Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ion""
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Apprendre de données positives et non étiquetées : application à la segmentation et la détection d'évènements calciquesLeclerc, Gabriel 02 February 2024 (has links)
Deux types de neurotransmission se produisent dans les neurones du cerveau : la transmission évoquée et la transmission spontanée. Contrairement à la transmission évoquée, le rôle de la transmission spontanée sur la plasticité synaptique - un mécanisme utilisé pour doter le cerveau de capacités d'apprentissage et de mémorisation - reste incertain. Les neurotransmissions spontanées sont localisées et se produisent aléatoirement dans les synapses des neurones. Lorsqu'un tel événement spontané se produit, ce que l'on appelle un influx synaptique miniature d'ions calcium (miniature Synaptic Ca²⁺ Transient, mSCT), des ions calcium messagers secondaires pénètrent dans la synapse, activant les voies de signalisation en aval de la plasticité synaptique. L'utilisation de l'imagerie calcique du neurone in vitro permet la visualisation spatiotemporelle de l'entrée des ions calcium. Les vidéos calciques qui en résultent permettent une étude quantitative de l'impact du mSCT sur la plasticité synaptique. Cependant, la localisation des mSCTs dans l'imagerie du calcium est difficile en raison de leur petite taille, de leur faible intensité par rapport au bruit de l'imagerie et de leur caractère aléatoire inhérent. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons une méthode d'analyse quantitative à grande échelle des vidéos d'imagerie calcique limitant la variabilité induite par les interventions humaines pour obtenir des données probantes, dans le but de caractériser l'impact des mSCTs sur la plasticité synaptique. En nous basant sur un outil semi-automatique de détection à seuil d'intensité (Intensity Thresholded Detection, ITD), nous sommes capables de générer des données pour entraîner un réseau pleinement convolutionnel (Fully Convolutional Network, FCN) afin de détecter rapidement et automatiquement les mSCTs à partir de vidéos calciques. En utilisant les segmentations bruitées de l'ITD comme données d'entraînement, combinées à un schéma d'entraînement positif (P) et non étiqueté (Unlabeled, U), les performances du FCN surpassent ITD. Le FCN détecte des mSCTs de faible intensité non détectés auparavant par ITD et offre une segmentation supérieure à ITD. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé l'impact des paramètres PU tels que le nombre de P et le ratio P:U. Le FCN entraîné est intégré dans une routine tout-en-un pour permettre une analyse à grande échelle des mSCTs. La routine offre la détection, la segmentation, la caractérisation et la visualisation des mSCTs ainsi qu'une solution logicielle pour gérer plusieurs vidéos avec différentes métadonnées. / Two types of neurotransmission occur in brain's neurons: evoked transmission and spontaneous transmission. Unlike the former, the role of spontaneous transmission on synaptic plasticity - a mechanism used to endow the brain learning and memory abilities - remain unclear. Spontaneous neurotransmissions are localized and randomly happening in neuron's synapses. When such spontaneous events happen, so-called miniature synaptic Ca²⁺ transients(mSCT), second messenger calcium ions entered the spine, activating downstream signaling pathways of synaptic plasticity. Using calcium imaging of in vitro neuron enable spatiotemporal visualization of the entry of calcium ions. Resulting calcium videos enable quantitative study of mSCT's impact on synaptic plasticity. However, mSCT localization in calcium imaging can be challenging due to their small size, their low intensity compared with the imaging noise and their inherent randomness. In this master's thesis, we present a method for quantitative high-throughput analysis of calcium imaging videos that limits the variability induced by human interventions to obtain evidence for characterizing the impact of mSCTs on synaptic plasticity. Based on a semi-automatic intensity thresholded detection (ITD) tool, we are able to generate data to train a fully convolutional neural network (FCN) to rapidly and automaticaly detect mSCT from calcium videos. Using ITD noisy segmentations as training data combine with a positive and unlabeled (PU) training schema, we leveraged FCN performances and could even detect previously undetected low instensity mSCTs missed by ITD. The FCN also provide better segmentation than ITD. We then characterized the impact of PU parameters such as the number of P and the ratio P:U. The trained FCN is bundled in a all-in-one pipeline to permit a high-thoughtput analysis of mSCT. The pipeline offers detection, segmentation, characterization and visualization of mSCTs as well as a software solution to manage multiple videos with different metadatas.
