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Autonomic Reactivity and Adjustment in Middle ChildhoodWagner, Caitlin Reilly 01 January 2016 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether the joint action of the parasympathetic (PNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) influenced three distinct indicators of child adjustment. Although evidence suggests that patterns of reactivity in the PNS and SNS each contribute to adjustment in youth, a paucity of work has examined the interaction between the two systems. Moreover, much of the research on children's autonomic reactivity has overly relied on variable-centered analytic approaches, which aim to predict variance and assume homogeneity in the relations between predictors and outcome. This project also incorporated a person-centered approach to systematically identify individual differences in the interrelation between PNS and SNS reactivity and to classify children into homogeneous autonomic reactivity groups. The person-centered results were then applied to variable-centered analyses to examine how adjustment varied across homogeneous autonomic reactivity groups. Thus, the goal of this study was to apply both variable-centered and person-centered analyses to investigate whether children's autonomic reactivity was related to child adjustment.
Children (N = 64, 8-10 years, M = 9.06, SD = 0.81) and one parent completed a psychophysiological laboratory assessment at Wave 1 during which each child's respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity (RSAR; an index of PNS reactivity) and skin conductance level reactivity (SCLR; an index of SNS reactivity) was assessed in response to a mirror tracing challenge task. At both Wave 1 and Wave 2, each parent reported on their child's internalizing symptoms, externalizing symptoms, and social competence.
The variable-centered analyses revealed that, consistent with hypotheses, the two-way RSAR x SCLR interaction was significant predicting internalizing symptoms at Time 1 and at Time 2. In both cases, RSA withdrawal was associated with fewer internalizing symptoms when coupled with low SCLR. When coupled with high SCLR, RSA withdrawal was associated with more internalizing symptoms at Time 1; however, RSAR was unrelated to Time 2 internalizing when coupled with high SCLR. In addition, SCLR was associated with more social competence and (marginally) fewer externalizing problems over time. The person-centered analyses (i.e., a model-based cluster analysis) identified two distinct clusters based on children's RSAR and SCLR. Children in Cluster 1 showed slight RSA withdrawal combined with SCL activation (modest reciprocal SNS activation) and exhibited marginally more internalizing and less social competence, as compared to children in Cluster 2 who, as a group, showed heightened RSAR (either withdrawal or augmentation) and SNS activation. When a 3-cluster model was examined, results indicated that children who showed modest reciprocal SNS activation (Cluster 1) showed marginally more internalizing symptoms then children who showed strong reciprocal SNS activation (Cluster 2A) and marginally less social competence then children who showed coactivation (Cluster 2B).
This study offers important evidence that person-centered analyses can identify differences in autonomic reactivity that are relevant to children's adjustment. Cluster analysis identified only two (i.e., reciprocal SNS activation, coactivation) of the four autonomic profiles assumed to be represented in simple slope analyses in previous work. Thus, incorporating person-centered techniques in future research is an important and likely fruitful approach to investigating how autonomic reactivity contributes to child development.
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The Role of Individual Difference in Predicting Psychopathology Following Peer VictimizationEvans, Miranda 20 December 2019 (has links)
eer victimization is a common experience that is associated with later psychopathology. However, there is inconsistency in the strength and statistical significance of this effect. The current study used two methods to try to understand this inconsistency. First, co-occurring internalizing and externalizing symptoms were considered dimensionally. Second, the present study considered temperament as a potential moderator to explain the multifinality of outcomes that occur following peer victimization. A community sample (N = 387; 52% female) of early adolescents (11-15) from a longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors for psychopathology was utilized to test hypotheses. Cross-lagged examinations between victimization and psychopathology were examined, including the moderating effect of temperament. No longitudinal relationship between victimization and psychopathology was found. A significant interaction between victimization and effortful control predicted externalizing and co-occurring symptoms. Future researchers should consider improving the measurement of victimization and temperament to get a better understanding of the effect.
