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Additives for Heat Transfer Enhancement in High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Media: Selection and CharacterizationMyers, Philip D., Jr. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Inorganic salts are very promising as high-temperature heat transfer fluids and thermal storage media in solar thermal power production. The dual-tank molten salt storage system, for example, has been demonstrated to be effective for continuous operation in solar power tower plants. In this particular storage regime, however, much of the thermal storage potential of the salts is ignored. Most inorganic salts are characterized by high heats of fusion, so their use as phase-change materials (PCMs) allows for substantially higher energy storage density than their use as sensible heat storage alone. For instance, use of molten sodium-potassium eutectic salt over a temperature range of 260 to 560°C (the approximate operating parameters of a proposed utility-scale storage system) allows for a volumetric energy storage density of 212 kWhth/m3, whereas the use of pure sodium nitrate (T_m = 307°C) over the same temperature range (utilizing both sensible and latent heat) yields a storage density of 347 kWhth/m3.
The main downside to these media is their relatively low thermal conductivity (typically on the order of 1 W/m-K). While low conductivity is not as much an issue with heat transfer fluids, which, owing to convective heat transfer, are not as reliant on conduction as a heat transfer mode, it can become important for PCM storage strategies, in which transient charging behavior will necessarily involve heating the solid-phase material up to and through the process of melting. This investigation seeks to develop new methods of improving heat transfer in inorganic salt latent heat thermal energy storage (TES) media, such as sodium / potassium nitrates and chlorides. These methods include two basic strategies: first, inclusion of conductivity-enhancing additives, and second, incorporation of infrared absorptive additives in otherwise transparent media. Also, in the process, a group of chloride based salts for use as sensible storage media and/or heat transfer fluids has been developed, based on relevant cost and thermophysical properties data.
For direct conductivity enhancement, the idea is simple: a PCM with low conductivity can be enhanced by incorporation of nanoparticulate additives at low concentration (~5 wt %). This concept has been explored extensively with lower temperature heat transfer fluids such as water, ethylene glycol, etc. (e.g., nanofluids), as well as with many lower temperature PCMs, such as paraffin wax. Extension of the concept to high temperature inorganic salt thermal storage media brings new challenges—most importantly, material compatibility. Also, maintenance of the additive distribution can be more difficult. Promising results were obtained in both these regards with nitrate salt systems.
The second heat transfer enhancement strategy examined here is more novel in principle: increasing the infrared absorption of a semitransparent salt PCM (e.g., NaCl) with a suitable additive can theoretically enhance radiative heat transfer (for sufficiently high temperatures), thereby compensating for low thermal conductivity. Here again, material compatibility and maintenance of additive dispersion become the focus, but in very different ways, owing to the higher temperatures of application (>600°C) and the much lower concentration of additives required (~0.5 wt %). Promising results have been obtained in this case, as well, in terms of demonstrably greater infrared absorptance with inclusion of additives.
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Stratégia eliminácie akrylamidu v cereálnych produktoch / A strategy of acrylamide elimination in cereal foodsBelková, Renáta January 2010 (has links)
Acrylamide is a carcinogenic substance generated in heat processed food stuff, where the temperature increases over 120 °C. The main acrylamide precursors are carbonyl compounds and the amino acid asparagine. In this diploma work, possible elimination strategies were observed in a bread matrix with an addition of inorganic salts into the basic powder formulation for home bread making. Samples were analyzed from the point of view of acrylamide content as well as their physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation too. Results show, that the addition of inorganic salts hasn`t expected considerable elimination impact as in the case of model samples. It has been shown the importance of fermentation process, whereas was the amount of acrylamide in bread without yeast added almost 14times higher. The addition of CaCl2 in bread mixture improved the organoleptic quality of final product, as proved in sensory evaluation with simultaneus positive effect on acrylamide reduction in bread.
