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Návrh koncepce pasivního chlazení pro reaktor VVER-1000 / The concept for passive cooling of the VVER-1000 reactorLamoš, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the design of passive cooling system for a nuclear reactor VVER- 1000.This type of reactor is located in the Czech Republic in the location of Nuclear power plant Temelín. The thesis states an overview of the different cooling systems of nuclear power plants. The thesis is focused on passive safety system especially on passive cooling system, so there was done an overview of currently used passive safety system. In the work is discussed nuclear safety and the maximum projected accident of VVER-1000, which is called LOCA accident. In the design part of the thesis was done thermal calculation of heat exchangers. Exchangers are designed as condensers with a natural flow, where cooling of system is provided by outside airflow in case an accident. The results are evaluated at the end of the thesis.
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Postavení jaderné energetiky v Evropě (zvláštní zaměření na Francii) / Position of nuclear energy in Europe (focus on France)Rožníčková, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to characterize the nuclear energy in the european area with the focus on nuclear energy in France. The sector of nuclear energy is now experiencing a new period, so-called "nuclear renaissance". Many european countries decided to rebuild the present nuclear power sites or to construct new ones. Nuclear energy is the most advantageous solutions for many european countries because it decreases external energy dependence and it helps to diminish the carbon dioxide emissions. In the connection with the Czech Presidency in the European Union, it was made proposal for the "Nuclear Security Community" which has to unify the security level of member states of the EU and to intensify the mutual cooperation in the domain of nuclear energy. France represents world nuclear leader thanks to efficiently operating oragnizations, excellent results in nuclear research, realization of nuclear fuel recycling and strong government support. Nucler energy in France can serve as an example for four recommendations to other european countries: government support, efficiently working research institutions, global cooperation between all subjects participating on the formation of nuclear energy and active involvement in the international cooperation in nuclear energy. In spite of constantly high initial investment in construction of nuclear power sites, the nuclear energy seems to experience a positive future.
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Nejvýznamnější radionuklidy při havárii jaderné elektrárny, zkušenosti z Černobylu / The most considerable of radionuclides at the accident of the nuclear power station, the experience of ChernobylHORÁKOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2007 (has links)
At the nuclear power plant accident, the radionuclides with very short half-life come to enviroment, they decay the period from several second to several months. On the other sides come to enviroment radionuclides with long half-life. Their radionuclides occur in surrounding of the power plant for hundreds of years before they decay totally. Immediately after a nuclear power plant accident, radioiodine represents the most severe health hazard for population. Because it is a radionuclide with short half-life, it causes the danger during first months after the accident. Its health hazard lies in the fact, that it gets to food chains and irradiates a man, who consumed contaminated water and food. Radiocaesium and radiostrontiom are the next important radionuclides. They have long half-lifes, it means that will decay after hundred years after the accident and they endanger population a long time after the accident yet.
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Sorpce radionuklidu85Sr na zeminy z areálu jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Sorption of radionuclid 85Sr to soils from area nuclear power plant TemelínReidingerová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the study of sorption of radionuclide 85 Sr in soil collected in the area of a nuclear power plant Temelín. A single-batch method experiment was used when a solution of radionuclide 85 Sr of known activity was added to the soil. The experiments focussed on the influence of pH with the size of the sorption and the influence of the time of the contact of the solution with the sorption. During the experiment with the value of pH closest to the pH of underground water from the nuclear power plant Temelín, the sorption of soil was somewhere between 31 to 44 %. When the time influence on the sorption was examined, radionuclide 85 Sr was sorbed very quickly. For the comparison of the sorption size in connection with the time, for which it was chosen 120 minutes, the sorption was almost constant, reaching 40 to 48 %. Key words Radioactivity, radionuclide 85 Sr, sorption, nuclear power plant Temelín
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Posuzování vlivu na životní prostředí v právu unijním, rakouském a českém / Environmental Impact Assessment in the European, Austrian and Czech Legal RegulationŠkrabalová, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
The process of environmental impact assessment is a control procedure that aims to summarize and evaluate the impact of a project on the environment at the stage of project planning and thus to reduce its potential negative impacts in the future. One of the main ideas of the EIA process is to avoid since the very beginning problems and confrontation which would otherwise appear in the future in connection with the planned project. This principle is particularly important in cases of transboundary assessment where communication between countries and joint consultations on the project in its early stages of planning might prevent potential conflicts and disruption of mutual relations in the future resulting from an already implemented plan. The cornerstone of a transboundary assessment is the understanding that the harmful effects of a specific project do not stop at the borders of one state, but can reach a territory of many other countries, mutual cooperation in this subject is thus with regard to environmental protection necessary. The necessity of such a cooperation on one hand, as well as its pitfalls and difficulties on the other hand, are illustrated in the case of transboundary EIA between the Czech Republic and Austria, that is specifically in the case of the construction of the nuclear power plant...
