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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O trabalho interdisciplinar nos anos iniciais: uma estratégia de ensino / O ensino de matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental numa perspectiva interdisciplinar

Rocha, Márcia Raquel 10 December 2012 (has links)
Acompanha : Caderno pedagógico: uma estratégia interdisciplinar para o ensino da matemática nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. / O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi o de verificar como o uso de temas interdisciplinares pode contribuir para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O referencial teórico e a apresentação dos dados obtidos na pesquisa estão dispostos em quatro capítulos. O primeiro aborda o Ensino nas Séries Iniciais, segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, bem como faz referência a autores como Arruda e Moretti (2002, p. 424), Rodrigues (2001, p. 241) e Arruda (2004, p. 21). No segundo momento do referencial teórico, aborda-se a interdisciplinaridade tendo como suporte os autores Fazenda (1998, p. 10), Lück (1995, p. 64) e Morin (1999, p. 76). Finaliza-se o capítulo abordando-se a Contextualização nas Séries Iniciais sendo embasado por Barbosa (2012, p. 4), Luccas e Batista (2012, p. 9) e Santana (2012, p. 1). O segundo capítulo refere-se à metodologia da pesquisa, sendo ela de natureza qualitativa e com finalidade aplicada embasada pelos autores Moreira e Caleffe (2008, p. 90) e Rivero (2012, p. 1-2). A coleta e a análise dos dados foram abordadas no terceiro capítulo, onde se relatou e discutiu-se atividades desenvolvidas junto a 35 crianças, com idade de 10 a 12 anos, matriculadas na 4ª série (atual 5º ano) do Ensino Fundamental em uma escola municipal do Município de Guarapuava, Paraná. Mediante o desenvolvimento de uma prática interdisciplinar e baseando-se nas observações, fotos, relatos mencionados pelos alunos e anotações feitas pela docente, na realização de atividades desenvolvidas pelos discentes durante os encontros, detectou-se que os educandos passaram a identificar os conteúdos matemáticos como passíveis de serem aprendidos, sem maiores empecilhos, realçando a relevância deles na sua formação educativa. Houve também maior aproveitamento em relação à aprendizagem dos conteúdos desenvolvidos. Em especial, pela conexão dos saberes matemáticos com situações da realidade que estes vivenciam, como também com os conhecimentos de outras disciplinas. As atividades e análises estão presentes no terceiro capítulo do referido trabalho. O quarto capítulo faz menção às considerações finais, bem como limitações enfrentadas pela pesquisadora e sugestões para trabalhos futuros. A partir dessas considerações, elaborou-se um caderno pedagógico com atividades voltadas para conteúdos de matemática, de forma que possa servir como subsídios para auxiliar os professores das séries iniciais a trabalhar com temas interdisciplinares. / The overall objective of this study was to determine how the use of interdisciplinary themes can contribute to the teaching and learning of mathematics in the early grades of elementary school. The theoretical and presentation of data in the research are arranged into four chapters. The first addresses the education in early grades according to the National Curriculum, Guidelines and National Education, as well as references to authors such as Arruda and Moretti (2002, p. 424), Rodrigues (2001, p. 241), Arruda (2004, p. 21st). In the second phase of the theoretical approaches to interdisciplinarity as having supported the authors Farm (1998, p. 10), Lück (1995, p. 64), Morin (1999, p. 76). Terminates the chapter addressing to Contextualization in early grades being supported by Barbosa (2012, p. 4), and Luccas Baptist (2012, p. 9), Santana (2012, p. 1). The second chapter refers to research methodology and qualitative her purpose and applied based by the authors and Caleffe Moreira (2008, p. 90), Rivero (2012, p. 1-2). The collection and analysis of data was discussed in the third chapter, where it was reported and discussed activities along the 35 children, aged 10-12 years, enrolled in the 4th grade (now the 5th grade) elementary school in a public school in Guarapuava, Paraná. By developing an interdisciplinary practice and based on observations, photos, reports mentioned by the students and notes made by the teacher, in conducting activities developed by students during the meetings, it was found that the students began to identify the mathematical content as that can be learned without major obstacles, highlighting its relevance in their educational training. There was also greater utilization in relation to learning content developed in particular by the connection of mathematical knowledge in situations of reality they experience, but also with the knowledge of other disciplines. Activities and analysis on the third chapter of that work. The fourth chapter mentions the final considerations and constraints faced by the researcher and suggestions for future work. From these considerations, we prepared a notebook with educational activities focused on math content, so that it can serve as subsidies to help teachers of the lower grades to work with interdisciplinarity themes.

O uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação como ferramentas no ensino de ciências: uma proposta de trabalho interdisciplinar nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

Weinert, Mariane Eliza 01 March 2013 (has links)
Acompanha: Caderno de sequência didática: Sequência didática aplicada no segundo ano do primeiro ciclo baseada no tema “higiene e saúde" / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar contribuições do uso interdisciplinar das tecnologias de informação e comunicação disponíveis na escola, para o ensino de ciências nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. O estudo foi fundamentado a partir de documentos norteadores da educação e estudos das áreas de educação tecnológica, interdisciplinaridade e ensino de ciências. Procurou-se observar o benefício das tecnologias da informação e comunicação como ferramentas contribuintes na aprendizagem. Buscou-se estudar a proposta do ensino de ciências contextualizado, em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Enfocou-se a importância do papel do professor como mediador da aprendizagem do seu aluno. Destacou-se a importância do bom uso das tecnologias, com objetivos e estratégias bem definidas. Como metodologia, foi adotada uma abordagem qualitativa, participante e aplicada. Os dados considerados foram obtidos nas exposições orais e nos registros das atividades dos alunos da turma do segundo ano do primeiro ciclo de uma escola municipal da periferia de Ponta Grossa. A análise se deu mediante os resultados da aplicação de uma sequência didática baseada no tema “Higiene e Saúde”. Por meio deste estudo, foi possível demonstrar que as tecnologias da informação e comunicação são meios colaboradores para a aprendizagem quando são utilizadas com base em um planejamento consistente, contando com a mediação do professor, que facilita a realização das correlações entre as concepções prévias e o conhecimento científico. / This research aims to present interdisciplinary contributions from use of information and communication technologies available in the school for the teaching of science in the early years of elementary school. The study was based from documents guiding the education and studies in the areas of technology education, and interdisciplinary science teaching. We tried to observe the benefits of information technologies and communication tools as taxpayers in learning. We sought to study the proposal of science education contextualized in an interdisciplinary perspective. Focused on the importance of the role of the teacher as facilitator of learning of their students. He stressed the importance of proper use of technology, with well-defined objectives and strategies. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, participant and applied. The data obtained were considered in oral statements and records of the activities of students in the second year of the first cycle of a municipal school in the outskirts of Ponta Grossa. They were analyzed by the results of applying a sequence of teaching based on the theme "Health and Safety". Through this study, we could demonstrate that the technologies of information and communication media for learning when employees are used based on a consistent planning, with the mediation of the teacher who facilitates the realization of the correlations between the preconceptions and knowledge scientific.

O processo de formação docente na visão dos acadêmicos do curso de Letras em uma universidade pública no Estado do Paraná

Engelmann, Priscila do Carmo Moreira 23 October 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo analisar, a partir da visão dos acadêmicos, como o Curso de Letras em uma Universidade pública no Estado do Paraná prepara os futuros professores para o contexto educacional influenciado pelas transformações sociais caracterizadas pelo avanço da ciência e tecnologia. A importância do estudo justifica-se pela necessidade de verificar como os cursos de licenciatura, principalmente na área das Ciências Humanas, têm tratado as questões legais que direcionam o processo de formação de professores para o desenvolvimento de competências necessárias à prática docente, tendo em vista que esta prática é constantemente influenciada pelas transformações sociais relacionadas aos avanços da ciência e tecnologia. Como metodologia de pesquisa optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativa. A técnica de coleta de dados foi a entrevista individual semiestruturada. Os participantes do estudo foram alunos do último ano do Curso de Letras de uma Universidade Pública do Estado do Paraná. Os principais resultados do estudo mostram que os entrevistados possuem uma percepção crítica referente às competências necessárias para a formação do que consideram ser um bom professor, porém se sentem inseguros quanto à formação para a futura prática docente. Outra questão evidenciada nos depoimentos dos entrevistados foi a falta de relação entre teoria e prática, assim como a falta da prática interdisciplinar no Curso de Letras. Os resultados evidenciam também que os conceitos de ciência e tecnologia estão presentes na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (Lei n.o 9.394/1996) e também nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Apesar disso, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para formação de professores não abordam tais conceitos, cabendo às Instituições de Ensino Superior a decisão pelo trabalho para difusão dos conhecimentos relacionados à ciência e tecnologia. As evidências também mostraram que há a necessidade de maior direcionamento da formação do professor para uma perspectiva mais problematizadora e interdisciplinar, buscando melhorias no processo de formação para a futura prática docente; que existe um distanciamento entre a construção dos saberes de conteúdo e os saberes pedagógicos e que os processos relacionados à democratização dos conceitos de ciência e tecnologia não integram o processo de formação docente no mencionado curso. Todas essas evidências direcionam para a necessidade de aprofundamento nas reflexões sobre o processo de formação docente, em relação à formação para a prática, voltada ao contexto educacional influenciado pelas transformações da ciência e da tecnologia. / The objective of the present study was to analyze, from undergraduate students’ perspective, how the language course at a public university in the state of Paraná prepares future teachers for the educational context influenced by social changes characterized by the advance of science and technology. The importance of the study is justified by the need to verify how the undergraduate courses, mainly in the area of humanities, have dealt with the legal issues that drive the process of teacher training to develop competences for teaching practice taking into account that this practice is constantly influenced by the social changes related to advances in science and technology. The methodological approach was qualitative. The data was collected through semi-structured individual interviews. The participants of the study were students of the final year of the Language Course. The main findings showed that the participants have a critical perception regarding the competences required for the preparation of what they consider to be a good teacher, but feel insecure about their training for future teaching practice. Another issue highlighted by the interviewees was the lack of relationship between theory and practice, as well as the lack of interdisciplinary practice in the course. The concepts of science and technology are present in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (Law 9.394/1996) and also in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN). Nevertheless, the National Curriculum Guideline for teacher training does not address these concepts, leaving it to Institutions of Higher Education the decision to work for the dissemination of knowledge related to science and technology. There is a need to address teacher education to a more interdisciplinary and problem-solving orientation, seeking improvements in the training process for future teaching practice. The evidences also showed that there is a gap between the construction of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge and that the democratization of the concepts of science and technology were not part of the process of teacher training in that course. All these evidences pointed to the need for deeper reflections on the process of teacher education in relation to training for practice, focused on the educational context influenced by changes in science and technology.

