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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evropské a české atomové právo v kontextu práva energetického a práva životního prostředí (renesance nebo úpadek) / European and Czech Atomic Law in the Context of Energetic Law and Environmental Law (Rennaissance or Declaine)

Klobouček, Eduard January 2018 (has links)
European and Czech Atomic Law in the Context of Energetic Law and Enviornmental Law (Rennaissance or Declaine) Abstract This dissertation thesis deals with recent developments in atomic law in the Czech Republic, the European Union and in international field. In the Czech Republic, the new Act No. 263/2016 Coll., The Atomic Act, which became a public codex of atomic law, is a legislation that encompasses nuclear safety, radiation protection, radioactive waste management, shipments of nuclear materials and other radioactive sources, security of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities, radiation emergency management, radiation monitoring and non- proliferation of nuclear weapons. Atomic Act replaced the old Act No. 18/1997 Coll. in which only civil liability for nuclear damage remained in force. At European Union level, a serious development can be observed lately, when new directives have been adopted to regulate radioactive waste management, nuclear safety and radiation protection. Recently, the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage and the Annex to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material has entered into force internationally. The new Atomic Act attempted to respond to these European and international documents and to implement and transpose their demands into...

Znalosti obyvatel ČR o radiačních rizicích vyplývajících z havárie v jaderné elektrárně Černobyl. / The knowledge of the population of the Czech Republic about the radiation risks resulting from accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

JAROŠ, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The Chernobyl disaster is still considered to be one of the biggest catastrophic accidents in the history of nuclear energetics. After the explosion of the nuclear reactor, abundance of radioactive substance escaped to the atmosphere and in the shape of the radioactive cloud affected even the area of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Political parties and state authorities reacted on this situation by setting up the state committee, which under political pressure intentionally concealed the information about the risks and consequences of the disaster for the Czechoslovak population. The collapse of the regime not only revealed the crisis of the mistrust to the official sources of information, but also improved the effort of getting information from unofficial and, according to regime, illegal sources. The Chernobyl disaster also caused the mistrust to nuclear energetics. Therefore construction and initiation of the Temelín nuclear power station elicited the interest to the information about The Chernobyl disaster. I have decided to authenticate in my thesis, how well the residents of the Czech Republic are familiar with the Chernobyl disaster and how objective their knowledge about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster at present are. I found out the state of the foreknowledge of the residents of the Czech Republic about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster by means of questionnaires, where 200 respondents were interviewed. For more detailed research, I divided the residents of the Czech Republic into two groups. The first one consisted of the inhabitants that live in the zone of the disaster preparedness of the Temelín nuclear power station and comprise one half of respondents. The second group consisted of the inhabitants that live of the zone of the disaster preparedness. I drew up questions in the questionnaire in order to include the given problems completely ? from the knowledge about the risks arising from the disaster and emission of the radioactive substances to their consequences for human?s health and the way of reduction their impacts on the population of the Czech Republic. I evaluated the answers from the respondents to the single answers and drew up the tables. I accomplished them by the percentage evaluation of the right and wrong answers, computation of total mean of the achieved points and the total percentage success rate. The evaluation of the knowledge of the respondents of the Czech Republic was accomplished on the basis of the value of total mean of the achieved points and percentage success rate. I did a statistical evaluation by testing normality using ?2 Pearson's chi-squared test. The mutual comparison of the knowledge I did by testing by means of the two-sample t-test on the basis of the guess of the empirical parameters from each group. On the basis of this evaluation of the results of the questionnaire I can declare that the knowledge of the residents of the Czech Republic about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster are at a very good level. The results also proved that inhabitants of the zone of the disaster preparedness of the Temelín nuclear power station have greater knowledge about the radiological risks arising from the Chernobyl disaster than the rest of the Czech Republic. It can be observed in the conclusion that all predetermined aims were successfully achieved and the results of the questionnaire also proved the assigned hypothesis.

Sledování radioaktivity tritia v toku Vltavy s ohledem na odpadní vody Jaderné elektrárny Temelín. / Estimation of Tritium Activity in the River Vltavawith Respect to the Liquid Wastes from the Nuclear Power Plant Temelin.

