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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a ordem internacional: admissibilidade de medidas de urgência nos litígios comerciais internacionais / O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a ordem internacional: admissibilidade de medidas de urgência nos litígios comerciais internacionais

Flavia Fóz Mange 13 June 2008 (has links)
Este estudo analisa a harmonização do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro com a realidade da ordem internacional globalizada sob o enfoque da solução de litígios comerciais internacionais. Parte-se da hipótese de que há uma desarmonia entre a atuação do Brasil no cenário comercial internacional e os meios disponíveis às partes para dar eficácia aos litígios transnacionais. Para verificar a veracidade desta hipótese, realiza-se um estudo prático sobre a admissibilidade pelo ordenamento brasileiro de medidas de urgência proferidas nos litígios internacionais, cujo cumprimento é requerido por carta rogatória. O estudo de caso aborda tanto a solicitação do cumprimento no Brasil de medidas de urgência proferidas em outras jurisdições quanto as medidas proferidas por tribunais arbitrais estrangeiros. A importância da cooperação jurídica internacional e as tentativas de harmonização das normas processuais no âmbito internacional, principalmente no que se refere à admissibilidade de medidas de urgência proferidas no exterior, são abordadas para demonstrar a necessidade de cooperação entre os órgãos judicantes de cada Estado para que se obtenha um resultado justo e eficaz nos litígios transnacionais, garantindo a segurança jurídica necessária às partes envolvidas no comércio internacional / This study analyses the harmonization of the Brazilian legal system with the current reality of a globalized international order. Focus is given to the resolution of international commercial litigation. The thesis established is that there is a disharmony between Brazils participation in international commerce and the methods available within Brazil to resolve efficiently the disputes arising out of such commercial relations. To verify this hypothesis, this paper analyses the admissibility and enforceability in Brazilian Courts of provisional measures issued by other courts and arbitral tribunals. The enforcement of provisional measures is usually requested by rogatory letters or letters of request. The importance of international judicial cooperation and the tentative to harmonize the norms of civil procedure in the multilateral sphere, especially with respect to provisional measures, are addressed to demonstrate the necessity of cooperation between the judicial organs of each State in order to achieve a fair and efficient result in international litigation. Only such cooperation will establish the requisite level of legal certainty necessary to facilitate the participation of Brazilian parties in the international commercial arena.

Le traitement des exceptions préliminaires devant le CIRDI

Seghiri, Abderrezak 09 1900 (has links)
De plus en plus soulevées, les exceptions préliminaires sont devenues aujourd’hui une institution classique du procès CIRDI. Leur utilisation croissante par les acteurs contentieux, et les multiples enjeux qu’elles recèlent, invitent résolument à s’interroger sur l’existence d’un réel régime juridique qui les encadre et, partant, qui permettrait de garantir un certain degré de prévisibilité. A cet égard, le volet procédural de l’exception renferme maints éléments problématiques. Certains sont liés à la mise en œuvre, d’autres au moment de l’introduction de l’exception. Ainsi, d’une part, cette étude s’intéressera aux motivations réelles derrière la consécration de la faculté de les soulever et aux acteurs contentieux qui en ont accès. D’autre part, ce mémoire se focalisera sur la réalité de l’exigence d’introduction in limine litis pour mieux cerner les dérogations fréquentes ainsi que la souplesse exagérée dont elle fait l’objet. Quant au volet substantiel, nous nous interrogerons sur l’objet de l’exception tant du point de vue de la qualification que du point de vue de la délimitation. Plus précisément, nous aborderons la question de la distinction entre compétence et recevabilité. Pourquoi cette distinction et tantôt observée, tantôt complètement ignorée par les parties au procès. Quel impact pourrait avoir une telle distinction sur le résultat escompté ? De même, nous nous nous interrogerons sur l’extension fréquente, parfois abusive, du champ de la compétence ou de la recevabilité afin de mieux appréhender les contours de l’objet, l’usage qu’en font les Tribunaux CIRDI et les raisons derrière un tel phénomène. / Increasingly used, preliminary objections have now become a traditional institution of ICSID proceedings. The increasing use by litigation actors raises many questions about the reality of their treatment. In particular, it raises questions about the existence of a consistent set of rules that would framework their use and, hence, ensure a certain degree of predictability. In this regard, the procedural aspect of the objections includes many problematic elements. Some are linked to the implementation of the objection, others to the introduction timing. Thus, on the one hand, this research will focus on the real incentives behind the consecration of the right to raise them and who has access to that right. On the other hand, this research will focus on the actuality of the condition to introduce them in limine litis and try to explain the frequent exceptions, and exaggerated flexibility, in the arbitral practice regarding this condition. As to the substantive aspect, we will inquire about the purpose of the objection from both qualification and delimitation point of views. Specifically, we will address the issue of the distinction between jurisdiction and admissibility. Why this distinction is sometimes considered and sometimes completely ignored by the parties to the proceedings. What impact might such a distinction have on the final outcome? Similarly, we will question the frequent extension, sometimes even abusive, of the scope of jurisdiction or admissibility by the ICSID Tribunals to help better understand the borders of the objections substance and the reasons behind such a phenomenon.