An investigation into teaching mathematics using a visualisation approach to recontextualise indigenous knowledge

Tshithigona, Gaus January 2018 (has links)
It can be argued that the Namibian curriculum is largely influenced by a Western epistemology. However, many studies suggest that learners make powerful meanings of mathematical concepts they are learning if they visualise these and experience them in relation to what they already know from their own cultural backgrounds. According to the Namibian National Curriculum for Basic Education (NNCBE, 2010), it is not only important for learners to acquire mathematical knowledge and skills, but also to develop and grow their identities, cultures and values as individuals. The aim of this study was to explore and investigate how selected mathematics teachers employ visualisation as a teaching approach to re-contextualise indigenous knowledge (IK). The study set out to explore how conceptual understanding is enhanced by participation in an intervention programme. The use of visualisation is considered an important mediating and pedagogical tool in the mathematics classroom to enhance the mathematics learning of learners. The research is informed by a socio-cultural theory of learning and is located within an interpretive paradigm. The study was conducted at four schools in the Oshana region of Namibia and involved four mathematics teachers who were purposefully selected due to their willingness to use visualisation-IK approaches in their teaching, based on their responses to the survey. The methodologies used are qualitative and quantitative case study. To gather data, document analysis, a survey, lesson observations and focus group interviews were used. The study found that most teachers in the Oshana region have an understanding of the effective use of visualisation-IK approaches. However, the study revealed that visualisation- IK approaches are mostly used in grades 4 to 7 mathematics classrooms. It also discovered that most of the visualisation approaches that teachers employed aligned well with the curriculum and promoted conceptual understanding in the teaching of mathematics. The results of the study showed that teachers have experience of the enabling and constraining factors in using a visualisation-IK approach to teaching mathematics.

A case study of the implementation of whole language in a remedial school

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / Traditionally schools for learning disabled pupils taught the language arts within a behaviouristic model where language was broken down into its component parts and sub-skills, which were then taught in a stepwise, sequential manner from the most simplistic towards the whole complex language. In the 1980's there was a grassroots, teacher-initiated movement away from this reductionist orientation towards the teaching of language in a meaningful, integrated manner. A variety of teaching methods developed which were consistent with this new whole language approach. The whole language approach became an inherent part of teachers, encompassing all aspects of a classroom and thus it was referred to as the whole language philosophy. This research focused on the process of a teacher changing from the behaviouristic approach towards the whole language philosophy. Although the research focused on one teacher, it had broader implications for the process of whole language implementation in all schools for learning disabled children. This process of a teacher changing towards the whole language philosophy was explored within the theoretical framework of a model described by Watson. The model presented three dimensions of philosophy formation. The dimensions were practice, theory, and beliefs which were inter-related and constantly evolving as the teacher's philosophy formed. The methodological format used to achieve the research aim was a qualitative single case study. The qualitative design allowed for the process of teacher change to unfold without constraints. It accommodated the explorative, flexible nature of the research and allowed for rich, interpretative descriptions of the process. The research was limited to a single case since the scope of the research allowed for only one teacher to be purposefully selected and educated. The researcher introduced the teacher to the whole language approach by providing suitable reading material, by building a trusting relationship with her, and consulting with her on the practical implementation in her classroom. Simultaneously with the researcher facilitating the change process in the teacher, the researcher collected data from various sources - interviews, documents and journal field notes. Data analysis was done using the content analysis procedure of open coding where manageable units of data were subjected to pre-determined criteria in order to code them into themes. The themes were then clustered into regularly occurring patterns for consolidation and interpretations were then made which led to the research conclusions. The findings of the study supported Watson's three dimensional model. Whole language philosophy formation began with the implementation of borrowed practices, which resulted in successful experiences and prompted the activation of a quest for the underlying theory. Theory activation led to the examination of previously held beliefs which altered with time towards the whole language philosophy. Added to this model, this study indicated that a teacher's whole language philosophy formation is a dynamic process. The process was facilitated by an agent of change and contextualised within the educational system where it required a supportive environment in order to develop. These findings suggested that the agent of change be added to Watson's model as the fourth dimension and that the entire process be contextualised within the educational system.

