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Development of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers as sources for heterodyne receiversWienold, Martin 09 August 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Optimierung von Terahertz-Quantenkaskadenlasern (THz-QCLs) für die Anwendung als Lokaloszillator in THz-Heterodyndetektoren, insbesondere für die Detektion der astronomisch wichtigen Sauerstoff (OI) Linie bei 4.75 THz. Hierfür wurden zunächst unterschiedliche QCL-Heterostrukturen untersucht. Basierend auf einer Heterostruktur, welche schnelle Intersubbandübergänge über Streuung an Phononen ausnutzt, konnten QCLs mit hoher Ausgangsleistung und niedriger Betriebsspannung bei 3 THz erzielt werden. Während diese Laser auf dem Materialsystem GaAs/Al_xGa_(1-x)As mit $x=0.15$ basieren, führt die Erhöhung des Al-Anteils auf x=0.25 für ähnliche Strukturen zu sehr niedrigen Schwellstromdichten. Durch schrittweise Optimierungen gelang es, QCLs zu realisieren, die bei 4.75 THz emittieren. Mit Hilfe von lateralen Gittern erster Ordnung für die verteilte Rückkopplung (DFB) konnten Einzelmoden-Dauerstrichbetrieb mit hoher Ausgangsleistung, sowie Einzelmoden-Betrieb innerhalb des spezifizierten Frequenzbereichs bei 4.75 THz erzielt werden. Eine allgemeine Methode zur Bestimmung der DFB-Kopplungskonstanten erlaubt eine gute Beschreibung der Laser innerhalb der etablierten Theorie der gekoppelten Moden für DFB-Laser mit reflektiven Endfacetten. Oft steht das Auftreten negativer differentieller Leitfähigkeit bei höheren Feldstärken und die damit verbundenen Bildung von elektrischer Felddomänen (EFDs) im Konflikt mit einem stabilen Betrieb der THz-QCLs. Es wird gezeigt, dass stationäre EFDs mit Diskontinuitäten in der statischen Licht-Strom-Spannungskennlinie verbunden sind, während Selbstoszillationen, verursacht durch nicht-stationäre EFDs, eine zeitliche Modulation der Ausgangsleistung bewirken. Mit Hilfe einer effektiven Driftgeschwindigkeit für QCLs lassen sich viele der beobachteten Phänomene durch die nichtlinearen Transportgleichungen für schwach gekoppelte Übergitter beschreiben. / This thesis presents the development and optimization of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers (THz QCLs) as sources for heterodyne receivers. A particular focus is on single-mode emitters for the heterodyne detection of the important astronomic oxygen (OI) line at 4.75 THz. Various active-region designs are investigated. High-output-power THz QCLs with low operating voltages and emission around 3 THz are obtained for an active region, which involves phonon-assisted intersubband transitions. While these QCLs are based on a GaAs/Al_xGa_(1-x)As heterostructure with x=0.15, similar heterostructures with x=0.25 allowed for very low threshold current densities. By successive modifications of the active-region design, THz QCLs have been optimized toward the desired frequency at 4.75 THz. To obtain single-mode operation, first-order lateral distributed-feedback (DFB) gratings are investigated. It shows that such gratings allow for single-mode operation in combination with high continuous-wave (cw) output powers. A general method is presented to calculate the coupling coefficients of lateral gratings. In conjunction with this method, the lasers are well described by the coupled-mode theory of DFB lasers with two reflective end facets. Single-mode operation within the specified frequency bands at 4.75 THz is demonstrated. Stable operation of THz QCLs is often in conflict with the occurrence of a negative differential resistance (NDR) regime at elevated field strengths and the formation of electric-field domains (EFDs). Stationary EFDs are shown to be related to discontinuities in the cw light-current-voltage characteristics, while non-stationary EFDs are related to current self-oscillations and cause a temporal modulation of the output power. To model such effects, the nonlinear transport equations of weakly coupled superlattices are adopted for QCLs by introducing an effective drift velocity-field relation.
