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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dopady politiky rozvoje venkova na regionální produkci, příjmy a zaměstnanost v kraji Vysočina / Rural development policy impacts on regional output, income and employment in Vysocina Region

Bednaříková, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation follows the increasing extent of the European Union's intervention into rural areas. The main objective of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the impacts of measures supporting job creation, within the Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic for 2007--2013, on regional production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Specifically, it concerns the measures under Axis 3 Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy supporting diversification into non-agricultural activities, micro-businesses and tourism development. The sub-objective is to analyse the coefficients and multipliers, which would identify the sectors with the greatest potential for further development in terms of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. Within the main objective three alternatives impacts that arise when there is a change of the final demand for production of a given industry are analysed and these can be measured by changes in production, income or employment. Two formulated hypotheses are analysed in detail In the individual chapters the dissertation is focused on the theoretical aspects of rural development dealing with the aspects of rural development policy implementation, describing the models and empirical analysis of the impact of measures supporting rural economic development. It also describes the characteristics of the Vysočina region, offering a methodology and construction of a regional input-output table and the input-output model for the Vysočina region, and finally, it includes a methodology and application of the impact analysis for the region. In order to achieve the main objective Leontief's structural input-output analysis is used (Leontief, 1966). The regional short-term macroeconomic input-output model built on the example of the Vysočina region serves as a tool for the analysis. A part of the analysis is the identification of factors that influence the size of the impact found. To perform the impact analysis the author constructed a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. The regionalization of the national commodity symmetric input-output table (CZSO, 2010f) is performed using the GRIT method (Jensen et al., 1979). The selected method is suitable for assessing the short-term impact of political measures, where the found effects can be attributed exclusively to the political measures observed. All the restrictions typical of input-output analysis have been taken into account. The scientific contribution of the dissertation is the creation of a regional macroeconomic input-output model for the Vysočina region based on Leontief's input - output analysis, and its use to determine the impact of the realised funds on the monitored measures of production, income and employment in the Vysočina region. The other scientific contribution is the construction of a regional input-output table for the Vysočina region. This serves as a data source for the input-output analysis since regional input-output tables are not available in the Czech Republic.

Managing human-induced material use : adding cyclic inter-sectoral flows to Physical Input-Output Tables to analyse the environmental impact of economic activity

Altimiras-Martin, Aleix January 2016 (has links)
Current human activity is degrading the environment and depleting biotic and abiotic resources at unheard-of rates, inducing global environmental change and jeopardising the development of humankind. The structure of human activity determines which resources are extracted, how they are transformed and where and how they are emitted back to the environment. Thus, the structure of human activity ultimately determines the human-Earth System interaction and human-induced environmental degradation. Several theories and empirical findings suggest that a cyclic structure would lower the resource requirements and emissions of the economic system, decoupling production and consumption from their environmental impacts. However, the cyclic structure has not been fully characterised nor related to the resource requirements or emission generation estimates of environmental impacts as calculated through models representing the physical structure of the economic system. This thesis is interested in developing tools to analyse the physical structure of the economic system and, ultimately, to develop a method to identify its cyclic structure and relate it to the environmental impact induced by economic activity. Using this new knowledge, it might be possible to reduce the environmental impact of the economy by altering its physical structure. In chapter 3, the different methods to calculate the emissions and resources associated to a given final demand of physical input-output tables are reviewed because they gather different results; it is argued that only two are valid. Surprisingly, these two methods reveal different physical structures; these are explored using a backward linkage analysis and their differences explained. It is found that only one method is appropriate to analyse the physical structure of the economic system and this method is in fact a new input-output model capable of tracing by-products as final outputs. Also, since traditional input-output structural analyses provide aggregate measures, a visual representation of input-output tables enabling researchers to perform disaggregated structural analyses and identify intersectoral patterns is developed. In chapter 4, a method to derive the full cyclic structure of the economic system is developed using network analysis within the Input-Output framework; it identifies the intersectoral cycles and the resources and emissions associated to cycling. It is shown that cyclic flows maximise the system throughput but lower the resource efficiency of the system vis-à-vis the system outputs. It is demonstrated that 1) the complete structure is composed of a cyclic-acyclic and a direct-indirect sub-structure, challenging the common understanding of the functioning of the structure, and 2) cycling is composed of pre-consumer cycling, post-consumer cycling, re-cycling and trans-cycling. In chapter 5, a set of indicators are developed to capture the weight and emissions associated to each sub-structure and the sub-structures are related to the economy's resource efficiency and emissions. In chapter 6, it is illustrated how to use the concepts, indicators and methods developed in previous chapters to identify strategies to improve the resource efficiency of the economy by altering its structure. Finally, in chapter 7, it is suggested to refine the definition of recycling to integrate the different systemic effects of pre-consumer and post-consumer cycling and it is argued that the ideal structure of a circular, close-loop economy should minimise its pre-consumer cycling in favour of more efficient acyclic flows while maximising its post-consumer cycling.