ŠKOPEK, Petr January 2007 (has links)
The main goal of this Thesis was to measure tritium activity in the Vltava River and in the vicinity of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (hereinafter referred to as JETE) with the following objectives: Possibility to use the outlet of waste water damping unit (hereinafter referred to as VTOOV) as a control alerting system for nonstandard events in JETE, furthermore, monitoring of possible correlations between volume activity of tritium measured in VTOOV and activity above the limit value of the first quality class in selected sections of the Vltava River as well as comparison of the measured values with the results of other authors, and, finally, assessment of the relevance of the water quality estimated by the volume activity of tritium to the water quality according to other ingredients, i.e., stable isotopes of some metals and risk elements as well as general physical and chemical indicators. Theoretical part of the Thesis deals with radioactivity in general, activity of tritium, with regard to operation of nuclear plants, over the world and, especially, in the Czech Republic. The actual work consisted of collection of samples at predetermined places, preparation of these samples for measurement and measurement of tritium activity using scintillation spectrometer with liquid scintillator. Furthermore, basic chemical and physical properties of water, concentration of selected elements and also some anions were determined. The collected data were used for classification of waters from individual collection places into quality classes according to ČSN 75 7221. In all analyzed cases no activities were found which exceeded the limit values of liquid outlets from Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, given by regulations issued on waters by the District Health Office in Ceske Budejovice according to §8 of Act No. 138/73 Coll., in compliance with SÚJB requirements. This Thesis could be beneficial for possible utilization of VTOOV as a control alerting system for nonstandard events in JETE and also for assessment of impact of wastewaters from JETE on waters of the Vltava River.

Nezávislé monitorování ETE RC SÚJB České Budějovice, návrh nezávislého monitorování ETE za MÚ RC SÚJB České Budějovice / Independent monitoring of Nuclear power plant Temelin environs by Regional centrum of SONS České Budějovice. Project of independent monitoring NPPTE in the case of Emergency incident.

ZEMAN, Karel January 2010 (has links)
The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) and the National Radiation Protection Institute (NRPI) are involved in independent monitoring of surrounding areas of nuclear power plants (NPPs), in accordance with the Czech legislative requirements (Decree No. 319/2002 Coll. on radiation monitoring network (RMS), as amended by Decree No. 27/2006 Coll.). The monitoring includes surveillance of environmental samples, in which radionuclides can be detected in case of emergency event, i.e. radioactivity release from the NPP. Another part of the monitoring is measurement of photon dose equivalent, continuously in the air (early detection network - SVZ) or using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) placed in SONS monitoring points in the NPP vicinity. Environmental sampling and evaluation of photon dose equivalent in the air is carried out in regular intervals. The 137Cs and 131I activity is measured by gamaspectrometry method used with Gamat evaluation program, according to SONS internal procedure (VDMI). Tritium activity in surface water is measured by liquid scintillation spectrometer Beta TriCarb made by Canberra Packard Company, according to methodology CSN ISO 9698 (757635). Evaluation of dose equivalent rate is carried out continuously by LB 6360 proportional probe and LB 6500-3 Geiger-Muller tube located in RC Building in Ceske Budejovice. TLD evaluation is carried out by NRPI laboratory in Prague and the results are sent to SONS RC Ceske Budejovice. Goal of this work is to provide a set of results of the independent monitoring in surrounding areas of Temelin NPP (ETE) carried out between 1999 and 2009, by determination of volume, mass or surface activity of environmental samples (137Cs and 131I) and spot samples of water (3H) taken from SONS monitoring points near ETE . The set of such results should provide a baseline reference values for normal (pre-accident) situations. Additionally, based on the long term of the ETE surrounding surveillance, it can be shown that the ETE operation represents no threat to the health of the critical population group, and that the radiation situation in the ETE surrounding is stable. It can be also shown that the ETE operator meets requirements and conditions of authorized limits for discharging radionuclides into the environment. Procedures and method of independent environmental monitoring in the ETE surrounding during emergency events can be proposed on the basis of many years of experience with proven methodologies, experience with sampling locations, staffing and organization of measurement.