Le droit uniforme africain et le droit international privé / The african uniform law and the private international law

Adouko, Anoh Bernard 17 December 2013 (has links)
Que l’on appréhende le droit uniforme sous l’angle du droit international privé ou que l’on mesure les incidences de la vision communautaire du droit uniforme sur l’évolution du droit international privé des Etats membres, les interactions entre droit uniforme africain et droit international privé peuvent se résumer aux constats suivants. La simple uniformisation du droit entre des Etats se révèle insuffisante à éliminer ou à résorber les conflits de lois et au-delà l’ensemble des difficultés suscitées par l’élément d’extranéité à savoir les conflits de juridictions, la condition des étrangers … Les raisons en sont notamment que l’unification du droit (règles de fond et règles de procédure) n’a jamais pu être totale, des points irréductibles pouvant se révéler insurmontables au stade de la conception des règles uniformes mais aussi l’uniformisation pouvant s’altérer par la suite, lors de son application, du fait de divers facteurs. Les législateurs supranationaux ont donc dû accompagner, le plus souvent, les règles uniformes de fond de règles uniformes de droit international privé de sorte qu’on conclut, en droit uniforme africain, à l’émergence d’un droit international privé d’origine communautaire. Secrété par un droit, lui-même spécifique, se situant à l’intersection du droit international et du droit interne, du droit public et du droit privé, le droit international privé issu du droit uniforme africain sera lui aussi nécessairement spécifique dans sa conception, dans ses méthodes, outils ou instruments même s’il fait preuve à certains égards d’un certain classicisme. Son avènement a bouleversé les assises du droit international privé interne des Etats membres et au delà celles de la discipline du droit international privé elle-même. Toutefois, ce droit international privé, encore en gestation, reste lacunaire dans ses outils et instruments et doit prendre nécessairement appui sur celui des Etats membres comme une nécessité vitale. / Either uniform law is seen from the point of view of the private international law or either one assesses the impact of the communal vision of uniform law on the evolution of private international law of member states, the interactions between African uniform law and private international law can all be summed up as follows. A mere unification of laws between some states is not enough to eliminate or solve conflicts of laws and all the difficulties brought about by foreign origin element, such as jurisdiction disputes, foreigners legal status,… The reasons of this situation are that the unification of law (content and procedure rules) has never been total because some indomitable points may prove to be insurmountable at the level of the drafting of uniform rules, but also because the unification of laws can deteriorate further on during its implementation due to various factors. Therefore, the supranational lawmakers have often had to back up the uniform content rules with the uniform rules of private international laws. This leads, in the African uniform law to the emergence of a private international law with a communal origin. The private international law deriving from African uniform law will also be specific in its conception, its methods, its tools or instrument, even if to some extent, it shows some classicism. This is because the private international law deriving from the African uniform law has been fathered by a law which is specific in itself because it stands between international and home law, between public and private law. Its advent has upset the basics of the international home law of member states but also the basics of the private international law itself. However, this private international law which is still in its gestation period still has some weaknesses in its instruments and rules and must necessarily lean on that of member states as it is a vital necessity.