The metabolism of socio-economic systems:combination of input-output analysis and material flow accounting for footprint-type indicators

Piñero, P. (Pablo) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explored innovative ways to improve estimation of material footprint-type indicators in application of Input-Output (IO) analysis to Material Flow Accounting. The following six research questions were addressed: 1) What is the potential impact of sector aggregation in IO modelling of raw material flows? Modelling errors due to aggregation of industries with dissimilar material requirements and trade structures into a single sector in IO models when calculating the material footprint were empirically analysed relative to greenhouse gas emissions. Significant biases emerged for raw material flows, which suggests that care should be taken when aggregating extractive sectors in IO models. 2) Can bottom-up approaches, such as LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), improve estimation of the raw materials embodied in trade products? and 3) What are the implications of integration of country-specific information from high geographical coverage IO models into LCA approaches for calculation of raw material embodied in trade products? An approach for combining country-specific production blueprints with LCA based on regional averages was developed. This approach proved useful in refining estimates of upstream raw materials embodied in trade products, although care is needed during its application since new biases may arise. 4) Can further perspectives be gained with a new allocation method, the ‘value added-based material footprint’, which assigns supply chain-wide raw material extractions to each participating economic actor according to its added value generation, contributing to discussions on the distribution of mitigation costs? Certain countries and sectors were found to be more material-intensive with this new accounting approach than in other widely known allocation methods, e.g. consumer footprint. 5) Are there unequal exchanges between high-income economies and middle- and lower-income countries when measured in terms of raw material and value added flows? and 6) Could integration of local and global IO data provide useful insights to study presence/absence of unequal material exchange at sub-national level? A study of material flows at inter- and intra-national level demonstrated that a regional economy can play a twofold role, both as sink or source of raw materials and in value added, depending on its position in the global economic hierarchy. / Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä tutkittiin innovatiivisia tapoja, joilla voitaisiin parantaa materiaalijalanjälki -tyyppisten indikaattoreiden käytettävyyttä panos-tuotos (Input-Output, IO) -analyysissa, kun niitä sovelletaan Materiaalivirta-analyysi (Material Flow Accounting, MFA) -metodiin. Seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin haettiin vastauksia: 1) Mikä on sektorien yhdistämisen potentiaalinen vaikutus raaka-ainevirtojen IO-mallintamisessa ja miten poikkeamia voidaan estää? Tämän puitteissa tarkasteltiin mallinnusvirheitä, jotka johtuvat erilaisten toimialojen yhdistämisistä yhdeksi sektoriksi. 2) Voivatko alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvat lähestymistavat, kuten elinkaariarviointi parantaa tuotteisiin sisältyvien raaka-ainevirtojen arviointia? ja 3) Mitä vaikutuksia on laajan maantieteellisen kattavuuden IO-malleihin sisältyvien maakohtaisten tietojen yhdistämisestä LCA-pohjaisiin lähestymistapoihin, kun tavoitteena on laskea tuotteisiin sisältyviä raaka-ainemääriä? Tämän tutkimista varten kehitettiin lähestymistapa, joka yhdisti maakohtaiset tuotantosuunnitelmat ja elinkaariarvioinnin. Tämä lähestymistapa osoittautui hyödylliseksi tarkentamalla arvioita tuotteissa olevista raaka-aineista, vaikkakin sen soveltaminen edellyttää varovaisuutta, koska uusia vääristymiä voi syntyä. 4) Voidaanko uusia näkökulmia löytää uudella arvonlisäykseen perustuvalla allokointimenetelmällä, joka jakaa raaka-aineen louhinnan kullekin toimintaketjun osallistuvalle taloudelliselle toimijalle lisäarvon tuotannon mukaan? Tämän uuden kirjanpitomenetelmän mukaan jotkut maat ja alat ovat materiaali-intensiivisempiä kuin niitä on pidetty kulutuksen jalanjälkiallokointimenetelmien perusteella. 5) Onko korkean tulotason talouksien ja keskitasoiselle ja alhaiselle tulotasolle asettuvien maiden välillä epätasaisia vaihtoja, kun raaka-ainekulutusta ja arvonlisäystä mitataan? ja 6) Voisiko paikallisten ja globaalien IO-tietojen integrointi antaa hyödyllisiä näkökulmia tutkimukseen, joka tarkastelee epätasaisen aineenvaihdon esiintymistä tai puuttumista alueellisella tasolla? Materiaalivirtojen tutkiminen kansainvälisellä ja kansallisella tasolla, jossa yhdistettiin IO-tietokannat erilaisella maantieteellisellä resoluutiolla osoitti, että alueellisella taloudella voi olla kaksoisrooli sekä raaka-aineiden että arvonlisäyksen lähteenä tai nieluna riippuen sen asemasta globaalissa taloushierarkiassa.

