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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algorithms for the satisfiability problem

Rolf, Daniel 22 November 2006 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Worst-Case-Algorithmen für das Erfüllbarkeitsproblem boolescher Ausdrücke in konjunktiver Normalform. Im Wesentlichen betrachten wir Laufzeitschranken drei verschiedener Algorithmen, zwei für 3-SAT und einen für Unique-k-SAT. Wir entwickeln einen randomisierten Algorithmus, der eine Lösung eines erfüllbaren 3-KNF-Ausdrucks G mit n Variablen mit einer erwarteten Laufzeit von O(1.32793^n) findet. Der Algorithmus basiert auf der Analyse sogenannter Strings, welche Sequenzen von Klauseln der Länge drei sind. Dabei dürfen einerseits nicht aufeinanderfolgende Klauseln keine Variablen und andererseits aufeinanderfolgende Klauseln ein oder zwei Variablen gemeinsam haben. Gibt es wenige Strings, so treffen wir wahrscheinlich bereits während der String-Suche auf eine Lösung von G. 1999 entwarf Schöning einen Algorithmus mit einer Schranke von O(1.3334^n) für 3-SAT. Viele Strings erlauben es, die Laufzeit dieses Algorithmusses zu verbessern. Weiterhin werden wir den PPSZ-Algorithmus für Unique-k-SAT derandomisieren. Der 1998 von Paturi, Pudlak, Saks und Zane vorgestellte PPSZ-Algorithmus hat die besondere Eigenschaft, dass die Lösung eines eindeutig erfüllbaren 3-KNF-Ausdrucks in höchstens O(1.3071^n) erwarteter Laufzeit gefunden wird. Die derandomisierte Variante des Algorithmusses für Unique-k-SAT hat im Wesentlichen die gleiche Laufzeitschranke. Wir erreichen damit die momentan beste deterministische Worst-Case-Schranke für Unique-k-SAT. Zur Derandomisierung wenden wir die "Methode der kleinen Zufallsräume" an. Schließlich verbessern wir die Schranke für den Algorithmus von Iwama und Tamaki. 2003 kombinierten Iwama und Tamaki den PPSZ-Algorithmus mit Schönigs Algorithmus und konnten eine Schranke von O(1.3238^n) bewiesen. Um seinen Beitrag zum kombinierten Algorithmus zu steigern, justieren wir die Schranke des PPSZ-Algorithmusses. Damit erhalten wir die momentan beste randomisierte Worst-Case-Schranke für das 3-SAT-Problem von O(1.32216^n). / This work deals with worst-case algorithms for the satisfiability problem regarding boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form. The main part of this work consists of the analysis of the running time of three different algorithms, two for 3-SAT and one for Unique-k-SAT. We establish a randomized algorithm that finds a satisfying assignment for a satisfiable 3-CNF formula G on n variables in O(1.32793^n) expected running time. The algorithm is based on the analysis of so-called strings, which are sequences of clauses of size three, whereby non-succeeding clauses do not share a variable, and succeeding clauses share one or two variables. If there are not many strings, it is likely that we already encounter a solution of G while searching for strings. In 1999, Schöning proved a bound of O(1.3334^n) for 3-SAT. If there are many strings, we use them to improve the running time of Schöning''s algorithm. Furthermore, we derandomize the PPSZ algorithm for Unique-k-SAT. The PPSZ algorithm presented by Paturi, Pudlak, Saks, and Zane in 1998 has the feature that the solution of a uniquely satisfiable 3-CNF formula can be found in expected running time at most O(1.3071^n). In general, we will obtain a derandomized version of the algorithm for Unique-k-SAT that has essentially the same bound as the randomized version. This settles the currently best known deterministic worst-case bound for the Unique-k-SAT problem. We apply the `Method of Small Sample Spaces'' in order to derandomize the algorithm. Finally, we improve the bound for the algorithm of Iwama and Tamaki to get the currently best known randomized worst-case bound for the 3-SAT problem of O(1.32216^n). In 2003 Iwama and Tamaki combined Schöning''s and the PPSZ algorithm to yield an O(1.3238^n) bound. We tweak the bound for the PPSZ algorithm to get a slightly better contribution to the combined algorithm.

