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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de glicerina proveniente da produção de biodiesel na dieta de frangos de corte / Effect of glycerine from biodiesel production in diets for broilers

Kelen Cristiane Zavarize 05 October 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da glicerina produzida no Brasil e o seu efeito no valor de energia metabolizável e na digestibilidade para frangos de corte, bem como avaliar o desempenho e qualidade de carne, estudando os possíveis efeitos adversos e determinando o melhor nível de inclusão a ser adotado com segurança. Na primeira etapa foram coletadas 10 amostras de glicerina de diferentes fontes e origens para a análise da composição. Em seguida, foram selecionadas 4 glicerinas de composições contrastantes para a determinação da energia metabolizável e digestibilidade em ensaios de metabolismo com 200 frangos de corte durante o período de 21 a 29 dias de idade, através do método de coleta total de excretas. Na segunda etapa, as aves foram submetidas ao um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 45 aves cada. Os tratamentos constituíam de uma ração controle e 5 rações com 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; 10,0 e 12,5% de glicerina, sendo que a glicerina utilizada foi a que apresentou melhor composição química e energia metabolizável de 3145 kcal/kg. A umidade da cama foi analisada aos 28, 35 e 40 dias de idade. Aos 40 dias de idade foram sacrificadas 6 aves por tratamento para determinação do rendimento de carcaça e partes, além de coleta do músculo do peito, perna e fígado. Nos músculos do peito e da perna foram realizadas as análises de qualidade de carne. Também foram determinados a composição centesimal e perfil de ácidos graxos da gordura no músculo do peito. As energias aparente metabolizável corrigida para o balanço de nitrogênio das glicerinas foram de 3145, 5026, 2828 e 2892 kcal/kg. Para o desempenho das aves o aumento do nível de glicerina na dieta até 10% não afetou negativamente, somente com a inclusão de 12,5% de glicerina houve piora no peso (P<0,05) para o período de 40 dias de idade. Não houve efeito significativo para o rendimento de carcaça e partes (P>0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças (P>0,05) para a composição centesimal e perfil de ácidos graxos na gordura. Aos 35 e 40 dias de idade foram encontrados aumento no teor de umidade da cama (P<0,05) com a inclusão de 10 e 12,5% de glicerina. Não foram encontrados alterações nos fígados das aves com os maiores níveis de inclusão. Os resultados sugerem que dietas contendo a inclusão de até 5% não causam nenhum efeito negativo para as aves e cama. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of the glycerin produced in Brazil and its effect on the value of metabolizable energy and digestibility, the performance and meat quality of broilers, studying the possible adverse effects and determining the best level of inclusion to be adopted safely. In the trial were collected 10 glycerin samples from different sources and analysis of the composition. In the following section, we selected four contrasting glycerins compositions for the determination of metabolizable energy and digestibility in metabolism trials with 200 broiler chickens during the 21-29 days of age, by the method of total excreta collection. In the second trial, the birds were subjected to a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 replicates of 45 birds each. The treatments were a control diet and five diets with 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5% glycerin, and glycerin was used with the best chemical composition and metabolizable energy 3145 kcal / kg. The litter moisture was analyzed at 28, 35 and 40 days old. At 40 days of age were sacrificed 6 birds per treatment for determination of carcass yield and parts, and collection of the breast muscle, leg and liver. In the muscles of the chest and leg were performed the analyzes of meat quality. We also determined the composition and profile of fatty acid in breast muscle. The apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance of glycerins were 3145, 5026, 2828 and 2892 kcal / kg. For the performance of the birds increased level of glycerin in the diet up to 10% did not affect negatively only with the inclusion of 12.5% glycerin worsened in weight (P <0.05) for the period of 40 days old. There was no significant effect on carcass yield and parts (P> 0.05). There were no differences (P> 0.05) for the composition and profile of fatty acids in fat. At 35 and 40 days of age were found increase in moisture content of the bed (P <0.05) with the inclusion of 10 and 12.5% glycerin. No changes were found in the livers of the birds with the highest levels of inclusion. The results suggest that diets containing the inclusion of up to 5% do not cause any negative effects for the broilers, meat quality and litter

Aproveitamento de resíduos de cenoura e beterraba da indústria de minimamente processados para elaboração de ingredientes funcionais

