Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infrastruktur""
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Zvýšení inovačního potenciálu české ekonomiky vlivem podpory rozvoje vědeckotechnických parků v ČRZemanová, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce monitoruje současnou situaci vědeckotechnických parků v ČR s cílem zhodnotit jejich vliv na inovační potenciál české ekonomiky. Práce se zabývá analýzou dosavadních výsledků vědeckotechnických parků, hodnotí jejich působení v rámci inovační infrastruktury, vztah s ostatními subjekty inovačního prostředí a vliv na inovační potenciál. Analyzuje možnosti rozvoje vědeckotechnických parků z hlediska finančních a legislativních podmínek. Jedna část práce demonstruje přípravu založení podnikatelského inkubátoru.
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Projekt olympijských her v PrazeKopp, Vratislav January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá projektem pořádání olympijských her v Praze. V první části přibližuje základní problematiku olympijských her, historii a proces výběru hostitelského města. V druhé části se potom zabývá konkrétně projektem pražské olympiády. Jednak z pohledu lokalizace jednotlivých olympijské infrastruktury s důrazem na otázku dopravní infrastruktury. A jednak z pohledu základní ekonomické analýzy rozpočtu projektu.
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Analýza projektů silniční infrastruktury Spolkové republiky Německo / Analysis of road infrastructure projects of the Federal Republic of GermanyHolba, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the benefits of road infrastructure projects implemented in cooperation between the public and private sectors. The thesis analyses this type of projects that have been realized in Germany. The first chapter briefly characterizes the environment which the projects were implemented in. It also discusses the legislation that governs the issue. On the basis of knowledge obtained from the analysis the projects implemented in cooperation between the public and private sectors are compared with the projects carried out in conventional way. Finally, results are summarized and lead to the conclusion that cooperation between the public and private sector in road infrastructure projects has a future and can be beneficial for other European countries including the Czech Republic.
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Cyklistická doprava v Bratislave a okolí / Cycling in Bratislava and its surroundingsPodoláková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive look at cycling in Slovakia and the possibility of its further development - legislation, funding, policies and strategies. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the state of cycling and cyclo touring in Bratislava and its surroundings. The analysis includes evaluation of the current state of the network of cycle paths and future cycle routes projects in the city, cycling and other forms of transport as well as suggestions for the future.
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Logistika v ČR / Logistics in the Czech RepublicŠtemberová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The Master's Thesis analyzes a logistic background of the Czech Republic in the context of the recent economic crisis and its influence on the development of selected indicators of the logistic market. The objective of the Thesis is to evaluate the impact of these aspects on lo-gistic competitiveness of the Czech Republic in Central and Eastern Europe. The Thesis de-scribes the current situation of the European logistic market together with the main future development trends. The recent development on logistics and industrial property market is worked out in detail, including the changes in attractiveness of logistics locations and criteria influencing developers' activities. Subsequently the Thesis analyzes the situation in logistics and transport infrastructure, characterizes the freight transport and presents current options for their further development. The final part of the Thesis introduces options for education in logistics available in the Czech environment.
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Polyfázový strukturní vývoj rozhraní suprastruktury a infrastruktury v orogenních zónách / Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zonesPeřestý, Vít January 2012 (has links)
Polyphase structural evolution of superstructure and infrastructure in orogenic zones Proterozoic basement rocks of the Teplá-Barrandian Unit (TBU) are affected by two main tectono-metamorphic events. The central and SW part of the TBU is a well-preserved relict of Cadomian episode. On the other hand, the western margin of the TBU shows superposition of polyphase early-varicsan deformation and metamorphism onto the pre- variscan fabric. The Střela river profile in the northern part of Teplá Crystalline Complex (TCC) exposes a continuous crustal section through western margin of the TBU from the low-grade phyllites (near biotite izograd) in the east to the high-grade rocks of kyanite zone at the contact with high-pressure Mariánské-Lázně Complex (MLC). Three main deformation events were distinguished in the studied area and the cross-section is interpreted as a fossil (devonian) suprastructure-infrastructure transition zone preserved in the carboniferous TBU superstructure. The oldest pre-variscan D1 phase produced flat-lying metamorphic foliation showing normal metamorphic zonation from the very low-grade in the upper part to at least garnet zone in the structurally lower part. Large scale upright folding of prevariscan foliation S1 occurred during early-variscan D2 event. Tight F2 folds were...