Effizientes Verifizieren co-NP-vollständiger Probleme am Beispiel zufälliger 4-SAT-Formeln und uniformer Hypergraphen / Efficient verification of co-NP-complete like random 4-SAT and uniform hypergraphs

Schädlich, Frank 05 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The NP-complete k-SAT problem - decide wether a given formula is satisfiable - is of fundamental importance in theoretical computer science. In this dissertation we study random 4-SAT formulas with > 116 n^2 clauses. These formulas are almost surly unsatisfiable. Here we show the existence of a polynomial time algorithm that certifies the unsatisfiability. Therefore we study the discrepancy of hypergraphs and multigraphs. We also combine spectral techniques with approximation algorithms to achieve the new result. Our new algorithm is adaptable for Not-All-Equal-4-SAT and the 2-colouring of 4-uniform hypergraphs. We also extends the Hajos construction of non k-colourable graphs to non k-colourable uniform hypergraphs. / Das NP-vollständige Problem k-SAT ist von zentraler Bedeutung in der theoretischen Informatik. In der Dissertation werden zufällige 4-SAT-Formeln mit > n^2 vielen Klauseln studiert. Diese Formeln sind mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit unerfüllbar. Hier wird erstmalig die Existenz eines Algorithmus gezeigt, der diese Unerfüllbarkeit effizient verifiziert. Hierfür wird die geringe Diskrepanz von Hypergrpahen und Multigraphen betrachtet. Der Schlüssel zu diesem Algorithmus liegt in der Kombination von spektralen Techniken mit Approximationsalgorithmen der klassischen kombinatorischen Optimierung. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus kann auf den effizienten Nachweis der Unerfüllbarkeit von Not-All-Equal-4-SAT-Formeln und die Nicht-2-Färbbarkeit von 4-uniformen Hypergraphen erweitert werden. Es wird ebenfalls eine Erweiterung der Hajos-Konstruktion nicht k-färbbarer Graphen auf nicht k-färbbare uniforme Hypergraphen angegeben.

Generalized Survey Propagation

Tu, Ronghui 09 May 2011 (has links)
Survey propagation (SP) has recently been discovered as an efficient algorithm in solving classes of hard constraint-satisfaction problems (CSP). Powerful as it is, SP is still a heuristic algorithm, and further understanding its algorithmic nature, improving its effectiveness and extending its applicability are highly desirable. Prior to the work in this thesis, Maneva et al. introduced a Markov Random Field (MRF) formalism for k-SAT problems, on which SP may be viewed as a special case of the well-known belief propagation (BP) algorithm. This result had sometimes been interpreted to an understanding that “SP is BP” and allows a rigorous extension of SP to a “weighted” version, or a family of algorithms, for k-SAT problems. SP has also been generalized, in a non-weighted fashion, for solving non-binary CSPs. Such generalization is however presented using statistical physics language and somewhat difficult to access by more general audience. This thesis generalizes SP both in terms of its applicability to non-binary problems and in terms of introducing “weights” and extending SP to a family of algorithms. Under a generic formulation of CSPs, we first present an understanding of non-weighted SP for arbitrary CSPs in terms of “probabilistic token passing” (PTP). We then show that this probabilistic interpretation of non-weighted SP makes it naturally generalizable to a weighted version, which we call weighted PTP. Another main contribution of this thesis is a disproof of the folk belief that “SP is BP”. We show that the fact that SP is a special case of BP for k-SAT problems is rather incidental. For more general CSPs, SP and generalized SP do not reduce from BP. We also established the conditions under which generalized SP may reduce as special cases of BP. To explore the benefit of generalizing SP to a wide family and for arbitrary, particularly non-binary, problems, we devised a simple weighted PTP based algorithm for solving 3-COL problems. Experimental results, compared against an existing non-weighted SP based algorithm, reveal the potential performance gain that generalized SP may bring.

