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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agrotóxicos em doces de frutas em pasta: determinação de resíduos por μlc-qtrap-ms/ms e estudo de estabilidade / Pesticides in fruit jams: residues determination by μlc-qtrap-ms/ms and stability study

Reichert, Bárbara 24 July 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents multi-method for pesticide residues determination in fruit jams. Slurries of the fruit jams and ultrapure (u.p.) water were prepared to yield homogeneous samples and to facilitate the sample handling. The modified QuEChERS method was used for the sample preparation. Due the high detectability of the micro flow liquid chromatography triple quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry equipment (μLC-QTRAP-MS/MS) and to minimize the matrix effect (%) the acetonitrile extracts were diluted 30-fold before analysis. The method validation was performed analyzing spiked samples at the concentrations of 9 and 45 μg kg-1 (n=5). The method met validation criteria of 70 120% recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD) ≤ 20% for 93% (99) of the 107 pesticides evaluated. The reporting limit (RL) was 9 and 45 μg kg-1 for, respectively, 66% and 26% of the analytes, 5% of the compounds did not fulfill the requirements for validation and 3% were not detected at the studied concentrations. The validated method was applied to the analysis of 51 different fruit jam samples from Brazil and from Spain. Pesticide residues were detected in 80% of the samples, 51% of which contained at least one pesticide at concentration higher than 10 μg kg-1. Moreover, the stability of five pesticides was evaluated in the preparation of home-made fruit jams from spiked fruits. Thereunto, five types of fruits (orange, apple, strawberry, pear and peach, with n=2 for each type of fruit) were grinded and spiked at 500 μg kg-1 with a mixture of carbendazim, chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid, iprodione and propargite. Home-made jams were prepared with these spiked samples by cooking, over medium heat, the grinded spiked fruit with sugar and u.p. water (ratio, 5:5:2, w/w/w), in an open pan for 30 min. The modified QuEChERS extraction method was applied either to blank fruits, to the fruits spiked at 500 μg kg-1 and to the home-made jams (prepared from spiked fruits at 500 μg kg-1). The extracts of home-made jams and blank fruits were analyzed by liquid chromatography quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) to ascertain the occurrence of the known metabolites of the spiked pesticides and to determine the number of co-extracted matrix components from the fruits and from the jams. All samples were also analyzed by μLC-QTRAP-MS/MS for estimation of the pesticides processing factors. So the pesticide concentrations found in the spiked fruits were compared to the concentrations found in the home-made jams (pesticide concentration measured in the jams/pesticide concentration measured in the raw fruits). / Este trabalho apresenta um método multirresidual para determinação de resíduos de agrotóxicos em doces de fruta em pasta. Para obter-se amostras homogêneas e de fácil manipulação preparou-se uma mistura (slurry) dos doces de frutas e água ultrapura (u.p.). O preparo das amostras foi feito utilizando o método QuEChERS modificado. Com o objetivo de diminuir o efeito matriz (%) das amostras e pela alta detectabilidade do equipamento de cromatografia de micro vazão a líquido acoplada à espectrometria de massas híbrida triplo quadrupolo-armadilha de íons linear (μLC-QTRAP-MS/MS) os extratos de acetonitrila foram diluídos na razão de 1:30 (v/v) antes da análise. A validação do método analítico foi feita pela análise de amostras de doces de uva fortificadas nas concentrações de 9 e 45 μg kg-1 (n=5). Dos 107 agrotóxicos avaliados 93% (99) obtiveram recuperações de 70 a 120% e desvio padrão relativo (RSD) ≤ 20%. Os limites de notificação (RL) foram de 9 e 45 μg kg-1 para, respectivamente, 66% e 26% dos agrotóxicos avaliados, 5% dos compostos não alcançaram os pré-requisitos necessários para a validação e 3% não foram detectados nas concentrações estudadas. Após a validação do método, foram analisadas 51 amostras de doces de frutas provenientes do Brasil e da Espanha. Em 80% amostras foram detectados resíduos de agrotóxicos, 51% destas continham no mínimo um agrotóxico em concentração maior que 10 μg kg-1. Além disso, avaliou-se a estabilidade de cinco agrotóxicos no preparo de doces de frutas caseiros. Para isso, cinco tipos de frutas (laranja, maçã, morango, pera e pêssego, com n=2 para cada tipo de fruta) foram trituradas e fortificadas com uma mistura de carbendazim, clorpirifós, imidacloprido, iprodiona e propargito a 500 μg kg-1. Essas amostras foram utilizadas no preparo de doces de frutas caseiros. Para isso, as frutas trituradas e fortificadas foram cozidas com açúcar e água u.p. (proporção de 5:5:2, m/m/m) em panela aberta sob fogo médio durante 30 min. O método QuEChERS modificado foi aplicado às frutas não fortificadas, às frutas fortificadas (500 μg kg-1) e aos doces de frutas caseiros (preparados com frutas fortificadas a 500 μg kg-1). Os extratos dessas amostras foram analisados por cromatografia a líquido acoplada à espectrometria de massas híbrida quadrupolo-de tempo de voo (LC-QTOF-MS), com o objetivo de verificar a presença dos metabólitos conhecidos dos agrotóxicos e determinar o número de componentes coextraídos das matrizes. Todas as amostras foram analisadas também por μLC-QTRAPMS/ MS com o objetivo de comparar a concentração dos agrotóxicos nas frutas fortificadas com as concentrações nos doces de frutas correspondentes. A partir dessa relação foi possível estimar um fator de processamento (FP) para os agrotóxicos no preparo dos doces de frutas caseiros (concentração do agrotóxico no doce de fruta/concentração do agrotóxico na fruta fortificada).

