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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grade 3 teachers’ strategies to help English second language learners overcome interlingual spelling errors

Rululu, Nomfusi Gladys January 2014 (has links)
Spelling is one of the most important components of writing at single-word level and is regarded as a vital part of written communication. Also spelling is seen as an important tool in writing. Without the ability to spell as a broader aspect of writing, a person could not be called literate in the conventional sense of the word. Although the spelling is so important, learners in the foundation phase especially in grade three commit interlingual spelling errors. This means that at this stage learners transfer patterns of the mother tongue to the second language. By so doing that they write English words as the way they are pronounced in their mother tongue. Hence this study investigated grade three teachers’ strategies to help English second language learners overcome interlingual spelling errors. In exploring these strategies this study adopted a qualitative approach in order to ensure reliability and validity of the study. The data gathering instruments used included semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and document analysis. One primary school in Mdantsane a township in East London District was purposively selected to form the context of the study. The medium of instruction in this school is isiXhosa in the foundation phase and English is taught as a subject. Two teachers and their classes participated in this study. The findings of the study revealed that different factors contribute to interlingual spelling errors. These factors are status of the parent (they were illiterate), pronunciation, language borrowing and language transfer. It is also revealed that teachers have a limited number of strategies to teach learners overcome interlingual spelling errors instead they use strategies to teach spelling generally.

Une investigation multidimensionnelle sur les aspects notionnels, thématiques et textuels du Zhuang zi : une perspective traductionnelle / A multidimensional investigation into the notional, thematic and textual aspects of the Zhuang zi : a translational perspective