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Développement d'un capteur électrochimique pour le dosage de précision des ions du potassiumLoubier, Mathilde 13 June 2024 (has links)
Afin d'assurer la durabilité de l'environnement et la satisfaction des besoins de la population mondiale qui ne cesse d'augmenter, l'agriculture de précision figure parmi les stratégies innovantes de demain. Cette stratégie repose sur l'implantation à grande échelle de dispositifs analytiques pour permettent le dosage in situ, à l'aide de capteur ioniques à faible coût, d'éléments minéraux essentiels à la croissance des plantes. Ces capteurs ioniques répondraient notamment aux besoins du domaine agricole mais ouvre également le champ d'application pour d'autres domaines. Ainsi, l'objectif principal de ce mémoire consiste à développer et concevoir une nouvelle technologie de capteur pour le dosage des ions du potassium. Les résultats portent principalement sur la mise au point et l'étude de la réponse de différents prototypes de capteurs évalués en utilisant le principe de l'impédance électrochimique afin de quantifier de façon précise l'ion de potassium présent dans des solutions aqueuses. Le recours à cette approche permet d'obtenir un capteur ionique à faible coût puisqu'une électrode de référence n'est pas nécessaire. Les résultats porteront également sur l'analyse des différents critères indispensables pour obtenir un capteur efficace permettant le dosage des ions à l'aide de l'impédance électrochimique. De plus, les différentes modifications apportées aux prototypes de capteurs pour atteindre une sélectivité seront présentées. Finalement, des hypothèses et des perspectives de recherche sont proposées pour atteindre une sélectivité accrue de l'ion du potassium.
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An experimental study of electron transfer and emission during particle-surface interactionsMcGrath, Caith Thomas January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Simultaneous Part-Per-Billion Determination of Sodium and Chloride IonsGan, Din-Chung 08 1900 (has links)
The method utilizes both cation and anion concentrator columns in parallel as a preconcentration system. The preconcentrator system is loaded using a reagent delivery module operated for a specific time at a preset flow rate. Total injection volumes of 2-5 ml are routinely used. Various chromatograms are discussed along with detailed information concerning detection limits for sodium and chloride, the system operating conditions, and the solutions to other pitfalls which have arisen during the course of this work.
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Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Studies of Highly Charged Molecular IonsKim, Yong-Dal 12 1900 (has links)
The existence of singly, doubly, and triply charged diatomic molecular ions was observed by using an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technique. The mean lifetimes of 3 MeV boron diatomic molecular ions were measured. No isotopic effects on the mean lifetimes of boron diatomic molecules were observed for charge state 3+. Also, the mean lifetime of SiF^3+ was measured.
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Estudos das interações do íon Cu2+ com os dipeptídeos glicil-triptofano e triptofil-glicina / Interactions of Cu2+ with glycil-tryptophan and tryptophyl-glycinLara, Maria Cristina Figueiredo Lima e 17 December 1993 (has links)
Neste trabalho, são estudados dois dipeptídeos complexados com cobre, Triptofil-Glicina (trp-Gly) e Glicil-Triptofano (Gly-Trp). Focalizamos a interação com o metal de transição, mudanças conformacionais, papel do resíduo pesado de triptofano na simetria dos complexos formados, e explicamos as propriedades espectroscópicas atípicas que observamos no Gly-Trp: Cu+2 em pH´s altos semelhantes aquelas apresentadas em uma espécie de proteínas naturalmente complexadas as proteínas azuis. Para atingirmos tais objetivos, lançamos mão das técnicas de RPE, Dicroísmo Circular (CD) e Absorção ótica, pelas suas complementaridades. Com