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Cutane Mikrogewebspartikel – Lösungsansätze für eine neue Technologie zur Behandlung SchwerbrandverletzterEngelmann, Frank, Barz, Ines January 2012 (has links)
Aus Punkt 1:
"Jährlich werden in Deutschland etwa 15.000 Patienten mit thermischen Verletzungen stationär behandelt, davon etwa 1.400 Fälle mit schweren und schwersten Verbrennungen intensivmedizinisch in spezialisierten Verbrennungszentren. 20-30% der Patienten sind Kinder. Obwohl die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit auch von Patienten mit schwersten thermischen Verletzungen (80 %–90 % verbrannte Körperoberfläche, vKOF) in den letzten Jahrzehnten deutlich erhöht werden konnte, liegt die Sterblichkeitsrate noch immer bei ca. 20 %. (Hartmann & Ottomann 2009, Pallua & von Bülow 2006)"
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Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 00881-2008-0-1801-JR-FC-02 / N° 131-2015/CPC-INDECOPI-PIUAlcalá Quevedo, Angelina Andrea 12 April 2021 (has links)
El expediente privado seleccionado para optar por el título profesional de Abogado, corresponde a una demanda de divorcio por causal de separación de hecho interpuesta ante el Segundo Juzgado de Familia de Lima y que posteriormente fue elevado hasta la Sala Civil Permanente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República.
La relevancia del expediente privado escogido radica en verificar si se ha cumplido con los elementos de la causal invocada, en especial el referente al tiempo de separación (elemento temporal) o si de lo contrario el plazo se ha interrumpido; ya que es este elemento el que jugará un papel relevante en el sentido de la posición de los jueces en las distintas instancias del proceso.
Asimismo, de acreditarse que se ha cumplido con el elemento temporal, es necesario determinar si conforme a la reconvención formulada por la demandada, corresponde declarársele como cónyuge perjudicada y por ende indemnizarla; razón por la cual se tendrán que analizar los criterios establecidos en el Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Vyprošťování osob z havarovaných vozidel s ohledem na jejich konstrukci / Extrication of Persons Trapped in Crashed Vehicles with Respect to their ConstructionPirner, Adam January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of extrication of people trapped incrashed vehicles regarding the construction of the vehicle. Part of the resources needed for this theses was taken from a literary survey drawn up with the help of the Research and scientific library in Hradec Králové according to the given topic and key phrases. The first part of the thesis deals with specific parts of the constructions of cars. This part is followed by description of road accidents, various kinds of accidents and possible deformations of cars after accidents. The thesis deals with extrication itself made by fire brigades, suitable procedures, kinds of interventions and means of used technical equipment. Another part suggests ways of saving trails and evidence during road accident interventions. Final part of the thesis is focused on overall analysis of the given problem based on personal experience, suggestions, negative aspects of the current situation and differences in training of possible situations with reality at the site of the accident.
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A group resilience-promoting programme for individuals whose partners have acquired a spinal cord injurySteyn, Yolinda January 2015 (has links)
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is an acquired physical disability through traumatic injuries such as car accidents and shooting incidents, and non-traumatic injury such as a tumour on the spinal cord, amongst others. Unlike other parts of the body, the spinal cord does not have the ability to repair itself if it is damaged. Consequently, a person who has acquired an SCI will have a physical disability and will be either a paraplegic – paralysis of the lower part of the body, including the legs, or a quadriplegic, which is paralysis of all four limbs. Acquiring a spinal cord injury (SCI) has devastating long-term negative outcomes for the injured person as well as his/her cohabiting partner on a physical, psychological, psychosocial and socio-economical level. Exposure to such prolonged adversity and resulting negative outcomes calls for resilience, namely the ability to positively adapt despite the adversity being exposed to. Not all individuals have the natural ability to “bounce back”, and consequently resilience promotion is imperative. In South Africa, the focus of service delivery in rehabilitation centres is mainly centred on the injured person and consequently the well-being of the spinal cord injured person’s partner (SCIPP) is neglected. Little information is available on resilience-promoting programmes for SCIPPs; thus the main aim of this study was to design and develop a group resilience-promoting programme (GRPP) for SCIPPs.
