Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intuition logic""
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Runtime Service Composition via Logic-Based Program SynthesisLämmermann, Sven January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Runtime Service Composition via Logic-Based Program SynthesisLämmermann, Sven January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Automated proof search in non-classical logics : efficient matrix proof methods for modal and intuitionistic logicsWallen, Lincoln A. January 1987 (has links)
In this thesis we develop efficient methods for automated proof search within an important class of mathematical logics. The logics considered are the varying, cumulative and constant domain versions of the first-order modal logics K, K4, D, D4, T, S4 and S5, and first-order intuitionistic logic. The use of these non-classical logics is commonplace within Computing Science and Artificial Intelligence in applications in which efficient machine assisted proof search is essential. Traditional techniques for the design of efficient proof methods for classical logic prove to be of limited use in this context due to their dependence on properties of classical logic not shared by most of the logics under consideration. One major contribution of this thesis is to reformulate and abstract some of these classical techniques to facilitate their application to a wider class of mathematical logics. We begin with Bibel's Connection Calculus: a matrix proof method for classical logic comparable in efficiency with most machine orientated proof methods for that logic. We reformulate this method to support its decomposition into a collection of individual techniques for improving the efficiency of proof search within a standard cut-free sequent calculus for classical logic. Each technique is presented as a means of alleviating a particular form of redundancy manifest within sequent-based proof search. One important result that arises from this anaylsis is an appreciation of the role of unification as a tool for removing certain proof-theoretic complexities of specific sequent rules; in the case of classical logic: the interaction of the quantifier rules. All of the non-classical logics under consideration admit complete sequent calculi. We anaylse the search spaces induced by these sequent proof systems and apply the techniques identified previously to remove specific redundancies found therein. Significantly, our proof-theoretic analysis of the role of unification renders it useful even within the propositional fragments of modal and intuitionistic logic.
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[pt] Garantir que programas são implementados de forma a
cumprir uma especificação é uma questão fundamental em
computação, por isso, têm sido propostos vários métodos
que almejam provar a correção dos programas. Este
trabalho apresenta um método, baseado no isomorfismo de
Curry-Howard, que extrai conteúdos computacionais de
provas intuicionistas, conhecido como síntese construtiva
ou proofs-as-programs. É proposto um processo de síntese
construtiva de programas, onde a extração do conteúdo
computacional gera um programa em linguagem imperativa a
partir de uma prova em lógica intuicionista poli-sortida,
cujos axiomas definem os tipos abstratos de dados, sendo
utilizado como sistema dedutivo a Dedução Natural. Também
é apresentada uma prova de correção, bem como uma prova
de completude do método atráves do uso de um sistema com
regra ômega (computacional) para a aritmética de Heyting,
concluindo com uma demonstração da relação entre o uso da
indução finita no lugar da regra ômega computacional no
processo de síntese. / [en] One of the main problems in computer science is to assure
that programs are implemented in such a way that they
satisfy a given specification. There are many studies about
methods to prove correctness of programs. This work
presents a method, belonging to the constructive synthesis
or proofs-as-programs paradigm, that comes from the Curry-
Howard isomorphism and extracts the computational contents
of intuitionist proofs. The synthesis process proposed
produces a program in an imperative language from a proof
in many-sorted intuitionist logic, where the axioms define
the abstract data types using Natural Deduction as
deductive system. It is proved the correctness, as well as
the completeness of the method regarding the Heyting
arithmetic with ômega-rule(in its computational version). A
discussion about the use of the finitary induction instead
of computational ômega-rule concludes the work.
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On logics with coimplicationWolter, Frank 11 October 2018 (has links)
This paper investigates (modal) extensions of Heyting–Brouwer logic, i.e., the logic which results when the dual of implication (alias coimplication) is added to the language of intuitionistic logic. We first develop matrix as well as Kripke style semantics for those logics. Then, by extending the Gödel-embedding of intuitionistic logic into S4 , it is shown that all (modal) extensions of Heyting–Brouwer logic can be embedded into tense logics (with additional modal operators). An extension of the Blok–Esakia-Theorem is proved for this embedding.