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Etudes des phénomènes de précipitation en milieu supercritique : application aux traitements des déchets industriels / Study of the precipitation phenomenon in supercritical water : application to the industrial wasteVoisin, Thomas 17 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une collaboration étroite entre la société Innoveox (http://www.innoveox.com) et le groupe Fluides Supercritiques de l'Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB). La société Innoveox a mis en œuvre une technologie révolutionnaire non polluante qui détruit des déchets qu'ils soient dangereux ou non, urbains, industriels ou même militaires, avec une efficacité de 99.99%. Cette technologie s'appelle l'oxydation hydrothermale supercritique. Cette technologie est étudiée à l'ICMCB depuis le début des années 1990 au sein du groupe Fluides Supercritiques. Ce travail de recherche a pour objet l'étude des phénomènes de précipitation des sels en eau supercritique. La motivation de ce projet repose sur la compréhension des processus mis en jeu lors de la précipitation afin d'améliorer le fonctionnement du procédé industriel. Ce projet de thèse repose sur 3 principaux objectifs. Le premier concerne la détermination expérimentale de la solubilité des sels en conditions supercritiques, via la mise en place d'un système de mesure en continu. Le second objectif porte sur la détermination expérimentale des tailles de particule de sel, aussi bien au niveau de la formation de la cristallite que de l'agrégat. Pour ce faire, des analyses in situ sont notamment réalisées. Enfin, le dernier objectif est la réalisation d'une simulation numérique de la précipitation des sels en conditions supercritiques, utilisant les résultats expérimentaux des deux précédents objectifs. Les résultats de cette modélisation sont en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux et apportent également de nouveaux éléments de compréhension du mécanisme de précipitation. / This thesis is part of a close collaboration between the Innoveox Company (http ://www.innoveox.com) and the Supercritical Fluids group in the Institute of Chemistry and Condensed Matter of Bordeaux (ICMCB). The Innoveox Company has developed a revolutionary nonpolluting technology, degrading toxic and dangerous waste from industrial, urban or military use, with a 99.99% efficiency. This technology is called Supercritical Water Oxidation and is studied at the ICMCB since the beginning of the 90's in the Supercritical Fluids Group. The present research work objective is the study of the salt precipitation phenomenon in supercritical water, with the aim of understanding the processes and mechanisms involvedduring precipitation, to then improve the industrial process. The project is built on 3 main objectives. The first one is dedicated to the experimental determination of solubility data of salts, in supercritical conditions, with the development of a continuous experimental set-up. The second objective is related to the experimental determination of particle sizes, from crystallite to aggregates formation, using in situ analyses. Last objective concerns the numerical modeling of salt precipitation in supercritical water conditions, using previous experimental data obtained. The results of the modeling are in agreement with the experimental ones, and bring new understanding elements for the precipitation mechanism.technology is called Supercritical Water Oxidation and is studied at the ICMCB since the beginning of the 90's in the Supercritical Fluids Group.
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Vliv přídavných látek na obsah akrylamidu v tepelně opracovaných potravinách / Effect of additives on acrylamide content in thermally treated foodsMarková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Acrylamide is an undesirable carcinogenic component of thermally processed foods being formed from reducing saccharides and asparagine. In this work, the effect of ammonium and sodium raising agents themselves or in their combination with L-asparaginase enzyme catalyzing the conversion of asparagine into aspartic acid resulting in the reduction of acrylamide in gingerbreads was studied. Also, the influence of selected inorganic salts on the content of acrylamide in a model matrix simulating a composition of cereal products was observed. Simultaneously, the impact of these salts on activity of L-asparaginase was examined to find optimal conditions for its application in cereal technology. Based on experiments it was found, that addition of L-asparaginase reduces acrylamide content by 40 % while inorganic salts addition decreases acrylamide content in the range of 30 - 99 % when the most effective compounds were NH4Cl and CaCl2.
