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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitorování energetické stupnice v neutrinovém experimentu KATRIN / Monitoring of the energy scale in the KATRIN neutrino experiment

Slezák, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The question of the absolute mass scale of neutrinos is of particular interest for particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. The KATRIN experiment (KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment) aims to address the effective electron antineutrino mass from the shape of the tritium β-spectrum with an unprecedented sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 . One of the major systematic effects concerns the experimental energy scale, which has to be stable at the level of only a few parts in a million. For its calibration and monitoring the monoener- getic electrons emitted in the internal conversion of γ-transition of the metastable isotope 83m Kr will be extensively applied. The aim of this thesis is to address the problem of KA- TRIN energy scale distortions and its monitoring in detail. The source of electrons based on 83m Kr embedded in a solid as well as the source based on gaseous 83m Kr are studied. Based on the experimental results an approach for the continuous stability monitoring is proposed. 1

Ochrana obyvatelstva v zóně havarijního plánování v okolí jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Population protection in the emergency planning zone around the Nuclear Power Plant Temelín

MARTINŮ, Pavlína January 2007 (has links)
This issue represents contribution to discussion of the population protection within the emergency planning zone of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (NNP). My intention was to evaluate the actual system of public protection measures in the case of potential appearance of the radiation accident. As a part of this evaluation the analysis of correlation between emergency classification system of emergency events severity, valid for Temelín NPP, and system of immediate protective measures for population was done. The introductory parts of my work describes the basic information about Temelín Nuclear Power Plan. The main attention was given to nuclear safety, radiation protection, principles of emergency preparedness and types of NPP operating modes. Further system of public protection measures for the case of radiation accident appearance is described. Emergency classification system of potential extraordinary events at Temelín NPP and principles of announcements and public warning is also explained in this part. Part of this information represents description of potential implementation of immediate protective actions. One of the outputs is in the form of simple educational software program useful especially for children education. They can received information how to behave in the case of radiation accident declaration. Software is enclosed in the form of compact disk and gain knowledge can be verified by a short test.

Návrh programu pro výpočet výkonu a průtoku aktivní zónou z parametrů sekundárního okruhu pro JE s reaktorem VVER 440 / Evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor core

Tvrdý, Miloslav January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with evaluation of power and coolant flow in reactor core. The first part is a description of nuclear power plant VVER 440. It is focused on parts important for transfer and utilize energy in regular operating of generating block. In the second part, the equations for calculation of power and coolant flow in reactor core are deduced. The last part is about designing the program for calculation of published values. There are specified requirements for the program and on the basis of this the source code is written. The parts of code are described. In conclusion of this part, the user's manual is work out. The program is on CD in the annexe.

Evropská směrnice o bezpečnosti jaderných zařízení: rozhodování v Radě v letech 2004, 2009 a 2014 / European directive on nuclear safety: Council decision making in 2004, 2009 and 2014

Kulda, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Even though nuclear energy was one the first areas in which European countries started integrating their policies through the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the question of nuclear installations safety was only addressed by the EU in the context of the impending enlargement of the Union in 2004. In 2003, the European Commission submitted the first-ever proposal for a European directive on nuclear safety. However, the Council rejected it the following year, opening a five-year-long debate leading to the drafting of a new directive proposal, which was subsequently adopted in 2009. Only two years later, in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, amending this directive became necessary. Discussions resulted in adopting the amended legislation in the summer of 2014. This master's thesis analyses the main factors influencing the Council's decision-making on either rejecting or adopting the proposed directives in 2004, 2009 and 2014. The analysis is based on the following five scope conditions supposed to lead to integration acceptance by EU member states, as defined by authors Manuele Citi and Martin Rhodes: policy failure and availability of a successful alternative, external influence emanating from foreign countries hardly manageable by the individual states, functional interdependence...

Jaderná energetika pohledem České televize - Srovnání mediální reprezentace jaderné energetiky před a po havárii jaderné elektrárny Fukušima Daiči v Japonsku. / The comparison of nuclear power image in media before and after Fukushima Daiici nuclear disaster.

