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Plazmochemické zpracování vláknových výztuží pro polymerní kompozity / Plasmachemical processing of fibrous reinforcements for polymer compositesKnob, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed at coating of glass fibers using tetravinylsilane as a monomer by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD). The surface modified fibers were used as reinforcements for unsaturated polyester resin to form composites of controlled interphase. Chemical and mechanical properties of thin films were controled by the effective power. Determination of fiber-matrix adhesion and an influence of polymer-interface on mechanical properties of composites were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and microindentation technique using Interfacial Testing System (ITS) enabling to measure the interfacial shear strength.
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Android aplikace pro vizualizaci dopravních dat ze systému C2X / Android Application for Traffic Data Visualization from Car2X SystemsChlápek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis brings application for mobile devices placed in cars. It is used for drivers for enhancing orientation and driving clarity. It is based on communication between roadside units and devices in vehicle. Application offers graphical visualization of intersection states and traffic lights. Created solution provides graphical visualization of traffic data designated for system Android. Main benefit is for C2X developers who test correctness of information, which were inserted to physical devices near supported intersections.
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Framtidens reseplanerare : Hur man designar en mobil, dynamisk & multimodal reseplanerareRudqwist, Lucas, Magnusson, Max January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete tar en titt in i framtidens möjligheter för mobila, dynamiska och multimodala reseplanerare. Detta genom att ställa frågorna: Hur kan en multimodal reseplaneringstjänst med data och information från befintliga resurser se ut och fungera i Stockholms län? Hur designar man en väl fungerande mobil resetjänst som förmedlar dynamiska multimodala transportvägar med god användbarhet? Vilken information och vilka system finns tillgängliga öppet och vilken information måste framtidens reseplanerare själv skapa? Genom skapandet av prototyper och användartester i tre steg knyter vi samman tidigare genomförd forskning med den faktiska data och information som finns tillgängligt öppen i Stockholms län. Detta för att visa hur framtidens reseplanerare kan komma att se ut och fungera. Den slutgiltiga designen visar hur morgondagens reseplanerare sömlöst och enkelt kommer kunna guida användaren att resa multimodalt genom att koppla ihop flera olika trafikinformationssystem, elektroniska betalsystem och smarta mobiltelefoners inbyggda resurser (så som t.ex. dess GPS/A-GPS). Som komplement till designförslaget presenterar vi de tre komponenterna som, enligt vår studie, är mest kritiska för att lyckas med framtidens reseplanerare. / This thesis takes a look at the future of mobile, dynamic and multimodal travel planners by asking the questions: How can a multimodal travel planner with data and information from existing resources be designed and function in Stockholm County? How do you design a well-functioning mobile travel planner that delivers dynamic multimodal travel with high usability? What information and what systems are publicly accessible today and what information must the future travel planner create by itself? By creating prototypes and by usability testing in three steps we tie previous research together with available data and information publicly accessible in Stockholm County. The goal of this is to show how a future travel planner can look and work. The final design of the travel planner of tomorrow shows how seamless and simple it will be to guide the user to multimodal travel. All this by connecting traffic information systems, electronic payment methods and smartphones built in resources (e.g. its GPS/A-GPS). As a complement to the design we present three key components that, according to this study, are the most critical to succeed with a future travel planner.
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Phylogeny, Diversity, and Distribution in Exostema (Rubiaceae): Implications of Morphological and Molecular AnalysesMcDowell, Tim, Bremer, Birgitta 01 January 1998 (has links)
The neotropical genus Exostema comprises 25 species of trees and shrubs, ranging in distribution from Bolivia to Mexico and throughout the West Indies, with most species endemic to the Greater Antilles. Infrageneric relationships and species-level patterns of evolution were investigated in phylogenetic analyses using morphological, molecular, and combined data sets. All data sets resolved three main species groups which correspond to the three sections recognized by McDOWELL (1996). However, the analyses of ITS sequence data placed the two South American species basal to the three main clades. Otherwise, the morphological and molecular data are highly compatible, and produce a more robust yet consistent phylogeny in the combined data analysis. Morphological evolution in Exostema involves many specializations for xeric habitats, reflecting repeated ecological shifts from moist forest to exposed, seasonally dry environments during the diversification of the genus. Both moth and bee pollination syndromes are found in Exostema, and shifts in pollination ecology appear pivotal to the differentiation of the three sections. Biogeographically, Exostema likely originated in South America and migrated via Central America to the Greater Antilles, where the morphological diversification and speciation are most extensive.