Podnikatelský plán založení firmy na výrobu a prodej džemů / The Business Plan for Establishment of the Company on the Production and Sale of Fruit Jams

Roučová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the complete elaboration of a business plan for a small business in the manufacture of products from fruit. Purpose of the newly founded company is the production of high quality jams, which are free of chemical additives and dyes, and honestly made from Czech ingredients. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts in the structure of the business plan, including an explanation of the methods of analysis environment and primary marketing research of market and target customers, which are subsequently used in the analytical part of this work. The proposals of this paper compiled financial, marketing, organizational and temporal aspects of the project including risk assessment.

Design and Facilitation of Event-Based Open Innovation : A study about regular company arrangements for enhanced innovativeness / Design och underlättande av händelsebaserad öppen innovation

Hermann, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Den tidiga fasen av företags innovationsprocess har fått stor uppmärksamhet i modern akademisk forskning. Det diskuteras hur man strukturerar denna fas kallad “fuzzy front end” kopplat till innovation och även ett koncept som allmänt kallas “öppen innovation” har introducerats - involvering av tredje parts individer i utvecklingsprocessen. Detta examensarbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på öppen innovation genom olika event för att främja innovationsarbete såsom: workshops, hackathons, idea jams och andra typer av sammanhang som inkluderar både externa deltagare och experter samt anställda och partners inom organisationer. Genom att designa, vara värd för, övervaka samt utvärdera ett hackathon för innovation som heter LiveHacks, samlar detta examensarbete relevant information för att förstå motiven för företag såväl som individer att delta i ett sådant sammanhang. Slutligen bedöms i detta examensarbete hur man kan organisera framgångsrika öppen innovations-eventsåsom hackathons. Dessutom har en generaliserad mall som tredje part skall kunna ta efter utvecklats. / The front end of a corporate’s innovation process has caught much attention in contemporary academic research. Efforts discuss how to structure the “fuzzy frontend of innovation” and introduce a concept widely known as “open source” – the involvement of third party individuals to the development process. This Masters thesis specifically focuses on open innovation through the medium of event-based innovation facilitation; e.g through workshops, hackathons, idea jams and other events that include both external users and experts as well as employees or partners within organizations. By designing, hosting, monitoring and evaluating an innovation event called “LiveHacks”, this thesis collects relevant data to understand both, the motives of corporations as well as of individuals to participate in open innovation events. Finally, this thesis assesses how to host successful open innovation events and develops a generalized template for third party adoption.