Le commerce intra-national et international des Etats Brésiliens : déterminants, structure et interdépendances / International and Intra-national Trade of Brazilian States : Determinants, Structure and Interdependencies

Yücer, Ayçil 26 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour ambition de transposer l'analyse du commerce international au niveau sub-national en examinant la structure et les déterminants du commerce entre états brésiliens, et avec les marchés internationaux. Dans un chapitre introductif, on présente les faits stylisés sur la le commerce brésilien en se concentrant essentiellement sur les caractéristiques des états brésiliens. Dans le premier chapitre, notre modèle de gravité, estime séparément les capacités d'exportation des états vers les marchés domestique et international. Les résultats montrent que les états les mieux classés en termes de capacités d'exportation vers le marché international ne se confondent pas avec les plus orientés vers le marché domestique. Dans le second chapitre, on utilise un modèle de gravité pour mettre en évidence les effets de création et de détournement de commerce ainsi qu’un un effet d’ « érosion des préférences ». Nous montrons que le MERCOSUR a permis d’augmenter le commerce des états avec les pays membres, sans effets significatifs sur le commerce inter-états ou avec les pays tiers. Les organisations internationales, suggèrent que le commerce en valeur ajoutée est une meilleure mesure pour analyser l’impact des échanges internationaux sur l’économie quand le contenu en importations des exportations est important. Dans un dernier chapitre, on calcule ainsi les valeurs ajoutées exportées des états brésiliens à partir d’un tableau Input-Output inter-états (2008) pour analyser et mesurer les spécialisations verticales entre les états. On estime également un modèle de gravité de commerce en valeur ajoutée qu’on élargit à un cadre trilatéral: l’état d’origine, l’état ré-exportateur et le pays importateur. / With the ambition of transposing trade analysis to an intra-national level, we work on the determinants and the structure of trade among Brazilian states, as well as their trade with international markets. In an introductory chapter, we present the stylized facts concerning the Brazilian trade while focusing mainly on the states’ characteristics. In chapter 1, we estimate the states’ domestic and foreign market export capacities by a gravity model of trade. Results show that the states with better foreign export capacities are not necessarily the same as those more oriented to the domestic market. Then in the second chapter, we use a gravity model to shed light on MERCOSUR’s creation and diversion effects as well as its “preference erosion” effect on trade among Brazilian states. We show that MERCOSUR increased Brazilian states’ trade with member countries, but had no significant effect on either interstate trade or Brazilian states’ trade with third countries. International organizations suggest the trade in value-added would be a “better” measure to understand the impact of trade on economy when import content in exports is important. Hence in a last chapter, we calculate the value-added exported by Brazilian states from an inter-state Input-Output table (2008) that we use to analyze and measure the vertical specialization between states. We also estimate a gravity model of trade in exported value-added that we extend to a trilateral frame: origin state, re-exporter state and importer country.