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Remoção de bário de efluente aquoso industrial por precipitação mediante dessupersaturação, adição de sulfato em excesso e abrandamento: estudo dos mecanismos dos aspectos tecnológicos e da ecoeficiência dos processos. / Barium removal from aqueous industrial effluent by desupersaturation, excess sulfate addition and softening: study of mechanisms of technological aspects and ecoefficiency of processes.Ronquim, Flávia Marini 08 April 2019 (has links)
Em um cenário global de indisponibilidade hídrica, até regiões sem histórico de escassez de recursos hídricos vêm sendo impactadas pela ausência de chuvas e circunstâncias de adversidade climática. Com perspectivas cada vez menos favoráveis quanto ao abastecimento hídrico, têm-se difundido progressivamente, no Brasil e no mundo, alternativas de tratamento de efluentes aquosos industriais visando seu reúso na própria indústria, diminuindo a necessidade de captação de água em corpos hídricos. Os processos de separação com membrana (PSM\'s) têm tido destaque, sobretudo para reúso em caldeiras e torres de resfriamento. Em um PSM, no entanto, os íons removidos da corrente de alimentação durante o processo de dessalinização concentram-se no compartimento de rejeito das membranas (concentrado). Consequentemente, os sais de baixa solubilidade comumente ultrapassam sua saturação e excedem seus limites metaestáveis, passando a oferecer risco de deposição sobre as membranas. As deposições salinas, chamadas incrustações (ou scaling) prejudicam o processo de dessalinização: reduzem a taxa de recuperação de água, aumentam o consumo energético e danificam membranas e tubulações. Uma vez que o sulfato de bário (BaSO4) é um dos sais com maior potencial incrustante em efluentes industriais, e cujas incrustações apresentam maiores resistências às práticas convencionais de limpeza, estudou-se métodos preventivos de incrustação de BaSO4 por remoção de íons bário de fase líquida a montante de um PSM. A depleção de bário de solução foi analisada mediante: (i) precipitação de BaSO4 por meio de dessupersaturação (com adição de sementes) e efeito do íon comum (excesso de sulfato) e (ii) precipitação de CaCO3 por abrandamento com incorporação do íon Ba2+ no precipitado. Desenvolveu-se, inicialmente, um estudo conceitual da precipitação de BaSO4 por modelagem termodinâmica, aplicada ao tratamento de um efluente padrão de refinaria de petróleo supersaturado em BaSO4. As simulações termodinâmicas apontam que o pre-tratamento de efluentes por dessupersaturação, com opção de adicionar sulfato (via adição externa ou reciclo) são promissores para aumentar o rendimento de PSM\'s. Em estudos experimentais com efluente sintético de refinaria de petróleo, foi obtida a cinética de precipitação do BaSO4 para o ajuste de um modelo de precipitação de BaSO4. Observou-se que o tempo de indução do BaSO4 foi reduzido à medida que se aumentou o excesso de sulfato (em relação ao bário presente) ou à medida que se adicionou sementes de BaSO4. Após um período curto de precipitação (alguns minutos), a solução permanecia supersaturada por longos períodos (horas), com razões de supersaturação residuais dentro da faixa de 1,1 a 3,0. Esses valores foram associados com uma dependência de quarta ordem da taxa de crescimento do cristal com a taxa de supersaturação. Verificou-se que a carga de sementes de BaSO4 é diretamente proporcional à depleção de supersaturação, que sementes heterogêneas (CaCO3, CaSO4.2H2O) são ineficazes para a precipitação do BaSO4 e que os íons cálcio inibem a precipitação de BaSO4. A precipitação de CaCO3 (em mix de vaterita e calcita) por abrandamento em efluente sintético foi eficaz para remover bário da solução. O mecanismo que controla o processo foi identificado como sendo a substituição isomórfica do íon cálcio pelo íon bário no retículo cristalino do carbonato de cálcio. Consequentemente, a remoção de bário da solução é favorecida quando se aumenta a quantidade de carbonato de cálcio precipitado e quando o coeficiente de distribuição aparente em vateita e calcita (DBa, que indica a quantidade de bário incorporada ao sólido) é elevado. Valores altos de pH e de concentração de cálcio elevam a precipitação de CaCO3 e, portanto, maximizam a remoção de bário. O coeficiente de distribuição aparente do bário mostra-se independente do pH inicial (na faixa de 9,5 a 11,7) e aumenta com a concentração de cálcio. Ele também aumenta com a quantidade de sementes de calcita, o que pode ser consequência de uma maior incorporação de bário em camadas que crescem sobre substratos puros de CaCO3 ou ainda, pode ser devido à manifestação de mecanismos de adsortivos com o aumento de lugares ativos disponíveis para incorporação de bário. Em experimentos com efluente real, ao contrário do observado com soluções sintéticas, a remoção de bário por dessupersaturação foi realizada com eficiência mesmo em presença do íon cálcio, devido provavelmente a sua complexação com aditivos orgânicos. Em precipitação de calcita, fatores que aumentam a supersaturação inicial, como adição de carbonato e aumento do pH, elevaram a precipitação de CaCO3, o que maximizou a remoção de bário. Tais fatores, no entanto, reduziram valores de DBa em calcita, possivelmente devido à diminuição na sorção de íons que estimulam a incorporação do bário. Dosagens de sulfato (insuficientes para precipitar BaSO4) reduziram a quantidade de calcita precipitada, diminuindo a remoção de bário e, inesperadamente, elevando DBa em calcita. Por fim uma análise de ecoeficiência foi feita em um estudo de reúso de água com zero de descarte líquido em refinaria de petróleo aplicando as técnicas de precipitação estudadas. A implantação de etapas de precipitação