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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réflexions sur le droit applicable aux investissements étrangers au Maroc / Reflections on Moroccan legal framework of Foreign Investments

Arrassen, Nounja 16 November 2012 (has links)
Pour assurer une croissance économique durable, le Maroc mobilise diverses sources de financement telles que les investissements directs étrangers. Parmi les déterminants de ceux-ci, il y a la stabilité politique, dont le Maroc est un modèle, mais aussi, l’existence d’un corpus de normes, facilitant leur réalisation. Par ces facilités, il s’agit d’instaurer une véritable politique d’attractivité. A cet effet, différents instruments juridiques, tantôt restrictifs, tantôt libéraux, ont été adoptés depuis l’indépendance, selon la méfiance, légitime, que peuvent, en certaines circonstances, susciter les capitaux étrangers. Ces instruments, qui constituent en définitive le droit marocain des investissements étrangers, vont des dispositions de droit commun, aux dispositions spéciales, en passant par les instruments conventionnels multilatéraux et bilatéraux. Cette étude, sans épuiser le sujet, réalise une présentation dynamique de ces instruments en deux axes. Le premier appréhende la richesse du dispositif normatif de l’accueil de l’investissement étranger ; le second met en articulation les moyens d’une sortie, qu’elle soit contentieuse ou non / To ensure sustainable economic growth, Morocco mobilizes various funding resources such as foreign direct investments. Among the determinants of these), there is political stability, of which Morocco is a model, but also the existence of legal standards making their realization easier. By these facilities, is real policy of attractiveness is aimed. For that purpose, various legal instruments, sometimes restrictive, sometimes liberal, have been adopted since the independence, according to legitimate concerns that foreign capital may raise in certain circumstances. These instruments, which ultimately constitute the Moroccan foreign investment lax, vary from general and special provisions to multilateral and bilateral conventional instruments. This study, without exhausting the subject, makes a dynamic presentation of these instruments regarding two main dimensions of an investment process: entry and exit. The first captures the richness of the normative framework related to foreign investments’ reception, whereas the second highlights in case of their exit, either contentious or not

L’intervention du juge étatique avant un arbitrage commercial international, étude comparée : france – Etats-Unis / The judge's intervention before an International Commercial Arbitration, comparative law : France - United States

Labatut, Tifany 11 September 2018 (has links)
Le développement de l’arbitrage international s’inscrit de nos jours, comme l’un des modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits le plus utilisé. Sa nature hybride, à la fois contractuelle et juridictionnelle, en fait le mode privilégié du monde des affaires ; cet engouement pour l’arbitrage international, s’explique en ce que la mondialisation de l’économie et l’effacement progressif des frontières, ont obligé les acteurs du commerce, à résoudre les litiges avec efficacité et immédiateté ; chose que les juridictions étatiques ne sont pas à même de procurer dans la pratique, contrairement à l’arbitrage international, qui jouit d’une réputation favorable, en traitant les conflits qui lui sont confiés, avec célérité, efficacité et confidentialité. Reste une question : l’arbitrage international reçoit-il la-même acceptation selon tous les États ? Les études de droit comparé, démontrent à première vue, une réelle volonté d’harmonisation des dispositions entourant l’arbitrage afin d’en faire un mode totalement autonome des juridictions étatiques. Cependant, une analyse plus approfondie démontrera que cette volonté est relative, ce qui poussera le juge étatique à intervenir tout au long de la procédure arbitrale (avant, pendant, après) pour en faire « un auxiliaire indispensable de la justice arbitrale » . Cette intervention du juge étatique, sera néanmoins plus délicate dans la première phase de l’arbitrage (avant), en ce que dérivent de cette ingérence, la mise en œuvre ou non de l’arbitrage. Surviennent alors de nombreuses questions : est-ce que l’intervention du juge étatique contrevient à l’autonomie de l’arbitrage international ? Mais aussi, quelle est la nature de cette intervention : coercitive, d’assistance, de contrôle ? Cela met-il en péril l’autorité de l’arbitre-juge ? Est-ce que cette intervention du juge étatique peut être utilisée par les parties à des fins dilatoires? Tout l’enjeu de ces travaux sera de trouver des réponses à ces questions au travers une étude de droit comparée entre la France et les États-Unis. / Summary Nowadays, international arbitration is one of the most commonly used alternative forms of conflict resolution. Its hybrid nature, both contractual and jurisdictional, makes it the preferred mode of the business world ; this enthusiasm for international arbitration is shown in the fact that economic globalization and the gradual disappearance of borders have forced trading parties to resolve disputes with efficiency and immediacy, which state courts are unable to provide in practice ; this is in contrast to international arbitration, which has a favorable reputation in managing and resolving conflicts entrusted to it in a timely manner, efficiently and confidentially. Nevertheless, a question remains: does international arbitration have the same acceptance from all states? At first glance, studies in comparative law show a genuine desire to harmonize the provisions surrounding arbitration, so as to render it a totally autonomous mode of state jurisdiction. However, a more thorough analysis will show that this desire is relative, which will push the state judge to intervene throughout the arbitration process (before, during, after) to make it "an arbitral justiceÕs indispensable auxiliary ". However, this intervention by the state judge will be more delicate in the arbitrationÔs first phase, and the result will be its implementation or not. Then, a number of questions arise: does the intervention of the state judge violate the autonomy of international arbitration? But also, what is the nature of this intervention: coercive, assistance, control? Does this jeopardize the authority of the referee-judge? Can this intervention by the state court be used by the parties for delaying purposes? The challenge will be to find answers to these questions through a study of comparative law between France and the United States.

