Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infrastruktur""
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Význam lokalizačních faktorů při tvorbě podnikatelského plánu dané firmy / Meaning of localization factors in production of entrepreneurial program of companyŠÍSL, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
Small companies play an important role on the market and make part of the developed market economics. They create a sound environment of competition and mainly fight against unemployment of the given region. When setting up a company, the enterpriser forms his aims and visions, according to which he creates the entrepreneurial activity plan. Every form of business is connected with some risk, which the plan attempts to minimalize. An important part of the entrepreneurial plan form location factors, which are the basic aspect in the choice of the placement of the entreprise. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze such factors and choose the appropriate positioning of such form of business. The selected alternative for the placing of this production element is Strmilov, especially thanks to the cooperation of Josef Prokop with company KORES, which appears to be very suitable for both sides. Strmilov is a town in the South Bohemian region, which belongs to the township of Jindrichuv Hradec. A detailed analyse has revealed that this area has a very eligible infrastructure for this kind of cooperation. However, the most important criteria is the influence of human resources, mainly the height of the wages, which is under the national average. The entrepreneur has enough sources of his own capital and that is why the entreprise has a low rate of insolvency. Josef Prokop is going to take advantage of the {\clqq}soft regional loan``, which will be used towards purchase of the assembly machines. His company is going to be profitable already after the first year and very prosperous in the following years of its existance. It is not going to get affected by the economical crisis either. This diploma thesis refers to the cooperation with a settled company and mainly points at the eligibility of the choice of the region for this kind of commercial use.
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Veřejnoprávní zásahy do vlastnického práva k nemovitostem při zřizování a provozování technické infrastruktury / Public interference with the right of real property ownership in the course of arrangements and operation of technical infrastructureCach, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Resumé Public interference with the right of real property ownership in the course of arrangements and operation of technical infrastructure Truly exclusive in the meaning of absolute and unqualified property rights would be contradiction in terms. The technologic and mostly social development implies continually higher demands on real property owners. A legal possibility of the public interference with the right of real property ownership is clearly necessary in the course of arrangements and operation of technical infrastructure which forms an essential physical back-bone of energy, electronic communications and water management industries. Specific technical infrastructure and construction laws need to reflect both the already existing property relationships between real property owners and technical infrastructure operators and the emerging ones. The private settlement of those relationships in compliance with Civil Code is generally preferred. Because of the obvious public interest on technical infrastructure development the public law supports technical infrastructure operators with respect to real property owners' rights to gain and exercise the right of way which is necessary to arrange and operate relevant elements of technical infrastructure. The thesis identifies various forms of public...
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Elektromobilita - trh a potenciál na území České republiky / Electromobility – market and potential in Czech RepublicKrausová, Liliana January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with electromobility - market and potential in Czech Republic. The objective is to evaluate the situation and development of electromobility in Czech Republic via qualitative and quantitative research. That includes potential customers as well as owners of electric cars, operators of charging points, distributors of electricity, car manufactures and ministries. The basis is the comparison with leading countries in electromobility, including sales of electric cars, infrastructure and state incentives. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part introduces innovations and challenges in electromobility and key factors of its success. The second part is analyzing details about individual countries empirically and via personal interviews with experts. Finally a complete overview of reasons and barriers for buying an electric car are presented together with building charging stations, a SWOT for electric cars, its infrastructure and timeline of perspective for the development of electromobility in the Czech Republic until 2030 with a recommendation of target groups for Porsche Česká republika, s.r.o.. It was found, that the situation of electromobility in Czech Republic is satisfactory and that the price is the main motive (cost savings) and barrier (price of the car) for the short-term growth. Electromobility will be developing in Czech Republic and has a great potential.
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Zdanění a doprava / Taxation and transportKocsisová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to find suitable regression models between the chosen statistical data of transport and GDP per capita and determine whether these models are statistically significant. The first part is a theoretical introduction to the problems of transport in terms of economics, as well as a description of methods of regression analysis, which is used in the practical part. The practical part draws data from Eurostat's website that provide for this thesis sufficient statistical basis. The data are graphically processed as scatter charts, based on these are determined mathematical equation of regression. The choice of suitable regression analysis is based on coefficient of determination and significance level is alpha = 0,05.
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Ekonomické a sociální souvislosti suburbanizace v obci Lety / Economic and social connections of suburbanization in municipality LetySlavík, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create optimal strategy of developement of municipality Lety which is located in suburban area of Prague given suburbanization processes. This paper is focused on economic, social and environmental consequences. The theoretical part is focused on main parameters of suburbanization, its developement in the world and in the Czech Republic, further on types of suburbanization, measurement, causes and consequences. The practical part is focused on a municipality Lety which must face suburbanization processes since 90s. This situation is compared with neighboring municipalities Řevnice, Dobřichovice and Černošice. Based on the findings is created optimal plan of future develepoment municipality Lety which is consistent with its strategical and spatial plan. The methods that has been used on this topic were literature review, data analysis, comparison and observation. To process the data, official statistics were also used.
