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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proyecto iCook – Servicio de delivery de ingredientes listos para cocinar / iCook Project - Ready-to-cook ingredients delivery service

Calderon Galindo, Nadzhna Estrella, Quiroz San Román, Tamara Naissa, Rafaile Chombo, Stephany Elizabeth, Ricaldi Vasquez, Estephany Etelvina, Zamora Rivera, Jenny del Rocío 01 December 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se tomó en cuenta de qué forma ha cambiado el estilo de vida respecto a la coyuntura actual que está atravesando el país. Debido a ello, se está llevando a cabo la implementación de iCook, un modelo de negocio, que brinda insumos listos para cocinar, ahorrándole tiempo a los consumidores y evitándoles la exposición al momento de salir a realizar las compras para cocinar. En primer lugar, se dio paso a la investigación de mercado. Gracias a esta información recaudada se pudo segmentar a estos consumidores peruanos para obtener el target adecuado para iCook; así como, delimitar la zona geográfica para su desarrollo como negocio. En segundo lugar, para la implementación de este modelo de negocio, se realizó validaciones, con el propósito de conocer la aceptación de la marca, de forma que se logre satisfacer las necesidades del público objetivo. Una vez que se conoció la aceptación del modelo de negocio, se procedió a plantear los objetivos, metas y estrategias a desarrollar tanto en un corto como en un largo plazo, a fin de conocer el presupuesto requerido en los tres primeros años de vida del proyecto. Finalmente, se concluyó que el proyecto es viable y crea valor, pues se obtuvo un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) positivo y mayor al Costo de Oportunidad (COK). Por otro lado, la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) también supera al COK, reflejando que el proyecto es sostenible y se encuentra en óptimas condiciones para salir en marcha al mercado peruano. / In the present work, it was taken into account how the lifestyle has changed with respect to the current situation that the country is going through. Due to this, the implementation of iCook is being carried out, a business model that provides ready-to-cook inputs, saving time for consumers and avoiding exposure when going out to make purchases to cook. First, market research began. Thanks to this information collected, it was possible to segment these Peruvian consumers to obtain the right objective for iCook; as well as, delimit the geographical area for its development as a business. Second, for the implementation of this business model, validations were carried out, with the purpose of knowing the acceptance of the brand, in order to satisfy the needs of the target audience. Once the acceptance of the business model was know, the objectives, goals and strategies to be developed both in the short and in the long term were proposed, in order to know the budget required in the first three years of the project's life. Finally, it was conclude that the project is viable and creates value, since a positive Net Present Value (NPV) was obtained and greater than the Opportunity Cost (COK). On the other hand, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) also exceeds the COK, reflecting that the project is sustainable and is in optimal conditions to go live in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación

Galletas Calette

Lozada Rosales, Celeste Ariana, Palomino Carrera, Daniela Stephanía, Sánchez Malpartida, Carlos Augusto, Sumalave Palomino, Juan Manuel, Trujillo Soto, Angie Maylee 02 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en el desarrollo de galletas saludables a base de ingredientes naturales y de calidad. El insumo principal es el polvo de cáscara de huevo puesto que, este ingrediente brinda alto contenido de calcio. Su valor nutricional se potenciará con ingredientes que brindan minerales como el calcio, hierro, potasio y magnesio; vitaminas B, C y E, como el arándano, aguaymanto y maní. De esta manera Galletas Calette contará con 3 sabores únicos en el mercado. El segmento por cubrir es Lima Moderna, para el público que se encuentre entre 25 a 54 años y de NSE B y C, asimismo, el producto es para aquellos que se preocupan por consumir alimentos más saludables. Uno de los objetivos de Calette es la oferta de un producto a base de insumos de calidad y alto valor nutricional. Ante la coyuntura actual de la pandemia por el covid – 19, la mejor opción para realizar las ventas de las galletas es el canal online, específicamente las redes sociales como Facebook e Instagram. El canal mencionado permitirá tener un mayor alcance con el público objetivo. / The following thesis consists of the development of healthy cookies based on natural and quality ingredients. The main input is eggshell powder since this ingredient provides high calcium content. Its nutritional value will be enhanced with ingredients that provide minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium; vitamins B, C and E, such as blueberry, golden berry and peanuts. In this way, Galletas Calette will have 3 unique flavors on the market. The segment to be covered is Modern Lima, for the public between 25 to 54 years old and from NSE B and C, likewise, the product is for those who are concerned about consuming healthier foods. One of Calette's objectives is to offer a product based on quality inputs and high nutritional value. Given the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the best option to sell cookies is the online channel, specifically social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. The mentioned channel will allow to have a greater reach with the target audience. / Trabajo de investigación

