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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití klíčivosti v badatelsky orientovaném vyučování na ZŠ a nižším stupni gymnázia / Use of seed germination test in the inquiry-based science education at primary and lower secondary schools

LANDOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possibilities of diversifying the teaching on the issue of germination in the form of worksheets as well as possibility of using germination tests in the inquiry-based teaching of biology at elementary schools and lower secondary schools. The readers are introduced into the general issues regarding seed development, construction and germination. It then deals with iquiry-based teaching, which is one of the most used methods in biology education in recent years. Worksheets created for this purpose are therefore validated through teaching practice and subsequently processed and evaluated. The paper discusses whether germination is a suitable biological material for inquiry-based teaching and also whether these worksheets can be recommended as a didactic teaching material for the development of skills and theoretical knowledge of germination.

Badatelsky orientované vyučování v matematice (desítková soustava a velká čísla) / Inquiry based mathematics education (decimal system and large numbers)

RONČÁKOVÁ, Soňa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses inquiry-based education in mathematics aimed at the decimal system and large numbers in elementary school environment. Inquiry-based education is a form of education that uses exploration or verification of new findings by the students themselves. The principles and basic characteristics of inquiry-based education are discussed in the theoretical part. The practical section is based on qualitative research. Data collection and analysis of results in 5 experiments in two parallel 5th grade classes are used to determine the characteristics of inquiry-based education and to discover the possible problematic occurrences, which could be encountered with this kind of education. Based on this information, recommendations for practical use are formulated. Results have shown that inquiry-based education in mathematics classes is beneficial to the students. Although greater care in selecting the right exercise and rigorous preparation of the teachers and teaching aids is required, implementation of this education is worth the effort. It represents an untraditional variegation for the students, by which they can calmly educate themselves and consolidate their knowledge.

Praktická cvičení v učivu Biologie buněk na gymnáziu / Practical exercises in cell biology curriculum for grammar schools

MANDRYSZOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis contains a collection of 29 practical exercises, aimed at cell biology. These excercises were developed on analysis of cell biology curriculum in Framework Education Programme for grammar schools, available biology textbooks and professional literature based on this topic. Practical exercises follow up active and inquiry-based approach of students to biology education. The execises include protocol suggestions for exercises, education goals summary, methodical notes for teachers and model answers.

Biologie buněk - učební portfolio pro vzdělávací obor biologie na gymnáziích / The Cell Biology - teaching portfolio for educational thematic area of biology for high school

VEJDĚLKOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to create a teaching portfolio for educational thematic area of the cell biology. Teaching materials are intended for high school students learning. The portfolio is aimed at the topic of cell construction. The portfolio is projected for the independent work of students. It can be used both in subject matter explanation and as home preparation. A revision test is a part of the portfolio. Activating part of the portfolio is composed of thematic games that are suitable for the subject matter revision and deepening of knowledge.

Repertoár demonstrací, experimentů a praktických cvičení s problematikou vodních bezobratlých v práci učitele na základní škole a nižším gymnáziu / Repertoire of demonstrations, experiments and practices focused on biology of water invertebrates in the work of a primary- and grammar school teacher

MATOUŠKOVÁ, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses how often the teachers in primary schools and in lower classes of multi-year grammar schools integrate practical exercises and experiments into the biology lessons in the issue of water invertebrates. A proposal of laboratory and field practices has also been created and carried out in the school practice in pursuance of water invertebrates with the use of stimulating educational methods, so called Inquiry-based science education.

