Spelling suggestions: "subject:"k12 education"" "subject:"k112 education""
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Technology-Based Professional Development for Teaching and Learning in K-12 ClassroomsByrd, Nijia 01 January 2017 (has links)
In an urban Georgia school district, teacher satisfaction surveys revealed that technology-based professional development was not equipping teachers with the skills or support needed to implement technology into their teaching practices. The purpose of this mixed-methods case study was to explore teachers' experiences and perceptions of technology-based professional development and its effect on self-efficacy. Guided by Piaget's constructivist theory, this study was based on the perspective that teachers often construct knowledge rather than gain it. Guiding questions explore the experiences teachers have had with technology integration in daily teaching practices, their self-perceived competency level and self-efficacy regarding technology, their attitudes about provided professional development and time and resources provided for their collaborative professional work, and perceptions about their technology related professional development needs. A purposeful sample of 35 teachers was used to collect quantitative data through a survey and 8 of these teachers were interviewed. Interview data were transcribed, coded, and member checked. Three themes emerged: teacher-centered versus student-centered use; necessity of differentiated professional development; and lack of support, resources, and time. Descriptive analysis revealed that most teachers were using technology daily. Factors contributing to the frequency and quality of technology use included resources, support, and self-efficacy. As a model intervention, the final outcome is a comprehensive professional development plan to provide teachers with a platform to share and improve their teaching practices, which when implemented will offer positive social change, in the form of support for these and other teachers, which will lead to improvements in teaching and learning and achievement of educational outcomes.
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Academic Optimism of Columbus City Schools' High School Teachers in Relation to the Black-White Achievement GapSmith, Rachelle 04 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Inuit Students' Journeys from High School into Post-Secondary EducationOchalski, Heather 30 September 2021 (has links)
Education is a critical social process and is the responsibility of the society of which a child is a member. Education and Schooling promote the cognitive development and professional skills acquisition that produce economic development and positive socio-economic outcomes. In the modern world, education is strongly correlated with employability, access to food, housing, social status and associates strongly with measures of individual health and wellbeing. However, despite moderate gains in education outcomes for Inuit students, school engagement and graduation rates remain low across Inuit Nunangat in the K-12 system, and entry into post-secondary education has increasingly lagged behind that of the rest of Canadians. All the while, Inuit remain the most socio-economically disadvantaged people in Canada.
At the root of this education gap is the collision of two cultures and world views. In the last sixty-five years (roughly just two generations), Inuit non-monetary social and economic systems, as well as teaching methods, have been eroded and replaced by dominant Western pedagogical and economic practices. This has caused tension between Inuit and Western pedagogy and provoked re-examination of what gets taught in the dominant Western education system in order to prepare Inuit students to participate in Canadian society.
This study narrates the experiences of six Inuit students' education journeys and explores how they navigated cultural tensions to successfully reach and complete their post-secondary education. Findings indicate that the presence of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (Inuit epistemology), or rather its prescriptive Guiding Principles (the branch of Inuit social epistemology) when practiced, supported their success. Further, the lack of these Principles, evident in microaggressions from educators, segregation, racism, suicides, and lateral violence from peers all served as barriers to their educational goals of being able to participate bi-culturally in both the Inuit and Western ways of living.
