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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Evaluation Of Strategies to Smooth Intra-Seasonal Maize Price Variability in Malawi an Experimental Approach

Khoswe, Chimwemwe Mclean 14 August 2015 (has links)
The study analyzes the effects of three maize market policies on strategic price volatility, oligopoly/oligopsony market power, distribution of market surplus and total welfare. Policies of interest are privatization, the Current Malawi government policy and a proposed policy. The study first develops a workable theory then tests the various government policies in laboratory market experiments. The laboratory results indicate that the proposed policy was the most effective in reducing strategic volatility, but resulted in high output and low input prices. In terms of welfare distribution, privatization had highest consumer surplus followed by the current policy. The same was the case with producers’ surplus. However, traders’ profits were substantially higher in the proposed policy treatment. Total welfare was highest in the proposed policy followed by the current policy. In all, there appears there can be significant policy tradeoffs between market volatility, market power, surplus distribution and total welfare.


Josà Maria Brabo Alves 02 June 2008 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A premissa pelo uso racional da Ãgua tem demandado informaÃÃes em escalas de espaÃo e tempo cada vez menores. Neste estudo investiga-se a sensibilidade da simulaÃÃo climÃtica de um downscaling dinÃmico de precipitaÃÃo (1971-2000) acoplado a um modelo chuva-vazÃo e sua aplicaÃÃo na operaÃÃo de um reservatÃrio hÃdrico na regiÃo semi-Ãrida do Estado do CearÃ. Foi dada uma Ãnfase a escala intrasazonal (abaixo de um mÃs) em anos de contrastess climÃticos classificados como de La NiÃa, El NiÃo e Normais ocorridos no Oceano PacÃfico Tropical. Foram usados o modelo de circulaÃÃo geral da atmosfera ECHAM4.5, e o modelo regional, denominado de Modelo Regional Espectral (MRE), versÃo 97, do National Centers for Atmospheric Prediction- NCEP. O MRE foi aninhado aos dados simulados pelo ECHAM4.5 tendo como condiÃÃo de contorno a Temperatura da SuperfÃcie do Mar observada no perÃodo de janeiro a junho de 1971-2000. Para a estimativa de vazÃo foi usado o modelo SMAP. Entre os principais resultados citam-se: apÃs a correÃÃo pela tÃcnica das Probability Density Functions (PDFs), os dados simulados pelo MRE, conseguiram capturar melhor a variabilidade diÃria da precipitaÃÃo no posto fluviomÃtrico de Iguatu, mÃdia entre 01 de janeiro e 30 de junho. A explicaÃÃo da variÃncia antes da correÃÃo foi de menos de 5%, passando a em torno de 40% apÃs as correÃÃes pelas PDFs. As simulaÃÃes de vazÃo, analisadas pela explicaÃÃo da variÃncia, coeficiente de correlaÃÃo ao quadrado, mostraram que hà um ganho de explicaÃÃo desta variÃncia de duas ou mais vezes, quando se compara esta explicaÃÃo em relaÃÃo à precipitaÃÃo. Este ganho foi observado tanto para perÃodos diÃrios, pentadais e quinzenais e para todo o perÃodo (1971-2000). Mais de 70% do sinal das anomalias pentadais de vazÃo foram bem simulados. SimulaÃÃes de volume de um reservatÃrio hipotÃtico (com as caracterÃsticas do AÃude OrÃs), com volume inicial V0=0,25k (capacidade mÃxima - 1940 hm3), 0,50k e 0,75k, mostraram que hà potencial do uso dessa informaÃÃo de precipitaÃÃo em cascata com o modelo chuva-vazÃo, em particular para os anos classificados como Normais. A explicaÃÃo da variÃncia entre os volumes simulados e observados diÃrios, para os meses de janeiro a junho, para estes anos Normais tiveram resultados mais expressivos. Esta ficou torno ou mais de 80%. Em sÃntese, os resultados evidenciaram o potencial de uso da simulaÃÃo acoplada da modelagem dinÃmica atmosfÃrica com a modelagem hidrolÃgica associada à operaÃÃo do reservatÃrio. / The premiss for the rational use of water has demanded information on smaller space and time scales. This study investigates the sensitivity of climate simulation of a dynamic downscaling of precipitation (1971-2000) coupled to a rain-flow model and its application to the operation of a water reservoir in the semi-arid region of Cearà State. Emphasis was given to intra seasonal scale (smaller than a month) in years of climatic contrasts classified with La NiÃa, El NiÃo and Normals (averaged) in the Tropical Pacific Ocean. We used atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM4.5, and the Regional Spectral Model (RMS), version 97 of National Center for Atmospheric Prediction-NCEP. The RSM was nested with data simulated by ECHAM4.5, taking as boundary condition the sea surface temperature observed in the period January to June 1971-2000. For estimating streamflow we rate used the SMAP model. Results show that after the technique of Probability Density Functions (PDFs) correction, the simulation by RSM, best captured daily variability of precipitation at fluviometric post of Iguatu, average, from 01 January to 30 June. The explaned variance before the correction was less than 5%, rising to around 40% after the correction by PDFs. The simulations of streamflow, analyzed by the explaned variance, square of correlation coefficient, shows that there is a two or more gain of explaned this variance, as compared with explanation to streamflow in relation to rainfall. This gain is observed for all periods (daily and accumulated five and fifteen days), and for the entire period (1971-2000). More than 70% pentads anomalies of stramflow were well simulated. Simulations of volume of a hypothetical reservoir (with the characteristics of the OrÃs Dam) with initial volum V0 = 0.25k ( maxim capacity - 1940 hm3), 0.50k and 0.75k, showed that there is the potential use of that cascade information of precipitation with rain-flow model, in particular for averaged years classified. The explanation of the variance between simulated and observed daily volumes for the months of January to June, for these years Normal results was more expressive. This was about 80%. In summary, the results showed the potential for use of coupled simulation model between atmospheric modeling water associated with the reservoir operation.

