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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fenômenos de precipitação pluvial intensa: análise da espacialidade e variabilidade na bacia hidrográfica do rio Piracicaba - SP / Intense rainfall phenomena : analysis of spatiality and variability in the Piracicaba-SP river basin

Adriano de Souza Antunes 11 September 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta uma análise da dinâmica espacial e temporal dos eventos intensos de precipitação na bacia hidrográfica do rio Piracicaba, no período de 1981 a 2010, com dados de 51 postos pluviométricos mantidos na região pelo Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica (DAEE) e pela Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) e a Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ). A partir do limiar de 94 mm em 24 horas, obtido por meio da adaptação do método box plot, foi possível estabelecer áreas de maior ocorrência de eventos e buscar possíveis relações com outros elementos climáticos e geomorfológicos. Verificou-se que o setor centro-leste da bacia hidrográfica recebeu a maior quantidade de chuvas intensas no período estudado. Através do mapa de ocorrência desses fenômenos pode-se perceber a influência do relevo nessa dinâmica já que se trata do início do planalto Atlântico com altitudes de aproximadamente 1800 metros. Suscetíveis a grande quantidade de sistemas frontais e ZCAS, podemos atribuir a variabilidade desses eventos, em sua maioria, a esses sistemas já que predominaram no verão e primavera, justamente o maior período de ocorrência desses fenômenos. Posteriormente buscou-se verificar possíveis associações entre as características pluviométricas do local e a metodologia dos anos padrão. Após a análise desses elementos, pode-se perceber que existe uma boa relação entre os períodos considerados chuvosos e habituais e os eventos de chuva intensa, já que nesses anos obtivemos grande quantidade de precipitações intensas. Por fim, foi realizado o estudo de caso de dois eventos de precipitação que tiveram grande magnitude horária. As consequências em superfície, ficaram evidentes como por exemplo, inundações e alagamentos, representadas por meio de recortes de notícias de jornal de dias posteriores ao evento. / This research presents an analysis of the dynamics of intense precipitation events in the basin of Piracicaba river in the period from 1981 to 2010 with data from 50 rain gauges in the region maintained by the Department of Water and Power (DAEE), the National Water Agency (ANA) and Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) . Through the method of integrated analysis, it was the spatiality and variability of events in the study area, looking for possible explanations for the occurrence of these phenomena. From the threshold of 94 mm in 24 hours, obtained by adapting the box plot method, it was possible to establish areas of higher incidence of events and seek possible relationships with other climatic and geomorphological elements. It was found that the central-eastern sector of the basin received the highest amount of heavy rains during the study period. Through the occurrence of these phenomena map one can see the influence of relief in this dynamic since it is the beginning of the Atlantic plateau with altitudes of about 1800 meters. Susceptible to large amount of frontal systems and ZCAS, we can attribute the variability of these events, for the most part, these systems since prevailed in the summer and spring, just the greatest period of occurrence of these systems. Later he sought to investigate possible associations with rainfall characteristics of the site with the methodology of standard years. After analyzing these elements, one can see that there is a good relationship between rainy periods considered and intense rainfall events, since in those years got lots of heavy rainfall. Finally, the study was conducted in the case of two intense precipitation events that had great hourly magnitude. The consequences surface, were evident such as floods and flooding, represented through newspaper news clippings of days after the event.

Transport électronique sous champ magnétique intense dans des gaz d'électrons bidimensionnels / Electronic transport properties of two-dimensional electron gases (2DES) under high magnetic field

