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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interpersonal factors and nursing home resident health

Zurakowski, Tamara Lee January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Insight et qualité de vie subjective dans la shizophrénie : rôles des facteurs interpersonnels / Insight and subjective quality of life in schizophrenia : the role of interpersonal factors

Tastet, Helene 10 December 2012 (has links)
Dans la partie introductive (Partie A), le Chapitre 1 présente la schizophrénie et la prise en compte encore rare de la qualité de vie subjective dans cette population. La fiabilité de l’appréciation subjective de la qualité de vie a longtemps été critiquée compte tenu des fréquents troubles de l’insight relevés dans cette population. Ce chapitre souligne un paradoxe, où, d’un côté, les politiques d’empowerment encouragent l’intégration du sujet comme acteur de sa prise en charge, alors que, d’un autre côté, les troubles de l’insight peuvent limiter voire empêcher l’engagement thérapeutique.Le Chapitres II et III présentent les conceptualisations classiques de l’insight clinique dans la schizophrénie (définitions, évaluations, modélisations). Parmi les modélisations classiques, les prédicteurs sont essentiellement personnels (ex. ressources cognitives) et cliniques (symptômes). Les travaux ont progressivement intégré des variables modératrices ou médiatrices, n’ayant pas toujours relevé de relation directe entre ces facteurs classiques et l’insight. Cependant, les modélisations tiennent essentiellement compte des capacités propres au sujet, en omettant de relever le processus éminemment interactif en jeu dans l’insight ou dans son évaluation. Le Chapitre IV présente les études ayant porté sur les relations entre insight et certains indicateurs centraux du soin. Ce chapitre permet de situer le débat encore vif autour de la balance potentielle bénéfices/coûts d’une intervention thérapeutique centrée sur l’insight. Là encore, les résultats des études demeurent contradictoires. Ils laissent supposer que les facteurs interpersonnels pourraient apporter des informations cruciales pour préciser les conditions d’une intervention centrée sur l’insight. Le Chapitre V décrit les quelques études internationales sur l’insight ayant inclus des facteurs interpersonnels. Seules les caractéristiques personnelles impliquées dans les relations interpersonnelles (cognition sociale) ont été étudiées comme variables explicatives de l’insight. Les caractéristiques de l’environnement proche impliquées dans les relations interpersonnelles ont été partiellement interrogées afin d’expliquer les relations insight-corrélats cliniques. Plus rares encore sont les études ayant porté sur les variables interpersonnelles expliquant les relations insight et qualité de vie subjective. Le Chapitre VI présente les deux objectifs de cette thèse. Dans le cadre d’une étude transversale, il s’agissait d’explorer la pertinence de l’inclusion de facteurs interpersonnels i) dans les modèles explicatifs de l’insight, et ceci selon le mode auto ou hétéro-évaluatif ; ii) dans l’explication des relations insight et qualité de vie subjective. La Partie B décrit en détail la méthode utilisée, avec la procédure et les différentes analyses réalisées afin d’explorer ces questions. La Partie C présente les caractéristiques de l’échantillon constitué et les résultats significatifs aux différentes analyses conduites, en les resituant face aux recherches internationales. Les facteurs interpersonnels permettent d’améliorer la qualité des modèles classiques de l’insight, quelle que soit la méthode d’évaluation (auto versus hétéro-évaluation). Cependant, les facteurs interpersonnels isolés sont différents pour chacune de ces méthodes. Enfin, les résultats suggèrent que certains facteurs interpersonnels modèrent la relation insight-qualité de vie subjective. La Partie D discute les résultats principaux de cette thèse, en insistant sur les limites de la recherche et les perspectives qu’elles ouvrent en conséquence. Quatre points d’intervention spécifique autour de l’insight sont développés, chacun propre à considérer et intégrer les facteurs interpersonnels comme leviers thérapeutiques. / In the Part A, the Chapter 1 presents schizophrenia and the subjective quality of life, rarely considered in this population. The reliability of subjective quality of life assessment has been frequently criticized because of the frequent lack of insight in schizophrenia. This chapter highlights the following paradox. On one hand, the empowerment policies induce the consideration of the subject as playing an active role with regard to the treatment that they receive, whereas, on the other hand, the lack of insight can limit or prevent therapeutic engagement. Chapters II and III present classical conceptualizations of clinical insight in schizophrenia (definition, assessment, models). Among the classical models, predictors of insight have been mostly investigated in terms of personal (e.g. cognitive resources) and clinical factors (symptoms). These studies have gradually integrated moderating or mediating factors since data about linear relationships between insight and classical factors were inconsistent. However, models are essentially based on the subject abilities, without taking into account the interactional process involved in insight. The Chapter IV presents studies investigating associations between insight and clinical outcomes. This chapter highlights the debate still active on the cost/benefit potential balance of a therapeutic intervention focused on insight. Here again, consensus is lacking. Interpersonal factors might also give crucial information to define more thoroughly the conditions of interventions focused on insight. The Chapter V describes the few international studies dealing with insight and interpersonal factors. Only personal characteristics involved in interpersonal relationships (e.g. social cognition) have been studied as predictors of insight. The close environment characteristics that are involved in interpersonal relationships have been partially questioned in order to explain relationships between insight and clinical outcomes. Very few studies have been focused on interpersonal variables that could explain relationships between insight and subjective quality of life. The Chapter VI presents the two main objectives of this work. Through a cross-sectional study, we explored whether including interpersonal factors i) in explanatory models of insight, ii) in explanation of relationships between insight and subjective quality of life could be relevant. The Part B gives details about the method, the procedure and the different analyses that have been conducted in order to explore these questions. The Part C presents sample characteristics and significant results of analyses. These results are compared to those of international research. Interpersonal factors significantly improved the quality of classical insight models, whatever the assessment method (self-reported versus expert-rated insight). However, depending on the assessment method, distinct interpersonal factors were identified. Finally, results suggest that several interpersonal factors moderate the relationships between insight and subjective quality of life. Finally, the Part D discusses the main results of this work, insisting on the limits of the present research and giving some perspectives for future research. Four points for clinical interventions on insight are developed, each integrating interpersonal factors as therapeutic lever.

