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Interaktiva skrivtavlor tar tid : En litteraturstudie om lärares erfarenheter av och förhållningssätt till interaktiva skrivtavlor med fokus på matematikundervisning / Interactive Whiteboards Take Time : A Literature Review on Teachers' Experiences of and Attitudes to Interactive Whiteboards with a Focus on the Teaching of MathematicsArwidsson, Anna-Karin, Säberg, Clara January 2013 (has links)
Med bakgrund i läraryrkets professionaliseringsprocess, som bland annat efterlyser lärares reflekterande och utvärderande förhållningssätt i sin yrkesutövning, avser denna studie att sammanställa och redovisa lärares erfarenheter av och förhållningssätt till IST-användning främst inom ämnet matematik. Genom att studera andra lärares upplevelser av och förhållningssätt till sitt IST-användande kan man öka sitt egna medvetande. Denna litteraturstudie syftar därför till att öka medvetenheten om de interaktiva skrivtavlornas effekter för matematikundervisningen och lärarens arbete. Studiens resultat visar att de interaktiva skrivtavlorna kan bidra med flera positiva förändringar, men för att det ska bli konkreta effekter för lärarna och undervisningen måste en rad andra förändringar först ske. Den mest framträdande faktorn som framkommit i litteraturen är att lärarna upplever att de behöver få möjligheter till en utökad fortbildning och tid till att utveckla sina tekniska och pedagogiska kompetenser. Litteraturen pekar på att en fullgod fortbildning är avgörande för hur väl den interaktiva skrivtavlan kan integreras i undervisningen och för att lärare ska utveckla en säkerhet i att hantera verktyget.
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The study of business relationships : a case study of the industrial textiles manufacturerMoguilnaia, Natalia A. January 2006 (has links)
In today's, collaborative, customer-driven, networked economy, forming and sustaining strategic business relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners has become a mission-critical imperative for most businesses. This is the also case for the paper machine clothing industry. The organisations search and utilise for the key resources that can guarantee their success in the market place. The search for key success factors contributing to Albany International's leadership position in the paper machine clothing industry has been the dominant theme in this study. The literature review is predominantly focused on various types of business relationships, with particular interest toward cases of mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and joint ventures so identifying the key resources contributing to the development and delivery of sustained competitive advantage in the paper machine clothing industry. The study incorporates a critique of literature from technology strategy, cross cultural management, and strategic management fields. The research questions, set by the author, are designed to explore the technological, managerial and cultural factors contributing to the success of the organisation and its further growth in the market. Primary data has been collected through quantitative survey questionnaires, the results of which contribute to the development of the author's proposed model which is designed to predict the success of business relationships in the paper machine clothing industry. The results have been analyzed with Stata which revealed issues for further investigation. The most appropriate follow up research methodology for these latter issues was semi-structured interviews with managers of Albany International from the key branches. The analysis of the transcribed interviews has been undertaken with the use of QSR N6 (NUD*IST) qualitative software. The theoretical framework for business relationships success in the paper machine clothing industry is formed on the grounds derived from content analysis of the interviews. The new model, proposed by the author demonstrated that to build a successful business relationship Albany International had to approach this process from the four directions: due-diligence in terms of technological level, cultural fit, management styles, identification of the key people behind the business success. This process has to be clearly communicated to the employees, other people involved within the organisations in question, and to the external environment.
