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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Extension To The Variational Iteration Method For Systems And Higher-order Differential Equations

Altintan, Derya 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
It is obvious that differential equations can be used to model real-life problems. Although it is possible to obtain analytical solutions of some of them, it is in general difficult to find closed form solutions of differential equations. Finding thus approximate solutions has been the subject of many researchers from different areas. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to Variational Iteration Method (VIM) to obtain the solutions of systems of first-order differential equations. The main contribution of the thesis to VIM is that proposed approach uses restricted variations only for the nonlinear terms and builds up a matrix-valued Lagrange multiplier that leads to the extension of the method (EVIM). Close relation between the matrix-valued Lagrange multipliers and fundamental solutions of the differential equations highlights the relation between the extended version of the variational iteration method and the classical variation of parameters formula. It has been proved that the exact solution of the initial value problems for (nonhomogenous) linear differential equations can be obtained by such a generalisation using only a single variational step. Since higher-order equations can be reduced to first-order systems, the proposed approach is capable of solving such equations too / indeed, without such a reduction, variational iteration method is also extended to higher-order scalar equations. Further, the close connection with the associated first-order systems is presented. Such extension of the method to higher-order equations is then applied to solve boundary value problems: linear and nonlinear ones. Although the corresponding Lagrange multiplier resembles the Green&rsquo / s function, without the need of the latter, the extended approach to the variational iteration method is systematically applied to solve boundary value problems, surely in the nonlinear case as well. In order to show the applicability of the method, we have applied the EVIM to various real-life problems: the classical Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems, Brusselator reaction-diffusion, and chemical master equations. Results show that the method is simple, but powerful and effective.

Analysis of R/C frames considering cracking effect and plastic hinge formation

Kara, Ilker F., Ashour, Ashraf, Dundar, C. 10 September 2017 (has links)
Yes / The design of reinforced concrete buildings must satisfy the serviceability stiffness criteria in terms of maximum lateral deflections and inter story drift in order to prevent both structural and non-structural damages. Consideration of plastic hinge formation is also important to obtain accurate failure mechanism and ultimate strength of reinforced concrete frames. In the present study, an iterative procedure has been developed for the analysis of reinforced concrete frames with cracked elements and consideration of plastic hinge formation. The ACI and probability-based effective stiffness models are used for the effective moment of inertia of cracked members. Shear deformation effect is also considered, and the variation of shear stiffness due to cracking is evaluated by reduced shear stiffness models available in the literature. The analytical procedure has been demonstrated through the application to three reinforced concrete frame examples available in the literature. It has been shown that the iterative analytical procedure can provide accurate and efficient predictions of deflections and ultimate strength of the frames studied under lateral and vertical loads. The proposed procedure is also efficient from the viewpoint of computational time and convergence rate. The developed technique was able to accurately predict the locations and sequential development of plastic hinges in frames. The results also show that shear deformation can contribute significantly to frame deflections.

Dvimatės elipsinės lygties su nelokaliąja sąlyga sprendimas baigtinių skirtumų metodu / The selection of two dimensional elliptic equation with nonlocal condition by finite difference method

Garšvaitė, Skaistė 19 June 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjame elipsinės lygties stačiakampėje srityje su nelokaliąja sąlyga sprendimą baigtinių skirtumų metodu. Sprendžiame dvimates skirtumines lygčių sistemas, jas gavome pakeitę diferencialinę lygtį skirtumine. Trumpai apžvelgtas maksimumo principas ir sprendinio radimas iteraciniais metodais bei tikrinių reikšmių radimas dvimačiu atveju. Įvertinta skirtuminės lygčių sistemos paklaida, kuri gaunama sprendžiant elipsinę lygtį skirtuminiu metodu. Darbo pabaigoje išspręstas konkretus uždavinys. / In this work we consider two dimensional elliptic equation on the rectangle with non local condition by finite difference method. We solve two dimensional equations instead one intricate differential equation. A short review of maximum principle and solution finding with iteration method, and the proper account finding with two dimensional case. Estimated differential equationerror, this making calculate elliptic equation difference method. Finally we solve particilar example with different steps.