Cosmetics gone green : A quantitative experimental study on green promotional cues and consumers’ purchase intention

Genovese, Therese, Green, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
In the context of the world's increasing environmental challenges and the rise of green consumerism, promoting sustainable consumer behavior is more important than ever. This study aims at extending the understanding of consumers' purchase  intention of  environmentally friendly cosmetic products. With a theoretical starting point in theories of green promotion and the theory of planned behavior, a total of ten hypotheses and sub-hypotheses were formulated to answer the research question how green promotional cues can be used to affect consumers' beliefs and increase purchase intention. Central concepts in the study’s constructed conceptual framework are intrinsic cues which represent concrete characteristics of a product such as ingredients and formula, and extrinsic cues which are attributes not present within the product itself such as packaging and brand. A quantitative approach using an online survey in an experimental vignette designed questionnaire generated responses from a sample of 325 participants in three treatment groups, and the data was subsequently examined through statistical analysis. The study’s main findings show that intrinsic cues have a stronger influence on purchase intention than extrinsic cues but that extrinsic cues seem to have a stronger influence on consumers’ subjective beliefs. The study provides implications on how cosmetic companies can use the insights generated by the study when developing promotional strategies for green cosmetics.


ORTENILTON DOS SANTOS FILHO 13 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação versa sobre a teoria das soluções de viscosidadepara equações diferenciais parciais elípticas completamente não-lineares com ingredientes mensuráveis. Nosso principal objetivo é demonstrar o Princípio do Máximo de Aleksandrov-Bakelman-Pucci neste contexto. / [en] This dissertation deals with the theory of viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations with measurable ingredients. Our main objective is to demonstrate the Aleksandrov-Bakelman-Pucci Maximum Principle in this context.


Mantheni, Dhruthiman Reddy January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Nita Takanti (9234683) 28 July 2022 (has links)
<p>The overall time and cost for a drug to go from the drug discovery to the consumer market is  significant,  showing  a  need  for  improved  drug  testing  and  discovery  methods.    Work  on nonlinear  optical  methods  for  both  small  active  pharmaceutical  ingredient  drug  formulation analysis and large biological therapeutic stability testing has been shown to improve testing times for formulation, stability and dissolution testing.  Herein, we review the existing and conventional approaches to address stability testing that the pharmaceutical industry uses, and how leveraging nonlinear optical (NLO) methods can improve the current challenges.  The specificity, sensitivity and low limit of detection of second harmonic generation is discussed in application to crystal formation in small-molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients.  The nonlinear optical methods second harmonic generation and two-photon excited ultraviolet fluorescence are directly compared to  ‘gold  standard’  powder  X-ray  diffraction,  which  is  commonly  used  for  measuring  crystal formation and growth of active pharmaceutical ingredients in amorphous solid dispersions.  In addition, the existing FRAP method (with multiple limitations) is improved upon with the ability to  perform  recovered  diffusion  coefficient  data  analysis  in  the  spatial  Fourier  domain.    The collective results discussed in this thesis are just a small subset of the total breadth of investigations marrying the new challenges in the pharmaceutical industry with the new NLO tools tailored to meet them</p>

Obtención de fibra alimentaria a partir del subproducto de la industria citrícola, a través de la aplicación de diferentes tecnologías de extracción.

