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Avaliação da poluição sonora e dos teores de BTEX em kartódromos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of noise polutions and the levels of BTEX in karting circuits in Rio de JaneiroLauro de Sena Laurentino 31 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o monitoramento ambiental incluindo, a avaliação da temperatura ambiente, umidade relativa, ruído e qualidade do ar de kartódromos indoor e outdoor, localizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
A qualidade do ar foi monitorada através da determinação dos teores de benzeno, tolueno, etil-benzeno e xilenos, conhecidos como BTEX. Esses compostos apresentam alta toxicidade e se encontrados acima dos limites permitidos, podem prejudicar a saúde dos usuários e principalmente dos funcionários do estabelecimento. Para a realização da quantificação dos BTEX no ar, foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem ativa, seguida de extração por solvente e posterior análise por Cromatografia Gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas. O nível do ruído também foi um parâmetro estudado e comparado com a legislação vigente. Sabe-se que, principalmente em longo prazo, a exposição a níveis elevados de ruído prejudicam a audição e em alguns casos (normalmente os ocupacionais) sua perda total ou parcial. O equipamento utilizado para a medição foi um decibilímetro. Os resultados do kartódromo indoor, do outdoor e do estacionamento sem nenhuma atividade de kart foram analisados e comparados entre si
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Avaliação da poluição sonora e dos teores de BTEX em kartódromos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of noise polutions and the levels of BTEX in karting circuits in Rio de JaneiroLauro de Sena Laurentino 31 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o monitoramento ambiental incluindo, a avaliação da temperatura ambiente, umidade relativa, ruído e qualidade do ar de kartódromos indoor e outdoor, localizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
A qualidade do ar foi monitorada através da determinação dos teores de benzeno, tolueno, etil-benzeno e xilenos, conhecidos como BTEX. Esses compostos apresentam alta toxicidade e se encontrados acima dos limites permitidos, podem prejudicar a saúde dos usuários e principalmente dos funcionários do estabelecimento. Para a realização da quantificação dos BTEX no ar, foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem ativa, seguida de extração por solvente e posterior análise por Cromatografia Gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas. O nível do ruído também foi um parâmetro estudado e comparado com a legislação vigente. Sabe-se que, principalmente em longo prazo, a exposição a níveis elevados de ruído prejudicam a audição e em alguns casos (normalmente os ocupacionais) sua perda total ou parcial. O equipamento utilizado para a medição foi um decibilímetro. Os resultados do kartódromo indoor, do outdoor e do estacionamento sem nenhuma atividade de kart foram analisados e comparados entre si
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[pt] A ascensão da tecnologia dos automóveis elétricos no mercado mundial induz a pequena indústria dos karts recreativos a percorrer caminhos semelhantes. O comércio dos karts recreativos com motorização elétrica já existe, mas ainda é incipiente. A propulsão elétrica no kart proporcionaria, entre outras vantagens, a possibilidade de inserção de tecnologias automotivas já conhecidas, tais como um sistema de frenagem sem bloqueio e um sistema de controle de estabilidade. O sucesso da inserção destas tecnologias em um kart seria um avanço muito significativo para um produto que apresenta avanços tecnológicos modestos desde a sua criação. Contudo, para obter o sucesso tecnológico do kart tradicional, o modelo elétrico depende da aplicação de métodos modernos de engenharia e da metrologia, tal como a modelagem matemática computadorizada, objetivo principal desta dissertação. Assim, esta dissertação apresenta inicialmente as características físicas e dinâmicas de um kart movido à combustão, obtidas por meio de ensaios e medições realizadas em pista e em bancada. Utilizou-se como instrumento principal de medição o equipamento Alfano (marca registrada) Pro III Evo, cujas indicações foram submetidas a processos simplificados de validação. Desenvolveram-se então, com base nos dados experimentais, modelos matemáticos computadorizados em Matlab/Simulink (marca registrada) que simulam o comportamento dinâmico do kart, e os resultados das simulações foram comparados aos resultados das medições feitas em pista, para fins de validação. A propulsão à combustão do modelo computacional validado foi então substituída por propulsão elétrica, e simulações do novo modelo foram realizadas, permitindo a observação do comportamento dinâmico simulado de um kart elétrico. / [en] The rise of electric car technology on the world market induces the small recreational go-karts industry to follow similar paths. The trade of recreational gokarts with electric motorization already exists but is still incipient. The electric drive in the go-kart would provide, among other advantages, the possibility of insertion of known automotive technologies, such as an Anti-lock Braking System and a Stability Control System. The successful insertion of these technologies into a gokart would be a very significant breakthrough for a product that has undergone modest technological advances since its inception. However, to obtain the technological success of traditional go-kart, the electric model depends on the application of modern methods of engineering and metrology, such as computerized mathematical modeling, the main objective of this dissertation. Thus, this dissertation initially presents the physical and dynamic characteristics of a combustion driven go-kart, obtained through tests and measurements made on track and bench. The Alfano (registered) Pro III Evo equipment, whose indications were submitted
to simplified validation procedures, was used as the main measuring instrument. Based on the experimental data, Matlab / Simulink (registered) computerized mathematical models simulating the dynamic behavior of the go-kart were then developed, and the results of the simulations were compared to the results of the measurements made on the track for validation purposes. The combustion propulsion of the validated computational model was then replaced by electric propulsion, and simulations of the new model were performed, allowing the observation of the simulated dynamic behavior of an electric go-kart.
