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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Bela e a Fera: a reafirmação do estereótipo feminino e sua subversão nas colunas de Tereza Quadros, máscara de Clarice Lispector / The Beauty and the Beast: the reaffirmation of the female stereotype and its subversion in the columns of Tereza Quadros, mask of Clarice Lispector.

Sandroni, Tania 11 April 2018 (has links)
Sob a máscara de Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector jornalista produziu a coluna Entre mulheres no jornal Comício, em 1952. Ao lado de receitas e conselhos, comuns na imprensa feminina, a colunista publicou textos em que há um discurso pouco convencional sobre o que se consideravam os modelos femininos. Essa postura, em certa medida transgressora para a época, pode ser comprovada também pelo fato de a colunista citar trechos em que a emancipação da mulher está tematizada. Nesta pesquisa, identificamos que a principal fonte de inspiração para Clarice Lispector foi o livro O segundo sexo, de Simone de Beauvoir, publicado em 1949 na França e, à época, não traduzido no Brasil. Além de citar um trecho da própria escritora francesa, a colunista retirou da obra outras referências e trechos de terceiros. Isso revela que, ao mesmo tempo em que ratificava o estereótipo da mulher burguesa da década de 1950, com conselhos sobre tarefas domésticas, Clarice Lispector contestava esse mesmo estereótipo, por meio da apresentação de leituras avançadas para a época. Além disso, a colunista escreveu crônicas com incontestável valor literário, sendo que algumas delas deram origem a contos publicados posteriormente com assinatura da escritora. Dessa forma, a produção de Tereza Quadros é bastante diferenciada daquelas desenvolvidas por Helen Palmer e Ilka Soares, outras máscaras da escritora na imprensa feminina. / Under the mask of Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector wrote the column \"Among Women\" for the newspaper Comício, in 1952. Alongside recipes and advice, common in women\'s press, the writer published texts in which there is a somewhat unconventional discourse in regards to what were considered female role models. This posture, transgressive to a point for its time, can be confirmed by the fact the columnist quoted passages on the emancipation of women. In this research, we have identified the primary source of inspiration for Clarice Lipector as the book The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir, published in 1949, France, and not translated in Brazil back then. Apart from quoting directly from the french writer, the columnist also took from her work other references and excerpts from other authors. That reveals that, at the same time she ratified female role models for the middle-class woman in the years of 1950, with advice on domestic chores, Clarice Lispector contested that same stereotype through introducing new, advanced reads for her time. In addition, the columnist wrote chronicles with undeniable literary value, some of which gave origin to short stories later published with the writer\'s signature. Therefore, the writing production of Tereza Quadros is quite different from the ones of Helen Palmer and Ilka Soares, other masks the writer has used in women\'s press.

Postava novináře v britském románu 20. století / The image of a journalist in the 20th century british novel

Horáčková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis The Picture of a Journalist in the 20th century British novel is to map the space dedicated to characters of journalists in literature, the 20th century British novels in particular. Depiction of the journalistic characters is based on fifteen selected literary works within three different novel types - comic novel, detective novel and social-critical novel. Using a detailed analysis of a sum of both the narrative and the extra-literary elements the thesis compares various characters of male and female journalists appearing in the selected novels. It tries to compare the differences as well as the similarities within portrayals of journalists in different novel types. As a conclusion the thesis evaluates the overall picture of journalists in these works and attempts to trace any similarities or recurring trends in depiction of journalists in literature.

In Wien kann man zwar nicht leben, aber anders wo kann man nicht l e b e n : Kontinuität und Veränderung bei Raoul Auernheimer