Modelování dopadů ekologické daňové reformy a možné směry jejího dalšího vývoje / Modelling Impacts of the Ecological Tax Reform and Possible Ways of its Further Progress

Koderová, Alena January 2008 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is to identify appropriate approach to evaluation of impacts of the first phase of the ecological tax reform in the Czech Republic, its consequent adaption and application for the particular purpose. The input-output analysis has been found as the most convenient solution for such a sort of analysis. The analysis has been used for the evaluation of impacts on final production prices of each NACE sector resulting from introduction of new taxes on electricity, solid fuels, natural gas and some other kinds of gases in the Czech Republic. Because of unavailability of information about the final impact of taxes on particular objects in the economy, the analysis is conducted on the basis of five incidence assumptions about the impact of taxes on distributors and customers. While the aforementioned analysis is the essential chapter of the thesis, the work starts with a theoretical introduction related to optimal tax theories and theories about possible positive effects of environmental tax implementation. Additionally, energy tax implementation in the Czech Republic and in the European Union is mentioned. Furthermore, an important starting point in finding the most convenient model was to summarize various approaches to modelling energy tax impacts on the economy. Therefore, theoretical description of particular models is provided when history of the models, type of equations and dependences in the model are described. Moreover database requirements and possibilities to use the model for another purpose are discussed. The thesis also comprises of the analysis of pros and cons and additional important characteristics of relevant models together with the summary for which purpose was the particular model used in the Czech Republic. The introduction of energy tax in the Czech republic on the final production prices was proved to be unimportant and with only exceptions (namely the sector of production and distribution of electricity, natural gas and water) an increase in final production prices does not exceed 0,2 % and for a half of all the sectors the increase does not exceed 0,1 %.

O uso combinado dos modelos de insumo-produto e técnicas de geoprocessamento / Combining input-output models and geoprocessing

Silvio Massaru Ichihara 01 February 2008 (has links)
Para averiguar a aplicabilidade das técnicas pertencentes ao universo do geoprocessamento junto às características intrínsecas dos modelos de insumo-produto, este trabalho propõe um novo enfoque metodológico, fundamentado na organização lógica e seqüencial de conceitos que possibilitem a estimação de fluxos econômicos inter-regionais, considerando os aspectos da oferta e demanda das atividades setoriais em cada município. O núcleo geográfico escolhido para a aplicação dessa metodologia é o Estado de São Paulo, sendo que os três estudos que compõem esta tese descrevem como sua idéia central pode ser desenvolvida em diferentes temas. O primeiro estudo tem como objetivos: estimar uma matriz de insumo-produto intermunicipal para o Estado de São Paulo e ilustrar o potencial analítico do sistema, através, tanto de uma avaliação geral das relações de oferta e demanda no Estado de São Paulo, quanto de uma análise específica sobre a possibilidade de uso indireto dos recursos do Programa Bolsa Família como agente indutor da redução da desigualdade regional. O segundo estudo visa a estimar os fluxos interregionais e associá-los às redes de transportes a fim de se estimar o impacto do crescimento econômico esperado para os próximos anos na demanda por transportes nas rodovias do Estado de São Paulo. Por fim, o terceiro estudo utiliza o mesmo método do segundo, fazendo adaptações para dirigir o foco a uma única cadeia setorial, avaliando a demanda por transportes que será exigida pelo expressivo aumento, esperado para os próximos anos, da produção e comercialização do álcool. Os procedimentos empregados, nesta tese, podem ter uma enorme aplicabilidade em estudos semelhantes que procurem detalhar com exatidão espacial os fundamentos da economia regional. / To inquire the applicability of the techniques pertaining to the geoprocessing field and the intrinsic characteristics of the input-output models, this work considers a new methodological approach based on the logical organization and sequential of concepts that make possible the estimation of interregional economic flows, considering the aspects of it offers and demand of the sector activities in each city. The chosen geographic focus for the application of this methodology is the State of Sao Paulo, and three studies of this thesis describe how its central idea can be developed in different subjects. The first study presents as objectives: to estimate an input-output matrix among the cities of the Sao Paulo State and to illustrate the analytical potential of the system, through a general evaluation of offer and supply relationships in the Sao Paulo State, as well as a specific analysis on the possibility of indirect use of the resources of the Bolsa Família Program as inductive agent of the regional inequality decrease. The second study aims to estimate the interregional flows and to associate them to the transport nets in order to estimate the impact of the economic growth forecast for the next years on the transport demand for transports in the Sao Paulo State\' highways. Finally, the third study uses the same method of the second one, making adaptations in order to direct the focus to an only productive chain, evaluating the demand for transports that will be necessary due to the remarkable increase, expected for the next years, of the ethanol production and commercialization. The procedures used in this thesis can have an enormous applicability in similar studies that detail with spatial exactness the regional economy principles.