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3D, klimatet och kommunen : Användningen av visualisering i klimatanpassningsarbetet / 3D, the climate and the municipality : The use of visualization in climate change adaptationBjörk, Emma January 2016 (has links)
The European Commission states that climate change will increase over time, even with successful actions to stop greenhouse gas emissions, Sweden's work has been investigated in the Climate and vulnerability report and recent studies shows that Sweden's work with the issue is going slow. One way to present and communicate climate change is through visualization. The purposes of this paper is to examine the use of geographic data in 3D as a tool in the adaptation process and how it affects communication and understanding in the municipalities (the responsibility for climate adaptation lies at the municipal level) and between municipalities and agencies. The thesis is a qualitative case study, carried out through interviews with Botkyrka Municipality, Gothenburg City, County Administrative Board of Stockholm, Swedish Geotechnical Institute and The Interactive Institute. The views - about the use of 3D and climate adaptation with a focus on municipal operations expressed in the interviews - was analysed using content analysis. Thoughts emerged during the study about whether 3D is a generation issue with increased public demand in the future. The study also raised concerns about 3D representation being too realistic and that the interpretation needed to understand what the data means will be absent. Pictures of any kind is believed to facilitate understanding but the choice of 2D or 3D maps does not have a large impact on the speed of climate adaptation among Sweden's municipalities. Municipalities who worked with 3D can see that 3D has an effect on the their process and data is used more than before, which can be an advantage and provide better understanding of risk. Dialogue with the public is also believed to improve with the tools that come with 3D models and 3D could preferred if it would provide a faster point of contact between the municipality and the public. / Europeiska kommissionen fastslår att även med lyckade åtgärder för att stoppa utsläppen av växthusgaser kommer klimatförändringarna att öka under lång tid. Sveriges arbete har utretts i en klimat- och sårbarhetsutredning, men arbetet med åtgärderna går långsamt. En del av ansvaret för klimatanpassningen ligger på kommunalnivå i och med kommunernas planmonopol och självstyre. Ett sätt att presentera och kommunicera klimatförändringarna är via bilder. Denna uppsats undersöker om eller hur 3D påverkar kommunikation och förståelse för klimatanpassning på kommunalnivå. Och hur 3Dmodeller kan fungera som ett stöd och underlag för klimatanpassning. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie som genomförts genom intervjuer med Botkyrka kommun, Göteborgs stad, Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm, Statens Geotekniska Institut och The Interactive Institute. Informanterna har fått ge sin bild av användningen av 3D och klimatanpassning med fokus på kommunalverksamhet. Det materialet analyserades sedan i en innehållsanalys. Det framkom funderingar på om 3D är en generationsfråga där allmänheten i framtiden kommer kräva visualisering i 3D för att kunna förstå vad det är som visas. Det lyftes också farhågor om att 3D kan bli för verkligt och att den tolkning som behövs för att förstå vad datat betyder uteblir. Det är inte om kartorna är 2D eller 3D som gör att klimatanpassningen går långsamt bland Sveriges kommuner, men bilder av något slag tros underlätta förståelse. Kommunerna som jobbat med 3D ser ändrade arbetssätt där datat följer med i processen tydligare än tidigare vilket kan vara en fördel och ge bättre riskförståelse. Dialog med allmänheten tros också förbättras genom verktygen som kommer med 3D-modellerna om 3D dessutom kan ge en snabbare kontaktväg mellan kommun och allmänhet kan det vara en fördel.