Mezinárodní rozhodčí řízení / International arbitration

Braborec, Jan January 2015 (has links)
International arbitration The purpose of the thesis is to determine the role of international arbitration in the system of domestic law, discuss the basic aspects of its character and show its relation to the decision-making practice of the European Court of Human Rights and to the Czech law. The methods used in the thesis are mainly legal-analytical, descriptive and comparative. Besides the introduction and conclusion, this work is divided into four main sections, which are further divided into subsections. The first chapter is devoted to alternative dispute resolution and its relation to the arbitration. There we find an explanation of the concept itself, the list of reasons for the exclusion or inclusion of arbitration into this system, and last but not least, the advantages and disadvantages of this method of dispute resolution, which are described for better clarity on the most frequently used method of alternative dispute resolution in Czech Republic, i.e. mediation. The following chapter focuses on the general specifics of the arbitration proceedings, which are common to the national and international arbitration. First part of this chapter is devoted to the European Convention on Human rights and its Article 6 paragraph 1, which guarantees the right to a fair trial, and to its application on the...

Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration procedure in international business transactions

Karfilát, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to summarize the most important and basic attributes of arbitration in international business transactions. Further, the thesis assesses the biggest pros and cons of the arbitration. Emphasis is placed on opinions of economical entities as users of the arbitration to settle their mutual disputes. The first chapter aims on definition of three basic terms including the arbitration as the corner stone of the whole topic, then the meaning of international and definition of business relations. The two latter terms distinguish the respective category of arbitration from other categories such as arbitration in consumers or labour relations or arbitration conducted between states and individuals arising from investments. The second chapter enumerates the most important sources of law governing the arbitration. The thesis aims on both material and formal sources. Reasons for creation and historical development of arbitration are shortly outlined as material sources. The part concerning with the formal sources refers mainly to international sources with accent on New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Arbitration. From the national sources the main focus is placed on Czech legislation. Procedural rules of permanent arbitration institutions and their...

L'arbitrage international et les tiers / International arbitration and third parties

Rahmouni Jaoudi, Rabeb 03 July 2015 (has links)
« Pour obtenir une vérité quelconque sur moi, il faut que je passe par l’autre. L’autre est indispensable à mon existence, aussi bien d’ailleurs qu’à ma connaissance que j’ai de moi ». Cette affirmation concise et éloquente de Jean-Paul Sartre résume parfaitement l’importance de l’autre dans notre vie. L’autre conditionne en quelque sorte notre existence.Transposé dans le monde juridique, cet « Autre » ne perd guère de son importance, il change certes, de nom, il est désormais le « Tiers », mais il est toujours aussi présent et aussi influant.En revenant au sens étymologique du terme « Tiers » on découvre qu’il vient du latin « tertius » : troisième. Cet adjectif désigne ce qui vient au troisième rang ; qui s’ajoute à deux autres. Le tiers désigne une personne étrangère à un groupe ou à une affaire. Selon le dictionnaire Larousse, le tiers correspond à « chaque partie d’un tout divisé en trois parties égales », à la « troisième personne », la « personne étrangère à un groupe », celui « qui vient au troisième rang, qui s’ajoute à deux autres ». Il est « autre, différent (par rapport à deux éléments présupposés)». Le « Tiers » se retrouve dans différents noms communs, tels que tiers provisionnel, tiers opposant, tiers payant, tierce personne, tierce opposition, assurance au tiers, assurance de tierce collision, tiers arbitre, tiers expert, tiers consolidé, Tiers État….Il apparaît dans la féodalité, la coutume, la jurisprudence et le domaine juridique, mais aussi dans la médecine, la marine ou la vénerie. / No English summary available.