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Jaderná zařízení z pohledu práva / Nuclear devices in the view of lawPokorný, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis called ''Nuclear devices in the view of law'', deals with the current legal arrangement of civil nuclear facilities (devices) in the Czech Republic. Due to the fact that the Czech Republic is bound by the international commitments and its membership in the EU, the master thesis also covers the international and European regulations. The master thesis is composed of four parts, which are subdivided into chapters and subchapters. The first part is devoted to the concept of the nuclear facilities, its kinds, position in the legal system and the relevant legal instruments. The second part deals with a particular legal framework of the nuclear law, which governs the issue, including the international, European and Czech regulations. A separate chapter discusses the principles, which are common to the all relevant branch of law. The third part is concerned with the life cycle of the operation of the nuclear facility and the conditions for execution of its particular stages. The final part deals with the safety and security of nuclear facility and its realization as the key issue of the nuclear facility legal regulation.
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Potenciál využití jaderné energie v rozvojových zemích / The potencial of nuclear energy in developing countriesKlasová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Affordable energy in sufficient quantities is essential for the melioration of the world and especially developing countries. Nuclear energy has the potential to provide long-term solution for growing energy consumption in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. Problematic factors include the financial magnitude of the initial investment, the extensive requirements for technological and institutional establishment, issues related to safety and security, and the disposal of radioactive material. This thesis analyzes the position of nuclear power in the world. Based on an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, it then identifies the potential for utilizing nuclear energy in emerging countries. Five developing countries, with very different starting positions, have been selected to investigate how they can secure and develop their energy requirements. The selected countries include China, Chile, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Bangladesh.
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Využití nízko-potenciálního odpadního tepla produkovaného JE Temelín pro zemědělskou produkci / Use of low-potential waste heat production JE Temelín for agricultural production.KUNEŠ, Radim January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis was to elaborate applicable solutions for the use of low-potential waste heat from the Nuclear Power Plant Temelín for agricultural production. A greenhouse of the 1 hectare size has been proposed as a model project for tomatoes production. First, in diploma thesis discussed universally questions related with building greenhouse, such is safety issues servis Nuclear Power Plant, the suitability of use different technologies, property law, suitability of the locality construction and impact on the environment... Then was detailed processed version for heating-up greenhouse of the 1 hectare, including solution key problem . Part of this diploma thesis is economic balance and proposal for the future practical use.
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Posouzení rizik jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Safety assessment of Temelin NPPKOŠŤÁL, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
History of peaceful use of nuclear energy, despite of all necessary emphasis on operation safety, is accompanied by a series of accidents, some of which left indelible trace in minds of wide public and so led to changes in the comprehension of nuclear safety and in the access to its preservation. Because the consequences of possible nuclear power plant accident have always serious social impacts, it is most desirable to define all possibly risks, to quantify probability of their formation and in this way to gain the possibility to prevent them effectively and efficiently. This work is dedicated to approve or to disapprove that the KARS method is practically applicable for evaluation of nuclear power station operation safety. The work objective is to evaluate events and risks associated with the operation of a particular nuclear facility by the KARS method and critically evaluate obtained results and the used method as such. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part includes basic information necessary for correct understanding of the chosen data processing procedure and subsequent interpretation of the gained results. A brief overview of basic concepts relating to the nuclear safety, the safety culture and the emergency preparedness, including their definitions is given in this section of the work. For the evaluation of obtained results it is useful to make familiar with basic concepts of the NPP safety evaluation, PSA and the stress tests. Obviously, it is necessary to describe the KARS method and to define the concept of quality of human performance with regard to the obtained results. The risk analysis by the KARS method was carried out in the four consecutive steps: 1. Data collection for the risk analysis. 2. Data processing by the use of the KARS method. 3. Interpretation of the obtained results. 