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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Experience of Rejection Sensitivity in Women's Intimate Partnerships: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis

2013 June 1900 (has links)
The theory of rejection sensitivity, suggests that early experiences of rejection (e.g. parental rejection, peer rejection) can result in the tendency to anxiously expect, readily perceive, and overreact to rejection by significant others in future relationships. An abundance of quantitative research has suggested that rejection sensitivity has significant implications regarding one’s thoughts and actions within intimate partnerships (e.g. Downey & Feldman, 1996); however, little is known about the lived experience of the women who are sensitive to rejection. The present research sought to move beyond the developmental perspective of the theory of rejection sensitivity (as presented in the first two chapters) by aiming to gain an understanding of how women experience rejection sensitivity within their intimate partnerships and how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours have impacted their romantic lives. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to explore the lived experience of women who identified with rejection sensitivity. Data generated during two interviews with three participants was transcribed and analyzed using an interpretive phenomenological analysis approach. An over-arching theme of I won’t let it happen again: a journey of self-protection emerged that was representative of the women’s shared experience of protecting themselves from experiencing further rejection in their romantic relationships and was further illustrated throughout three secondary themes: I can control things so I won’t let it happen again, Wait…is it happening anyway?, and A continuous journey. Based on the present findings, considerations for further research and practice are offered. Given lack of research aimed at understanding the experiences of women who identify with rejection sensitivity, the value of the present study is twofold: This research makes a notable contribution to current literature, but also encourages women, and those devoted to helping them, to understand their own unique relationships with rejection sensitivity and navigate their own journeys with a sense of hope for mutually satisfying and beneficial romantic relationships in their futures.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av våld i en nära relation : En litteraturstudie / Women’s experiences of violence in an intimate partnership : A literature study

Blomster, Carola, Johansson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Introduktion: Våld i nära relationer är ett folkhälsoproblem. 12 422 fall av inomhusmisshandel i nära relation riktat mot kvinnor över 18 år anmäldes under 2010. I medeltal dör 30 kvinnor årligen i Sverige på grund av fysiskt våld. 17 av dessa dödas av sin nuvarande eller tidigare partner. Psykiskt våld kan utgöras av hot, kontroll samt trakasserier och kan vara svårt att identifiera. Sexuellt våld kan vara misshandel vid samlag och tvång till olika sexuella handlingar. Våld i nära relationer förekommer i alla samhällsklasser och barn drabbas direkt eller indirekt av våld i nära relationer. Regeringen har presenterat en handlingsplan med åtgärder och insatser för att bekämpa bland annat mäns våld mot kvinnor. Polisen utbildas för att bättre kunna bemöta och hjälpa utsatta kvinnor. Ideella organisationer finns där kvinnor och barn kan få stöd och hjälp. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av våld i en nära relation. Metod: Metoden som användes var litteratur-studie. Databaser som användes var Academic Search Elite och PsycINFO. Resultat: Den trevlige och charmige mannen som kvinnor mött visade sig efter hand vara en våldsam man. Våldet kom smygande och ökade sedan successivt i förhållandet. Kvinnor skuldbelade sig själva för våldet. De skämdes över sin situation och de höll upp en fasad utåt. Graviditet sågs inte som något skydd mot våldet. Kvinnor upplevde både att det fanns stöd runt omkring och att stödet inte kom dem till gagn. Skyddad identitet blev ett alternativ för några. Implikation: Det komplexa och ökande problemet Våld i nära relationer behöver komma upp mer på dag-ordningen. Det är av stor vikt att vidare forskning bedrivs i Sverige inom området och att kunskapen omvandlas till praktiska redskap i samhället. / Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a public health problem. 12 422 cases of indoor assault in the intimate partnership against women over 18 were reported in 2010. An average of 30 women dies each year in Sweden due to physical violence. 17 of them are killed by their current or former partner. Psychological violence may be constituted by threats, control and harassment and can be difficult to identify. Sexual violence can be abuse during sex and compulsion into various sexual acts. Intimate partner violence occurs in all social classes and children are affected directly or in-directly by domestic violence. The government has presented a plan of action with measures and efforts to, among other things, fight men’s violence against women. The police are trained to better treat and help vulnerable women. Women and children can receive help and support from nonprofit organizations. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe women’s experiences of violence in an intimate partnership. Method: The method that was used in this study was based on facts from literature. The Databases that were used was Academic Search Elite and PsycINFO. Result: The nice and charming man that women met proved over time to be a violent man. The violence came stealthy and it increased gradually in the relationship. Women blamed themselves for the violence. They were ashamed of their situation and tried to keep up an appearance. Pregnancy did not seem to be any protection against the violence. Women experienced both that there was support around them and that the support did not came them to the benefit. Protected identity became an alternative for some women. Implication: The complex and growing problem of intimate partner violence needs to be a frequent topic on the agenda. It is of great importance that further research is conducted in Sweden in this area and that the knowledge will be transformed into practical tools in the community.

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