Analyse par bilan ligneux de la dynamique des bois morts à multiples échelles spatiales et temporelles dans une rivière semi-alluviale de région froide / Analysis of the dynamics of large wood in river by a multi-scale large wood budget approach in a semi-alluvial river of cold regions

Boivin, Maxime 09 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une analyse de la dynamique du bois mort en rivière par une approche de bilan ligneux multi-scalaire dans une rivière semi-alluviale de région froide: la rivière Saint-Jean, Gaspé. L’étude de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la dynamique du bois mort a été réalisée grâce à une approche méthodologique combinant quatre années de terrain et par l’analyse de documents historiques. Les rivières de la péninsule gaspésienne produisent et transportent annuellement de grandes quantités de bois mort. Cette production provient à la fois de la puissance spécifique élevée des cours d’eau et de berges composées de sédiments peu cohésifs et comportant une ripisylve arborescente généralement dense. Jusqu’en 2015, le delta de la rivière Saint-Jean comportait plusieurs embâcles de bois de très grandes tailles. Ces embâcles se mettent en place depuis les années 1960, ils représentent une opportunité unique de quantifier et d’appliquer un budget ligneux pour cerner les variables clefs liées à la dynamique du bois mort à multiples échelles spatiales et temporelles.Nos résultats montrent que la quasi-totalité des bois morts en rivière est produite par la migration latérale et par l’influence de la morphologie. Au niveau des accumulations dans le corridor fluvial, deux zones accumulent la majorité des bois et ces premiers résultats montrent une mobilité importante qui peut varier fortement d'une année à l'autre. Au niveau de la mobilité, l’analyse d’imagerie vidéo de trois évènements différents ont montré que l’intensité (nombre de bois par minute) du transport de bois pouvait être jusqu’à dix fois supérieures durant un évènement avec débâcle mécanique glacielle, comparativement à un évènement hydroclimatique en eau libre.Finalement, nous avons réalisé une analyse par bilans ligneux et une analyse de la trajectoire éco-hydrophormologique sur une période de plus de 50 ans. Nous avons quantifié chaque composante (intrant, accumulée et sortie) d'un budget ligneux à multiples échelles spatio-temporelles. Autant à l’échelle interannuelle, qu’à l’échelle décennale, la dynamique du bois mort comporte des périodes où l’entrée de bois, le stockage et la mobilité diffèrent selon les contextes éco-hydromorphologiques. La trajectoire éco-hydromorphologiques suggère une augmentation de la dynamique fluviale en raison d'un changement significatif dans l'hydrologie conduisant à une plus grande production et mobilité des bois morts et par l'augmentation des volumes accumulés dans le corridor de la RSJ depuis 2004. / This thesis is an analysis of the dynamics of large wood in river by a multi-scale large wood budget approach in a semi-alluvial river of cold regions: the Saint-Jean River, Gaspé. The study of the spatial and temporal variability of the dynamics of large wood was carried out through a methodological approach combining four years of field and by analyzing historical documents. The rivers of the Gaspé Peninsula produce annually and carry large amounts of large wood. This production comes from the high specific power of rivers and by banks composed of noncohesive sediment and having a generally dense riparian forest tree. Until 2015, the Delta of the Saint-Jean River had several very large jams. These jams are put in place since the 1960s, they represent a unique opportunity to quantify and apply a wood budget and to identify key variables related to the dynamics of large wood at multiple spatial and temporal scales.Our results show that almost all large wood in river is produced by lateral migration and by the influence of the morphology. For the accumulations in the river corridor, two areas accumulate the majority of wood and these first results show a significant mobility, which can fluctuate substantially from year to year. In terms of mobility, video analysis of three different events showed that the intensity of the transport (number of large wood per minute) can be higher to ten times during an event with mechanical ice-breakup, compared to an open water.hydroclimatic event.Finally, we conducted an analysis by large wood budget and analysis of eco-hydromorphological trajectory over more than 50 years. We quantified each component (input, output and accumulated) of a large wood budget at multiple spatial and temporal scales. At the interannual scale or decadal, scale, the dynamics of large wood have periods when the input, storage and mobility of large wood differ according to eco-hydromorphological contexts. The eco-hydromorphological trajectory suggests an increase in river dynamics due to a significant change in the hydrology, resulting in higher production and mobility of large wood and increased in volumes accumulated in the corridor of the Saint-Jean River since the last decade.

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