Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infrastruktur""
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Ekonomické problémy olympijských her v Praze / Economic problems of staging Olympic Games in PraguePrchal, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá připraveností Prahy na možné pořádání olympijských her v roce 2016 nebo 2020. Námět práce vychází z uvažované kandidatury Prahy a probíhajících diskuzí na toto téma. V první části práce je popisována příprava, organizace a finanční výsledky olympijských her v Aténách v roce 2004. Z aténských her jsou vyvozeny závěry pro pražskou kandidaturu. Druhá část práce analyzuje připravenost Prahy a ČR na možné pořádání olympijských her. Jsou zde uváděny hlavní problémy Prahy a ČR, které výrazně ohrožují možné pořádání her v plánovaných termínech.
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Dopady výpadku elektrické energie v Pardubickém kraji / The impact of the electric power outage in the Pardubice regionKRÁLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The title of my thesis is The impact of the electric power outage in the Pardubice region. Danger, coming from prolonged power outage, as the one area of critical infrastructure, is large and has extensive implications, since electricity has been currently necessary for human civilization and its existence. In the Czech Republic, the critical infrastructure is addressed in Act no. 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management and amending certain acts, where the Council Directive 2008/114 / EC on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures and the assessment of needs to improve their protection was applied to this law. I decided to write a thesis about the impact of a power outage, because I have been very interested in the issue of blackouts and I think it is a very important up-to-date topic. I chose the area of Pardubice region because I come from this region, so I am personally attached to this area. In the first part, I decided to introduce critical infrastructure, its legislative grounding and protection, there is also description of electrical energy, its production, transmission and distribution. Finally, I dealt with replacement power sources, energy security and blackout in the theoretical part. I used basic scientific procedures: analysis and synthesis or induction and deduction for the needs of my thesis. The aim of the thesis, was to use research part to map the effects of the power outage in the Pardubice region. I chose a qualitative data collection and interviews with experienced professionals in the crisis management as a method of my research. The research question was: "Which of the consequences of the power outage is essential to conversely marginal?". The evaluation of the research was done by SWOT analysis, which identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the Pardubice region in the event of a power outage. The results of the thesis will be provided to the Fire Rescue Service of the Pardubice region, which can use these data in crisis planning. The thesis will also be used as study material for students of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
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Geopark - zhodnocení potenciálu destinace cestovního ruchuHejzlarová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis deals with the development of destination depending on the new infrastructure. New geological trail and monitoring equipment is designed to help with the development of visitor management. The main outcome of master thesis creates the demonstration of progress in creating a predictive social return on investment. A review of literature discusses about the geoparks, geotourism, the cooperation of local subjects and the social return on investment.
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The security level and its impact on the effectivity and efficiency of official development assistance in DRCŠvarcová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the security level in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the state of road infrastructure. It examines the influence of the security cooperation and the Official Development Assistance on the transport infrastructure development. In the descriptive part of the thesis the terms connected with regional security cooperation, Official Development Assistance, and the transport indicators are defined. The analytical part provides an analysis of the transport infrastructure in DRC; the evaluation of road system and the analysis of the transport infrastructure are included as well. This is followed by the evaluation of the influence of the Official Development assistance and regional cooperation on the development and quality of transport network. The author proposes recommendations to improve current situation in the conclusion
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Faktory rozvoje regionu Říčansko / Development factors of Říčansko regionNovotná, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
The thesis titled theme "Factors regional development Říčansko"
It is aimed at demographically growing community Sulice. This small village in the Central Region belongs to its location in the administrative district of Ricany. On the base of the higher territorial unit of the village is connected with the Prague metropolitan region, so we canin her talk as outer commuter zone. Work is in terms of content divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the first chapters of the thesis deals with the analysis of literature. Describes technical terms that relate to this topic. Explains such terms. Region, regional development, village, regionalization, demographics, urbanization, suburbanization, zoning and public administration. Subsequently, the practical part analyzes the municipality Sulice, focusing on the history, the present and the overall development of infrastructure, in order to identify the main development potentials. Attention is paid mainly to widespread suburbanization, which is associated with the growth of population in the village. For this reason, the author hinder handle the additional survey to better evaluate the possible social problems, and vice versa benefits of cohabitation residents and newcomers. A separate chapter assess basic development indicators, which most affect the economic and social development of the community Sulice. Finally, work is based on the findings SWOT analysis, which clearly illustrates the factors that could Sulice community should give more support, but also identifies areas that should be planned future development of the municipality mitigated.