os dados experimentais, propusemos dois modelos para os complexos com suas funções de onda. Para Trp-Gly: Cu+2, nos pH´s 9,1 e 13,2 e para o Gly-Trp: Cu+2 no pH= 9,1 propomos um modelo que chamamos de covalente. Que consiste basicamente em considerar que os orbitais do íon Cu+2 e seus ligantes, se encontram em simetria quadrado planar (D4h) e que cada ligante no caso nosso, dois oxigênios e dois nitrogênios, tem disponíveis seus orbitais 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz para a formação dos orbitais moleculares com os orbitais 3d do cobre. As funções assim construídas, dependem de coeficientes que nos dão informações sobre o grau de covalência. O método é semi-empírico. As expressões teóricas dos parâmetros RPE dependem destes parâmetros de covalência e das energias de transição obtidas por absorção ótica no visível. Pudemos então com os valores experimentais das componentes dos tensores g e A obtermos os valores numéricos dos parâmetros de covalência. Para o complexo Gly-Trp: Cu+2, no pH=13,2, propusemos o modele de mistura de orbitais, um modele não covalente que consiste em considerarmos as funções de onda dos estados excitados 4s e 4p do cobre misturadas com as dos orbitais 3d do mesmo íon, para explicar as propriedades espectroscópicas pouco comuns, que se deslocam na direção daquelas obtidas nas proteínas azuis. Conhecendo os valores experimentais das componentes dos tensores g e A, da força de oscilador obtida dos espectros óticos e da força rotacional obtida dos espectros CD, e das auto-funções compatíveis com o modelo, determinamos numericamente os coeficientes de hibridização (mistura). Os parâmetros experimentais, foram determinados através de simulações espectrais, utilizando programas desenvolvidos para este fim. Através deste trabalho, pudemos enfim, verificar a influência do resíduo pesado de triptofano na estereoquímica dos complexos formados, mudanças de simetria, o caráter das ligações, e ate que ponto as propriedades do dipeptídeo Gly- Trp: Cu2+ em pH alto, são semelhantes às proteínas azuis / In this work we studied two dipeptide-copper complexes, being Triptofil-Glycine (Trp-Gly) and Glycil-Triptophan (Gly-Trp). We focused our interest on the interaction with the transition metal, conformational changes and the role that the heavy residue of the Triptophan plays in the symmetry of the complex. Moreover we explain the unusual spectroscopic properties that we observed with Gly-Trp: Cu+2 in high pH solutions similar to that of the so called blue proteins. For these purposes we used such complementary techniques as EPR, Circular Diochrism and Optical Absorption Spectroscopy. Based on our experimental results we proposed two models for the complexes and their wave functions. For the TRP-Gly: Cu+2 in pH of 9.1 and 13.2 and for Gly-Trp: Cu+2 with pH=9.1, we use a model which we call covalent. It consists basically of the consideration that the electronic orbital of the ion Cu+2 and its ligands are in square planar symmetry and that each of the four ligand atoms, in our case two oxygen and two nitrogen atoms, has available 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz for the formation of molecular orbital with the copper 3d orbital. The wave functions thus constructed depend on coefficients (parameters) that give information on the degree of the covalent character of the bond (complex). The method is semi-empirical. The theoretical expressions for the EPR parameters depend on these coefficients and the transition energies obtained by absorption spectroscopy (in the visible). With the experimental values of the g and A tensors we can therefore obtain numerical values for the covalent coefficients. For the complex Gly-Trp: Cu+2 with pH=13.2 we proposed a model of mixing orbital, a non covalent model that consists of the assumption that the wave functions of the excited states 4s and 4p of the copper mix with the 3d orbital of the same ion. With this model it was possible to explain the uncommon spectroscopic properties that are similar to these of the blue proteins. Knowing the experimental