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Redlining Impacts on Public School Closures and School Quality in ChicagoMei, Claire January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Peer feedback with support of digital technology in visual art educationForslind, Eva-Lena January 2023 (has links)
This licentiate thesis focuses on the development of the idea process in art education using digital peer feedback. In the school subject visual art, the visual idea process, e.g., when students sketch their ideas, is an important phase in a project. When an idea takes form, there is the possibility for considering the idea in a new way, for others to study and discuss it, and most importantly, for generating new ideas. By digitally sharing their visual idea process and providing feedback, students can become more aware of their own and others' creative processes. Peer feedback in this thesis leans on two theories. The first is self-regulated learning, meaning that students formulate goals and identify needs (both their own and others’) when learning. In the feedback activity, the student is responsible for their own idea and for the visual feedback given to other students. They also receive valuable input when providing feedback. The second feedback theory is social constructivism and the zone of proximal development, i.e., the difference between what students accomplish in learning with the help of others and what students accomplish by themselves. In this study it is shown (by focusing on the social aspects of peer feedback) that when students help others, they develop their own products far more than they might have done if working individually. On two occasions, I observed and investigated how students (an eighth-grade and sixth-grade class) developed and digitally shared visual ideas supported by digital peer feedback. Thematic analysis was used on data gathered on both occasions (i.e. in both iterations of the study) to identify different types of feedback provided by students. In the first iteration, the feedback was in written form, and through analysis, five themes were created that described different types of peer feedback. In the second iteration, feedback was provided using various visual techniques, and through the analysis, four themes were formed. In each iteration of the study, four categories were created to describe the degree of change between the first and final sketches. The results suggest that using digital tools and peer feedback activities in visual art could help improve students’ abilities to develop ideas. The methodological contribution of this research is its new use of peer feedback using visual feedback. With this form of feedback, students stayed within one medium, using a sign system to communicate visual solutions on the sketches of other students. At the same time, they received practical tips and direct advice that they could immediately apply to their sketches. / Den här licentiatuppsatsen fokuserar på att utveckla idéprocessen i bildundervisning med hjälp av digital kamratfeedback. I skolämnet bild är den visuella idéprocessen, till exempel när elever skissar sina idéer, en viktig fas i ett projekt. När en idé får en form blir det möjligt att betrakta den, för andra att studera och granska, och kanske viktigast av allt, att generera nya idéer. Genom att digitalt dela med sig av sin visuella idéprocess och ge feedback kan elever bli mer medvetna om sina egna och andras kreativa processer. Kamratfeedback, peer feedback, i uppsatsen lutar sig mot två teorier. Den ena är själv-reglerat lärande, vilket innebär att formulera mål och identifiera behov i lärandet. I feedbackaktiviteten är eleven ansvarig för den egna idén och för den feedback som ges till andra elever. Eleverna får också värdefull input när de ger feedback. Den andra teorin är socialkonstruktivism och den proximala utvecklingszonen, dvs. skillnaden mellan vad elever åstadkommer i lärandet med hjälp av andra och vad elever åstadkommer på egen hand. Den här studien (som fokuserar på de sociala aspekterna av kamratfeedback) visar att när elever hjälper andra utvecklar de sin idé mycket mer än vad de skulle ha gjort om de hade arbetat individuellt. I två omgångar undersöktes hur elever i åttonde och sjätte klass utvecklar och digitalt delar visuella idéer med stöd av digital kamratfeedback. Inspiration från tematisk analys användes i båda omgångarna för att identifiera olika typer av feedback från eleverna. I den första användes skriftlig feedback, och genom analysen skapades fem teman som beskrev olika typer av elevernas feedback. I den andra omgången gav eleverna varandra feedback i form av olika visuella tekniker, och i analysarbetet skapades fyra teman. I båda omgångarna bedömdes graden av förändring mellan den första och den sista skissen. Fyra kategorier skapades i varje omgång. Resultaten tyder på att det skulle kunna vara fördelaktigt för elevernas förmåga att utveckla idéer med hjälp av digitala teknologier och kamratfeedback-aktiviteter i bild. Den digitala delningen underlättade för eleverna att dela och granska varandras idéarbeten och feedback. Det metodologiska bidraget från denna licentiatuppsats är att kamratfeedback har använts på ett nytt sätt, visuell feedback. Genom att stanna kvar i ämnets visuella språk och kommunicera feedback visuellt återanvändes föremål och former i den ursprungliga skissen.
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Identity Crisis: A Comparison of Stakeholder Perceptions Regarding K-12 Educational MissionHlasko, Robert A. 26 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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An Exploratory Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Cyberpsychology of the K12 Student Support EcosystemHoward, Erin Linette 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores how student support services (SSS) within the K-12 ecosystem's relationship with technology, or cyberpsychology, has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic grounded in the ecological systems theory (EST) framework. The first article investigated professional school counselors' use of technology for communication to meet student needs while upholding the American School Counseling Association's (ASCA) high ethical standards. The study examined how professional school counselors navigated using technology for communication amidst school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. The second article explored the learning experiences of emergent bilingual (EB) educators in virtual settings. This study gained insight into the unique experiences of EB educators during and after COVID-19 working with students in virtual learning environments. The third article took a more personal approach by conducting individual interviews to gain insight into the challenges in technology use by the K-12 student support services (SSS) ecosystem throughout the pandemic. Participants shared their celebrations and their struggles of their personal experiences with technology during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. A story is found in these works as the three manuscripts come together to illustrate the impact of the pandemic on the cyberpsychology of the K-12 SSS ecosystem, nested in the overarching K-12 ecosystem.