Pérez Pirotto, Claudia 17 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral abarcó el desarrollo de un ingrediente a partir del subproducto de la industria citrícola. Se buscó obtener un ingrediente en polvo, con alto contenido de fibra soluble, que pudiera utilizarse en la formulación de productos. El trabajo se dividió en cuatro etapas. Tras la obtención del ingrediente por diferentes metodologías, en las primeras etapas se analizó su composición química y propiedades tecno funcionales. Posteriormente se realizó un ensayo de estabilidad del ingrediente tras su almacenamiento a diferentes actividades de agua. Finalmente, se evaluó la incorporación del ingrediente, como fuente de fibra, en la formulación de un flan; se estudió el efecto de la información sobre el origen de la fibra agregada en la respuesta del consumidor y el efecto de la incorporación de dicha fibra sobre las propiedades sensoriales del producto. Se ensayaron cuatro tecnologías no contaminantes para la extracción de fibra soluble: agua caliente, extrusión + agua caliente, jet cooker y jet cooker + agua caliente. El sobrenadante de la extracción se secó en "spray dryer" obteniendo un ingrediente en polvo. El contenido de fibra alimentaria de alto y bajo peso molecular fue analizado, junto con el contenido de azúcares simples y de compuestos bioactivos. El contenido de fibra total varió entre 10 y 20 gramos por 100 gramos de producto entre los tratamientos ensayados, siendo el proceso de extrusión + agua caliente el que mayor contenido de fibra presentó. Además, este tratamiento fue el que presentó menor contenido de azúcares y mayor contenido de compuestos bioactivos. En la segunda etapa se analizaron la capacidad espumante y estabilidad de la espuma, retención de aceite, solubilidad en agua, higroscopicidad, microestructura, temperatura de transición vítrea, color y reología de las soluciones. Se observaron diferentes grados de aglomeración en los polvos, que se relacionaron con la baja temperatura de transición vítrea de los ingredientes, fruto de sus componentes de bajo peso molecular. Aunque todas las soluciones formaron espumas, la del ingrediente obtenido por extrusión + agua caliente fue la más estable, lo que pudo deberse a su mayor viscosidad. En la tercera etapa se almacenaron los ingredientes obtenidos a diferentes actividades de agua durante 15 semanas, y una vez transcurrido el tiempo se modeló su isoterma de sorción. Además, se estudió la transición vítrea, junto con el contenido de compuestos bioactivos, color y textura. Los polvos no fueron estables en su estado inicial, debido al alto contenido de humedad que presentaban. Se observó pardeamiento a medida que aumenta la actividad de agua En la última etapa se evaluó la incorporación del ingrediente en la formulación de un flan. Se estudió el efecto de la información en la respuesta del consumidor y el efecto de su incorporación en las propiedades sensoriales. Se realizó una encuesta en España y Uruguay tomando como variables de estudio la intención de compra, y las percepciones de saludable y amigable con el medio ambiente. Se evaluaron tres categorías de producto diferentes (un producto listo para consumo, un polvo para preparar el postre en casa y un flan casero), variando la información ofrecida (origen de la fibra y un logo haciendo referencia a la sostenibilidad). El comportamiento de ambas poblaciones fue diferente en las tres variables de estudio, Para evaluar la incorporación del ingrediente en la formulación de un flan "fuente de fibra" (3% de contenido de fibra), se ensayaron diferentes porcentajes de sustitución de inulina (muestra control) del postre por el ingrediente de naranja obtenido a partir de la extrusión + agua caliente. La sustitución de un 30% del contenido total de fibra por el nuevo ingrediente logró un producto similar al control, sin descriptores de sabor no agradables y con una mejora en el brillo y la textura. / [CA] La investigació de la present tesi doctoral va abastar el desenvolupament d'un ingredient a partir del subproducte de la indústria citrícola. Es va buscar obtindre un ingredient en pols, amb alt contingut de fibra soluble, que poguera utilitzar-se en la formulació d'altres productes. Per a això el treball es va dividir en quatre etapes. Després de l'obtenció de l'ingredient per les diferents metodologies, en les primeres etapes es van analitzar la seua composició química i propietats tecno funcionals. Posteriorment es va feir un assaig d'estabilitat de l'ingredient després del seu emmagatzematge a diferents activitats d'aigua. Finalment, es va avaluar la incorporació de l'ingredient, com a font de fibra, en la formulació d'un flam; es va presentar l'efecte de la informació sobre l'origen de la fibra agregada en la resposta del consumidor i l'efecte de la incorporació d'aquesta fibra sobre les propietats sensorials del producte. Es van assajar quatre tecnologies no contaminants per a l'extracció de fibra soluble: aigua calenta, extrusió+aigua calenta, jet cooker i jet cooker+aigua calenta. El sobrenedant de l'extracció es va assecar en "spray dryer" obtenint un ingredient en pols. El contingut de fibra alimentària d'alt i baix pes molecular va ser analitzat juntament amb el contingut de sucres simples i de compostos bioactius. El contingut de fibra total va variar entre 10 i 20 grams per 100 grams de producte entre els tractaments assajats, sent el procés d'extrusió+aigua calenta el que major contingut de fibra va presentar. A més, aquest tractament va ser el que va presentar menor contingut de sucres i major contingut de compostos bioactius. En la segona etapa es van analitzar la capacitat espumant i estabilitat de l'espuma, retenció d'oli, solubilitat en aigua, higroscopicitat, microestructura, temperatura de transició vítria, color i reologia de les solucions. Es van observar diferents graus d'aglomeració en les pólvores, que es van relacionar amb la baixa temperatura de transició vítria dels ingredients, fruit dels seus components de baix pes molecular. Tot i que totes