Realidade do ensino por investigação na práxis dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental : possibilidades e desafios

Santana, Ronaldo Santos January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Fernanda Franzolin / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2016. / O ensino de Ciências por investigação (ENCI) é uma abordagem didática que tem sido recomendada mundialmente. Pode ser implementado pelos professores por meio de atividades em que os alunos investigam um problema proposto e tentam buscar hipóteses, soluções e considerações para respondê-lo. O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa é investigar as possibilidades apresentadas e os desafios enfrentados na realidade dos professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental na implementação de atividades investigativas no ensino de Ciências. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa colaborativa predominantemente qualitativa com 20 docentes atuantes nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. A pesquisa foi feita a partir da análise de conteúdo de dados provenientes de um formulário de concepções prévias preenchido pelas professoras, registros de um curso de formação continuada e dados de um estudo de casos múltiplos envolvendo três das participantes. Foram evidenciadas diversas possibilidades na implementação de atividades investigativas, como: atrelar o ensino de Ciências com outras disciplinas; desenvolver atividades experimentais em escolas sem laboratório de Ciências; trabalhar questões sobre a natureza da ciência; entre outras. Foram evidenciados também alguns desafios, como: repertório de ideias escasso; dificuldade em adaptar as atividades investigativas à rotina escolar; encontrar a melhor forma de aproveitar os erros em atividades investigativas; grande cobrança para as disciplinas de português e matemática; entre outros. Espera-se que as considerações e questionamentos oriundos desta pesquisa possam contribuir com futuros trabalhos para a elaboração de políticas públicas educacionais de modo a fazer com que a abordagem didática seja constantemente aperfeiçoada, para que se amplie o conhecimento do fenômeno de implementação do ensino de Ciências por investigação e para sua valoração diante de professores e pesquisadores da área. / Inquiry-Based Learning is a didactic approach that has been recommended worldwide. Can be implemented by teachers through activities in which students investigate a proposed problem and try to seek hypotheses, solutions and considerations to answer it. The main objective of this research is to investigate the possibilities presented and the challenges facing the reality of teachers in Elementary School in the implementation of inquiry activities in science education. For this, a predominantly qualitative collaborative research with 20 active teachers in Years of Basic Education was held. The survey was conducted from data content analysis from a form of preconceptions filled by teachers, records of a continuing education course and data from a study of multiple cases involving three of the participants. Several possibilities in the implementation of inquiry activities were highlighted, such as pegging the teaching of science with other disciplines; develop experimental activities in schools without science lab; work questions about the nature of science; among others. They were also highlighted some challenges, such as: repertoire of little ideas; difficulty in adapting to the school routine investigative activities; find the best way to take advantage of errors in investigative activities; great collection for the disciplines of Portuguese and Mathematics; among others. It is expected that the considerations and questions arising from this research can contribute to future work for the development of educational policies in order to make the didactic approach to be constantly improved, in order to expand the knowledge of the implementation phenomenon of science teaching for research and for its evaluation before teachers and researchers.

Strom: funkce v krajině a význam pro člověka (Výukové téma pro ZŠ) / Tree: its landscape function and importance for human beings (A theme for teaching at primary schools)

REHÁKOVÁ, Jarmila January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with a creating educational programmes for interactive boards usable in Science lessons at higher level of primary schools. Programme presentation was made in the seventh form of three primary school, where also a comparative research in the form of didactic test was placed. The aim of this test was to compare a knowledge level of pupils who were taught by the interactive programme, and those pupils who were taught by the traditional form of frontal teaching. The thesis is supplemented by a DVD with educational presentation for interactive boards and a printed manual necessary for the control of the programme.

O desenvolvimento de processos de investigação científica para o 1º ano do ensino fundamental / The development of scientific inquiry-based processes to the first year of elementary school