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Optique des ondes de surface : super-résolution et interaction matière-rayonnement / Surface wave optics : super-resolution and wave-matter interactionArchambault, Alexandre 09 December 2011 (has links)
Il existe au niveau d’interfaces séparant des milieux de constantes diélectriques de signes opposés des ondes électromagnétiques confinées à proximité de ces interfaces. On parle d’ondes de surface. C’est notamment le cas des métaux et des cristaux polaires : on parle alors de plasmons-polaritons de surface et de phonons-polaritons de surface respectivement. L’objectif de cette thèse est de revisiter certains aspects théoriques associés à ces ondes de surface.Dans un premier temps, en nous basant sur le formalisme de Green, nous donnons un moyen d’obtenir une expression du champ des ondes de surface sous forme de somme de modes. En présence de pertes, ces ondes ont nécessairement un vecteur d’onde ou une pulsation complexe. Nous donnons ainsi deux expressions de leur champ, correspondant à chacun de ces deux cas, et discutons de l’opportunité d’utiliser l’une ou l’autre de ces expressions.Nous posons par la suite les bases d’une optique de Fourier et d’une optique géométrique des ondes de surface. Nous montrons comment obtenir une équation de Helmholtz à deux dimensions pour les ondes de surface, un principe d’Huygens-Fresnel pour les ondes de surface, ainsi qu’une équation eikonale pour les ondes de surface, qui s’applique sous certaines hypothèses. Nous nous intéressons également à la superlentille proposée par Pendry, qui s’appuie sur les ondes de surface. Nous étudions notamment le fonctionnement de cette superlentille en régime impulsionnel, et montrons qu’en présence de pertes, il est possible d’obtenir une meilleure résolution avec certaines formes d’impulsion par rapport au régime harmonique, au prix d’une importante baisse de signal toutefois.Nous développons ensuite un traitement quantique des ondes de surface. Nous calculons au préalable une expression de leur énergie, et nous donnons une expression de leur hamiltonien et de leurs opérateurs champ. Sans pertes, nous montrons que le facteur de Purcell prédit par notre théorie quantique est rigoureusement égal au facteur de Purcell calculé avec des outils classiques. Nous comparons ensuite ce facteur de Purcell à celui calculé classiquement avec pertes, et montrons sur un exemple que les pertes peuvent être négligées dans de nombreux cas. Nous donnons enfin une expression des coefficients d’Einstein associés aux ondes de surface permettant d’étudier la dynamique de l’inversion de population d’un milieu fournissant un gain aux ondes de surface. Nous appliquons par la suite ce formalisme quantique à l’interaction électrons-phonons-polaritons de surface dans les puits quantiques, notamment leur interaction avec un mode de phonon du puits particulièrement confiné grâce à un effet de constante diélectrique proche de zéro (epsilon near zero, ENZ). / Interfaces between materials having opposite dielectric constants support electromagnetic waves confined close to these interfaces called surface waves. For metals and polar crystals, they are respectively called surface plasmon-polaritons and surface phonon-polaritons. The goal of this thesis is to revisit some theoretical aspects associated to these surface waves.Using the Green formalism, we derive an expression of the surface wave field as a sum of modes. With losses, these waves must have a complex wave vector or frequency. Thus we give two expressions of their field, for each of these cases, and discuss when each of these expressions should be used.We then give the basis of a surface wave Fourier optics and geometrical optics. We derive a 2D Helmholtz equation for surface waves, a Huygens-Fresnel principle for surface waves, and an eikonal equation for surface waves. We then take a look at Pendry’s superlens, in which surface waves play a major role. We study the behavior of the superlens in pulsed mode taking losses into account, and show that its resolution can be increased for some pulse shapes compared to the steady state, at the expense of a signal decay.We then develop a quantum treatment of surface waves. We first calculate their energy, and then give an expression of their hamiltonian and field operators. Without losses, we show that the Purcell factor given by our quantum theory is perfectly equal to the Purcell factor given by the classical theory. We then compare this Purcell factor to the lossy case on an example, and show that losses can often be neglected. We then derive the Einstein coefficients associated to surface wave emission and absorption, which allow studying the population inversion dynamics of a gain medium. We then use this quantum formalism to study the interaction between electrons and surface phonon-polaritons in quantum wells, particularly their interaction with a phonon mode which features high confinement thanks to an epsilon near zero (ENZ) effect.
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Relaxação de spin via D\'yakonov-Perel\' em poços quânticos com acoplamento spin-órbita intersub-banda / D\'yakonov-Perel\' Spin Relaxation in Quantum Wells with Intersubband Spin-Orbit InteractionCandido, Denis Ricardo 24 July 2013 (has links)
Em sistemas com acoplamento spin-órbita (SO) é possível manipular eletricamente o spin do elétron via a aplicação de um campo elétrico.1 Isso permite a potencial aplicação do grau de liberdade de spin (Spintronica) no desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos e tecnologias, como por exemplo na tecnologia da informação (computação quântica).2,3 No entanto, sabe-se que a interação SO causa efeitos indesejáveis, como por exemplo a relaxação e o defasamento de spin.4 Dessa maneira, do ponto de vista de aplicações, torna-se desejável maximizar o tempo de vida do spin. Neste trabalho, investigamos a relaxação de spin dos elétrons de condução em poços quânticos com duas sub-bandas5 crescidos ao longo das direções [001] e [110] via o mecanismo de D\'yakonov-Perel\'.6 Combinando teoria de grupos, o método k.p, a aproximação da função envelope e teoria de perturbação de Löwdin obtemos um Hamiltoniano efetivo para os elétrons da banda de condução na presença das interações SO de Rashba e Dresselhaus. Aqui, diferentemente