International Commercial Arbitration and Money Laundering : Problems that arise and how they should be resolved

Hedberg, Christoffer Coello January 2016 (has links)
Abstract  This thesis is concerned with examining the intersection between the areas of international commercial arbitration and money laundering. There are various points of connectivity between the two and the aim of this thesis is to discern how an arbitrator should conduct arbitral proceedings involving money laundering. For this purpose, a few selected topics have been examined. The practical challenges arising out of these topics, as well as the tools available to arbitrators to face them have been analysed in turn. After a brief inquiry into the nature of international commercial arbitration, money laundering and the ways that they come together, the topics of jurisdiction, the norms applicable to the substance of the dispute, and matters of evidence are subject to discussion. In studying these topics, a recurring theme, which goes to the very heart of the intersection between the seemingly odd areas of international commercial arbitration and money laundering, is discernible. In practically all of the challenges that an arbitrator will face when adjudicating a dispute involving money laundering a conflict of interest between the pivotal principle of party autonomy and other interests will arise. These interests originate from the public policy concerns vested in countering money laundering and the criminal law nature of this phenomenon. The tools which the arbitrator deem to be applicable as well as the conduct that he might choose in regards to the topics discussed, very much depend on his perception of the role that international arbitrators ought to assume in this conflict. Keeping these conceptual building blocks in mind the author, whilst examining the relevant legal instrument, case law and legal commentary, reaches the conclusion that arbitral tribunals ought to claim jurisdiction over disputes arising out of contracts tainted by money laundering in the majority of cases. The author also reaches the conclusion that there are other norms than the lex contractus that can be applied to the substance of the dispute and that the willingness to apply them will depend on the attitude of the arbitrator. Similarly, the arbitrator could, and arguably should, investigate the issue of money laundering of his own accord, albeit with a few important reservations. The rules of evidence, especially those of the burden of proof and standard of proof, should be tailored to reflect the nature of the complex offence of money laundering. Finally, the eventual possibility for an international arbitrator to report suspicions of money laundering is touched upon.

Arbitrage interne et international, monisme ou dualisme : réflexion de droit comparé à partir d’une étude franco-italienne / Domestic and international arbitration, monism or dualism : comparative Law considerations based on a Franco-Italian study

Lorenzini, Lucie 18 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis ces dernières décennies, le droit de l’arbitrage international connaît une autonomie, en marge de la justice étatique, que les législateurs nationaux ne semblaient guère prévoir. Cette autonomie suscite l’intérêt mais aussi une inquiétude renouvelée par un double constat. Le premier réside dans l’absence d’une définition légale de l’arbitrage international, si ce n’est l’existence d’une définition implicite au travers de critères de distinction à l’égard de l’arbitrage interne. Ces critères, relevant d’une technique législative propre à chaque État, traduisent la conception très particulière qu’ils se font de l’institution et influent inévitablement sur la manière dont ils décident de régir l’arbitrage international. Le second relève de la complexification des échanges économiques et commerciaux transfrontaliers et de l’éclatement exponentiel des sources que connaît l’arbitrage international, sous l’impulsion des sources internationales, des réformes nationales et de la pratique qui en est faite. Le développement de ces règles met en évidence un processus qui s’inscrit dans un contexte favorable à la promotion d’une harmonisation informelle, d’un droit matériel de l’arbitrage international. Ces règles restent, aujourd’hui, insuffisantes. La faiblesse du système réside dans leur origine nationale qui conduit à soumettre la question de la réglementation de l’arbitrage à différentes législations particularistes. Même si le monisme – internationalisé – n’est pas incompatible avec les spécificités de l’arbitrage international, la solution dualiste semble plus opportune : la vraie question étant le degré de prise en compte de ces spécificités par les réglementations nationales. Aussi, l’existence d’un dualisme matériel, puis formel de l’arbitrage international, constitue une démarche préalable à la réflexion sur la potentialité d’un ordre juridique transnational considéré comme le socle normatif de l’arbitrage international. / Over the last decades, unforeseen to national legislators, International Arbitration Law acquired more and more autonomy despite the existence of domestic legislation governing international arbitration. This autonomy has sparked much interest but has also caused some concern. The reason for such concern is twofold. The first cause for concern lies in the fact that there exist no legal definition of international arbitration. Indeed, the notion of international arbitration is, as of today, derived from the various criteria which have been set to distinguish international arbitration from domestic arbitration. These criteria, which stem from legislative methods specific to each national jurisdiction, are a reflection of the very unique approach taken by national laws towards arbitration and inevitably influence the manner in which each state decides to legislate on the rules governing international arbitration.The second cause for concern is the result of the increasing complexity of cross-border economic and commercial trade and the continuous diversification of sources of international arbitration through the enactment of numerous international pieces of legislation, national reform and case law. The development of these rules reveals an ongoing process within a context favorable to an informal harmonization of substantive International Arbitration Law. These rules remain insufficient today. The weakness of the system is due to the fact that International Arbitration has been regulated through domestic legislation. This raises the question of regulating arbitration through country-specific legislation. Even if, when internationalized, monism is not incompatible with the specificities of international arbitration, the dualistic approach seems to be more appropriate. The real question here actually lies is the importance afforded by national regulation to such specificities. Moreover, the existence of material dualism followed by formal dualism in international arbitration is a first step in the ongoing legal debate around the appropriateness of Transnational Arbitral Legal Order as the normative pillar of international arbitration.