České atomové právo / Czech nuclear law

Staněk, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Czech nuclear law. The purpose of the nuclear law is to regulate the conditions of use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation in order to ensure protection of people and environment from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation. Because of highly technical nature of nuclear law, the first chapter is devoted to possibilities of use of ionizing radiation, and to outline few of relevant technical terms. The second chapter of this thesis deals with international cooperation in the area of use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation. The third and fourth chapters are devoted to Czech nuclear law with main focus on environmental aspects. While the third chapter defines the principles and tools of environmental protection in the field of nuclear law and introduces the structure of legal norms in this area, the fourth chapter analyzes the regulation of specific activities related to the use of ionizing radiation. Included are chapters concerning construction of nuclear facilities, transport of radioactive substances, decommissioning of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste management. Disregarded is neither regulation of liability for nuclear damage. In conclusion, the thesis highlights weak points of the legislation and delineates possible solutions de lege ferenda,...

Role komerčního pojištění při řešení důsledků jaderných rizik / Role of commercial insurance in solving consequences of nuclear risks

Zindulka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims on solving consequences of nuclear accidents in nucler power plants through commercial insurance. First part of this work introduces internationl liability framework for nuclear accidents, which contains international nuclear threaties and work of International Atomic Energy Agency, altogether with work of czech Agency for nuclear security. Next chapters describe nuclear insurance pools, with special focus on american pool American Nuclear Insurers and Czech nuclear insurance pool. Final part of this thesis goes through two big nuclear accidents in Three Mile Island power plant and in Fukushima power plant. Both accidents are described in wide perspective, including solving and financing of consequences from nuclear insurance and from other financial sources available at the time of disaster.

Možnosti řešení důsledků jaderných rizik prostřednictvím komerčního pojištění / Possibilities of dealing with consequences of nuclear risks through a commercial insurance

Uhlář, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is devoted to different possibilities of dealing with consequences of nuclear risks through a commercial insurance. It deals with nuclear energy in the world and in the Czech Republic, international liability conventions, Czech regularization of liability principles, possibilities of insuring nuclear risks through nuclear pools and alternative risk transfer methods. The thesis analyzes the causes, process, consequences and financing the damage of two selected nuclear power plant accidents. Based on available data, the thesis tries to evaluate the ability of the existing system of nuclear risk insurance to eliminate potential negative consequences and suggest possibilities to strengthen the role of commercial insurance.

Energetická politika EU / Energy policy of the European Union

Hasmanová, Věra January 2008 (has links)
Práce analyzuje faktory ovlivňující hlubší spolupráci států EU v sektoru energetiky a možnost vytvoření společné energetické politiky. Zaměřuje se na hlavní překážky větší integrace v tomto sektoru, především na problematiku strategičnosti odvětví, jaderné energie, národní rozdíly mezi státy a rozdílné postoje členských států k hlavním dodavatelům energií do EU. Rozebírá energetické politiky vybraných členských států a hodnotí současné strategie EU, které mají vést k vytvoření hlubší spolupráce. Poukazuje na energetickou bezpečnost jednotlivých států i EU jako celku a s tím související rostoucí závislost na dovozech energií.

Jaderná energetika a její budoucnost / Nuclear energy and its future

Eretová, Kamila January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with the potential of nuclear energy in general and in our country. Nuclear energy offers as almost a necessary alternative to fill growing demand for electricity in our country and the world. Increased attention is paid to the electricity market in our country, the role of nuclear energy in the Czech energy mix and the possibilities of its use in the future as an alternative to other energy sources (renewable, fossil resources), and savings and imports from abroad. The author summarizes the main benefits, but also the risk that nuclear energy brings. Does not forget the attitude of environmentalists, opponents and the public to the nuclear issue, which improves long-term, giving scope for the use of nuclear energy.

Vybrané logistické procesy ve společnosti Škoda JS / Chosen logistics processes in Škoda JS

Kindlová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the purchase and sale process in Škoda JS company. The aim of this work is to assess whether the setting of the purchase and sale process is met by the company also within a real business case, in compliance with set controls, and whether the degree of perfect delivery is sufficient. In the introduction, the author specifies the basic terms: logistics, logistic chain, customer benefits, information systems in logistics, buying and selling. The following chapter introduces Škoda JS company, including the sphere of its entrepreneurial activity. This chapter also deals with the nuclear power industry. In the crucial chapter, the author describes the process of purchase and sale in Škoda JS company and compares it with a real business case. In conclusion, the author evaluates discrepancies and suggests recommendations to avoid them.

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