Ciência da Informação e interdisciplinaridade : interconexões com a cultura informacional /

Santos, Cássia Dias. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim / Banca: Bárbara Fadel / Banca: Márcia Cristina de Carvalho Pazin Vitoriano / Banca: Carlos Alberto Ávila Araújo / Banca: Emeide Nóbrega Duarte / Resumo: A Ciência da Informação como uma Ciência interdisciplinar pode fornecer arcabouço teórico essencial para os estudos da cultura informacional. Nessa perspectiva, aprofundou-se sobre os estudos que vem sendo realizados neste âmbito, visando debater e refletir sobre as compreensões teórico-metodológicas construídas ao longo da existência deste campo científico. Evidenciou-se que há poucos estudos diretamente voltados à interdisciplinaridade da Ciência da Informação, mais especificamente em relação aos seus contributos para os estudos da cultura informacional. Objetivou-se analisar a construção teórica no campo da Ciência da Informação, no que tange a sua interdisciplinaridade, visando evidenciar sua contribuição para os estudos da cultura informacional. Neste intuito, analisou-se os conceitos, correntes e abordagens sobre a interdisciplinaridade, a evolução historiográfica dos estudos de cultura informacional e a produção científica sobre o tema. Além disso, buscou-se analisar e refletir sobre as características e atributos atribuídos à concepção de 'Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento' e, por último, analisou-se as contribuições da área de Ciência da Informação no que tange a sua interdisciplinaridade para a cultura informacional. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo descritivo e exploratório de natureza qualiquantitativa, cujo corpus de análise foi formado por meio da 'História dos Conceitos' e da 'Bibliometria'. No que tange a análise das informações coletadas, optou-se pe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Information Science as an interdisciplinary Science can provide the essential theoretical framework for studies of information culture. In this perspective, it has deepened on the studies that have been carried out in this scope, aiming at debating and reflecting on the theoretical-methodological understandings constructed throughout the existence of this scientific field. It was evidenced that there are few studies directly oriented to the interdisciplinarity of Information Science, more specifically in relation to their contributions to the studies of the information culture. The objective was to analyze the theoretical construction in the field of Information Science, regarding its interdisciplinarity, aiming to highlight its contribution to the studies of information culture. In this sense, the concepts, currents and approaches on interdisciplinarity, the historiographic evolution of the studies of information culture and the scientific production on the subject were analyzed. In addition, we sought to analyze and reflect on the characteristics and attributes attributed to the conception of 'Information and Knowledge Society' and, lastly, we analyzed the contributions of the area of Information Science regarding its interdisciplinarity for Information culture. For that, a descriptive and exploratory study of a qualitative and quantitative nature was carried out, whose corpus of analysis was formed through 'History of Concepts' and 'Bibliometry'. Regarding the analysis of the information collected, we opted for the 'Content Analysis' method, more specifically the 'Categorical Analysis' technique, since it provides interpretations and inferences related to the objectives proposed in the research. It was evidenced that the studies on information culture in the field of Information Science, especially ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Integrating reading and literature into content area curriculum through thematic units

Sisk, Yvonne R. 01 January 1990 (has links)
The goals of this project include developing a way to efficiently teach the many required subjects in the overloaded elementary school day and incorporating litrature into content area curriculum.

Integrating the language arts into the history-social science curriculum to develop critical thinking in children

Barnes, Melanie Anne 01 January 1993 (has links)
This project has developed a resource guide that will help kindergarten, first, and second grade teachers implement an integrated history-social science curriculum that encourages children to become critical thinkers.

Integrating mathematics in the primary classroom

Baker, Nancy Jean 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Creative drama as a source for literacy development

Kirkner, B. Joanne 01 January 1995 (has links)
Students achieve knowledge by different means. I find that a child allowed to learn from one's personal style finds purpose in learning and develops a desire to read. With this in mind I have designed this project to be used as a resource for teachers wanting to implement creative drama, in the classroom, as an avenue for improving reading abilities of low-progress readers.

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