Institucionální rozhodčí řízení / Institutional arbitration procedure

Zoubková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
- Institutional Arbitration Arbitration in its today's dimension is a phenomenon that represents an alternative system to a state organized litigation. Arbitration is way of settling disputes among subjects in various fields of economic activities. There is commercial arbitration which is the most spread and used in the world, sport arbitration, mixed arbitration and others. This thesis, also due to the fact that it has been assigned by The Department of Commercial law - International Private Law, is devoted to international commercial arbitration. Arbitration is a private system of litigation in which private neutrals are called by parties to resolve their dispute. Arbitration held by individual neutrals chosen particularly for determinate cause is called ad hoc arbitration. In response to a stabilization of arbitration procedure, the arbitration institutions were established to provide arbitrational services and other dispute resolution services. Arbitration administrated by such institutions is in theory called institutional arbitrational, which is the subject of present work. The thesis is deemed to report on actual arbitrational and other dispute resolution services offered by major world institutions. These services include the arbitration proceedings itself which is the most important and...

Řešení investičních sporů z pohledu rozhodovací praxe mezinárodních rozhodčích soudů / Resolving investment disputes from the perspective of case-law of international arbitration courts

Dragúň, Maroš January 2012 (has links)
Resolving investment disputes from the perspective of case-law of international arbitration courts The purpose of my thesis is to analyse resolution of investment disputes from the perspective of international arbitration courts' case-law. The reason for my analysis is recent increase of importance for investment disputes resolution in front of international arbitration courts. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic. First chapter is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis, such as investment, investment disputes, difference between investment dispute and commercial dispute. Second chapter examines relevant Czech and Slovak treaties on the protection of investments concluded with another states. The chapter deals with both bilateral and multilateral investment treaties. In this chapter there are also two charts with the overview of most used forums for investment disputes resolutions from Czech and Slovak bilateral investment treaties. Third chapter is subdivided into two parts, the general part, and specific part with the case-law of European Court of Justice. This chapter is called European Union and protection of investments. It includes also the most recent progress in European rulemaking, regarding the common investment...

Mezinárodní rozhodčí soudnictví / International arbitration judiciary

Rajdová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a concise definition of arbitration as a method of dispute resolution, in particular in international commercial trade. In its seven chapters it contains a brief introduction to the history of international arbitration, its definition as opposed to other forms of alternative dispute resolution or the judiciary, an outline of the progress of operations from before the start of the procedure up until the end of it, and also a consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration. The first chapter of this thesis deals with the general characteristics of alternative dispute resolution. Disputes shall be defined by their relationship to arbitration, and a brief characterization of the different types of ADR such as mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, etc. will be included. It also outlines the development of arbitration proceedings, in particular in our country. The second chapter includes an introduction to the subject of arbitration. It contains the definition of the concept of international justice, in the context of fundamental theoretical doctrines which define the legal nature of the Institute and the Czech Constitutional Court and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Finally, this chapter addresses the categories into which arbitration is...

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