O uso combinado dos modelos de insumo-produto e técnicas de geoprocessamento / Combining input-output models and geoprocessing

Ichihara, Silvio Massaru 01 February 2008 (has links)
Para averiguar a aplicabilidade das técnicas pertencentes ao universo do geoprocessamento junto às características intrínsecas dos modelos de insumo-produto, este trabalho propõe um novo enfoque metodológico, fundamentado na organização lógica e seqüencial de conceitos que possibilitem a estimação de fluxos econômicos inter-regionais, considerando os aspectos da oferta e demanda das atividades setoriais em cada município. O núcleo geográfico escolhido para a aplicação dessa metodologia é o Estado de São Paulo, sendo que os três estudos que compõem esta tese descrevem como sua idéia central pode ser desenvolvida em diferentes temas. O primeiro estudo tem como objetivos: estimar uma matriz de insumo-produto intermunicipal para o Estado de São Paulo e ilustrar o potencial analítico do sistema, através, tanto de uma avaliação geral das relações de oferta e demanda no Estado de São Paulo, quanto de uma análise específica sobre a possibilidade de uso indireto dos recursos do Programa Bolsa Família como agente indutor da redução da desigualdade regional. O segundo estudo visa a estimar os fluxos interregionais e associá-los às redes de transportes a fim de se estimar o impacto do crescimento econômico esperado para os próximos anos na demanda por transportes nas rodovias do Estado de São Paulo. Por fim, o terceiro estudo utiliza o mesmo método do segundo, fazendo adaptações para dirigir o foco a uma única cadeia setorial, avaliando a demanda por transportes que será exigida pelo expressivo aumento, esperado para os próximos anos, da produção e comercialização do álcool. Os procedimentos empregados, nesta tese, podem ter uma enorme aplicabilidade em estudos semelhantes que procurem detalhar com exatidão espacial os fundamentos da economia regional. / To inquire the applicability of the techniques pertaining to the geoprocessing field and the intrinsic characteristics of the input-output models, this work considers a new methodological approach based on the logical organization and sequential of concepts that make possible the estimation of interregional economic flows, considering the aspects of it offers and demand of the sector activities in each city. The chosen geographic focus for the application of this methodology is the State of Sao Paulo, and three studies of this thesis describe how its central idea can be developed in different subjects. The first study presents as objectives: to estimate an input-output matrix among the cities of the Sao Paulo State and to illustrate the analytical potential of the system, through a general evaluation of offer and supply relationships in the Sao Paulo State, as well as a specific analysis on the possibility of indirect use of the resources of the Bolsa Família Program as inductive agent of the regional inequality decrease. The second study aims to estimate the interregional flows and to associate them to the transport nets in order to estimate the impact of the economic growth forecast for the next years on the transport demand for transports in the Sao Paulo State\' highways. Finally, the third study uses the same method of the second one, making adaptations in order to direct the focus to an only productive chain, evaluating the demand for transports that will be necessary due to the remarkable increase, expected for the next years, of the ethanol production and commercialization. The procedures used in this thesis can have an enormous applicability in similar studies that detail with spatial exactness the regional economy principles.