Weiss, Lennart January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the nowadays largely unknown Austrian author Raoul Auernheimer (1876-1948). It is an attempt at a presentation of his life and work, the main part dealing with four of his works, the play Talent (1900), the long story Laurenz Hallers Praterfahrt (1913), the novel Das Kapital (1923) and the autobiographical report Die Zeit im Lager (1939). My purpose is to investigate to what extent his works reflect time, Auernheimers life and the city of Vienna. An introductory chapter on life and work deals with the most important events in his life. It is clear, that he was one of the major personalities in the field of culture in Vienna before and after World War I and an outstanding intellectual who stood for democratic values. When he was 61 the Nazis forced him to leave Austria, after first having put him into the concentration camp Dachau for five months. He was then in exile in the USA where, in spite of a heart condition, he lived on for nine more years. A section on secondary literature and an almost complete catalogue of his works show their versatility, scope and scale. In this context, his significant role as a drama critic, journalist and essayist becomes evident. The city of Vienna is a central theme in the four works I examined and each date of origin (1900, 1913, 1923, 1939) is significant for the work itself. Work and date indicate radical changes in his literary production and constitute a step in the direction of becoming a person who thinks politically. However these changes meant very little to his literary style, which shows continuity. In his works he basically remains a Feuilletonist and playwright. More and more Auernheimer shows his solidarity with the vulnerable groups of society. This is conveyed indirectly, virtually through ‘participating observation‘. By each time describing conditions accurately and exactly, he criticizes current deficiencies. Concerning language it is apparent, that irony is important to his style. Since he views his world critically, he uses it to make social conditions clear. The style of the Feuilleton, in which linguistic brilliance and harmony of text are important components, is characteristic of this author. It is the style of the journalist and critic. Keywords: Raoul Auernheimer, continuity, change, life, work, journalist, critic, Talent, Laurenz Hallers Praterfahrt, Das Kapital, Die Zeit im Lager, time influence, social conditions, participating observation, criticism of current deficiencies, city of Vienna, style of the Feuilleton, irony   Lennart Weiss, Department of Modern Languages, Box 636, Uppsala University, SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden   © Lennart Weiss 2010

女性新聞工作者勞動與流動之初探: 以洛杉磯華文媒體為例 / The Study on Female Journalists’Labor-ship and Labor Turnover: An Example of Chinese Media in Los Angeles

俞振儀, Yu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 本研究主要以探討在洛杉磯地區的華文媒體中的女性新聞工作者之勞動經驗 與流動因素,以深度的訪談法共訪問美國南加州洛杉磯地區35 位華裔女性新聞工作者,並由女性角度的觀點切入、並結合參與觀察法探討在海外的少數媒體生態中的工作經驗、以及針對走入家庭的女性工作者,嘗試深入瞭解影響她們在面臨工作與家庭的衝突時所作的抉擇及規劃的背後主因。 研究發現,在洛杉磯華文媒體的特殊生態、報導取材、新聞製作及分配, 使女性新聞工作者在新聞產製上佔有優勢。而華裔女性的性別特質,如富有同理心的的刻板印象,使她們在與受訪者建立關係、以及採訪軟性新聞和撰寫上受到重視。在勞動經驗中,許多電視媒體的女性新聞工作者須面臨美感勞動的實踐及適應。 除了語言適應問題和移民身份問題外,許多華裔女性新聞工作者曾遭遇性騷 擾的困境。雖然美國在立法保護及執行上相當徹底,但因國籍背景、文化融入和合法需留權的不同,華裔女性新聞工作者在面對性騷擾問題時,會作出不同的反應及抵抗策略。影響華裔女性新聞工作者流動的因素可分為工作環境、個人因素、及家庭因素。而因美國政策與教育制度對家庭主婦的肯定、職場生態對於婦女再就業給予支持、和家庭結構的不同與經濟因素的考量,使在美的華裔女性新聞工作者,選擇回歸家庭的自主性意願高。 / Abstract This research primary discusses the working experience and labor turnover of the Chinese female journalists in Los Angeles Chinese news industry. The research utilized semi-structured Interview method to interview thirty-five Chinese female journalists in greater Los Angeles area. Through the female’s point of views, observation of work experience in oversea minority media; we will discuss the influence and reasoning of decision when they encounter conflict from their career and family. The research revealed that female journalist have an advantage over male in the news production industry due to the Los Angeles Chinese media special ecological, reports drawn, news production and distribution. Chinese women gender traits, such as stereotype of sympathy will enable them to establish bonding with the interviewee easier, as well as advantage in soft news interviews and editing. In the labor experience, many women television journalists have to face with "aesthetic labor" practices and adaption. Beside the language barrier and immigrant status, many Chinese female journalists have been suffered sexual harassment. Although United States legislature has a sufficient system for protection and enforcement; however, due to the nationality background, cultural integration and the residence right difference, many Chinese female journalists are not able to fight back when they are suffering from sexual harassment. They have to react with different strategy and approach. Generally speaking, working Environment, personal factors, and family factors are three main categories influencing Chinese female Journalists job turnover. On the other hand, United States political policy and education system supports homemaker reemployment. Depends on the economic considerations and family structures; Chinese female journalists Are willing to leave their jobs and stay at home instead.