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American and Canadian Parents' Perceptions of Virtual Education: A Case Study of K-12 Students Living in Saudi ArabiaLackey, Karen Michelle 08 1900 (has links)
This exploratory study investigates how American and Canadian parents living in Saudi Arabia perceive enrolling their children in an online virtual school. This research is relevant to North Americans living and working overseas and how these parents access educational opportunities for their children. North American parents living in Saudi Arabia with children have limited local educational options. If parents decided not to enroll their child in traditional private local international education, alternatives include boarding school, homeschool, or online school. Of the surveyed participants, 68% of parents had enrolled their children in online education or expressed interest in enrolling their children in online education but many lack information and knowledge about online education. A qualitative study analyzed participants in semi-structured interviews. Besides academic satisfaction, the most common reasons for alternative education are the lack of available competitive sports and the arts, including theatre and music. Four themes emerged from the data. Parent satisfaction about their children's education shifts from positive to negative around 8th or 9th grade. Parents are, in general, unwilling to take a risk on an unproven online school. Local private international schools are the focal point of extra-curricular activities and social events, but families lack connections and a supportive environment within the local Saudi Arabian community. Overall, parents do view full-time online education as a viable option for K-12 education; however, perhaps not for their children. Though standalone online classes, within a traditional face-to-face school, was received positively by many families.
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Effects of a Water Conservation Education Program on Water Use in Single-family Homes in Dallas, TexasSerna, Victoria Faubion 12 1900 (has links)
The City of Dallas Environmental Education Initiative (EEI) is a hands-on, inquiry-based, K-12 water conservation education program that teaches students concepts about water and specific water conservation behaviors. Few descriptions and evaluations, especially quantitative in nature, of water conservation education programs have previously been conducted in the literature. This research measured the quantitative effects and impacts of the education program on water use in single-family homes in Dallas, Texas. A total of 2,122 students in 104 classrooms at three schools in the Dallas Independent School District received hands-on, inquiry-based water conservation education lessons and the average monthly water use (in gallons) in single-family homes was analyzed to measure whether or not there was a change in water use. The results showed that over a period of one calendar year the water use in the single-family homes within each school zone and throughout the entire research area in this study experienced a statistically significant decrease in water use of approximately 501 gallons per home per month (independent, t-test, p>0.001). Data from this research suggests that EEI is playing a role in decreasing the amount of water used for residential purposes. Additionally, this research demonstrates the use of a quantitative tool by which a water conservation education program’s effect on behavior change can be measured. This research shows great promise for reducing use and increasing the conservation of our world’s most precious resource.
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O teatro de formas animadas na formação de professores : uma proposta pedagógica a partir da Übermarionnette / Theatre de formes animees et formation d'enseignants : une proposition pédagogique de la SurmarionnetteCosta, Rossana Perdomini Della January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre d’une cotutelle entre l’Université Fédérale de Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil, et l’Université Paris Nanterre, France,examineles relations entre corps et objet à partir de l’exercice du théâtre de formes animées dans le contexte brésilien de formation des enseignants en Licence de Pédagogie. A cet égard, elle utilise la notion métaphorique de surmarionnette d’Edward Gordon Craig etses expérimentations sur le mouvement du corps et sur l’espace scénique. L’étude part du constat d’une double absence concernant les futur.e.s pédagogues : celle de références artistiques et celle de l’indivisibilité du théâtre de formes animées. A cela s’ajoute (pour ces étudiant.e.s) une perception superficielle et caricaturale de ce langage théâtral, au détriment de sa puissance comme objet d’art, de philosophie et d’histoire. Le questionnement de cette thèse peut être ainsi défini: comment penser les possibilités pour le corps dans la formation des enseignants en Pédagogie à partir de la proposition de la Surmarionnette d’Edward Gordon Craig? A cet effet, ont été réalisés des ateliers de théâtre de formes animées avec onze groupes d’étudiant.e.s du cursus de Licence en Pédagogie de huit universités de Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil Ces ateliers ont été annotés et enregistrés sur des vidéos, constituant des dossiers qui, postérieurement, ont