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Pohon motokáry elektromotorem / Electric powered go-cartŠtol, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with rebuilding of combustion engine powered go-kart for rent to electric powered go-kart. Main goal of work is choose fitting electric engine and electric accessories for reliable working of electric go-kart, put the whole electric drive to rear construction of go-kart and check mechanical part of electric drive.
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Modeling and numerical study of the diffusion of point defects in α−ironRahman, Md Mijanur 02 1900 (has links)
Le fer et les alliages à base de fer présentent un intérêt considérable pour la communauté de la modélisation des matériaux en raison de l’immense importance technologique de l’acier. Les alliages ferritiques à base de fer sont largement utilisés dans les industries aéronautique et nucléaire en raison de leur résistance mécanique élevée, de leur faible dilatation à haute température et de leur résistance à la corrosion. Ces propriétés sont cependant affectées par des défauts ponctuels intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons en détail la cinétique des défauts ponctuels dans le fer α en utilisant la technique d’activation-relaxation cinétique (ARTc), une méthode de Monte Carlo cinétique hors réseau avec construction de catalogue à la volée. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons aux mécanismes de diffusion du carbone (C) et des amas de lacunes dans le fer α. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions l’effet de la pression sur la diffusion du carbone dans le joint de grains de fer α. Nous constatons que l’effet de la pression peut fortement modifier la stabilité et la diffusivité du carbon dans le joint de grains d’une manière qui dépend étroitement de l’environnement local et de la nature de la déformation. Ceci peut avoir un impact majeur sur l’évolution des matériaux hétérogènes, avec des variations de pression locale qui altéreraient fortement la diffusion à travers le matériau. Nous étudions également l’évolution structurale des amas de lacunes contenant de deux à huit lacunes dans le fer α. Nous décrivons en détail le paysage énergétique, la cinétique globale et les mécanismes de diffusion associés à ces défauts. Nos résultats montrent des mécanismes de diffusion complexes même pour des défauts aussi simples que de petits amas de lacunes. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, nous discutons une approche de gestion de petites barrières par bassin local dans ARTc. Les simulations de Monte Carlo cinétiques deviennent inefficaces dans les systèmes où le paysage énergétique est constitué de bassins avec de nombreux états reliés par des barrières énergétiques très faibles par rapport à celles nécessaires pour quitter ces bassins. Au fur et à mesure que le système évolue état par état, il est beaucoup plus susceptible d’effectuer des événements répétés (appelés
oscillateurs) à l’intérieur du bassin d’énergie de piégeage que de s’échapper du bassin. De tels osccilateurs ne font pas progresser la simulation et ne fournissent que peu d’informations au-delà d’uen première évaluation de ces états. Notre algorithme de bassin local détecte, à la volée, des groupes d’états oscillants et les consolide en bassins locaux, que nous traitons avec la méthode de taux moyen d’auto-construction de bassin (bac-MRM), une approche de type équation maîtresse selon la méthode du taux moyen. / Iron and iron-based alloys are of considerable interest to the materials modelling community because of the immense technological importance of steel. Iron-based ferritic alloys are widely used in aeronautic and nuclear industries due to their high mechanical strength, low expansion at high temperatures, and corrosion resistance. These properties are affected by intrinsic and extrinsic point defects, however. In this thesis, we describe in detail the kinetics of point defects in α−iron using the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (kART), an off-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo method with on-the-fly catalog building. More specifically, we focus on the diffusion mechanisms of carbon and vacancy clusters in α−iron. First, we study the pressure effect on carbon diffusion in the grain boundary (GB) of α−iron. We find that the effect of pressure can strongly modify the C stability and diffusivity in the GB in ways that depend closely on the local environment and the nature of the deformation. This can have a major impact on the evolution of heterogeneous materials, with variations of local pressure that would strongly alter diffusion across the material. We also study the structural evolution of vacancy clusters containing two to eight vacancies in α−iron. We describe in detail the energy landscape, overall kinetics, and diffusion mechanisms associated with these defects. Our results show complex scattering mechanisms even for defects as simple as small vacancy clusters. Finally, in the last chapter, we discuss a local basin approach to managing low barrier events in the kART. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations become inefficient in systems where the energy landscape consists of basins with numerous states connected by very low energy barriers compared to those needed to leave these basins. As the system evolves state by state, it is much more likely to perform repeated events (so-called flickers) inside the trapping energy basin than to escape the basin. Such flickers do not progress the simulation and provide little insight beyond the first identification of those states. Our local basin algorithm detects, on the fly, groups of flickering states and consolidates them into local basins, which we treat with the basin-auto-constructing Mean Rate Method (bac-MRM), a master equation-like approach based on the mean-rate method.