Nulla executio sine titulo: the scrutiny of awards in the practice of international arbitration as a mechanism to optimize the enforcement of awards in Peru / Nulla executio sine titulo: el escrutinio de los laudos en la práctica del arbitraje internacional como mecanismo para optimizar la ejecución de los laudos en el Perú

Rivarola Reisz, José Domingo, Núñez del Prado Chaves, Fabio 10 April 2018 (has links)
What is «liquidable» and how should this concept be faced by arbitrators and judges? Can an enforcement judge determine concepts such as costs, interests and/or penalties if the arbitral tribunal has not provided any parameters? What fundamental rights might be violated? In accordance with international arbitration practice, we will deal here with the problems arising from the division of functions between judges and arbitrators in relation to the enforcement of the «liquidable» concepts. / ¿Qué es lo «liquidable» y cómo debe ser este concepto enfrentado por los árbitros y jueces? ¿Puede un juez en ejecución determinar conceptos como costas, intereses y/o las penalidades sin que el tribunal arbitral le haya brindado ningún parámetro?¿Qué derechos fundamentales están en juego? En función de la práctica arbitral internacional, nos ocuparemos de los problemas que surgen por la división de funciones entre jueces y árbitros en relación con la ejecución de lo «liquidable».

Les transferts de joueurs professionnels : Objet d'un face-à-face fécond entre institutions sportives et puissances publiques / Transfers of professionnal players : The object of a fruitful confrontation between sports institutions and public authorities

Bertrand, Jean-Baptiste 07 November 2017 (has links)
La pratique intensive du sport au cours du XXe siècle conduisit à son internationalisation et à sa professionnalisation. Les transferts de joueurs, devenus la base de l’équilibre du sport collectif professionnel, favorisèrent son développement mais aussi le principal financement des clubs, bien qu’ils ne fassent l’objet d’aucune définition légale. Un transfert de joueur peut toutefois se définir comme une opération par laquelle un club accepte de mettre fin au contrat de travail à durée déterminée qui le lie à un de ses joueurs avant son terme, afin de lui permettre de s’engager auprès d’un nouvel employeur en contrepartie du versement par ce dernier d’une indemnité financière appelée indemnité de transfert. Cette opération conciliant une logique sportive et marchande devint vite indispensable. Pourtant il ne fut pas facile de l’encadrer juridiquement. Cela se produisit néanmoins après un face-à-face d’une vingtaine d’années : il opposa principalement institutions sportives qui désiraient conserver leurs privilèges, et puissances publiques nationale et européenne attachées principalement à ce que le sport professionnel respecte les lois nationales et les grands principes de liberté de circulation des travailleurs. Ces deux partenaires, qui contribuèrent à la création d’un Tribunal arbitral du sport à vocation universelle, échouèrent à juguler une inflation inquiétante des salaires des joueurs et des indemnités qui leur sont versés à l’occasion des transferts. / The intensive practice of sports in the course of the 20th century led to to its the internationalization and professionalization. Player’s transfers, became the base of the balance of collective’s professional sport, promoted its development but also the main funding of clubs, even though they may the object of no legal defenition. Player’s transfer can however be defined as an operation by which a club agrees to end the fixed-term contract which binds him to one of his players before the term, to allow him to make a commitment with a new employer in return of the payment by the latter of a financial compensation called transfer fee. This operation reconciles a sport and commercial’s logic quickly became essential. However it was not easy to supervise it legally. It occure nevertheless after a wrestling match of about twenty years : it brought into a conflict mainly sports institutions which whished to preserve their privileges, and national and European public authorities attached mainly to fact that the professional sport respects the national the nationals law and the major principles of freedom of movement of the workers. These two partners, which contributed to the creation of the Court of Arbitration for Sport with universal vocation, failed to stop an alarming inflation of players incomes and the compensations which are paid to the transfers occasion.