Generalized Survey Propagation

Tu, Ronghui 09 May 2011 (has links)
Survey propagation (SP) has recently been discovered as an efficient algorithm in solving classes of hard constraint-satisfaction problems (CSP). Powerful as it is, SP is still a heuristic algorithm, and further understanding its algorithmic nature, improving its effectiveness and extending its applicability are highly desirable. Prior to the work in this thesis, Maneva et al. introduced a Markov Random Field (MRF) formalism for k-SAT problems, on which SP may be viewed as a special case of the well-known belief propagation (BP) algorithm. This result had sometimes been interpreted to an understanding that “SP is BP” and allows a rigorous extension of SP to a “weighted” version, or a family of algorithms, for k-SAT problems. SP has also been generalized, in a non-weighted fashion, for solving non-binary CSPs. Such generalization is however presented using statistical physics language and somewhat difficult to access by more general audience. This thesis generalizes SP both in terms of its applicability to non-binary problems and in terms of introducing “weights” and extending SP to a family of algorithms. Under a generic formulation of CSPs, we first present an understanding of non-weighted SP for arbitrary CSPs in terms of “probabilistic token passing” (PTP). We then show that this probabilistic interpretation of non-weighted SP makes it naturally generalizable to a weighted version, which we call weighted PTP. Another main contribution of this thesis is a disproof of the folk belief that “SP is BP”. We show that the fact that SP is a special case of BP for k-SAT problems is rather incidental. For more general CSPs, SP and generalized SP do not reduce from BP. We also established the conditions under which generalized SP may reduce as special cases of BP. To explore the benefit of generalizing SP to a wide family and for arbitrary, particularly non-binary, problems, we devised a simple weighted PTP based algorithm for solving 3-COL problems. Experimental results, compared against an existing non-weighted SP based algorithm, reveal the potential performance gain that generalized SP may bring.

Generalized Survey Propagation

Tu, Ronghui 09 May 2011 (has links)
Survey propagation (SP) has recently been discovered as an efficient algorithm in solving classes of hard constraint-satisfaction problems (CSP). Powerful as it is, SP is still a heuristic algorithm, and further understanding its algorithmic nature, improving its effectiveness and extending its applicability are highly desirable. Prior to the work in this thesis, Maneva et al. introduced a Markov Random Field (MRF) formalism for k-SAT problems, on which SP may be viewed as a special case of the well-known belief propagation (BP) algorithm. This result had sometimes been interpreted to an understanding that “SP is BP” and allows a rigorous extension of SP to a “weighted” version, or a family of algorithms, for k-SAT problems. SP has also been generalized, in a non-weighted fashion, for solving non-binary CSPs. Such generalization is however presented using statistical physics language and somewhat difficult to access by more general audience. This thesis generalizes SP both in terms of its applicability to non-binary problems and in terms of introducing “weights” and extending SP to a family of algorithms. Under a generic formulation of CSPs, we first present an understanding of non-weighted SP for arbitrary CSPs in terms of “probabilistic token passing” (PTP). We then show that this probabilistic interpretation of non-weighted SP makes it naturally generalizable to a weighted version, which we call weighted PTP. Another main contribution of this thesis is a disproof of the folk belief that “SP is BP”. We show that the fact that SP is a special case of BP for k-SAT problems is rather incidental. For more general CSPs, SP and generalized SP do not reduce from BP. We also established the conditions under which generalized SP may reduce as special cases of BP. To explore the benefit of generalizing SP to a wide family and for arbitrary, particularly non-binary, problems, we devised a simple weighted PTP based algorithm for solving 3-COL problems. Experimental results, compared against an existing non-weighted SP based algorithm, reveal the potential performance gain that generalized SP may bring.