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Přínos cestovního ruchu pro rozvoj regionu - případová studie Labské cyklostezky / "Contribution of tourism to the regional development - a case study of the Labe bike path"Kopřivová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
In order to fulfill goals of the thesis, representatives of the studied subjects were informally interviewed and provisions were suggested for more efficient use of the bike path potential.
The thesis investigates benefits of the new bike path Hradec Králové,Josefov, Kuks for the area of travel business in a relationship to surrounding subjects. In order to fulfill goals of the empirical part of the work, in theoretical part it was necessary to study relevant regulations and professional literature that comes out of theoretical fundamentals of knowledge, context and mutual relationships in the area of travel business. Further the author has studied relevant regulations and professional literature in the area of regional politics and bike transportation.
The transition between theoretical and empirical part constitutes of secondary analysis of the data on subjects surrounding the bike path. Through the secondary data the author could categorize studied subjects to the groups of municipalities, enterprise subjects and attractions.
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Vliv stavebně technického řešení nemotorové komunikace na bezpečnost silničního provozuŠauer, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the issue of roads designated for non-motorized traffic with respect to their structural and technical solutions and the effect on road safety. The first part focuses on the analysis of unpowered transport infrastructure and legislative innovations in cycling. The practical part analyzes the evolution of accidents among cyclists, compares the theoretical requirements for the creation of infrastructure and practice. More specifically focuses on infrastructure planning and creation of project documentation. Part of it's own tender evaluation and project documentation paths for pedestrians and cyclists, the design of measures aimed at increasing the safety of road users and the quality of the project.
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Právní aspekty realizace PPP projektů / Legal aspects of PPP projects realizationHourová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
1 Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce, abstrakt v anglickém jazyce a 3 klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Legal aspects of PPP projects realization Abstract The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the legal area of PPP projects regulation and their potential use in the construction of highway infrastructure in the Czech Republic. The inadequate state of Czech highways and search for new financial resources opened again the topic of private capital use through PPP. PPP is an abbreviation for public-private partnership where a public service or specific infrastructure is provided by a private partner. The first part explains the characteristics of PPP projects and their possible advantages and disadvantages as well as a brief description of historical development and distribution of public- private partnerships into the common types used. The second part illuminates the legal aspects of realization by the individual phases of implementation. It starts with a selection process, deciding on what the project will be financed from. Furthermore, it is necessary to specify in the contract the rights and obligations of the parties. This is also associated with risk allocation. The next stage its the actual realization with which the treatment of risks, that have already occurred, is related. In addition,...
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Studie možností zvýšení úrovně technické a občanské vybavenosti mikroregionu Čistá JihlavaProcházková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Propojení EU a Kazachstánu na bázi železniční dopravy / Interconnection of the European Union and Kazakhstan on the Basis of the Railway ServiceTleuzhanova, Zhuldyz January 2008 (has links)
Pro eurasijský světadíl, např. větší část Ruska, západní a centrální část Číny, státy Centrální Asie, Západní a Východní Evropu vzájemný obchod účinněji může být realizován prostřednictvím pozemních komunikací. Transkontinentální železniční spojení je bezpečnější, dvakrát levnější a kratší než námořní přeprava. Díky své geografické poloze, politické stabilitě, ekonomickému růstu, technickým a technologickým předpokladům Kazachstán má obrovský tranzitní potenciál a může sloužit mostem mezi Evropou a Asií v systému transkontinentálních železničních koridorů. Není náhodou, že existovala Velká Hedvábná cesta, jejíž podstatná část procházela územím Kazachstánu. Obsahem práce je analýza ?eurokazašských? vztahů, charakteristika železniční dopravy Kazachstánu, popis transkazašských a transevropských železničních koridorů a návrhy jejich propojení.
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