The New Horizons of Business and Human Rights in International Arbitration : An Analysis of the Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration

Palm, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Arbitration has previously been a dispute resolution method for commercial and investment disputes mostly concerning businesses and states. The recently launched Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration (The Hague Rules) are a universal set of rules for business-related human rights disputes in international arbitration, which offer an additional legal remedy for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities. This thesis discusses if the legal remedies have been improved and reflects on previous legal remedies in order to analyse a potential improvement provided by the Hague Rules. The history of business-related human rights disputes has been strongly affected by the concept of corporate social responsibility which have contributed to a development of several soft law regulations. At the same time, businesses, states and arbitral tribunals have contributed to gradually include human rights aspects in arbitration. Despite this, the development before the Hague Rules was fragmentary and victims of the business-related human rights abuse were not provided a stable access to legal remedy. Corrupted and impartial domestic courts could in turn lead to the result of victims being completely excluded from access to justice. Through the Hague Rules, victims are provided with an opportunity to raise claims in arbitration, a development that have included human rights aspects in arbitration such as public interest, imbalance of power, expert arbitrators and witness protection. Even if the Hague Rules offer an effective legal remedy for the victims of business-related human rights abuse in many regards, imbalance of power between a well-funded corporation and the victims cannot be solved solely by a soft law instrument. Furthermore, domestic laws and domestic courts might raise issues for the Hague Rules which could also potentially decrease important features of the national adjudication process. Even if the Hague Rules could be improved further, they are still an improvement of legal remedies for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities and have increased the access to justice.

Меродавно право у међународним инвестиционим споровима / Merodavno pravo u međunarodnim investicionim sporovima / Applicable Law in International Investment Disputes