values of the components of the tensors g and A, the oscillator strength obtained by the optical spectra, the rotational strength obtained by the CD spectra and the eigen-functions compatible with the model, we numerically determined the coefficients of hybridization. The experimental parameters were determined by spectral simulations using programs that we developed especially (specifically) for this purpose. Trough this work it was possible to verify the influence of Triptophan on the stereochemistry (stereo chemical behavior) of the formed complexes, on symmetry changes, covalent character and up to which point the properties of the dipeptide Gly-Trp: Cu+2 in high pH are similar to that of the blue protein
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Escalas Temporais de Processos Binários Envolvendo Íons-Pesados Leves / Scales of processes involving binary light-heavy ionsSuaide, Alexandre Alarcon do Passo 27 May 1999 (has links)
Foram realizadas medidas de seções de choque para processos onde ocorre a emissão binária de fragmentos complexos, utilizando técnicas de coincidência cinemática, para o sistema 16O + 10B no intervalo de 22 MeV < EC.M. < 24.5 MeV com EC.M. ~ 20 KeV e 17 MeV < EC.M. < 25 MeV com EC.M. ~ 190 KeV e para o sistema 19F + 12C em 22 MeV < EC.M. < 24.5 MeV com EC.M. ~ 20 KeV. As funções de excitação obtidas apresentam fortes flutuações. As larguras médias destas flutuações foram obtidas através da análise das funções de correlação em energia. Para o sistema 16O + 10B foram obtidas larguras da ordem de 25 KeV e 350 KeV. Para o sistema 19F + 12C obteve-se larguras da ordem de 40 KeV. As larguras menores, para ambos os sistemas, apresentam comportamento aproximadamente constante, tanto em função da energia de excitação dos fragmentos no canal de saída quanto em função do ângulo de emissão destes fragmentos. Estas larguras sugerem que o tempo de vida do sistema intermediário, da ordem de 2 x 10-20 s, seja muito superior ao seu tempo de rotação, condizente com o previsto para um mecanismo de fusão-fissão. A largura maior obtida para o sistema 16O + 10B apresenta, no canal de espalhamento elástico, uma dependência clara com o ângulo de espalhamento. Esta largura, assim como a dependência angular observada, sugere que o tempo de vida do sistema intermediário seja levemente superior ao tempo de revolução do mesmo. Estes fatos sugerem que o mecanismo responsável por estas flutuações seja o \"orbiting\" nuclear. Foram feitas comparações com modelos onde há a formação de núcleo composto e \"orbiting\" nuclear e os resultados obtidos são consistentes com os dados experimentais. / Binary decay cross section measurements have been performed for the system 16O + 10B at 22 MeV < EC.M. < 24.5 MeV (EC.M. ~ 20 KeV) and 17 MeV < EC.M. < 25 MeV (EC.M. ~ 190 KeV ) and for the system 19F + 12C at 22 MeV < EC.M. < 24.5 MeV (EC.M. ~ 20 KeV). The binary fragments were identified by the kinematic coincidence technique. The excitation functions for these systems show strong fluctuations and their average widths were obtained through the analysis of energy correlation functions. The small widths observed for the 16O + 10B (about 20 KeV) and 19F + 12C (about 40 KeV) systems show a constant behavior with the fragments excitation energy and scattering angle. These widths correspond to an intermediate system time scale of about 2 x 10-20 s which is larger than its revolution time. These features suggest the presence of the fusion-fission mechanism, where the compound nucleus spends a lot of time to acquire a relaxed form and thermal equilibrium. For the 16O + 10B system, larger widths (about 350 KeV) were also observed which are related to a faster process. These widths show a clear dependence with the scattering angle in the elastic scattering channel. These aspects are expected for a process where the time scale is comparable to the intermediate system revolution time, like an orbiting mechanism. Theoretical predictions for fusion-fission and orbiting mechanisms were compared to the experimental results and a good agreement was observed.
