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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systemic Investigation of Ga2O3 from Material to Device

zhang, zichang 01 December 2020 (has links)
Ga2O3, which is a novel and ultra-wide band gap oxide semiconductor material, has attracted more and more attention due to its chemical and thermal stability and various potential applications to devices. This dissertation focuses on systemic investigation of β-Ga2O3 and ε- Ga2O3 from fundamental material properties, device modeling and verification of circuit performance. ab initio calculation was employed to do theoretical investigation of material properties. Based on Generalized Gradient Approximations (GGA), we calculate the band structure, effective mass of electron, density of states and phonon band structure. However, calculated band gap is only 2.36 eV and 2.16 eV, which is much lower than experimental measured value. In order to overcome the underestimation, the GGA+U method was carried out for both materials. band gap as 4.8 eV and 5.0 eV are finally identified, which have a good agreement with experimental results. Device simulation is done with Monte Carlo (MC) method and Drift-Diffusion method. Firstly, we used traditional ensemble MC to calculate the mobility of bulk material. We found conventional phonon scattering model cannot capture electron-phonon interaction (EPI) very well due to complex phonon structure of β-Ga2O3. Therefore, a refined MC method was proposed. By including multi-phonon scattering model, the refined MC works very well with multi-phonon modes EPI. The calculated mobility of bulk material is 118 cm2/(V•s), which is close to measured 120 cm2/(V•s). Using obtained mobility, the performance of depletion-mode β-Ga2O3 MOSFET was simulated in Silvaco TCAD.

Understanding the Effect of Cation and Solvation on the Structure and Reactivity of Nitrile Anions

Ziegler, Michael 09 December 2011 (has links)
This Ph.D. dissertation is focused on the investigation the structure of nitrile anion containing molecules and how the structure and reactivity of those molecules are affected by solvation and counter ion. A systematic approach was employed in this investigation, beginning with an evaluation of the accuracy of three commonly used model chemistries (Hartree-Fock (HF), Second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), the Becke three-parameter exchange functional coupled with the nonlocal correlation functional of Lee, Yang, and Parr (B3LYP), all paired with the 6-31+G(d) basis set). A series of complexes of various cations with a number of explicit molecules of tetrahydrofuran (THF) and dimethyl ether (DME) were studied with these model chemistries and the results were compared, where possible, with experimental results. From this work, it was determined that the B3LYP models gave the most accurate results for the complexes in question. This work was then extended to acetonitrile anion containing complexes of solvent and cation. Based on the results of that extension, it was determined that cation size and charge density on the cation were critical factors in determining the structure of the acetonitrile anion molecule and in determining if the anion was metalated at the nitrogen or alpha-carbon position, with larger cations favoring carbon metalation and more significant deformation of the alpha-carbon from the expected sp2 hybridization. The final aspect of this dissertation was the determination of reaction coordinate energy profiles for a pair of substitution reactions involving nitrile anion containing cycloaliphatic molecules. The results of this study showed that, due to steric and kinetic factors, the axial products and transitions states associated with these reactions were favored, and that the degree of preference was kinetically controlled. / Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences / Chemistry and Biochemistry / PhD / Dissertation


Grimminger, Robert A 01 January 2014 (has links)
Radicals are interesting to study because of importance in so many processes such as semiconductor growth or stellar evolution. Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and wavelength resolved emission spectra of jet cooled HPS, HAsO, AsD2, H2PS, and F2BO have been measured using the pulsed discharge jet technique. Several bands in the à 1A′′ − X̃ 1A′ transition of HPS were observed and assigned with the help of ab initio calculations. The ab initio geometries showed that HPS does not follow Walsh’s predictions for the angle change upon electronic excitation; Walsh predicts an increase in HPS upon excitation while a decrease is calculated. Ab initio Walsh-style orbital angular correlation diagrams for both electronic states show a change in correlation for some orbitals upon electronic excitation, an effect that Walsh did not predict. The à 1A′′ − X̃ 1A′ transitions were measured in HAsO and DAsO for the first time. A molecular geometry was derived for each electronic state from experimental rotational constants. The experimental geometries prove that HAsO also violates Walsh’s rules for the same reason shown in HPS. The à 2A1 – X̃ 2B1 electronic transition of AsD2 and AsHD were measured. Vibrational levels observed in emission were fit to a local mode vibrational Hamiltonian. Using the previously reported rotational constants for AsH2 and those determined for AsD2 in this work, an improved estimate of the excited state geometry was obtained. The discovery of the B̃ 2A′ − X̃ 2A′ band system of H2PS is the first report of this molecule. Both D2PS and HDPS were also observed. Ab initio calculations helped assign the transition. H2PS is one of the few tetra-atomic or larger molecules that violates Kasha’s empirical rule due to the large separation between the B̃ and à states. Finally, laser induced fluorescence spectra of the F2BO radical was observed for the first time. Previous work showed two band systems with only a tentative assignment. The measured LIF spectra confirm the identity of the two band systems as the B̃ 2A1 – X̃ 2B2 and the B̃ 2A1 – à 2B1 transitions showing F2BO also violates Kasha’s rule.