Documentation et interprétation physique de la variabilité intrasaisonnière de la mousson africaine; application à la prévision / Documentation and physical interpretation of the African monsoon intra-seasonal variability for improved weather forecasts

Poan, Dazangwendé Emmanuel 03 December 2013 (has links)
La mousson d'Afrique de l'Ouest se caractérise par une très forte variabilité des pluies à toutes les échelles spatiales et temporelles. Le travail de thèse se focalise sur la variabilité synoptique et intra-saisonnière de la mousson, dont les impacts socio-économiques peuvent être dramatiques dans cette zone subsaharienne. L'objectif est d'une part de contribuer à la documentation statistique de cette variabilité et la compréhension de la physique associée, et d'autre part de mettre à profit le potentiel de prédictibilité associée à ces échelles pour guider les prévisions à courte et moyenne échéances. Au Sahel, l'humidité est un des facteurs importants pour l'activité pluviométrique, avec souvent un effet limitant sur le déclenchement de la convection profonde. Dès lors ce travail de thèse s'est focalisé sur l'humidité intégrée sur la colonne ou eau précipitable, pour étudier la variabilité de la mousson. L'activité des ondes d'est, principales perturbations synoptiques de l'atmosphère ouest-africaine pendant l'été boréal, a été détectée et analysée sous cette perspective de l'eau précipitable. Cette étude a ouvert une voie à la compréhension du couplage onde et convection au sein de la mousson. Une analyse conjointe des contributions dynamiques et diabatiques à la physique des ondes a été ensuite entreprise. Il ressort que, la dynamique, via les transports d'énergie associée à l'état de base fortement barocline du Sahel, est un élément précurseur et prédominant dans la couche d'atmosphère en-dessous du jet d'est africain. En revanche, dès que les ondes atteignent leur phase de maturité, le rôle de convection devient primordial grâce aux sources de chauffage et puits d'humidité qu'elle introduit dans l'atmosphère. En outre, elle engendre un transfert turbulent et convectif de quantité de mouvement horizontal, de la surface vers les couches plus hautes, permettant de renforcer les circulations dans la moyenne troposphère. La compréhension du couplage onde-convection ouvre alors une perspective à l'amélioration des modèles de prévision du temps sur l'Afrique. / The West African monsoon rainfall experiences a large spatial and temporal variability. In this thesis, a focus has been given on the synoptic to intra-seasonal scales which can lead to dramatic socio-economic consequences over Sahelian areas. The main goal is, on the one hand, to document and hence to better understand the physics associated with such scales of variability, and on the other hand, to provide some useful tools to improve short to medium ranges forecast skill over Africa. Over the Sahel, the supply of humidity is a key feature in the rainfall distribution and mostly a limiting factor to the initiation of deep convection. Therefore, the current study is based on the total column integrated specific humidity, also called precipitable water, to disentangle the important physics involved in the monsoon intra-seasonal variability and more specifically on the synoptic scale. African Easterly Waves (AEW), also known as the main synoptic scale disturbances of the Western African atmosphere during the boreal summer, have been detected and characterized from this "moist" perspective. This study then provides a new approach for studying the coupling between AEW and convection. A joint assessment of both dynamic and diabatic contributions to the AEW growth has been undertaken. Dynamics is, through the baroclinic and barotropic energy transport, a precursor and a predominant mechanism in the layer below the African easterly jet. However, since convection is enhancing, diabatic processes become accounting for a crucial role in the atmospheric circulation through the release of heat as well as the humidity sink. Meanwhile, subgrid convective scale eddies transport a large part of the horizontal momentum, from the surface to the mid-levels. This enhances the midtroposheric cyclonic/anticyclonic circulation of the AEW. Finally, this process-based analysis of the coupling between dynamics and convection provides some useful tools for model assessment and improvement over Africa.