4. Comparison of the obtained results with the available data. The particular risks for the construction of the risk correlation table were based on the analysis of activities of individual members of the emergency and technical support center on the basis of managing documentation for each function. In the emergency instructions these risks are either named or the action to manage them are determined. Subsequently these risks are further more specify according to the operational documentation used for solving abnormal and emergency conditions or solving of severe accidents. Determination of the risk correlation seems to be subjective and requires a considerable degree of professional insight into the analyzed issues. The risk analysis was processed according to the procedure that was laid down by Ing. Stefan Pacinda, Ph.D. Each risk taken into consideration in this analysis is briefly described within the interpretation of obtained results. The coefficients of activity with the biggest value were found for these risks: human error, earthquake, plane crash, terrorist threat, errors in operating and managing documentation and fire. The coefficients of passivity with the biggest value were found for these risks: human failure, serious damage to health, ecological disaster, components malfunctions, radiation accident, nuclear material integrity damage and control system malfunctions. Comparison of the risks that were postulated in the stress tests and the risks that were considered in this analysis indicate that the ETE NPP emergency response was prepared to be able to cope these risks. Results of this analysis showed that the essential element for the safe operation of nuclear power plants is qualified, well selected and systematically trained staff. In light of the experience acquired during elaboration of this work I have concluded that the KARS method can be used for nuclear safety evaluation only in a limited way.
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Etické otázky při evakuaci v okolí jaderné elektrárny Fukušima / Ethical issues in evacuation around the Fukushima nuclear plantDOČEKALOVÁ, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with ethical issues of evacuation around the Fukushima nuclear plant. Taking into account that the evacuation takes place mostly in tense situations as a result of an extreme incident, it is essential that the process of evacuation is effectively managed, organized and executed. It is also necessary to ensure effective communication between all involved departments and residents. Evacuation must be well managed, not only on the technical side, but also on the ethical and moral side. In the practical part of the thesis some questions were raised, which surveyed: a) What ethical principles have been applied in dealing with evacuation and communication with residents? b) What alternatives in the ethical approach can be used? c) Can an applied ethics be used in crisis management? During evacuation in Fukushima and afterwards during communication with residents, affected by the effects of the accident, the government used a paternalistic way of issuing commands and decided what information the residents need to know. According to the testimonies of residents, the information was insufficient, inaccurate and in some areas in the early hours of the accident there wasn´t any information at all. On the question of alternatives in ethical approach, we can use instead of already mentioned paternalistic way, democratic or more autonomous approach. That, however, brings with it demands on all concerned as are operators of nuclear power plants, people from crisis management and radiation protection, state and finally residents themselves. It is about the involvement of all as equal partners, about openness, truthfulness, honesty, about increasing knowledge and awareness of radiation protection. The usage of applied ethics in crisis management is possible, but requires a changeover in the personal approach of all concerned people. First of the objectives of the study was to compare the paternalistic and democratic approach in providing information to the population and issuing orders to evacuation. I compared paternalistic and democratic way, and I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to find an appropriate level of application of these two methods. The second objective was to describe the criteria applied in Fukushima evacuation with regard to the amount of radiation exposure and differentiation of the population. In terms of the amount received by the exposure of the affected population was the largest part of the population evacuated before the release of radionuclides into the air and very positive it is that nobody died on the effects of radiation during the accident. The last goal of thesis was to find out what is the view of current residents in Czech Republic and those who work in emergency management and are responsible for the progress of evacuation or work in a sphere related to radiation activities, which provide various information and deal with the issue of long-term evacuation during a nuclear accident. Data were collected by prepared questionnaire, which contained nine closed questions. Questions were given to the residents presented at the time of the questionnaire survey on the streets in randomly picked villages and also through e-mail. Responses were graphically expressed as a numerical value and verbal evaluation and respondents' answers are commented in the discussion. The thesis can be used to implement ethical principles not only in crisis management, but also in the beginning of designing and building nuclear power plants in the region. The entire process of the formation and operation of nuclear power plants has not only a technical dimension, but also ethical. Thesis can be also used as study material for teaching on the field of emergency preparedness, which can extend the technical knowledge of the ethical dimension, which, as it turned out in Fukushima is also very important.
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