Weight Maintenance: Determinants Of Success

Mitchell, Cynthia 01 May 2005 (has links)
This literature review was a selective examination of current obesity and physical activity research and opinions. Its purpose was more to evoke thought and discussion regarding the United States' obesity epidemic, rather than serve as an exhaustive account of prospective causes and solutions. Obesity and physical inactivity are major preventable health problems in the United States, but despite overwhelming evidence regarding the benefits of a healthy weight and regular physical activity, adult, childhood and adolescent obesity rates continue to escalate, creating significant health, medical and economic consequences. While obesity rates soar, a small population percentage has proven successful in long-term weight maintenance, even in the presence of significantly influential environmental and interpersonal factors. Reviewing strategies employed by National Weight Control Registry members, this literature review discusses the two behavioral components missing from standard or traditional, action-oriented intervention programs. Although th e Stages-of-Change Model ex plains an indi vidual"s readiness to change and the process in vo lved, se lf-effi cacy and self-regulating behav iors were shown to have a more positi ve effect on long-term maintenance. Thus, recommendati ons for practical appli cation include incorporating these behavioral components for a more effecti ve and client-centered interventi on program.

Measuring quality of care in nursing home - what matters? / Kvalitetsmå for pleie og omsorg i sykehjem - hva er av betydning

Nakrem, Sigrid January 2011 (has links)
Residential care in nursing homes continues to be necessary for those individuals who are no longer able to live safely and comfortably at home. The demographic change with increasing number of persons over 65 years in the next 20 years also means that the percentage of those who will require care in a nursing home some time before the end of their lives will increase. Therefore, anticipating this pressure to expand nursing home availability, it is critical that these services are developed from a profound understanding of what creates the best value. Nursing homes in developed countries have evolved over the past half-century from being places of mainly custodial care to facilities responsible for the management of an ever increasing range of complex nursing and medical conditions. Nursing home residents are frail older adults with complex needs, dependent on advanced nursing care.  Determining what aspect of nursing homes should and can be measured is the current work of many national health care systems. However, uncovering what the nursing home residents perceive as the most important aspects of quality and how they experience living in a nursing home is necessary to develop effective person-centred care.  The overall aim of the present thesis was to contribute to a deeper understanding of quality of care in nursing homes, integrating the professionals’, residents’ and family’s perspectives. The research design is a qualitative approach to explore the concept quality of care and its domains. The thesis comprises a review of internationally used nursing sensitive quality indicators for nursing homes. The indicators are evaluated for their validity as described in the literature. The thesis further describes the residents’ experiences with the interpersonal factors of nursing care quality, as well as the residents’ experiences of living in a nursing home. The thesis also explores the understanding and belief about nursing home quality held by family members of residents. The thesis is based on in-depth interviews of residents in four different nursing homes, and focus group interviews of family members of residents in two