The researcher mainly followed a qualitative research approach and included a small quantitative component. In the context of applied research, an intervention research model comprising six phases was employed. Phase 1, Problem analysis and project planning, was reported on in section A. Manuscript 1 reports on phase 2 (information gathering and synthesis), and consists of a qualitative research synthesis, and mainly aimed at organizing and synthesizing previous research on resilience-promoting processes in order to inform
the design and development of a group resilience-promoting programme (GRPP) for SCIPPs. After a systematic review and quality appraisal a total of 74 papers were selected to be quality appraised after abstracts and titles were assessed for relevance. Twenty-one studies were included and synthesized where after an outline for the content of a GRPP for SCIPPs was formulated. Conclusions and recommendations highlight that the formulated GRPP for SCIPPs needs to be further developed into an intervention that could be implemented with SCIPPs. As such, the researcher therefore proceeded with the study (see manuscript 2), aiming in developing small-group programme content and activities (using knowledge gathered from pre-existing interventions; resilience literature; consultations with experts; people living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and personal experience) to promote resilience in SCIPPs. By means of purposive sampling six advisory panel members from a diverse background were interviewed before and after the pilot study with two SCIPPs and one observer to contribute towards the further development of the GRPP for SCIPPs. A six-session GRPP for SCIPPs was formulated, including the following: (1) Information on SCI and resilience; (2) Help SCIPPs understand that their reactions to/emotions regarding these huge changes are normal; (3) Caretaking and support; (4) My dual role; (5) Own caretaking by SCIPPs; and (6) Termination and way forward. The newly developed GRPP for SCIPPs however had to be formally evaluated. Recommendations were made by professionals in the field that the GRPP for SCIPPs should first be subjected to peer review prior to implementing it with the target population. Therefore in manuscript 3 (reporting on phase 5 – evaluation ) the evaluation purpose was to subject the GRPP for SCIPPs to peer review by means of an empirical study with professional role-players (social workers and psychologists) in the field of spinal cord injury, prior to exhibiting it to the target population. The six group sessions were presented to professional role-players (n=12) working within the field of
SCI during two 2-day workshops, whereby they were requested to evaluate the content and procedural elements of the GRPP for SCIPPs mainly by means of qualitative research, with a small numerical (quantitative) component. Thematic content analysis and basic descriptive statistics were employed. Overall positive feedback regarding the newly developed intervention was received, with suggested adjustments that needed to be made to the GRPP for SCIPPs prior to formal evaluation with the target group. The GRPP for SCIPPs will further be subjected to expert review in other provinces in South Africa, as the current participants were all from Gauteng. Furthermore, postgraduate students will be recruited to test the programme with the target-population in South Africa for possible further improvement and suggestions, as well as possible expansion to adjust this intervention to meet the needs of male SCIPPs; SCIPs themselves; children of a parent/s living with SCI; and also for post-injury cohabiting relationships, as this intervention might be a starting point for above-mentioned research-opportunities.
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A group resilience-promoting programme for individuals whose partners have acquired a spinal cord injurySteyn, Yolinda January 2015 (has links)
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is an acquired physical disability through traumatic injuries such as car accidents and shooting incidents, and non-traumatic injury such as a tumour on the spinal cord, amongst others. Unlike other parts of the body, the spinal cord does not have the ability to repair itself if it is damaged. Consequently, a person who has acquired an SCI will have a physical disability and will be either a paraplegic – paralysis of the lower part of the body, including the legs, or a quadriplegic, which is paralysis of all four limbs. Acquiring a spinal cord injury (SCI) has devastating long-term negative outcomes for the injured person as well as his/her cohabiting partner on a physical, psychological, psychosocial and socio-economical level. Exposure to such prolonged adversity and resulting negative outcomes calls for resilience, namely the ability to positively adapt despite the adversity being exposed to. Not all individuals have the natural ability to “bounce back”, and consequently resilience promotion is imperative. In South Africa, the focus of service delivery in rehabilitation centres is mainly centred on the injured person and consequently the well-being of the spinal cord injured person’s partner (SCIPP) is neglected. Little information is available on resilience-promoting programmes for SCIPPs; thus the main aim of this study was to design and develop a group resilience-promoting programme (GRPP) for SCIPPs.
