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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Peopling of Southern Perú: Coast and Highlands / El poblamiento del sur peruano: costa y sierra

Sandweiss, Daniel H., Rademaker, Kurt M. 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article we review what is currently known about the early occupation of the southern Peruvian coast and highlands. We focus our review on the Terminal Pleistocene sites of Quebrada Jaguay and Quebrada Tacahuay (coast) and Pucuncho (highlands), and we compare them with the few other sites known from this period. We cover chronology, settlement pattern, specialization, and the interregional connections during this first period of human settlement. / En este artículo revisamos lo que se sabe en la actualidad acerca de la ocupación temprana de la costa y sierra del sur peruano. Enfocamos nuestro estudio en los sitios del Pleistoceno Final de Quebrada Jaguay y Quebrada Tacahuay, ubicados en la costa, y Pucuncho, situado en la sierra, y los comparamos con los pocos otros yacimientos conocidos de esta época. Tratamos la cronología, el patrón de asentamiento, la especialización y las conexiones interregionales de este primer período del asentamiento humano.

Conchopata: urbanism, craft production and interregional interaction in the Middle Horizon / Conchopata: urbanismo, producción artesanal e interacción interregional en el Horizonte Medio

Tschauner, Hartmut, Isbell, William H. 10 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This chapter reexamines ceramic production, and other possibly specialized activities, at Conchopata, a recently excavated Middle Horizon urban center in the Ayacucho Valley. Drawing on the exhaustive GIS database compiled by the Conchopata Project, we employ normalized choropleth maps and localized spatial autocorrelation statistics to examine the distributions of four categories of ceramic production implements — ceramic molds, polishers, scrapers, and pulidores — and contrast them with the distributions of artifacts related to lithic manufacturing. We find high concentrations of artifacts suggestive of both types of production to coincide with each other and to correlate with high concentrations of other kinds of materials, such as botanical remains and animal bones. Consequently, areas of the site with high densities of ceramic manufacturing tools are unlikely tohave been ceramic workshops, but more plausibly trash concentrations containing all manner of remains in high densities. Indiscriminate dumping of refuse stemming from various craft production activities as well as domestic waste is indicative of non-specialized discard behavior and, by inference, of non-specialized, domestic production. The fancy ceramics whose spread across much of the Central Andes constitutes the defining feature of the Middle Horizon do not appear to have been manufactured in a V. Gordon Childe-style urban setting associated with spatially differentiated and class-structured economic interdependency. It is unlikely that they imply the spread of this kind of urbanism during the Middle Horizon, and new, Andean models of Wari political organization, craft production, and interregional interaction must be explored by archaeologists. / El presente capítulo reexamina la producción de cerámica y otras actividades, posiblemente especializadas, en Conchopata,un centro urbano recientemente excavado del Horizonte Medio en el valle de Ayacucho. Empleando la exhaustiva base de datos SIG recopilada por el Proyecto Arqueológico Conchopata examinamos mapas normalizados de coropletas y coeficientes de autocorrelación espacial local para entender las distribuciones de cuatro categorías de implementos de producción alfarera—moldes cerámicos, alisadores, pulidores y raspadores— y las contrastamos con las de vestigios de talla lítica. Encontramos que las altas concentraciones de artefactos relacionados a manufactura cerámica y talla lítica coinciden en el espacio y también están correlacionadas con altas concentraciones de otros materiales, tales como restos botánicos y huesos de animales. Por lo tanto, las áreas del sitio con altas densidades de implementos alfareros probablemente no fueron talleres cerámicos sino concentraciones de basura con altas densidades de desechos de todo tipo. La descarga indiscriminada de desechos de diversas actividades productivas, incluyendo basura doméstica, indirectamente indica una conducta no especializada de eliminación de basura y por inferencia, de actividades de producción no especializadas. La cerámica elaborada, cuya distribución a través de gran parte de los Andes centrales constituye el rasgo definidor del Horizonte Medio, no parece haberse manufacturado dentro del tipo de contexto urbano visualizado por V. Gordon Childe, asociado con interdependencia socio económica de poblaciones económicamente especializadas y divididas en clases sociales. Es improbable que implique la propagación de este tipo de urbanismo durante el Horizonte Medio. Los estudiosos de este periodo deben explorar nuevos modelos alternativos andinos de la organización política, la producción artesanal y la interacción interregional.