Computation of Underwater Acoustic Wave Propagation Using the WaveHoltz Iteration Method / Beräkning av propagerande ljudvågor i grund och kuperad undervattensmiljö

Wall, Paul January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, we explore a novel approach to solving the Helmholtz equation,the WaveHolz iteration method. This method aims to overcome some ofthe difficulties with solving the Helmholtz equation by providing a highlyparallelizable iterative method based on solving the time-dependent Waveequation. If this method proves reliable and computationally feasible it wouldhave great value for future application. Therefore, it is of interest to evaluatethe performance and properties of this method. To fully evaluate this method,the method was implemented and conclusions were based on results fromsimulations of the method. The method was able to solve problems in threedimensions and it seems that the method is very well suited for parallelized computations. To replicate real-world scenarios simulations of problems ininfinite and curvilinear domains were conducted. Based on the result presentedhere it is possible to further refine the method, especially regarding the setupof the domain and the implementation of boundary conditions for infinitedomains. / I detta examensarbete presenteras en ny metod för att lösa Helmholtz ekvation, WaveHoltz iterativa metod. Målet med denna metod är att undkomma vissa problem som uppstår med andra metoder för att lösa Helmholtz ekvation genom att tillhandahålla iterativ metod som baseras på lösningar av den tidsberoende vågekvationen samt kan parallelliseras effektivt. Om denna metod visar sig vara stabil och effektiv beräkningsmässigt skulle detta medföra stor potential för framtida tillämpningar. Av denna anledning undersöks metoden och dess egenskaper. För att fullt ut kunna evaluera denna method implementerades den vartefter simuleringar genomfördes och slutsatser drogs. Med metoden var att det var möjligt att lösa problem i tre dimensioner och metoden visade sig vara lämplig för parallella beräkningar. För att återskapa verklighetstrogna scenarion beräknades problem i oändliga och kroklinjiga domäner. Baserat på resultaten som presenteras i denna rapport är det möjligt att förfina metoden, speciellt vid konstruktionen av komplicerade beräkningsnät och randvillkoren för de oändliga problemen.

An investigation into nonlinear random vibrations based on Wiener series theory

Demetriou, Demetris January 2019 (has links)
In support of society's technological evolution, the study of nonlinear systems in engineering and sciences has become a vital research area. Aiming to contribute in this field, this thesis investigates the behaviour of nonlinear systems using the 'Wiener theories'. As a useful example the Duffing oscillator is investigated in this work. In many real-life applications, nonlinear systems are excited randomly so this work examines systems under white-noise excitation using the Wiener series. Equivalent Linearisation (EL) is a well-known and simple method that approximates a nonlinear system by an equivalent linear system. However, it has deficiencies which this thesis attempts to improve. Initially, the performance of EL for different types of nonlinearities will be assessed and an alternative method to enhance it is suggested. This requires the calculation of the first Wiener kernel of various system defined quantities. The first Wiener kernel, as it will be shown, is the foundation of this research and a central element of the Wiener theory. In this thesis, an analytical proof to explain the interesting behaviour of the first Wiener kernel for a system with nonlinear stiffness is included using an energy transfer approach. Furthermore, the method mentioned above to enhance EL known as the Single-Pole Fit method (SPF) is to be tested for different kinds of systems to prove its robustness and validity. Its direct application to systems with nonlinear stiffness and nonlinear damping is shown as well as its ability to perform for systems with two degrees of freedom where an extension of the SPF method is required to achieve the desired solution. Finally, an investigation to understand and replicate the complex behaviour observed by the first Wiener kernel in the early chapters is carried out. The groundwork for this investigation is done by modelling an isolated nonlinear spring with a series of linear filters and certain nonlinear operations. Subsequently, an attempt is made to relate the principles governing the successful spring model presented to the original nonlinear system. An iterative procedure is used to demonstrate the application of this method, which also enables this new modelling approach to be related to the SPF method.