Iacovella, Fabrice 26 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude de transport électronique dans des gaz d'électrons bidimensionnels sous champ magnétique intense (60T). La première partie est dédiée au gaz d'électrons formé à l'interface entre deux isolants de bandes LaAlO3/SrTiO3. Sur la plage de champ magnétique exploré, la non-linéarité de la résistance de Hall permet d'établir un régime de conduction multi-bande. Une majorité des porteurs de charge de faible mobilité (µ ~100 cm2/Vs) occupe une bande tandis qu'une minorité de porteurs de haute mobilité (µ>1000 cm2/Vs) occupent au moins deux autres bandes de conduction. La présence d'oscillations de Shubnikov-de Haas à très basse température (450mK) est associée aux porteurs de haute mobilité. La fréquence et l'amplitude des oscillations sont profondément modifiées lorsque la densité de porteurs est modulée par couplage électrostatique. Cette étude laisse entrevoir un système électronique complexe, encore peu exploré et dans lequel un nombre important de paramètres (conditions de croissance, densité de porteurs ...) sont susceptibles d'affecter les propriétés de transport électronique. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de films inhomogènes de graphène issus d'un dépôt chimique en phase vapeur. Deux échantillons aux propriétés électroniques radicalement différentes ont été étudiés. L'un d'entre eux est constitué d'un ensemble de grains de graphène multi-feuillets fortement couplés les uns aux autres. De larges oscillations de la magnéto-résistance sont observées sous champ magnétique intense, présentant un caractère pseudo-périodique en fonction du facteur de remplissage. Cette observation suggère un régime de transport dans lequel la formation des niveaux de Landau est propre à chaque "grains" de graphène multi-couche, prévenant ainsi l'établissement du régime d'effet Hall quantique sans pour autant détruire la quantification du spectre énergétique en niveaux discrets dans la réponse globale de l'échantillon. Dans un autre échantillon, la présence d'un désordre fort localise la fonction d'onde au niveau des impuretés ou des grains de graphène multi-couche. A basse température, la conductivité est nulle (caractère isolant) tant que la tension de polarisation ne dépasse pas un certain seuil. Dans ce régime de transport, la magnéto-résistance positive observée expérimentalement possède la forme fonctionnelle du modèle VRH (Variable Range Hopping), impliquant le confinement magnétique des fonctions d'onde électroniques. La troisième partie est consacrée à la recherche des états conducteurs de surface dans les isolants topologiques, en particulier les composés Bi2Se3 et Bi2Te3. L'existence de ces états électroniques aux propriétés particulières a été prédite par de nombreuses études théoriques et confirmée expérimentalement par ARPES. Leur mise en évidence par transport électronique reste cependant controversée. Nous avons souhaité utiliser un champ magnétique intense pour tenter de révéler ces états de surface à travers l'observation d'oscillations de Shubnikov-de Haas à très basse température. Bien que les résultats obtenus n'aient pas permis d'apporter une preuve irréfutable du phénomène recherché, ces derniers seront commentés au regard de la littérature existante. / This PhD thesis focuses on electronic transport properties of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) under high magnetic field (60T). The first part is dedicated to the 2DEG formed at the interface between two band insulators, namely LaAlO3/SrTiO3. In the range of available magnetic field, the nonlinearity of the Hall resistance reveals a multi-band conduction system. We have found that a majority of charge carriers with low mobility (µ ~100 cm2/Vs) occupies one conduction band and a minority of high mobility carriers (µ> 1000 cm2/Vs) occupies at least two conduction bands. The presence of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations at very low temperature (450mK) is mostly associated with the high mobility carriers. The frequency and amplitude of the oscillations are substantially modified when the carrier density is modulated by electrostatic coupling, suggesting a complex electronic system whose transport properties are strongly influenced by many external parameters (growth conditions, carrier density, temperature, quality of the interface, etc). The second part is devoted to the study of inhomogeneous graphene films deposited by chemical vapor deposition. Two samples with radically different electronic properties were studied. One of them consists of a random array of few-layer-graphene grains strongly coupled to each other. Large oscillations in the magneto-resistance are observed in high magnetic field. These oscillations are pseudo-periodic as a function of the filling factor suggesting the onset of Landau level quantization particular to each grain which, subsequently, prevents the establishment of the quantum Hall regime. In another sample, the presence of strong disorder localizes the electronic wave function close to impurities or grains of multi-layer graphene. The transport regime can be described by a model of thermally activated electron hopping. At low temperatures, the conductivity is zero (insulating behaviour) provided the bias voltage does not exceed a certain threshold. Once this threshold is reached, the charge transport is well described by a model which considers an array of weakly (capacitive) coupled conducting islands. The experimental positive magneto-resistance in high magnetic field satisfies the predictions of the VRH model (Variable Range Hopping) involving magnetic-induced shrinkage of the electronic wave functions, in consistency with the low temperature charge localization regime. The third part is devoted to the search for the surface states in topological insulators, especially in the Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 compounds. The existence of such surface states with special electronic properties was predicted by many theoretical studies and experimentally confirmed by Angle Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy. However, signatures of surface conducting states probed by electronic transport remain controversial. In this perspective, we took advantage of very high magnetic field to investigate on surface state induced Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations at very low temperature. Although the results did not provide convincing evidence of the expected phenomena, they are discussed in the context of the existing literature and pave the way for further researches.

