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Interest Rate Risk of Life Insurance Companies鄭淑芳 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper will first explore the effect of interest rate changes on the stock returns of Taiwan-listed life insurance companies. Then, we will examine the sensitivity of Taiwanese life insurance companies to interest rates by assuming and explicitly testing a two-factor model. Surprisingly, we found that stock return of the life insurance companies are not significantly affected by the interest rate movement.
We will investigate and analyze the reasons why the result is inconsistent with our knowledge. One reason might be due to lack of timely financial reports. We observed that embedded value might be a better financial indicator used to evaluate the interest rate impact on life insurance company financial soundness. / This paper will first explore the effect of interest rate changes on the stock returns of Taiwan-listed life insurance companies. Then, we will examine the sensitivity of Taiwanese life insurance companies to interest rates by assuming and explicitly testing a two-factor model. Surprisingly, we found that stock return of the life insurance companies are not significantly affected by the interest rate movement.
We will investigate and analyze the reasons why the result is inconsistent with our knowledge. One reason might be due to lack of timely financial reports. We observed that embedded value might be a better financial indicator used to evaluate the interest rate impact on life insurance company financial soundness.
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勞工保險老年給付年金制之資產負債管理探討莊竣名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用的投資組合理論(Portfolio Theory)與免疫理論(Immunization Theory)建構資產負債管理模型,希望在於免除利率風險下,能夠極大化勞保基金的投資報酬率。本研究探討勞保老年給付年金制實行後,勞保基金在資產負債管理之下最適資產配置。我們以勞保局編印之「勞工保險統計年報」中勞保基金民國81年到91年實際投資的資料及勞保局委託研究之精算報告對於老年給付年金制實行後未來勞保基金的給付預測值,在不同年金選擇率以及不同的費率與控管年限下,根據勞保基金資產與負債的存續期間,建議勞保基金最適的投資組合,並計算資產負債管理成本,研究結果發現:
1 年金選擇率為100%及80%時,勞保費率提高至8.3%僅能確保未來30年與40年勞保基金不會因為利率變動而導致基金破產甚至無力清償,但考慮年限為50年時,國內市場無法找到存續期間可以配合的投資工具,無法規避利率風險。年金選擇率為50%時,由於未來各年之勞保的給付獲得舒緩,使得資產配置所需的存續期間也降低,故當勞保費率提高 至8%即可確保勞保基金未來50年可以規避利率風險的危機,且在國內市場上可以找到投資工具配合。
2. 要使勞保基金免於利率風險的考慮年限越長,其投資組合的重心應該從現行的銀行存款移轉到債券及股票與受益憑證。
3. 進行資產負債管理是需要成本的,若以資產負債管理前後效率前緣下的投資報酬率的差異為資產負債管理成本,在年金選擇率100%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.3695%;選擇率80%時平均成本為0.434%;年金選擇率為50%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.384%,研究結果顯示資產負債管理平均成本都低於0.5%以下,故建議勞保基金應盡早進行資產負債管理以因應老年給付年金化後利率風險對於勞保基金財務上的衝擊。 / This paper investigates the Asset-Liability Management for Labor Insurance Fund. We utilize Immunization Theory and Portfolio Theory selection model to immunize the surplus of Labor Insurance Funds against interest-rate fluctuations and to maximize expected return of Labor Insurance Funds simultaneously. In addition, we use the data from Labor Insurance Funds from 1992 to 2002 to demonstrate the implementation of our model. We calculate the optimal asset allocation and the ALM cost under different lump-sum/annuity selection ratio、time horizon and contribution rates. The empirical results from this study show that:
1. Assuming 100% and 80% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 30 and 40 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8.3%. Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 50 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8%.
2. To prolong the period over which the Labor Insurance Funds can immunize its surplus against interest-rate fluctuations, a large proportion of the investment asset should be allocate from bank deposit to bond and stock.
3. ALM needs cost. Assuming 100% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.3695%.Assuming 80% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.434%.Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.384%. We find the average ALM cost is very small under any lump-sum/annuity selection ratio. Therefore, we suggest Bureau of Labor Insurance should start to implement ALM as soon as possible to avoid the affect of interest-rate fluctuations.
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[pt] O Asset Liability Management (ALM) é uma ferramenta
essencial para uma administração eficaz de bancos,
seguradoras e fundos de pensão, principalmente no que diz
respeito ao monitoramento e controle de riscos
por estas instituições. Dentre estes riscos, o de taxa de
juros é uma das principais fontes de perda potencial para
uma instituição financeira. Este trabalho tem como
estudar formas de se controlar este tipo de risco. Para
tal, será estudada a fundo a estratégia de imunização de
carteiras. Esta estratégia consiste em montar uma
carteira ótima de forma que a mesma seja imune a
na taxa de juros, ou seja, independente das variações que
ocorram nas taxas de juros, o valor da carteira não se
altere. Dois modelos de imunização de carteiras de renda
fixa propostos na literatura são estudados
Um utiliza a técnica de análise de componentes principais
(ACP), imunizando a carteira na direção destes
O outro modelo usa um método de minimização do risco
estocástico. Em ambos, um exemplo ilustrativo é
e uma aplicação prática é feita utilizando-se dados de um
fundo de pensão no Brasil (este tipo de estratégia é de
extremo interesse para fundos de pensão, que possuem
fluxos de passivos e que desejam garantir que suas
obrigações sejam sempre satisfeitas). Por fim, é feita
análise dos resultados obtidos após a imunização. / [en] Asset Liability Management (ALM) is an important tool used
in the administration of banks, insurance companies and
pension funds, especially for monitoring and controlling
the risk those institutions usually face. Among the
various types of risk, the interest rate risk is one of the
main sources of potential loss for a financial institution.