Die Generierung von Empfehlungen für zwischenbetriebliche Transaktionen als gesamtwirtschaftliche Infrastrukturleistung /

Weber, Michael. January 1900 (has links)
Zugl.: Wien, WirtschaftsUniversiẗat, Diss.

Produktions- und Beschäftigungseffekte von Verkehrsflughäfen am Beispiel des Flughafens Köln, Bonn /

Kurte, Judith. January 1999 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Köln, 1999.

Contribution à l'évaluation économique des marées vertes / A contribution to the economic assessment of green tides

Yang, Yi 15 December 2016 (has links)
Provoquées par des efflorescences saisonnières de macro-algues vertes de la famille des ulvacées, les marées vertes appartiennent à la classe plus large des blooms algaux nuisibles (HAB), en rapide développement dans le monde depuis trois décennies, sous l’effet notamment de l’eutrophisation des eaux côtières due aux activités humaines. L’accumulation massive des algues vertes sur les côtes produit une série de nuisances pour diverses activités marchandes et non marchandes, et peut être une source de danger pour la santé humaine. Dans le même temps, les algues vertes sont une ressource aux potentialités encore peu exploitées, et des programmes visant à valoriser industriellement les algues collectées lors des marées vertes ont vu le jour dans des pays impactés par ce phénomène, tels que la Chine et la France.Cette thèse traite de l’évaluation économique des marées vertes. Pour cela elle prend en compte, dans une optique coût-avantage, les coûts subis par les agents privés et les collectivités publiques, ainsi que les bénéfices issus de la valorisation des algues collectées lors de ces épisodes. La thèse repose sur deux cas d’étude, l’un en Chine (Mer Jaune) et l’autre en France (Bretagne). Les deux premiers chapitres sont consacrés aux marées vertes qui, depuis une dizaine d’années, se développent au printemps en Mer Jaune et viennent s’échouer sur les côtes du Shandong. Le premier chapitre étudie les mécanismes bioéconomiques à l’origine de ce phénomène, ses conséquences économiques, les politiques mises en œuvre pour y faire face, et les perceptions des acteurs et du public. Le deuxième chapitre cherche à évaluer le coût social des marées vertes, en le décomposant en coût de gestion d’une part (déduction faite de la valorisation d’une partie des algues récoltées) et en coût résiduel pour les activités marchandes et non marchandes d’autre part. Prenant la Bretagne comme cas d’étude, le troisième chapitre se focalise sur le thème de la valorisation des algues vertes. À l’aide d’un tableau entrées-sorties régionalisé, il évalue à différentes échelles spatiales les effets directs, indirects et induits d’un programme de valorisation industrielle des algues récoltées lors des marées vertes bretonnes. / Due to seasonal blooms of green macro-algae belonging to the ulvaceae family, green tides are part of the larger class of harmful algal blooms (HAB), which has developed worldwide at a high rate during the last three decades, favoured by the eutrophisation of coastal waters due to human activities. The massive accumulation of seaweeds on the shore resulting from green tides generates a variety of damages to market and non-market activities, and is a potential threat to human health. In the same time, green algae are a natural resource that may be turned into a variety of valuable products through industrial processing. R&D programs devoted to this subject have been launched in countries subject to green tides, such as China and France.The subject of this dissertation is the economic assessment of green tides, in a cost-benefit perspective. To this end, it studies the costs of green tides for private agents and public bodies, as well as the benefits due to the processing of algae.The dissertation relies on two case studies, one in China (Yellow Sea), and the other in France (Brittany). Chapter 1 and chapter 2 are dedicated to the case of the green tides that have developed each spring in the Yellow Sea and reached the southern shore of the Shandong province during the last decade. Chapter 1 investigates the bio-economic mechanisms of these episodes, their economic consequences, public management policies, and stakeholders’ perceptions. Chapter 2 tries to quantify the social cost of green tides, including management costs (minus benefits generated by green algae processing) and residual costs to market and non-market activities. Chapter 3 relies on the Brittany case, and focuses on the economic consequences of green algae industrial processing. Making use of a regionalized input-output table, it estimates, at various geographical scales, the economic impact of a program concerning the industrial processing of algae that are collected during the green tides on the Brittany shoreline.

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