Dalla Costa, Anne Porto January 2015 (has links)
Com a crescente conscientização da importância dos alimentos para a promoção da saúde, os consumidores têm buscado opções saudáveis associadas à praticidade, e desta forma destacam-se os vegetais minimamente processados. No entanto, a indústria destes gera grandes volumes de resíduos que impacta nos âmbitos econômicos, ambientais e nutricionais, já que pesquisas vêm apontando que estes resíduos vegetais são ricos em diversos compostos funcionais, tais como fibras, compostos fenólicos, carotenoides e betalaínas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o potencial de aproveitamento dos resíduos (cascas, aparas e pedúnculos) de beterraba e cenoura da indústria de vegetais minimamente processados para obtenção de ingredientes com apelo funcional e sustentável, como farinhas vegetais e corante. Foi avaliada a melhor forma de obtenção de uma farinha vegetal de resíduos de beterraba, onde foi verificado que a temperatura a 70 °C, independentemente da etapa de cloração, melhorou os aspectos de conteúdo total de betalaína e atividade antioxidante. O corante obtido com resíduo de beterraba foi analisado durante 45 dias e apresentou cor característica com estabilidade até o 20° dia e atividade antioxidante ao longo de todos os dias de análise. Com o resíduo de cenoura foi elaborada uma farinha vegetal com o intuito de enriquecer massas secas e substituir os aditivos utilizados atualmente em massas elaboradas com trigo da espécie Triticum aestivum L. As amostras produzidas com 20 % de farinha cenoura apresentaram um acréscimo de 126 % em relação ao conteúdo de carotenoides totais, 110 % em capacidade antioxidante, 615 % em fibras totais, além de aumento nos parâmetros de cor, quando comparadas às massas acrescidas de β-caroteno comercial. A massa com adição desta farinha vegetal de resíduo de cenoura obteve alto índice de aceitação dos provadores (acima de 70 %) na avaliação sensorial. Os resultados obtidos com este estudo são promissores para a utilização de resíduos de beterraba e cenoura minimamente processadas como uma fonte alternativa para elaboração de ingredientes naturais, com apelo sustentável e funcional devido ao alto teor de betalaína e carotenoides (respectivamente), fibras e demais compostos antioxidantes. / With the growing awareness of the importance of food for health promotion, consumers have sought healthy options associated with practicality, standing out minimally processed vegetables. However, these industries generate large amounts of waste that impact on economic, environmental and nutritional areas, since studies have indicated that these plant residues are rich in functional compounds, such as fibers, phenolics, carotenoids and betalains. The objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of utilizing beet and carrot residues (peel, chip and peduncle) from minimally processed vegetable industry to obtain ingredients with practical and sustainable appeal, such as vegetable flours and dyes. It was evaluated a method to obtain a beet waste flour, and it was found that the temperature of 70 °C, regardless of the chlorination step, had improve the total content of betalain and antioxidant activity. The dye obtained from beet waste was analyzed for 45 days and showed characteristic color stability until the 20th day and the antioxidant activity during every day of analysis. A plant flour was prepared using carrots residue in order to enhance dry pasta and replace the additives currently used in the pasta produced with wheat specie Triticum aestivum L. The samples produced with 20 % carrot flour showed an increase in the content of carotenoids (126 %), in antioxidant capacity (110 %), in total fiber (615 %), as well as it causes improvements in the color parameters, compared to the pastas with commercial β-carotene. Pasta with this carrot residue flour had obtained high level of taster acceptance (over 70 %) in the sensory evaluation. The results obtained in this study are promising regarding to the use of minimally processed beet and carrot waste as an alternative source of natural ingredients, standing out the sustainable and functional appeal due to the high content of betalaína and carotenoids (respectively), as well as fiber and yet antioxidant compounds.

Exigências em proteína e energia e avaliação de fontes proteicas alternativas na alimentação do cachara Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum / Protein and energy requirements and evaluation of alternative protein sources for striped surubim Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum

Tarcila Souza de Castro Silva 28 February 2013 (has links)
O cachara, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, é um siluriforme carnívoro da América do Sul. Apesar da importância da espécie para pesca e piscicultura, não há uma dieta específica e nem as exigências nutricionais determinadas. O objetivo deste projeto foi determinar a digestibilidade aparente da energia e proteína de diferentes alimentos de origem animal e vegetal e, com os valores da digestibilidade dos ingredientes, elaborar rações para determinar as exigências em proteína, energia e relação energia:proteína para o cachara. Para o ensaio de digestibilidade, 105 juvenis de cachara (82,35 ± 17,7 g; 23,04 ± 1,6 cm) foram distribuídos em 21 gaiolas cilíndricas plásticas de 80 L e alimentados até a saciedade aparente em duas refeições diárias (20h00min e 22h00min) com dietas teste obtidas a partir da adição de 0,1% de óxido crômico III e substituição de 30% de uma ração referência (RR; 46% proteína bruta; 4600 kcal energia bruta) pelos seguintes ingredientes: farinha de peixe, farinha de carne e ossos, farinha de vísceras, farinha de penas, farinha de sangue, farelo de soja, farelo de trigo, milho moído e glutenose de milho. Após a última refeição, os peixes eram transferidos para os aquários cônicos (200 L) acoplados a recipientes refrigerados para a coleta de fezes por sedimentação. Os melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína (99,36%) e energia (86,25%) foram registrados para a farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de carne e ossos, respectivamente, consideradas fontes alternativas adequadas para substituir com eficiência a farinha de peixe, ingrediente padrão para formulação de rações para o cachara. Em um segundo experimento foram determinados os melhores níveis de energia e proteína nas dietas para juvenis de cachara (53,6 ± 1,30 g e 20,1 ± 1,06 cm), distribuídos aleatoriamente em 75 gaiolas (210 L) alojadas em tanques de alvenaria (12 m3) com constante renovação de água e aeração e alimentados duas vezes ao dia (06h30m e 18h30m) por 60 dias com 25 dietas formuladas para conter cinco níveis de proteína digestível (32, 36, 40, 44 e 48%) e cinco níveis de energia digestível (3600, 3725, 3850, 3975 e 4100 kcal kg-1), em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com um esquema fatorial 5 x 5 (n = 3). A energia e proteína dietética afetaram o ganho de peso, taxa de crescimento específico, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, taxa de eficiência proteica, retenção de proteína, índice hepatossomático, índice lipossomático, índice viscerossomático, proteínas totais séricas e triglicerídeos no soro. A energia dietética afetou a retenção de energia pelo cachara, mas a retenção de fósforo e a composição do peixe inteiro não foram influenciadas pela dieta. Com os resultados é possível concluir que os níveis de 3600 kcal kg-1 de ED, 39% de PD e a relação ED:PD de 9,23 kcal g-1 garantem ótimo desempenho e retenção de nutrientes pelo cachara. / Striped surubim, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum is a South American carnivore catfish of economic importance for fisheries and fish culture alike. However, in spite of its importance for the Brazilian aquaculture, there is no specific diet neither nutritional requirement determined for this specie. The aim of this study was thus determination of apparent digestibility coefficients of selected feedstuff and their use in diets for determination of protein, energy and energy:protein requirements of juvenile striped surubim. Juvenile striped surubim (82.35 ± 17.7 g and 23.04 ± 1.6 cm) were distributed in 21 cylindrical, plastic cages (80 L) and conditioned to a two daily meals (20h00m and 22h00m) feeding regimen on a practical, reference diet (RD) (460.0 g kg-1 crude protein (CP); 19.23 kJ g-1 gross energy (GE)). Test diets were obtained by adding 0.1% chromium III oxide and substituting 30% of one the following feedstuffs in RD: fish meal, meat and bone meal, poultry by-product meal, feather meal, blood meal, soybean meal, wheat bran, corn and corn gluten meal. After the last daily meal, fish were transferred to cylindrical-conical bottomed aquaria (200 L), coupled to refrigerated plastic bottles for feces collection by sedimentation. Best apparent digestibility coefficients of protein (99.36%) and energy (86.25%) were recorded for poultry by-product meal and meat and bone meal, respectively, so deemed ideal surrogate feedstuffs to fish meal, the standard protein source for the formulation and processing of diets for carnivore fish. For determination of best energy and protein level, juvenile striped surubim (53.6 ± 1.30 g and 20.1 ± 1.06 cm) were randomly distributed in 75 cages (210 L), housed in 12 m3 concrete tanks under constant water flow and aeration, and hand fed two daily meals (06h30m and 18h30m) for 60 days. Twenty-five diets were formulated to contain five levels of digestible protein (DP) (32, 36, 40, 44 and 48%) and five levels of digestible energy (DE) (3600, 3725, 3850, 3975 and 4100 kcal kg-1) in a randomized design, 5 x 5 factorial scheme (n = 3). The dietary energy and protein affected the weight gain, specific growth rate, feed intake, feed conversion rate, protein retention, hepatosomatic, liposomatic and viscerosomatic index, serum total protein and triglycerides, but energy retention was affected only by dietary energy. Phosphorus retention and whole body composition were not affected by diets. Estimated dietary requirement for the best performance and best nutrient retention of striped surubim were 3600 kcal kg-1 of DE, 39% of DP and a 9.23 kcal g-1 of DE:DP ratio.

Validação de método e triagem de cádmio no sistema de produção de carne em pasto / Method validation and screening of cadmium on beef cattle pastures production