e de unidades maiores de osmose inversa (OI) acarretaram em reduções no consumo de energia no tratamento térmico do concentrado da OI, diminuindo proporcionalmente a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, consumo de água e degradação ecotoxicológica de água doce. Além disso, verificou-se redução de capital de investimento (dada à aquisição de equipamentos de evaporação menores) e redução nos custos energéticos operacionais. / In a global scenario of water unavailability, even regions with no records of water scarcity have been impacted by the absence of rainfall and climatic adversity. With increasingly unfavorable perspectives on water supply, alternatives to water treatment for industrial reuse have been progressively diffused in Brazil and around the world, reducing the need for water withdraw in water bodies. The membrane separation processes (PSM) have been emphasized in the tertiary treatment of industrial effluents, providing improvement in water quality for reuse in boilers or cooling towers. In a PSM, however, the salts removed from the feed stream during the desalination process are concentrated in the brine stream (concentrate). At this stage, the low solubility salts commonly exceed their saturation in the system, and surpasses their metastable limits, offering risk of deposition on the membranes. Salt deposits, called scaling, jeopardize the desalination process: they reduce the rate of water recovery, increase energy consumption and damage membranes and pipes. Since BaSO4 is one of the salts with the greatest scaling potential in the industry, and which the fouling presents the greatest resistance to conventional cleaning practices, preventive methods of BaSO4 scaling were studied by removal of barium ions from the liquid phase upstream a PSM. The barium depletion from solution was analyzed during the processes of: (i) precipitation of BaSO4 by means of desupersaturation (with addition of seeds) and common ion effect (excess of sulfate) and (ii) chemical precipitation of CaCO3 (softening) with incorporation of the Ba2+ ion in the precipitated crystal. A conceptual study of the BaSO4 precipitation was first developed by thermodynamic modeling, applied to the treatment of a standard oil refinery effluent supersaturated in BaSO4. The thermodynamic simulations show that effluents pretreatment by desupersaturation, with the option of adding sulfate (via external addition or recycle), are promising to increase the yield of PSM\'s. In experimental studies with synthetic oil refinery effluent, BaSO4 precipitation kinetics were obtained in order to adjust a BaSO4 precipitation model. The BaSO4 induction time was reduced as the excess sulfate (relative to the barium present) was increased and/or as BaSO4 seeds were added. After a short period of precipitation (a few minutes), the solution remained supersaturated for long periods (hours), with residual supersaturation ratios within the range of 1.1 to 3.0. These values were associated with a fourth order dependence of the crystal growth rate with the supersaturation rate. It was found that BaSO4 seed loading is directly proportional to the supersaturation depletion, heterogeneous seeds (CaCO3, CaSO4.2H2O) are ineffective for BaSO4 precipitation and that calcium ions inhibit BaSO4 precipitation. The precipitation of CaCO3 (as a mix of vaterite and calcite) by softening in synthetic effluent was effective to remove barium from solution. Isomorphic substitution of calcium by barium ion in the crystalline lattice of calcium carbonate was identified as the controlling mechanism of sorption process. Consequently, removal of barium from the solution is favored when the amount of precipitated calcium carbonate is increased and when the apparent distribution coefficient (DBa, which indicates the amount of barium incorporated into the solid) is raised. High values of pH and calcium concentration raise the precipitation of CaCO3 and, therefore, maximize the barium removal. The apparent barium distribution coefficient is independent of the initial pH (in the range of 9.5 to 11.7) and increases with calcium concentration. It also increases with the amount of calcite seeds, which may be consequence of higher barium incorporation in growing layers on CaCO3 pure substrates, or may be due to manifestation of adsorption mechanisms by the increase on available active places for barium incorporation. In experiments with real effluent, unlikely the synthetic solutions, the removal of barium by desupersaturation was performed efficiently even in the presence of calcium ion, probably due to its complexation with organic additives. In calcite precipitation, factors that increase initial supersaturation, such as carbonate addition and pH increase, elevates CaCO3 precipitation, which maximized the barium removal. These factors, however, reduced DBa in calcite, possibly due to a decrease on sorption process of ions which may stimulate barium incorporation. Sulphate dosages (insoluble to precipitate BaSO4) reduced the amount of precipitated calcite, decreasing barium removal and unespectly reducing the DBa in calcite. Finally, an eco-efficiency analysis was carried out in a water reuse study with zero liquid discharge in an oil refinery, applying the precipitation techniques studied. The implementation of precipitation stages and larger units of OI resulted in reductions in energy consumption in the thermal treatment of OI concentrate, reducing proportionally the emission of greenhouse gases, water consumption and ecotoxicological degradation of fresh water. In addition, there was reduction of investment costs (given the purchase of smaller evaporation equipment) and reduction in the operational energy costs.
