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Aplikace zobecněné lineárně elastické lomové mechaniky na odhad počátku šíření trhliny z ostrého V-vrubu / Application of generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics on estimation of crack propagation origin from sharp V-notchŠtegnerová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on estimation of crack propagation origin from sharp V-notch. Stress distribution around the tip of the V-notch is described on the base of generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics. The change of the stress singularity exponent caused by geometry of the V-notch and the vertex singularity is taken into account. The first part of the work is devoted to the estimation of the stress singularity exponent of the V-notch either from stress distribution around the tip of the V-notch or by using analytical solution. Formerly derived stability criteria are applied in the second part of the work. The origin of the crack propagation is estimated for several experimental specimens. The aim of this thesis is to compare the available experimentally observed data with results obtained using those criteria based on the application of generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics developer at the Institute of Physics of Materials Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The finite element code Ansys and mathematical software Matlab were used for the necessary calculations.
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Predikce tvaru čela šířící se únavové trhliny / Fatigue crack front shape estimationZouhar, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The presented master’s thesis deals with fatigue crack front shape estimation. The aim of this thesis is to create an iterative process leading to the real fatigue crack front shape. Thesis is solved using finite element method. The work is divided into two logical parts. The first part of the thesis describes the basic concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanic (LEFM), methods used for estimation of stress intensity factor and stress singularity exponent. The first part further describes some phenomenon’s accompanying the mechanism of fatigue crack growth as for example crack tip curving and crack closure. In the second part of the thesis there is studied an affect of the free surface on the fracture parameters, especially the affected distance from the free surface is determined. Based on the assumption of a constant stress intensity factor and stress singularity exponent along the crack front, an iterative process leading to fatigue crack front shape is presented. The accuracy of the result is discussed by comparing of obtained crack front shapes with experimental data at the end of the thesis.
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Vliv tření na napjatost v okolí čela trhliny zatížené ve smykových módech / Influence of Friction to the Shear Stress State in the Crack-Front VicinityVlach, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to explore the influence of frictional forces to the stress and strain on the straight crack tip loaded in shear modes. The first section summarizes the most important things from the field of fracture mechanics. Especially theoretical knowledge about fracture parameters (stress intensity factor, J – integral) and their determination in computational environment ANSYS Workbench. The second part deals with computational modeling. At the beginning, is created the model of material, the model of geometry, the model of loads, etc. Then it is possible to solve the direct problem outlined in the introduction. A result of this thesis is the assessment of how the friction influences the fracture parameters in shear modes II and III.
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Řešení obecných koncentrátorů napětí v anisotropních prostředích pomocí kombinace MKP a teorie komplexních potenciálů / Solution of General Stress Concentrators in Anisotropic Media by Combination of FEM and the Complex Potential TheoryŠeveček, Oldřich January 2009 (has links)
Disertační práce se věnuje problematice obecných koncentrátorů napětí v anisotropních prostředích. Zejména se jedná o problém trhlin končících na rozhraní dvou různých materiálů, či problém obecného více-materiálového klínu. Cílem práce je vytvořit komplexní nástroj pro posuzování obecných koncetrátorů napětí tj, popis pole napětí v jeho okolí, zahrnutí případného vlivu přemostění trhliny do výsledného pole napětí a definici lomových kritérií pro obecný koncentrátor v anisotropním prostředí. U popisu pole napětí je využit tzv. Lechnického-Strohův formalismus a technika spojitě rozložených dislokací využívající teorii komplexních potenciálů. V práci je rovněž široce uplatněn tzv. dvoustavový "psí"-integrál (pro výpočet různých součinitelů asymptotického rozvoje pro napětí), založený na Bettiho recipročním teorému v kombinaci s metodou konečných prvků. Pro formulaci lomových kritérií je použita teorie tzv. „konečné lomové mechaniky“ a teorie sdružených asymptotických rozvojů. Studován je především vztah mezi ohybem trhliny podél rozhraní a její případnou pentrací do základního materiálu. Veškeré potřebné výpočty jsou prováděny v matematických softwarech MAPLE 10.0, MATLAB 7.1 a konečnoprvkovém systému ANSYS 10.0.