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Effet des facteurs pré-exponentiels de la théorie de l’état de transition harmonique sur la diffusion des lacunes dans la solution solide concentrée 55Fe-28Ni-17CrLefèvre López, Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
Les alliages à haute entropie (HEAs) sont des alliages métalliques composés de 5 éléments ou plus, présents en proportions equimolaire ou presque. Depuis leur apparition dans le domaine de la métallurgie, leurs propriétés intéressantes ont causé un intérêt croissant de la part de la communauté scientifique pour essayer de les comprendre et les prédire. Plusieurs de ces propriétés peuvent aussi être observées dans d'autres systèmes cristallins ayant moins d'éléments, comme les solutions solides concentrées (CSAs) composées de FeNiCr.
Ce mémoire présente les effets du calcul des préfacteurs par l'approximation harmonique de la théorie de l'état de transition (hTST) sur la diffusion d'une lacune dans une CSA en FeNiCr modélisée par un algorithme Monte-Carlo cinétique (KMC) hors réseau. Ce travail est motivé par les nombreux débats qui entourent la diffusion lente dans les HEAs et autres CSAs hautement désordonnés.
Bien que cette caractéristique ait été proposée et utilisée pour expliquer certaines des propriétés les plus intéressantes des HEAs, les mécanismes de diffusion dans ceux-ci sont encore mal compris. Dans des travaux précédents, il a été démontré que les préfacteurs hTST dans une CSA FeNiCr peuvent avoir des valeurs qui s'étalent sur plusieurs ordres de grandeur.
En partant de ces résultats, l'influence de cette variation de préfacteurs sur la diffusion d'une lacune est étudiée.
Grâce à une analyse comparative entre des simulations utilisant des préfacteurs hTST et constants, le rôle de l'entropie dans la diffusion est étudié. Plus de un millions d'évènements au total sont trouvés dans les 96 simulations effectuées dans chaque type de simulation, fournissant une base statistique solide.
Ces simulations KMC ont été performées par l'algorithme d'activation-relaxation cinétique (kART) couplé au potentiel Bonny-2013 pour les calculs de surface d'énergie potentielle (PEL).
Nous démontrons que, en plus de l'entropie configurationnelle, le désordre affecte aussi l'entropie vibrationnelle, et que ce phénomène peut être à la base de diverses propriétés de ces systèmes, y compris leur diffusion lente.
Les résultats présentés ne peuvent être obtenus que grâce à une analyse cinétique du système. En effet, la dynamique obtenue ne peut pas être extraite directement de l'évaluation statique du PEL, car la corrélation de sélection des événements est construite à partir des contributions combinées du préfacteur et des barrières énergétiques.
Cette combinaison affecte la loi de compensation qui est mesurée, selon si le calcul de cette loi est effectué avec les évènements qui sont disponibles ou avec les évènements sélectionnés.
Une introduction, ainsi que deux chapitres sur les HEAs et sur la théorie de l'état de transition débutent ce travail, suivis de la méthodologie, présentée au chapitre 4, et de l'article au chapitre 5. / High entropy alloys (HEAs) are metallic alloys composed of 5 or more elements, present in equimolar or near equimolar proportions. Since their appearance in the field of metallurgy at the beginning of the XXIst century, their properties have caused a growing interest from the scientific community in order to understand and predict certain of these properties. Many of them can also be observed in other crystalline systems with fewer elements, such as concentrated solid solution (CSAs) composed of FeNiCr.
This masters' thesis presents the effect that the computation of prefactors by the harmonic approximation of the transition state theory (hTST) has on the diffusion of a single vacancy in a FeNiCr CSA, simulated by a kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm (KMC). The debate around a sluggish defect diffusion, proposed as a core effect of HEAs and CSAs with high amounts of disorder motivates this research.