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Digital kompetens, från osäkerhet till förtrogenhet: En studie av lärares kunskaper och svårigheter i arbetet med interaktiva skrivtavlor i grundskolans senare år / Digital literacy, from insecurity to familiarity: A study of teachers' skills and difficulties in working with interactive whiteboards in secondary schoolArwidsson, Anna-Karin January 2014 (has links)
Att integrera IKT-verktyg i skolans verksamhet, och då specifikt interaktiva skrivtavlor, har blivit en allt vanligare företeelse för att främja elevers digitala kompetens. En kommun som har gjort en storskalig satsning på att integrera dessa interaktiva skrivtavlor är Linköpings och i dagsläget är varje klassrum i samtliga av deras grundskolor utrustade med en. Denna studie syftar till att ge en inblick i hur den satsningen har påverkat undervisningen ur ett lärarperspektiv, och då specifikt lärare i de naturvetenskapligt orienterande ämnena. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer ämnar studien att sammanställa de förhållningssätt och erfarenheter lärare ger uttryck för gentemot de interaktiva skrivtavlorna. Studien avser att ge en uppfattning om vad lärare anser som betydelsefulla faktorer då en skola genomgår en satsning på interaktiva skrivtavlor i utbildningssyfte. Fokus ligger på begreppen möjligheter, svårigheter samt kunskaper och andra faktorer. Resultaten av denna studie visar att lärarna upplever de interaktiva skrivtavlorna som ett verktyg med potential till att ge positiva effekter i undervisningen, och på flera sätt också har det. Att de interaktiva skrivtavlorna möjliggör projektorfunktion och internetuppkoppling på ett snabbt och smidigt sätt är en av de största fördelarna som lärarna i denna studie ger uttryck för. Däremot framkommer även svårigheter med verktyget, och flera av dem är sådana hinder att användningen på ett eller annat sätt begränsas. De hinder som tydligast framträder är tekniska svårigheter, både vad gäller support, mjuk- och hårdvara, fortbildning samt tid. Att lärarna i studien önskar stöttning i sitt arbete med att bekanta sig med verktyget och involvera det i undervisningen är tydligt. Utifrån lärarnas berättelser föreslår studien att ge ökade möjligheter till tid och fortbildning, utveckla den tekniska supporten och öka lärarnas möjligheter till kollegiala samtal för att minska dessa svårigheter och den känsla av oro som de skapar för att utöka användningen och verktygets effekter. Lokala strategier, och deras förankring i verksamheten, har också visats ha en mycket betydande roll i detta, då de kan verka stöttande och styrande i och med ett uttalat syfte, mål och tillvägagångssätt. Att skolornas användning av IKT-verktyg behöver stöttas har även påpekats utifrån av bland annat Skolverket, och det senaste förslaget är att Sverige utarbetar en nationell IT-strategi. Studiens resultat visar på att detta förslag har potential att ge goda effekter på undervisningen.
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Martin Heidegger. ¿Qué es metafísica?: (Lección pública inaugural sostenida el 24 de Julio de 1929 en el Aula de la Universidad de Friburgo de Brisgovia)Urrutia Núñez, César January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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TRAJETÓRIA DE JOVENS ADULTOS COM HIV: MEMÓRIAS E EXPERIÊNCIAS DA ADOLESCÊNCIA NO AMBIENTE ESCOLAR / Life stories of hiv young adults: teenage memories and experiences in the school environmentFIRMINO, BARBARA REGINA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-09-11T18:54:30Z
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Bárbara Regina Firmino.pdf: 1525895 bytes, checksum: 12478a5935a71181a9d39b4a447d4722 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T18:54:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research presents the memories of young adults living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), infected by vertical transmission (from birth), about their adolescence period at school. The proposed problem in the research was based on a professional experience in the Health Care area, more specifically, in the attendance to the HIV positive young and teenage public. The objectives of the study were to identify and investigate, through young adults’ memories, the experiences of positive HIV teenage students, infected by vertical transmission. Using the qualitative methodology of the Oral History, the survey was conducted at the Extension Service to HIV/AIDS Patients of the Sao Paulo University’s Medicine College’s General Hospital. Hence, eight young adults born between January/1995 and January/1998, of both sexes, with HIV through mother-to-child transmission and graduated in high school were selected to the individual interview. The theoretical basis presents: Morin, (2003), Goffman (2004), Matida and Gianna (2014), Sommerhalder (2010), Lang, Campos and Demartini (2010), Toledo (2011), Meihy e Ribeiro (2011) among others. The discussion shows ten categories where was found, through the interviewees’ narratives, how the silence about health conditions set in the educational environment. The lack of information on the subject still prevails and the stigma created around the HIV/AIDS epidemic, started in the 80s, has not been overcome yet. The life paths of these young individuals living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are part of the trajectory of the fight against the HIV/AIDS infection either in Brazil as worldwide, not only in the biological aspect, but also in the social, family and cultural areas involving the daily lives of individuals with HIV. Respondents highlighted the need for media coverage serving for HIV prevention and strong update for teachers. The conclusions aim at the presentation of the study to the advertising campaigns area of