Li, Meng 06 July 2018 (has links)
Le Zhuang zi, ouvrage qui porte le nom de Zhuang zi, l’un des plus grands philosophes chinois vivant au IVe siècle av. J.-C. environ, a été universellement reconnu pour son imagination exubérante et sans limites, pour son style d’écriture plein d’humour, de même pour son usage efficace du « sanyan » (三言, les trois paroles) dans la construction des textes narratifs. Plus important encore, il présente une conception unique du cosmos et des dix mille êtres, ainsi qu’une observation perspicace du monde humain. Cet ouvrage a attiré, dès l’origine, bon nombre d’annotations et d’interprétations de la part des lettrés aux différentes époques en Chine. Incontestablement, les efforts scientifiques antérieurs ont permis au Zhuang zi de subsister durant une vaste étendue temporelle. C’est grâce à eux en effet qu’une base de données riche et précieuse a été mise en place pour sa réinterprétation et sa retraduction dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation. Néanmoins, le Zhuang zi per se étant un classique porteur de sens multiples est, par conséquent, susceptible d’interprétations diverses. En raison des approches variées adoptées par différents annotateurs, des malentendus, voire des interprétations erronées ont eu lieu dans leurs travaux d’érudition, ce qui fait peu ou prou obstacle à la diffusion intraculturelle et interculturelle du classique.La présente étude commence par un examen des principales découvertes sur le Zhuang zi, allant de la période pré-Qin jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine. Cette tentative de découvrir les traits saillants de ses interprétations dans différents contextes historiques de la Chine a pour but d’inspirer la retraduction intralinguale et interlinguale du classique. Ensuite, une discussion autour de la vision sur le rapport entre le langage et le sens du Zhuang zi, ainsi qu’autour de l’exemple des trois commentaires est déployée, suivie de l’observation de ses versions anglaises et françaises, y compris leurs réalités communicatives dans l’univers de la langue cible, d’où il résulte que les traductions intralinguale et interlinguale remplissent chacune des fonctions différentes dans la communication transtemporelle et trans-spatiale du Zhuang zi. Pour faire avancer la discussion, cette étude met l’accent sur l’aspect étymologique et sur le processus évolutif des trois notions philosophiques essentielles qui ont toutes, en faisant souvent l’objet de l’interrogation dans le milieu sinologique, une occurrence très élevée dans l’ouvrage, à savoir « dao » (道, le dao), « tian » (天, le ciel) et « de » (德, l’efficience). Cette partie expose principalement leurs usages dans les classiques confucianistes, dans le Lao zi et dans le Zhuang zi, avec l’analyse des gains et des pertes de leurs traductions, afin de mettre en lumière un cadre de référence pour une compréhension et une interprétation plus approfondie des notions philosophiques du Zhuang zi. Enfin, cette étude se réfère étroitement aux paragraphes et à leurs versions françaises/anglaise pour une interprétation multilingue des vues de Zhuang zi sur les questions telles que « la vie et la mort », « l’utile et l’inutile » et « le beau et le laid », dans l’intention d’illustrer une approche traductionnelle aux thèses philosophiques du Maître. Il est affirmé que les notions philosophiques dans l’ouvrage dépendent fortement du contexte et que la recontextualisation est donc essentielle pour le processus d’interprétation et de traduction. Il est également affirmé que les thèses philosophiques du Zhuang zi constituées à partir de perspectives variées mais complémentaires appellent ainsi l’utilisation du paratexte et de la traduction étoffée pour reproduire la réalité du classique dans les situations de traduction. Cette étude affirme aussi la valeur de la traduction multimodale dans la communication efficace du Zhuang zi. / The Zhuang zi adopts its name after Zhuang zi, one of the greatest Chinese philosophers who lived in about the fourth century BC. The classic has been universally recognized for its boundless and exuberant imaginations and its humorous style of writing, particularly as evidenced by its effective use of the “sanyan” (三言, the three words) in the structuring of the narrative content. More importantly, it presents a unique conception of the cosmos, the ten thousand things and an insightful observation of the human world. Since it was known to the public, it has been followed by a variety of annotations and interpretations from different scholars in the Chinese history. Unquestionably, previous academic efforts have made the Zhuang zi survive a vast space of time and accumulated a richness of valuable data for its reinterpreting and retranslation in the present-day context of globalization. Nevertheless, the Zhuang zi per se is a classic of great meaning potential; therefore, it is open to diverse interpretations. Since different annotators and interpreters took different attitudes and approaches to the classic, misunderstandings and misinterpretations have taken place in their works of scholarship, more or less impeding the intracultural and intercultural dissemination of the classic.The present study commences with a review of the major findings on the Zhuang zi, ranging from the pre-Qin period to the contemporary era, as an attempt to discover the salient features of interpretation in different historical contexts of China so as to inspire the intralingual and interlingual retranslation of the classic. Then, it moves on to a discussion of the Zhuang zi’s standpoint on the relation between language and meaning, and the example of three commentaries, which is backed up by an observation of its English and French versions and their communicative facts in the target language world, with the resulting claim that intralingual translation and interlingual translation perform different functions in the trans-temporal and trans-spatial communication of the Zhuang zi. To push the discussion forward, this study turns its focus to the etymological aspect and evolutionary process of the three key philosophical notions in the classic, that is, “dao” (道, the dao) “tian” (天, heaven) and “de” (德, potency), all of which record a high frequency of use and highlight the relevant activity of inquiry in the community of Chinese Studies. This section mainly explores their patterns of use through reference to the pre-Qin Confucian works, the Lao zi and the Zhuang zi, and analyses both the merits and demerits of their different translated versions so as to illustrate a frame of reference for a deep understanding and interpretation of the Zhuang zi’s philosophical notions. Finally, this study closely refers to the classic’s relevant paragraphs and their English/French versions for a cross-linguistic interpretation of the Zhuang zi’s views on questions like “life and death”, “useful and useless” and “beauty and ugliness” to illustrate a translation-based approach to the master’s philosophical theories. It is claimed that Zhuang zi’s philosophical notions are highly context-dependent and therefore recontextualization is essential to the process of interpretation and translation. It is also claimed that the Zhuang zi’s philosophical theories are made from varied but complementary perspectives and therefore call for the use of paratexts and thick translation methods to reproduce the reality of the classic in translation situations. This study affirms the value of multimodal translation in the effective communication of the Zhuang zi as well.

Neuronal activity to environmental sounds when presented together with semantically related words : An MMN study on monolingual and bilingual processing of homophones

