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Reformace. Podmínky vzniku a společné znaky jejich růstu. / Reformation. Conditions of its rise and common features of reformations' growth.Kašlík, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis traces the beginnings of these reformation movements: Waldensians, Hussites, Unity of Brethren, Lutherans and Anabaptists. It also deals with the situation in Roman Catholic church since all the movements spring out of it. Furthermore the author is answering the question whether these movements have a common denominator, that links them together. If the answer is yes the author also covers what preconditions are necessary for the reformation to occur. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Duchovní rozměr dramatu Toma Murphyho / Spirituality in the drama of Tom MurphyŠmídlová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Spirituality in the Drama of Tom Murphy" analyses three of Tom Murphy's plays of his mature period of the late 1970s and early 1980s in which the playwright explores the metaphysical question of the existence of God in contemporary post- lapsarian world. The main aim of the thesis is to elucidate how Murphy dramatically engages with the inherited Christian tradition and to analyse the spiritual quests for transcendence of his characters, stemming from a state of "metaphysical homelessness". Its overall claim is that these quests take place outside the realms of an institutionalized religion and that at its end the divine manifests itself through the human. The works examined are The Sanctuary Lamp, The Gigli Concert and Bailegangaire, all of which demonstrate a profound engagement with faith. Devoting a separate chapter to each, the thesis examines and compares, how Murphy dramatizes the "common human need for belief" of his characters, despite their urge to defy God at the same time. This thesis also analyses how Murphy employs religious imagery and vocabulary in the individual plays, paying special attention to his dual use of the motifs that seem as irreconcilable opposites and which is closely connected to the author's frequent use of the dramatic method of reversal with which he...
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Katolická charita v České republice po roce 1989 / Catholic Charity in the Czech Republic after 1989Trnčák, Erik January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis "Catholic Charity in the Czech Republic after 1989" succinctly reflects the origin and evolution of charity care within the Catholic Church. It discusses the establishment and activities of a number of religious orders and the organization Česká katolická charita. It also presents important documents of Vatican Council II., especially Gaudium et spes, and some other social encyclicals. The core part focuses on how charitable activities of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic have developed after 1989. It subsequently describes the development and activities of the organization Caritas Czech republic and selected orders and congregations working in the area of charity in the Czech Republic.
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Postoje mladých katolíků českobudějovické diecéze k učení a praxi církve / The attitudes of young Catholics of the Diocese of Ceske Budejovice for learning and practice of the ChurchROTHSCHEDL, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the the attitudes of young Catholics of the Diocese of Ceske Budejovice for learning and practice of the Church. The theoretical part of the work contains an overview of the currents of pastoral theology, the definition of the term pastoral theology, its competence, subject, objectives and methods. It also defines the concept of youth and reflects its pastoral in history and now. The practical part contains research on the attitudes of young Catholics for learning and practice of the Church. Here is an introduction to the research method chosen for this work and the research description. It also includes case and comparative analysis and basic characteristics of individual respondents. The final part of the thesis is the pastoral-theological evaluation of the research.
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Zázrak nebo ošklivý pád z olivovníku? Středověký spor o stigmata svatého Františka z Assisi / A Miracle or an Ugly Fall from an Olive tree? A Medieval Controversy over the Stigmata of Saint Francis of AssisiHlaváč, Stanislav January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the medieval controversy over the stigmata of Francis of Assisi. The religious phenomenon of the stigmata is viewed from the point of view of the general development of the spirituality in the High Middle Ages. The work tries to respect the chronological development of the polemics and, accordingly, also focuses on the progress of the Franciscan reflection of the stigmata. One of the chapters is dedicated to the analysis of the origins of the Franciscan tradition of the founder's stigmata. Subsequently, the work describes the resistance against the cult of the stigmatized saint from the point of view of the Franciscan sources and papal bulls, defending the authenticity of the stigmata. The penultimate chapter is dedicated to the development of the Franciscan theology of the stigmata, which resulted in the exaltation of the founder and his order. On the grounds of this development, the stigmata became the subject of rivalry between the Franciscans and the Dominicans, as discussed in the last chapter.
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Fenomén demokracie v sociální nauce církve / The phenomenon of democracy in the social doctrine of the ChurchNOVÁK, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the historical development of the attitude of the Church social doctrine towards the phenomenon of democracy. It compares the values of modern democracy and social doctrine. Implicit historical attitudes to democracy derive from the theses obtained by analyzing all the essential documents of social doctrine. The theses related to democracy explicitly are placed in the context and comments of other authors. In conclusion, it summarizes the genesis of the attitude of the Church's social doctrine to democracy in a systematic overview with the links. The summary distinguishes the level of the value starting-points of the Church social doctrine and the level of attitude towards democracy as such.