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Determinação de íons solúveis em água no material particulado MP10 coletado na Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, 2003 / Water Soluble Ions in the Particulate Matter PM10 collected at Cidade Universitária, São Paulo city, 2003Avila, Simone Garcia de 25 February 2011 (has links)
As partículas atmosféricas com diâmetro aerodinâmico menor que 10 µm são classificadas por MP10. Essas partículas podem ser subdivididas em partículas grossas (entre 2,5 e 10 µm) e finas (< 2,5 µm), sendo que as últimas apresentam poder de penetração maior no organismo, podendo atingir os alvéolos pulmonares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar espécies solúveis em água no material particulado MP10, coletado na Cidade Universitária (São Paulo-SP) durante o ano de 2003, como também, investigar a variação sazonal destas espécies na atmosfera de São Paulo, caracterizando as principais fontes de emissões existentes no sítio de estudo, tais como possíveis formações de espécies secundárias e influências de transporte de massas de ar. As amostras foram coletadas no Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas da USP, utilizando filtros de fibra de quartzo e um amostrador de grande volume. A amostragem ocorreu a cada quinze dias, entre os meses de abril/2003 e maio/2004 (n=28), sendo realizadas também duas amostragens durante dias consecutivos, uma ocorrendo em março/2003 (n=5) e outra em julho/2003 (n=10). Esses dois períodos correspondem a estudos de casos, no qual o primeiro é caracterizado pela ocorrência de precipitação nos dias amostrados, enquanto, o segundo representa dias de ausência de precipitação, característicos do inverno na região de estudo. O tempo de amostragem foi de 24 horas. A extração da fração solúveis em água foi feita por via aquosa e a quantificação por cromatografia de íons. O inverno/2003 representou a estação de maior concentração média de MP10 e também das espécies estudadas, entretanto, considerando o intervalo de concentração obtido em cada estação, no outono/2003 foram encontrados valores de MP10 tão elevados quanto no inverno/2003. Nenhuma amostra apresentou concentração de material particulado acima do limite recomendado pela legislação brasileira (150 µg m-3), porém, considerando o limite de MP10 recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (50 µg m-3), apenas a primavera/2003 e o verão 2003/2004 não apresentaram amostras acima deste limite. O sulfato representou a espécie mais abundante da fração solúvel em água do MP10, não apresentando grandes variações ao longo das estações do ano. A razão entre os ácidos fórmico e acético mostrou que as reações fotoquímicas contribuem mais intensamente para a presença destas espécies na atmosfera do sítio estudado. O estudo das trajetórias de massas de ar e também as correlações entre as espécies mostraram que o sítio de estudo recebe influência de aerossóis marinhos e também de locais provenientes de queima de biomassa. / PM10 is classified by the atmospheric particulate matter that present the diameter smaller than 10 µm. These particles may be divided in the coarse fraction (diameter between 2,5 and 10 µm) and fine fraction (<2,5 µm). The fine fraction presents high power penetration in the human organism. The objective of this study was to determinate the water-soluble ions in the PM10 collected in the Cidade Universitária (São Paulo, SP) during 2003 year and to investigate the seasonal variation of these species, characterizing the principal emissions sources in the studied site, secondary reaction and air mass transport. Samples were collected in the Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas of USP, using the high volume sample and fiber quartz filter. The sampling occurred every 15 days, between April/2003 and May/2004 (n=28). It was done two sampling in consecutive days, during March/2003 (n=5) and July (n=10). The first period was characterizing by occurrence of precipitation during the sample days and the second period was characterizing by absence of precipitation. The sample time was 24 hours. The extraction of the water soluble ions was done using water and the quantification by ions chromatography. The winter/2003 presented the highest average concentration of PM10 and of the studied species. However, considering the range of the concentration, the autumn/2003 presented PM10 concentration as high as winter/2003. It was not noticed concentrations of PM10 above that established by Brazilian laws (150 µg m-3), but considering the limit of PM10 established by World Health Organization (50 µg m-3), only spring/2003 and summer 2003/2004 did not present concentration highest than this limit. Sulfate was the more abundant studied species. The concentration of that ion did not present variation each season of the year. The ratio between formic acid and acetic acid showed that the photochemical reaction is the principal responsible for the presence of these acids in the atmosphere of studied site. The study of back mass trajectories and the correlation between same species showed that the São Paulo receive influence of marine aerosol by air mass transported and aerosols by region of the biomass burning, too.