Janaina Rosolem Lima 20 June 2011 (has links)
Os contaminantes inorgânicos, entre eles o cádmio (Cd), estão associados a efeitos negativos na saúde humana e animal. Este projeto, em parceria com o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de validar método analítico para determinação de Cd em matriz de alface para extensão de aplicabilidade em outras matrizes vegetais. A otimização e validação foram realizadas no Lanagro-SP em Campinas, sendo testadas as técnicas de digestão via seca, digestão via úmida em forno micro-ondas e suspensão ácida. A suspensão ácida propiciou melhores recuperações (70 a 110%), maior simplicidade de preparo e economia de reagentes, logo foi a técnica selecionada para validação. O método consiste em pesagem de 0,5 g de alface moído, adição de 2,5 mL de ácido nítrico, sonicação durante 20 minutos, tempo de reação de 2 horas e 20 minutos de centrifugação. As análises estatísticas consistiram em cálculo da média aritmética e coeficiente de variação entre replicatas de amostras. Para validação do método foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: sensibilidade, linearidade, precisão e exatidão com material de referência certificado, recuperação, seletividade ou efeito matriz, limite de detecção e quantificação, repetitividade e reprodutibilidade. Todos os experimentos da validação realizados até o momento estão de acordo com o requerido pelo Regulamento (CE) 657/2002 e INMETRO. As análises estatísticas consistiram basicamente em avaliação da média aritmética, desvio-padrão e coeficiente de variação. Após validação, o método foi utilizado para estudo de caso com amostras provenientes de experimento conduzido na USP/ESALQ Piracicaba com 63 bovinos de corte desmamados ½ Nelore x ½ Canchim em B. brizantha sob lotação rotacionada, com terminação em confinamento. O delineamento foi em blocos completos casualizados com três tratamentos e três repetições: T1 sal mineral ad libitum; T2 sal mineral + milho (0,3% do peso vivo PV); T3 sal mineral + milho (0,6% até 0,9% PV). Foram amostrados pasto, feno (Tifton 85), milho, sorgo, farelo de soja, solo, água, rins e fígado. As amostras vegetais foram preparadas pela técnica de suspensão ácida e os tecidos por calcinação, todos analisados por espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (GF AAS). Na triagem algumas amostras estiveram abaixo do limite de quantificação (LQ) dentre elas a pastagem (13 µg kg-1), farelo de soja e milho (8 µg kg-1) e água (0,0025 mg L-1), ao passo que feno e sorgo permaneceram acima do L.Q. porém abaixo do limite máximo permitido (200 µg kg-1). O solo com pH ácido de 5,4 com 1,5 mg kg-1 de Cd. As amostras de fígado apresentaram teor abaixo do LQ (22 µg kg-1) e as de rim abaixo do máximo permitido (1000 µg kg-1). Não houve diferença entre tratamentos. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva para amostras vegetais e transformação logarítmica (10) nos dados de rim pelo SAS com médias comparadas pelo teste t a 5%. Não foram encontrados teores prejudiciais de Cd neste estudo. / The inorganic contaminants like cadmium (Cd) are toxic to human and animal health. This work, accomplished with Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, had the purpose to validate an analytical method for Cd determination in lettuce samples and other vegetables samples. The development and validating steps were made on Lanagro-SP in Campinas. The techniques tested were dry ashing, microwave digestion and slurry. The slurry method had best recoveries (70 % up to 110%), the simplest preparing with less reagents, so it was selected to be validate. After optimizing the experimental parameters, the steps of the method were the following: weighting 0.5 g of ground lettuce; addition of 2.5 mL of HNO3 distilled; 20 minutes of sonication; 2 hours of standing and 20 minutes of centrifugation after volume completed for 25 mL. The statistical analyses were did evaluating means and relative standard deviation of the experiments. To validate the method the sensibility, linearity, precision and accuracy with certified reference material, recovery, matrix effects, limit of detection, limit of quantification, repeatability and reproducibility. All the experiments that have been done until now are in accordance with Comission Decision (CD) 2002/657/EC and INMETRO. The statistical analyses were basic the same at the development period. After the validation, the method was used in a screening with samples from ESALQ/USP Piracicaba experiment using 63 ½ Nelore x ½ Canchim beef steers, under a rotational grazing system in B. brizantha, finishing animals in feedlot. The experimental design was a randomized block with three treatments and three replications: T1 - mineral supplementation (MS) ad libitum; T2 - MS + corn (0.3% body weight BW); T3 - MS + corn (0.6% up to 0.9% BW). Samples of pasture, hay (Tifton 85), corn, sorghum, soybean meal, soil, water, kidney and liver were collected. Vegetables samples were prepared by acid slurry and animal tissues by dry ashing, and then all analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS). Some samples were under limit of quantification (LOQ) like pasture (13 µg kg-1), soybean meal and corn (8 µg kg-1) and water (0.0025 mg L-1), while hay and sorghum were bellow acceptable levels (200 µg kg-1). Soil pH was 5.4 with a Cd content of 1.5 mg kg-1. The liver samples were under LOQ (22 µg kg-1) and kidney samples were bellow acceptable levels (1000 µg kg-1, FB).There was no difference between treatments. The vegetables data were submitted to descriptive statistics, while kidney means were transformed by log (10) on SAS and compared by t test in 5% level. No hazardous Cd concentrations were observed in this trial.

