Spelling suggestions: "subject:"judaism"" "subject:"judaicas""
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Pavelka, Tomáš January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Mystický výstup v textu Ma'ase merkava / Mystic ascent in the Ma'aseh merkavah textBönischová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Mystický výstup v textu Ma'ase merkava - anotace Tato práce se zabývá pozdně starověkým židovským mystickým textem Ma'ase merkava. Zaměřuje se na tu část textu, která se zabývá mystickým výstupem sedmi nebeskými paláci. V úvodní kapitole se snažím zasadit text Ma'ase merkava do širšího kontextu hejchalotické literatury. Druhá kapitola shrnuje dosavadní bádání týkající se textu Ma'ase merkava. Popisuji zde různé rukopisné verze a dosavadní vydání textu. Dále uvádím a hodnotím odborné práce, věnující se tomuto textu. Třetí kapitola představuje vlastní překlad části textu zabývající se mystickým výstupem podle hebrejského originálu ve zvolené rukopisné verzi (Oxford 1531). Jádro práce představuje čtvrtá kapitola, kde text analyzuji. První část analýzy je věnována funkci a charakteru textu. Uvádím názory různých badatelů na funkci textu a zdůvodňuji svůj názor, že se původně jednalo o krátké záznamy z mystických cest. Poté, co byly tyto krátké záznamy sestaveny do většího textového celku, nabyl text sekundárně také charakter instruktážní příručky. Ve druhé části analýzy zkoumám jednotlivé prvky textu, jako je popis sedmi paláců a sedmi nebes, popis Božích vlastností, Boží jména nebo tzv. nesmyslná slova v textu. Závěr pak představuje krátké shrnutí a zhodnocení práce. Mystic Ascent in the Ma'ase Merkava text -...
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Základní milníky života v judaismu / Fundamental Milestones of Life in JudaismSalačová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis named Fundamental Milestones of Life in Judaism deals, as the title of the diploma thesis suggests with the main transitional rituals in Judaism in terms of religious studies such as birth, bar / bat mitzvah, wedding and death as all these milestones are very important in the life of every Orthodox Jew or Jewess because each of these transitions means for them a certain position in the world, that means, that they know and realize their position in the world. One of the aim of this thesis is to characterize and describe these particular and specific milestones of Jewish life and also, the diploma thesis depicts their history and their development over time. To the beginning, we will describe the history of the Jews, because without this context, life in Judaism, as the Jews live, is really hard to understand. This chapter is followed by the characteristics of Judaism as a religion and then the thesis will focus on the transition rituals themselves and their importance for life in Judaism. The description of these key moments in a Jew's life should then lead to an understanding of the meaning of life as perceived by the Jews themselves.
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Palestinsko-izraelský konflikt: vliv židovských náboženských stran na mírový procesRáž, Pavel January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vývojem palestinsko-izraelského konfliktu a především mírovým procesem od počátku 90. let. Na znalosti historických souvislostí staví rozbor struktury izraelské společnosti, především zdůrazňuje její výraznou etnickou a náboženskou diverzitu. Ve své stěžějní části je práce zaměřena na hlavní náboženské politické strany. Rozebírá jejich postoje k dlouhodobému konfliktu mezi Palestinci a Izraelci a jejich postoje a vliv na mírový proces směřující k vyrovnání mezi oběma národy.
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Ženy v tradičním judaismu se zaměřením na tradice a zvyky Židovské obce v Praze od První republiky až po současnost / Women in traditional Judaism focusing on tradition and customs of the Jewish community in Prague from the First republic to the presentPříplatová, Silvie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis outlines the view of women's life in traditional Judaism on the territory of the capital city of Prague. The work is not only focused on Jewish history from the First Republic to the present, the development of the social coexistence of Czechs and Jews over the last two centuries, but also on the preserved traditions and contemporary practices of Jewish women. The aim of my work is to clarify the traditions and customs that have been observed and changed in Prague and have evolved over time, under the influence of the surrounding world or migration. All this, with the emphasis on the fact that even though the life of pious Jewish women is full of statutes and provisions, these women are still given great respect, family, religion, culture, or society. Many years of thought and attitudes have persisted in the Jewish population in the form of dogmatism. On the part of the Czech population, motivated religious, social and even superstitious prejudices persisted. An unobtrusive observer may seem from the outside view that the lives of women in traditional Judaism or the practices of women in Prague since the First Republic are stable and unchanging. These ceremonies and practices have passed in the past with some developments that have culminated in the territory of Prague in the...