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[pt] A Mecânica da Fratura é uma área da mecânica clássica que estuda os processos que podem resultar no surgimento e propagação de fraturas e trincas nos materiais. Seus conceitos podem ser empregados em diversas áreas, como, por exemplo, no desenvolvimento de novos materiais, na área industrial (auxiliando na definição dos parâmetros de criticidade de defeitos) e em projetos estruturais, onde a presença de descontinuidades pode resultar na diminuição da resistência do material, levando-o ao colapso estrutural. As fraturas podem surgir como defeitos básicos nos materiais constituintes dos elementos, podem ser induzidas nos processos de construção ou, ainda, podem ser desenvolvidas durante a vida útil da estrutura. O estudo do comportamento de uma fratura é fundamental para a verificação coerente de tensões e deformações nos projetos estruturais. Alguns autores apresentaram diferentes metodologias para o cálculo de parâmetros importantes associados à propagação de fraturas. Tais parâmetros podem variar de acordo com o comportamento do material, características geométricas, carregamentos, condições de contorno e configuração das trincas. Essas análises também podem ser validadas através de metodologias numéricas. O presente projeto tem por objetivo avaliar o Fator de Intensidade de Tensões a partir de análises numéricas de três casos de fratura com base nos conceitos da Mecânica da Fratura Linear Elástica (MFLE). Para tal, aplicaram-se duas técnicas de modelagem em Elementos Finitos: elementos quarter-point 2D e 3D e o Método dos Elementos Finitos Estendidos (XFEM) 3D. Por fim, os resultados obtidos são comparados com os resultados publicados na literatura. Apesar das vantagens associadas ao uso do XFEM para modelagem de fraturas, o cálculo pela integral de domínio para esta técnica apresenta oscilações nos valores fornecidos para as diferentes solicitações de contornos. A técnica de modelagem com Elementos Quarter-Points 2D e 3D apresenta resultados mais estáveis e próximos das soluções analíticas. / [en] Fracture Mechanics is an area of classical mechanics that studies processes that can result in the creation and propagation of fractures and cracks in materials. Its concepts can be utilized in many areas, such as, for example, the development of new materials, in the industrial area (to assist in the definition of defect criticality parameters) and in structural projects, where the presence of discontinuities can result in decreased material resistance, leading to its structural collapse. The fractures can emerge as basic defects in materials that constitute the structural elements, can be inducted in construction processes or could even be developed during the lifespan of the structure. Studying the behavior of a fracture is fundamental to verifying coherently stress and deformations on structural projects. Some authors presented different methodologies to calculate important parameters associated to the propagation of cracks. These parameters could vary according to the material behavior, geometrical characteristics, loads, boundary conditions and cracking patterns. Those analyses can also be validated through numerical methodologies. This present project aims at evaluating the Stress Intensity Factor from numerical analyses of three cracks cases based on the concepts of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). Two techniques of Finite Element modeling were considered: quarter-point elements 2D and 3D and Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) 3D. In the end, the results obtained are compared with results already published in the available literature. Despite the advantages associated with the use of XFEM for fracture modeling, the calculation of the stress intensity factor by the domain integral for this technique presents oscillations in the values provided for the different contour requests. The modeling technique with 2D and 3D quarter-points elements presents results that are more stable and closer to the analytical solutions.
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[pt] O surgimento de trincas em projetos estruturais tem sido um problema para
engenharia por algumas décadas, e uma das áreas onde este tópico é amplamente
estudado é em aeronaves comerciais. Vários acidentes ocorreram nas últimas
décadas devido ao aparecimento de uma trinca em aeronaves comerciais, e por essa
razão o estudo da mecânica da fratura é tão importante para este campo da
engenharia. Um componente estrutural é tolerante a danos se puder sustentar com
segurança o comprimento crítico a trincas até que seja reparado ou sua vida
econômica expire. Enrijecedores ou reforçadores têm a função principal de
melhorar a resistência e estabilidade dessas estruturas e fornecer um meio de
desacelerar ou parar a propagação de trincas em contenções nucleares, reatores,
viadutos, edifícios altos, aeronaves, cascos de navios, pontes e estruturas offshore.
Analisando o fator de intensidade de tensão e como o comportamento de uma folha
com e sem reforços é diferente são alguns dos problemas estudados neste trabalho.
O fator de intensidade de tensão (FIT), é um parâmetro que descreve a intensidade
do campo de tensão singular, foi usado com sucesso para estimar a resistência à
fratura e taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga em situações em que as
suposições de elasticidade são válidas. Neste trabalho, o FIT foi obtido para placas
com reforços colados e rebitados, com base no método dos elementos finitos (MEF)
utilizando elementos quarter point por meio de simulações realizadas no software
ABAQUS. Forças no rebite foram calculadas para uma trinca com rebites e
longarinas espaçadas uniformemente. Os resultados apresentados são comparados
com os valores encontrados na literatura por meio de gráficos e mostram que o FIT
é significativamente menor do que para uma folha não enrijecida para os casos de
reforço estudados. / [en] The emergence of fractures in structural designs has been a problem for
engineering for some decades, and one of the areas where this topic is widely
studied is in commercial aircraft. Several accidents have occurred in the last
decades due to the appearance of a fracture in commercial aircraft, and for this
reason the study of fracture mechanics is so important for this field of engineering.