the IST Department, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, to the DST/AIDS-SP Reference Center and Training and to the dialogue between Education and Health in the teachers’ training area. / Esta pesquisa apresenta as memórias de jovens adultos com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) pela transmissão vertical (desde o nascimento) sobre o período da adolescência na escola. O problema foi pautado sobre uma experiência profissional na área da saúde, no atendimento ao público jovem e adolescente vivendo com HIV. Os objetivos foram os de identificar e investigar, a partir das memórias de jovens adultos, as experiências de adolescentes escolares soropositivos pela transmissão vertical. Por meio da metodologia qualitativa da História Oral a pesquisa foi realizada no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram selecionados para a entrevista individual, oito jovens adultos nascidos entre janeiro/1995 até janeiro/1998, de ambos os sexos, com HIV pela transmissão vertical e com o Ensino Médio concluído. A base teórica apresenta: Morin, (2003), Goffman (2004), Matida e Gianna (2014), Sommerhalder (2010), Lang; Campos e Demartini (2010), Toledo (2011), Meihy e Ribeiro (2011) e outros de igual relevância. A discussão apresenta dez categorias com as quais, pela narrativa dos entrevistados foi possível constatar como o silêncio sobre a condição de saúde se ajustou ao meio educacional. A falta de informação sobre o tema ainda impera e o estigma criado em torno da epidemia HIV/AIDS iniciada na década de 80 ainda não foi superado. A história da vida desses jovens adultos com HIV faz parte da trajetória do combate à infecção do HIV/AIDS tanto no Brasil como no mundo, não somente no aspecto biológico, mas também nas esferas social, familiar e cultural que envolvem o cotidiano das pessoas com HIV. Os entrevistados ressaltaram a necessidade da veiculação de informações na mídia para prevenção do HIV e uma sólida atualização dos professores. As conclusões visam a apresentação do estudo à área de campanhas publicitárias do Departamento de IST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, ao Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/AIDS-SP e à interlocução da educação com a saúde na área formação dos professores
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TRAJETÓRIA DE JOVENS ADULTOS COM HIV: MEMÓRIAS E EXPERIÊNCIAS DA ADOLESCÊNCIA NO AMBIENTE ESCOLAR / Life stories of hiv young adults: teenage memories and experiences in the school environmentFIRMINO, BARBARA REGINA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-10-04T17:39:59Z
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Barbara Regina Firmino.pdf: 1525895 bytes, checksum: 12478a5935a71181a9d39b4a447d4722 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T17:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Barbara Regina Firmino.pdf: 1525895 bytes, checksum: 12478a5935a71181a9d39b4a447d4722 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-05-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research presents the memories of young adults living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), infected by vertical transmission (from birth), about their adolescence period at school. The proposed problem in the research was based on a professional experience in the Health Care area, more specifically, in the attendance to the HIV positive young and teenage public. The objectives of the study were to identify and investigate, through young adults’ memories, the experiences of positive HIV teenage students, infected by vertical transmission. Using the qualitative methodology of the Oral History, the survey was conducted at the Extension Service to HIV/AIDS Patients of the Sao Paulo University’s Medicine College’s General Hospital. Hence, eight young adults born between January/1995 and January/1998, of both sexes, with HIV through mother-to-child transmission and graduated in high school were selected to the individual interview. The theoretical basis presents: Morin, (2003), Goffman (2004), Matida and Gianna (2014), Sommerhalder (2010), Lang, Campos and Demartini (2010), Toledo (2011), Meihy e Ribeiro (2011) among others. The discussion shows ten categories where was found, through the interviewees’ narratives, how the silence about health conditions set in the educational environment. The lack of information on the subject still prevails and the stigma created around the HIV/AIDS epidemic, started in the 80s, has not been overcome yet. The life paths of these young individuals living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are part of the trajectory of the fight against the HIV/AIDS infection either in Brazil as worldwide, not only in the biological aspect, but also in the social, family and cultural areas involving the daily lives of individuals with HIV. Respondents highlighted the need for media coverage serving for HIV prevention and strong update for teachers. The conclusions aim at the presentation of the study to the advertising campaigns area of the IST Department, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, to the DST/AIDS-SP Reference Center and Training and to the dialogue between Education and Health in the teachers’ training area. / Esta pesquisa apresenta as memórias de jovens adultos com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) pela transmissão vertical (desde o nascimento) sobre o período da adolescência na escola. O problema foi pautado sobre uma experiência profissional na área da saúde, no atendimento ao público jovem e adolescente vivendo com HIV. Os objetivos foram os de identificar e investigar, a partir das memórias de jovens adultos, as experiências de adolescentes escolares soropositivos pela transmissão vertical. Por meio da metodologia qualitativa da História Oral a