Tatiana Schneider Vieira de Moraes 13 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi realizado com a premissa de que, desde os primeiros anos de escolarização, os alunos precisam ser envolvidos em processos de investigação científica. Com a inserção de crianças de 6 anos no Ensino Fundamental (EF), surgiu uma série de indagações relacionadas ao Ensino de Ciências (EC), dentre as quais emerge a questão central desta pesquisa: É possível verificar o engajamento das crianças de 6 anos em processos de investigação científica?. Com enfoque essencialmente qualitativo e perspectiva de estudo de caso, estruturou-se uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) para os alunos dessa faixa etária, pertencentes a uma escola de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. As atividades que compõem a SEI foram divididas em três momentos: pré-investigação, investigação e pós-investigação. Com foco no processo de aprendizagem e significação de conceitos, a sequência teve o intuito de verificar algumas habilidades associadas ao fazer científico. Para tanto, foram analisadas as discussões orais, a partir da gravação de aulas e transcrição das falas, bem como as representações gráficas dos alunos, compondo, portanto, três fontes de dados: vídeos, falas e desenhos. Esses dados foram examinados com base em categorias relacionadas ao processo de investigação científica e ao conhecimento do ser vivo estudado. Por meio da observação de um ciclo de vida completo, os alunos vivenciaram oportunidades reais para levantar hipóteses, testar suas ideias, manusear materiais, coletar dados, manipular tabelas e gráficos, registrar informações, assim como articular, avaliar e revisar seus modelos de crescimento e desenvolvimento dos seres vivos. Os desenhos produzidos pelos alunos foram capazes de comunicar as atividades realizadas, tanto no que diz respeito ao ser vivo estudado como em relação aos materiais utilizados no processo de investigação. As habilidades empregadas pelos alunos, em suas comunicações orais ou representações gráficas, são ferramentas necessárias para o envolvimento com a cultura científica. Assim, acredita-se que as discussões científicas, no contexto da sala de aula, possuem implicação direta com o EC e devem ser fomentadas desde os primeiros anos do EF, visando à construção de novos conceitos e ferramentas científicas e ao envolvimento crescente dos alunos em processos de Alfabetização Científica (AC). / The present paper was developed with the premise that, since the early years in school, the students need to be involved in scientific inquiry-based processes. With the insertion of 6-year-old children in the Elementary School, a series of inquiries related to Science teaching came up, among which emerges the central question in this research: \"Is it possible to check the engagement of 6-year-old children in scientific inquiry-based processes?\". With essentially qualitative focus and case study perspective, an Inquiry-Based Teaching Sequence (IBTS) was structured to the students this age who belong to a school in Ribeirão Preto, in São Paulo state. The activities that make up the IBTS were divided in three moments: preinquiry, inquiry and postinquiry. Focusing in the learning process and in the meaning of concepts, the sequence had the intention to check some skills associated with the scientific doing. For this, oral discussions were analysed, starting with the recordings of the classes and the speech\'s transcription, as well as the students\' graphic representations which then made up three data sources: videos, speech and drawings. These data were examined based on categories related to the scientific inquiry-based process and the knowledge of the studied living being. Through the watching of a complete life cycle, the students experienced real opportunities to make hypothesis, test their ideas, handle materials, collect data, handle charts and graphics, and register information, as well as articulate, evaluate and review their growth models and living beings development. The drawings made by the students could communicate the performed activities, concerning both to the studied living being and to the materials used in the inquiry-based process. The skills used by the students in their oral communications or graphic representations are necessary tools to the engagement with the scientific culture. Therefore, it is believed that the scientific discussions, in the classroom context, have direct implication with the ST and must be encouraged since the early years in Science teaching, leading to the building of new concepts and scientific tools and also the growing engagement of the students in Scientific Literacy processes.

As ações do(a) professor(a) no ensino fundamental I ao aplicar uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) / The teacher\'s actions in Primary Education when applying an Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI, the initials in Portuguese)