different nursing homes. The findings are that quality of care in long-term care in nursing homes encompasses at least four domains: quality of the living conditions, quality of the nursing staff, quality of direct nursing care, and quality of the social environment. Moreover, care quality is influenced by a range of external factors such as the national policy, laws and regulations, management of the organization and the physical building. The local community provides a context in which the nursing home is more or less integrated into. The review of internationally used quality indicators indicate that some factors of care processes and health outcomes for nursing home residents could be measured and give valid and reliable evaluation of the nursing home care quality. In the explorative qualitative study, residents and family placed more emphasis on physical and psychological well-being, interpersonal relationships and the social environment if quality of care is to result. Objective indicators of essential areas of resident-experienced quality need to be developed. This should be done in collaboration with the residents and their next-of-kin, in addition to professional expertise. Methodological and practical implications of the results are discussed. / Sykehjem er en helsetjeneste som vil være nødvendig for eldre som ikke føler seg trygge eller kan få tilstrekkelig behandling, pleie og omsorg i eget hjem. Antall eldre over 65 år er økende i Norge, noe som innebærer et økt press på sykehjem i framtiden. Det er derfor av stor betydning at sykehjemstjenesten utvikles med tanke på å skape best mulig nytteverdi ut fra behov. Sykehjemmene har utviklet seg de siste 50 årene fra hovedsakelig et botilbud til helseinstitusjoner som gir avansert helsehjelp. Sykehjemsbeboere er skrøpelige eldre med komplekse problemstillinger, avhengig av avansert sykepleie. Kvalitetsindikatorer er kvantitative mål som reflekterer en profesjonell standard for pleie og omsorg, og slike mål benyttes i økende grad for å vurdere kvalitet i sykehjem. Imidlertid er det nødvendig å inkludere det som har størst betydning for sykehjemsbeboere i slike mål for å kunne gi god pasientsentrert sykepleie.   Hovedmålsettingen med studien var å bidra til en dypere forståelse av sykehjemskvalitet, ut fra helsepersonellets, beboernes og pårørendes ståsted. Avhandlingen omfatter en oversikt over kvalitetsindikatorer som er i bruk internasjonalt. Videre beskriver avhandlingen beboernes erfaringer med mellommenneskelige faktorer ved sykehjemskvalitet, samt hvordan de erfarer å bo i et sykehjem og opplever kvaliteten på “hjemmet” sitt. I avhandlingen blir også pårørendes forståelse av og meninger om sykehjemskvalitet utforsket. Avhandlingen er basert på dybdeintervju av beboere ved fire ulike sykehjem, og fokusgruppeintervjuer med pårørende ved to av sykehjemmene.   Funnene viser at kvalitet på pleie og omsorg i sykehjem omfatter minst fire hovedområder: Bokvalitet, personellkvalitet, helsetjenestekvalitet og sosial kvalitet. Videre er pleie- og omsorgskvaliteten påvirket av en rekke eksterne faktorer som nasjonale føringer, lovverk, ledelsesstruktur, bygningskonstruksjon og lokale forhold. Den internasjonale oversikten over kvalitetsindikatorer gir indikasjoner på at noen av dem kan brukes som pålitelige og gyldige evalueringer av kvaliteten på pleie og omsorg, samt helserelaterte resultater for beboerne. I den kvalitative intervjuundersøkelsen med beboere og pårørende, ble fysisk og psykisk velvære, mellommenneskelige forhold og det sosiale miljøet tillagt større betydning for kvaliteten. Objektive indikatorer for disse beboererfarte områdene for kvalitet må utvikles. For å sikre at disse er pasientsentrerte, bør utviklingen av kvalitetsindikatorer gjøres i tett samarbeid med sykehjemsbeboerne og pårørende, i tillegg til helsepersonell.