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Význam charitativní činnosti v judaismu / The Meaning of Charity in JudaismRosenbaumová, Jindřiška January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The importance of charity in Judaism" is about philanthropy in Judaism. It briefly describes the historical development since the Bible to contemporary conception of philanthropy in the Prague Jewish community. The Jewish religion is very closely engaged in all areas of the believer, including the charitable area. One of the most famous expressions of the charity is Zedekiah, meaning literally "justness, godliness, charity". Another important term is gmilut chasadim, which is translated as "acts of charity" - these acts are superior to Zedekiah by providing help to the poor ones and to the rich ones. The Jewish law (halakhah) deals with issue of charity and philanthropy in detail. The Pragu
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Postavení ženy v judaismu a islámu s ohledem na lidská práva / The Position of Woman in Judaism and Islam with Respect to Human RightsKuntová, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Position of Woman in Judaism and Islam with Respect to Human Rights" deals with the status of woman in traditional religious communities. It points out the disparity between the status of woman and man, often inadequate concept of universal human rights. The work focuses on human rights itself, from the perspective of religion and from the perspective of the West. It shows their similarities and differences. Part of the work is devoted to the status of woman from ancient times until the present. A large part is devoted to the status of woman in traditional family and her obligations towards man. Mainly discusses marriage and divorce. Does not forget to even mention the current state of women's status in Israel and Saudi Arabia, as the dominant religious leaders. In this work are interpreted true testimony of women about their status. We will meet both responses, the positive and the negative.
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Prvky New Age v současném judaismu (tzv. Jewish Renewal) / The Elements of New Age in Contemporary Judaism (so called Jewish Renewal)Schneiderová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis "The Elements of New Age in Contemporary Judaism (so called Jewish Renewal)" deals with mutual relationship between Judaism and New Age movement. In the first part it describes their main mutual elements such as holism, monism, environmentalism, tender issues and esotericism. The second part is focused on Jewish Renewal movement, which aroused in 60's of 20th century in the United states of America. This movement is transdenominational neoschasidic movement, which tries to renew Judaism through Chasidic and kabalistic thoughts adapted to present days, it emphasizes personal spirituality. The third part talks about the Jewish elements within new Age, which are mainly kabbalah and Jewish mysticism. The fourth part describes the phenomenon of dual religious identity, whose the best known groups are Messianic Jews, Jews for Allah, Jewbus and Hinjews.
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Právní postavení Federace židovských obcí v České republice / The legal position of the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech RepublicCrofony, Timea January 2013 (has links)
Resumé This thesis concerns itself with legal position and operation of The Federation of Jewish Communities in Czech Republic. It brings the perspective on fundamental legal regulations which form a base for operation of The Federation of Jewish Communities and which the Federation is obliged to conform to. The thesis also includes historical insight and cultural background of Jewish religion and its relevant particularities. The aim of my thesis was to put the operation and standing of The Federation of Jewish Communities into Czech legal framework, to describe a specific linkage of legal regulations with religious practice and Jewish religious observances and to use real-life examples to demonstrate the impact and reflection of legal regulations in life of members of Jewish communities and associated organizations. This thesis is divided into four chapters (apart from Preamble and Conclusion), most of which is then further divided into subchapters and other sections. First chapter concerns itself with general definition of religious freedom in the context of Czech legal system, with basic overview of legal sources of Czech state ecclesiastical law and with assessment of Federation's position in the context of Legal Act Nr. 3/2002 Coll. on freedom of religious confession and the position of churches and...
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Textová a gramatická analýza vybraných pasáží knihy Zohar / Textual and Grammatical analysis of Selected Passages from the Book of ZoharKohout, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
The objective of my dissertation is an analysis of selected passages from the Book of Zohar. The selected texts are analyzed from the synchronic and diachronic point of view. The synchronic approach consists of detailed grammatical study of all contained lexical units and its result is a Czech translation that reflects the interpretative variations as well. The diachronic approach incorporates Czech translation of important rabbinical commentaries and scientific discourse on analyzed themes. My dissertation gives a discussion of the nature of zoharic Aramaic and its literary sources. The scientific question is an evaluation of Moses de-Le'on's success rate in his endeavor to imitate the Aramaic of Targum Onkelos.
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