Digestibilidade aparente de ingredientes proteicos de origem animal para o jundiá Rhamdia voulezi / Apparent digestibility of proteinaceous ingredients of animal origin for the jundiá Rhamdia voulezi

Frei, Guilherme Rodrigo 02 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2017-09-15T18:42:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme_R_Frei_2015.pdf: 410334 bytes, checksum: 111832c51258f0b3598e49057d34b9c2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-15T18:42:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme_R_Frei_2015.pdf: 410334 bytes, checksum: 111832c51258f0b3598e49057d34b9c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / There are several native Brazilian species with potential for fish farming, among which silver catchfish stands out, continues to feed and gain weight even at low temperatures, accepts varied diets, besides being a species with ease of reproduction and larviculture. However, for the commercial production of this species to be successful, the knowledge of the different aspects related to its nutrition and feeding is fundamental, as enables specific, nutritionally complete and environmentally correct balanced diets to be formulated and supplied to fish. In this sense, most of the ingredients used in aquaculture feeds are derived from agricultural by-products, slaughtering of terrestrial animals or fishing, one of these by-products being flours. Knowing the nutrient digestibility of these raw materials is the first step when evaluating its potential for inclusion in fish feed. The digestibility of a feed is defined as the ability with which the animal digests and absorbs the nutrients and energy contained in it. The aim was to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (CDA) of protein ingredients of animal origin for jundiá Rhamdia voulezi. A total of 288 jundies with an initial mean weight of 285 ± 44.02 g were distributed in 24 randomized, conical-cylindrical aquariums with a useful volume of 500L. A reference diet (control) was prepared and the ingredients to be tested were included in the proportion of 30% of the test ingredient and 70% of the control diet. Chromium oxide at 0.2% concentration was used as the marker. Fecal material was collected through collecting cups. It was evaluated the Crude Protein (PB), Ethereal Extract (EE), Crude Energy (EB), Mineral Matter (MM), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Zinc (Faith). The CDAs were submitted to ANOVA statistical analysis (p <0.05) when significant, the Tukey mean test (p <0.05) was applied. In general, the ingredients that had the best CDAs were viscera meal and salmon meal. These results demonstrate that jundiá accepts very well the protein ingredients of animal origin and has good capacity to digest them and to take advantage of its nutrients. / Existem várias espécies nativas brasileiras com potencial para a piscicultura, entre as quais se destaca o jundiá, pois continua se alimentando e ganhando peso mesmo em baixas temperaturas, aceita dietas variadas, além de ser uma espécie com facilidade de reprodução e larvicultura. Entretanto, para que a produção comercial dessa espécie seja bem-sucedida, o conhecimento dos diferentes aspectos relacionados a sua nutrição e alimentação é fundamental, pois possibilita que dietas balanceadas específicas, nutricionalmente completas e ambientalmente corretas sejam formuladas e fornecida aos peixes. Neste sentido, grande parte dos ingredientes utilizados em rações para aquicultura é oriunda de subprodutos da agricultura, abate de animais terrestres ou pesca, sendo um desses subprodutos as farinhas. Conhecer a digestibilidade dos nutrientes dessas matérias prima, é o primeiro passo quando se pretende avaliar seu potencial de inclusão em rações para peixes. A digestibilidade de uma ração é definida como a habilidade com que o animal digere e absorve os nutrientes e a energia contidos no mesmo. O objetivo foi determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) de ingredientes proteicos de origem animal para o jundiá Rhamdia voulezi. Foram distribuídos, inteiramente ao acaso, 288 jundiás com peso médio inicial de 285 ± 44,02g em 24 aquários cônico-cilíndrico com volume útil de 500L. Elaborou-se uma dieta referência (controle) e os ingredientes à serem testados foram incluídos na proporção de 30% do ingrediente teste e 70% da dieta controle. Como marcador utilizou-se óxido de crômio na concentração de 0,2%. O material fecal foi coletado através de copos coletores. Foram avaliados os CDAs de Proteína Bruta (PB), Extrato Etéreo (EE), Energia Bruta (EB), Matéria Mineral (MM), Fósforo (P), Magnésio (Mg), Cálcio (Ca), Zinco (Zn) e Ferro (Fe). Os CDAs foram submetidos a análise estatística ANOVA (p<0,05) quando significativo, aplicou-se o teste de média Tukey (p<0,05). Em geral, os ingredientes que apresentaram os melhores CDAs foram a farinha de vísceras e a de salmão. Esses resultados demonstram que o jundiá aceita muito bem os ingredientes proteicos de origem animal e tem boa capacidade de digeri-los e aproveitar seus nutrientes.

Caroço de algodão em dietas para tilápia-do-Nilo: efeitos sobre a digestibilidade de nutrientes e histologia hepática e testicular / Cotton seedlings for Nile tilapia diets: effects on nutrient digestibility and hepatic and testicular histology