The researcher mainly followed a qualitative research approach and included a small quantitative component. In the context of applied research, an intervention research model comprising six phases was employed. Phase 1, Problem analysis and project planning, was reported on in section A. Manuscript 1 reports on phase 2 (information gathering and synthesis), and consists of a qualitative research synthesis, and mainly aimed at organizing and synthesizing previous research on resilience-promoting processes in order to inform
the design and development of a group resilience-promoting programme (GRPP) for SCIPPs. After a systematic review and quality appraisal a total of 74 papers were selected to be quality appraised after abstracts and titles were assessed for relevance. Twenty-one studies were included and synthesized where after an outline for the content of a GRPP for SCIPPs was formulated. Conclusions and recommendations highlight that the formulated GRPP for SCIPPs needs to be further developed into an intervention that could be implemented with SCIPPs. As such, the researcher therefore proceeded with the study (see manuscript 2), aiming in developing small-group programme content and activities (using knowledge gathered from pre-existing interventions; resilience literature; consultations with experts; people living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and personal experience) to promote resilience in SCIPPs. By means of purposive sampling six advisory panel members from a diverse background were interviewed before and after the pilot study with two SCIPPs and one observer to contribute towards the further development of the GRPP for SCIPPs. A six-session GRPP for SCIPPs was formulated, including the following: (1) Information on SCI and resilience; (2) Help SCIPPs understand that their reactions to/emotions regarding these huge changes are normal; (3) Caretaking and support; (4) My dual role; (5) Own caretaking by SCIPPs; and (6) Termination and way forward. The newly developed GRPP for SCIPPs however had to be formally evaluated. Recommendations were made by professionals in the field that the GRPP for SCIPPs should first be subjected to peer review prior to implementing it with the target population. Therefore in manuscript 3 (reporting on phase 5 – evaluation ) the evaluation purpose was to subject the GRPP for SCIPPs to peer review by means of an empirical study with professional role-players (social workers and psychologists) in the field of spinal cord injury, prior to exhibiting it to the target population. The six group sessions were presented to professional role-players (n=12) working within the field of
SCI during two 2-day workshops, whereby they were requested to evaluate the content and procedural elements of the GRPP for SCIPPs mainly by means of qualitative research, with a small numerical (quantitative) component. Thematic content analysis and basic descriptive statistics were employed. Overall positive feedback regarding the newly developed intervention was received, with suggested adjustments that needed to be made to the GRPP for SCIPPs prior to formal evaluation with the target group. The GRPP for SCIPPs will further be subjected to expert review in other provinces in South Africa, as the current participants were all from Gauteng. Furthermore, postgraduate students will be recruited to test the programme with the target-population in South Africa for possible further improvement and suggestions, as well as possible expansion to adjust this intervention to meet the needs of male SCIPPs; SCIPs themselves; children of a parent/s living with SCI; and also for post-injury cohabiting relationships, as this intervention might be a starting point for above-mentioned research-opportunities.