Initiatives médiatiques pour baliser le développement des nanotechnologies : une enquête qualitative auprès des journalistes et des chercheurs en nanobiotechnologies

Côté, Philippe-Aubert 10 1900 (has links)
Grâce aux nanotechnologies, l’être humain peut maîtriser la matière à l’échelle du nanomètre — soit au niveau des atomes et des molécules. Les matériaux obtenus suite à ces manipulations présentent des propriétés nouvelles qui les rendent très intéressants pour nombre d’applications techniques, et ce dans tous les domaines technoscientifiques. Ainsi, les nanotechnologies sont souvent considérées comme les prémisses d’une profonde révolution technologique et sociale. Toutefois, si les nanotechnologies intéressent investisseurs, gouvernement, entreprises et universités, elles soulèvent aussi des questions éthiques, notamment au sujet de leur toxicité, de leurs retombées et de la modification de l’être humain. À ces questions s’ajoutent plusieurs interrogations sur la gouvernance des nanotechnologies : comment, en effet, encadrer en amont le développement de celles-ci pour éviter d’éventuelles conséquences néfastes en aval? Parmi ces interrogations, le rôle des médias dans les relations entre les développeurs de nanotechnologies et le public est souvent mentionné. Certains voient dans les médias un acteur auquel les chercheurs pourraient recourir pour établir un dialogue avec le public afin d’assurer un développement harmonieux des nanotechnologies. Si cette recommandation semble très pertinente, il n’existe, à notre connaissance, aucune étude empirique pour en vérifier la faisabilité auprès des acteurs concernés (chercheurs, médias, etc.). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons donc voulu examiner et analyser les perceptions des chercheurs et des journalistes québécois envers des initiatives médiatiques pour baliser le développement des nanotechnologies. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à une étude qualitative auprès de vingt (20) chercheurs en nanobiotechnologies/nanomédecine et dix (10) journalistes spécialisés en vulgarisation scientifique. L’analyse des entretiens avec les répondants a révélé que si les acteurs rencontrés sont favorables envers de telles initiatives, il existe plusieurs contraintes pouvant gêner une telle entreprise. Suite à l’examen de ces contraintes, nous avons suggéré des initiatives concrètes que les chercheurs québécois pourraient mettre en place pour mieux baliser le développement des nanotechnologies à l’aide d’un dialogue avec le public. Ces suggestions consistent notamment à créer des médias privés pour les chercheurs, à recourir aux médias indépendants et à investir le web. De telles initiatives, cependant, ne peuvent s’obtenir qu’au prix d’un remaniement des priorités des chercheurs. / Thanks to nanotechnologies, mankind can control matter at the nanometer scale, on the level of individual atoms and molecules. Materials obtained following these nanoscale manipulations demonstrate novel properties with the potential for application to all scientific and technological disciplines. Nanotechnologies are therefore often considered a foundation for a deep technological and social revolution. However, while nanotechnologies interest investors, government, private enterprises and universities, they also raise ethical questions, particularly regarding their toxicity, their outcome and the modification of human beings. On top of these ethical questions several other interrogations arise with respect to the governance of nanotechnologies: how, indeed, should their development be initially monitored in order to avoid eventual negative consequences in the future? Among these many questions, the role of the media in the relations between the developers of nanotechnologies and the public is often mentioned. Some see in the media an actor that researchers might refer to in order to establish a dialogue with the public to insure a harmonious development of nanotechnologies. While this recommendation seems very relevant, no empirical study exists to our knowledge to assess its feasibility among the concerned stakeholders (researchers, media). Within the scope of this thesis, we thus wanted to examine and analyze the perception of researchers and journalists from Quebec towards media initiatives to monitor the development of nanotechnologies. To do so, we proceeded to perform a qualitative study with twenty (20) researchers in the fields of nanobiotechnology/nanomedicine and ten (10) journalists specialized in scientific popularization. The analysis of interviews with responders revealed that while the concerned parties are in favour of these initiatives, there are several constraints that may impede such an enterprise. Following the study of these constraints, we have suggested concrete initiatives that Quebec researchers may implement in order to better monitor the development of nanotechnologies through a dialogue with the public. These suggestions mainly consist in creating private media for researchers, resorting to independent media and engaging the World Wide Web. Such initiatives, however, can only be obtained at the price of a realignment of researchers’ priorities.

