Permitiendo, a su vez, definir, modelar y caracterizar el Patent Link Analysis como un subgénero del Link Analysis que puede ser utilizado para la construcción de sistemas de monitorización de link intelligence, de evaluación y/o de calidad entre otros, mediante el uso de los enlaces entrantes y salientes de documentos de patentes aplicable universidades, centros de investigación, así como empresas públicas y privadas. / [CA] Les patents són documents legals que descriuen el funcionament exacte d'una invenció, atorgant el dret d'explotació econòmica als seus amos a canvi de donar a conéixer a la societat els detalls de funcionament d'aquesta invenció. Perquè una patent puga ser concedida ha de complir tres requisits: ser novetat (no haver sigut exposat o publicat amb anterioritat), complir l'activitat inventiva i tindre aplicació industrial. És per això que les patents són documents valuosos, ja que contenen una gran quantitat d'informació tècnica no inclosa abans en un altre tipus de document (publicat o disponible). A causa de les característiques particulars de les patents, els recursos que aquestes esmenten, així com els recursos que esmenten les patents, contenen enllaços que poden ser útils i donar suport a diverses aplicacions (vigilància tecnològica, desenvolupament i innovació, Triple-Helix, etc.) en disposar d'informació complementària, així com de la creació d'eines i tècniques que permeten extraure'ls i analitzar-los. El mètode proposat per a aconseguir els objectius que defineixen la tesi es troba dividisc en dos blocs complementaris: Patent Outlink i Patent Inlink, que junts conformen la tècnica de Patent Link Analysis. Per a realitzar l'estudi es selecciona l'Oficina de Patents i Marques dels Estats Units (USPTO), recollint totes aquelles patents concedides entre els anys 2008 i 2018 (tots dos inclosos). Una vegada extreta la informació a analitzar en cada bloc es compta amb: 3.133.247 de patents, 2.745.973 milions d'enllaços continguts en patents, 2.297.366 milions de pàgines web de patents enllaçades, 17.001 pàgines úniques web enllaçant a patents i 990.663 patents úniques enllaçades des de documents web. Els resultats de l'anàlisi de Patent Outlink mostren com tant la quantitat de patents que contenen enllaços (20%), com el nombre d'enllaços contingut en patents (mitjana 4-5) és encara baix, però ha crescut significativament durant els últims anys i es pot esperar un major ús en el futur. Existeix una diferència clara en l'ús d'enllaços entre àrees de coneixement (42% pertanyen a Física, especialment Computació i Càlculs), així com per seccions dins dels documents, explicant els resultats obtinguts i la projecció d'anàlisis futures. Els resultats de l'anàlisi de Patent Inlink identifica una quantitat considerable menor de dominis webs que enllacen a patents (17.001 enfront de 256.724), però hi ha més enllaços per document enllaçant (el nombre d'enllaços total és similar per a tots dos blocs d'anàlisis). Així mateix, les dades mostren una elevada dispersió, amb uns pocs dominis generant una gran quantitat d'enllaços. Tots dos blocs mostren l'existència d'una alta relació amb empreses i serveis tecnològics, existint diferències relatives als enllaços a Universitats i Governs (més enllaços en Outlink). Finalment, es verifica que el model d'anàlisi proposat i facilita l'extracció i anàlisi dels enllaços continguts i dirigits a documents de patents, així com facilitar el descobriment i avaluació de recursos web de qualitat. A més, es conclou que la cibermetría, mitjançant l'anàlisi d'enllaços, aporta informació d'interés per a l'anàlisi dels recursos web de qualitat a través dels enllaços continguts i dirigits a documents de patents. El mètode proposat i validat permet definir, modelar i caracteritzar el Patent Link Analysis com un subgènere del Link Analysis que pot ser utilitzat per a la construcció de sistemes de monitoratge de link intelligence, d'avaluació i/o de qualitat entre altres, mitjançant l'ús dels enllaços entrants i sortints de documents de patents aplicable a universitats, centres d'investigació, així com empreses públiques i privades. / [EN] Patents are legal documents that describe the exact operation of an invention, granting the right of economic exploitation to its owners in exchange for describing the details of the operation of said invention. For a patent to be granted, it must meet three requirements: be novel (not have been previously exhibited or published), comply with the inventive step, and have industrial application. That is why patents are valuable documents, since they contain a large amount of technical information not previously included in another type of document (published or available). Due to the particular characteristics of patents, the resources that they mention, as well as the resources that mention patents, contain links that can be useful and give support to various applications (technological surveillance, development and innovation, Triple-Helix, etc.) by having complementary information, as well as the creation of tools and techniques that allow them to be extracted and analyzed.