Afyonoglu Kirbas, Yeliz January 2019 (has links)
Neuronal activity of monolingual and bilinguals to environmental sounds and words that are semantically related to them were studied using the mismatch negativity (MMN) component of event-related potentials. MMN was expected to reflect the language selection process in bilinguals on the bases of semantics and phonology. In this regard, as lexical stimuli, interlingual homophones ‘car’ and ‘kar’ (snow) were presented together with semantically related environmental sounds in a passive auditory oddball paradigm. The lexical stimuli were recorded by a native English speaker. Three Turkish-English late bilinguals and one native English speaker participated in the study. An early MMN was elicited in both groups with a distribution over the fronto-central and central areas across the scalp with highest peak amplitude at -2.5 with a 113 ms latency. This response indicates that participants of the study were sensitive to the acoustic changes in two different types of stimuli. The further investigation of the interplay between environmental sounds and semantics displayed no conclusive result due to lack of data. Finally, the brain responses gathered from the bilinguals were not enough to draw a conclusion. Whether the bilinguals were sensitive to the sub-phonemic cues in the presented auditory lexical stimuli or not were inconclusive. / Neuronal aktivitet av en- och tvåspråkiga till miljöljud och ord som är semantiskt relaterade till dem studerades med hjälp av Mismatch Negativity (MMN) komponent av event-relaterade potentialer. MMN förväntades spegla språkvalsprocessen i tvåspråkiga baserad på semantik och fonologi. I detta avseende presenterades interlingual-homofoner ’car’ (bil) och ’kar’ (snö) som lexikala stimuli tillsammans med semantiskt besläktade miljöljud i ett passivt auditivt oddball paradigm. De lexikala stimuli spelades in av en modersmålstalare av engelska. Tre turkiska-engelska sena tvåspråkiga och en modersmålstalare av engelska deltog i studien. En tidig MMN framkallades i båda grupperna med en fördelning över de främre central- och centrala områdena över skalp med amplitud vid -2,5 med 113 ms latens. Detta indikerar att deltagarna var sensitiva till de akustiska förändringarna mellan de två olika typerna av stimuli. Den vidare undersökningen av samspelet mellan miljöljud och semantik visade inget avgörande resultat. Dessutom, var det också ett inkonklusivt resultat som handlade om att huruvida tvåspråkiga deltagarna använde subfonemiska signalerna i de presenterade auditiva lexikala stimuli eller inte.

Slovník chorvatsko-běloruských mezijazykových homonym / Dictionary of Croatian-Belarussian interlingual homonyms

Bialkovich, Veranika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with interlingual lexical homonymy in the Croatian and Belarusian languages. The core of the thesis is a Croatian-Belarusian dictionary of homonyms. The preceding, theoretical part focuses first on the denomination of the linguistic phenomenon of interlingual homonymy and on the existing research in the sphere of homonymy among the Slavic languages. A following section of the thesis is devoted to the various types of intralingual and interlingual homonyms and to some differences in their classification. The thesis also looks at the ways in which interlingual homonyms originate, in relation to the origin of the lexical units that make pairs of homonyms. Two principal ways in which pairs of homonyms can originate are described: coincidental formal agreement and agreement as a result of common development or of the borrowing of the same foreign word. Depending on their origin, homonyms are divided into pairs representing the common Slavic lexical stock and pairs of foreign origin. The next part of the thesis presents the principles under which lexicographic material for the dictionary was collected, the lexicographic sources used in the process, and the structure of the dictionary entries. The dictionary of Croatian-Belarusian interlingual homonyms contains 1,048 entries, which represent all...

Nástrahy blízké příbuznosti (Slovensko-česká lexikální mezijazyková homonymie) / Pitfalls of the close relationship (Slovak-Czech lexical interlingual homonymy)

Márová, Sabina January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The thesis deals with interlingual lexical Slovak-Czech homonymy. The introductory part summarizes not only the denomination issue of this phenomenon, its definition and classification, but also the existing research of interlingual homonyms among Slovak/Czech and other Slavic languages and between Slovak and Czech. The analysis of Slovak- Czech interlingual homonymy, based on a Mirror dictionary of Slovak-Czech interlingual homonyms, is the core part of this research, and thus serves also as a cornerstone for the classification of Slovak-Czech interlingual homonymy and the description of various types of interlingual homonyms. The next chapter concerns with those types of interlingual homonyms, which have not been captured in the Mirror dictionary of Slovak-Czech interlingual homonyms, even though they do exist and it is essential to pay particular attention to them. The annex of this work is a complete list of interlingual homonyms, based on the Mirror dictionary of Slovak-Czech interlingual homonyms, comprising all complete interlingual homonyms (306 homonymous pairs or groups) captured in the dictionary.