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Maternal Stress and Child Internalizing Symptoms: Parent-Child Co-Regulation as a Proposed MediatorHarvey, Tatum 01 May 2020 (has links)
The effects of maternal stress on child behavior, especially externalizing problems such as aggression, defiance, and lack of self-control, are well-established within psychological literature. Few studies, however, have examined the effects of maternal stress on child internalizing problems, such as loneliness, withdrawal, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Moreover, there is much research within developmental psychology to support the notion that parent-child co-regulation, sometimes called dyadic synchrony, can predict child behavioral outcomes. Currently, researchers lack an understanding of how this process can interact with maternal stress to predict child internalizing symptoms. The following thesis details a multi-method assessment which is designed to examine the mediating effect of co-regulation on the relationship between maternal stress and child internalizing symptoms. In this research project, mothers and their three-year-old children complete questionnaires and a challenging dyadic task to assess their current stress, internalizing symptoms, and co-regulation strategies. Co-regulation scores are assigned through a macro coding scheme developed by a behavioral observation coding team. Due to ongoing data collection, data from a comparable project were collected to test this hypothesis using similar self-report measures. This study may have significant implications for the effects of everyday parent-child interactions on future child health outcomes.
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Pathways to Upper Elementary School Students' Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms: A Look at Achievement and ContextWargel, Katelyn E. 28 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effect of Toddler Emotion Regulation on Maternal Emotion Socialization: Moderation by Toddler Gender and Maternal Depressive and Anxious SymptomatologyPremo, Julie Elizabeth 25 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluating a Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Strong Kids, Implemented School-WideKramer, Thomas Jonathan 10 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this study was to explore whether Strong Kids could result in improved social and emotional competence when implemented as a school-wide universal intervention. No prior studies have examined this question. This study also evaluated whether teachers could implement Strong Kids as it was designed and whether they viewed it as socially valid. It used a non-equivalent control group design. The treatment school in the study involved 348 students and 17 teachers from a Title I school. School demographics indicated that 61% of students were Hispanic, 37% White, and 2% of other ethnicities. Approximately 82% of the students qualified for free or reduced lunch. Teachers at the treatment school taught Strong Kids for 12 weeks, permitted treatment fidelity observations, and completed a social validity questionnaire (with a subgroup also participating in a social validity focus group). The control school participants consisted of 266 students and 11 teachers. The control school was selected because it was demographically similar to the treatment school. Teachers at both treatment and control schools completed pretest and posttest ratings of each of their students' internalizing behaviors and peer-related prosocial behaviors using nationally normed scales. Analyses comparing teacher ratings of the treatment school with ratings at the control school were performed using a split-plot ANOVA. Scores for students identified as at-risk through school-wide screening were compared to students not identified as at-risk. Average scores on the social validity questionnaire were calculated, and a qualitative analysis of the focus group was performed. Results revealed that 82% of lesson components were fully implemented. Teacher ratings at the treatment school reflected a significant decrease in students' internalizing behaviors, while ratings at the control school increased. At-risk students showed significantly greater improvements on both internalizing and peer-relations subscales compared to non-at-risk students. Social validity results revealed that Strong Kids provided a common language for teachers and students to talk about feelings and an avenue for students to seek help. It also helped teachers set school-wide expectations for handling social and emotional concerns.
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Étude longitudinale des liens prédictifs entre les traits de personnalité et les symptômes intériorisés à l'adolescence.Gosselin, Marie-Joëlle 09 1900 (has links)
Cette étude longitudinale visait à vérifier si les traits de personnalité (selon le modèle en cinq facteurs, « Big Five ») au début de l’adolescence (12-13 ans) permettent de prédire les symptômes intériorisés deux ans plus tard (14-15 ans), en contrôlant pour le niveau initial de symptômes intériorisés ainsi que l’influence de plusieurs facteurs de risque connus. Les données employées proviennent d’une étude longitudinale prospective. L’échantillon compte 1036 adolescents provenant de huit écoles secondaires québécoises. Les adolescents ont répondu à un questionnaire autorévélé. Des modèles d’équations structurales ont d’abord démontré la pertinence de conceptualiser les symptômes intériorisés comme une variable latente. D’autres modèles ont démontré que certains traits de personnalité prédisent effectivement les symptômes intériorisés ultérieurs. Cependant, contrairement aux études effectuées auprès d’adultes, le rôle de la Stabilité émotionnelle et de l’Extraversion n’est pas significatif après que l’influence de facteurs de risque connus et du sexe ait été contrôlée. Ce sont plutôt le Contrôle et l’Amabilité qui sont significativement reliés aux symptômes intériorisés ultérieurs dans la présente étude. Les résultats soulignent également le rôle important des facteurs de risque liés aux relations avec les pairs. Finalement, des modèles d’équations structurales multi-groupes ont mis en évidence des différences sexuelles significatives dans les relations prédictives. Cette étude confirme que les traits de personnalité des adolescents peuvent jouer un rôle dans le développement des symptômes intériorisés, ce qui leur confère une pertinence théorique et clinique. / The goal of this longitudinal study was to determine if personality traits (according to the Big Five model) in early adolescence (12-13 years old) can predict internalizing symptoms two years later (14-15 years old), after controlling for the initial level of internalizing symptoms and the influence of various known risk factors. Data came from a prospective longitudinal study. The sample includes 1036 adolescents from eight high schools in the province of Quebec. Adolescents filled a self-reported questionnaire. Structural equation models first confirmed that internalizing symptoms can be conceptualized as a latent variable. Other models showed that some personality traits do predict subsequent internalizing symptoms. However, unlike adult studies, the role of Emotional stability and Extraversion is not significant after controlling for known risk factors and gender. In this study, it is rather Conscientiousness and Agreeableness which are significantly related to subsequent internalizing symptoms. Indeed, a low level of Conscientiousness and a high level of Agreeableness are significantly related to subsequent internalizing symptoms among adolescents. The results also confirmed the important role of peer relationships factors. Finally, multiple-group structural equation models showed significant gender-specific predictive relations. This study confirms that adolescents’ personality traits can play a role in the development of internalizing symptoms, which supports their relevance for both theory and clinical practice.