The proposed method to achieve the objectives that define the thesis is divided into two complementary blocks: Patent Outlink and Patent Inlink, which together make up the Patent Link Analysis technique.
To carry out the study, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is selected, collecting all those patents granted between 2008 and 2018 (both included). Once the information to be analyzed has been extracted in each block, there are: 3,133,247 patents, 2,745,973 million links contained in patents, 2,297,366 million linked patent web pages, 17,001 unique web pages linking patents and 990,663 Unique patents linked from web documents.
The results of the Patent Outlink analysis show that both the number of patents that contain links (20%) and the number of links contained in patents (median 4-5) is still low, but has grown significantly in recent years and you can expect more use in the future. There is a clear difference in the use of links between areas of knowledge (42% belong to Physics, especially Computing and Calculus), as well as by sections within the documents, explaining the results obtained and the projection of future analyzes.
The results of the Patent Inlink analysis identify considerably fewer web domains that link to patents (17,001 vs. 256,724), but there are more links per linking document (the total number of links is similar for both analysis blocks). Likewise, the data shows a high dispersion, with a few domains generating a large number of links. Both blocks show the existence of a high relationship with companies and technological services, with differences related to links to Universities and Governments (more links in Outlink).
Finally, it is verified that the proposed model allows in an efficient, effective and replicable way the extraction and analysis of the links contained and directed to patent documents, as well as facilitating the discovery and evaluation of quality web resources. In addition, it is concluded that cybermetrics, through the link analysis technique, provides information of interest for the analysis of quality web resources through the links contained and directed to patent documents.
The proposed and validated method allows defining, modeling and characterizing Patent Link Analysis as a subgenre of Link Analysis that can be used for the construction of link intelligence monitoring, evaluation and / or quality systems, among others, through the use of the inbound and outbound links of applicable patent documents universities, research centers, as well as public and private companies. / La presente tesis doctoral ha sido financiada por el Gobierno de España mediante el
contrato predoctoral para la formación de doctores FPI BES-2017-079741 otorgada
por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. / Font Julián, CI. (2021). Descubrimiento y evaluación de recursos web de calidad mediante Patent Link Analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/170640
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The fair dealing doctrine in respect of digital booksVerhoef, Gerardus 05 March 2019 (has links)
Copyright is essentially the right of the rightsholder of an original work to prohibit others from making or distributing unauthorised copies of his or her work. More specifically for this dissertation, when an end user deals with digital content, one of the aims of copyright becomes the balancing of the conflicting interests in ‘exclusivity’ on the one hand, and in ‘access to information’ on the other. Exclusivity is achieved by the rightsholders through technological protection measures to protect their commercial interests. Access to information is achieved where works are available to the general public without payment and technological protection measures and where the digital content is not directly marketed for commercial gain.
Exclusivity and access to information are two conflicting cultures surrounding copyright in
the digital era. It is submitted that unless we find a socio-economic-legal way for the dynamic coexistence of these two conflicting cultures by means of fair dealing, the culture of exclusivity will eventually dominate fair access to information.
The transient nature of digital content means that rightsholders have little or no control over their works once the end user has obtained a legal digital copy of the work. The right ‘to prohibit’ end users from copying and distributing unauthorised copies is, therefore, largely meaningless unless a legal or other solution can be found to discourage end users from the unauthorised reproduction and distribution of unauthorised copies of the work. Currently, technological protection measures are used to manage such digital rights because legal permissions within the doctrine of fair dealing for works in printed (analogue) format are inadequate. It is, however, submitted that a legal solution to discourage end users from copying and distributing unauthorised copies rests on two pillars. Firstly, the solution must be embedded in state-of-the-art digital rights management systems and secondly the business model used by publishers, and academic publishers in particular, should change fundamentally from a business-to-consumer model to a business-to-business model.
Empirical evidence shows that the printing of e-content will continue to be relevant far into
the future. Therefore, the management of fair dealing to allow for the printing of digital
content will become increasingly important at educational institutions that use e-books as
prescribed course material. It is submitted that although the origination cost of print editions and e-books correspond, the relatively high retail price of e-books appears to be based on the fact that academic publishers of digital content do not have the legal or digital rights management tools to manage the challenges arising from the fair dealing doctrine. The observation that academic publishers are reluctant to grant collecting societies mandates to manage the distribution of digital content, and/or the right to manage the authorised reproduction (printing) of the digital content, supports this hypothesis.
Ultimately, with technologies at our disposal, the fair use of content in digital and print format can be achieved because it should simply be cheaper to comply with copyright laws than to make unauthorised digital or printed copies of content that our society desperately needs to make South Africa a winning nation. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.