Physical aspects and modelling of turbulent MILD combustion

Minamoto, Yuki January 2014 (has links)
Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion is one of combustion technologies which can improve efficiency and reduce emissions simultaneously. This combustion type is characterised by the highly preheated reactant temperature and the relatively small temperature rise during combustion due to the intense dilution of the reactant mixture. These unique combustion conditions give MILD combustion very attractive features such as high combustion efficiency, reduction of pollutant emissions, attenuation of combustion instabilities and flexibility of the flow field. However, our understanding of MILD combustion is not enough to employ the MILD combustion technology further for modern combustion devices. In this thesis, Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) has been carried out for turbulent MILD combustion under four MILD and classical premixed conditions. A two-phase strategy is employed in the DNS to include the effect of imperfect mixing between fresh and exhaust gases before intense chemical reactions start. In the simulated instantaneous MILD reaction rate fields, both thin and distributed reaction zones are observed. Thin reaction zones having flamelet like characteristics propagate until colliding with other thin reaction zones to produce distributed reaction zones. Also, the effect of such interacting reaction zones on scalar gradient has to be taken into account in flamelet approaches. Morphological features of MILD reaction zones are investigated by employing Minkowski functionals and shapefinders. Although a few local reaction zones are classified as thin shape, the majority of local reaction zones have pancake or tube-like shapes. The representative scales computed by the shapefinders also show a typical volume where intense reactions appear. Given high temperature and existence of radicals in the diluted reactants, both reaction dominated and flame-propagation dominated regions are locally observed. These two phenomena are closely entangled under a high dilution condition. The favourable conditions for these phenomena are investigated by focusing on scalar fluxes and reaction rate. A conditional Probability Density Function (PDF) is proposed to investigate flamelet/non-flamelet characteristics of MILD combustion. The PDF can be obtained by both numerically and experimentally. The PDF shows that MILD combustion still has the direct relationship between reaction rate and scalar gradient, although the tendency is statistically weak due to the distributed nature of MILD reaction zones. Finally, based on the physical aspects of MILD combustion explained in this work, a representative model reactor for MILD combustion is developed. The model reactor is also used in conjunction with the presumed PDF for a mean and filtered reaction rate closure. The results show a good agreement between the modelled reaction rate and the DNS results.

Post compression d'impulsions intenses ultra-brèves et mise en forme spatiale pour la génération d'impulsions attosecondes intenses / Post compression of high energy ultra-short pulses and spatial shaping of intense laser beams for generation of intense attosecond pulses