Indeed, even though this characteristic is often used to explain some of the most interesting properties of HEAs, the diffusion mechanisms are still not fully comprehended. In a previous study, it was demonstrated that hTST prefactors span over several orders of magnitude.
Based on these results, we study the impact of hTST on diffusion.
Through a comparative analysis between simulations using hTST and constant prefactors, the role of entropy on diffusion is studied. More than one million events in total are found in the 96 simulations performed for each type of simulation, providing a solid statistical basis for this analysis.
These KMC simulations were performed by the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (kART) coupled with the Bonny-2013 potential for potential energy landscape (PEL) calculations.
We demonstrate that both disorder and configurational entropy strongly affect the vibrational entropy, and that this can be responsible for various properties of these systems, including their sluggish diffusion.
Presented results can only be obtained by a kinetic study of the system. The kinetic patterns that are observed can not be obtained by only the static analysis of the PEL for the combination of both prefactors and energy barriers affects event selection. This selection of events can change the compensation law that is measured whether it is computed using available events or selected events.
Two chapters on HEAs and transition state theory, as well as a chapter on the methodology are presented before these results.
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Modélisation de la cinétique des interactions entre l’hydrogène et les défauts dans le Fer à l’aide de la technique d’activation et de relaxation cinétique (ARTc)Khosravi, Aynour 10 1900 (has links)
Le fer et les alliages à base de fer sont d'une importance cruciale dans les domaines de la science des matériaux et du génie en raison de leurs nombreuses applications industrielles, notamment dans les secteurs de l'automobile, de l'aérospatiale et de l'énergie. Ces matériaux sont prisés pour leur haute résistance mécanique, leur ductilité et leur résistance à la corrosion, mais leur performance peut être significativement affectée par la présence d'hydrogène, qui peut entraîner la fragilisation par l'hydrogène (Hydrogen Embrittlement, HE). La fragilisation par l'hydrogène est un phénomène où la ductilité et la résistance à la fracture du matériau sont réduites en raison de l'infiltration et de l'interaction de l'hydrogène avec le métal.
Cette thèse examine la diffusion et l'interaction de l'hydrogène (H) et des complexes H-lacune et H-frontière de grain dans le fer cubique centré (BCC) en utilisant la Technique d'Activation-Relaxation Cinétique (ARTc), une méthode avancée de Monte Carlo cinétique hors-réseau. Les principaux objectifs sont de modéliser la cinétique des interactions de l'hydrogène avec les défauts dans le fer, fournissant une compréhension complète des mécanismes derrière la HE. Les domaines clés d'investigation incluent :
1. Diffusion de l'hydrogène : Cette étude révèle que les atomes d'hydrogène peuvent diffuser rapidement et que la méthodologie ARTc découvre des chemins de diffusion complexes pour les complexes liés à l'hydrogène, révélant des variations significatives des barrières de diffusion en fonction des relations géométriques entre les atomes de fer et l'hydrogène lié. L'utilisation de ARTc permet l'exploration détaillée des chemins de diffusion et l'identification des principales barrières énergétiques qui régissent le mouvement de l'hydrogène et des défauts au sein du réseau de fer.
2. Interactions Hydrogène-lacune : Nos recherches montrent que l'hydrogène peut stabiliser les lacunes, conduisant à la formation de microvides et contribuant à l'embrittlement du matériau. À mesure que plus d'atomes d'hydrogène sont ajoutés, les lacunes se déforment et affectent le réseau sur de plus longues distances, augmentant la barrière de diffusion des complexes VHx et leur impact sur l'environnement local.
3. Effets des frontières de grain : En investiguant l'influence de l'hydrogène sur les frontières de grain dans le fer, les résultats suggèrent que la présence d'hydrogène aux frontières de grain modifie leur paysage énergétique, les rendant plus susceptibles à l'embrittlement. De plus, la présence d'hydrogène aux frontières de grain (GB) stabilise les frontières en déplaçant les barrières de diffusion vers des valeurs plus élevées et en réduisant le nombre d'événements de diffusion. Nous examinons également le comportement des lacunes et leur diffusion dans les frontières de grain saturées en H pour comprendre les lacunes observés aux pointes de fissure dans les études expérimentales.
Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse fournit un examen détaillé des changements dans le paysage énergétique des défauts dans le fer BCC en présence d'hydrogène, offrant des insights sur les mécanismes concurrents de la HE. Ces résultats forment la base de futures études visant à relier les évolutions microscopiques aux propriétés mécaniques macroscopiques du fer, contribuant à une compréhension plus large et à l'atténuation de l'embrittlement par l'hydrogène dans les applications industrielles. / Iron and iron-based alloys are critically important in the fields of materials science and
engineering due to their extensive industrial applications, particularly in the automotive,
aerospace, and energy sectors. These materials are prized for their high mechanical strength,
ductility, and resistance to corrosion, but their performance can be significantly impacted
by the presence of hydrogen, which can lead to hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Hydrogen
embrittlement is a phenomenon where the material’s ductility and fracture resistance are
reduced due to the ingress and interaction of hydrogen with the metal.
This thesis, investigates the diffusion and interaction of hydrogen (H) and H-vacancy complexes and H-grain boundary in body-centered cubic (BCC) iron using the kinetic ActivationRelaxation Technique (kART), an advanced off-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo method. The
primary objectives are to model the kinetics of hydrogen interactions with defects in iron,
providing a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind HE. Key areas of investigation include:
1. Hydrogen Diffusion: This study reveals that hydrogen atoms can rapidly diffuse and
the kART methodology uncovers complex diffusion pathways for hydrogen-bound complexes,
revealing significant variations in diffusion barriers depending on the geometric relationships
between iron atoms and bound hydrogen. Utilizing kART allows for the detailed exploration
of diffusion pathways and the identification of key energy barriers that govern the movement
of hydrogen and defects within the iron lattice.
2. Hydrogen-Vacancy Interactions: Our research shows that hydrogen can stabilize vacancies leading to the formation of microvoids and contributing to the material’s embrittlement. As more hydrogen atoms are added, vacancies deform and affect the lattice over
longer distances, increasing the diffusion barrier of the VHx complexes and their impact on
the local environment.
3. Grain Boundary Effects: Investigating the influence of hydrogen on grain boundaries
in iron, the findings suggest that hydrogen presence at grain boundaries alters their energy
landscape, making them more susceptible to embrittlement. Moreover, the presence of hydrogen at grain boundaries (GB) stabilizes the boundaries by shifting diffusion barriers to higher values and reducing the number of diffusion events. We also examine the behavior of
vacancies and their diffusion in H-saturated grain boundaries to understand the vacancies
observed at crack tips in experimental studies.
Overall, this thesis provides a detailed examination of the changes in the energy landscape
of defects in BCC iron in the presence of hydrogen, offering insights into the competing
mechanisms of HE. These findings form the basis for further studies to link microscopic
evolutions with the macroscopic mechanical properties of iron, contributing to the broader
understanding and mitigation of hydrogen embrittlement in industrial applications.
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A participatory approach to the development of specifications for a 3D puzzle for visually impaired and sighted users / Utveckling av specifikationer för ett 3D-pussel, för användare med eller utan synnedsättning, med hjälp av deltagande designmetodikALEXANDRAKIS, VASSILIS January 2016 (has links)
Det finns begränsad tillgång till pussel för personer med synfel (inklusive blinda personer). För att undersöka behovet av potentiella användare i 3D kartpussel och identifiera deras preferenser, behov och krav, användes en kvalitativ metod som på engelska kallas ”participatory design”. Projektet utfördes i Kreta och alla deltagare kom från ön. Då Icke-standardiserade subjekt användes i forskningsprojektet användes lämpliga tillgängliga metoder och kommunikationsvägar för att anpassa studien för denna grupp. Stor vikt lades ner på bakgrundsstudier, inklusive intervjuer med experter och undersökning av befintligt material inom detta ämne. För att underlätta förståelsen av konceptet och skapa en gemensam referensram för alla deltagare gjordes funktionella 3D prototyper av kartpussel föreställande Kreta. Prototyperna gjordes i trä, antingen tall eller MDF. Därefter organiserades fokusgrupper och intervjuer. I fokusgrupperna deltog vuxna och barn med synnedsättning. Aktiviteterna var scenariokreation, utvärdering av användarvänlighet