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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nevaisingų moterų folikulinio skysčio ląstelinės sudėties ir γ-interferono koncentracijos tyrimas / The investigation of cellular structure and interferon -γ concentration in a follicular liquid of infertile women

Drapeko, Natalija 08 September 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Darbo, kurio tema „Nevaisingų moterų folikulinio skysčio lątelinės sudėties ir interferono- γ koncentracijos tyrimas“, tikslas buvo nustatyti ir įvertinti leukocitų populiacijas ir interferono- γ koncentraciją nevaisingų moterų folikuliniame skystyje. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti uždaviniai: nustatyti ir įvertinti nevaisingų moterų folikulinio skysčio leukocitų kiekį; įvertinti nevaisingų moterų folikulinio skysčio leukocitų populiacijas; nustatyti ir įvertinti interferono- γ koncentraciją folikuliniame skystyje. Tyrimų objektas –folikuliniame skystyje esančios ląstelės ir jų išskiriami citokinai.Tiriamos 25 – 37 metų amžiaus moterys, kurioms planuojamas atlikti dirbtinis apvaisinimas. Tiriamoje medžiagoje skaičiuotas bendras leukocitų skaičius ( šviesiniu mikroskopu ), naudojant Goriajevo kamerą. Leukocitų populiacijos išaiškintos apžiūrint preparatus pro mikroskopą, naudojant šviesinį mikroskopą, imersinę sistemą. Interferono- γ koncentracija nustatyta imunofermentiniu metodu. Atlikus visus tyrimus, jie buvo statistiškai apdoroti.Tirtas septyniasdešimt vienos moters folikulinis skystis. Tiriamosios sugrupuotos pagal ovuliacijos pobūdį ir nevaisingumą sukėlusią priežastį, taip pat buvo dalis moterų, kurioms nevaisingumas nebuvo diagnozuotas, nevaisingi buvo jų sutuoktiniai.Tiriant nevaisingų moterų folikulinį skystį, absoliutus leukocitų skaičius buvo: esant normaliai ovuliacijai 0,58+0,30x106 ,esant nenormaliai ovuliacijai 0,65+ 0,26x106... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY The investigation of the cell composition of the folicular liquid and the concentration of the interferon- γ in infertile women The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate populations of leukocytes and the concentration of interferon-γ in folicular liquid in infertile women. The tasks were set to reach the objective as follows: to determine and evaluate leukocyte count in folicular liquid in infertile women; to evaluate populations of leukocytes in folicular liquid in infertile women; to determine and evaluate concentration of interferon- γ in folicular liquid. Cells, present in the folicular liquid and cytokines they exude, are the object of the research. Women, from 25 to 37 years and who are planing an artificial impregnation procedure, take part in this study. Total leukocyte count of the best sample was measured using light microscope and Goriaev chamber. Populations of leukocytes were analysed using light microscope and immersive system. Concentration of interferon- γ was determined using the immunoenzyme method. After the investigations were conducted, the data was statistically processed. The folicular liquid of 71 women was investigated. The studied women were divided into groups by character of ovulation and reason inducing their infertility; and there was also a group of women to whom the infertifily was not diagnosed, their spouses were infertile. When investigating the folicular liquid of infertile women, the absolute leukocyte... [to full text]

Ligonių, sergančių lėtiniu hepatitu c, ligos raiškos ypatumai, gydymo interferonu a–2b ir ribavirinu efekto įvertinimas ir požymių, lemiančių gydymo rezultatus, nustatymas / Peculiarities of patients with chronic hepatitis c, evaluation of the efficacy of interferon a-2b and ribavirin combination therapy and determination of the predicting factors of the treatment outcomes

Petrenkienė, Vitalija 06 June 2005 (has links)
Abbreviations ALT – alanine aminotransferase AST – aspartate aminotransferase BMI – body mass index CHC – chronic hepatitis C EBR – early biochemical response EHR – early histological response EIA – enzyme immunoassay EVR – early virological response HAI – hepatitis activity index HCV – hepatitis C virus HCV RNA - hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid Helicobacter spp. – Helicobacter species H. pylory – Helicobacter pylori IFN – interferon α-2b PCR – polymerase chain reaction PEG IFN – peginterferon RBV – ribavirin SVR – sustained virological response SBR – Sustained biochemical response INTRODUCTION Chronic hepatitis due to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide disease representing a serious public health problem. Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection affects nearly 170-200 million people worldwide. The prevalence of anti-HCV at this time in the general adult population of Lithuania is nearly 50 thousand (0.9%). Without effective treatment strategies, hepatitis C - related morbidity and mortality is expected to increase nearly 3-fold by the year 2015. Current hepatitis C therapies are aimed at achieving eradication of HCV infection as a means of delaying progression to end-stage liver disease and preventing the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The treatment options include interferon (IFN), ribavirin (RBV) and peg interferon’s a-2a and a-2b (PEG IFN). IFN-based regiments for the treatment of CHC have become increasingly effective and are to eradicate virus... [to full text]

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