les solucions van a formar espumes, la de l'ingredient obtingut per extrusió+aigua calenta va ser la més estable, la qual cosa va poder deure's a la seua major viscositat. En la tercera etapa es van emmagatzemar els ingredients obtinguts a diferents activitats d'aigua durant 15 setmanes, i una vegada transcorregut el temps es va modelar la seua isoterma de sorció. A més, es va estudiar la transició vítria, juntament amb el contingut de compostos bioactius, color i textura. Les pólvores no van ser estables en el seu estat inicial, a causa de l'alt contingut d'humitat que presentaven. Es va observar pardejament a mesura que augmenta l'activitat d'aigua. En l'última etapa es va avaluar la incorporació de l'ingredient en la formulació d'un flam. Es va estudiar l'efecte d'informació sobre l'ingredient en la resposta del consumidor i l'efecte de la seua incorporació en les propietats sensorials. Es va fer una enquesta a Espanya i l'Uruguai prenent com a variables d'estudi la intenció de compra, i la percepció de saludable i amigable amb el medi ambient. Es van avaluar tres categories de producte diferents (un producte llest per a consum, una pols per a preparar les postres a casa i un flam casolà), variant la informació oferida (origen de la fibra i un logo fent referència a la sostenibilitat). El comportament de totes dues poblacions va ser diferent en les tres variables d'estudi. Per a avaluar la incorporació de l'ingredient en la formulació d'un flam "font de fibra" (3% de contingut de fibra), es van assajar diferents percentatges de substitució d'inulina (mostra control) de les postres per l'ingredient de taronja obtingut a partir de l'extrusió + aigua calenta. La substitució d'un 30% del contingut total de fibra pel nou ingredient va aconseguir un producte similar al control, sense descriptors de sabor no agradables, amb una millora en la lluentor i la textura / [EN] This thesis covered the development of an ingredient from the by-product of the citrus industry. The aim was to obtain a powdered ingredient, with high soluble fiber content, that could be used in the formulation of other products. The work was divided into four stages. After obtaining the ingredient by the different methodologies, in the first stages its chemical composition and techno-functional properties were analyzed. Afterwards, a stability test of the ingredient was carried out after storage at different water activities. Finally, theincorporation of the ingredient as a source of fiber, in the formulation of a flan was evaluated; the effect of information on the origin of the added fiber on consumer response and the effect of incorporating said fiber on the sensory properties of the product were studied. Four non-contaminant technologies for the extraction of soluble fiber were tested. These were hot water, extrusion + hot water, jet cooker, and jet cooker + hot water. The extraction supernatant was dried in a spray dryer to obtain a powdered ingredient. The content of high and low molecular weight dietary fiber and the content of simple sugars and bioactive compounds were analyzed. The total fiber content varied between 10 and 20 grams per 100 grams of product among the tested treatments, being the extrusion + hot water process the one with the highest fiber content. In addition, this treatment was the one with the lowest sugar content and the highest content of bioactive compounds. In the second stage, the foaming capacity and stability, oil holding capacity, water solubility, hygroscopicity, microstructure, glass transition temperature, color and rheology of the solutions were analyzed. Different degrees of caking were observed in the powders, which were related to the low glass transition temperature of the ingredients, due to their low molecular weight components. Although all the solutions formed foams, the foam of the ingredient obtained by extrusion + hot water was the most stable, which could be due to its higher viscosity. In the third stage, the ingredients obtained were stored at different water activities for 15 weeks, and once the time had elapsed, their sorption isotherm was modeled. In addition, the glass transition was studied, along with the content of bioactive compounds, color, and texture. The powders were not stable in their initial state, due to their high moisture content. Browning was observed as the water activity increased. In the last stage, the incorporation of the ingredient in the formulation of a flan was evaluated. The effect of information about the ingredient on consumer response and the effect of its incorporation on the sensory properties of the dessert were studied. To evaluate the effect of information on consumer response, a survey was carried out in Spain and Uruguay, taking purchase intention and healthiness and environmental friendliness perceptions as study variables. Three different product categories were evaluated (a ready-to-eat product, a powder to prepare dessert at home and a homemade flan), varying the information offered (origin of the fiber and a logo referring to sustainability). The behavior of both populations was different in the three study variables. To evaluate the incorporation of the ingredient in the formulation of a "fiber source" (total fibre content 3%) flan, different percentages of substitution of inulin content (control sample) the total fiber content of the dessert by the orange ingredient obtained from extrusion + hot water were tested. The substitution of 30% of the total fiber content with the new ingredient achieved a product similar to the control, without unpleasant flavor descriptors and with an improvement in brightness and texture. / This work was supported by the National Innovation and Investigation Agency (ANII), Uruguay, under code POS_EXT_2018_1_154449. / Pérez Pirotto, C. (2022). Obtención de fibra alimentaria a partir del subproducto de la industria citrícola, a través de la aplicación de diferentes tecnologías de extracción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191431 / Compendio