och en enkätundersökning som fylldes in av de som kunde (personer med tillräckligt god syn). Data som samlades analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Resultatet av testerna visade potentiella användarvänlighetsproblem för prototyperna, de flesta relaterade till synskadade individers erfarenheter av linkande produkter. Dessutom identifierades deltagarnas preferenser och behov angående temat, storlek, material, typ av samband och andra faktorer av pusslet. Resultaten visar att osäkerhet eller brist på bekräftelse huruvida pusselbitarna var lagda rätt eller fel var den största svårigheten bland deltagare med synnedsättning. Den mest populära metoden för låsning av pusselbitarna bland de med synnedsättning var ”fit in a frame” och ”magnets”. Majoriteten av deltagarna uppmuntrade att lägga till färger på pusslet och markera olika städer. Sex av åtta deltagare var intresserade av att köpa pussel liknande det som de testat. Av 22 icke synskadade personer svarade nio av dem att det är möjligt att de skulle köpa pusslet och elva svarade att det är väldigt möjligt att de skulle köpa tredimensionella pussel. Mer än hälften såg färger som ett tilläggselement på pusslet. De två mest populära låsningsmetoderna var ”loose contact” och ”fit in a frame”. Angående materialvalet, togs trä emot väl av både synskadade och icke-synskadade testpersoner. Träprototyper var dock det enda tillgängliga under testet. Deltagare gav flera förslag angående temat, storlek och extra egenskaper för produkten. Det resulterade i att många idéer genererades under ”workshopen”. Utfall, problem och begränsningar relaterade till de använda metoderna diskuterades och rekommendationer för framtida studier gjordes. / There are a limited number of puzzles accessible to visually impaired people (including the blind population) and also limited 3D map-puzzles available in the market. In order to explore the interest of potential users in 3D map-puzzles and identify their preferences, needs and demands, a participatory design approach was adopted. The project took place in Crete and all participants came from the local population. Because of the non-standard population included in this research project (visually impaired people) accessible methods and means of communication had to be selected. Therefore an extensive background research was performed, including interviews with experts and a thorough study of existing knowledge and previous research in related fields. Aiming to facilitate understanding of the concept and to provide a common point of reference for all participants, functional prototypes of a 3D map-puzzle of the island of Crete were developed and manufactured. Prototypes were made of wood, either Pine or MDF. Subsequently, focus group and interview sessions were organized. Visually impaired and sighted, adults and children, participated in these sessions which included usability testing of the prototypes, scenario creation and a questionnaire (for the sighted participants). Data collected in the conducted sessions were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results revealed usability problems of the prototypes and provided signs of potential problems, most of them related to the use of similar products by visually impaired individuals. Additionally, preferences and needs of the participants about the theme, the size, the material, the type of connection and other elements of the puzzle, were identified. According to the findings, the most severe problem, occurring when visually impaired participants tried to assemble the puzzle, was the uncertainty or “lack of confirmation” whether pieces were assembled in the right way or not. The most popular connection types among visually impaired participants were “fit in a frame” and “magnet”. Additionally, the majority of visually impaired participants were in favor of adding colors on the puzzle and marks for the different cities. Regarding buying interest, six out of eight visually impaired participants stated that they would buy a puzzle like the one they tested. Out of the twenty-two sighted participants, nine answered that it is “possible” and eleven answered that it is “highly possible” to buy a 3D map-puzzle. More than half of the sighted participants selected colors as an additional element on the puzzle while the two most popular connection types were “loose contact” and “fit in a frame”. Regarding the material of the puzzle, wood was well accepted by both sighted and visually impaired participants. However, only prototypes made from wood were available to the participants. Additionally, participants made various suggestions regarding the theme, the size and additional elements of a 3D puzzle. As a result, many ideas were produced during the sessions. Eventually, outcomes, problems and limitations related to the methods used during the study were discussed and recommendations for future work were made.