de alguns trabalhos anteriores,7,8 além de incluir o termo cúbico de Dresselhaus, também levamos em conta as contribuições devido à influência da segunda sub-banda de mais baixa energia do poço. A partir deste Hamiltoniano derivamos expressões para os tempos de relaxação do spin e analisamos como estas novas contribuições (termos do acoplamento com a segunda sub-banda) afetam os tempos de vida dos spins. Comparamos os tempos de relaxação para as direções [001] com os calculados para a direção [110]. Nossos resultados mostram que as contribuições devido à segunda sub-banda são desprezíveis para ambas as direções. Mostramos também que o tempo de relaxação para a direção [110] é mais longo que o da [001], resultado consistente com experimentos9,10 e outros trabalhos teóricos anteriores.7 / In systems with spin-orbit (SO) coupling, it is possible to electrically manipulate the electron spin via applied gate voltages.1 This allows for the potential use of the spin degree of freedom (Spintronics) in the development of new devices and technologies, for instance information technology (quantum computing).2,3 It is known however, that the SO interaction leads to the undesired effect of causing spin relaxation and spin dephasing.4 Thus from the point of view of applications, it is desirable to maximize the spin lifetimes. Here, we investigate the spin relaxation of the conduction electrons in quantum wells with two sub-bands5 grown along the [001] and [110] directions via the D\'yakonov-Perel\' mechanism.6 By combining group theory, the k.p method, the envelope function approach and the Löwdin perturbation theory, we obtain an effective Hamiltonian for the conduction electrons in the presence of the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO interactions. Differently from some early works,7,8 in addition to the cubic Dresselhaus term, we also account for the contributions arising from the second lowest sub-band of the well. We derive expressions for the spin relaxation times and analyze how the new contributions (second sub-band terms) affect the spin lifetimes. We compare the relaxation times obtained in the [001] direction with those calculated for the [110] direction. Our results show that the contributions from the second sub-band are negligible for both directions. We also find that the relaxation time in the [110] direction is longer than the one in the [001], a result consistent with experiments9,10 and earlier theoretical works.7
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Relaxação de spin via D\'yakonov-Perel\' em poços quânticos com acoplamento spin-órbita intersub-banda / D\'yakonov-Perel\' Spin Relaxation in Quantum Wells with Intersubband Spin-Orbit InteractionDenis Ricardo Candido 24 July 2013 (has links)
Em sistemas com acoplamento spin-órbita (SO) é possível manipular eletricamente o spin do elétron via a aplicação de um campo elétrico.1 Isso permite a potencial aplicação do grau de liberdade de spin (Spintronica) no desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos e tecnologias, como por exemplo na tecnologia da informação (computação quântica).2,3 No entanto, sabe-se que a interação SO causa efeitos indesejáveis, como por exemplo a relaxação e o defasamento de spin.4 Dessa maneira, do ponto de vista de aplicações, torna-se desejável maximizar o tempo de vida do spin. Neste trabalho, investigamos a relaxação de spin dos elétrons de condução em poços quânticos com duas sub-bandas5 crescidos ao longo das direções [001] e [110] via o mecanismo de D\'yakonov-Perel\'.6 Combinando teoria de grupos, o método k.p, a aproximação da função envelope e teoria de perturbação de Löwdin obtemos um Hamiltoniano efetivo para os elétrons da banda de condução na presença das interações SO de Rashba e Dresselhaus. Aqui, diferentemente de alguns trabalhos anteriores,7,8 além de incluir o termo cúbico de Dresselhaus, também levamos em conta as contribuições devido à influência da segunda sub-banda de mais baixa energia do poço. A partir deste Hamiltoniano derivamos expressões para os tempos de relaxação do spin e analisamos como estas novas contribuições (termos do acoplamento com a segunda sub-banda) afetam os tempos de vida dos spins. Comparamos os tempos de relaxação para as direções [001] com os calculados para a direção [110]. Nossos resultados mostram que as contribuições devido à segunda sub-banda são desprezíveis para ambas as direções. Mostramos também que o tempo de relaxação para a direção [110] é mais longo que o da [001], resultado consistente com experimentos9,10 e outros trabalhos teóricos anteriores.7 / In systems with spin-orbit (SO) coupling, it is possible to electrically manipulate the electron spin via applied gate voltages.1 This allows for the potential use of the spin degree of freedom (Spintronics) in the development of new devices and technologies, for instance information technology (quantum computing).2,3 It is known however, that the SO interaction leads to the undesired effect of causing spin relaxation and spin dephasing.4 Thus from the point of view of applications, it is desirable to maximize the spin lifetimes. Here, we investigate the spin relaxation of the conduction electrons in quantum wells with two sub-bands5 grown along the [001] and [110] directions via the D\'yakonov-Perel\' mechanism.6 By combining group theory, the k.p method, the envelope function approach and the Löwdin perturbation theory, we obtain an effective Hamiltonian for the conduction electrons in the presence of the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO interactions. Differently from some early works,7,8 in addition to the cubic Dresselhaus term, we also account for the contributions arising from the second lowest sub-band of the well. We derive expressions for the spin relaxation times and analyze how the new contributions (second sub-band terms) affect the spin lifetimes. We compare the relaxation times obtained in the [001] direction with those calculated for the [110] direction. Our results show that the contributions from the second sub-band are negligible for both directions. We also find that the relaxation time in the [110] direction is longer than the one in the [001], a result consistent with experiments9,10 and earlier theoretical works.7
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