Generalized Survey Propagation

Tu, Ronghui January 2011 (has links)
Survey propagation (SP) has recently been discovered as an efficient algorithm in solving classes of hard constraint-satisfaction problems (CSP). Powerful as it is, SP is still a heuristic algorithm, and further understanding its algorithmic nature, improving its effectiveness and extending its applicability are highly desirable. Prior to the work in this thesis, Maneva et al. introduced a Markov Random Field (MRF) formalism for k-SAT problems, on which SP may be viewed as a special case of the well-known belief propagation (BP) algorithm. This result had sometimes been interpreted to an understanding that “SP is BP” and allows a rigorous extension of SP to a “weighted” version, or a family of algorithms, for k-SAT problems. SP has also been generalized, in a non-weighted fashion, for solving non-binary CSPs. Such generalization is however presented using statistical physics language and somewhat difficult to access by more general audience. This thesis generalizes SP both in terms of its applicability to non-binary problems and in terms of introducing “weights” and extending SP to a family of algorithms. Under a generic formulation of CSPs, we first present an understanding of non-weighted SP for arbitrary CSPs in terms of “probabilistic token passing” (PTP). We then show that this probabilistic interpretation of non-weighted SP makes it naturally generalizable to a weighted version, which we call weighted PTP. Another main contribution of this thesis is a disproof of the folk belief that “SP is BP”. We show that the fact that SP is a special case of BP for k-SAT problems is rather incidental. For more general CSPs, SP and generalized SP do not reduce from BP. We also established the conditions under which generalized SP may reduce as special cases of BP. To explore the benefit of generalizing SP to a wide family and for arbitrary, particularly non-binary, problems, we devised a simple weighted PTP based algorithm for solving 3-COL problems. Experimental results, compared against an existing non-weighted SP based algorithm, reveal the potential performance gain that generalized SP may bring.


Zamora, Carlos Enrique, Jr 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Effizientes Verifizieren co-NP-vollständiger Probleme am Beispiel zufälliger 4-SAT-Formeln und uniformer Hypergraphen

Schädlich, Frank 30 June 2004 (has links)
The NP-complete k-SAT problem - decide wether a given formula is satisfiable - is of fundamental importance in theoretical computer science. In this dissertation we study random 4-SAT formulas with > 116 n^2 clauses. These formulas are almost surly unsatisfiable. Here we show the existence of a polynomial time algorithm that certifies the unsatisfiability. Therefore we study the discrepancy of hypergraphs and multigraphs. We also combine spectral techniques with approximation algorithms to achieve the new result. Our new algorithm is adaptable for Not-All-Equal-4-SAT and the 2-colouring of 4-uniform hypergraphs. We also extends the Hajos construction of non k-colourable graphs to non k-colourable uniform hypergraphs. / Das NP-vollständige Problem k-SAT ist von zentraler Bedeutung in der theoretischen Informatik. In der Dissertation werden zufällige 4-SAT-Formeln mit > n^2 vielen Klauseln studiert. Diese Formeln sind mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit unerfüllbar. Hier wird erstmalig die Existenz eines Algorithmus gezeigt, der diese Unerfüllbarkeit effizient verifiziert. Hierfür wird die geringe Diskrepanz von Hypergrpahen und Multigraphen betrachtet. Der Schlüssel zu diesem Algorithmus liegt in der Kombination von spektralen Techniken mit Approximationsalgorithmen der klassischen kombinatorischen Optimierung. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus kann auf den effizienten Nachweis der Unerfüllbarkeit von Not-All-Equal-4-SAT-Formeln und die Nicht-2-Färbbarkeit von 4-uniformen Hypergraphen erweitert werden. Es wird ebenfalls eine Erweiterung der Hajos-Konstruktion nicht k-färbbarer Graphen auf nicht k-färbbare uniforme Hypergraphen angegeben.