Galetin Milena 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Предмет&nbsp;&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp;&nbsp; докторске&nbsp;&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp;&nbsp; представља&nbsp;&nbsp; начин&nbsp;&nbsp; поступања арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; утврђивања&nbsp; меродавног&nbsp; права&nbsp; за&nbsp; суштину&nbsp; инвестиционог спора. Његово&nbsp; одређење&nbsp; је&nbsp; веома&nbsp; битно&nbsp; јер&nbsp; може&nbsp; пресудно&nbsp; да&nbsp; утиче&nbsp; на&nbsp; сам&nbsp; исход арбитражног поступка. Истраживањем је обухваћена како пракса арбитражних судова који делују под окриљем Међународног центра за решавање инвестиционих спорова (ИКСИД), тако и оних арбитражних судова који поступају ван њега.<br />Након&nbsp; уводних&nbsp; разматрања,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; најпре приказани&nbsp; процесни&nbsp; механизми&nbsp; за заштиту имовинских права странаца с обзиром да они представљају претечу инвестиционе арбитраже&nbsp; какву&nbsp; данас&nbsp; познајемо.&nbsp; Потом&nbsp; је&nbsp; указано&nbsp; на&nbsp; комплексност&nbsp; инвестиционих спорова&nbsp; која&nbsp; проистиче&nbsp; из&nbsp; чињенице&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; различити&nbsp; извори&nbsp; права&nbsp; на&nbsp; њих&nbsp; примењују-правила&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; (обичајног&nbsp; и&nbsp; уговорног),&nbsp; национално&nbsp; законодавство&nbsp; државе пријема,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; одредбе&nbsp; уговора&nbsp; о&nbsp; страном&nbsp; улагању&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног улагача. При том се одређивање меродавног права не своди на просто утврђивање извора који би се примењивао на сва спорна питања, већ се за свако појединачно питање одређује који слој правних правила применити.<br />Начело аутономије воље приликом утврђивања меродавног права за суштину спора је било предмет истраживања&nbsp; у трећем делу рада. Оно је најпре разматрано у националном законодавству, арбитражним правилима и конвенцијским текстовима, а потом и у клаузули уговора&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног&nbsp; улагача&nbsp; и&nbsp;&nbsp; у&nbsp; клаузули&nbsp; билатералних&nbsp; и мултилатералних споразума о подстицању и заштити улагања (БИТ). Наведени делови су употпуњени&nbsp; релевантном&nbsp; праксом&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова,&nbsp; а&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; је&nbsp; разматрано&nbsp; да&nbsp; ли арбитражни судови поштују страначку аутономију воље у сваком случају и како поступају уколико у клаузули БИТ-а о меродавном праву нијеутврђена хијерархија извора који су у њој предвиђени.<br />Затим&nbsp; су&nbsp; анализирана&nbsp; поступања&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; у&nbsp; случајевима&nbsp; одсуства клаузуле&nbsp; о&nbsp; меродавном&nbsp; праву.&nbsp; Овде&nbsp; се&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; кренуло&nbsp; од&nbsp; поделе&nbsp; на арбитражне&nbsp; судове&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; под&nbsp; окриљем&nbsp; ИКСИД-а&nbsp; и&nbsp; оне&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; ван&nbsp; ИКСИД система.&nbsp; Посебна&nbsp; пажња&nbsp; је&nbsp; била&nbsp; усмерена&nbsp; на&nbsp; теорије&nbsp; које&nbsp; су&nbsp; се&nbsp; јавиле&nbsp; о&nbsp; поступању арбитражних судова ИКСИД, а које се тичу односа националног и међународног права у случају непостојања споразума страна о меродавном праву за суштину спора.<br />Наредно&nbsp; поглавље&nbsp; се&nbsp; тиче&nbsp; садејства&nbsp; националног&nbsp; и&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; када&nbsp; се примењују као меродавна на суштину спора. Класификација је направљена тако што су се у оквиру сваког извора инвестиционог права разматрала спорна питања на која се тај извор примењује.<br />Коначно, у последњем делу, су приказана закључна разматрања.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Predmet&nbsp;&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp;&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp;&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp;&nbsp; način&nbsp;&nbsp; postupanja arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; utvrđivanja&nbsp; merodavnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; za&nbsp; suštinu&nbsp; investicionog spora. NJegovo&nbsp; određenje&nbsp; je&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; bitno&nbsp; jer&nbsp; može&nbsp; presudno&nbsp; da&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; sam&nbsp; ishod arbitražnog postupka. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena kako praksa arbitražnih sudova koji deluju pod okriljem Međunarodnog centra za rešavanje investicionih sporova (IKSID), tako i onih arbitražnih sudova koji postupaju van njega.<br />Nakon&nbsp; uvodnih&nbsp; razmatranja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; najpre prikazani&nbsp; procesni&nbsp; mehanizmi&nbsp; za zaštitu imovinskih prava stranaca s obzirom da oni predstavljaju preteču investicione arbitraže&nbsp; kakvu&nbsp; danas&nbsp; poznajemo.&nbsp; Potom&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukazano&nbsp; na&nbsp; kompleksnost&nbsp; investicionih sporova&nbsp; koja&nbsp; proističe&nbsp; iz&nbsp; činjenice&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; izvori&nbsp; prava&nbsp; na&nbsp; njih&nbsp; primenjuju-pravila&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; (običajnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; ugovornog),&nbsp; nacionalno&nbsp; zakonodavstvo&nbsp; države prijema,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; odredbe&nbsp; ugovora&nbsp; o&nbsp; stranom&nbsp; ulaganju&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog ulagača. Pri tom se određivanje merodavnog prava ne svodi na prosto utvrđivanje izvora koji bi se primenjivao na sva sporna pitanja, već se za svako pojedinačno pitanje određuje koji sloj pravnih pravila primeniti.