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Napredni distributivni menadžment sistem zasnovan na Cloud infrastrukturi / Cloud Infrastructure-based Advanced Distribution Management SystemPopović Nemanja 24 May 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitana je mogućnost prebacivanja Naprednog Distributivnog Menadžment Sistema (NDMS) zasnovanog na zajedničkoj operaciono tehnološkoj platformi na virtualno Cloud infrastrukturno okruženje. Prvo je odabrano tradicionalno NDMS rešenje zasnovano na fizičkoj računarskoj arhitekturi i identifikovani su funkcionalni blokovi. Zatim su profilirane njihove performanse prema četiri ključna resursa: procesor, operativna memorija, računarska mreža i stalna memorija. Dalje predloženo je virtualno rešenje zasnovano na Cloud infrastrukturi koje je verifikovano na dve zamišljene elektrodistributivne mreže realnih veličina (maloj i velikoj) i u dva testna scenarija (stabilnog stanja i visoke aktivnosti). Na kraju predstavljeni su rezultati testiranja koji pokazaju da se NDMS može prebaciti u virtualno Cloud okruženje bez negativnog uticaja na funkcionalne i nefunkcionalne zahteve NDMS rešenja.</p> / <p>This dissertation inspects the possibility of transferring the Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) based on a common operating technology platform to the virtual Cloud Infrastructure Environment. First, a traditional ADMS solution based on physical computing architecture was chosen and functional blocks were identified. Furthermore, their performances were profiled to four key resources: processor, operating memory, computer network, and storage. Then, virtual cloud-based solution was proposed based on Cloud infrastructure which is verified on two imaginary power distribution networks of real size (small and large) and in two test scenarios (steady state and high activity). Finally, the test results show that ADMS can be transferred to a virtual Cloud environment without adversely affecting the functional and non-functional requirements of the ADMS solution.</p>
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Návrh tématické naučné stezky v okrese ZnojmoGruber, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create a nature trail proposal in the district of Znojmo. The selected locality of the nature trail is located in the cadastral area Čížov in the district Znojmo. In the process of dealing with this diploma thesis the author collaborated with the Administration of National Park Podyjí. The theoretical part deals with the problems of the recreational access to the countryside as opportunities of the rural development and the comprehensive analysis of the conditions, characteristics and properties of the solved area. It was used the method of literature search. In the practical part there were obtained and evaluated information using the methods of sociological investigation by the questionnaire and the field research in the area, and it was proposed the nature trail including the supporting infrastructure. In the conclusion of this thesis there were proposed practicable ways of promoting the nature trail, set the estimated costs of implementation and identification potential funding sources. The final proposal will be the basis for the actual implementation of nature trails of Administration National Park Podyjí.
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Efektivnost poskytování rozvojové pomoci států OECD na rozvoj dopravní infrastruktury KeniHromádko, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of transport infrastructure and with analysis of provided official development assistance in the transport sector in Kenya. The problems of providing official development assistance and methods of evaluation of the transport infrastructure are defined in the literature retrieval in the theoretical part. The analysis and the description of the transport situation in Kenya and the evaluation of the impact of development assistance on the quality of the road network by using selected indicators are carried out in the practical part. In conclusion, the author proposes specific recommendations that would improve the current situation.
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Návrh vnitřní kanalizace a infrastruktury centra záchranných složek / Design of the house sewage system and infrastructure of rescue units centerŠmatová, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis describes the design of internal sewage system and infrastructure of project for building permission - center for rescue units
in Hostivice near Prague.
Partial architectural design documentation created by Martin Svoboda (student of Czech technical univerzity in Prague) was used as a foundation for this master thesis.
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