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Exploring the perception of cognitive behaviour group therapy for older adults with depression and/or anxietyHuq, Afreen Husain January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Den extrema hårdrocksscenen - för och av kvinnor?Hillgren, Andréa January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Rezension: Gerhard Niedermair (2005). Patchwork(er) on Tour. Berufsbiografien von Personalentwicklern. Münster/New York, München/Berlin: Waxmann, 623 Seiten, ISBN 3-8309-1634-5;Jost, Gerhard 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Studie setzt sich mit Berufsbiografien von Personalentwickler(inne)n
auseinander, einer Thematik, die bis dato empirisch kaum untersucht worden ist. Mit qualitativen
(narrativen) Interviews werden Erkenntnisse sowohl über Aspekte der beruflichen Tätigkeit als auch
über berufsbiografische (Orientierungs-) Muster gewonnen. Thematisiert werden genauso
Auffassungen über die Kernaufgaben in der Personalentwicklung bzw. Rollentypologien, wie Phasen
des Berufsverlaufs, berufliche Krisen oder die Bedeutung von "Mentoring". Für den
Erkenntnisgewinn wurden die Interviewdaten inhaltsanalytisch und computerunterstützt
ausgewertet (KUCKARTZ), indem Kategoriensysteme entwickelt wurden. Ausgewählte Fälle
wurden darüber hinaus hermeneutisch interpretiert, einerseits nach der Text- und thematischen
Feldanalyse (FISCHER-ROSENTHAL und ROSENTHAL) und andererseits nach der strukturalen
Sinnrekonstruktion (BUDE), um Erkenntnisse über Selbstdarstellungen bzw. Lebenskonstruktionen
zu erlangen. Insgesamt handelt es sich aufgrund der umfangreichen Erhebungen und
Auswertungen um eine für Bereiche der Personalwirtschaft und Berufspädagogik wahrscheinlich
interessante Studie, wenngleich Kritikpunkte an jenen Teilen angebracht sind, die einer
strukturrekonstruierenden Biografieforschung folgen.
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Interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of autism and perceptions of parenting in parents with a child with autismHarding, Susie January 2014 (has links)
Background: Research has highlighted that parenting a child with autism can be challenging and stressful. However, many parents successfully cope with the challenges posed by autism. A systematic review investigated parental psychological predictors of positive adjustment and coping in parents with a child with autism. Although a range of potential predictor variables were examined, including social support, coping styles and religious beliefs, the results of the review were inconclusive due to the conceptual overlap of predictor variables, and inconsistent use of outcome indicators of positive adjustment. However, parental perceptions of their situation and themselves as parents were represented across a number of variables, and were thought to be of relevance in understanding processes of adjustment. Therefore, qualitative research was undertaken to explore this further. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight parents of children with autism on their experiences of being a parent, and their perceptions of influences on their sense of self. The data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results: The following five super-ordinate themes emerged from the study: ‘experiencing autism as hard to know’, ‘experiencing autism as all-consuming and extreme’, ‘diagnosis giving understanding and confidence’, ‘parenting in the eyes of others’, and ‘dilemma of acceptance’. The meaning of these themes for parents and how they related to their sense of self and belief in their ability was discussed. For example, the ambiguity and difficulty in understanding autism, and the overwhelming nature of the condition related to feelings of self-doubt in parents. On the other hand, confidence increased when the diagnosis was identified, and when parenting skills and the child’s progress were recognised by others. Discussion: This research has provided a richer understanding of self-perceptions of parenting and the impact of these experiences on a parent’s sense of self. It has contributed to a broader literature on positive adjustment in families with a child with autism. This understanding will be useful to those seeking to engage and support families with a child with autism, and assist parents with coping and adjustment.