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Etude de paramètres endogènes et exogènes au ciment Portland ordinaire influençant l'hydratation de sa phase principale : le silicate tricalcique / Study of parameters endogeneous and exogeneous to ordinary Portland ciment influencing hydration of its main phase : tricalcium silicateBegarin, Farid 22 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail consacré à l’étude des différents paramètres influençant l’hydratation de la phase silicate principale du Ciment Portland Ordinaire (OPC) a été réalisé au Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB). Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Crystal Growth Control » initié par BASF dans le but de contrôler et de prévoir le mieux possible l’hydratation du Ciment Portland Ordinaire. La dissolution de l’alite, comme celle du C3S pur, est rapide dans l’eau pure. La vitesse diminue avec l’écart à l’équilibre et la concentration en ions aluminates en solution. On observe également une adsorption sur la surface de l’alite de l’aluminium libéré par la dissolution. La germination et la croissance des C-S-H a été étudié d’une part, en présence d’aluminates en solution et d’autre part en présence de sels inorganiques connus pour être des accélérateurs de l’hydratation du ciment Portland Ordinaire. La présence d’aluminium ne modifie pas la germination initiale des C-S-H mais semble participer directement à l’origine de la période dormante du ciment. L’hydratation du C3S dans des solutions salines conduit à former pendant la germination initiale d’autant plus de C-S-H que la solution est concentrée. De plus la morphologie des germes est modifiée. Chaque germe doit contenir plus de matière en occupant moins de surface. La simulation de l’ensemble de la courbe d’avancement de l’hydratation observée dans les solutions de sels de nitrates et d’halogénures de calcium, sodium et potassium à l’aide du modèle de croissance par agrégation de particules cubiques confirme l’anisotropie au cours de la croissance des germes. La vitesse de croissance des C-S-H perpendiculairement à la surface des grains augmente avec la concentration et l’effet est très dépendant de la nature de l’anion. Ce comportement est à rapprocher des séries d’Hofmeister / This work devoted to study various parameters influencing hydration of silicate phase main Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was performed at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB). This study is part of the project "Crystal Growth Control" initiated by BASF in order to monitor and provide the best as possible the hydration of Ordinary Portland Cement. The dissolution of alite, like the pure C3S one, is fast in pure water. Speed decreases with deviation from equilibrium and the concentration of aluminates ions in solution. There is also an adsorption on the surface of the aluminum which is into the alite and released by dissolution. Germination and growth of C-S-H has been studied on the one hand, in the presence of aluminates ions within the solution and the other, in the presence of inorganic salts known to be accelerators of Ordinary Portland cement hydration. The presence of aluminum does not alter the initial germination of C-S-H but seems directly involved in the origin of the dormant period of cement. The hydration of C3S in salt solutions leads to the formation during the initial germination even more C-S-H that the solution is concentrated. In addition, the morphology of seeds is modified. Each seed must contain more material occupying less space. Simulation of the entire hydration progress curve observed in solutions of salts of nitrates and halides of calcium, sodium and potassium with the growth model based on the cubic particles aggregation confirms the anisotropy in the growth of seeds. The C-S-H perpendicular growth rate to the surface of the grains increases with the salt concentration and the effect is very dependent on the nature of the anion. This behavior is closer to the Hofmeister series
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