Špátová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the changes in the media image of nuclear power in Ceska Televize, which is the only public television in Czech Republic. The study uses a quantitative research method, content analysis, to find out the changes of nuclear power representation in media and to compare changes of news construction mechanisms in the period of two years - one year before and one year after the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi disaster. The accident started on 11th March 2011 and there is a short description of the situation in Japan at the beginning of the thesis. The theoretical part of thesis serves as an overview of basic information on principles of the media studies theory and mechanisms of news construction (work with information sources, the news value concept, agenda setting, the framing concept), which is also shown from the environmental point of view. The study also focuses on the nuclear power image in the socio-political field and there are some more information about the nuclear power development and status in Czech Republic. The analytical part of thesis examines the media attention to nuclear power, which was developed in the analysed period. The usage of mechanisms of news construction and the changes in nuclear power image in the news of Ceska Televize...

Studium procesu Drell-Yan na experimentu Compass / Studies of Drell-Yan process at Compass experiment

Matoušek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Hadron structure is not fully understood yet. While the spin-averaged Parton Dis- tribution Functions (PDFs) and the helicity-dependent PDFs are well determined, little is known about the transverzity and some other transverse-momentum de- pendent PDFs (TMDs). The COMPASS experiment at CERN is preparing for studying the TMDs using a Drell-Yan process on transversely polarized target hit by pion beam in 2014-2015. An outline of the parton model of hadrons and of the TMDs is given. The COMPASS spectrometer is described, with emphasis on the modifications for the Drell-Yan program, and its capabilities to measure the TMDs is briefly discussed. A special attention is paid to the polarized target. The dilution refrigerator, the DNP system for polarizing the nuclei and the NMR for polarization measurement are described. The new monitoring system of the refrigerator is described, including the author's contribution to it. Issues of the new NMR coils design are discussed. 1

České atomové právo / Czech nuclear law

Jebas, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Czech Nuclear Law. The nuclear law is a set of legal norms concerned with the ways and conditions of usage of nuclear energy and ionising radiation, the systems used to protect people and the environment against the damaging effects of ionising radiation, protocols to be followed in the case of accidents, radioactive waste disposal as well as the role of the state administration in supervising usage of nuclear energy and ionising radiation. A short historical review of the usage of nuclear energy and ionising radiation is followed by 2 chapters dedicated to international and EU nuclear law. The aims and content of international and EU collaboration concerning non-military usage of nuclear energy and ionising radiation are defined in these chapters. The other chapters of this thesis are concerned with Czech Nuclear Law. The constitutional foundation of this Law is described as well as nuclear law as a legal subject and the rules forming the base of Czech Nuclear Law. The following section deals with the power characteristics of the individual state authorities in the field of non-military usage of nuclear energy. Attention is paid to the classification of ionising radiation sources and characteristics of the tools used by the legal norm for environmental...

Informovanost obyvatelstva Kraje Vysočina o havárii jaderné elektrárny Černobyl / The awareness of the Vysočina region population about the nuclear disaster Černobyl

ROYIK, Tetyana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the awareness of population of the Vysočina Region of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The aim of this thesis is to find out the level of knowledge of the population about this accident and then to compare the knowledge of the population aged 18-44 and over 45 years. Two hypotheses were set in the thesis, H1: More than 2/3 of all respondents in the Vysočina Region will have more than 60 % of correct answers in a questionnaire concerning the knowledge of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and H2: Respondents over 45 will have significantly higher knowledge of the Chernobyl nuclear accident than inhabitants under 45 years of age. In order to achieve the defined objectives and to verify the hypotheses, a questionnaire was prepared, a questionnaire survey was carried out and then the results were evaluated using the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions. The research group consisted of 100 inhabitants aged 18-44 and 100 inhabitants aged over 45. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the overall success-rate of the answered questions was 66 %. Residents aged 18-44 responded correctly in a total of 61 % and residents over 45 in 71 %. The stated aims of the thesis were achieved and both hypotheses were confirmed. The benefit of the thesis is mainly the acquired picture of the state of awareness of the population of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Vysočina Region. The obtained results of the diploma thesis can be used, for example, by crisis management authorities related to the issue of nuclear energy or protection against ionizing radiation, both in connection with preparation for these situations and with a focus on preventive educational activities.