The Price Dynamics of Regional Family Houses in Sweden : Ripple Effect or Not? / Den regionala prisdynamiken på småhusmarknaden i Sverige : Ripple effekter eller ej?

Dahlin, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
This paper builds on the study Prices on the Second-hand Market for Swedish Family Housesconducted by Lennart Berg, economist and associate professor emeritus from UppsalaUniversity in 2002. This study attempts to identify inter-and intraregional pricedependencies in Sweden for the second hand market for family houses. The house priceindices used in this econometric analysis commences in 1990:1 and ends in 2018:4 for allregions in accordance to NUTS 2 in Sweden.This thesis models the change of the regional prices for one-and two family houses indicatingthat the metropolitan area of Stockholm contributes predominantly to all other regionsthroughout the country. In addition, the capital city also shows cointegrated relationshipswith all regions although not the contrary. Shocks to the housing market of Stockholmindicate that Gothenburg, the Western region and Malmö are affected contemporaneouslyfollowed by the other regions nationwide with a certain time lag leading to say that thecontribution and influence of the capital city´s house price development leads the pricedevelopment throughout the country, Sweden. / Detta examensarbete ligger till grund av den tidigare studien Prices on the Second-handMarket for Swedish Family Houses av Lennart Berg, nationalekonom och professor emerituspå Uppsala Universitet, 2002. Denna studie har som mål att finna de inter-och intraregionala pris förhållanden i Sverige på den inhemska andrahandsmarknaden för en-och tvåfamiljhus. Med hjälp av ekonometriska analyser har fastighetsprisindex använts i rapportenmellan år 1990:1 till 2018:4 för samtliga regioner i landet enligt indelning av NUTS 2.Denna uppsats skattar de regionala prisförändringar för en-och två familjehus därindikationer tyder på att Stockholms län verkar vara prisledande i relation till alla andraregioner och storstadsområden i Sverige. Därutöver, visar det sig att huvudstaden harkointegrerande samband med resten av landets regioner dock ej tvärtom. Simuleradeekonomiska chocker på Stockholms län visar att att Stor-Göteborg, Västsverige och Stor-Malmö är påverkade samtidigt med hänsyn till tid följd av de resterande regionerna med ettvisst lag. Detta kan tyda på att Stockholms regionala utveckling samt prispåverkan lederprisutvecklingen i landet.

The Bonus-Malus system : Will it be a cost-effective and fair policy for emission reductions from road traffic in Sweden?

Vaghult, Karin January 2019 (has links)
As emissions of greenhouse gases has become one of our times most urgent issues, the policies implemented by governments in effort to reduce them are many and varied. In Sweden, a feebate system for vehicles was implemented in mid 2018. This paper attempts to answer the question whether or not the bonus-side (a subsidy for electric vehicles) of the policy will reduce emissions in a cost-efficient and fair way. The questions in answered by using material available to those who made the decision, and by looking at previous research and data. Mathematical examples of the cost, through the cost of the policy, of reduction is compared to EU ETS to evaluate cost-efficiency. The fairness aspect is reviewed by studying regional data. The conclusions are that the policy is neither cost-efficient nor is it free from interregional equity concerns. / Medan utsläppen av växthusgaser har kommit att bli vår tids största utmaningar försöker länder och myndigheter implementera en bred variation av styrmedel för att minska utsläppen. I Sverige, infördes ett s.k. feebate system för personbilar i mitten av 2018 och denna uppsats försöker besvara frågan om Bonusen (subvention av bl.a. elbilar) i styrmedlet kommer att reducera utsläpp på ett kostnadseffektivt vis samtidigt som det inte bidrar till negativa fördelningseffekter. Forskningsfrågan är besvarad genom att använda material som fanns tillgängligt när beslutet att införa styrmedlet fattades, genom att använda tidigare forskning samt statistik. Matematiska exempel över hur kostnaden, genom styrmedlet, för reduktionen blir jämfört med utsläppsrätter för att undersöka kostnadseffektivitet, och fördelningseffekterna är utvärderade genom studier av regional statistik. Slutsatserna är att styrmedlet varken är kostnadseffektivt eller utan negativa fördelningseffekter ur ett interregionalt perspektiv.