<br />Načelo autonomije volje prilikom utvrđivanja merodavnog prava za suštinu spora je bilo predmet istraživanja&nbsp; u trećem delu rada. Ono je najpre razmatrano u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu, arbitražnim pravilima i konvencijskim tekstovima, a potom i u klauzuli ugovora&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog&nbsp; ulagača&nbsp; i&nbsp;&nbsp; u&nbsp; klauzuli&nbsp; bilateralnih&nbsp; i multilateralnih sporazuma o podsticanju i zaštiti ulaganja (BIT). Navedeni delovi su upotpunjeni&nbsp; relevantnom&nbsp; praksom&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova,&nbsp; a&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; je&nbsp; razmatrano&nbsp; da&nbsp; li arbitražni sudovi poštuju stranačku autonomiju volje u svakom slučaju i kako postupaju ukoliko u klauzuli BIT-a o merodavnom pravu nijeutvrđena hijerarhija izvora koji su u njoj predviđeni.<br />Zatim&nbsp; su&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; postupanja&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučajevima&nbsp; odsustva klauzule&nbsp; o&nbsp; merodavnom&nbsp; pravu.&nbsp; Ovde&nbsp; se&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; krenulo&nbsp; od&nbsp; podele&nbsp; na arbitražne&nbsp; sudove&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; pod&nbsp; okriljem&nbsp; IKSID-a&nbsp; i&nbsp; one&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; van&nbsp; IKSID sistema.&nbsp; Posebna&nbsp; pažnja&nbsp; je&nbsp; bila&nbsp; usmerena&nbsp; na&nbsp; teorije&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; javile&nbsp; o&nbsp; postupanju arbitražnih sudova IKSID, a koje se tiču odnosa nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava u slučaju nepostojanja sporazuma strana o merodavnom pravu za suštinu spora.<br />Naredno&nbsp; poglavlje&nbsp; se&nbsp; tiče&nbsp; sadejstva&nbsp; nacionalnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; kada&nbsp; se primenjuju kao merodavna na suštinu spora. Klasifikacija je napravljena tako što su se u okviru svakog izvora investicionog prava razmatrala sporna pitanja na koja se taj izvor primenjuje.<br />Konačno, u poslednjem delu, su prikazana zaključna razmatranja.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The&nbsp; research&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; manners&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; deal with&nbsp;&nbsp; determination&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; applicable&nbsp;&nbsp; law&nbsp;&nbsp; for&nbsp;&nbsp; the substance&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; investment&nbsp;&nbsp; disputes.&nbsp;&nbsp; This determination is very important because it can decisively affect the very outcome of the arbitral proceedings. The research includes both the practice of arbitral tribunals within the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the practice of arbitral tribunal outside ICSID.<br />After introductory remarks, the procedural mechanisms for the protection of property rights of&nbsp; foreigners&nbsp; are&nbsp; shown&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; since&nbsp; they&nbsp; represent&nbsp; a&nbsp; forerunner&nbsp; of current&nbsp; investment arbitration.&nbsp; Subsequently&nbsp; the&nbsp; complexity&nbsp; of&nbsp; investment&nbsp; disputes&nbsp; is&nbsp; pointed&nbsp; out&nbsp; arising&nbsp; from&nbsp; the fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; different&nbsp; sources&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; apply&nbsp; to&nbsp; them-international&nbsp; law&nbsp; (customary&nbsp; and&nbsp; contractual), national&nbsp; legislation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; host&nbsp; state,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; provisions&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; foreign&nbsp; investment&nbsp; contract between the host state and foreign investor. In doing so, the determination of the applicable law is not simply the determination of the source that would apply to all the contentious issues, but the determination of a layer of legal rules which applies on each individual question.<br />The principle of party&nbsp; autonomy in determining&nbsp; the applicable law for the substance of the dispute&nbsp; was&nbsp; the&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was&nbsp; first&nbsp; considered&nbsp; in arbitration&nbsp; rules&nbsp; and&nbsp; conventions,&nbsp; and&nbsp; thereafter&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; clauses&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; contract&nbsp; between&nbsp; the&nbsp; host State and the foreign investor and then in the clauses of bilateral and multilateral agreements on promotion and protection of investments (BITs). These sections are completed with the relevant practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; especially&nbsp; considered&nbsp; whether&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; respect&nbsp; the party&#39;s&nbsp; autonomy&nbsp; in&nbsp; any&nbsp; case&nbsp; and&nbsp; how&nbsp; they&nbsp; act&nbsp; if&nbsp; the&nbsp; choice&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; clause&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; BIT&nbsp; does&nbsp; not determinethe hierarchy of sources envisaged therein.<br />Afterwards the practice of arbitral tribunals in cases where the choice of law clause is absent was&nbsp; analyzed.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; course&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research,&nbsp; a&nbsp; division&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; between&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals operating under the auspices of ICSID and those operating outside the ICSID system. Particular emphasis&nbsp; was&nbsp; paid&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; theories&nbsp; which&nbsp; occurred&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; ICSID&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals,<br />concerning&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; of&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; absence&nbsp; of&nbsp; agreement between the parties on the applicable law.<br />The&nbsp; next&nbsp; chapter&nbsp; deals&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; between&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; when applied&nbsp; as&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; substance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; dispute.&nbsp; The&nbsp; classification&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; in&nbsp; such&nbsp; a&nbsp; way that&nbsp; within&nbsp; each&nbsp; source&nbsp; of investment&nbsp; law&nbsp; the&nbsp; contentious&nbsp; issues&nbsp; which&nbsp; are&nbsp; applicable&nbsp; within&nbsp; it were considered.<br />Finally, in the last chapter, concluding remarks are presented.</p>