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Modeling Automated Highway System Guideway OperationsSiess, Eric Joseph 04 February 1998 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore the operational characteristics of a Maglev-based Automated Highway System and how it would interact with freeway operations. The extension of traditional traffic flow phenomenon, including weaving, merging, and stopping distance, into the automated system is looked at. These are also extended into platoon operations and their effect on such properties as gap control and ultimately the capacity of such a system. The ability to incorporate an AHS system into the existing Interstate Highway System is investigated. This includes placing the magways in the right-of-way of the highway system and interfacing the AHS with the existing freeways. A model is developed and run to simulate the assignment of traffic between the freeway and the guideway links. Both operational concepts of user equilibrium and system optimal conditions are explored, and equations are found to estimate the amount of traffic which can be found on the links based on the total traffic volume. / Master of Science
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Mécanismes de contrôle pour les applications coopératives de sécurité routière dans les systèmes de transport intelligents / Control mechanisms for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) cooperative safety applicationsHrizi, Fatma 20 December 2012 (has links)
Dans ces dernières années, les Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (STI) ont été considérés comme l'un des domaines de recherche les plus émergents en raison de leur rôle prometteur dans l'amélioration de la gestion du trafic et de la sécurité routière. Les applications coopératives de sécurité, étant les plus cruciales, ont gagné beaucoup d'intérêt. L'efficacité de ces applications dépend largement de l'échange efficace de deux principaux types d'informations. L'information de localisation périodique correspondant à l'information de localisation du voisinage et l'information événementielle qui est transmise en multi-sauts et générée lors de la détection d'une situation d'urgence. En raison de la caractéristique à grande échelle des STI, cette information fait l'objet du problème de congestion dans le réseau. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'assurer un contrôle fiable et robuste des informations de sécurité permettant de réduire la congestion du canal tout en tenant en compte des exigences des applications de sécurité. Nous examinons la diffusion de l'information événementielle en proposant une approche a multi-sauts qui a montré une amélioration de la réception de l'information. Cependant, cette approche reste très sensible à la charge de canal résultant de transmissions de l'information de localisation périodiques. D'autre part, la transmission efficace de l'information événementielle repose essentiellement sur la détection précise des événements de sécurité et en conséquence sur la précision de l'information de localisation. Ainsi, nous proposons un mécanisme de contrôle de l'information de localisation afin de fournir une meilleure précision et limiter la charge du canal. Les approches proposées dans cette thèse ont profondément étudié le compromis entre le respect des exigences des applications de sécurité et la gestion efficace de la congestion dans le réseau véhiculaire. / In the last decades, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been considered as one of the most emerging research area due to their promising role in promoting traffic efficiency and enhancing road safety. ITS cooperative safety applications, being the most vital and critical, have gained a lot of attention. The effectiveness of these applications depends widely on the efficient exchange of two main types of information. The periodic awareness corresponding to the one-hop location information of surrounding environment and the multi-hop event-driven information generated at the detection of a safety situation. Due to the large scale characteristic of ITS, this information is expected to be subject to severe congestion which might impact its reliable reception. The goal of this thesis is to focus on the reliable and robust control of safety-related information by reducing the channel congestion and at the same time taking into account the requirements of safety applications. We address first the event-driven safety information. We proposed a multi-hop policy showed to improve the dissemination of the event-driven information. However, it remains strongly sensitive to the channel load resulting from periodic awareness transmissions. On the other hand, the effective transmission of event-driven information depends primarily on the accurate detection of safety events and accordingly on the accuracy of awareness. Thus, we provide an efficient awareness control mechanism in order to provide better accuracy and limit the channel congestion. The approaches proposed in this thesis have deeply investigated the trade-off between ensuring the requirements of cooperative safety and the efficient management of congestion in vehicular network.