Lemes, Maysa Teodoro 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2017-11-10T19:18:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maysa_Lemes_2017.pdf: 1029026 bytes, checksum: 8850dbc288b170b2995dc2db3f9e3e2e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-10T19:18:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maysa_Lemes_2017.pdf: 1029026 bytes, checksum: 8850dbc288b170b2995dc2db3f9e3e2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The use of seed and cotton by-products in animal feed it has been highlighting positively in the field of nutrition, it being the cotton plant (Gossypiumspp) cultivated for fiber production, oil and how a by-product of the cotton, the bran has been outstanding worldwide as the second most important source or protein supplementation available for animal feed, just only it being surpassed by soybeans. Two experiments were carried out with aim of the verify the inclusion of cottonseed on nutrient digestibility and histology of the livers and testicles of tilapia. In the experiment of digestibility 144 juveniles were used with an average weight of tilapia 179.42 ± 23.45 g, distributed randomly in blocks design. Diets were elaborated for the purpose of contain different levels of inclusion of cottonseed (0; 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5%), offered five times a day at predetermined times. The apparent digestibility coefficients were determined using the indirect method using chromium oxide as inert marker (0.1%). The averages were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). There was no variance between the blocks (p > 0.05). The ADCs of dry matter, crude protein, digestible protein, raw energy and digestible energy of diets were not influenced (p > 0.05). Cottonseed in diets containing levels of inclusion of up to 4.5% does not determine effects on utilization of nutrients and dietary energy supplied to the Nile tilapia. In the second experiment were used 320 broodstock with average weight of 316, 12 g, distributed in completely randomized design. Diets were elaborated in order to contain different levels of inclusion of cottonseed (0; 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5%), diets were offered twice a day at predetermined times. Histological changes of the livers were evaluated qualitatively using the index of BERNET, and testicular characterization was analyzed descriptively using standardized terminology to describe the reproductive development of fish, to the indexes gonadossomatic (GSI) and hepatossomatic (IHS) and visceral fat (VF) were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) bifatorial. There was no difference (p > 0.05) between the analyzed indices and also no differences were found in histology of the testis, however it was observed on histology of liver, changes as the inclusion of cottonseed in diets. Cottonseed in diets containing levels of inclusion of up to 4.5% does not determine effects on spermatogenesis of broodstock of Nile tilapia. / A utilização de caroço e subprodutos do algodão na alimentação animal vem se destacando positivamente na área da nutrição, sendo o algodoeiro (Gossypiumspp) cultivado para produção de fibras, óleo e como subproduto do algodão, o farelo vem se destacando mundialmente como a segunda mais importante fonte ou suplemento proteico disponível para a alimentação animal, apenas sendo ultrapassado pela soja. Foram realizados dois experimentos com o objetivo de verificar a inclusão de caroço de algodão na digestibilidade de nutrientes e na histologia dos fígados e testículos de tilápia. Foram utilizados 144 juvenis de tilápia com peso médio de 179,42 ± 23,45g, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos casualisados. Foram elaboradas dietas a fim de conter diferentes níveis de inclusão de caroço de algodão (0; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5%), ofertadas cinco vezes ao dia em horários pré-determinados. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente foram determinados empregando o método indireto utilizando óxido de crômio como marcador inerte (0,1%). As médias foram submetidas à análise de variância (ANOVA). Não houve variação entre os blocos (p>0,05). Os CDAs da matéria seca, proteína bruta, proteína digestível, energia bruta e energia digestível das dietas não foram influenciados (p>0,05). Dietas contendo caroço de algodão em níveis de inclusão de até 4,5% não determinam efeitos no aproveitamento dos nutrientes e energia da dieta fornecida para a tilápia-do-Nilo. No segundo experimento foram utilizados 320 reprodutores com peso médio de 316,12g, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualisado. Foram elaboradas dietas quatro dietas contendo diferentes níveis de inclusão de caroço de algodão (0; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5%), as dietas foram ofertadas duas vezes ao dia em horários pré-determinados. As alterações histológicas dos fígados foram avaliadas qualitativamente utilizando o índice de BERNET, e a caracterização testicular foi analisada descritivamente utilizando a terminologia padronizada para descrever o desenvolvimento reprodutivo de peixes, para os índices gonadossomáticos(IGS) e hepatossomáticos (IHS) e gordura visceral (GV) foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) bifatorial. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre os índices analisados e também não foram observadas diferenças na histologia dos testículos, porém observou-se na histologia dos fígados, alterações conforme a inclusão de caroço de algodão nas dietas. Dietas contendo caroço de algodão em níveis de inclusão de até 4,5% não determinam efeitos na espermatogênese de reprodutores de tilápia-do-Nilo.

Fractionnement de protéines végétales pour le développement d'ingrédients alimentaires infantiles hypoallergéniques et à teneur réduite en phytoestrogènes / Fractionation of vegetable proteins for the development of novel baby food ingredients with hypoallergenic properties and low content in phytoestrogens