Influence de l'orientation des grains de ferrite sur l'oxydation sélective de l'acier / Influence of ferrite grain orientation on selective oxidation of steel

Chen, Si 07 March 2012 (has links)
Le procédé de galvanisation en continu consiste à recouvrir les tôles d’aciers d’un revêtement de zinc en les immergeant dans un bain métallique fondu. Lors du recuit continu à 800°C sous atmosphère N2‐H2 qui précède l’immersion de la tôle dans le bain, la structure de l’acier est recristallisée et les oxydes de fer sont réduits. Il se produit en même temps la ségrégation et l’oxydation des éléments d’alliages moins nobles que le fer, les oxydes formés pouvant être à l’origine de défauts de revêtement. Afin de mieux comprendre les réactions d’oxydation sélective qui se produisent à la surface et en profondeur de l’acier, nous avons étudié la germination et la croissance d’oxydes sélectifs sur un acier ferritique. Des alliages binaires de FeMn ont été étudiés dans ce travail. Les particules d'oxyde sont composées de l'oxyde de manganèse MnO. L'oxydation externe dépend de l'orientation cristallographique du substrat. Des particules de différentes formes sont observées sur des grains de ferrite d'orientations différentes : des particules cubiques se trouvent sur la surface (100), des particules triangulaires sur la surface (110) et des particules hexagonales sur la surface (111). Une étude théorique plus approfondie a été réalisée à l'aide de simulation numérique par la méthode DFT et le code SIESTA. Aucune influence significative de la présence de manganèse n’a été trouvée sur l'énergie d'adsorption dissociative du dioxygène à l'échelle atomique. Cependant, la barrière de diffusion des atomes de Fe, Mn, et O est beaucoup plus faible sur la surface (110) que sur la surface (001). Ceci peut être une explication de la raison pour laquelle la taille des particules est plus grande sur la surface (110) que sur la surface (100). / Continuous galvanizing process involving immersion in a molten zinc bath is commonly used to form zinc coatings on steel sheets. Before hot‐dip galvanizing, the steel sheets are annealed at a temperature of 800°C in a N2 atmosphere containing 5 vol.% of H2, with only traces of water. This heat treatment is used to recrystallize the steel substrate and to reduce the iron oxides in order to improve the wettability by liquid zinc. At the same time, the less‐noble alloying elements of the steel preferentially oxidize and diffuse towards the surface. The aim of this study is a better understanding of selective oxidation of ferritic steels. The binary alloys of FeMn are studied in this work. The oxide particles are found to be composed of manganese oxide MnO. External oxidation is found to be dependent on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. Particles of different shapes are observed on ferrite grains of different orientations: square particles are found on the (100) surface, triangle particles on the (110) surface and hexagon particles are found on the (111) surface. Further theoretical study was carried out using numerical simulation with DFT method and SIESTA code. No significant influence of manganese presence has been found on the dissociative adsorption energy of dioxygen at the atomic scale. However, the diffusion barrier of the Fe, Mn, and O atoms are much less on the (110) surface than on the (001) surface. This can be an explanation for why the particles are bigger on the (110) surface than on the (100) surface.

Ab initio prediction of crystalline phases and their electronic properties : from ambient to extreme pressures / Étude ab initio des structures cristallines et de leurs propriétés électroniques : des conditions ambiantes jusqu’aux pressions extrêmes