Mexican-Origin Interregional Migration from the Southwest: Human, Household, and Community Capital Hypotheses

Siordia, Carlos 16 January 2010 (has links)
This research addresses the question of what factors lead Mexican-origin individuals living in the U.S. to seek a new residence outside their Southwestern state of residence. The analysis examines three hypotheses: (1) the human capital hypothesis that college graduates have higher odds of migrating out of the core region than those with less than a high school education; (2) the household social capital hypothesis that posits that the presence of a household member born outside the core increases the odds of migration; and (3) the community social capital hypothesis which states that householders residing in an area with community social capital will have higher odds of leaving the core than those living in areas with no community social capital. These hypotheses are investigated using three models: (1) a full model that includes both native- and foreign-born Mexican-origin householders; (2) a native-born model which includes only native-born Southwest householders; and (3) a foreign-born models that includes only foreign-born Mexican-origin householders. By using the Saenzian region-concepts of core, periphery, and frontier, I find: (1) limited support for the human capital hypothesis; (2) consistent support for the household social capital; and (3) no support for the community social capital. The analysis is important to sociological theory and demography because it specifically endeavors to explain how the connections between three kinds of capital?human, household, and community?shape the decision to leave the Southwest for other regions of the country. By computing statistical and theoretical particulars, the thesis ascertains that migration-selectivity theories regarding the general population are useful in theorizing Mexican-origin interregional migration. Findings expand existing sociological literature by theorizing how human, household, and community capital operate under the Saenzian regions to shape the interregional migration of the growing Mexican-origin population of the U.S.

Entropy, information theory and spatial input-output analysis

Batten, David F. January 1981 (has links)
Interindustry transactions recorded at a macro level are simply summations of commodity shipment decisions taken at a micro level. The resulting statistical problem is to obtain minimally biased estimates of commodity flow distributions at the disaggregated level, given various forms of aggregated information. This study demonstrates the application of the entropy-maximizing paradigm in its traditional form, together with recent adaptations emerging from information theory, to the area of spatial and non-spatial input-output analysis. A clear distinction between the behavioural and statistical aspects of entropy modelling is suggested. The discussion of non-spatial input-output analysis emphasizes the rectangular and dynamic extensions of Leontief's original model, and also outlines a scheme for simple aggregation, based on a criterion of minimum loss of information. In the chapters on spatial analysis, three complementary approaches to the estimation of interregional flows are proposed. Since the static formulations cannot provide an accurate picture of the gross interregional flows between any two sectors, Leontief's dynamic framework is adapted to the problem. The study concludes by describing a hierarchical system of models to analyse feasible paths of economic development over space and time. / digitalisering@umu

Mexican-Origin Interregional Migration from the Southwest: Human, Household, and Community Capital Hypotheses