Étude de prévalence et associations des gènes de virulence et résistance aux antimicrobiens d’Escherichia coli de la flore intestinale du poulet sain

Kaboré, Kiswendsida Paul 08 1900 (has links)
Les Escherichia coli pathogènes de la volaille (APEC) font partie des E. coli extra-intestinaux pathogènes (ExPEC) et seraient un réservoir possible de gènes de virulence et de résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) des ExPEC chez l’humain. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un prébiotique et d’un mélange d’acide organique et d’huiles essentielles encapsulés sur la prévalence des gènes de virulence des ExPEC et de RAM, ainsi que les associations entre ces gènes chez E. coli de l’intestin du poulet sain. Des échantillons de contenus caecaux de poulets de 29 jours d’âge ayant reçu un de ces ingrédients alimentaires comparativement à des témoins ont été analysés pour la présence des gènes de virulence iucD, tsh, papC et des gènes de RAM blaTEM, blaSHV, tetA, tetC, blaCMY-2, aadA1, aac3 par PCR. La prévalence d’iucD était supérieure dans le groupe témoin comparativement aux groupes «prébiotique» et «acide organique» et la prévalence de papC était affectée dans le groupe «acide organique». La prévalence d’isolats d’E.coli positifs pour blaCMY-2 était supérieure dans le groupe témoin comparée aux groupes «prébiotique» et «acide organique», tel que démontré par la technique d’hybridation de l’ADN sur HGMF (Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filter). De plus, la prévalence des isolats d’E. coli positifs pour tetA, blaTEM, aadA1 ou tsh était affectée par les ingrédients alimentaires. Dans l’ensemble, des associations entre la présence de tsh et iucD, blaTEM et aadA1, et iucD et blaCMY-2 ont été observées. .Cette étude démontre l’utilité de certains ingrédients alimentaires pour dimunier le risque d’exposition en santé publique. / Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) belong to the extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) pathotype, and may be a virulence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene reservoir for ExPEC in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of addition to the feed of a prebiotic or an organic acid on the prevalence of ExPEC-associated virulence genes and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes and the association between these genes in E. coli of the intestinal microflora of healthy chickens. Caecal contents from 29-day-old chickens having received one of these feed ingredients in comparison to a control group were examined for the presence of virulence genes iucD, tsh, and papC and AMR genes blaTEM, blaSHV, tetA, tetC, blaCMY-2, aadA1, and aac3 by PCR. The prevalence of iucD was significantly higher in the control group than in the prebiotic and organic acid groups and prevalence of papC was affected by the use of the organic acid. The prevalence of blaCMY-2-positive E. coli isolates was higher in the control group than the prebiotic or organic acid groups, as demonstrated by Hydrophobic–grid membrane filter (HGMF) DNA probe colony hybridization. In addition, the prevalence of E. coli isolates positive for tetA, blaTEM, aadA1 or tsh was affected by the use of these feed ingredients. Overall, associations between the presence of iucD and tsh, blaTEM and aadA1, and iucD and blaCMY-2 were observed. This study demonstrates that the use of certain feed ingredients could reduce the risk of exposure in a public health perspective.