Arbitragem comercial internacional e acesso à justiça: o novo paradigma do Third Party Funding

Filho, Napoleão Casado 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Napoleao Casado Filho.pdf: 1373756 bytes, checksum: f0e78d5ac08707eaf66fc8f347c57f68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Arbitration is sometimes seen a Justice system for rich people only. As a private system that needs to be paid, how does it deal with the principle of Acess to Justice? The aim of this thesis is to answer this question and to analyse how Brazilian law should approach the new phenomenon that the world of the International Law is now facing: third parties external to the conflict invest in International Arbitration in exchange for a share of the results of the arbitration proceedings. Throughout the thesis, we demonstrate how the phenomenon of Arbitration emerged in the contemporary world and the great challenges that Arbitration now faces, including the defy of assuring Access to a Jurisdictional Service to parties that do not have enough resources to meet the costs of the arbitration proceedings. We will use the Systems Theory to localize the Arbitration system as an autonomous legal subsystem. Then, we discuss how the world has seen the Third Party Funding phenomenom, concluding with our understanding on how Brazilian law must face this new reality, aligning it with our legal system / A arbitragem muitas vezes é vista como justiça dos ricos. Mecanismo privado e com custos, como ele se comporta em face do princípio do Acesso à Justiça? O objetivo desta tese é responder a essa indagação e analisar como o Direito brasileiro deve se comportar em face do novo fenômeno que acontece no mundo do Direito das Relações Econômicas Internacionais: terceiros, estranhos ao conflito, investem em Arbitragens Internacionais em troca de uma parcela do resultado do procedimento arbitral. Ao longo do trabalho, demonstramos como o fenômeno da Arbitragem surgiu no mundo contemporâneo e os grandes desafios que o instituto enfrenta, entre eles o do Acesso à Prestação Jurisdicional para partes que não têm recursos para sustentar os custos do procedimento arbitral. Recorreremos à Teoria dos Sistemas para posicionar a Arbitragem Comercial Internacional como subsistema jurídico autônomo. Em seguida, abordaremos como o mundo tem visto o fenômeno, concluindo com nosso entendimento sobre como o Direito brasileiro deve encarar essa nova realidade, compatibilizando-a com nosso ordenamento jurídico

Le règlement des différends commerciaux internationaux en Chine par voie arbitrale

Jourdain, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
Le contexte culturel particulier à la Chine influe sur le choix du mode de résolution des différends commerciaux comportant un lien d'extranéité. Plusieurs mécanismes de préventions des litiges sont utilisés en Chine. La conciliation et médiation sont issues d'une tradition plus que millénaire en Chine, elles occupent donc un rôle important dans la résolution des différends commerciaux. La conciliation est ainsi presque toujours mise en branle antérieurement à un règlement des différends comportant des solutions contraignantes pour les parties soit un jugement ou une sentence arbitrale. L'analyse de la structure juridique chinoise nous permet de soulever les lacunes relatives à l'utilisation de ce véhicule dans la résolution d'un litige. Effectivement, l'indépendance judiciaire est défaillante ce qui a pour conséquences de préférer l'arbitrage aux tribunaux judiciaires. Malgré cette défaillance, certains investisseurs étrangers pourraient y recourir ce qui nécessite alors une connaissance minimale de ce système juridique. Le règlement des différends, en Chine, relatif à un élément d'extranéité s'effectue principalement par voie arbitrale. De ce fait, deux catégories d'arbitrage doivent alors être présentées ce qui permet d'écarter en Chine l'arbitrage ad hoc qui n'est pas expressément interdit, ni permis. Cette situation a permis à l'arbitrage institutionnel de se développer de façon considérable particulièrement par le biais de la CIETAC qui constitue ainsi l'institution de choix. Mais parallèlement à elle, il ne faut pas négliger les institutions arbitrales étrangères ayant sis sur le territoire chinois qui, de plus en plus, attirent les investisseurs étrangers, et leurs partenaires. / China's particular cultural background influences the mode of resolution that is chosen to resolve foreign-related commercial conflicts. A lot of prevention mechanisms are used in China. Conciliation and mediation come from a millenary tradition and thus have a very important place in resolving commercial conflicts. Conciliation is almost always used before any other kind of conflict resolution solution, such as legal action, is taken into consideration by both parties. By analyzing Chinese judicial structure it is possible to find some omissions in this mode of resolution. Indeed, the judicial independence is in such default that both parties will almost always prefer arbitration rather than a judgment by the court. This being said, some foreign investors can chose to go through with the judicial process but then a basic knowledge of the local judicial system becomes necessary. Therefore foreign-related conflict resolution in China is usually done by arbitration. There are two categories of arbitration that must be known. One of them is the ad hoc arbitration who is not expressly permitted or prohibited in China. This situation has been a benefit to the development of the institutional arbitration which has been developed a lot by the most important arbitration institution that is the CIETAC in China. In other hand, we cannot forget the foreign arbitration institutions in China that attract more and more foreign investors and their Chinese partners.

