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Um arcabouço cognitivamente inspirado para representação de conhecimento e raciocínioCarbonera, Joel Luis January 2016 (has links)
Seres humanos são capazes de desenvolver complexas estruturas de conhecimento que podem ser utilizadas de modo flexível para lidar com o ambiente de maneira apropriada. Estas estruturas de conhecimento constituem um núcleo que suporta processos cognitivos, tais como a percepção, a categorização, o planejamento, etc. A Inteligência Artificial, enquanto área de investigação, ocupa-se de desenvolver meios que viabilizem a reprodução destas capacidades cognitivas em agentes artificiais. Por este motivo, a investigação de abordagens que permitam a representação de conhecimento de um modo flexível se revela altamente relevante. Com o objetivo de superar algumas das limitações típicas da teoria clássica, que é adotada por várias abordagens propostas na Inteligência Artificial, este trabalho propõe um arcabouço cognitivamente inspirado para representação de conhecimento e raciocínio que integra aspectos de três diferentes teorias cognitivas a respeito de como conceitos são representados na cognição humana: teoria clássica, teoria do protótipo e teoria do exemplar. O arcabouço resultante é capaz de suportar a composicionalidade, a tipicalidade, a representação de instâncias atípicas dos conceitos, e a representação da variabilidade de indivíduos classificados por cada conceito. Consequentemente, o arcabouço proposto também suporta raciocínio lógico e baseado em similaridade. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são a concepção teórica e a formalização de um arcabouço cognitivamente inspirado para representação de conhecimento e raciocínio. Uma outra contribuição deste trabalho é uma abordagem de raciocínio para classificação que utiliza a abordagem de representação de conhecimento proposta. Além disso, este trabalho também apresenta duas abordagens para seleção de exemplares representativos de cada conceito e uma abordagem para extração de protótipos de conceitos. Nesta tese também é apresentado um sistema para interpretação automática de processos deposicionais que adota o arcabouço proposto. Experimentos realizados em uma tarefa de classificação sugerem que o arcabouço proposto é capaz de oferecer classificações mais informativas que as oferecidas por uma abordagem puramente clássica. / Human beings can develop complex knowledge structures that can be used for dealing with the environment in suitable ways. These knowledge structures constitute a core that supports several cognitive processes, such as perception, categorization, planning, etc. The Artificial Intelligence, as a research field, aims at developing approaches for mimicking these cognitive capabilities in machines. Due to this, it is important to investigate approaches that allow representing the knowledge in flexible ways. In order to overcome some limitations of the classical theory of knowledge representation, which is adopted by several approaches proposed in the Artificial Intelligence field, this work proposes a cognitively-inspired framework for knowledge representation and reasoning which integrates aspects from three different cognitive theories about concept representation in the human cognition: classical theory, prototype theory and exemplar theory. The resulting framework can support compositionality, typicality, representation of atypical instances of concepts, and representation of the variability of the individuals classified by each concept. Consequently, the proposed framework also supports logical reasoning and similarity-based reasoning. The main contributions of this work are the formalization of a cognitively-inspired framework for knowledge representation and reasoning, two approaches for selecting representative exemplars of each concept and an approach of reasoning for classification that integrates logical reasoning and similarity-based reasoning and that is supported by definitions, prototypes and exemplars of concepts. This thesis also presents a system for automatic interpretation of depositional processes application that adopts the proposed framework. The experiments, which were performed on a classification task, suggest that the proposed framework provides classifications that are more informative than the ones provided by a classical approach.