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汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權之探討林新裕, Lin Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
汽車為現代人不可或缺之交通工具,汽車責任保險關乎社會大眾權益甚巨,不僅僅是保險人與被保險人兩者之間保險契約之關係,尚且關乎汽車意外事故受害第三人之權利,而每個人都有可能成為汽車意外事故之受害第三人。故保障受害第三人之權益即是保障多數人之權益。為使受害第三人之權益能獲得充分周全之保障,於汽車責任保險之中,創立受害第三人直接請求權制度,實不失為一良法。然而於我國無論是強制汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度抑或是任意汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度,均存有若干疑義及缺失,因而引發筆者研究動機。本文之研究方法為(1)、比較法研究及(2)、邏輯架構分析法。將全文分成七章予以論述,主要之研究內容為,以責任保險之意義、思潮及功能為開端,進而論述責任被保險人之保險給付請求權及受害第三人之直接請求權並闡述責任被保險人、責任保險人與受害第三人三者彼此之關係及保險給付請求權與直接請求權競合之處理,並進一步檢視我國現行關於受害第三人直接請求權法令規範之缺失,參酌外國立法例及學說,提出改進建議,期能使我國之受害第三人直接請求權制度,邏輯趨於圓滿一致,以杜絕適用疑義,廣增大眾福祉。 / Abstract:
An automobile has become a necessary transportation vehicle for modern people. The automobile liability insurance plays an important role on everyone’s rights in our society. The insurance contract doesn’t only signify the relationship between an insurer and the insured , but also refers to the injured third party’s rights during the automobile accident. Because everyone may become a possible automobile accident injured third party, to protect the injured third party’s right means to protect everybody’s citizenship. In order to preserve the injured third party’s right exactly and sufficiently, it is a good method to establish the legislation system empowering the injured third party possessing the authority to exert the automobile liability. However, as far as the injured third party’s action is concerned, there are flaws and imperfection in the system of compulsory automobile liability insurance and optional automobile liability insurance in our country. That is the motivation of this study and the reason why the author draws this paper. The research methods of this paper are the comparative method and the logic framework analysis method. This paper is consisted of seven chapters. The major content of this paper begins with the significance, development and function of the liability insurance. Then, this paper will discuss the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action, analyze the relationship among the liability insurer, the liability insured and the injured third party, and exposit how to handle the conflict between the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action. Furthermore, it is important to inspect the imperfection of the current laws and regulations of the injured third party’s direct action in Taiwan. After considering the spirits of the foreign country’s laws, the researcher will pose and recommend the improving methods for the law system of the injured third party’ direct action in our country. The suggestions try to make the law system more coherent and more logical, to eradicate the mess situation in practice, and to fortify the public welfare.
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Spolupráce jednotek HZS Středočeského kraje a jednotek sborů dobrovolných hasičů obcí s předurčeností pro zásahy u dopravních nehod / The cooperation between professional fire unit of central Bohemia region and volutary fire unit with predisposition to traffic accidents.VACKOVÁ, Eliška Julie January 2019 (has links)
In the diploma thesis "Cooperation of Fire Rescue Brigade of Central Bohemia Region and Voluntary Fire Brigade Corps Units of Municipalities with Predestination for Traffic Accident Interventions", the author dealt with the evaluation of possibilities of cooperation in traffic accidents between fire brigade units of Central Bohemia and voluntary fire brigade units of municipalities destined for rescue and liquidation accidents. In the theoretical part of the thesis there are given the basic terms from the area of rescue of injured persons from crashed vehicles, legal and internal regulations dealing with this issue and criteria for fulfillment of predetermination for rescue work in traffic accidents - professional training, numbers and equipment with mobile fire equipment and material means fire protection for rescue. The next chapter in the theoretical part is the concrete activities of fire protection units in the type of traffic accident. The conclusion of the theoretical part consists of the existing situation in the Central Bohemian Region - description of transport infrastructure, area coverage of the region by fire protection units destined for rescue work in traffic accidents and statistics of accident rate on roads for 2018, in which the fire brigade of the Central Bohemia Region and units of voluntary fire brigade units of municipalities intervened predestined for rescue work in traffic accidents. The practical part presents the results of the questionnaire survey. For this questionnaire survey, the first representative sample of the survey was selected by the commanders of voluntary fire brigade units of municipalities of the Central Bohemian Region destined for rescue operations in traffic accidents. The second representative sample of the survey was selected by guarantors for individual territorial departments of the Central Bohemian Fire Rescue Service for rescue together with instructors for rescuing injured persons in road accidents at individual stations of the Fire Rescue Service of the Central Bohemia Region. The survey was carried out for a defined set in the form of a semi-structured questionnaire. Individual questionnaires were evaluated on the basis of the survey in Chapter 3. Discussion. This evaluation found that no one is a clear opponent of volunteer fire brigade units in municipalities destined for rescue operations in traffic accidents and their traffic accidents are desirable, but there is still plenty of room for improvement. As a measure to increase the efficiency of cooperation between the fire brigade units of the Central Bohemian Region by voluntary fire brigade units of municipalities with a predestination for rescue work in traffic accidents, it was recommended to newly determine the units of voluntary fire brigades of municipalities for rescue work in road accidents in the Central Bohemian Region where unit of Fire Rescue Brigade of Central Bohemia Region has a long range. Furthermore, it was recommended to create internal regulations regulating the minimum equipment of mobile fire fighting equipment and material fire protection equipment for rescue of volunteer fire brigade units of municipalities destined for rescue work in traffic accidents and to develop a new internal regulation regulating the requirements of training fire brigade units as they are confusing.