Exploring the lived experiences of adolescents in a children's home participating in a choir : a community music therapy perspective

Van Rooyen, Anrie Sophia January 2016 (has links)
Phenomenological research was conducted to explore the lived experiences of adolescents in a Children’s home who participate in a choir that is facilitated from a community music therapy perspective. The case study involved 16 weekly choir sessions, where a variety of vocalisations and interactive vocal interventions were implemented. A performance marked the end of the process, where preferred songs were performed. Fourteen adolescents residing in Bramley Children’s Home participated in the choir and the research. Qualitative data was collected through 14 semi-structured individual interviews at the end of the process. All interview transcripts were analysed through utilising interpretative phenomenological analysis. The study concluded that participation in the community music therapy choir offered the adolescents perceived meaningful intra- and interpersonal experiences. At an intrapersonal level, the participants lived experience entailed discovering their musical voices, accessing inner strength to take action both in the here-and-now and in the future as well as experiencing a healthier picture of themselves through increased self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence. Utilising cognitive skills and experiencing, expressing and regulating emotions were also included in the in the intrapersonal findings. In terms of interpersonal experiences, the adolescents perceived growth in relationships, improved social skills, social harmony and connection into the community. An important finding in this study that drew on a community music therapy focus is connection into the community, where the adolescents are experiencing sustaining relationships and continuous musiking within their communities. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Music / MMus / Unrestricted

Suicide Deaths: Do Socioecological Factors Differ by Rurality

William Thomas Felix (11197254) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<p><b>Objectives</b> The study will assess patterns of known individual, interpersonal, and community-level circumstances leading to suicide to understand how these factors can co-occur. These patterns will help focus on prevention strategies.</p><p><b>Methods</b> Data was collected from the Iowa Violent Death Reporting System, Census data from the American Community Survey, and 2010 rural-urban commuting area codes from the Economic Research Service. The study consisted of three steps. The first step latent class analysis was conducted on data from suicide deaths from Iowa in 2016-2018 to create classes of patterns of circumstances leading to suicide. The second step maximum probability assignment was used to assign the sample of 1,276 to the created latent classes. Finally, in the third step bivariate regressions were ran to understand the relationship between the created latent classes and the rurality variable (nonmetropolitan vs metropolitan).</p><p><b>Results </b>Five latent classes of distinct patterns of suicide factors emerged. Class 1 is physical health problems living in areas that are average on all community-level variables. This class 1 is seen to happen with higher odds in nonmetropolitan areas. Class 2 is interpersonal problems in areas where living alone is high. This class 2 happened with higher odds in nonmetropolitan areas. Class 3 is mental health problems or depressed mood with no legal problems in areas that had lower educational attainment. This class 3 did not indicate greater odds based on rurality. Class 4 is history of mental health treatment in well-off areas. This class 4 was seen to happen with higher odds in metropolitan areas. Class 5 is substance abuse problems in poorer areas. This class 5 did not indicate greater odds based on rurality. All the classes shared a common theme of experiencing mental health issues or being in a depressed mood.</p><p><b>Conclusions </b>Suicide is a complex concern that could be classified into several classes that have distinct patterns of suicide factors. These classes and patterns help with identifying what services and interventions are needed in certain communities. Overall, providing support in regards to mental health as well as intervening in childhood to support positive development may provide substantial mitigation to the odds of committing suicide. In investigating these patterns, future prevention and intervention effort can take into consideration these patterns to tailor to the individual and the environments where they live.</p>