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Intelligenta transportsystem inom vägtransporter : En kartläggning av dagens implementering och den framtida potentialenNordlander, Siri January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates how Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are implemented within road transport and explores what the potential and intentions of future ITS implementations should be. ITS refers to all information technologies that are used in order to create an improved transport system in terms of safety, effectiveness and sustainability. The study was performed in collaboration with Trafikverket and aims to support them in their work. By conducting interviews, a GAP-analysis made it possible to identify gaps between the current state and the desired state of ITS implementation. The results of the interviews distinguished several common causes for problems with implementation of ITS. Hence, the identified gaps were: responsibility, data exchange and efficiency connections. This study implies that these three gaps are keywords necessary to address in order to solve the identified problems. In order to create an understanding for the future of ITS, a survey was also conducted. The respondents got to evaluate different ITS technologies on a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale. Due to the survey, one of the conclusions is to aim for the highest level of TRL for the four technologies identified with a high TRL. Furthermore, this study came to the conclusion that ITS technology currently have two big societal effects; ITS-technology enables behavioral changes among the users and already existing resources can be used more efficiently. The last conclusion of the study concerned the ITS Directive issued by the European Union (EU). The ITS directive has been important in order to advance the implementation of ITS within EU and Sweden. However, a need to further clarify the importance of international collaboration was identified. Also, an upcoming revision of the directive would be beneficial since its changes would address the gaps identified by this study.
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Evaluation Of The Impacts Of Its Information Strategies On I-4 CorridorZuo, Yueliang 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study evaluated the impacts of ITS information strategies under incident conditions in Interstate 4 (I-4) corridor of Orlando. The analysis was performed using DYNASMART-P software package. The ITS information strategies range from pre-trip information, en-route information, and variable message signs. Simulation covered one hour during the morning peak period. The impacts of ITS information strategies on mobility were evaluated by simulating the performance of various ITS information components (pre-trip information, en-route information, and variable message signs) under incident conditions for the I-4 corridor and comparing the results with the corresponding scenarios in the absence of these components. The traffic flow relations were calibrated against the flow measurements along freeway to determine model parameters. An effort was made to validate estimated traffic volumes against measured link counts. The archived I-4 data at the Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation (CATSS) at the University of Central Florida was used for both calibration and validation. The analysis indicated that DYNASMART-P was able to adequately reproduce the observed morning peak hourly flows over suitably selected locations. Ten scenarios were designed to evaluate the benefits of ITS information strategies under incident conditions. The results indicated that these ITS traveler information technologies can result in great travel time saving. It was found that commuters who use traveler information via the pre-trip information or en-route information to switch their routes benefit significantly in terms of delay reduction when incidents occur. It was found that there exists an optimal value for the fraction users with information at which the network performs best. This optimal fraction may be different for different source of information. Also this may vary with different incidents. This study demonstrates how one can realistically simulate the network under various scenarios without actually conducting the high cost operational tests. DYNASMART-P can produce useful variables such as speeds, travel time, queue lengths, and stop time to better assess the impacts of ITS components. It can be applied in ITS equipped networks.
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Improving Communication and Collaboration Using Artificial Intelligence: An NLP-Enabled Pair Programming Collaborative-ITS Case StudyUbani, Solomon 07 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates computational models and methods to improve collaboration skills among students. The study targets pair programming, a popular collaborative learning practice in computer science education. This research led to the first machine learning models capable of detecting micromanagement, exclusive language, and other types of collaborative talk during pair programming. The investigation of computational models led to a novel method for adapting pretrained language models by first training them with a multi-task learning objective. I performed computational linguistic analysis of the types of interactions commonly seen in pair programming and obtained computationally tractable features to classify collaborative talk. In addition, I evaluated a novel metric utilized in evaluating the models in this dissertation. This metric is applicable in the areas of affective systems, formative feedback systems and the broader field of computer science. Lastly, I present a computational method, CollabAssist, for providing real-time feedback to improve collaboration. The empirical evaluation of CollabAssist demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in micromanagement during pair programming. Overall, this dissertation contributes to the development of better collaborative learning practices and facilitates greater student learning gains thereby improving students' computer science skills.
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Examining Cypripedium (Orchidaceae)Hybridization in a Prairie/Woodland EcotoneWalsh, Ryan Patrick 16 July 2008 (has links)
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