A structural component is tolerant of damage if it can safely sustain critical length
fractures until it is repaired or its economic life has expired. Reinforcers or stiffeners
have the main function of improving the resistance and stability of these structures
and providing a means of decelerating or stopping the propagation of fractures in
nuclear containments, reactors, viaducts, tall buildings, aircraft, ship hulls, bridges
and offshore structures. Analyzing the stress intensity factor and how the behavior
of a sheet with and without stiffeners is different are some of the issues studied in
this work. The stress-intensity factor (SIF), a parameter that describes the intensity
of the singular stress field, has been used successfully to estimate fracture strength
and fatigue crack growth rates in situations where the assumptions of linear
elasticity are valid. In this work, the SIF was obtained for plates with adhesive and
riveted reinforcements, based on the finite element method (FEM) using quarterpoint elements through simulations carried out in the ABAQUS software. Forces in
the rivet were calculated for a crack with riveted and evenly spaced stringers. The
complete results presented are compared with values found in the literature through
graphs. The results show that the stress intensity factor for the hardened sheet is
significantly lower than for an un-hardened sheet for both studied stiffener cases.
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Fatigue Crack Growth Mechanisms in Al-Si-Mg AlloysLados, Diana Aida 04 February 2004 (has links)
Due to the increasing use of cyclically loaded cast aluminum components in automotive and aerospace applications, fatigue and fatigue crack growth characteristics of aluminum castings are of great interest. Despite the extensive research efforts dedicated to this topic, a fundamental, mechanistic understanding of these alloys' behavior when subjected to dynamic loading is still lacking. This fundamental research investigated the mechanisms active at the microstructure level during dynamic loading and failure of conventionally cast and SSM Al-Si-Mg alloys. Five model alloys were cast to isolate the individual contribution of constituent phases on fatigue resistance. The major constituent phases, alpha-Al dendrites, Al/Si eutectic phase, and Mg-Si strengthening precipitates were mechanistically investigated to relate microstructure to near-threshold crack growth (Delta Kth) and crack propagation regimes (Regions II and III) for alloys of different Si composition/morphology, grain size, secondary dendrite arm spacing, heat treatment. A procedure to evaluate the actual fracture toughness from fatigue crack growth data was successfully developed based on a complex Elastic-Plastic-Fracture-Mechanics (EPFM/J-integral) approach. Residual stress-microstructure interactions, commonly overlooked by researches in the field, were also comprehensively defined and accounted for both experimentally and mathematically, and future revisions of ASTM E647 are expected.
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Análise de problemas de trincas em materiais anisotrópicos usando o método dos elementos finitos: abordagem pela integral Jk / Analysis of crack problems in anisotropic materials based on the finite element method: using the integral Jk approachNeilor Cesar dos Santos 17 February 2006 (has links)
Apresenta-se um estudo, por meio do método dos elementos finitos, de problemas quase-estáticos de trincas em materiais anisotrópicos. Os fatores de intensidade de tensão em modo misto de carregamento foram determinados utilizando-se as metodologias da integral Jk, da correlação dos deslocamentos e da integral de fechamento de trinca modificada. Para a integral Jk, foi desenvolvida uma formulação baseada nas leis da conservação da elasto-estática e das integrais independentes do percurso. Na expressão, para a integral J2 levou-se em consideração o termo não singular da representação analítica do campo de tensões. Desta forma, foi obtida uma expressão analítica para a descontinuidade na densidade de energia de deformação, presente na integral J2. Com os valores da integral Jk, os fatores de intensidade de tensão puderam ser determinados diretamente. Com a mesma sistemática, desenvolvida para a integral J2, determinou-se a integral J1 para problemas envolvendo carregamento nas faces da trinca. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com os resultados presentes na literatura considerando ortotropia de material, ainda que para algumas configurações o mesmo é tratado como um caso de anisotropia geral. Assim como a integral J1 a integral J2 mostrou-se independente do contorno envolvendo a ponta da trinca. / A study is proposed based on crack quasi-static problems in anisotropic materials by the finite element method. The mixed-mode stress intensity factors were determined by the Jk integral, displacement correlation and modified crack closure integral methodologies. The Jk integral was derived from a conservation law of linear elasticity theory. In the formulation to obtain the J2 integral the non-singular term in the stress fields was considered. An analytical expression was obtained to discontinuity of the strain energy density in the crack faces, presented by J2 integral. A similar approach was applied to determine J1 integral in crack surface traction problems. The results confer with the results present in the literature considering orthotropic materials. In some configurations the problem is treated from general anisotropy theory. In the same way that J1 integral the path-independence property was established to J2 integral.