été analysés. Le fondement théorique s’inspire de l’oeuvre foucaldienne, tout particulièrement, des notions de corps docile, fonction-auteur, hétérotopie, corps utopique et dans l’exercice de penser d’autres manières à partir de son archéogénéalogie. Cet exercice est nourri de la notion d’expérience de Larrosa (2015), de celle de formation-expérience de Dias (2012) et de la culture de la présence de Gumbrecht (2010). On envisage le théâtre de formes animées selon ses potentialités de formation dans les déplacements : de la conception d’un processus de formation calquée sur la modélisation, sur la transmission et la répétition de contenus vers une formation-expérience; de la formation textocentrique vers l’indéfinition de la situation créative; des vérités pédagogisantes vers l’incertitude. Nous concluons sur une proposition pédagogique qui s’oppose à des formules prédertimées et qui considère que le processus de construction dela connaissance est plus complexe et se révèlepar le biais de l’action, et, donc, par celui du corps. / Esta tese, realizada em convênio de cotutela entre a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e a Université Paris Nanterre, na França, investiga as relações entre corpo e objeto a partir do exercício de teatro de formas animadas no contexto brasileiro da formação docente em Pedagogia. Para tanto, toma a noção metafórica da Übermarionnette de Edward Gordon Craig e as experimentações com o movimento e as formas do espaço cênico. O estudo parte da constatação do déficit de referências artísticas das futuras pedagogas e, também, da invisibilidade do teatro de formas animadas nesse contexto, frequentemente visto de forma superficial e caricata em detrimento de sua potência como objeto de arte, de filosofia e de história. A questão desta tese pode ser assim definida: como pensar as possibilidades para o corpo na formação docente em Pedagogia a partir da proposta da Übermarionnette de Edward Gordon Craig? Para tanto, foram realizadas oficinas de teatro de formas animadas com onze grupos de alunas de cursos de gradução em Pedagogia do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Essas oficinas foram anotadas e registradas em vídeos, produzindo-se dossiês que, posteriormente, foram analisados A base teórica é constituída a partir da inspiração na obra foucaultiana, em especial, as noções de corpo dócil, função autor, heterotopia, corpo utópico e no exercício de pensar de outros modos a partir da sua arqueogenealogia. Tal exercício é entretecido com a noção de experiência de Larrosa (2015), de formação-experiência de Dias (2012) e de cultura da presença de Gumbrecht (2010). Entende-se que o que o teatro de formas animadas possui de formativo é a sua possibilidade de promover deslocamentos: da concepção de um processo de formação calcada na modelização, transmissão e repetição de conteúdos para uma formação-experiência; da formação textocêntrica para a indefinição da situação criativa; e das verdades pedagogizantes para a incerteza. Conclui-se que é uma proposta pedagógica que se opõe à formulas e considera que o processo de construção do conhecimento é mais complexo e se dá por intermédio da ação e, portanto, do corpo. / This dissertation, developed in a joint degree agreement between Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and Université Paris Nanterre, France, investigates the relations between body and object grounded on a theater of animated forms exercise in the Brazilian context of teacher training in Pedagogy. For such, Edward Gordon Craig’s metaphoric notion of Übermarionnette and the experiments with movement and forms of the performing space are used. The study starts from the verification of the deficit of artistic references on part of future pedagogues, as well as the invisibility of theater of animated within this context, which is often considered in a superficial and grotesque way in detriment of its potency as object of art, philosophy and history. The question of this dissertation is: how to think the possibilities for the body in teacher training in Pedagogy, based on Edward Gordon Craig’s Übermarionnette proposal? For this purpose, eleven groups of students from undergraduate Pedagogy courses from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil took part in theater of animated forms workshops. These workshops were registered in writing and recorded in video, having been produced dossiers which were later examined The theoretical basis is inspired by Foucault’s work, especially the notions of docile body, author function, heterotopia, utopian body and the exercise of thinking in distinct ways from his archeogenealogy. Such exercise is interwoven with Larrosa’s notion of experience (2015), Dias’ training-experience (2012) and Gumbrecht’s culture of presence (2010). It is understood that what the theater of animated forms has as formativeis its possibility to foster shifts: from the conception of a training process based on content modeling, transmission and repetition of contents to training-experience; from text-centered training to the imprecisionof the creative situation; and from pedagogizing truths to uncertainty. It is concluded that it is a pedagogical proposal that opposes to the formulas and considers that the process of knowledge construction is more complex and happens by means of action, therefore by means of the body.
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