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An exploration of the personal constructs and accounts of young offenders of violent crimeRoche, Sinead Clare January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Stigma and mental illness : a comparative study of attitudes and personal constructsLondon, Carlyle January 2010 (has links)
Evidence suggests that people with mental illness experience discrimination by being stigmatised both by the general public and by healthcare professionals. The experience of stigma may result in a delay in seeking professional help, loss of self-esteem and is a serious inhibitor to recovery and social inclusion. Stigma and discrimination are pervasive and despite a number of UK based campaigns, there appears to be no reduction in prevalence. This research compared public attitudes towards mental illness and the mentally ill with mental health service users' perceptions of stigma, identified perceptions of stigma by mental health service users, quantified and qualified these perceptions alongside reported accounts of being stigmatised and made recommendation for strategies to reduce the stigma experienced by people with mental illness. A cross-sectional survey was undertaken and involved the use of a 35-item attitude scale, employed with 132 members of the public and 132 self-selecting service users. Semi-structured interviews and Personal Construct Psychology Repertory Grid techniques were employed with subsets of the sample. Qualitative data was subjected to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Quantitative data was analysed using inferential statistical tests and Principal Component Analysis. The perception of stigma amongst service users was relatively high and appeared to be pervasive. Male service users reported higher perceptions of stigma than females. The combination of being stigmatised by mental health professionals and the general public appeared to result in self stigma and social exclusion. Recommendations include addressing the causes and mechanism of stigmatisation, the inclusion of service users' perspectives in research and raising awareness, amongst mental health professionals, on how their practice may impact on service users. Further research should address why there is a higher perception of stigma amongst male service users.
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What meaning does raising a child with autism have for parents? : a qualitative explorationJardine, Kirsten Marie January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Children with autism experience difficulties in social interaction and communication which are often manifested behaviourally. The nature of these difficulties means that the task of parenting is often challenging. This study therefore aims to explore which aspects of raising a child with autism are most meaningful for parents. It will also investigate what, if any, are the positive aspects related to the experience of having a child with autism. Method: A qualitative approach was used, with data collection and analysis being guided by the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, 1995). Seven interviews were conducted which yielded approximately 10 hours of data. Interviews were recorded and transcribed to facilitate analysis of the narratives. Results: The meaning of being the parent of a child with autism was conceptualised within four core themes of: autism as a journey, what it means to live with autism; negotiating the social world; and positive aspects of raising a child with autism. Three of these themes contained sub-themes which provided further insight into the participants’ experiences. Being the parent of a child with autism was represented as a complex and dynamic process. Discussion: The results of the research are discussed in the context of relevant literature. Previous findings regarding receiving a diagnosis of autism, coping, acceptance and adaptation are essentially supported by this research. However, these results also acknowledged the significant role of social encounters in the participants’ experiences and the positive aspects of raising a child with autism. The clinical implications of the findings are discussed. Suggestions for future research are also made in response to the current findings and potential imitations of the methodology are considered. Conclusions: The findings from this research indicate that being the parent of a child with autism is characterised by many meaningful experiences, some of which are significant moments in the process of raising a child with autism. For example, the journey to, and receipt of, their child’s diagnosis was identified as a particularly important event in the experiences of the participants. Furthermore, there are complex interactions between the different aspects of these experiences which reflect the ever-changing nature of the challenges of parenting a child with autism.
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Teaching in higher education : working without a mapHolland, Fiona G. January 2012 (has links)
This study explored the complexity of working and teaching within one English post -1992 university from the perspectives of thirteen members of academic staff. Work relationships, work load and perception of the management’s support of teaching were investigated via semi-structured interviews. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) as a theoretical framework. This method offered a way to analyse and interpret the experiences of lecturers working in Higher Education by maintaining a focus on the academics’ own words. Previous research using IPA has been established within health and counselling fields (Smith et al, 2009) and its use within educational settings is emergent (Creanor, Trinder, Gowan et al, 2008; Biggerstaff and Thompson, 2008). The academics interviewed mostly entered higher education with no formal teacher training and many found their initial time in the role to be stressful and poorly managed. Support mechanisms (induction, mentoring, team teaching, teacher training courses) were described as being areas that could all be improved. The dramatic metaphorical language used to describe their entry into the HE system vividly depicted these challenges. The capturing of this highly expressive language offered new insight into understanding the lives of lecturing staff. Participants expressed their working lives with multiple references to the language of war, battle and struggle. Aspects of both vulnerability and tenacity were present in the findings, with the responses to challenges being expressed in both positive and negative ways. Most participants found that the levels of university bureaucracy impeded their teaching effectiveness; they battled with time management and felt tension between the levels of control, audit and freedom within their roles. This was somewhat ameliorated by the satisfaction they gained from teaching their students. The majority described students as consumers who were increasingly demanding and had varied abilities which created challenges for the lecturers. Traditional HE lecture-based techniques were perceived to be less effective in engaging students and most participants actively tried new methods of teaching, despite having little knowledge of theoretical aspects of learning to support this work. Few had experienced formal observation mechanisms and there were mixed responses about the level of support they received from their colleagues around teaching and its associated administrative tasks. The interviewed academics did not perceive that teaching was overtly valued by their superiors as their efforts remained largely unrecognised by those in senior management. Insights into the complex lives of the lecturers gave the researcher scope to create initiatives to promote positive change and make recommendations to senior management that could foster further improvements. In light of the data collected, the induction processes were changed to include more consistent mentoring, peer teaching observation groups (peer learning circles) were coordinated and staff development was organised to facilitate enhanced support for lecturers.