pesquisa foi realizada no Serviço de Extensão ao Atendimento de Pacientes HIV/Aids do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram selecionados para a entrevista individual, oito jovens adultos nascidos entre janeiro/1995 até janeiro/1998, de ambos os sexos, com HIV pela transmissão vertical e com o Ensino Médio concluído. A base teórica apresenta: Morin, (2003), Goffman (2004), Matida e Gianna (2014), Sommerhalder (2010), Lang; Campos e Demartini (2010), Toledo (2011), Meihy e Ribeiro (2011) e outros de igual relevância. A discussão apresenta dez categorias com as quais, pela narrativa dos entrevistados foi possível constatar como o silêncio sobre a condição de saúde se ajustou ao meio educacional. A falta de informação sobre o tema ainda impera e o estigma criado em torno da epidemia HIV/AIDS iniciada na década de 80 ainda não foi superado. A história da vida desses jovens adultos com HIV faz parte da trajetória do combate à infecção do HIV/AIDS tanto no Brasil como no mundo, não somente no aspecto biológico, mas também nas esferas social, familiar e cultural que envolvem o cotidiano das pessoas com HIV. Os entrevistados ressaltaram a necessidade da veiculação de informações na mídia para prevenção do HIV e uma sólida atualização dos professores. As conclusões visam a apresentação do estudo à área de campanhas publicitárias do Departamento de IST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais, ao Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/AIDS-SP e à interlocução da educação com a saúde na área formação dos professores.
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A política de AIDS (2006-2016) : conflitos e transformaçõesCartaxo, Mariana Gomes 09 March 2018 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2018. / Submitted by Raquel Viana (raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2018-08-23T21:25:57Z
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2018_MarianaGomesCartaxo.pdf: 336583 bytes, checksum: 8e61acc684b8531d76df3ba880c35eb8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Raquel Viana (raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2018-08-29T17:36:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
2018_MarianaGomesCartaxo.pdf: 336583 bytes, checksum: 8e61acc684b8531d76df3ba880c35eb8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-29T17:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2018_MarianaGomesCartaxo.pdf: 336583 bytes, checksum: 8e61acc684b8531d76df3ba880c35eb8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-08-23 / O objetivo dessa dissertação é observar o lugar do ator na política nacional de
AIDS, dentro do Departamento de IST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais (DIAHV), e como se
mobiliza os signicados de suas ações. O argumento central é o de que as transformações
conjunturais e organizacionais, ao afetar a autonomia da organização, têm uma
relação próxima com os indivíduos que ocupam esse espaço. A partir do recorte de dez
anos da política pública (2006-2016), vamos trabalhar sobre a narrativa institucional
para compreender como diferentes atores interpretam os momentos de transformação.
Utilizamos a literatura sobre agência para dar base à ontologia da pesquisa, que visa
valorizar o papel do ator em seu contexto. Por meio da análise de entrevistas em profundidade
com gestores da política de AIDS, observamos que esses atores constroem
um trabalho institucional pautado no ativismo e no envolvimento com uma agenda de
saúde pública voltada para a defesa de populações vulneráveis. Obser- vamos também
que historicamente a construção da autonomia da política gerou uma controvérsia
sobre o papel do DIAHV dentro do Ministério da Saúde. Demonstramos que em meio a
conitos políticos com as esferas superiores do Ministério da Saúde, os atores dentro
da política de AIDS, independentemente da posição ocupada pelo indivíduo, utilizam
constantemente signicados políticos diversos em sua posição, de forma que o lugar
que ocupam continua sendo mobilizado constantemente. Defendemos que os estudos
sobre instituições precisam pautar o papel do ator e de suas capacidades para uma
compreensão mais abrangente sobre o funcionamento das políticas públicas. / The purpose of this dissertation is to observe the role of the actor on the
Brazilian national AIDS policy within the National Department of STIs, AIDS and Viral
Hepatitis (DIAHV). Therefore, we are going through the way they mobilize meanings for
their actions. The main argument is that, by affecting the autonomy of the organization,
the conjectural and organizational changes have a close relation with the individuals
that occupy this space. From ten years of this public policy (2006-2016), we mobilize
the policy’s institutional narrative to see how different actors understand the moments of
institutional transformation. We use the literature on agency to base the ontology of this
research, which aims to value the role of the actor in its context. Through the analysis
of in-depth interviews with AIDS policy managers, we observe that these actors build
an institutional work based on activism, while also involving a public health agenda
focused on the defense of vulnerable populations. We also notice that, historically, the
the autonomy of this policy has generated a controversy over the role of the DIAHV
within the Ministry of Health. We have demonstrated that amidst political conicts with
the high level hierarchy of the Ministry of Health, actors within AIDS policy, regardless
of the position occupied by the individual, constantly use political meanings to their
positions, so that the place they occupy continues to be constantly mobilized. We argue
that institutional studies need to observe the role of the actor and his/her capacities to a
comprehensive understanding of how public policy work is applied.