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Análise de problemas de trincas em materiais anisotrópicos usando o método dos elementos finitos: abordagem pela integral Jk / Analysis of crack problems in anisotropic materials based on the finite element method: using the integral Jk approachSantos, Neilor Cesar dos 17 February 2006 (has links)
Apresenta-se um estudo, por meio do método dos elementos finitos, de problemas quase-estáticos de trincas em materiais anisotrópicos. Os fatores de intensidade de tensão em modo misto de carregamento foram determinados utilizando-se as metodologias da integral Jk, da correlação dos deslocamentos e da integral de fechamento de trinca modificada. Para a integral Jk, foi desenvolvida uma formulação baseada nas leis da conservação da elasto-estática e das integrais independentes do percurso. Na expressão, para a integral J2 levou-se em consideração o termo não singular da representação analítica do campo de tensões. Desta forma, foi obtida uma expressão analítica para a descontinuidade na densidade de energia de deformação, presente na integral J2. Com os valores da integral Jk, os fatores de intensidade de tensão puderam ser determinados diretamente. Com a mesma sistemática, desenvolvida para a integral J2, determinou-se a integral J1 para problemas envolvendo carregamento nas faces da trinca. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com os resultados presentes na literatura considerando ortotropia de material, ainda que para algumas configurações o mesmo é tratado como um caso de anisotropia geral. Assim como a integral J1 a integral J2 mostrou-se independente do contorno envolvendo a ponta da trinca. / A study is proposed based on crack quasi-static problems in anisotropic materials by the finite element method. The mixed-mode stress intensity factors were determined by the Jk integral, displacement correlation and modified crack closure integral methodologies. The Jk integral was derived from a conservation law of linear elasticity theory. In the formulation to obtain the J2 integral the non-singular term in the stress fields was considered. An analytical expression was obtained to discontinuity of the strain energy density in the crack faces, presented by J2 integral. A similar approach was applied to determine J1 integral in crack surface traction problems. The results confer with the results present in the literature considering orthotropic materials. In some configurations the problem is treated from general anisotropy theory. In the same way that J1 integral the path-independence property was established to J2 integral.
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Développement d'une méthode de caractérisation 3D des fissures de fatigue à l'aide de la corrélation d'images numériques obtenues par tomographie X / Development of a method for 3D characterisation of fatigue crack using digital volume correlation on X-ray microtomography imagesLachambre, Joël 27 May 2014 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une méthode mise au point pour caractériser et analyser des fissures de fatigue présentant un fort caractère tridimensionnel dans des matériaux métalliques opaques. L'analyse consiste à déterminer avec précision la position du front de la fissure étudiée et à mesurer des valeurs de facteurs d'intensité des contraintes le long du front par projection sur les séries de Williams du champ de déplacement issu de la corrélation numérique d'images 3D obtenues par tomographie aux rayons X. La corrélation d'images 3D numériques est utilisée afin de mesurer le champ de déplacement en volume lors de la mise sous chargement d'une éprouvette fissurée fatiguée. La corrélation d'images nécessitant un mouchetis, le matériau retenu pour les expériences est la fonte à graphite sphéroïdal car il présente un mouchetis 3D naturel (les nodules de graphites) parfaitement imagé par tomographie aux rayons X. Le cyclage est appliqué à l'aide d'une machine de fatigue in situ permettant d'alterner des phases de propagation de la fissure avec des acquisitions tomographiques sous différentes charges. L'introduction d'un défaut artificiel (une entaille obtenue par usinage laser) permet de maîtriser l'amorçage et la propagation de la fissure in situ. La méthode de corrélation d'images 3D numériques employée dans ces travaux étant basée sur des éléments finis, nous avons cherché à tirer profit de différents outils développés dans le cadre de cette méthode. Les surfaces libres sont spécifiées afin de bien conditionner le maillage et un enrichissement dans l'esprit des X-FEM permet de renseigner la fissure dont la position est repérée grâce à la trace laissée dans le résidu de corrélation entre l'image avant cyclage et la dernière image acquise. Une régularisation mécanique est également introduite dans le calcul sous forme d'un filtre de longueur d'onde choisie. Le champ de déplacement mesuré avec précision est ensuite projeté sur les séries de Williams augmentées des termes correctifs de Leblond et Torlai qui prennent en compte la courbure du front de la fissure. L'annulation du terme super-singulier d'ordre -1 des séries de Williams est utilisée pour détecter la position du front de la fissure. Une procédure itérative a été mise en place afin de concilier l'enrichissement et la courbure du front avec la projection sur les séries de Williams. Une fois la position du front 3D de la fissure déterminée et les valeurs des facteurs d'intensité des contraintes associées calculées, les résultats obtenus sont confrontés à la littérature. / This manuscript describes a methodology used to compute Stress Intensity Factor values along the curved front of a fatigue crack inside a nodular cast iron. An artificial defect is introduced at the surface of a small sample. The initiation and growth of a fatigue crack from this defect during constant amplitude cycling is monitored in situ by laboratory x-ray tomography. The method for processing the 3D images in order to compute SIF values is described in detail. The results obtained show variations of the stress intensity factor values along the crack front.
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