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Étude longitudinale des liens prédictifs entre les traits de personnalité et les symptômes intériorisés à l'adolescenceGosselin, Marie-Joëlle 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Participation au Programme Équipe et symptômes intériorisés chez l’enfant : effets médiateurs des pratiques parentales et des symptômes extériorisésFortin, Marie-Jeanne 06 1900 (has links)
Les problèmes intériorisés, comprenant principalement les problèmes d’anxiété et de dépression, sont des conditions ayant de multiples conséquences pour les personnes touchées (p.ex. : détresse, fatigue importante, difficultés fonctionnelles). Malgré cela, peu d’interventions visent la prévention de ces difficultés à la petite enfance. Plusieurs facteurs pourraient être associés au développement des symptômes intériorisés entre 0 et 5 ans, dont les pratiques parentales et les problèmes extériorisés. Quelques auteurs suggèrent que les programmes de prévention et d’intervention visant la promotion de pratiques parentales adéquates et la diminution des troubles extériorisés en bas âge pourraient permettre la réduction des symptômes intériorisés. La présente étude a pour objectif d’examiner le lien entre la participation au Programme Équipe, un programme préventif visant les pratiques parentales, et les symptômes intériorisés des enfants. Afin de bien comprendre les processus sous-tendant cette relation, les rôles médiateurs des pratiques parentales et les symptômes extériorisés seront examinés. De plus, le rôle modérateur du sexe sera testé afin de voir si les liens diffèrent pour les filles et les garçons. Pour ce faire, 162 familles comptant des enfants de 4 ou 5 ans ont été recrutées pour participer à cette étude expérimentale (participants randomisés dans les groupes intervention et contrôle). Les résultats obtenus dans des analyses de régression linéaire soutiennent que la participation au Programme Équipe tend à prédire une amélioration de l’encadrement et le niveau de soutien à l’autonomie offert par les parents. Des analyses subséquentes d’effets indirects suggèrent que le renforcement de l’encadrement serait associé à une diminution des problèmes de comportements et des symptômes intériorisés. Ces résultats appuient donc la pertinence d’offrir des programmes préventifs dans la diminution des problèmes intériorisés même s’ils ont pour but initial la réduction des problèmes extériorisés à la petite enfance. / Internalizing problems, including anxiety and depression problems, are associated with a range of negative consequences. Despite this, there are only a limited number of interventions that aim to prevent these difficulties in early childhood. Several factors are associated with the development of internalizing symptoms between 0 and 5 years of age, including parenting practices and externalized problems. Some authors suggest that prevention and intervention programs aimed at promoting adequate parenting practices and reducing externalizing symptoms at a young age could reduce internalizing symptoms. The objective of this study is to examine the link between participation in the Équipe Program (COPE in English), a preventive program targeting parenting practices, and internalizing symptoms in children. In order to fully understand the processes underlying this relationship, the mediating role of parenting practices and the externalizing symptoms will be examined. In addition, the moderating role of sex will be tested to see if associations are different for girls and boys. For this, 162 families with children aged 4 or 5 were recruited to participate in a small experimental trial (participants randomized to either the Équipe intervention or a no-intervention control group). The results obtained in linear regression analysis support that participation in the Équipe Program is associated with an improvement in parenting practices related to the discipline and level of autonomy offered by the parents. Subsequent analyzes of indirect effects suggest that the strengthening of adequate discipline is associated with a decrease in behavioral problems and internalizing symptoms. These results support therefore the relevance of offering preventive programs in reducing internalizing problems even if their initial goal is to reduce externalized problems in early childhood.