Prévisibilité potentielle des variables climatiques à impact agricole en Afrique de l'Est et application au sorgho dans la région du mont Kenya / Potential predictability of crop impacting climate variables for East Africa and application to sorghum in the Mt Kenya area

Boyard-Micheau, Joseph 22 November 2013 (has links)
Dans les pays du Sud ruraux et à faibles revenus, la vulnérabilité des zones agricoles pluviales, face à la variabilité pluviométrique, nécessite de trouver des solutions efficaces pour limiter les effets des aléas climatiques sur les récoltes. La prévision des caractéristiques des saisons des pluies quelque temps avant leur démarrage devrait aider à l’établissement de stratégies agricoles d’adaptation aux aléas pluviométriques. C’est à cet objectif que s’attache ce travail, appliqué à l’Afrique de l’Est (Kenya et nord de la Tanzanie), et articulé en 3 parties :- Définir et comprendre le comportement des descripteurs intra saisonniers (DIS) qui feront l’objet de l’étude de prévisibilité. Un travail spécifique a permis le développement d’une nouvelle approche méthodologique dans la manière de définir les démarrages (DSP) et fins (FSP) de saisons des pluies à l’échelle régionale. Cette approche basée sur une analyse multivariée, permet de s’affranchir des choix subjectifs de seuils pluviométriques imposés par les définitions communément utilisée en agro-climatologie. Une analyse de cohérence spatiale à l’échelle inter annuelle montre que, pour les deux saisons des pluies (long rains et short rains), le cumul saisonnier et le nombre de jours de pluie présentent une forte cohérence spatiale, tandis qu’elle est plus modérée pour le démarrage et fin des saisons et faible pour l’intensité quotidienne moyenne.- Analyser la prévisibilité des DIS aux 2 échelles spatiales régionale et locale en s’appuyant sur les simulations numériques du modèle climatique global ECHAM 4.5. Les précipitations quotidiennes simulées par le modèle, même après correction des biais, ne permettent pas d’appréhender correctement la variabilité interannuelle des DIS. Une spécification de la variabilité des DSP et FSP menée par le biais de modèles statistiques construits à partir d’indices climatiques observés, présuppose une prévisibilité modérée des deux descripteurs à l’échelle locale (régionale), et cela quelle que soit la saison. Le développement de modèles statistico-dynamiques à partir des champs de vents simulés par ECHAM 4.5, en mode forcé par les températures marines observées d’une part et prévues d’autre part, montre également des performances faibles localement et régionalement. - Explorer la manière dont la variabilité spatio-temporelle des paramètres climatiques et environnementaux module la variabilité des rendements de sorgho. Ces rendements sont simulés par le modèle agronomique SARRA-H à partir de données climatiques observées (1973-2001) dans 3 stations localisées à différentes altitudes le long des pentes orientales du Mt Kenya. Le cumul précipité et la durée de la saison expliquent une part importante de la variabilité des rendements. D’autres variables apparaissent comme jouant un rôle non négligeable ; le nombre de jours de pluies, l’intensité quotidienne moyenne ou encore certains DIS relatifs à l’organisation temporelle des pluies au sein d’une saison en font partie. L’influence des autres variables météorologiques est seulement visible pour les ‘long rains’ avec une covariation négative entre les rendements et les températures maximales ou, le rayonnement global. La date de semis semble jouer un rôle dans la modulation des rendements pour les stations de haute et moyenne altitudes, mais avec des différences notables entre les deux saisons des pluies. / In Southern countries with rural low income populations, the vulnerability of rainfed agriculture to rainfall variability requires effective solutions to mitigate the effects of climatic hazards on crops. Predicting the characteristics of rainy seasons some time before they start should help the establishment of agricultural adaptation strategies to rainfall hazards. This is the objective of the present study, focused on East Africa (Kenya and northern Tanzania), and divided in three parts:- Define and document intra-seasonal descriptors (ISD) that will be considered in the predictability study. A new methodological approach has been developed in order to define the onset date (ORS) and the cessation date (CRS) of the rainy seasons at the regional level. Based on a multivariate analysis, it eliminates the subjective choice of rainfall thresholds imposed by the definitions commonly used in agroclimatology. An analysis of spatial coherence at interannual time-scale shows that for the two rainy seasons ("long rains" and "short rains"), the seasonal amount and the number of rainy days have a high spatial coherence, while it is medium for the onset and cessation dates and low for the average daily rainfall intensity.- Analyze the predictability of the ISD at both regional and local scales based on numerical simulations from the global climate model ECHAM 4.5. Daily precipitation simulated by the model, even after bias correction, do not correctly capture the IDS interannual variability. A specification of the ORS and CRS variability using statistical models applied to observed climate indices, suggests quite a low predictability of the descriptors at the local (regional) scale, regardless of the season. The development of statistical-dynamical models from wind fields simulated by ECHAM 4.5, in experiments forced by either observed or predicted sea temperatures, also shows quite poor skills locally and regionally.- Explore how the space-time variability of climatic and environmental factors modulate the variations of sorghum yields. Crop yields are simulated by the agronomic model SARRA-H using observed climate data (1973-2001) at three stations located at different elevations along the eastern slopes of Mt Kenya. The seasonal rainfall accumulation and the duration of the season account for a large part of the yields variability. Other rainfall variables also play a significant role, among which the number of rainy days, the average daily intensity and some ISD related to the temporal organization of rainfall within the season. The influence of other meteorological variables is only found during the long rains, in the form of a negative correlation between yields and both maximum temperature and global radiation. Sowing dates seem to play a role in modulating yields for high and medium altitude stations, but with notable differences between the two rainy seasons.

