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An Interactive Digital Tool to Foster Inspiration from Traditional Cultural Tangible ExpressionLiang, Longjuan 11 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Designing an Interactive tool for Cluster Analysis of Clickstream DataCollin, Sara, Möllerberg, Ingrid January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop an interactive tool that enables identification of different types of users of an application based on clickstream data. A complex hierarchical clustering algorithm tool called Recursive Hierarchical Clustering (RHC) was used. RHC provides a visualisation of user types as clusters, where each cluster has its own distinguishing action pattern, i.e., one or several consecutive actions made by the user in the application. A case study was conducted on the mobile application Plick, which is an application for selling and buying second hand clothes. During the course of the project, the analysis and its result was discovered to be difficult to understand by the operators of the tool. The interactive tool had to be extended to visualise the complex analysis and its result in an intuitive way. A literature study of how humans interpret information, and how to present it to operators, was conducted and led to a redesign of the tool. More information was added to each cluster to enable further understanding of the clustering results. A clustering reconfiguration option was also created where operators of the tool got the possibility to interact with the analysis. In the reconfiguration, the operator could change the input file of the cluster analysis and thus the end result. Usability tests showed that the extra added information about the clusters served as an amplification and a verification of the original results presented by RHC. In some cases the original result presented by RHC was used as a verification to user group identification made by the operator solely based on the extra added information. The usability tests showed that the complex analysis with its results could be understood and configured without considerable comprehension of the algorithm. Instead it seemed like it could be successfully used in order to identify user types with help of visual clues in the interface and default settings in the reconfiguration. The visualisation tool is shown to be successful in identifying and visualising user groups in an intuitive way.
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[pt] O presente trabalho visa dar complemento à ferramenta gráfica interativa
previamente criada com a finalidade de modelar e dimensionar vigas e pilares em
concreto armado, inserindo no dimensionamento a não linearidade física. A
ferramenta existente tem como base o programa FTOOL, que de maneira didática
permite modelar e realiza análise estrutural em duas dimensões, resultando em
deslocamentos, reações e esforços internos. Com base nos esforços e dados iniciais
da estrutura tais como materiais, seções e cobrimento, a nova ferramenta altera a
rigidez das seções para que se considere os efeitos de fissuração e fluência do
concreto, além da relação não linear entre tensão e deformação. É necessário inserir
uma análise da rigidez das seções, que após a fissuração da peça, na transição do
Estádio I para o Estádio II, têm sua rigidez reduzida, cálculo este feito pela rigidez
secante obtida pelos diagramas momento-curvatura. Desta forma, é necessário
reavaliar a rigidez das diversas seções de maneira iterativa, fazendo-se a
redistribuição de esforços de acordo com a variação das rijezas nas seções dos
elementos estruturais. Propõe-se a comparação entre a recomendação da NBR
6118:2014, item 15.7.3, para consideração aproximada da não linearidade física e
a rigidez secante obtida pelas relações momento-curvatura, tanto para os pilares
como para as vigas. Para isso são estudados três exemplos de estruturas onde
compara-se os resultados obtidos para os esforços internos, armadura e
deslocamento. / [en] The present work aims to complement the graphic-interactive tool previously
created for modeling and designing reinforced concrete beams and columns,
introducing the material nonlinearity in the design. The existant tool is based on the
FTOOL program, which didactically allows to model and performs structural
analysis in two dimensions, resulting in deflections, reactions ans internal forces.
Based on the forces and initial data of the structure such as materials, cross sections
and concrete covering, the new tool changes the cross sections stiffnesses to
consider the effects of concrete cracking and creep, besides the nonlinear
relationships between tensions and deformations. It is necessary to introduce an
analysis of the section stiffnesses, which after cracking, in the transition between
stages I and II, presents a reduction in its stiffiness, that is evaluated by the secant
stiffness from the moment-curvature diagrams. Thus, it is necessary to reevaluate
the stiffness of the several sections iteratively, performing the redistribuition of the
forces according to the vaiation of stiffness on the structural elements. It is proposed
the comparison between the recommendation of NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), in its
topic 15.7.3, for the approximate consideration of material nonlinearity and the
secant stiffness obtained by the moment-curvature relationships, both for columns
and beams. So three examples of structures are studied, in which the results
obtained for internal forces, reinforcement and displacement are compared.
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