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L'état de stress post-traumatique-complexe : un concept novateur à explorerPayer, Mylène 03 1900 (has links)
Les mauvais traitements représentent un facteur de risque pouvant entraver le développement normal des enfants qui en sont victimes. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre le concept d’état de stress post-traumatique-complexe (ÉSPT-C) et ce, en permettant l’évaluation rigoureuse de ses symptômes et en documentant sa relation avec d’autres variables.
La présente thèse est composée de deux articles empiriques. L’objectif du premier article est d’obtenir une mesure de l’ÉSPT-C pour une population francophone. Pour ce faire, les qualités psychométriques de la traduction francophone du Structured Interview of Disorders of Extreme Stress-Self-Report (SIDES-SR) ont été testées par le biais d’analyses préliminaires auprès de 438 adultes canadiens-français provenant de la population générale et de l’Université de Montréal. Les résultats démontrent que l’instrument possède une structure factorielle de 5 facteurs comparable à celle obtenue pour l’instrument en anglais dans sa version originale. Les facteurs obtenus sont : 1) les croyances pessimistes par rapport aux autres et au futur, 2) la gestion des affects, 3) l’évitement des contacts physiques et sexuels, 4) la somatisation et 5) la prise de risques. La cohérence interne de 4 facteurs sur 5 varie d’acceptable à très satisfaisante alors que leur stabilité temporelle et leur validité convergente, divergente et concurrente ressortent comme étant assez satisfaisantes.
Le but du deuxième article de cette thèse est d’examiner l’apport des symptômes d’ÉSPT-C retrouvés chez les mères et de leurs pratiques parentales (supervision et utilisation abusive de la punition) pour expliquer les symptômes d’ordre psychologique chez leurs enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle (AS). Les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères et leurs pratiques éducatives ont été évalués auprès de 96 mères à l’aide de mesures auto-rapportées alors que les symptômes de leur enfant ont été mesurés à partir d’un instrument qui leur était destiné. Les résultats suggèrent qu’en contrôlant les variables sociodémographiques et les caractéristiques de l’AS de l’enfant, les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères sont liés à plusieurs symptômes retrouvés chez les enfants après le dévoilement de l’AS qu’ils ont subie. Le rôle modérateur de la supervision maternelle dans la relation entre l’ÉSPT-C des mères et les symptômes de dépression et d’opposition des enfants a également été démontré. Les implications théoriques et cliniques concernant les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce projet doctoral sont finalement abordées. / Maltreatment is a risk factor that may hinder the normal development of children. The principal objective of this thesis is to better understand complex posttraumatic stress disorder, by evaluating it and documenting its relationship with other variables. This thesis includes two empirical articles. The objective of the first article is to develop a measure of complex posttraumatic stress disorder for French-speaking adults. The psychometric properties of the translated version of the Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress-Self-Report (SIDES-SR) were tested through preliminary analyses with 438 French-speaking adults from the general population and the University of Montreal. Results demonstrate that the instrument has a factor structure of five factors similar to the English version of the instrument. The factors obtained are: 1) pessimistic beliefs about others and future, 2) managing emotions, 3) avoidance of physical and sexual contact, 4) somatization, and 5) risk-taking behaviours. The internal consistency of 4 of the 5 factors varies from acceptable to very satisfactory, while their temporal stability and convergent, divergent and concurrent validity are acceptable. The purpose of the second article is to examine the contribution of complex posttraumatic stress disorder found in mothers and parenting practices (monitoring and abusive punishment) on psychological symptoms reported by children victims of sexual abuse. Symptoms of 96 mothers and their rearing practices were assessed using self-report measures, while children’s symptoms were measured with an instrument designed for children. Results demonstrate that, after controlling for sociodemographic variables and characteristics of the child sexual abuse, complex posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with several symptoms in children. The moderating role of maternal monitoring in the relationship between complex posttraumatic stress disorder of mothers and symptoms of depression and opposition of children is also demonstrated. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed concerning the results obtained in this doctoral project.
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