Siordia, Carlos 16 January 2010 (has links)
This research addresses the question of what factors lead Mexican-origin individuals living in the U.S. to seek a new residence outside their Southwestern state of residence. The analysis examines three hypotheses: (1) the human capital hypothesis that college graduates have higher odds of migrating out of the core region than those with less than a high school education; (2) the household social capital hypothesis that posits that the presence of a household member born outside the core increases the odds of migration; and (3) the community social capital hypothesis which states that householders residing in an area with community social capital will have higher odds of leaving the core than those living in areas with no community social capital. These hypotheses are investigated using three models: (1) a full model that includes both native- and foreign-born Mexican-origin householders; (2) a native-born model which includes only native-born Southwest householders; and (3) a foreign-born models that includes only foreign-born Mexican-origin householders. By using the Saenzian region-concepts of core, periphery, and frontier, I find: (1) limited support for the human capital hypothesis; (2) consistent support for the household social capital; and (3) no support for the community social capital. The analysis is important to sociological theory and demography because it specifically endeavors to explain how the connections between three kinds of capital?human, household, and community?shape the decision to leave the Southwest for other regions of the country. By computing statistical and theoretical particulars, the thesis ascertains that migration-selectivity theories regarding the general population are useful in theorizing Mexican-origin interregional migration. Findings expand existing sociological literature by theorizing how human, household, and community capital operate under the Saenzian regions to shape the interregional migration of the growing Mexican-origin population of the U.S.

Interregional ecology - resource flows and sustainability in a globalizing world

Kissinger, Meidad 11 1900 (has links)
In a globalizing world, trade has become essential to supporting the needs and wants of billions of people. Virtually everyone now consumes resource commodities and manufactured products traded all over the world; the ecological footprints of nations are now scattered across the globe. The spatial separation of material production (resource exploitation) from consumption eliminates negative feedbacks from supporting eco-systems. Most consumers remain unaware of the impacts that their trade dependence imposes on distant ecosystems (out of sight out of mind). I take the first steps in developing a conceptual and practical framework for an ‘interregional ecology’ approach to exploring and analyzing sustainability in an increasingly interconnected world. Such an approach accounts for some of the ‘externalities’ of globalization and international trade. It underscores the increasing dependence and impact of almost any country on resources originating from others and recognizes that the sustainability of any specified region may be increasingly linked to the ecological sustainability of distant supporting regions. I empirically describe and quantify some of the interregional material linkages between selected countries. I document the flows of renewable resources into the U.S. and quantify the U.S. external material footprint (EF) on specific countries. I then document the physical inputs involved in production of most agricultural export products from Costa Rica and Canada. Finally, I focus on major export products such as bananas, coffee and beef in Costa Rica and agricultural activities in the Canadian Prairies and document some of the ecological consequences (loss of habitat, soil degradation, water contamination and biodiversity loss) of that production. My research findings show increasing U.S. imports, increasing reliance on external sources and growing external ecological footprints. They also show how production activities mostly for overseas consumption led to changes in ecological structure and function in the studied export countries. This dissertation adds a missing trans-national dimension to the sustainability debate effectively integrating the policy and planning domain for sustainability in one region with that in others. While my research focuses mainly on documenting the nature and magnitude of interregional connections I also consider some of the implications of the interregional approach for sustainability planning.