Dubrouil, Antoine 28 October 2011 (has links)
La génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé en milieu gazeux est un phénomène habituellement décrit par un modèle à trois étapes : sous l'effet d'un champ laser intense, un atome (ou une molécule) est ionisé par effet tunnel. L'électron éjecté est accéléré dans le champ laser, puis il se recombine sur son ion parent en émettant un photon XUV. Ce rayonnement XUV, émis sous la forme d'impulsions attosecondes (1 as = 10-18 s), est un outil idéal pour sonder la structure électronique des atomes ou des molécules, avec une résolution temporelle de l'ordre de l'attoseconde. Néanmoins, l'intensité de ce rayonnement n'est en général pas suffisante pour induire des effets non-linéaires (transitions à deux photons).Au cours des travaux réalisés pendant cette thèse, nous avons développé une source harmonique capable de produire un rayonnement XUV intense qui doit permettre d'accéder à la physique non-linéaire dans cette gamme de longueur d'onde. Pour parvenir à ces résultats, un travail important sur les impulsions infrarouges génératrices a été nécessaire, aussi bien dans le domaine spatial que dans le domaine temporel. Une technique de mise en forme spatiale de faisceaux laser intenses a donc été développée, ainsi qu'une technique de post compression adaptée aux impulsions laser intenses. Ce travail de thèse se divise donc en trois étapes : - Le développement de la source harmonique haute énergie et des diagnostics associés. Cette source est basée sur l'utilisation d'une chaîne laser Titane-Saphir qui délivre des impulsions de 150 mJ pour des durées de 40 fs à une cadence de 10 Hz. De bonnes conditions d'optimisation ont été obtenues, donnant lieu à des impulsions XUV dont l'énergie est de l'ordre du µJ lors de la génération dans l'argon.- Le développement d'une technique de mise en forme spatiale adaptée aux faisceaux laser intenses et à la génération d'harmoniques. Le dispositif est basé sur une optique en réflexion et sur les interférences à deux faisceaux. Il permet de produire, dans la région focale, des faisceaux dont le profil d'intensité est radialement constant (faisceaux flat top) et ainsi d'apporter un contrôle supplémentaire sur la génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé.- Le développement d'une technique de post compression en propagation guidée basée sur l'élargissement spectral induit par ionisation. Cette technique est adaptée pour des impulsions intenses (3.5 TW) et permet de produire des impulsions de puissance crête supérieure au Térawatt dans le domaine sub-10 fs. Cette technique fournit donc une source unique pour la génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé.Ces deux approches ont été testées et validées pour la génération d'harmoniques d'ordre élevé, et les résultats obtenus ouvrent d'intéressantes perspectives telles que la génération d'impulsions attosecondes isolées de haute énergie (> 100 nJ). / The generation of high order harmonics in a gaseous medium is a phenomenon conveniently described by a three steps model : subject to a strong laser field irradiation, an atom (or molecule) can undergo a tunneling ionization. The ejected electron is accelerated in the laser field and recombine on its parent ion leading to the emission of an XUV photon. The XUV radiation can be emitted as attosecond pulses (1 as = 10-18 s), and it is then an ideal tool to probe the electronic structure of atoms or molecules which require the highest time resolution. However, the intensity of this radiation is usually not sufficient to induce non-linear processes (two-photon transitions).In the frame of this work, we have developed a harmonic source capable of producing an intense XUV radiation to access non-linear physics in this wavelength domain.To achieve these results, significant work on the infrared generating pulses was necessary, both in the spatial and temporal domain. We have developed a technique for spatial shaping of intense laser beams, and a post compression technique fitted to high energy pulses.This thesis is therefore divided into three parts:- The development of an high energy harmonic source and related diagnostics. We use a Ti: sapphire laser system for this source which delivers 40-fs pulses up to an energy of 150 mJ at 10 Hz repetition rate. Good optimization conditions were obtained, leading to XUV pulse energies of the order of μJ in the case of generation in argon.- The development of a spatial shaping technique adapted to intense laser beams and to harmonic generation. The device is based on reflection optics and the interferences of two beams. It can produce, in the focal region, beams with a radially constant intensity over a large volume (flat top beams) and thus provide additional control of the harmonics generating process.- The development of a post compression technique in guided geometry based on the ionization induced spectral broadening. This technique is suitable for intense pulses (3.5 TW) and produces pulses above the terawatt level in the 10-fs range. This technique therefore provides a unique source for harmonic generation.These two approaches have been tested and validated for high order harmonics generation, and the results open interesting perspectives such as the generation of isolated attosecond pulses of high energy (> 100 nJ).