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Instance compression of parametric problems and related hierarchiesChakraborty, Chiranjit January 2014 (has links)
We define instance compressibility ([13, 17]) for parametric problems in the classes PH and PSPACE.We observe that the problem ƩiCIRCUITSAT of deciding satisfiability of a quantified Boolean circuit with i-1 alternations of quantifiers starting with an existential quantifier is complete for parametric problems in the class Ʃp/i with respect to w-reductions, and that analogously the problem QBCSAT (Quantified Boolean Circuit Satisfiability) is complete for parametric problems in PSPACE with respect to w-reductions. We show the following results about these problems: 1. If CIRCUITSAT is non-uniformly compressible within NP, then ƩiCIRCUITSAT is non-uniformly compressible within NP, for any i≥1. 2. If QBCSAT is non-uniformly compressible (or even if satisfiability of quantified Boolean CNF formulae is non-uniformly compressible), then PSPACE ⊆ NP/poly and PH collapses to the third level. Next, we define Succinct Interactive Proof (Succinct IP) and by adapting the proof of IP = PSPACE ([11, 6]) , we show that QBCNFSAT (Quantified Boolean Formula (in CNF) Satisfiability) is in Succinct IP. On the contrary if QBCNFSAT has Succinct PCPs ([32]) , Polynomial Hierarchy (PH) collapses. After extending the notion of instance compression to higher classes, we study the hierarchical structure of the parametric problems with respect to compressibility. For that purpose, we extend the existing definition of VC-hierarchy ([13]) to parametric problems. After that, we have considered a long list of natural NP problems and tried to classify them into some level of VC-hierarchy. We have shown some of the new w-reductions in this context and pointed out a few interesting results including the ones as follows. 1. CLIQUE is VC1-complete (using the results in [14]). 2. SET SPLITTING and NAE-SAT are VC2-complete. We have also introduced a new complexity class VCE in this context and showed some hardness and completeness results for this class. We have done a comparison of VC-hierarchy with other related hierarchies in parameterized complexity domain as well. Next, we define the compression of counting problems and the analogous classification of them with respect to the notion of instance compression. We define #VC-hierarchy for this purpose and similarly classify a large number of natural counting problems with respect to this hierarchy, by showing some interesting hardness and completeness results. We have considered some of the interesting practical problems as well other than popular NP problems (e.g., #MULTICOLOURED CLIQUE, #SELECTED DOMINATING SET etc.) and studied their complexity for both decision and counting version. We have also considered a large variety of circuit satisfiability problems (e.g., #MONOTONE WEIGHTED-CNFSAT, #EXACT DNF-SAT etc.) and proved some interesting results about them with respect to the theory of instance compressibility.
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Design space exploration using multi-instance modelling and its application for SMEsSingh, Baljinder January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Abnormality Detection in Retinal ImagesYu, Xiaoxue, Hsu, Wynne, Lee, Wee Sun, Lozano-Pérez, Tomás 01 1900 (has links)
The implementation of data mining techniques in the medical area has generated great interest because of its potential for more efficient, economic and robust performance when compared to physicians. In this paper, we focus on the implementation of Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL) in the area of medical image mining, particularly to hard exudates detection in retinal images from diabetic patients. Our proposed approach deals with the highly noisy images that are common in the medical area, improving the detection specificity while keeping the sensitivity as high as possible. We have also investigated the effect of feature selection on system performance. We describe how we implement the idea of MIL on the problem of retinal image mining, discuss the issues that are characteristic of retinal images as well as issues common to other medical image mining problems, and report the results of initial experiments. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Multiple-Instance Learning Image Database Retrieval employing Orthogonal Fractal BasesWang, Ya-ling 08 August 2004 (has links)
The objective of the present work is to propose a novel method to extract a stable feature set representative of image content. Each image is represented by a linear combination of fractal orthonormal basis vectors. The mapping coefficients of an image projected onto each orthonormal basis constitute the feature vector. The set of orthonormal basis vectors are generated by utilizing fractal iterative function through target and domain blocks mapping. The distance measure remains consistent, i.e., isometric embedded, between any image pairs before and after the projection onto orthonormal axes. Not only similar images generate points close to each other in the feature space, but also dissimilar ones produce feature points far apart. The above statements are logically equivalent to that distant feature points are guaranteed to map to images with dissimilar contents, while close feature points correspond to similar images.
In this paper, we adapt the Multiple Instance Learning paradigm using the Diverse Density algorithm as a way of modeling the ambiguity in images in order to learning concepts used to classify images. A user labels an image as positive if the image contains the concepts, as negative if the image far from the concepts. Each example image is a bag of blocks where only the bag is labeled. The User selects positive and negative image examples to train the concepts in feature space.
From a small collection of positive and negative examples, the system learns the concepts using them to retrieve images that contain the concepts from database. Each concept having similar blocks becomes the group in each image. According groups¡¦ location distribution, variation and spatial relations computes positive examples and database images similarity.
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Video Database Retrieval SystemLin, Chia-Hsuan 03 July 2006 (has links)
During the Digital Period, the more people using these digital video. When there are more and more users and amount of video data, the management of video data becomes a significant dimension during development. Therefore, there are more and more studying of accomplishing video database system, which provide users to search and get them.
In this paper, a novel method for Video Scene Change Detection and video database retrieval is proposed. Uses Fractal orthonormal bases to guarantee the similar index has the similar image the characteristic union support vector clustering, splits a video into a sequence of shots, extracts a few representative frames(key-frames) to take the video database index from each shot.
When image search compared to, according to MIL to pick up the characteristic, which images pursues the video database to have the similar characteristic, computation similar, makes the place output according to this.
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Laienbeteiligung im Strafverfahren : eine rechtssoziologische Untersuchung zur Funktion der Laienbeteiligung im Strafprozess /Spona, Dagmar. January 2000 (has links)
Diss.--Bielefeld, 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 133-147.