Interregional ecology - resource flows and sustainability in a globalizing world

Kissinger, Meidad 11 1900 (has links)
In a globalizing world, trade has become essential to supporting the needs and wants of billions of people. Virtually everyone now consumes resource commodities and manufactured products traded all over the world; the ecological footprints of nations are now scattered across the globe. The spatial separation of material production (resource exploitation) from consumption eliminates negative feedbacks from supporting eco-systems. Most consumers remain unaware of the impacts that their trade dependence imposes on distant ecosystems (out of sight out of mind). I take the first steps in developing a conceptual and practical framework for an ‘interregional ecology’ approach to exploring and analyzing sustainability in an increasingly interconnected world. Such an approach accounts for some of the ‘externalities’ of globalization and international trade. It underscores the increasing dependence and impact of almost any country on resources originating from others and recognizes that the sustainability of any specified region may be increasingly linked to the ecological sustainability of distant supporting regions. I empirically describe and quantify some of the interregional material linkages between selected countries. I document the flows of renewable resources into the U.S. and quantify the U.S. external material footprint (EF) on specific countries. I then document the physical inputs involved in production of most agricultural export products from Costa Rica and Canada. Finally, I focus on major export products such as bananas, coffee and beef in Costa Rica and agricultural activities in the Canadian Prairies and document some of the ecological consequences (loss of habitat, soil degradation, water contamination and biodiversity loss) of that production. My research findings show increasing U.S. imports, increasing reliance on external sources and growing external ecological footprints. They also show how production activities mostly for overseas consumption led to changes in ecological structure and function in the studied export countries. This dissertation adds a missing trans-national dimension to the sustainability debate effectively integrating the policy and planning domain for sustainability in one region with that in others. While my research focuses mainly on documenting the nature and magnitude of interregional connections I also consider some of the implications of the interregional approach for sustainability planning.

Efeitos econômicos e fiscais de uma reforma tributária no Brasil : análise com um modelo inter-regional de equilíbrio geral computável para o Rio Grande do Sul