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Speaking about Transistive Frames in Propositional LanguagesSuzuki, Yasuhito, Wolter, Frank, Zakharyaschev, Michael 16 October 2018 (has links)
This paper is a comparative study of the propositional intuitionistic (non-modal) and classical modal languages interpreted in the standard way on transitive frames. It shows that, when talking about these frames rather than conventional quasi-orders, the intuitionistic language displays some unusual features: its expressive power becomes weaker than that of the modal language, the induced consequence relation does not have a deduction theorem and is not protoalgebraic. Nevertheless, the paper develops a manageable model theory for this consequence and its extensions which also reveals some unexpected phenomena. The balance between the intuitionistic and modal languages is restored by adding to the former one more implication.
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Justification Logic, Type Theory and the BHK InterpretationDeBoer, Neil J. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A história recente da Lógica Matemática foi marcada por alguns conflitos entre diferentes correntes filosóficas, cada uma buscando contextualizar a atividade matemática a partir de seu próprio prisma analítico e, por meio disso, tentando conquistar para si mesma o pódio fundacional das Ciências Formais Tais discussões, perenes o bastante para ainda quedarem sem solução, foram fortemente impactadas pela apropriação semântica de alguns resultados técnicos obtidos no campo da teoria da prova, o que redefiniu
a relação existente entre as abordagens clássica e intuicionista na matemática. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação tem por finalidade realizar uma descrição da emergente literatura de propostas integrativas entre diferentes sistemas lógicos e matemáticos (apelidadas por Dag Prawitz de ecumenismo lógico), além de investigar alguns impactos que mudanças formais poderiam ocasionar nas concepções filosóficas de algumas teorias matemáticas. No capítulo introdutório, traçamos um panorama geral desta nova proposta ecumênica e analisamos com mais atenção o conflito entre as lógicas Clássica, Intuicionista e Minimal, considerado por muitos como um dos mais influentes na literatura contemporânea. No segundo capítulo, este trabalho fornece uma contribuição original para a literatura ao criar uma nova abordagem ecumênica, além de provar algumas equivalências no interior do sistema Clássico-Intuicionista recentemente criado por Prawitz e compará-lo com uma lógica que criamos usando esta nova abordagem. No terceiro capítulo, contribuímos tanto com a abordagem tradicional quanto com nossa abordagem original ao criar e comparar dua lógicas ecumênicas Minimal-Intuicionistas. Por fim, realizamos uma breve revisão do tímido estado da arte no último capítulo, oferecendo um novo esquema conceitual de interpretação dos sistemas ecumênicos e comentando alguns aspectos promissores do campo, que poderão vir a ser melhor trabalhados no futuro. / [en] The recent history of Mathematical Logic was marked by some conficts between different philosophical positions, each trying to contextualize mathematical activity from its own analytical viewpoint and, with this, trying to conquer the foundational podium of the formal sciences for itself. Such discussions, lasting enough to remain without a solution, were strongly impacted by the semantical appropriation of some technical results obtained in the field of proof theory, which redefined the relation between the classical and intuitionistic approaches to mathematics. In this context, the present dissertation aims to describe the emergent literature about the integration of different logical and mathematical systems (nicknamed logical ecumenism by Dag Prawitz), in addition to investigating some impacts that those formal changes could have on the philosophical conceptions of some mathematical theories. In the introductory chapter, we have outlined a general overview of this new ecumenical proposal and analysed in greater depht the conflicts between Classical, Intuitionistic and Minimal logic, considered by many as one of the most influent on the contemporary literature. In the second chapter, this work provides an original contribution to the literature by creating a new ecumenical approach, in addition to proving some equivalencies within Prawitz s recently created Classical-Intuitionist system, and compares it with the logical system we have created using this new approach. In the third chapter, we contribute both to the traditional approach and our original approach by creating and comparing two Minimal-Intuitionist ecumenical logics. Finally, we briefly review the timid state of the art in the last chapter, offering a new conceptual framework for interpreting ecumenical systems, as well as commenting on some promising aspects of the field, which may be better analyzed in the future.