Fontes de fibra na alimentação de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) /

Fabregat, Thiago El Hadi Perez. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes / Banca: Elisabeth Criscuolo Urbinati / Banca: Maria Cristina Thomaz / Banca: Teresa Cristina Ribeiro Dias Koberstein / Banca: Antônio Cleber da Silva Camargo / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de dietas contendo diferentes ingredientes fibrosos (farelo de soja, casca de soja, farelo de girassol e polpa cítrica, este ultimo avaliado em dois níveis de inclusão) sobre o tempo de trânsito gastrointestinal, as digestibilidades da proteína e da energia, o desempenho, a composição corporal, os parâmetros bioquímicos, os índices organométricos e a morfometria intestinal de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Os peixes alimentados com as dietas contendo farelo de soja e farelos de girassol tiveram os melhores resultados de digestibilidade e desempenho, sem apresentar alterações fisiológicas e metabólicas. A inclusão casca de soja na dieta atrasou o tempo de trânsito gastrointestinal, piorou a digestibilidade da proteína e da energia, prejudicou o desempenho, diminuiu as proteínas totais sangüíneas e aumentou a porcentagem de lipídeo muscular. A dieta contendo 45% polpa cítrica acelerou o tempo de trânsito gastrointestinal, piorou o desempenho, provocou alterações na composição corporal e na morfometria intestinal. Cada ingrediente fibroso, em função de sua composição de fibras alimentares e carboidratos complexos, altera o funcionamento do sistema digestório e o aproveitamento de nutrientes, com conseqüências sobre a fisiologia, o metabolismo e o desempenho dos juvenis de pacu / Abstract: This study aim was to evaluate the effects of diets containing different fiber sources (soybean meal, soybean hulls, sunflower meal and citrus pulp, this last evaluated at two inclusion levels) on gastrointestinal transit time, protein and energy digestibility of protein, performance, body composition, biochemical parameters, organometric index and intestinal morphology of juvenile pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Fish fed diets containing soybean meal and sunflower meal had best digestibility and performance results, with no physiological and metabolic diseases. The inclusion of soybean hulls in the diet delayed gastrointestinal transit time, decreased the digestibility of protein and energy, worsened performance, reduced total blood proteins and increased the percentage of muscle lipid. Diet containing 45% citrus pulp accelerated gastrointestinal transit time, worsened performance, led to changes in body composition and affects the intestinal morphology. Each fibrous ingredient, depending on dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates composition, differently affects the digestive system functioning and nutrient use, with consequences on physiology, metabolism and performance of juvenile pacu / Doutor

Characterization and application of fruit byproducts in the development of beef burger and corn extruded product / Caracterização e aplicação de subprodutos de frutas no desenvolvimento de hambúrguer bovino e extrusado de milho