從媒介生態更迭中再出發-八位記者的流浪紀實 / The jobless journalists in Taiwan:True stories

許麗珍, Hsu, Li-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來傳播科技快速變化,不但社會型態因此產生鉅變,新科技更也打破了媒體界線進而產生科技滙流,使得平面媒體、廣電媒體、共同載具、有線電視及網際網路的藩籬、角色、定位都逐漸模糊。 而當平面媒體處於麥克魯漢所說的「淘汰」螺旋後,自一九九九年開始整體廣告盈收呈現負成長,二○○六年台灣報紙一口氣有六家熄燈打烊,數以千計的記者失業。受此影響,記者專業角色嚴重貶值,從監督社會的無冕王淪為商業化與科技化雙重衝擊下的現代報業媒體工人,大量遭解雇的記者形成「流浪記者」現象。 本文訪談八位記者發現,一旦對媒體產業的未來失去信心,連帶也對自己失去信心,喪失了新聞工作的認同與熱情,「一輩子當記者」成為遙不可及的夢想,選擇以生存作為工作心態。這樣的氛圍型塑出平面媒體記者「集體灰暗時代」,嚴重影響其專業角色。 然而以「媒體四大律」分析,紙張形式的報紙雖逐漸遭到網路媒體之「淘汰」卻不會消失,而是需要「轉化」。記者創作撰寫新聞「內容」的能力不因報社倒閉而消失,社會對記者的需求更將永無止境,記者應隨社會環境與新科技改變進而轉變並提升自身核心能力。 / The media landscape in Taiwan has been greatly changed because of the emergence of new communication technologies and transition of market-driven journalism globally. For one thing, the newspaper industry’s circulation and readership continue to decline and advertising revenues keep on shrinking since 1999. As a result, since the beginning of this century, many newspapers have experienced huge deficits; six were shut down in 2006 alone and thousands of journalists lost their jobs. Based on the literature review and in-depth interviews of eight so-called “jobless journalists” who left or considering to leave the newspaper industry, this study finds many of these professional reporters are experiencing a crisis of confidence, no longer believing in themselves as well as the professional training. Most of all, they predict that the fate of newspaper has been doomed and journalism is hopeless and futureless. The study records their true stories of how to rebuild confidence while facing the hardship both of the career and the profession.

Un journalisme d’immersion limité et contraint : étude de la pratique des correspondants français en Chine / A limited and constrained immersion journalism : a study of the practice of French correspondents in China

Sun, Jiangeng 11 December 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de « mondialisation », les échanges entre cultures différentes favorisent une meilleure compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples du monde. Les correspondants de presse étrangers constituent des acteurs clés dans ce processus de médiation culturelle transnationale. Leur travail journalistique permet en effet à un public national de mieux connaître la culture dans laquelle ces correspondants sont immergés. Et par là contribuer à la compréhension culturelle entre le pays d’origine des correspondants et leur pays d’accueil. Notre recherche s’intéresse aux pratiques journalistiques des correspondants de presse français en Chine. Cet exemple permet de mettre en lumière des logiques de travail et des dispositifs de contrôle qui contraignent, directement ou indirectement, le travail de production de l’information. Nourries de nos enquêtes de terrain et d’approches théoriques, nos analyses permettent de montrer que les journalistes français présents en Chine constituent un microcosme social, à la fois relativement fermé sur lui-même et isolé de la société chinoise. Il s’agit le plus souvent de journalistes professionnels à la fois très diplômés et très expérimentés. Toutefois, en Chine, ils ne peuvent jamais exercer un « journalisme d’immersion » malgré leur présence sur place sur des durées relativement longues. Leur faible maîtrise du chinois opérationnel empêche une bonne partie des journalistes français de communiquer directement avec des Chinois. Ensuite, les conditions de réalisation de reportages subissent souvent des contraintes liées à la politique chinoise de régulation des journalistes étrangers en Chine. Enfin, leur accès aux sources d’information pèse également de manière décisive sur la production de l’information sur place. / In a context of globalisation, cultural exchanges foster and increase a mutual understanding between peoples and cultures, all around the world. Foreign correspondents are key players in the transnational process of cultural mediation. Indeed, their journalistic work helps a national audience to achieve a better understanding of the culture in which these correspondents are immersed, and thereby contributes to cultural understanding between their home country and the host country. Our research focuses on the journalistic practices of French correspondents in China, and highlights the logics of work and the control devices that influence, directly or indirectly, the production of information and, generally speaking, the journalistic practice of foreign correspondents. Based on our field studies and theoretical approaches, our analysis aims at demonstrating that French journalists in China constitute a social microcosm, relatively closed on itself and isolated from the Chinese society. They are often professionals both highly qualified and very experienced. However, they can never really have recourse to the method of "immersion journalism" despite long periods of presence in China. Lots of French journalists cannot directly communicate with the Chinese population, because of their insufficient knowledge of the everyday language. Then their working conditions often face constraints of the Chinese's regulation policy towards foreign journalists. Finally, their limited access to information sources also has a major impact on the process of information production in China.