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Hypotetické soudy, pravdivost a tvrditelnost / Hypothetical Judgements, Truth and AssertibilityPunčochář, Vít January 2016 (has links)
Vít Punčochář Dissertation: Hypothetical Judgements, Truth and Assertibility Abstract: The main topic of this thesis is the logic of indicative conditionals, i.e. sentences of the form If A then B. In classical logic, these sentences are analysed with the help of the so- called material implication. However, the analysis is problematic in many respects. Some chapters of the thesis are devoted to the explanation of the problems, which one necessarily faces when analysing conditionals with the apparatus of standard classical logic. The stress is laid upon the fact that here we are led to a paradoxical situation: some general principles of classical logic (e.g. the principle according to which one can infer If not-A then B from A or B) seem to be unquestionable, but they have very controversial consequences. In the thesis, attempts are presented to defend classical logic as well as to revise it. The approaches to the logical analysis of conditionals are classified into two basic kinds: the first one might be called ontic and the second one epistemic. The ontic approach defines all crucial semantic notions in terms of the concept of truth that is modelled in logic as a relation between sentences of a given language and states of affairs. In contrast, the epistemic approach is not based on the concept of truth...
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[pt] A lógica descritiva intuicionista iALC foi criada para modelar e raciocinar
sobre o domínio de Leis baseada na Jurisprudência Kelseniana [1]. No decorrer
da década anterior, essa lógica foi usada de diversas maneiras para modelar
normas ou formalizar raciocínio jurídico [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Neste trabalho
pretendemos complementar trabalhos anteriores ralizados com essa lógica ao
preencher algumas lacunas encontradas enquanto trabalhando com ela.
A primeira lacuna ocorre por iALC não ter um modo intuitivo de explicar
raciocínio nela realizado para pessoas fora do domínio da Lógica. Ela tem um
Cálculo de Sequentes (CS) [6] correto e completo (com respeito a modelos
conceituais intuitionistas [3]) que tem sido menos usado que o desejado, e isso
se dá em grande parte devido à maneira pouco intuitiva com que CS representa
provas. Apresentamos um sistema de Dedução Natural (DN) correto e completo
e com (quasi-)normalização para compensar por essa dificuldade em explicar
CS para não-lógicos, especialmente os do domínio legal, essenciais para nossa
pesquisa. Normalização completa não é possível devido a um tipo de derivação
- tirando essa exceção, o resto do sistema gera derivações uniformes.
A segunda lacuna envolve não poder lidar com raciocínio não-monotônico
(RNM). Em geral, utiliza-se raciocínio monotônico, no qual, se é possível
concluir algo de um conjunto de premissas, não há como acrescentar outra
premissa de modo a evitar a conclusão prévia. Isso não é o caso em um
julgamento legal, por exemplo, no qual lados opostos buscam convencer um juiz
ou júri de consequências opostas ao adicionar premissas diferentes ao caso em
questão. Propomos uma investigação de caráter exploratório em busca de uma
extensão de iALC para lidar com RNM a fim de representar raciocínio jurídico
em outras facetas da Lei como o processo judicial, que é não-monotônico por
natureza. Apresentamos propriedades desejadas e uma possível aplicação de
um sistema assim via um estudo de caso.
Detalhamos mais a motivação tanto para o sistema de DN quanto a
extensão de RNM, assim como as decisões tomadas ao criar cada um. / [en] The intuitionistic description logic iALC was created to model and reason
over the domain of Law based on Kelsenian Jurisprudence [1]. Over the past
decade, this logic has been used in several ways to either model norms or
formalise legal reasoning [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. In this work we intend to
complement previous research done with this logic by filling some gaps found
while working with it.
The first gap occurs in iALC needing an intuitive way to explain reasoning for non-logicians. It has a sound and complete (concerning intuitionistic
conceptual models [3]) Sequent Calculus (SC) [6] that has seen less usage
than expected due to its non-intuitive way of presenting a proof. We present a
(quasi-)normalising, sound and complete (w.r.t. TBox validity for intuitionistic
conceptual models) Natural Deduction (ND) System to cover this difficulty in
explaining SC to non-logicians, especially those in the domain of Law, which
are essential to us. We do not achieve full normalisation due to a kind of derivation which cannot be normalised - aside from this exception, the rest of the
system can provide uniform derivations.
The second gap is being unable to deal with non-monotonic reasoning
(NMR). Usually, one considers monotonic reasoning, in which, if one can
conclude something from a set of premises, there is no way to add another
premise to avoid said conclusion. This is not the case in a court of law,
for instance, in which different parties aim to convince a judge or jury of
opposite consequences by adding different premises to the case itself. We
provide an exploratory investigation of an extension of iALC to deal with
NMR to represent legal reasoning in aspects of the Law, such as the judicial
process, which is non-monotonic by nature. We present desirable properties
and a possible application of such a system via a case study.
We explain further the motivation for both the ND system and the NMR
extension and the decisions taken for both.
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