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A participatory approach to the development of specifications for a 3D puzzle for visually impaired and sighted users / Utveckling av specifikationer för ett 3D-pussel, för användare med eller utan synnedsättning, med hjälp av deltagande designmetodikALEXANDRAKIS, VASSILIS January 2016 (has links)
Det finns begränsad tillgång till pussel för personer med synfel (inklusive blinda personer). För att undersöka behovet av potentiella användare i 3D kartpussel och identifiera deras preferenser, behov och krav, användes en kvalitativ metod som på engelska kallas ”participatory design”. Projektet utfördes i Kreta och alla deltagare kom från ön. Då Icke-standardiserade subjekt användes i forskningsprojektet användes lämpliga tillgängliga metoder och kommunikationsvägar för att anpassa studien för denna grupp. Stor vikt lades ner på bakgrundsstudier, inklusive intervjuer med experter och undersökning av befintligt material inom detta ämne. För att underlätta förståelsen av konceptet och skapa en gemensam referensram för alla deltagare gjordes funktionella 3D prototyper av kartpussel föreställande Kreta. Prototyperna gjordes i trä, antingen tall eller MDF. Därefter organiserades fokusgrupper och intervjuer. I fokusgrupperna deltog vuxna och barn med synnedsättning. Aktiviteterna var scenariokreation, utvärdering av användarvänlighet och en enkätundersökning som fylldes in av de som kunde (personer med tillräckligt god syn). Data som samlades analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Resultatet av testerna visade potentiella användarvänlighetsproblem för prototyperna, de flesta relaterade till synskadade individers erfarenheter av linkande produkter. Dessutom identifierades deltagarnas preferenser och behov angående temat, storlek, material, typ av samband och andra faktorer av pusslet. Resultaten visar att osäkerhet eller brist på bekräftelse huruvida pusselbitarna var lagda rätt eller fel var den största svårigheten bland deltagare med synnedsättning. Den mest populära metoden för låsning av pusselbitarna bland de med synnedsättning var ”fit in a frame” och ”magnets”. Majoriteten av deltagarna uppmuntrade att lägga till färger på pusslet och markera olika städer. Sex av åtta deltagare var intresserade av att köpa pussel liknande det som de testat. Av 22 icke synskadade personer svarade nio av dem att det är möjligt att de skulle köpa pusslet och elva svarade att det är väldigt möjligt att de skulle köpa tredimensionella pussel. Mer än hälften såg färger som ett tilläggselement på pusslet. De två mest populära låsningsmetoderna var ”loose contact” och ”fit in a frame”. Angående materialvalet, togs trä emot väl av både synskadade och icke-synskadade testpersoner. Träprototyper var dock det enda tillgängliga under testet. Deltagare gav flera förslag angående temat, storlek och extra egenskaper för produkten. Det resulterade i att många idéer genererades under ”workshopen”. Utfall, problem och begränsningar relaterade till de använda metoderna diskuterades och rekommendationer för framtida studier gjordes. / There are a limited number of puzzles accessible to visually impaired people (including the blind population) and also limited 3D map-puzzles available in the market. In order to explore the interest of potential users in 3D map-puzzles and identify their preferences, needs and demands, a participatory design approach was adopted. The project took place in Crete and all participants came from the local population. Because of the non-standard population included in this research project (visually impaired people) accessible methods and means of communication had to be selected. Therefore an extensive background research was performed, including interviews with experts and a thorough study of existing knowledge and previous research in related fields. Aiming to facilitate understanding of the concept and to provide a common point of reference for all participants, functional prototypes of a 3D map-puzzle of the island of Crete were developed and manufactured. Prototypes were made of wood, either Pine or MDF. Subsequently, focus group and interview sessions were organized. Visually impaired and sighted, adults and children, participated in these sessions which included usability testing of the prototypes, scenario creation and a questionnaire (for the sighted participants). Data collected in the conducted sessions were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results revealed usability problems of the prototypes and provided signs of potential problems, most of them related to the use of similar products by visually impaired individuals. Additionally, preferences and needs of the participants about the theme, the size, the material, the type of connection and other elements of the puzzle, were identified. According to the findings, the most severe problem, occurring when visually impaired participants tried to assemble the puzzle, was the uncertainty or “lack of confirmation” whether pieces were assembled in the right way or not. The most popular connection types among visually impaired participants were “fit in a frame” and “magnet”. Additionally, the majority of visually impaired participants were in favor of adding colors on the puzzle and marks for the different cities. Regarding buying interest, six out of eight visually impaired participants stated that they would buy a puzzle like the one they tested. Out of the twenty-two sighted participants, nine answered that it is “possible” and eleven answered that it is “highly possible” to buy a 3D map-puzzle. More than half of the sighted participants selected colors as an additional element on the puzzle while the two most popular connection types were “loose contact” and “fit in a frame”. Regarding the material of the puzzle, wood was well accepted by both sighted and visually impaired participants. However, only prototypes made from wood were available to the participants. Additionally, participants made various suggestions regarding the theme, the size and additional elements of a 3D puzzle. As a result, many ideas were produced during the sessions. Eventually, outcomes, problems and limitations related to the methods used during the study were discussed and recommendations for future work were made.
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