Role Of Sea Surface Temperature Gradient In Intraseasonal Oscillation Of Convection In An Aquaplanet Model

Das, Surajit 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we examine intra-seasonal oscillations (ISO) in the aqua-planet setup of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) version 5.1, mainly based on July and January climatological sea surface temperature (SST). We investigate mainly two questions -what should be the SST distribution for the existence of (a) northward moving ISO in summer, and (b) eastward moving MJO-like modes in winter. In the first part of the thesis we discuss the northward propagation. A series of experiments were performed with zonally symmetric and asymmetric SST distributions. The basic lower boundary condition is specified from zonally averaged observed July and January SST. The zonally symmetric July SST experiment produced an inter tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) on both sides of the equator. Poleward movement is not clear, and it is confined to the region between the double ITCZ. In July, the Bay of Bengal (BOB) and West Pacific SST is high compared to the rest of the northern tropics. When we impose a zonally asymmetric SST structure with warm SST spanning about 80 of longitude, the model shows a monsoon-like circulation, and some northward propagating convective events. Analysis of these events shows that two adjacent cells with cyclonic and anticyclonic vorticity are created over the warm SST anomaly and to the west. The propagation occurs due to the convective region drawn north in the convergence zone between these vortices. Zonally propagating Madden-Julian oscillations (MJO) are discussed in the second part of the thesis. All the experiments in this part are based on the zonally symmetric SST. The zonally symmetric January SST configuration gives an MJO-like mode, with zonal wave number 1 and a period of 40-90 days. The SST structure has a nearly meridionally symmetric structure, with local SST maxima on either side of the equator, and a small dip in the equatorial region. If we replace this dip with an SST maximum, the time-scale of MJO becomes significantly smaller (20-40 days). The implication is that an SST maximum in the equatorial region reduces the strength of MJO, and a flat SST profile in the equatorial region is required for more energetic of MJO. This result was tested and found to be valid in a series of further experiments.

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