This dissertation aims to study ways of controlling
this type of risk. Thus, we will thoroughly study the
strategy used for Asset Liability Management. This strategy
consists in assembling an optimum portfolio in a way that
it becomes unaffected by changes in the interest rates. A
couple of immunization models for fixed rate portfolios are
studied in detail. One of them employs the method of
principal component analysis (PCA), immunizing the
portfolio in the direction of those components. The other
model minimizes the stochastic risk. In both of them, we
present an example and use of the method in a Brazilian
pension fund (this strategy is highly interesting to
pension funds since they work with a long liability cash
flow and want to certify their obligations will
always be satisfied). Finally, we analyse the results
obtained with the two methods.
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[pt] O termo imunização denota a construção de uma carteira
títulos de
forma a torná-la imune a variações nas taxas de juros.
caso das entidades de
previdência complementar, o objetivo da imunização é
distribuir os recebimentos
intermediários e finais dos ativos de acordo com o fluxo
de pagamentos dos
benefícios. Em geral, quanto maior a classe de
na estrutura a termo das
taxas de juros (ETTJ), mais restritivo se torna o
Embora exista uma vasta
literatura sobre o aspecto estatístico e sobre o
significado econômico dos modelos
de imunização, esse trabalho inova ao prover uma análise
detalhada do
desempenho comparado dos modelos, sob três perspectivas
complementares: o
método escolhido, a dimensionalidade e, ainda, o
de investimento.
Entretanto, a decisão final do gestor não está restrita
escolha do método de
imunização, como também ao horizonte de investimento a
imunizado, uma vez
que outros instrumentos financeiros podem garantir tanto
solvência econômica
quanto a financeira. Os limites não operacionais à
imunização são analisados por
meio da comparação das medianas do relativo de riqueza e
da probabilidade de
exaustão da carteira. A análise permite concluir que os
modelos de imunização
tradicional são mais eficientes, especialmente no médio
longo prazo, que os
modelos multidimensionais de gestão do risco de taxa de
juros. Ademais,
demonstra-se que não existem limites naturais à
imunização, quando aplicada ao
mercado previdenciário brasileiro por um período igual
inferior a 10 anos. / [en] Immunization is defined as the investment in assets in
such a way that the
fixed income portfolio is immune to a change in interest
rates. In the special case
of pension funds, immunization seeks the distribution of
the cash inflows in
accordance with the outflows represented by the fund´s
liabilities. The article
compares distinct alternative methods of immunization
against the traditional
duration-matching strategy. All portfolios were obtained
as a result of
mathematical programming problems, where the choice of the
strategy led to the restrictions imposed on the evolution
of the term structure of
interest rates. Despite the intensive research related to
this subject, there are some
gaps to be filled yet, especially those concerned with the
investment horizon. That
is exactly the main objective of this thesis. The work
provides the basis for
selecting the most appropriate method for immunization and
also demonstrates the
superiority of the traditional duration-matching strategy,
especially in the medium
and long run. Moreover, it is demonstrated that there is
no limit other than
operational to the immunization process concerning
Brazilian markets for
investment horizons of less than 10 years.
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壽險公司現金流量模型之建構 / The Construction for a Cash Flow Model of a Life Insurance Company陳雅雯, Chen,Ya-wen Unknown Date (has links)
文末引用個案範例,進行實務操作的說明,示範如何應用本模型來進行最適資產配置決策與敏感度分析,以證明本系統的合理可行性。最後,並對此系統提出檢討與展望,期待後續研究可加入程式語言的應用而建構出一完備的動態財務分析系統。 / The main purpose of this study is to construct a dynamic cash flow testing for the life insurance company by using Excel. Through the adoption of financial and actuarial theories and the application of stochastic method, we want to provide a rudiment analysis framework of life dynamic financial model that combines theoretical basis and practical application.
This analysis framework includes seven categories of assets. The simulation models or related issues for each category will be discussed accordingly. – 1. Bonds and mortgage loans: providing CIR and Vesicek interest rate model for users to generate the interest term structure. 2. Stocks: applying CAPM method to simulate the stock prices and stock returns. 3. Real estate and rental income: using Geometric Brownian Motion to simulate the price of real estate and the rental income. 4. Foreign investment assets: using Geometric Brownian Motion to simulate the movement of exchange rate. 5. Cash and Deposits. 6. Account Receivable: after considering bad loans, we amortize the residual account receivables for a specific period.
On the liability side, we use three types of products - term life, whole life endowment, and deferred annuity - to generate the business profile as well as the cash flows patterns of the life insurance company. By integrating the asset and liability sides of the model, we can simulate the revenue of the company for the following ten years and enable the users to predict the future cash flows under uncertain financial conditions.
Finally, applications of this model are presented as thoroughly as possible to educate the users about how to make the optimal asset allocation decisions and sensitive scenario analysis. The application results show that the model reasonably fits the desired results. Since the model presented here is not a complete DFA model, future researches may consider adding more refined component into the analysis framework like using programming language.
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