Lucélia Aparecida Letta 11 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta um estudo qualitativo sobre as ações do(a) professor(a) em aulas de Ciências do Ensino Fundamental I ao aplicar uma Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI) (CARVALHO, 2011). Entendemos que as ações do(a) professor(a) são processos de diferentes estratégias pedagógicas e científicas em aulas investigativas ao aplicar uma SEI. Os dados utilizados para este estudo foram os mesmos dados coletados e utilizados por Sasseron (2008), constituídos por vídeos de aulas gravadas na íntegra e transcrições de falas, tanto do professor(a) quanto dos alunos, ao longo da implementação da SEI - \"Navegação e Meio Ambiente\". Sasseron propôs com essa pesquisa, os eixos estruturantes de Alfabetização Científica (AC) e os indicadores de Alfabetização Científica se debruçando sobre as interações discursivas entre professor e alunos com enfoque voltado para construção dos argumentos pelos alunos. Complementando tal itinerário de pesquisa, este trabalho analisou aulas desta SEI verificando essas interações e as ações do professor(a) nessas aulas. Os dados foram reanalisados e, para tanto, iniciamos os estudos de referenciais que discutem a interação discursiva em sala de aula, a Sequência de Ensino Investigativa (SEI), Argumentação em sala de aula de Ciências e Ações docentes. Este trabalho de pesquisa permitiu evidenciar que o(a) professor(a) desenvolve, para diferentes situações de aulas investigativas, ações características e integradoras tanto da área pedagógica quanto da área científica. Estas ações foram constituintes de uma proposição do que chamamos de Elementos do Ensino de Ciências por Investigação (EECI): um quadro matriz de categorias de Ações do(a) Professor(a) em aulas investigativas. As categorias presentes e definidas no quadro matriz foram construídas a partir das análises de cada aula, dando-nos evidências bastantes substanciais das ações do(a) professor(a) que contribuíram no processo de argumentação e no desenvolvimento da Alfabetização Científica (AC) dos alunos apresentados por Sasseron (2008) em seu trabalho. / This research paper presents a qualitative study of the actions of the teacher in Science classes in the Elementary School when applying an Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI, the initials in Portuguese) (CARVALHO, 2011). We understand that the actions of the teacher are processes of different teaching and scientific strategies in Inquiry-based lessons when applying a SEI. The data used in this study were the same data collected and used by Sasseron (2008), consisting of videos of entire recorded classes and transcripts of speeches, both from the teacher and the students, throughout the implementation of the SEI - \"Navigation and Environment\". Sasseron proposed, in this research, the structural axes of Scientific Literacy (AC, initials in Portuguese) and the indicators of Scientific Literacy, analyzing the discursive interactions between teacher and students, focusing on the construction of arguments by the students. Complementing this research itinerary, this study examined these SEI classes, observing these interactions and the actions of the teacher in the classes. The data were reanalyzed and, therefore, we initiated the studies of references that discuss the discursive interaction in the classroom, the Inquiry-based Sequence Teaching (SEI), Argumentation in the Science Classroom and Teachers activities. This research has highlighted that the teacher develops, for different situations of investigative classes, peculiar and integrative actions both in the pedagogical and scientific areas. Such actions were constituents of a proposition of what we call the Teaching of Science Elements through Research (EECI): a framework of categories of the Teacher\'s Actions in investigative classes. The defined categories under the framework were built from the analysis of each class, giving us substantial evidence of the teacher\'s actions which have contributed to the argumentation process and the development of the Scientific Literacy (AC) of the students presented by Sasseron (2008) in his paper.

Memória mediada na aprendizagem de física: problematizando a afirmação \"não me lembro de nada das aulas do ano passado!\" / Mediated memory in Physics learning: questioning the statement \"I remember nothing from last year classes!\"