Contrôle de rayonnements térahertz intenses produits par lasers femtosecondes et applications à la détection de molécules / Control of intense terahertz radiations produced by femtosecond lasers and applications to the detection of molecules

Nguyen, Alisée 28 January 2019 (has links)
Les ondes térahertz (THz), situées entre l'infrarouge et les micro-ondes dans le spectre électromagnétique, correspondent aux fréquences caractéristiques de nombreux mouvements moléculaires et permettent ainsi de caractériser des molécules complexes par spectroscopie dans le domaine temporel. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les champs THz émis par une source constituée d'une impulsion laser à deux couleurs générant un plasma par ionisation de l'air. En raison de l'asymétrie temporelle du champ laser, un courant électronique présentant une composante basse-fréquence dans la gamme THz est formé dans le plasma par conversion non linéaire et produit un champ secondaire comprenant une composante THz. Les effets non linéaires intervenant dans la génération du rayonnement THz sont l'effet Kerr à basse intensité (< 10¹³ W/cm²) et les photocourants à plus haute intensité (> 10¹³ W/cm²), au-dessus du seuil d'ionisation. Ce dernier mécanisme, qui génère le plus de rayonnement THz, est principalement étudié dans ce manuscrit. Si la puissance crête de l'impulsion laser est suffisamment élevée, des filaments de lumière peuvent être formés par combinaison de l'effet Kerr focalisant et de la formation d'un plasma défocalisant. Le phénomène de filamentation laser permet ainsi de créer des ondes THz à distance. En modulant l'impulsion laser, il est aussi possible de modifier les champs et spectres THz associés. En particulier, nous étudions les effets d'une dérive de fréquence et de la combinaison de multi-impulsions sur l'efficacité de conversion laser-THz. Nous consacrons en outre une large part de nos études à l'influence de l'augmentation de la longueur d'onde laser sur le rendement en énergie de l'émission THz. / The terahertz waves (THz), located between the infrared and the microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum, correspond to the characteristic frequencies of numerous molecular motions and thus make it possible to characterize complex molecules by time-domain spectroscopy. This thesis aims to study the THz fields emitted by a source formed by a two-color laser pulse generating a plasma by air ionization. Due to the time asymmetry of the laser field, an electric current having a low-frequency component in the THz range is formed in the plasma by nonlinear conversion, generating a secondary field including a THz component. The nonlinear effects involved in the generation of THz radiation are the Kerr effect at low intensity (< 10¹³ W/cm²) and the photocurrents at higher intensity (> 10¹³ W/cm²), above the ionization threshold. This latter mechanism, which generates the most THz radiation, is mainly studied in this manuscript. If the peak power of the laser pulse is sufficiently high, light filaments can be created by combining the focusing Kerr effect and the defocusing action of the plasma. So, the filamentation process can produce THz waves remotely. By modulating the laser pulse, it is possible to modify the associated THz fields and spectra. In particular, we study the effects of pulse chirping and multi-pulse combination. We also devote a large part of our studies to the influence of increasing the laser wavelength on the THz energy yield.

Construction and use of an intense positron source at new linac facilities in Germany (- conceptual report -)

Brauer, Gerhard January 2000 (has links)
In this conceptual report the idea to establish an European Positron Source for Applied Research ("EPOS") based on new LINAC facilities in Germany (ELBE/Rossendorf or TTF-DESY/Hamburg) is considered. The report contains not only the outline of obvious applications in atomic physics, materials science and surface physics, but also several new methodical developments which are only possible with an intense positron beam. This opportunity will also allow the use and further development of imaging techniques being of special interest for industrial applications.