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A theory of objects and visibility. A link between relative analysis and alternative set theory / Une théorie des objets et de leur visibilité. Un lien entre l'analyse relative et la théorie alternative des ensemblesO'Donovan, Richard 07 July 2011 (has links)
La théorie présentée ici est issue d'années d'enseignement de l'analyse au niveau pré-universitaire en utilisant d'abord le concept d'infiniment petit, tel que défini dans l'analyse nonstandard de Robinson, puis ensuite d'ultrapetit, tel que défini dans notre travail en collaboration avec Hrbacek et Lessmann et présenté en annexe. A la suite de ces recherches, s'est posée la question : Si l'on a à disposition des quantités finies mais ultragrandes, est-il possible de se passer de quantités dites infinies ? La théorie alternative des ensembles de Vopěnka est une théorie avec des ensembles finis et des classes qui, elles, peuvent être infinies. La théorie des objets est le résultat d'un mélange de certains axiomes de Vopěnka avec des axiomes déterminant des niveaux de visibilité tels que dans l'analyse relative. On s'est donné comme premier principe : $x\subseteq y\Rightarrow x\sqsubseteq y$ qui spécifie que si l'objet $x$ est inclus dans l'objet $y$, alors $x$ "paraît" au niveau de $y$. Cette affirmation serait fausse avec des quantités infinies ; elle est néanmoins une caractérisation des ensembles finis : cela est bien connu en analyse nonstandard. L'introduction de ce principe comme point de départ est donc une affirmation forte que les objets devront être finis au sens habituel de ce terme. L'autre axiome fondateur ici est le schéma d'axiomes d'induction de Gordon et Andreev : Si $\Phi$ est une formule, et si $\Phi(\emptyset)$ est vrai et que $\Phi(x)$ et $\Phi(y)$ impliquent $\Phi(x\cup\{y\})$, alors $\Phi(x)$ est vrai pour tout $x$. Un accent particulier est mis sur le concept de formules dites contextuelles. Ce concept est une de nos contributions à l'analyse relative de Hrbacek et détermine les formules bien formées. On montre que le système qui en résulte est relativement cohérent avec la théorie FRIST de Hrbacek et la théorie RIST de Péraire qui sont elles-mêmes des extensions conservatives de ZFC. La théorie des objets est une extension de la théorie des ensembles de Zermelo et Fraenkel sans axiome du choix et négation de l'axiome de l'infini. Les nombres entiers et rationnels sont définis et ces derniers sont munis de relations d'ultraproximité. Une ébauche d'une construction de "grains numériques" est présentée : ces nombres pourraient avoir des propriétés suffisamment semblables aux nombres réels pour permettre de faire de l'analyse. / The theory presented here stemmed from years of teaching analysis at pre-university level first using the concept of infinitesimal as defined in nonstandard analysis by Robinson, then the concept of ultrasmall as defined in our joint work with Hrbacek and Lessmann presented in the appendix. This research led to the question : If one has finite yet ultralarge quantities, is it possible to avoid infinite quantities ? The alternative set theory of Vopěnka is a theory of finite sets including classes that can be infinite. The theory of objects is a merger of certain axioms of Vopěnka with axioms that determine levels of visibility as in relative analysis. We took as first principle : $x\subseteq y\Rightarrow x\sqsubseteq y$, which specifies that if object $x$ is included in object $y$, then $x$ "appears" at the level of $y$. This statement would be false with infinite quantities and is in fact a characterisation of finite sets : this is a well-known theorem of nonstandard analysis. The introduction of this principle as starting point is making a strong point that all objects will be finite - in the usual sense of the word. The other founding axiom is Gordon and Andreev's axiom schema : If $\Phi$ is a formula, and if $\Phi(\emptyset)$ is true and that $\Phi(x)$ and $\Phi(y)$ imply $\Phi(x\cup\{y\})$, then $\Phi(x)$ is true for all $x$. An emphasis is made on the concept of contextual formulae. This concept is one of our contributions to relative analysis of Hrbacek and determines an equivalence to well-formed formulae. We show that the resulting system is relatively consistent with Hrbacek's FRIST and Péraire's RIST which are conservative extensions of ZFC. The theory of objects extends set theory of Zermelo and Fraenkel without choice and with negation of the infinity axiom. Integers and rationals are defined and endowed with an ultraproximity relation. A draft of a construction of "numeric grains" is presented : these numbers could prove to have properties sufficiently similar to real numbers to allow to perform analysis.