Media law aspects of the news-gathering function of journalists in a conflict zone

Welgemoed, Anton Christo 30 June 2007 (has links)
The function of a journalist is not only to inform but also to investigate. Since the public has a right to information, jurists need to protect journalists that report from dangerous war-torn regions in order to keep the world informed. As the primary reliable source and often eyewitness to humanitarian atrocities a journalist has a duty to report such atrocities. There has for several decades now been uncertainty regarding the fact whether journalists should be granted special protection or not. On the one hand it is argued that journalists should be protected in terms of humanitarian law due to their humanitarian function, the service that they render in facilitating the free flow of information to the world and the role that journalists play in society. On the other hand, some argue that the protection of journalists is not the responsibility of the international community but rather their individual national governments or local news organisations. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.

A Bela e a Fera: a reafirmação do estereótipo feminino e sua subversão nas colunas de Tereza Quadros, máscara de Clarice Lispector / The Beauty and the Beast: the reaffirmation of the female stereotype and its subversion in the columns of Tereza Quadros, mask of Clarice Lispector.

Tania Sandroni 11 April 2018 (has links)
Sob a máscara de Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector jornalista produziu a coluna Entre mulheres no jornal Comício, em 1952. Ao lado de receitas e conselhos, comuns na imprensa feminina, a colunista publicou textos em que há um discurso pouco convencional sobre o que se consideravam os modelos femininos. Essa postura, em certa medida transgressora para a época, pode ser comprovada também pelo fato de a colunista citar trechos em que a emancipação da mulher está tematizada. Nesta pesquisa, identificamos que a principal fonte de inspiração para Clarice Lispector foi o livro O segundo sexo, de Simone de Beauvoir, publicado em 1949 na França e, à época, não traduzido no Brasil. Além de citar um trecho da própria escritora francesa, a colunista retirou da obra outras referências e trechos de terceiros. Isso revela que, ao mesmo tempo em que ratificava o estereótipo da mulher burguesa da década de 1950, com conselhos sobre tarefas domésticas, Clarice Lispector contestava esse mesmo estereótipo, por meio da apresentação de leituras avançadas para a época. Além disso, a colunista escreveu crônicas com incontestável valor literário, sendo que algumas delas deram origem a contos publicados posteriormente com assinatura da escritora. Dessa forma, a produção de Tereza Quadros é bastante diferenciada daquelas desenvolvidas por Helen Palmer e Ilka Soares, outras máscaras da escritora na imprensa feminina. / Under the mask of Tereza Quadros, Clarice Lispector wrote the column \"Among Women\" for the newspaper Comício, in 1952. Alongside recipes and advice, common in women\'s press, the writer published texts in which there is a somewhat unconventional discourse in regards to what were considered female role models. This posture, transgressive to a point for its time, can be confirmed by the fact the columnist quoted passages on the emancipation of women. In this research, we have identified the primary source of inspiration for Clarice Lipector as the book The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir, published in 1949, France, and not translated in Brazil back then. Apart from quoting directly from the french writer, the columnist also took from her work other references and excerpts from other authors. That reveals that, at the same time she ratified female role models for the middle-class woman in the years of 1950, with advice on domestic chores, Clarice Lispector contested that same stereotype through introducing new, advanced reads for her time. In addition, the columnist wrote chronicles with undeniable literary value, some of which gave origin to short stories later published with the writer\'s signature. Therefore, the writing production of Tereza Quadros is quite different from the ones of Helen Palmer and Ilka Soares, other masks the writer has used in women\'s press.

Novinář a publicista Rostislav Korčák / Journalist and publicist Rostislav Korčák

Sychra, Michael January 2017 (has links)
iploma thesis deals with the life of journalist Rostislav Korčák. During the Korčák Czechoslovakia and became a member of Zemědělské noviny. He died at the age of 90 in 1984.

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