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Knowledge retention model for institutions of higher learning : a case of Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)Stephen, Evangeline Kagwiria 06 1900 (has links)
Kenya Methodist University (KeMU) is facing challenges like duplication of work due to lack of a central repository for knowledge retention, loss of knowledge through expertise leaving the institution without knowledge being captured and over reliance on a few known subject matter experts as others have not been identified. Utilising the Knowledge Retention Strategy framework, this study sought to assess knowledge retention practices at KeMU, with a view to entrench the culture of sharing knowledge. The ultimate aim of this study was to develop a model for knowledge retention at institutions of higher learning which KeMU could adopt. The study relied on mixed method research (MMR) with qualitative and quantitative data mixed at collection, analysis, discussion and reporting levels. The study triangulated data collection tools which encompassed a questionnaire, interview, observation and review of documents to collect data from 106 respondents and 11 heads of departments respectively. These two groups were purposively selected as they play a key role in knowledge retention at KeMU. The study disclosed a variety of informal knowledge retention practices but formal practices like: documented work processes; training and development for specific job tasks; orientation for general and job specific; knowledge repositories; communities of practice; knowledge retention policies; knowledge recovery initiatives; and human resources processes and practices for knowledge retention were lacking. Considering the value placed on the above list of lacking essential practices for knowledge retention, KeMU is indeed in dire need for a solution to help retain operational relevant knowledge. The study formulated a KR model for institutions of higher learning that would help KeMU leverage its knowledge assets. The study recommends that KeMU should work out a knowledge retention policy on how to implement the best knowledge retention practices. A further study on measuring KM in an academic institution is recommended. / Information Science / M. Inf.
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Integrating records management into the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in TanzaniaLyaruu, Titus Michael 01 1900 (has links)
Efficient records management is a founding block for successful transparency and accountability initiatives. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) promotes transparency and
accountable management of extractive resources by disclosing governments’ and extractive companies' value chain information in resource-rich countries. Without proper management of
records, transparency and accountability in the extractive industry become difficult. This study sought to explore the integration of records management in the Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI) with the view to develop a framework for incorporating records management in such an initiative. This qualitative case study anchored on the interpretivism research paradigm used the researcher’s conceptual framework as a theoretical lens. The study
sample was purposively selected from the public institutions involved in TEITI, namely, TEITI Committee and the Secretariat, Mining Commission, Records and Archives Management Department, Tanzania Revenue Authority, and Regional Mines Office Dodoma. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observation, and analysis of documents.
The study established that Tanzania has a well-established archives and records management infrastructure. However, institutions involved in TEITI did not implement the infrastructure or developed in-house procedures to incorporate records management in the initiative. Also, the non involvement of various players of the extractive sector in TEITI resulting in silos approaches to the initiative was noted. In addition, the studied institutions do not plan for their records management activities, and the budgets to support records management activities are inadequate. Records management staff are also insufficient, and their competencies to manage records mining activities is limited.
The study concludes that because of the failure to integrate records management in TEITI, the initiative will not succeed in releasing its goal of bringing about transparency and accountability in the extractive sector in Tanzania until deliberate efforts are taken to incorporate records management as a critical component of the initiative. The study proposes a framework upon which the TEITI Committee, institutions and governments can apply to integrate records management in the EITI. Overall, the study bridges the gap of a missed inclusion of records management in the EITI initiative by proposing a framework. A further study on the underlying factors deterring the integration of records management in the organisational business process of institutions involved in TEITI is proposed. / Information Science / Ph. D. (Information Science)
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Information needs and information-seeking behaviour of consulting engineers: a qualitative investigationDu Preez, Madely 30 April 2008 (has links)
This study involved a qualitative investigation of consulting engineers' information needs and information-seeking behaviour within the context of their project-related work roles and tasks. The research design includes a study of various information behaviour models, a systematic review of the subject literature and the exploration of relevant qualitative research methods. Data was collected through time-line interviews. The findings show how consulting engineers' work roles and tasks determine their information needs during various engineering project stages. These factors also determine the use of various sources during information seeking. Consulting engineers use a variety of information sources but rely mainly on interpersonal communication to gather information. Digital cameras are used by consulting engineers to record progress in a project. They also use Internet technologies such as email and FTP sites to communicate project related information. Recommendations were put forward for the development of an Internet-based information service for consulting engineers. / Information science / M.Inf.