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Socioekonomický vývoj Podbořanska / Socio - Economic Development of the Podbořany RegionKseničová, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá socioekonomickým vývojem Podbořanska. Charakterizuje tento mikroregion z hlediska jeho historického, demografického, ekonomického a sociálního vývoje. Zkoumá přírodní a kulturní potenciál mikroregionu, dále jeho sídelní strukturu, obyvatelstvo, místní ekonomiku a trh práce, občanskou a dopravní infrastrukturu. V praktické části jsou zpracovány výsledky sociologického šetření názorů místních obyvatel, významných firem a podnikatelů a také představitelů obcí, nebo-li starostů na Podbořansko. Data byla získána vlastním průzkumem v terénu pomocí dotazníků a řízených pohovorů s respondenty. Na základě všech těchto poznatků jsou v práci pojmenovány hlavní problémy a bariéry rozvoje území. V závěru práce jsou definovány příležitosti a potenciál území pro jeho budoucí rozvoj.
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Podnikání v silniční dopravěMalá, Vladislava January 2007 (has links)
Dopravou rozumíme pohyb dopravního prostředu po dopravní cestě. Výsledkem dopravního procesu je přeprava, která tvoří užitečný efekt (produkt) dopravy. Individuální potřeby a zájmy jednotlivých dopravců se na přepravním trhu prosazují ve dvojím významu. Jednak jde o střetávání nabídky mezi jednotlivými dopravci uvnitř daného druhu dopravy, jednak střetávání nabídky dopravců různých druhů dopravy s poptávkou. Doprava je součástí infrastrukturních národohospodářských odvětví, která zajišťují předpoklady pro rozvoj ekonomiky. Podnikání v dopravě se řídí živnostenským zákonem a zákony upravujícími podnikání v jednotlivých druzích dopravy. Provozně ekonomický proces v dopravě má svá specifika. Založení podniku má svá rizika.
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Ekonomické aspekty projektů PPP / Economic aspects of the Public-Private PartnershipsKadlec, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with economic impacts of the application of the Public-Private Partnerships in the Czech Republic. Public-Private Partnerships are the newest form of the cooperation between public and private sector in delivering of public goods. The theoretic part of the thesis comes close to the fundamental aspects of the Public private partnerships and their characteristics, to the reasons of participation of the subjects in the projects, to the forms of Public-Private Partnerships, their phases and to the differences between government contracts and Public-Private Partnerships. The second chapter deals with the legislation of the Public-Private Partnerships in the European Union, Czech Republic and chosen countries. The analytic part of the thesis deals with economic aspects of the Public-Private Partnerships, their advantages, disadvantages, benefits and potential risks. The aim of the thesis is to discuss presented advantages and disadvantages of the Public Private Partnerships and its possible impacts of the application in the Czech Republic.
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Možnosti využití prostředků z Evropského fondu regionálního rozvoje a Fondu soudržnosti pro řešení dopravní infrastruktury ve vybraném kraji (Zlínský). / Possibilities of use subsidies from the European regional development fund and the Cohesion fund for transport infrastructure in region (Zlínský).Hanuš, Jan January 2008 (has links)
At the beginning of the thesis I'm focusing on global aspect of subsidies and transportation. These two items play important role in economic integration processes. I'm explaining their importance in context which is not well known. Further there is a description of EU transport policy. After that I'm researching the relation of transport infrastructure among macroeconomics and environment at EU-27 level. In the middle of the thesis there is the analysis of subsidies possibilities for Czech Republic after joining the EU till present. I'm also describing the transport infrastructure of Zlín Region to analyze the way of invested subsidies to transport infrastructure. In the main part of thesis there is the analysis of used subsidies according to operational programmes with an aim at efficiency among NUTS 3 regions with summarizing conclusion. In the end of thesis I'm describing specific projects with regional and international impact. There is the explanation of necessity of these projects, programming connection with operational program, the composition of building structure, area of influence, impact on local economics and environment, financial aspects and traffic usage.
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Veřejné zakázky v oblasti dopravní infrastruktury na Slovensku / Contractual system in Slovakian infrastructureHrdlička, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
The analysis of factors influencing the final cost of large contracts in Slovakian infrastructure is the main concern of this study. I will be talking about general Slovakian infrastructure as a whole, contractual law, the contractual system itself and its grading.
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