Moras, Benjamin 30 June 2015 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce manuscrit ont pour but de développer des procédés industriels pour la production de quatre ingrédients alimentaires infantiles ayant des propriétés hypoallergéniques et des teneurs réduites en phytoestrogènes. Les propriétés nutritionnelles des protéines de riz et de soja en font des sources intéressantes. Néanmoins, plusieurs problématiques liées aux caractéristiques des produits apparaissent aujourd’hui : la présence de phytoestrogènes (isoflavones) dans les isolats protéiques de soja ; la difficulté à solubiliser et isoler les protéines de riz et la forte allergénicité des protéines dans le cas du soja. Ces travaux présentent l’étude du fractionnement des protéines de soja et de riz pour le développement : d’isolat protéique à teneur réduite en isoflavones ; isolat protéique de riz ayant une teneur supérieure à 90% de protéines ; hydrolysats protéiques de soja et de riz dont le profil de poids moléculaire est maitrisé et potentiellement hypoallergénique. Afin d’y parvenir, la réduction de la taille des protéines par des processus enzymatiques puis le contrôle de leur poids moléculaire ont dû être étudiés. Concernant l’élimination des phytoestrogènes (isoflavones), deux méthodes ont permis d’atteindre de hauts rendements d’extractions. En premier lieu, l’étude de l’extraction par éthanol via une optimisation à petite échelle, suivie d’une mise à l’échelle industrielle ont permis de développer un premier produit à teneur résiduelle en isoflavones inférieure à 50 μg/g de produit sec représentant une réduction de près de 98% de la teneur en isoflavones. Le second procédé étudié a été la rétention des isoflavones sur résine d’adsorption à partir d’un hydrolysat protéique de soja préalablement mis au point, et ceci, par l’utilisation de solution aqueuse sans étape préalable d’extraction. Ce procédé a fait l’objet d’une mise à l’échelle industrielle et d’une étude du comportement chromatographique des isoflavones. L’extraction des isoflavones par eau subcritique et CO2 supercritique est aussi présentée dans cette thèse. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence de la polarité des différents composés et de la teneur en protéines des produits de soja utilisés. Ces travaux de thèse ont aussi permis de définir un nouveau procédé pour la production d’isolat protéique de riz par l’intermédiaire d’enzymes de types cellulolytiques et amylases, à partir de coproduits issus de l’industrie du sirop de glucose. Des études sur des matières moins transformées telles que le son de riz et la farine ont aussi été étudiées pour la concentration des protéines. L’étude de l’hydrolyse des protéines de soja et de riz a été possible par le suivi de différents indicateurs tels que le pH, la solubilité des protéines, le degré d’hydrolyse, le profil de poids moléculaire par électrophorèse et par chromatographie d’exclusion stérique. Ces procédés ont permis la production de quatre nouveaux ingrédients pouvant être testés pour leurs caractéristiques hypoallergéniques avant une éventuelle production industrielle / The objectives of these works were to develop industrial processes for the production of four infant food ingredients with hypoallergenic properties and reduced levels of phytoestrogens. For this purpose, the nutritional properties of the rice and soy protein are promising. However, due to the presence of phytoestrogens (isoflavones) the consumption of soy protein isolates is a big concern for infant food security because the high exposure to these compounds, known to be endocrine disruptors. Consequently, it was first intended to develop a soy protein isolate with reduced content of isoflavones below 50 μg/g following the recommendations of French and European health authorities. Rice protein isolates are either non-existent on the market, or extremely rare. Therefore, the development of rice protein isolate with a minimum content of 90 % protein was another objective. For the sensitive population, such as infants, the aim of this work was also to develop soy and rice protein hydrolysates conferring hypoallergenic properties. To achieve this goal, the reduction of the size of proteins and the control of their molecular weight was studied. Two methods were used to achieve high extractions yields. A study of ethanol extraction ranging from small-scale optimization to industrial scale was used for a final product with a residual content in isoflavones below 50 μg/g. The second method was to retain isoflavones on adsorption resin from a soy protein hydrolysate. This was possible without preliminary extraction step by solvent. This method was also tested in the industrial scale. The chromatographic behavior of different isoflavones was also studied. The extraction of isoflavones with subcritical water and supercritical CO2 is also presented in this thesis even though these methods were not retained. These pressurized extractions showed the influence of the polarity of isoflavones and the protein content of soy products onto the isoflavone extraction. These works also identified a novel process for the production of rice protein isolate by the hydrolysis of polysaccharides with cellulolytic enzymes and amylases from concentrated protein byproducts from the glucose syrup industry. Studies on less processed materials such as rice bran and flour were also studied for protein isolation. The study of the hydrolysis by proteases of soy and rice proteins were monitored by various indicators such as pH, protein solubility, the degree of hydrolysis, the molecular weight profile by electrophoresis, and size exclusion chromatography. These processes are enabled for the production of four new ingredients that will be tested for their hypoallergenic characteristics before a large scale production.

Analysis Of Intermolecular Interactions In Pharmaceutical Salts And Cocrystals

Dasgupta, Archi 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The studies on cocrystals and salts presented in the the chapters clearly bring out the influence of intermolecular interactions as the main evaluators of the cocrystal-salt regime. The observations made in Chapter 2 indicate that in case if the cocrystal formation is through hydrogen bonds the location of the proton decides the nature of the complex in the energy landscape. The observation that the coformer controls the topology of intermolecular space as demonstrated in Chapter 3 provides insights into the importance of directionality rather than strength of intermolecular interactions. Indeed halogen bonding in cocrystals gain importance in this context.