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Náboženský život katolické církve Sokolovského vikariátu v materiálech církevního tajemníka 1949 - 1960. / Religious life of Catholic Church of Vicary in Sokolov based on materials of Church Secretary between years1949-1960.KLOKOČKA, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis describes in individually chosen themas in which way the Communist regime tried through its power to influence the life of Church via the Church secretary. On the chosed topics the thesis shows how the state at the beginning of totality worked out the legal conditions for the Church restrictions during the monitored years 1949-1960; and besides it shows this power to be used activaly by the Church secretaries on the district level. Individually the life in the vicary as well as other spiritual persons and buildings belonging to Church and their fates were monitored. The Thesis outlines the issues of the state getting involved in the life of Church, vicary and parish including all people in both sides of barrier.
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České katolické časopisy pro děti a mládež v letech 1945-1948 / Czech Catholic Magazines for Children and Youth in 1945-1948Volencová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to cover the topic of the Czech catholic children's magazines within the period of 1945 - 1948. Firstly the thesis contextualizes the historical background in the terms of looking back to the period of the occupation and then turns to the consequences that the occupation brought to the catholic population. Further the thesis offers an insight to the situation after 1945 mainly from the catholic point of view and focuses on the catholic press within the given period. In the next section the thesis characterizes the trends of the children's and juvenile literature in the period of 1945 - 48 through literary pieces, which form an integral part of the analyzed magazines. This part also deals with the general overview of the Czech children's and juvenile periodicals output within the given period. The main part of the thesis then characterizes and analyzes two chosen periodicals: Anděl strážný (The Guardian Angel) a magazine for catholic children and Dorost (The Juvenils) a magazine for catholic juvenils. This part of the thesis analyses the contents, structures and partly also the visual appearances of the chosen periodicals and tracks any changes of these aspects in single volumes. Marginally the thesis also mentions the editors and authors of the texts and illustrations....
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Milosrdné sestry sv. Karla Boromejského na příkladu vybraných ústavů sociální péče v letech 1948-1989 / The Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo on example selected institutions of social care 1948-1989Pavlíček, Josef January 2021 (has links)
The thesis The Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo on example selected institutions of social care 1948-1989 is focused at three institutions of social care for mentally handicapped persons, in which The Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo worked during the communist régime. The aim of the work is not only to compile the history and development of the three researched institutes of social care from the available primary sources but also to analyze and compare the information found in the conclusion. In the final analysis, we follow mainly the beginnings of individual institutes, then the lives of sisters and inmates in all examined institutes, and in the end we focus on the termination of the work of nuns in individual institutes. The first of the examined places is the institute of social care in Hrabice, where nuns worked from 1949 to 1989. The second of the researched institutes was located in the years 1953 to 1983 in the village of Komorní Lhotka. The third research institute was located in the town of Česká Kamenice, where nurses worked there from 1953 to 1980. All three constitutions are connected by their position, they were located in remote places or in places where there was no strong religious community. Although the beginnings of individual institutes and communities of nurses were...
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Eklesiologie Antonína Salajky (1901-1975) / Ecclesiology of Antonín Salajka (1901-1975)Nosek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Ecclesiology of Antonín Salajka (1901-1975) The following work presents an ecclesiological analysis of the publication by prof. Antonín Salajka (1901-1975). In the first part, it submits the biography of the author. This author was the first czech catholic priest laureated in Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome (in 1930). In the second part, it closely inteprets the very ecclesiology of the author itself. Salajka - theologist is introduced from several perspectives as well. First we supplied a suggestion for periodization of his scientific work. There we proposed two periods in congruence with a paradigm change of ecclesiastic-social circumstances, including changes of theological studies, which evidently affected our author's life and scientific work. The two proposed periods are: (1) 1930-1950, i.e. scientifically paramount and fundamental; (2) 1950-1975. Further, we introduced areas which fell under Salajka's interest: unionism, eastern christian churches and the problem of christian unification, eastern dogmatic theology, Church Slavonic, the study of christian East, dogmatic theology, so called theologia comparata, but also ecumenism, theological realisation, method in theology, fundamental theology, moral theology, last but not least pedagogical activity. The main subject in his...
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