Living in Two Worlds: The Phenomena of the Language Immersion Experience

Adelman-Cannon, Laura E. 18 May 2018 (has links)
As Vygotsky (1986) concludes in his seminal work Thought and Language, “A word relates to consciousness as a living cell relates to a whole organism, as an atom relates to the universe. A word is a microcosm of human consciousness” (p. 246). Even without an in-depth understanding of science and only the most popular appreciation of the police procedural be it Sherlock Holmes or CSI, it is easy to see how a single cell can relate to the whole organism. But how can a word be a microcosm of human consciousness? The purpose of this study was to explore exactly that: premise, whether words reflect the lived experience of not only a person, but of a group of people, by documenting the lived experience of children in the phenomena of foreign language immersion in school (FLIIS). Using corpus linguistic techniques to analyze the nature of these children’s lexical development as well as the relationship of the perceptions of their fluency on their second language (L2) production, this study found that in order to understand the essence of what it means for a child to express him/herself fluently in his/her L2, one must understand how language functions as a transparent medium for these children and shift one’s thinking from an additive idea of language (L1, L2, L3) to the idea of interlingual consciousness.

UNITRAN: An Interlingual Machine Translation System

Dorr, Bonnie Jean 01 December 1987 (has links)
This report describes the UNITRAN (UNIversal TRANslator) system, an implementation of a principle-based approach to natural language translation. The system is "interlingual", i.e., the model is based on universal principles that hold across all languages; the distinctions among languages are handled by settings of parameters associated with the universal principles. Interaction effects of linguistic principles are handled by the syste so that the programmer does not need to specifically spell out the details of rule applications. Only a small set of principles covers all languages; thus, the unmanageable grammar size of alternative approaches is no longer a problem.

Sur la place de la traduction du passé composé et de l'imparfait des verbes français vers l'anglais : une étude des écrits chez les étudiants ghanéens akanophones en licence de FLÉ / On the translation of the passé composé and the imparfait into English : a study of the writings of Akan-speaking Ghanaian students of French at the undergraduate level

Haruna, Baba 05 July 2016 (has links)
Dans cet ouvrage, nous nous donnons pour tâche d’investiguer la nature et le rôle du transfert interlingual dans le traitement du passé composé et de l’imparfait en français par les étudiants akanophones du FLE, scolarisés en anglais. À la base d’un cadre construit sur les théories cognitives de Langacker (1986, 2008) et de Talmy (2000a, 2000b) sur l’aspect, ainsi que celles de Jakobson (1959) et de Catford (1965) sur l’équivalence, des données ont été collectées auprès de 57 sujets dans deux universités publiques du Ghana. Les analyses faites à l’aide du PSPP révèlent une tendance de transférer les caractéristiques aspectuo-temporelles du verbe anglais au verbe français chez les participants, menant à une mauvaise interprétation des deux temps. La connaissance de l'akan n'y joue aucun rôle. Nous recommandons que les enseignants fassent référence aux L1 lors de l’introduction des nouveaux concepts, entre autres. / This research studies the nature and the extent of the challenges students face with passé composé and imparfait as regards aspect. We investigate the respective roles of Akan, an aspectual language, and of English, a more temporal language in relation to these challenges. Stratified random sampling was employed in data collection among up to 57 students Toolsemployed were interviews, questionnaires and translation tests.The data was analysed with PSPP and discussed within a framework of the cognitive theories of Langacker (1986, 2008) and Talmy (2000a, 2000b), and Jakobson's (1959) et Catford's (1965) theories of equivalence. Results show that Akanophone students of French superimpose TAM featues of English on these French tenses and thus misinterpret them. Learners' background knowledge of Akan plays no role in these operations. We recommend that teachers of French refer to knowledge of L1 in introducing new concepts.

Fenomén enantiosémie v současné francouzštině / The phenomenon of enantiosemia in contemporary French

Syerikova, Marharyta January 2021 (has links)
The phenomenon of enantiosemy in contemporary French The diploma thesis deals with enantiosemy in contemporary French. It is a linguistic phenomenon, which by its nature falls into the field of lexical semantics, but it receives much less, if any, attention. Despite the fact that the term « enantiosemy » was introduced in scientific circles more than a hundred years ago, its terminological definition has no fixed contours. The aim of the work is to define the term enantiosemy in a broader linguistic environment, to compare its grasp and to present the main lines of its characteristics. At the same time, we will notice the presence-absence of the analyzed phenomenon in the relevant study material of the French language. Also in this work will be shown different types of opposites of enantiosemic words. The selected enantiosemic words will be subjected to diachronic analysis. In addition, the phenomenon of interlingual enantiosemy will be investigated using the example of French and English. Key words : enantiosemy, opposites, homonymy, antonymy, semantics, polysemy, interlingual enantiosemy

A Correlational Study of the Relationships Between Syntactical Accuracy, Lexical Accuracy and the Quality of Turkish EFL Student Writing

Gonulal, Talip 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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