Marta Maximo Pereira 11 December 2014 (has links)
Várias pesquisas em ensino de ciências apontam a dificuldade que os estudantes apresentam para retomar conhecimentos de Física com os quais já tiveram contato anteriormente na escola. Apresentamos nesta tese o relato de uma pesquisa cujos objetivos são identificar o que os estudantes retomam das aulas de Física do ano anterior e compreender os processos que levam (ou não) a essas retomadas, considerando a perspectiva do ensino por investigação. Foi realizada observação participante em uma turma de 22 alunos de Ensino Médio, de uma instituição federal de ensino, durante seis meses, ao longo dos quais foram utilizadas com os estudantes algumas atividades investigativas sobre calor e temperatura, além das práticas usuais do professor para abordar a temática da Física Térmica. Aproximadamente um ano depois, o mesmo docente aplicou, para a mesma turma, atividades diferentes das iniciais, mas que solicitavam a retomada do que tinha sido ensinado previamente. Coletas de registros foram realizadas nesses diferentes momentos. Utilizamos cinco elementos teóricos como base para as análises realizadas - memória, cognição, afetividade, interação social e metacognição -, a fim de tentar compreender o processo de aprendizagem ao longo de diferentes momentos, considerando a perspectiva sócio-histórico-cultural vigotskiana. No processo de análise dos dados, elaboramos duas categorias de análise relativas às memórias mediadas: a memória científico-afetiva, que diz respeito ao que foi retomado e que guarda estreita relação com o conhecimento científico escolar e/ou é influenciado por ele; a memória afetivo-vivencial, que se refere ao que foi retomado e que não tem relação explícita com o conhecimento científico escolar. Um ano após as atividades iniciais, os estudantes retomaram, pela memória científico-afetiva, conhecimentos e habilidades relativas ao ensino por investigação e à metacognição. Entendemos que tais retomadas são indícios da aprendizagem dos temas de física trabalhados nos processos de ensino. Atividades realizadas em aula, sentimentos e sensações foram retomados pela memória afetivo-vivencial. As retomadas por ambas as memórias ocorreram por intermédio de elementos mediadores, que expressam de que forma ou por intermédio de que fatores tais retomadas foram feitas. A análise realizada nos permite defender a tese de que a aprendizagem de Física ao longo do tempo, na perspectiva do ensino por investigação, é influenciada e permeada por memórias mediadas, as quais envolvem aspectos cognitivos, afetivos e metacognitivos e são formadas e acessadas por elementos mediadores. Uma implicação de nossos resultados para o ensino de Física é o fato de que conhecer os elementos mediadores pode auxiliar o docente a elaborar seu ensino de modo a afetar positivamente a aprendizagem dos estudantes. Considerando a dificuldade que os estudantes apresentam para realizar retomadas de conhecimento em momentos posteriores ao ensino inicial na escola, concluímos que a perspectiva de ensino do professor e o tipo de atividade de retomada influenciam diretamente a forma como os alunos retomam situações e conhecimentos com os quais tiveram contato anteriormente. / Several researches in science teaching point out the difficulty students have to recall knowledge in Physics they have already had contact with at school. In this thesis, we present the report of a research which had the objective of identifying what the students recall from Physics classes they had in the previous year and comprehending the processes that lead (or not) to those recalls, considering the inquiry-based teaching. Participative observation has been carried out in a high school group with 22 students at a federal institution of learning, during six months. During those months, some inquiry-based activities were carried out with the students concerning heat and temperature, besides usual practices the teacher has to approach Thermal Physics themes. Nearly one year later, the same teacher applied activities to the same group, which were different from the initial ones, and requested the recall of what they have been previously taught. The collection of records was made in these different moments. We used five theoretical elements as the basis for the analyses performed - memory, cognition, affection, social interaction and metacognition - in order to attempt to comprehend the learning process all over the different moments, considering the cultural-historical perspective. In the process of data analysis, we have elaborated two categories of mediated memories: scientific-affective memory, corresponding to which has been recalled and that keeps close relation to the scientific knowledge and/or is influenced by it; affective-living memory, corresponding to which has been recalled and that has no explicit relation to the scientific knowledge. One year after the initial activities, the students recalled, by scientific-affective memory, knowledge and abilities related to the inquiry-based teaching and to metacognition. We understand such recalls are evidences that the students learned some of the Physics topics that were taught. Activities carried out in class, feelings and sensations were recalled by affective-living memory. The recalls by both memories happened by mediating elements, which express the way or the factors by which those recalls were made. The analysis performed allows us to defend the thesis that the Physics learning over time, from the perspective of the inquiry-based teaching, is influenced and permeated by mediated memories, which involve cognitive, affective and metacognitive aspects and are formed and accessed by mediating elements. An implication of our results to Physics teaching is the fact that knowing the mediating elements may help the teacher elaborate his teaching in order to positively affect the students\" learning. Considering the above mentioned difficulty students have to make recalls of knowledge in moments after the initial learning at school, we conclude that the teacher\"s teaching perspective and the type of recall activity directly impact the way the students recall situations and knowledge with which they have had prior contact.

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