New Computational and Experimental Approaches for Studying Ion Acceleration and the Intense Laser-Plasma Interaction

Cochran, Ginevra E. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

High Energy, High Average Power, Picosecond Laser Systems To Drive Few-cycle Opcpa

Vaupel, Andreas 01 January 2013 (has links)
The invention of chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) in 1985 led to a tremendous increase in obtainable laser pulse peak intensities. Since then, several table-top, Ti:sapphire-based CPA systems exceeding the 100 TW-level with more than 10 W average power have been developed and several systems are now commercially available. Over the last decade, the complementary technology of optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) has improved in its performance to a competitive level. OPCPA allows direct amplification of an almost-octave spanning bandwidth supporting few-cycle pulse durations at center wavelengths ranging from the visible to the mid-IR. The current record in peak power from a table-top OPCPA is 16 TW and the current record average power is 22 W. High energy, few-cycle pulses with stabilized carrierenvelope phase (CEP) are desired for applications such as high-harmonic generation (HHG) enabling attoscience and the generation keV-photon bursts. This dissertation conceptually, numerically and experimentally describes essential aspects of few-cycle OPCPA, and the associated pump beam generation. The main part of the conducted research was directed towards the few-cycle OPCPA facility developed in the Laser Plasma Laboratory at CREOL (University of Central Florida, USA) termed HERACLES. This facility was designed to generate few-cycle pulses in the visible with mJ-level pulse energy, W-level average power and more than 100 GW peak power. Major parts of the implementation of the HERACLES facility are presented. The pump generation beam of the HERACLES system has been improved in terms of pulse energy, average power and stability over the last years. It is based on diode-pumped, solid-state amplifiers with picosecond duration and experimental investigations are presented in detail. A iii robust system has been implemented producing mJ-level pulse energies with ~100 ps pulse duration at kHz repetition rates. Scaling of this system to high power (>30 W) and high peak power (50-MW-level) as well as ultra-high pulse energy (>160 mJ) is presented. The latter investigation resulted in the design of an ultra-high energy system for OPCPA pumping. Following this, a new OPCPA facility was designed termed PhaSTHEUS, which is anticipated to reach ultra-high intensities. Another research effort was conducted at CELIA (Univeristé de Bordeaux 1, France) and aimed towards a previously unexplored operational regime of OPCPA with ultra-high repetition rates (10 MHz) and high average power. A supercontinuum seed beam generation has been established with an output ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 µm and few ps duration. The pump beam generation has been implemented based on rod-type fiber amplifiers producing more than 37 W average power and 370 kW peak power. The utility of this system as an OPCPA pump laser is presented along with the OPA design. The discussed systems operate in radically different regimes in terms of peak power, average power, and repetition rate. The anticipated OPCPA systems with few-cycle duration enable a wide range of novel experimental studies in attoscience, ultrafast materials processing, filamentation, LIBS and coherent control

Effect of Capsaicin Supplementation on Performance of and Physiological Response to Repeated Sprinting

Opheim, Maximilian Nicholas 04 March 2010 (has links)
Aim: Fatigue during team sports requiring multiple sprints can result from the combined effects of metabolic, mechanical, neurological, and immune factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of capsaicin on performance of and the physiological response to an exercise test simulating the fitness demands of team sport game conditions. Methods: This study was a placebo-controlled, crossover design. Nineteen healthy male experienced athletes age 18-30 yr consumed either 3 g/d cayenne (25.8 mg/d capsaicin) or placebo for 1 wk. Directly following the supplementation period, they completed a repeated sprint test consisting of 15 30 m maximal effort sprints on 35 s intervals. Sprint times were recorded via electronic dual-beam timing system. Fasted blood draws for interleukin-6 (IL-6) were taken at baseline prior to supplementation, 45-min pretest, and immediately post test. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), muscle soreness (MS), and gastrointestinal distress (GD) were measured 1-min pretest, during, posttest, and 1-min posttest. MS was also measured for 3 d posttest. Results: Relative to the placebo, capsaicin significantly reduced maximum HR by 9.3%, total average HR by 8.5%, and sprinting average HR by 6.0% (P<0.05). Capsaicin caused GD of at least 2/5 in 24.5% of subjects. There was no difference between treatments in fastest or mean sprint time, fatigue, percent change or difference in IL-6, BP, RPE, sprint or posttest MS. Conclusion: Capsaicin did not influence repeated sprint performance or the inflammatory response, but reduced HR during intense activity and causes substantial GD. / Master of Science

Liquid crystals as high repetition rate targets for ultra intense laser systems

Poole, Patrick 29 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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