Triggering and contributing socio-economic factors to aggravated robbery : the perspective of offenders at Baviaanspoort Maximum Correctional Centre

May, Julianna 19 January 2012 (has links)
In South Africa all the major categories of violent crime (homicide, aggravated robbery, serious assault and rape) showed an increase during the early 2000s. More than half of the total offences that were committed in South Africa during 2005 were aggressive offences. The goal of the study was to explore the perception of offenders regarding the triggering and contributing socio-economic factors to aggravated robbery with a view to inform rehabilitation and re-integration programmes for these offenders. Within the context of the interrelatedness of socio-economic factors such as poverty, inequality, unemployment and human rights, developmental social welfare and its underpinning theory of social development was an appropriate theoretical framework for the study. A qualitative research approach was utilised for the study and data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews. Respondents for the study included maximum-term offenders that were serving an imprisonment sentence for aggravated robbery. The research findings indicate a reciprocal relationship between poverty, inequality, unemployment, intoxicating substances and intra- and interpersonal factors as possible triggering and contributing factors to aggravated robbery. Unemployment, which is exacerbated by a lack of education and skills development and linked to intra- and interpersonal factors, appears to be a dominant socio-economic factor that could contribute to or trigger aggravated robbery. The study concluded that rehabilitation programmes still lack a holistic, integrated developmental approach and hence do not prepare ex-offenders for full integration into society. The Department of Correctional Services was pointed out as a significant role-player in facilitating rehabilitation programmes that include skills development for job creation in a holistic, integrated developmental manner. Recommendations include that the Department of Correctional Services should seek partnerships and closer working relations with external service providers, and develop and implement integrated developmental rehabilitation programmes that will facilitate the creation of productive economic opportunities for offenders while they are still incarcerated and once they have been released back into the community. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Hur beskrivs aktivitetsbalans i studier med kvantitativ design? : En Scoping Review / How is occupational balance described in studies with quantitative design? : A scoping review.

Ahlsgård, Linn, Callenryd, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Det finns allt fler studier inom området “Aktivitetsbalans” inom Arbetsterapin. Studier lyfter associationer till aktivitetsbalans inom olika livsområden men än finns få studier som sammanställer Forskningsläget kring dessa associationer. Samlad kunskap behövs kring arbetsterapeutens förebyggande, återställande och bibehållande insatser gentemot sina klienter. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva forskningsläget kring vad som är associerat till aktivitetsbalans i kvantitativa studier. Metod: Designen för examensarbete var scoping review. Datainsamling genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline. Tjugo artiklar inkluderades och analyserades med numerisk och tematisk analys. Resultat: Examensarbetet resulterade i teman och underteman som beskriver associationer till aktivitetsbalans. Följande fem teman skapades: Hälsa och välbefinnande, Sociodemografi, Aktivitet, Interpersonella faktorer och Omgivningsfaktorer. Dessa utmynnade i elva underteman som associerar till aktivitetsbalans: Hälsa, livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse, personfaktorer, variabla personfaktorer, sysselsättning, tillfredsställelse med aktivitetsutförande, problematiskt internetanvändande, familj och sociala relationer, barn med särskilda behov, samhällsinformation och isolering. Slutsats: En persons hälsa, relationer och dagliga aktiviteter har genom arbetet visat sig ha ett samband med aktivitetsbalans. Även personliga egenskaper och delar av den omgivningen där personen befinner sig i förefaller vara associerat till aktivitetsbalansen. Aktivitetsbalans har i examensarbetet visat sig ha associationer till flera olika delar av en människas tillvaro. / Introduction: More research is getting produced regarding ”occupational balance” (OB) in the field of occupational therapy. Studies lifts associations to occupational balance in different areas of life but there’s still few studies that conclude these associations. Congregated knowledge is needed in the occupational therapist daily preventive, restorative and maintaining work. Aim: To describe the current research about associations to OB in quantitative studies. Method: The study design was a scoping review. Data was collected from Cinahl and Medline. Twenty articles were included and analysed through numerical and thematical analysis. Results: The thesis resulted in five themes and eleven sub-themes describing associations to OB. Following five themes were created: Health and wellbeing, sociodemographic, activity, interpersonal factors, environmental factors. These themes resulted in eleven sub-themes with associations to OB: Health, life quality and life satisfaction, personal factors, variating personfactors, employment, family and social relationships, children with special needs, problematic internet use, social information, isolation, and satisfaction with occupational performance. Conclusions: A persons health, relations and daily activities have shown a relationship to occupational balance. Personal characteristics and surrounding environment of which the person belongs seems to relate to occupational balance. Occupational balance has shown associations to many parts of the human life.