Palermo, Patrícia Ullmann January 2009 (has links)
Alterações na legislação tributária sempre motivaram profundas discussões políticas e acadêmicas. Isso ocorre pois mudanças dessa natureza promovem a realocação dos fatores de produção, alterando a produção de setores e regiões, e, consequentemente, da receita arrecadada pelos governos. Essa última, por sua vez, é alterada por duas motivações: as variações das alíquotas e as da própria base tributária. O sistema tributário brasileiro, ao longo do tempo, passou por constantes reformulações buscando torná-lo mais moderno e adequado às condições econômicas e políticas vigentes. Entretanto, atualmente, diferentemente do que ocorreu no passado, não é mais possível prover reformas tributárias lastreadas no aumento da carga, uma vez que essa já assume patamares incompatíveis com o grau de desenvolvimento do País. Nesse cenário, apresenta-se a PEC nº 233/08, a mais recente proposta de reforma tributária que, buscando manter inalterada a carga tributária no patamar atual, propõe, entre outras mudanças, modificações relevantes na legislação do ICMS. Esse projeto de emenda constitucional propõe a harmonização da legislação do ICMS e a preservação do sistema misto de apropriação do imposto entre origem e destino, aumentando significativamente, porém, a apropriação pelo destino. Dada a necessidade de uma abordagem empírica para as discussões, essa tese, com o objetivo de estimar os impactos decorrentes dessa proposta de reforma, utilizou um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável inter-regional denominado BMARIA- RS-TAX (ano-base 2004), que investigou as relações econômicas entre o Rio Grande do Sul e o Restante do Brasil. Para tanto, dois experimentos são implementados. O primeiro trata especificamente de uma reestruturação tributária para o Rio Grande do Sul em que um desconto de ICMS relativo a 1% da arrecadação total em um produto é financiado via aumento da alíquota efetiva dos demais. O experimento mostrou que mudanças na matriz tributária gaúcha não se mostram nem economicamente nem fiscalmente neutras, tanto no curto quanto no longo prazo. Esse tipo de simulação é fundamental para determinar o posicionamento do Estado no caso das rodadas de discussão no Confaz quanto à alocação dos produtos nas faixas de alíquotas pré-definidas pelo Senado, pois evidencia os efeitos de aumentar a alíquota em um determinado setor e reduzir em outro. O segundo experimento aplica a proposta da PEC nº 233/08, assumindo que a harmonização se dará através da assimilação da alíquota efetiva média vigente no País em ambas as regiões analisadas. Os resultados mostraram que a harmonização leva a um aumento relevante da alíquota efetiva média no Rio Grande do Sul, com impactos negativos sobre o PIB e o emprego, porém com aumento significativo da arrecadação (com resultados opostos no Restante do Brasil). No entanto, esse resultado em termos de receita do Estado tem seu efeito diminuído em virtude da mudança do regramento do regime de apropriação do ICMS. Ainda assim, mesmo que potencialmente menor, o resultado revela, no caso do Rio Grande do Sul, um incremento na arrecadação em comparação com a arrecadação corrente. No entanto, é provável que isso não se materialize integralmente em ganhos de caixa para o Estado, dado que a reforma prevê mecanismos de compensação entre “ganhadores” e “perdedores” com a reforma. A temporalidade e os próprios mecanismos da reforma não atentam para questões econômicas, mas apenas fiscais. Os resultados da análise de equilíbrio geral computável mostram que, para o Rio Grande de Sul, a reforma pode gerar efeitos perversos sobre a atividade econômica e sobre as finanças públicas se os mecanismos de compensação de receita exaurirem o potencial ganho fiscal identificado para o Rio Grande do Sul. Neste caso, o Rio Grande do Sul perderia duplamente no processo de reforma. / Changes in the tributary legislation have always brought deep discussions into politics and the academic field. This happens because changes in this matter promote the reallocation of production factors, altering the production of sectors and regions and, thus, the production of revenues collected by the governments. The latter, therefore, altered by two reasons: the variations of the tax rate and the ones of the tributary bases themselves. The Brazilian tributary system, along the years, has gone through constant reformulations trying to become more modern and adequate to the current economic and political conditions. However, nowadays, different from what had occurred in the past, it is not possible to provide reforms based on tax load, since it has already reached incompatible standards compared with the country’s development level. In this scenario, it is presented the PEC 233/08, the most recent proposal of tributary reform that tries to keep unchanged the current tax load level; it proposes, among other changes, relevant modifications in the ICMS (Value Added Tax – VAT) legislation. This project of constitutional amendment proposes a harmonic legislation of ICMS and the preservation of mixed system of appropriation of taxes between the origin and the destination, increasing significantly, however, the appropriation of the destination. As it is needed an empiric approach for discussions, this thesis, which had the objective to estimate the impact derived from this proposal of reform, used a interregional computable general equilibrium (ICGE) model named BMARIA-RS-TAX, (database 2004), that investigated the economic relations between Rio Grande do Sul and the rest of Brazil. In order to carry out this research two experiments are implemented. The first deals specifically with tributary restructuring for Rio Grande do Sul, in which 1% discount in the ICMS total revenue of one product is financed by the effective increase on other products tax rates. The experiment showed that the changes in the tributary model of Rio Grande do Sul were neither economically nor fiscally neutral in short and long term period. This kind of simulation is essential to determine the positioning of the state in the rounds of discussions at Confaz as for allocating the products in the range of pre-determined tax rates by the Senate, because it shows evidences of increasing taxes in one specific sector and deceasing in another. The second experiment applied the proposal of PEC 233/08, assuming that the harmonization will be done through the assimilation of the current effective tax rate average in the country in both analyzed regions. The results showed the harmonization leads to a significant increase in the effective tax rate average in Rio Grande do Sul, which had negative impact in the GDP and employment rate; although, there were significant increases in the tax revenue collected in Rio Grande do Sul (the opposite results were also found for the rest of the country). However, in terms of revenue for the state, this result has its effects diminished due to the changing of rules of ICMS approval regime. Nevertheless, even being potentially smaller, the results show the increase in the revenues collection in comparison to the current revenue income. However, it is likely that this will not be materialized thoroughly in gains for the cash flow of the state, since the legislation provides mechanisms of compensation for ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ with the reform. The temporality and the reform’s own mechanisms do not draw attention to economic matters, but to fiscal ones. The result of the a interregional computable general equilibrium (ICGE) model analysis shows that, for Rio Grande do Sul, the reform can generate harsh results on the economic activities and on the public finances if mechanisms of income compensation blow over the potential of fiscal gains identified in Rio Grande do Sul. In this case, the state would lose twice in the process of reform.

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