Distributed Solutions for a Class of Multi-agent Optimization Problems

Xiaodong Hou (6259343) 10 May 2019 (has links)
Distributed optimization over multi-agent networks has become an increasingly popular research topic as it incorporates many applications from various areas such as consensus optimization, distributed control, network resource allocation, large scale machine learning, etc. Parallel distributed solution algorithms are highly desirable as they are more scalable, more robust against agent failure, align more naturally with either underlying agent network topology or big-data parallel computing framework. In this dissertation, we consider a multi-agent optimization formulation where the global objective function is the summation of individual local objective functions with respect to local agents' decision variables of different dimensions, and the constraints include both local private constraints and shared coupling constraints. Employing and extending tools from the monotone operator theory (including resolvent operator, operator splitting, etc.) and fixed point iteration of nonexpansive, averaged operators, a series of distributed solution approaches are proposed, which are all iterative algorithms that rely on parallel agent level local updates and inter-agent coordination. Some of the algorithms require synchronizations across all agents for information exchange during each iteration while others allow asynchrony and delays. The algorithms' convergence to an optimal solution if one exists are established by first characterizing them as fixed point iterations of certain averaged operators under certain carefully designed norms, then showing that the fixed point sets of these averaged operators are exactly the optimal solution set of the original multi-agent optimization problem. The effectiveness and performances of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated and compared through several numerical examples.<br>

Pseudospin Symmetry And Its Applications

Aydogdu, Oktay 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The pseudospin symmetry concept is investigated by solving the Dirac equation for the exactly solvable potentials such as pseudoharmonic potential, Mie-type potential, Woods-Saxon potential and Hulth&eacute / n plus ring-shaped potential with any spin-orbit coupling term $kappa$. Nikiforov-Uvarov Method, Asymptotic Iteration Method and functional analysis method are used in the calculations. The energy eigenvalue equations of the Dirac particles are found and the corresponding radial wave functions are presented in terms of special functions. We look for the contribution of the ring-shaped potential to the energy spectra of the Dirac particles. Particular cases of the potentials are also discussed. By considering some particular cases, our results are reduced to the well-known ones presented in the literature. In addition, by taking equal mixture of scalar and vector potentials together with tensor potential, solutions of the Dirac equation are found and then the energy splitting between the two states in the pseudospin doublets is investigated. We indicate that degeneracy between members of pseudospin doublet is removed by tensor interactions. Effects of the potential parameters on the pseudospin doublet splitting are also studied. Radial nodes structure of the Dirac spinor are presented.

Ustálený chod a zkratové poměry v síti 110 kV E.ON napájené z transformovny Sokolnice / Steady state and short-circuit conditions in 110kV E.ON network fed from Sokolnice transformer station

Vyčítal, Václav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis can be divided into five main parts. The first part deals with theoretical analysis of power flow calculation in power network during steady state condition. Load flow calculation is presented here as a linear and nonlinear problem. Newton iteration method is proposed for solving power flow as nonlinear problem. The second part of this thesis deals with the analysis of short-circuit calculation in accordance with valid International Standard IEC 60909. The equivalent voltage source method is adopted in case of the short-circuit calculation. For the calculation of unbalanced short-circuit currents, the symmetrical components method is also presented. The last three parts of this paper are focused on calculations of power flow and short-circuit conditions in power grid Sokolnice. So in the third part is the description of nodal area Sokolnice with its substations and the calculation of load flow and short-circuit conditions for two different power supply options. For each supply option is also considered an abnormal (fault) grid condition. (overall there are solved four different options) The fourth part of this thesis deals with the result analysis and also the results of different power supply options are compared. In the last part there are presented necessary technical improvements for fault-free operation of power grid Sokolnice based on the result of power flow and short-circuit conditions in that grid.

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