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La notion de partie en procédure civile / No English title availableVeyre, Liza 21 March 2016 (has links)
La notion de partie comportant de nombreuses incertitudes, tant théoriques que pratiques, l'objet de cette thèse est de proposer une approche renouvelée de cette notion, en ne recherchant pas seulement quels sont les critères de détermination de la qualité de partie mais aussi quelles sont les personnes ayant vocation à disposer de cette qualité procédurale, car beaucoup de problèmes entourant cette notion nécessitent de pouvoir répondre à cette dernière interrogation. Il est ressorti de cette étude que le respect du principe selon lequel nul ne peut être jugé sans avoir été mis en mesure de se défendre impose que toute personne susceptible d'être jugée ait la qualité de partie, et que, sauf exceptions, le respect du devoir de non-immixtion dans les affaires d'autrui et de l'objectif de bonne administration de la justice implique de ne pas octroyer la qualité de partie à d'autres personnes que celles susceptibles d'être jugées. Dès lors, nous avons pu vérifier si les personnes étant parties ou tiers étaient légitimes à l'être et proposer, lorsque tel n'était pas le cas, des solutions pour y remédier. En outre, en analysant à la lumière de l'approche centrée sur la vocation à être partie les divers cas posant des difficultés de qualification procédurale, nous avons pu démontrer que les catégories de tiers et de parties ne nécessitent pas d'être complétées de classifications intermédiaires. En revanche, étudier isolément chaque situation à l'aune de cette nouvelle approche a permis de faire en sorte, pour tous ces cas jusqu'alors incertains, que chaque personne dispose de la qualité procédurale et des prérogatives auxquelles elle pouvait légitimement prétendre. / No English summary available.
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L'office du juge administratif de la légalité / The powers of the administrative judge of legalityLellig, Wendy 14 December 2015 (has links)
Bien que profondément réformé ces vingt dernières années, l’office du juge administratif de la légalité reste caractérisé par certaines insuffisances. Faute de pouvoir se saisir d’office de certaines conclusions ou de tout moyen d’annulation, le juge chargé de censurer les actes administratifs illégaux est parfois contraint de rejeter des requêtes en annulation pourtant recevables et fondées. Cette défectuosité du contrôle juridictionnel opéré trouve son origine dans l’insuffisante prise en considération de la singularité de la fonction juridictionnelle exercée, qui ne consiste pas exclusivement à trancher un litige mais également à contrôler la légalité d’un acte. Le parachèvement de l’office du juge administratif de la légalité suppose son émancipation des éléments constitutifs de l’instance tels que fixés par les parties afin de lui conférer les pouvoirs adaptés à l’accomplissement de la mission qui lui incombe. A cette fin, l’étude des fondements de la prohibition de l’autosaisine permet de démontrer qu’aucun obstacle d’ordre théorique ou pratique ne s’oppose véritablement ni à la consécration des conclusions d’ordre public, ni à la généralisation des moyens d’ordre public. Seules des limites d’ordre conceptuel, nécessairement contingentes et dès lors surmontables, expliquent l’inertie à laquelle s’astreint encore le juge administratif de la légalité dans la détermination de la matière litigieuse. / Although profoundly reformed in the course of the past twenty years, the judicial recourse for abuse of power led by the administrative judge still falls short.Prevented to review, on its own initiative, the legality of the whole administrative act, the judge is sometimes bound to reject some complaints although they were admissible and well-founded. This deficiency in judicial review originated in the insufficient consideration of the unique nature of the judicial recourse for abuse of power which does not only entail settling a case but also ensuring the legality review of administrative decisions.To ensure the completion of his powers the administrative judge will need to liberate himself from the sole content of the submissions and arguments of the applicants and be allowed to expand his powers in order to accomplish his purpose.The analysis of the rationale to this prohibition of judge-initiated legal argumentsdemonstrates that there isn’t any theoretical or practical obstacle to the possibility for the administrative judge to automatically examine the legality of public policy arguments and conclusions. Only conceptual limitations, necessarily incidental, explain the inertia of the administrative judge in the determination of the matter at hand.
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Real-Time Instance and Semantic Segmentation Using Deep LearningKolhatkar, Dhanvin 10 June 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, we explore the use of Convolutional Neural Networks for semantic and instance segmentation, with a focus on studying the application of existing methods with cheaper neural networks. We modify a fast object detection architecture for the instance segmentation task, and study the concepts behind these modifications both in the simpler context of semantic segmentation and the more difficult context of instance segmentation. Various instance segmentation branch architectures are implemented in parallel with a box prediction branch, using its results to crop each instance's features. We negate the imprecision of the final box predictions and eliminate the need for bounding box alignment by using an enlarged bounding box for cropping. We report and study the performance, advantages, and disadvantages of each. We achieve fast speeds with all of our methods.
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