L'arbitrage impliquant les personnes publiques : tendances et perspectives

Pierre, Jeanet 03 1900 (has links)
Cette étude aborde la problématique de la participation des personnes morales de droit public à l’arbitrage à l’occasion des litiges relatifs aux relations qu’elles entretiennent avec les personnes privées étrangères. Par opportunisme économique, un certain nombre de pays développés et en développement se montrent tout à fait favorables à ce que l’État se soumette au contentieux arbitral. Dans d’autres pays, tels qu’en Amérique latine et dans le monde arabe, il se manifeste des tendances nettement hostiles gravitant entre l’interdiction totale et une adhésion conditionnelle de l’État à l’arbitrage. Deux écoles s’affrontent, celle des privatistes qui considèrent l’arbitre international comme le juge naturel du milieu des affaires, face à celle des étatistes qui postulent que les juridictions étatiques demeurent les seules habiles à connaitre souverainement des litiges opposants les personnes publiques à leur interlocuteur privé. Les raisons qui sous-tendent l’assouplissement de certains gouvernements vers un élan libéral de l’arbitrage en droit public, résultent du phénomène globalisant de l’économie qui tend à réduire à néant les règles internes des États dans le cadre du nouvel ordre économique mondial. Par contre, les conséquences sociales, financières et juridiques des sentences arbitrales portent certains gouvernements à adopter une position réfractaire à l’arbitrage mettant en cause les entités publiques. Ils brandissent le droit à l’autodétermination des peuples pour éviter le bradage de leurs ressources au détriment des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels de leurs populations, et ce, en dépit du fait que l’investissement direct étranger joue un rôle considérable dans le développement des pays en émergence. Notre défi ultime dans ce travail est d’explorer les diverses avenues permettant d’atteindre un juste équilibre entre les intérêts publics et la protection des investissements privés. Ceci exige un changement de paradigme qui prendra en compte les dimensions plurielles que constitue le contentieux investisseurs-États. / This study investigates the difficulties that arise when legal disputes between public bodies and foreign private entities are resolved through arbitration. For economic expediency, some Western states and developing countries are quite open to the idea of resolving legal disputes by submitting to arbitration proceedings. Other countries, such as Latin America and the Arab world, have a clearly hostile approach to state participation in arbitration proceedings, ranging from total prohibition to conditional submission. There is a clash between two schools of thought: the privatist approach that considers international arbitration to be the business community’s natural forum, as opposed to the statist approach according to which only state courts are qualified to consider legal disputes between public bodies and private entities. The underlying reasons for the increased flexibility of certain governments in favor of a liberal move towards public law arbitration are a result of the globalizing effect of the economy, which tends to decimate domestic state laws within the framework of the new global economic order. On the other hand, the social, financial and legal consequences of arbitration awards render some governments resistant to arbitration involving public entities. They brandish the right to self-determination of peoples to guard against the depletion of their resources to the detriment of the economic, social and cultural rights of their populations. This is despite the fact that foreign direct investment plays a considerable role in the development of emerging countries. The ultimate aim of this study is to explore different avenues for striking a fair balance between public interests and the protection of private investments. This requires a paradigmatic change so as to take into account the multiple dimensions of legal disputes between the state and investors.

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