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Secrets about biological parentage : experiences of concealment and revelation : a qualitative studyPettle, Sharon A. January 1999 (has links)
This qualitative study investigated the experiences of twelve adults who discovered new information about the identity of one or both parents in adolescence or later. Some had grown up in adoptive or step-families; others had been conceived using donated sperm. Participants were interviewed once about their experiences when the information was revealed, and the effect they perceived it had over time. The transcribed interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, Jarman & Osborn, 1999). The findings indicated that for many participants the impact of unplanned revelations was considerable, and the emotional repercussions often persisted for many years. The information affected participant's perceptions of their sense of self, and who they were in relation to others. The effects of this appeared to reverberate through many parts of the family system. It was suggested that concealment may have affected early parent-child relationships and contributed to feelings of difference or not belonging. The secret was perceived to have affected family communication before the revelation, and this was often difficult afterwards. Findings were considered in relation to identity development, attachment theory and social constructionist perspectives. A tentative model of the processes by which people integrate this information was proposed. Suggestions were made regarding therapeutic work with individuals and families after revelations of this nature, and those considering the opening of such secrets. Further research in this area is indicated and is particularly relevant to families created through gamete donation.
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A profile of Viennese society: an interpretative guide to Erich W. Korngold's second piano sonata and Artur Schnabel's sonata for pianoKubus, Daniel Jacob 01 May 2011 (has links)
Erich W. Korngold's Second Sonata, op. 2 (1910), and Artur Schnabel's Piano Sonata (1923) are composed in completely different styles. Korngold's late-Romantic sonata has lush, poignant harmonies, while Schnabel's five-movement work is atonal with twelve-tone elements and unabashedly harsh. However, the two pieces share Expressionistic attributes like extreme contrasts, leitmotifs, and manic-depressive tendencies.
Korngold's sonata has a façade of glory and splendor that conceals darker proceedings. This façade breaks down in the later movements. Schnabel's sonata, like his personality, is frank and unapologetic. Each movement has a unique agenda; the five movements as a whole have few musical elements in common among them. Despite these divergent effects, the sonatas are united by the personal link between the composers, namely, Schnabel's decision to widely perform Korngold's sonata. Schnabel, more famous for performing than for composing, was inordinately choosy regarding the composers whose music he performed. Schnabel "only [performed] music that is better than it can be played," and he was especially disdainful of modern music. Given these preferences, Schnabel's championing the young Korngold's unproven work is extraordinary. Forty years later, Schnabel described it as a "most amazing piece."
Perhaps this fascination is the result of their common perspective toward Vienna. The present essay will interpret these two works using fin de siècle Vienna as a framework, especially typifying "the atmosphere of Vienna, of jesting defeatism and precious, playful morbidity in the [1890s], of her gradual decay." Accounts by Schnabel, author Stefan Zweig, and others describe the Viennese as "incorrigible optimists" fascinated by music and theatre but uninterested in world affairs. Korngold composed his sonata during the foreboding years preceding World War I, profiling the indifference to societal and political ills. Schnabel composed his sonata after the war, when the "Golden Age of Security," as Zweig phrased it, was corroded by Vienna's opulence and decadence.
Accordingly, this essay will elucidate one possible interpretation for each of these pieces, movement by movement, with this dichotomy in mind. The interpretations will vividly illustrate the pretentious depravity and decadence from raucous revelry, as well as the profound pain and dire consequences that follow. Korngold's sonata is as a painting of realism, and his piece uses rich harmonies and soaring melodies to plainly depict the society. Schnabel's sonata, on the other hand, is a work of abstract art, using surrealism and exaggeration to warp images and environments, and portray society as suffering consequences that are unimaginably horrible, consequences that only a mind in the throes of a never-ending nightmare could envisage.
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