Exploring the interaction between functional carbohydrate polymers and small-molecule active compounds

Jingfan Chen (6369032) 30 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Naturally occurring carbohydrates polymers and their functional derivatives play important roles in the research and technology development in the food, nutrition, and pharmaceutical areas. A major property of these polymeric materials is to associate, enable, enhance, and/or deliver small-molecule active compound such as phytochemicals, nutraceuticals, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The goal of this project was to synthesize and characterize phytoglycogen-based materials and study their structure-function relationships in association with selected small-molecule active compounds, including resveratrol, a food-related poorly water-soluble phenolic compound, griseofulvin, an insoluble API, and CCVJ (9-(2-carboxy-2-cyanovinyl) julolidine) a molecular rotor used as a structural probe of polymeric materials. </p><p>In this study, phytoglycogen (PG) was derivatives to phytoglycogen octenyl succinate (PG-OS), hydroxypropyl phytoglycogen (HPP), and octenylsuccinate hydroxypropyl phytoglycogen (OHPP). PG, HPP, and OHPP were evaluated for their efficacy in improving the solubility and Caco-2 permeation of resveratrol and griseofulvin, and using CCVJ, PG-OS was evaluated on its performance at oil-water interface in comparison with OSA-starch, acacia gum, and sodium caseinate. The results showed that: 1) PG, HPP, and OHPP substantially improved the soluble amount and Caco-2 monolayer permeation of resveratrol and griseofulvin, and anti-fungal efficacy of griseofulvin in the aqueous system were significantly enhanced; suggesting that the active ingredients were effective solubilized and released to become bioavailable, 2) among all PG-based biopolymers, OHPP showed superior performance in solubilizing resveratrol and griseofulvin, and 3) in the oil-water two-layer model system, PG-OS, OSA-starch, acacia gum, and sodium caseinate all affected the transferring of CCVJ from oil to aqueous phase, and the effect was monitored and interpreted by the emission spectra of molecular rotor; in the emulsion system, the emission peak wavelength of CCVJ was correlated with the amount of biopolymer adsorbed at the interface of emulsion droplets, and the molecular rotor-based method can be used to characterize the interfacial adsorption of biopolymer at the interface in oil-in-water emulsion.</p><p>This study provides information on the interactions between phytoglycogen-based biopolymers and poorly water-soluble active ingredients, and may potentially supports the study of new functional ingredients interaction with phytoglycogen-based biopolymers in aqueous system. Furthermore, this work allowed us to advance the use of molecular rotor as new analytical tool to study the physicochemical properties of biopolymer.</p>

Berika receptdata med innehållshanteringssystem / Enriching Recipe Data using Content Management System

Berezkin, Nikita, Heidari, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
The problem today is that people do not eat climate-smart food; this results in that the food will not suffice, and what we eat may harm the greenhouse effect. The problem is that people do not have the time or knowledge to cook climate-smart food. A solution is to use a Content Management System (CMS). A Content Management System processes selected type of data in a specific way which is then stored. This report will address the basics and the making of a CMS in a recommendation system for a user. The system will entail a more climate-smart food alternative to achieve the individual's personal needs. The result was that with the help of data from various sources, an ingredient of a recipe could add additional information such as nutritional value, allergies, and whether it is vegetarian. Tests such as performance tests on the execution time for the CMS, parsing accuracy, and matching product accuracy, a better result was achieved. Most of the ingredients in the recipe became enriched, which leads to more climate-smart food alternatives, which are better for the environment. The accuracy is the matching of ingredients in the recipe to the names of products in the business. The next step was to enrich the recipes using enriched ingredients. / Problemet i dag är att människor inte äter klimatsmart mat med resultatet att maten inte kommer räcka till i framtiden. Vad vi äter kan ha en negativ påverkan på växthuseffekten. Problemet är att människor inte har tid eller kunskap att tillaga klimatsmart mat. Detta kan lösas med hjälp av ett innehållshanteringssytem. Ett innehållshanteringsystem bearbetar vald typ av data på ett bestämt sätt som sedan lagras. Denna rapport kommer att behandla grunden och uppbyggnaden av ett innehållshanteringsystem som ska ingå i ett rekommendationssystem för en användare. Systemet ska medföra mer alternativ av klimatsmart mat för att uppnå individens personliga behov. Resultatet blev att med hjälp av data från olika källor kunde koppla samman ingredienser där information som näringsvärde, allergier samt om kosten är vegetarisk. Genom tester som prestandatest av exekveringstid för innehållshanteringsystemet, träffsäkerhet av parsning och förbättring av träffsäkerheten uppnåddes ett bättre resultat. Majoriteten av ingredienserna i receptet blev berikade vilket medför till mer klimatsmart matalternativ, vilket är bättre mot miljön. Träffsäkerheten är ingredienser i receptet som matchas mot namn av produkter i affärer. Nästa steg var att med hjälp berikade ingredienser berika recepten.

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