Analýza vybraných chemických parametrů chladiva primárního okruhu Jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Analysis of selected chemical parameters of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant primary circuit coolant

ŘEHÁČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to define the meaning of radiochemical processes which take place in coolant of the primary circuit of the Nuclear Power Plant; and to describe the way of measurement of chemical parameters. The second aim was to define the significance of dissolved hydrogen to compensate for corrosion-threatening corrosion-safe operation of plant and to describe the method of generating hydrogen by ammonia. The third aim was to investigate the time courses of ammonia and hydrogen concentrations within the two production units. The last aim was to investigate unilateral dependence between ammonia and hydrogen concentrations. The first two aims were met by using system analysis of coolant chemical parameters, methods of measuring them, and ongoing radiochemical processes in the coolant. Ammonia and hydrogen were selected for deeper investigation, because of the results of the analysis. H1, H2 and H3 hypotheses have been formulated to meet the other two aims. The H1 hypothesis was used to verify the empirical distribution of ammonia and hydrogen concentration measurements by non-parametric normality testing. Hypothesis H2 investigated the time dependence of ammonia and hydrogen concentrations by regression analysis. In case of verification of H3 hypothesis the method of regression and correlation dependency was used. The verifying of hypothesis has shown that the empirical distribution of the measurement of hydrogen and ammonia concentrations is more closely related to the theoretical normal distribution. Furthermore, it was verified that the linear regression function of the time dependence of ammonia and hydrogen concentration measurements is close to the parallel to the timeline during the fuel campaign. Linear regression and correlation analysis confirmed that the correlation between hydrogen and ammonia concentrations is similar on both blocks and close to strong positive correlation. Verification of required regressive and correlative bending between ammonia and generated hydrogen can be understood as a practical contribution.

Statistické šetření vybraných úkolů ochrany obyvatelstva v zónách havarijního plánování jaderných elektráren / The statistical investigation of selected tasks in protection of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants

HAJÍČKOVÁ, Iva January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with statistical investigation of selected tasks in population protection in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.The issues of population protection have been developing since 1930s up to now.Currently,the population protection is addressed particularly in concepts of population protection,while the most recent one is the Population Protection Concept until 2020 with an Outlook to 2030.The objective of the thesis was to compare awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.With regard to a potential extraordinary event,in this case a radiation accident,the awareness of the population plays a significant role.The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes population protection,legal regulations and documents dealing with this topic.It also defines measures in population protection which seek to mitigate impact of extraordinary events or emergency situations on health and lives of the population,property and the environment.The thesis also mentions emergency planning and describes types of emergency plans.The second section of the theoretical part describes selected statistical methods.The last chapter of the theoretical part describes methods of multidimensional statistics.The following hypotheses and partial hypotheses were formulated in the research part of the thesis to meet its objective: H1 There is no statistically significant difference between the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Temelín and the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Dukovany.H11 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among men about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.H12 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among women about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany. H2 The awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H21 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H22 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H23 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H24 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.All the formulated hypotheses were tested with methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The research was conducted with questionnaires handed out in the emergency planning zones of NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions and it was filled out by 242 men and 270 women in the zones.All data used in the research were provided to me within the project "Population protection depending of differentiation of the population" safety survey (VG20132015122) performed at the department of radiology,toxicology and population protection at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in cooperation with the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.Results of the research have shown that the average awareness of the population living in the emergency planning zones of the nuclear power plants is less than 50% and that the knowledge of the population about a potential extraordinary event is not satisfactory.The population living in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants could be exceptionally prepared for a potential non-standard situation, not only in the form of a Gauss curve.

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