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The collection, organisation and use of information by voluntary information providersLouw, Anna 06 1900 (has links)
This is the first study undertaken into the way in which voluntary workers, untrained in information skills and working in community information services, collect, organise and use the information they provide to assist clients needing it for their day-to-day survival. The study is placed in perspective through a survey of the literature relating to community information services. This is supplemented by a study of documents relating to the Pretoria Citizens' Advice Bureau. Data was collected by means of participant observation at the Pretoria Citizens' Advice Bureau and interviews with voluntary workers in the Bureau. Analysis of the data was carried out according to the grounded theory approach. It was found that untrained volunteers creating information storage and retrieval tools for use by their fellow volunteers, work without a knowledge of information storage and retrieval theory. They tend to make ad hoc decisions and create tools that are not as user-friendly as they could be with some background in the theory of information science. On the other hand, volunteers searching for information make the same kind of demands of the information storage and retrieval system they use as do professional and scientific information users, in that they want direct access to as much relevant information as possible in one place. They want the information repackaged in a manner to suit their purpose. When under pressure, they are reluctant to consult multiple information storage and retrieval tools not within easy reach. The study culminates in a number of recommendations for the improvement of the service of the Pretoria Citizens' Advice Bureau in particular. Recommendations are
also put forward for a centralised computerised database providing processed information to community information services in South Africa. Some suggestions are made concerning education and training of volunteers and professional information workers with a view to providing a better understanding of community
information services. / Information Science / D. Lit. et Phil.
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Enterprise architectonics as a conceptual device to support a fundamental understanding of enterprise architectureMentz, Jan Carel 10 1900 (has links)
Evidence of the interest in enterprise architecture (EA) is seen in the number of enterprise architecture frameworks (EAF) in existence. An EAF is responsible for the realisation of an EA, and therefore acts as a container for the terminology of EA. The lack of acceptance of terms and definitions, coupled with the phenomenon of the large number of EAFs, indicate a silo type understanding of what EA is, which leads to a lack of clarity in the conceptual foundations of EA. By following a design science research (DSR) approach, a conceptual artefact (an enterprise architectonic (EAt)) is created to address the lack of clarity in the conceptual foundations of EA thinking and practice. The EAt serves as a conceptual device to represent the fundamental understanding of EA in terms of concepts and their relationships. The content of the EAt is derived from applying a structured interpretation method (SIM) to three prominent EAFs (The Open Group Architecture Framework, the Department of Defense Architecture Framework and the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture). The SIM’s results are an EA understanding that consists of an EA claim:
EA is similar in intent to the enterprise as a worldview is to the world.
It is supported by six EA propositions:
Proposition 1: EA’s underlying theoretical knowledge is in a pre-suppositional state.
Proposition 2: EA is a description of the structure of the systems of an enterprise.
Proposition 3: EA represents the enterprise in time-oriented architectures such as an as-is, to-be and has-been architecture.
Proposition 4: EA translates the values/strategy of the enterprise into operational systems appropriate to the information society.
Proposition 5: EA provides a means to manage decisions about the IT/IS management and implementation in the enterprise.
Proposition 6: EA captures a representation of the enterprise in the form of a model or set of models.
The six EA propositions are analysed through the lens of Heidegger's equipment analysis, to produce a set of architectonic elements. These elements are arranged in the EAt to create a conceptual device to support the fundamental understanding of EA. / Centre for Applied Information and Communication / Ph.D. (Information Systems)
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Protection of security information within goverments department in South AfricaNkwana, Mokata Johannes 02 1900 (has links)
The protection of security information in government departments requires the active engagement of executive management to assess emerging threats and provide strong security risk control measures. For most government departments, establishing effective protection of security information is a major initiative, given the often continuous, strategic nature of typical security efforts. This requires commitments or support from senior management and adequate resources. It necessitates the elevation of information security management to positions of authority commensurate to the required responsibilities. This has been the trend in recent years as government departments are increasingly dependent on their information assets and resources, while threats and disruptions continue to escalate in frequency and cost. It is clear from numerous recent studies that organisations that have taken the steps described in this research document and have implemented effective information security risk control measures have achieved significant results in reduced losses and improved resource management. Given the demonstrable benefits, it is surprising that there have not been greater progress in effectively managing information assets. Although regulatory compliance has been a major driver in improving the protection of security information overall, this study has also shown that nearly half of all government departments are failing to initiate meaningful compliance efforts. Failure to address the identified vulnerabilities by government departments will result in espionage, covert influencing manipulation, fraud, sabotage and corruption. Information security risk control measures include the elements required to provide senior management assurance that its direction and intent are reflected in the security posture of the organisation by utilising a structured approach to implement an information security programme. Once those elements are in place, senior management can be confident that adequate and effective protection of security information will protect, as far as possible, the department’s vital information assets. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech (Security Management)
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