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Vhodnost využití Testu struktury inteligence IST při diagnostikování dyslexie u studentů středních škol / Suitability of Intelligence Structure Test IST for high school students dyslexia diagnosisVatrtová, Viera January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on examination of the use of Intelligence Structure Test IST 2000 R in diagnostics of high school students with dyslexia. To verify the suitability of its use, the thesis compares overall results of 56 dyslexic students with results of their peers who attend the same high schools in Prague 10 (Gymnázium Voděradská, Omská a Přípotoční, Střední průmyslová škola elektrotechnická V Úžlabině, Obchodní Akademie Heroldovy Sady). Afterwards, the results of 35 students with dyslexia are compared with their results of different in the past administrated intelligence tests (Pražský dětský wechsler, Wechslerova inteligenční škála pro děti). The results of the study showed that students with dyslexia scored significantly lower than their peers from intact population in the IST 2000 R test and their final score is significantly lower than their own results from different intelligence tests. Therefore, it is not correct to evaluate the IST 2000 R test as suitable for assessment of high school students with dyslexia.
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Olika perspektiv på informationssäkerhet : En fallstudie på ett universitetWallin, Emma, Andersson, Ellinor January 2022 (has links)
Utbildningssektorn har sedan en tid tillbaka varit extra utsatt för cyberattacker, dels på grund av dess öppna nätverk och det stora antalet användare, men ofta också på grund av ett bristande informationssäkerhetsarbete (Wood 2014). Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad ett svenskt universitet och dess anställda har för uppfattning av informationssäkerhet samt om och i så fall hur dessa syner skiljer sig åt. Det med hjälp av teorin Technological frames (Orlikowski & Gash 1994). I studien har sex anställda och enheten för informationssäkerhet på universitetet intervjuats. Författarna har även utfört en deltagande observation vid en internutbildning i informationssäkerhet. Resultaten visar att de två grupperna bland annat har en samsyn om att människan är det största hotet för infektioner och attacker, att information i olika former är viktig att skydda, att den fysiska säkerheten samt lösenord är viktiga, att organisationen måste hitta en lagom nivå av informationssäkerhet och att ansvar för informationssäkerhetsutbildning för anställda främst ligger hos organisationen men att det trots allt också finns ett ansvar hos individen att själv ta reda på information. Det förelåg olika syner på huruvida phishing-mejl skulle raderas direkt eller rapporteras och vilka kommunikationsvägar som bör användas mellan enheten för informationssäkerhet och de anställda. De anställda hade dessutom en snävare syn på vad informationssäkerhet är jämfört med enheten för informationssäkerhet. / The education sector has recently been particularly exposed to cyber attacks, partly due to its open networks and the large number of users, but also due to a lack of information security (Wood 2014). The purpose of the thesis is to investigate what image a Swedish university and its employees have of information security and if these views differ, and in that case how. This study draws on the theory Technological frames (Orlikowski & Gash 1994). In the study, six employees and the information security unit at the university were interviewed. We also performed participatory observation during an internal course in information security. The results show that the two groups agree that humans are the biggest threat when it comes to cyber attacks, that information in various forms is important to protect, that physical security and passwords are important, that the organization must find a reasonable level of information security and that the organization should have the primary responsibility for information security training for employees, but that individuals also have a responsibility. There were different views on whether phishing emails should be deleted directly or reported. The views differ when it comes to which communication channels should be used between the unit of information security and the employees. The employees also had a narrower view of what information security is compared to the unit for information security.
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