Shi, Jingming 06 July 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous utilisons des méthodes globaux de prédiction des structures cristallographiques combinés à des techniques de grande capacité de traitement de données afin de prédire la structure cristalline de différents systèmes et dans des conditions thermodynamiques variées. Nous avons réalisé des prédictions structurales utilisant l'analyse cristalline par optimisation par essaims particuliers (CALYPSO) combinés avec la Théorie Fonctionnel de la Densité (DFT) ce qui a permis de mettre en évidence la stabilité de plusieurs composés jusqu'à la inconnus dans le digramme de phases du système Ba-Si et dans le système N-H-O. Nous avons également réalisé une étude à haute capacité de traitement de données sur un système ternaire de composition ABX2. Nous avons utilisé la Théorie Fonctionnel de la Densité combinant calculs de prototypes structuraux à partir des prédictions structurelles avec la méthode. Dans les paragraphes suivants nous résumons le contenu de différents chapitres de cette thèse. Le premier chapitre qui constitue une brève introduction au travail de cette thèse est suivi du chapitre 2 présentant les aspects théoriques utilisés dans ce travail. D'abord il est fait une brève introduction à la Théorie Fonctionnel de la Densité. A continuation nous décrivons quelques fonctions d'échange-corrélation choisies qui constituent des approximations rendant l'utilisation de la DFT efficace. Ensuite nous présentons différents procédés de prédiction structurale, et en particulier les algorithmes d'optimisation par essaims particuliers et de « Minima Hopping » qeu nous avons utilisés dans cette thèse. Finalement il est discuté comment doit-on se prendre pour évaluer la stabilité thermodynamique des nouvelles phases identifiées. Dans le chapitre 3, nous considérons le système Ba-Si. A travers l'utilisation d'une recherche structurale non-biaisée basée sur l'algorithme d'optimisation par essaims particuliers combinée avec des calculs DFT, nous faisons une étude systématique de la stabilité des phases et de la diversité structurale du système binaire Ba-Si sous haute pression. Le diagramme de phases résultant est assez complexe avec plusieurs compositions se stabilisant et se déstabilisant en fonction de la pression. En particulier, nous avons identifié des nouvelles phases de stœchiométrie BaSi, BaSi2, BaSi3 et BaSi5 qui devraient pouvoir être synthétisées expérimentalement dans un domaine de pressions étendu. Dans le chapitre 4 est présentée notre étude du diagramme de phases du système N-H-O. S'appuyant sur une recherche structural «évolutive » de type ab initio, nous prédisons deux nouvelles phases du système ternaire N-H-O qui sont NOH4 et HNO3 à de pressions allant jusqu'à 150 GPa. La nouvelle phase de NOH4 est stable entre 71 et 150 GPa, tandis que HNO3 est stable entre 39 et 150 GPa (la pression maximum de cette étude). Ces deux nouvelles phases sont lamellaires. Nous confirmons également que la composition NOH5 perd son stabilité pour des pressions supérieures à 122 GPa se décomposant en NH3 et H2O à cette pression. Le chapitre 5 se focalise sur les électrodes transparentes de type-p à base des chalcogénures ternaires. Nous utilisons une approche à grande capacité de traitement de données basée sur la DFT pour obtenir la delafossite et d'autres phases voisines de composition ABX2. Nous trouvons 79 systèmes qui sont absents de la base de données « Materials project database », qui sont stables du point de vue thermodynamique et qui cristallisent soit dans la structure delafossite, soit dans des structures très proches. Cette caractérisation révèle une grande diversité de propriétés allant depuis les métaux ordinaires aux métaux magnétiques et permettant d'identifier quelques candidats pour des électrodes transparents de type-p. Nous présentons enfin à la fin du manuscrit nos conclusions générales et les perspectives de ce travail / In this thesis we use global structural prediction methods (Particle Swarm Optimization and Minima Hopping Method) and high-throughput techniques to predict crystal structures of different systems under different conditions. We performed structural prediction by using the Crystal structure Analysis by Particle Swarm Optimization (CALYPSO) combined with Density Functional Theory (DFT) that made possible to unveil several stable compounds, so far unknown, on the phase diagrams of Ba-Si systerm and N-H-O system. Afterwards, we performed a high-throughput investigation on ternary compounds of composition ABX2, where A and B are elements of the periodic table up to Bi, and X is a chalcogen (O, S, Se, and Te) by using density functional theory and combining calculations of crystal prototypes with structural prediction (Minima Hopping Method). The following paragraphs summarize the content by chapter of this document. Chapter 1 is a short introduction of this thesis. Chapter 2 consists of the basic theory used in this thesis. Firstly, a short introduction of Density Function Theory (DFT) is presented. Then, we describe some approximate exchange- correlation functions that make DFT practical. Next, we introduce different structural prediction algorithms, especially Particle Swarm Optimization and Minima Hopping Method which we used in this thesis. Finally, we discuss the thermodynamic stablility criteria for a new a new structure. In Chapter 3, we first consider Ba–Si system. Using an unbiased structural search based on a particle-swarm optimization algorithm combined with DFT calculations, we investigate systematically the ground-state phase stability and structural diversity of Ba–Si binaries under high pressure. The phase diagram turns out to be quite intricate, with several compositions stabilizing/destabilizing as a function of pressure. In particular, we identify novel phases of BaSi, BaSi2, BaSi3, and BaSi5 that might be synthesizable experimentally over a wide range of pressures. Chapter 4 contains the investigation of the phases diagram of the N–H–O system. By using ab initio evolutionary structural search, we report the prediction of two novel phases of the N–H–O ternary system, namely NOH4 and HNO3 (nitric acid) at pressure up to 150 GPa. Our calculations show that the new C2/m phase of NOH4 is stable under a large range of pressure from 71 GPa to 150 GPa while the P21/m phase of HNO3 (nitric acid) is stable from 39 GPa to 150 GPa (the maximum pressure which we have studied). We also confirmed that the composition NOH5 (NH3H2O) becomes unstable for pressures above 122 GPa. It decomposes into NH3 and H2O at this pressure. Chapter 5 focuses on p-type transparent electrodes of ternary chalcogenides. We use a high-throughput approach based on DFT to find delafossite and related layered phases of composition ABX2, where A and B are elements of the periodic table, and X is a chalcogen (O, S, Se, and Te). From the 15 624 compounds studied in the trigonal delafossite prototype structure, 285 are within 50 meV/atom from the convex hull of stability. These compounds are further investigated using global structural prediction methods to obtain their lowest- energy crystal structure. We find 79 systems not present in the "Materials project database" that are thermodynamically stable and crystallize in the delafossite or in closely related structures. These novel phases are then characterized by calculating their band gaps and hole effective masses. This characterization unveils a large diversity of properties, ranging from normal metals, magnetic metals, and some candidate compounds for p-type transparent electrodes. At the end of the thesis, we give our general conclusion and an outlook