Statistical physics of constraint satisfaction problems

Lamouchi, Elyes 10 1900 (has links)
La technique des répliques est une technique formidable prenant ses origines de la physique statistique, comme un moyen de calculer l'espérance du logarithme de la constante de normalisation d'une distribution de probabilité à haute dimension. Dans le jargon de physique, cette quantité est connue sous le nom de l’énergie libre, et toutes sortes de quantités utiles, telle que l’entropie, peuvent être obtenue de là par des dérivées. Cependant, ceci est un problème NP-difficile, qu’une bonne partie de statistique computationelle essaye de résoudre, et qui apparaît partout; de la théorie des codes, à la statistique en hautes dimensions, en passant par les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes. Dans chaque cas, la méthode des répliques, et son extension par (Parisi et al., 1987), se sont prouvées fortes utiles pour illuminer quelques aspects concernant la corrélation des variables de la distribution de Gibbs et la nature fortement nonconvexe de son logarithme negatif. Algorithmiquement, il existe deux principales méthodologies adressant la difficulté de calcul que pose la constante de normalisation: a). Le point de vue statique: dans cette approche, on reformule le problème en tant que graphe dont les nœuds correspondent aux variables individuelles de la distribution de Gibbs, et dont les arêtes reflètent les dépendances entre celles-ci. Quand le graphe en question est localement un arbre, les procédures de message-passing sont garanties d’approximer arbitrairement bien les probabilités marginales de la distribution de Gibbs et de manière équivalente d'approximer la constante de normalisation. Les prédictions de la physique concernant la disparition des corrélations à longues portées se traduise donc, par le fait que le graphe soit localement un arbre, ainsi permettant l’utilisation des algorithmes locaux de passage de messages. Ceci va être le sujet du chapitre 4. b). Le point de vue dynamique: dans une direction orthogonale, on peut contourner le problème que pose le calcul de la constante de normalisation, en définissant une chaîne de Markov le long de laquelle, l’échantillonnage converge à celui selon la distribution de Gibbs, tel qu’après un certain nombre d’itérations (sous le nom de temps de relaxation), les échantillons sont garanties d’être approximativement générés selon elle. Afin de discuter des conditions dans lesquelles chacune de ces approches échoue, il est très utile d’être familier avec la méthode de replica symmetry breaking de Parisi. Cependant, les calculs nécessaires sont assez compliqués, et requièrent des notions qui sont typiquemment étrangères à ceux sans un entrainement en physique statistique. Ce mémoire a principalement deux objectifs : i) de fournir une introduction a la théorie des répliques, ses prédictions, et ses conséquences algorithmiques pour les problèmes de satisfaction de constraintes, et ii) de donner un survol des méthodes les plus récentes adressant la transition de phase, prédite par la méthode des répliques, dans le cas du problème k−SAT, à partir du point de vu statique et dynamique, et finir en proposant un nouvel algorithme qui prend en considération la transition de phase en question. / The replica trick is a powerful analytic technique originating from statistical physics as an attempt to compute the expectation of the logarithm of the normalization constant of a high dimensional probability distribution known as the Gibbs measure. In physics jargon this quantity is known as the free energy, and all kinds of useful quantities, such as the entropy, can be obtained from it using simple derivatives. The computation of this normalization constant is however an NP-hard problem that a large part of computational statistics attempts to deal with, and which shows up everywhere from coding theory, to high dimensional statistics, compressed sensing, protein folding analysis and constraint satisfaction problems. In each of these cases, the replica trick, and its extension by (Parisi et al., 1987), have proven incredibly successful at shedding light on keys aspects relating to the correlation structure of the Gibbs measure and the highly non-convex nature of − log(the Gibbs measure()). Algorithmic speaking, there exists two main methodologies addressing the intractability of the normalization constant: a) Statics: in this approach, one casts the system as a graphical model whose vertices represent individual variables, and whose edges reflect the dependencies between them. When the underlying graph is locally tree-like, local messagepassing procedures are guaranteed to yield near-exact marginal probabilities or equivalently compute Z. The physics predictions of vanishing long range correlation in the Gibbs measure, then translate into the associated graph being locally tree-like, hence permitting the use message passing procedures. This will be the focus of chapter 4. b) Dynamics: in an orthogonal direction, we can altogether bypass the issue of computing the normalization constant, by defining a Markov chain along which sampling converges to the Gibbs measure, such that after a number of iterations known as the relaxation-time, samples are guaranteed to be approximately sampled according to the Gibbs measure. To get into the conditions in which each of the two approaches is likely to fail (strong long range correlation, high energy barriers, etc..), it is very helpful to be familiar with the so-called replica symmetry breaking picture of Parisi. The computations involved are however quite involved, and come with a number of prescriptions and prerequisite notions (s.a. large deviation principles, saddle-point approximations) that are typically foreign to those without a statistical physics background. The purpose of this thesis is then twofold: i) to provide a self-contained introduction to replica theory, its predictions, and its algorithmic implications for constraint satisfaction problems, and ii) to give an account of state of the art methods in addressing the predicted phase transitions in the case of k−SAT, from both the statics and dynamics points of view, and propose a new algorithm takes takes these into consideration.

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