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Adhezní řízení / Collateral ProceedingsBeranová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The doctoral thesis focuses on the part of criminal proceedings in which the court adjudicates the injured person's private claims which arose in connection with a criminal act (so-called collateral proceedings). The importance of collateral proceedings lies in the fact that by using it the injured party may avoid time-consuming, financially as well as procedurally demanding civil proceedings. However, the institute of collateral proceedings comprises a number of specific issues since a criminal court adjudicates the private claims of the injured party in compliance with substantive law rules being outside of the scope of criminal law (mainly civil law and labour law regulations) but, still, within the framework of criminal proceedings. The basic source of the submitted thesis is the Czech legal order. However, it is not the only one taken into consideration. The doctoral thesis also contains comparative analysis of legal regulation of collateral proceedings from the point of view of the German and Swiss legal orders. Following the analysis of collateral proceedings de lege lata, as well as the comparison with foreign models I am submitting proposals for the improvement of legislation that could be used in connection with the planned recodification of the Czech Criminal Procedure.
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Physiothérapie pour les travailleurs blessés indemnisés : exploration des enjeux éthiques, organisationnels et systémiques dans trois provinces canadiennesHudon, Anne 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Utmaningar och möjligheter vid rehabiliteringen av skadade fotbollsspelare på elitnivå : En kvalitativ studie ur fysioterapeuters perspektiv / Challenges and opportunities in the rehabilitation of injured footballplayers at elite level : A qualitative study from the perspective of physiotherapistsTawfeeq, Rezen, Wikman, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fotboll är den sport där det uppskattas förekomma allra flest skador. Fysioterapeuter har en väldigt stor roll i rehabiliteringen av skadade fotbollsspelare på grund av den höga skadefrekvensen vilket innebär att de spenderar mycket tid med fotbollsspelarna. Hur situationerna med den skadade fotbollsspelaren ska hanteras under rehabiliteringsperioden blir därför väldigt viktig. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som fysioterapeuter ställs inför vid rehabiliteringen av skadade fotbollsspelare i svenska fotbollslag på elitnivå. Studien undersöker specifikt relationens betydelse och hur den bibehålls samt vad fysioterapeuten gör för att stödja spelarens motivation under rehabiliteringen. Metod: En kvalitativ metod användes till studien och femfysioterapeuter som arbetade inom ett fotbollslag på elitnivå i Sverige intervjuades. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier: Relationens betydelse för en lyckad rehabilitering, Att stödja motivationen och vikten av att ha en gemensam plan samt Att våga bemöta och hantera känslor. Slutsats: I intervjuerna framkom att en bra relation uppbyggt av tillit, ärlighet och förtroende kan förenkla och leda till en bra rehabiliteringsprocess. Genom en vänskaplig relation, stöd av spelarens motivation och en psykisk delaktighet av fysioterapeuten genom hela rehabiliteringen kan rehabiliteringen bli enklare. Framtida forskning bör innehålla fler deltagande fysioterapeuter och möjligtvis inkludera intervjuer av skadade fotbollsspelare för att få fler perspektiv från de båda parterna i relationen.
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