服務場景的人際因素對注意力幸福感的影響: 以恢復體驗為中介角色 / The Influences of Interpersonal Factors within Service Environments on Attention-Related Well-Being: The Mediation Role of Restorative Experience

曾祥景, Tseng, Hsiang Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是從注意力恢復理論的觀點檢驗服務環境中的人際因素如何影響恢復體驗,進而帶給顧客注意力幸福感。人際因素有顧客小群體的人際融洽、其他顧客的相似性、外表及行為適當性、以及服務人員的服務友誼、顧客導向行為與銷售導向行為。本研究執行兩個研究,研究一將會透過量表建構過程發展一個恢復體驗量表,適用於享樂型人身處理或心理刺激處理類型的服務業,並得知恢復體驗的概念內涵與組成要素。研究二將檢驗恢復體驗的前因與後果,以及恢復體驗是否會中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。研究一結果指出恢復體驗由內容迷戀、暫時逃離、動機相容、能力相容、活動新奇感與心流六個子構面組成,該量表共以21題衡量,並具有良好的信度、收斂效度、區別效度與外在效度。研究二結果指出服務環境中的人際因素會顯著的影響恢復體驗,而恢復體驗亦會帶來顧客的注意力幸福感,恢復體驗會完全中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。根據研究結果討論理論、方法與管理意涵。在服務業情境的恢復體驗概念內涵比大自然情境多了過程迷戀面向,但是少了一致性面向。恢復體驗的前因應不只限於與大自然有關的實體因素而已,因為人際因素亦是恢復體驗重要的前因。恢復體驗與其子構面間的關係應被建模為反映型而非形成型。本研究提供服務業者指南,告知其如何透過人際因素的形塑與管理,帶給顧客注意力幸福感。由於小群體融洽相對於其他人際因素而言對顧客的恢復體驗影響較大,服務業者應將較多資源分配在管理顧客小群體上,並促成其產生小群體融洽。最後,提出研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this research is to examine how interpersonal factors in service environment influence restorative experience, which in turn facilitates attention-related well-being of customers from the perspective of attention restoration theory. Interpersonal factors include small groups (i.e., interpersonal rapport), other customers (i.e., similarity, physical appearance, and suitability of behavior), and service providers (i.e., service friendship, customer orientation, and selling orientation). Two studies were conducted. Study 1 developed a scale of restorative experience applicable to hedonic service industry of people-processing or mental stimulus processing types. Also, the conceptual domain and components of restorative experience were discussed. Study 2 examined the antecedents and consequences of restorative experience and whether restorative experience mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. The results of study 1 indicated that restorative experience is comprised of six dimensions- content fascination, escape, motivation compatibility, competence compatibility, novelty of activity, and flow. The new scale is measured using 21 items and has good reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and external validity. The results of study 2 indicated that interpersonal factors in service environment significantly influence restorative experience, which in turn influences attention-related well-being. Restorative experience completely mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications are discussed. Compared to natural environment, restorative experience in the service environment contains the dimension of process fascination but has no dimension of coherence. Since interpersonal factors facilitate restorative experience, the antecedents of restorative experience should not be confined to natural elements of physical environment as done in the past studies. The relationships between restorative experience and its sub-dimensions should be modeled as reflective, not formative. This research provides guideline for service marketers to manage and harness interpersonal factors and improve attention-related well-being for customers. Since rapport in customer small group has more influence than other interpersonal factors on restorative experience, service marketers should put more resource in managing customer small groups and facilitating rapport among members in customer small group. In the end, limitations and direction of future research are presented.

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