Theoretical Study of Electrochemical Stability and Ionic Conductivity of Organic Liquid Electrolytes / 有機電解液の電気化学安定性とイオン伝導に関する理論的研究

Maeshima, Hiroyuki 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18278号 / 工博第3870号 / 新制||工||1594(附属図書館) / 31136 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 功, 教授 邑瀬 邦明, 教授 酒井 明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Theoretical Studies of Quantum Electrodynamics for Local Picture of Electron Spin and Time-evolution Simulation Method of Operators / 量子電磁力学における電子スピンの局所描像と演算子の時間発展シミュレーション法の理論的研究

Fukuda, Masahiro 23 May 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19896号 / 工博第4212号 / 新制||工||1651(附属図書館) / 32973 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科マイクロエンジニアリング専攻 / (主査)教授 立花 明知, 教授 木村 健二, 教授 鈴木 基史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of Removing Nitrogen Oxides using Isocyanic Acid.

Nowroozi-Isfahani, Taraneh 01 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The mechanism of RAPRENOx reactions - RAPid REduction of Nitrogen Oxides using Isocyanic acid - proposed by Robert A. Perry1 in an attempt to help control the emission of nitrogen oxides pollutant into the atmosphere, has been re-investigated theoretically. The study of reaction mechanisms was carried out using Chemist software2. All mathematically possible elementary steps have been evaluated and the chemically reasonable ones have been considered to propose new sets of reaction mechanisms. Density Functional Theory (B3LYP/6-31 G**) calculations using Gaussian 983 were made in order to study the relative energies of all species and to predict the energy barrier of each elementary step. As a consequence of our study, there are two more sets of reaction mechanisms (in addition to Perry’s mechanism), that could be possible for the propagation step of RAPRENOx process.

Potential Energy Surface around the Tropylium Ion.

Bullins, Kenneth Wayne 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The formation of the tropylium ion, C7H7+, in the mass spectrum of toluene is a chemical process that has been studied extensively in the past. The advances in computational power of personal computers have made the investigation of the pathway to form this ion and its subsequent decomposition feasible at a fairly high level of theory. The calculations that we performed were at the HF/6-31G (d, p) and the B3LYP/6-311++G (2d) levels. This work will show areas of the potential energy surface around the highly symmetric tropylium ion to give a glance of possible mechanisms for its formation and decomposition. Our results have confirmed some of the mechanisms reported in the literature, and in addition new areas are explored in the report.

The Analysis and Construction of Molecular Wave Functions Based on the Electron Pair Concept / 電子対概念に基づいた分子波動関数の解析と構築

Nakatani, Kaho 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24634号 / 工博第5140号 / 新制||工||1982(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科分子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 佐藤 啓文, 教授 佐藤 徹, 教授 松田 建児 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

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