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Génération d’ions rapides par impulsions laser ultra intenses et ultra courtes / Ion acceleration with ultra intense and ultra short laser pulsesFloquet, Vincent 13 November 2012 (has links)
Pour accélérer des ions/protons il est possible d'utiliser une impulsion laser de courte durée temporelle (quelques dizaines de femtosecondes) focalisée sur quelques micromètres sur une cible solide (aluminium, carbone, plastique...). L'intensité du champ électromagnétique atteinte sur cible (> 1018 W.cm-2) nous permet de former un plasma chaud et dense. La dynamique des électrons de ce plasma génère des champs électriques intenses aux interfaces plasma-vide par séparation de charge. Ce champ électrique est alors responsable de l'accélération des ions situés sur la couche superficielle des cibles où se sont déposés des polluants organiques (dont des protons). Ce mécanisme d'accélération connu sous le nom de Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA), a constitué l'objet des travaux exposés dans cette thèse.Nos efforts au cours des différentes campagnes expérimentales se sont concentrés sur l'augmentation de l'énergie maximale des protons. En effet, les applications potentielles des particules de hautes énergies requièrent des énergies de l'ordre de la centaine de MeV. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié différentes configurations permettant l'augmentation du couplage entre une impulsion laser et un plasma, ceci afin de transmettre avec le meilleur rendement possible, l'énergie du laser aux ions accélérés. C'est principalement en utilisant des configurations particulières de cibles (cibles avec microsphères, réseaux, cibles en mousses) que nous avons procédé. Des expériences utilisant une pré-impulsion comme contrôle de l'expansion du plasma ont également été réalisée. Du point de vue des applications et utilisations des ions accélérés, une étude des matériaux de fluorescence (CdWO4) a été menée dont le but était d'explorer le dépôt d'énergie des ions dans la matière, à des débits de flux jusqu'alors inaccessible avec les accélérateurs conventionnels. / Accelerating ions/protons can be done using short laser pulse (few femtoseconds) focused on few micrometers area on solid target (carbon, aluminum, plastic...). The electromagnetic field intensity reached on target (1019 W.cm-2) allows us to turn the solid into a hot dense plasma. The dynamic motion of the electrons is responsible for the creation of intense static electric field at the plasma boundaries. These electric fields accelerate organic pollutants (including protons) located at the boundaries. This acceleration mechanism known as the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) has been the topic of the research presented in this thesis.The goal of this work has been to study the acceleration mechanism and to increase the maximal ion energy achievable. Indeed, societal application such as proton therapy requires proton energy up to few hundreds of MeV. To proceed, we have studied different target configurations allowing us to increase the laser plasma coupling and to transfer as much energy as possible to ions (target with microspheres deposit, foam target, grating). Different experiments have also dealt with generating a pre-plasma on the target surface thanks to a pre-pulse. On the application side, fluorescent material such as CdWO4 has been studied under high flux rate of protons. These high flux rates have been, up to now, beyond the conventional accelerators capabilities.
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Mistura atômica na bicamada Fe/Al induzida por feixe de íonsVasconcellos, Marcos Antonio Zen January 1991 (has links)
Quando dirigimos nossa atenção ao deslocamento e rearranjo dos átomos de um alvo submetido à irradiação com feixe de Íons energéticos, designamos o fenômeno como Mistura Por Feixe De Íons, ou abreviadamente, IM ( do inglês "Ion Beam Mixing" ). O progresso na compreensão dos mecanismos do IM tem sido dificultado pela falta de procedimentos padronizados para a obtenção das amostras e análise dos resultados experimentais. Por outro lado, são raros os estudos sistemáticos da fenomenologia do IM em diferentes sistemas. No presente trabalho sugerimos procedimentos seguros para o estabelecimento de uma base fenomenológica mais sólida para o IM discutindo o significado, as incertezas e a relevância das grandezas físicas comumente empregadas no seu estudo. A seguir, são apresentados resultados referentes à interdifusão e formação de fases do sistema Fej Al discutindo seu significado com base em modelos propostos para os mecanismos do IM. / When the primary interest is the atomic rearrangement of a target submitted to ion beam irradiation, the phenomenon is termed Ion Beam Mixing (IM). The lack of common · procedures in producing samples and analysing experimental results has difficulted the progress in the comprehension of the basic mechanisms involved. On the other hand, systematic studies on the IM phenomenon in different systems are scarce. In the present work we suggest safe procedures to establish a more reliable basis for the IM phenomenology by discussing the role played by the physical parameters usually employed in its study. Finally, experimental results concerning the interdiffusion and phase formation in the Fe/ Al system are presented and discussed on the basis of the model mechanisms proposed to understand IM.
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