Selani, Miriam Mabel 17 September 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to characterize pineapple, passion fruit and mango byproducts and select the material with the greatest potential as food ingredient to be applied in two food products: beef burger and corn extruded product. Fiber was the major component present in pineapple and passion fruit byproducts (>50%), and, due to this, they showed considerable water holding capacity. The fruit byproducts had considerable phenolic content and antioxidant activity, especially the mango byproduct. The results of the microbial counts and the content of pesticides residues of the byproducts were within the limits established by the Brazilian law and were safe for food application. Due to the high fiber amount and the functional properties presented, the byproducts were explored considering this potential. Thus, the sample with the best results was selected and evaluated as partial fat replacer in beef burger and as source of fiber in a corn extruded product. The first step of the beef burger application evaluated each byproduct in four concentrations (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5%), along with canola oil, as partial fat replacers. All byproducts improved the cooking properties of the burgers, especially the pineapple. Sensory analysis showed that color, odor and overall acceptance were not affected by the treatments. Based on the results, pineapple byproduct, at the concentration of 1.5%, was selected for further studies. Pineapple byproduct (1.5%) and canola oil (5%) were evaluated as partial animal fat replacers in low-fat beef burger. Five treatments were performed: conventional (20% fat) and four formulations with 10% of fat: control, with pineapple byproduct, with canola oil, and with pineapple byproduct and canola oil. Pineapple byproduct incorporation improved the cooking properties and the texture (shear force) and canola oil addition improved the lipid profile, without reducing the shelf life of the burgers. The quantitative descriptive analysis indicated that the use of the two fat replacers together can be an alternative choice to minimize the sensory alterations of the fat reduction. As the final step of this study, the potential application of pineapple byproduct in a corn extruded product for fiber enhancement was evaluated. During extrusion, byproduct (0, 10.5, and 21%), moisture (14, 15, and 16%) and temperature (140 and 160 °C) were evaluated. Pineapple byproduct addition decreased expansion and luminosity, while increasing redness of the extrudates compared to the control (0% byproduct/14% moisture/140 °C). When hardness, yellowness, water absorption, and bulk density were compared to the control, there was no effect of 10.5% addition on the extrudates, indicating that, at this level, pineapple byproduct could be added without promoting significant alterations in the properties of the final extruded product. The results of this study highlight the potential of pineapple byproduct in the development of new products, bringing the opportunity to convert them into value-added food ingredients. / Este estudo objetivou caracterizar subprodutos de abacaxi, maracujá e manga e selecionar aquele com maior potencial como ingrediente alimentício para ser aplicado em dois produtos: hambúrguer bovino e extrusado de milho. A fibra foi o maior componente presente nos subprodutos de abacaxi e maracujá (>50%) e, devido a isto, eles mostraram considerável capacidade de retenção de água. Os subprodutos de frutas apresentaram teor de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante considerável, especialmente o de manga. Os resultados das contagens microbianas e dos teores de resíduos de agrotóxicos dos subprodutos apresentaram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, estando seguros para aplicação em alimentos. Devido ao alto teor de fibra e às propriedades funcionais apresentadas, os subprodutos foram explorados considerando-se este potencial. Dessa forma, a amostra com melhores resultados foi selecionada e avaliada como substituto parcial de gordura em hambúrguer bovino e como fonte de fibras em extrusado de milho. A primeira etapa da aplicação em hambúrguer bovino avaliou cada subproduto em quatro concentrações (1,0, 1,5, 2,0 e 2,5%), juntamente com o óleo de canola, como substitutos parciais de gordura. Todos os subprodutos melhoraram as propriedades de cozimento dos hambúrgueres, especialmente o de abacaxi. A análise sensorial mostrou que cor, odor e aceitação global não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. Através dos resultados, o subproduto de abacaxi, na concentração de 1,5%, foi selecionado para estudos complementares. Subproduto de abacaxi (1,5%) e óleo de canola (5%) foram avaliados como substitutos parciais de gordura animal em hambúrguer bovino com teor reduzido de gordura. Cinco tratamentos foram realizados: convencional (20% gordura) e quatro formulações com 10% de gordura: controle, com subproduto de abacaxi, com óleo de canola, e com subproduto de abacaxi e óleo de canola. A incorporação do subproduto de abacaxi melhorou as propriedades de cozimento e a textura (força de cisalhamento) e a adição do óleo de canola melhorou o perfil lipídico, sem reduzir a vida útil dos hambúrgueres. A análise descritiva quantitativa indicou que o uso dos dois substitutos de gordura em conjunto pode ser uma alternativa adequada para minimizar alterações sensoriais da redução da gordura. Como fase final deste estudo, o potencial da aplicação de subproduto de abacaxi em extrusado de milho visando o aumento do teor de fibras foi avaliado. Durante a extrusão, subproduto (0, 10,5, 21%), umidade (14, 15, e 16%) e temperatura (140 e 160 °C) foram avaliados. A adição do subproduto de abacaxi diminuiu a expansão e a luminosidade, enquanto que aumentou a intensidade de cor vermelha dos extrusados comparados com o controle (0% subproduto/14% umidade/140 °C). Quando a dureza, intensidade de cor amarela, absorção de água e densidade foram comparadas com o controle, não houve efeito da adição de 10,5% sobre os extrusados, indicando que, neste nível, o subproduto de abacaxi pode ser adicionado, sem promover alterações significativas sobre as propriedades do produto final. Os resultados deste estudo destacam o potencial do subproduto de abacaxi no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, trazendo a oportunidade de convertê-los em ingredientes alimentícios com valor agregado.

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