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Regulation of STAT6, STAT3 and STAT1 by the Cytoplasmic Tail of Polycystin-1, the Protein Affected in Polycystic Kidney DiseaseShivakumar, Vasanth 01 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining the Relationship Between Coxsackievirus Infection and Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor Expression in NOD Mouse KidneysOaks , Rosemary Jane January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The occurance of genetic variations in the MYH9 gene and their association with CKD in a mixed South African populationMasconi, Katya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of the selected MYH9 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its related co-morbidities in the South African mixed ancestry population residing in Bellville South, Cape Town. In 2008, two landmark studies identified SNPs in the MYH9 gene which explained most of the increased risk for non-diabetic CKD in African Americans. These polymorphisms were later found to be weakly associated with diabetic nephropathy.
Three SNPs that exhibited independent evidence for association with CKD were selected (rs5756152, rs4821480 and rs12107). These were genotyped using a Taqman genotyping assay on a BioRad MiniOpticon and confirmed by sequencing in 724 subjects from Bellville South, Cape Town, South Africa. Prevalent CKD was defined based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate calculated using the modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula. Chronic kidney disease was present in 214 subjects (29.6%), 96.3% were stage 3 and only 8 subjects were stage 4. In additive allelic models, adjusted for age and gender, rs5756152 demonstrated an association with kidney function whereby each G allele of rs5756152 increased eGFR by 3.67 ml/min/1.73, reduced serum creatinine by 4.5% and increased fasting plasma glucose by 0.51 mmol/L. When an interaction model was used, the effect of rs5756152 on serum creatinine, eGFR and blood glucose levels was retained, and enhanced, but only in diabetic subjects. In addition, rs4821480 T allele increased eGFR while rs12107 A allele decreased glucose levels in diabetic subjects. In contrast to reports that MYH9 SNPs are strongly associated with non-diabetic end stage renal disease, our study demonstrated that rs5756152 and rs4821480 are associated with early kidney function derangements in type 2 diabetes whilst rs12107 is associated with glucose metabolism. Our findings, along with previous reports, suggest that the MYH9 gene may have a broader genetic risk effect on different types of kidney diseases than previously thought. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ondersoek ingestel na die verband tussen drie gekose MYH9-enkelnukleotied-polimorfismes (SNP’s) en chroniese niersiekte (hierna ‘niersiekte’), wat verwante ko-morbiditeite insluit, onder ’n Suid-Afrikaanse populasie van gemengde afkoms in Bellville-Suid, Kaapstad. Twee rigpuntstudies het in 2008 op SNP’s in die MYH9-geen afgekom wat verklaar het waarom Afro-Amerikaners ’n hoër risiko vir niediabetiese niersiekte toon. Later is bevind dat hierdie polimorfismes ook ’n swak verband met diabetiese nefropatie het.
Drie SNP’s wat elk onafhanklik bewys gelewer het van ’n verband met niersiekte is vervolgens gekies (rs5756152, rs4821480 en rs12107). Die SNP’s is daarná met behulp van die Taqman-toets op ’n BioRad MiniOpticon aan genotipering onderwerp, en is toe deur middel van reeksbepaling by 724 proefpersone van Bellville-Suid, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, bevestig. Die voorkoms van niersiekte is bepaal op grond van die geraamde glomerulêre filtrasietempo (eGFR), wat aan die hand van die ‘niersiekte-dieetveranderings’- (MDRD-)formule bereken is. Daar is bevind dat 214 proefpersone (29,6%) aan chroniese niersiekte ly – 96,3% was in fase 3 en slegs agt proefpersone in fase 4. In toegevoegde alleliese modelle wat vir ouderdom en geslag aangepas is, het rs5756152 ’n verband met nierfunksie getoon: Elke G-allel van rs5756152 het eGFR met 3,67 ml/min/1,73 verhoog, serumkreatinien met 4,5% verlaag en vastende plasmaglukose met 0,51 mmol/L verhoog. Toe ’n interaksiemodel gebruik is, is die effek van rs5756152 op serumkreatinien, eGFR en bloedglukosevlakke behou en versterk, hoewel slegs by diabetiese proefpersone. Daarbenewens het die T-allel van rs4821480 eGFR verhoog, terwyl die A-allel van rs12107 ook glukosevlakke by diabetiese proefpersone verlaag het.
In teenstelling met bewerings dat MYH9-SNP’s ’n sterk verband met niediabetiese eindstadiumniersiekte toon, het hierdie studie bewys dat rs5756152 en rs4821480 met vroeë nierfunksieversteurings by tipe 2-diabetes verband hou, terwyl rs12107 weer met glukosemetabolisme verbind word. Tesame met vorige studies, doen hierdie navorsingsbevindinge dus aan die hand dat die MYH9-geen dalk ’n groter genetiese risiko-effek op verskillende tipes niersiekte het as wat voorheen vermoed is. / Cape Peninsula University of Technology Research Fund / University of Stellenbosch Merit Bursary
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Culture of malacosporeans (Myxozoa) and development of control strategies for proliferative kidney diseaseMcGurk, Charles January 2005 (has links)
Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) poses a high financial burden upon the freshwater salmonid aquaculture industry of Europe and North America. The alternate hosts of the causative agent, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Myxozoa: Malacosporea), have been identified as freshwater bryozoans (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata) within which spores capable of infecting salmonid fish develop. Currently, control of PKD relies upon complex management practices, with no licensed prophylaxis or treatment available. Assessment of the nutritional preferences of phylactolaemate bryozoans allowed development of an optimised laboratory culture system. Following laboratory maintenance, bryozoans collected from PKD-endemic sites were found to be infected with the malacosporean parasites T. bryosalmonae and Buddenbrockia plumatellae. Subsequent parasitic development was observed using light-, electron- and confocal-microscopy techniques. Methods of challenging rainbow trout with T. bryosalmonae spores were developed, with the minimum infective dose established. The presence of Thomsen-Friedenreich and Tn epitopes within the parasite was investigated, and experimental vaccine preparations based on either these specificities or T. bryosalmonae-infected bryozoans were efficacy tested in rainbow trout. In addition, salinomycin and amprolium were tested as prospective chemotherapeutants for PKD. Further insights into the development and subsequent release of malacosporean spores within their invertebrate hosts have been revealed. Long-term maintenance of T. bryosalmonae allowed controlled infection of rainbow trout previously vaccinated with experimental preparations. Findings of the project could potentially be utilised in future research into the development of control methods for PKD.
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O impacto de alterações histológicas do parênquima renal não-neoplásico na incidência de insuficiência renal crônica após nefrectomia radical / Histologic abnormalities in non-neoplasic renal parenchyma and the risk of chronic kidney disease following radical nephrectomyBrandina, Ricardo Araujo 22 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A nefrectomia radical está associada com algum grau de comprometimento da função do rim remanescente em pacientes com câncer renal. A etiologia da insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) nesses casos é complexa, tem prevalência relativamente alta e existem poucas alternativas terapêuticas quando ela se estabelece. Métodos que permitem prever o aparecimento desse quadro e possibilitem condutas terapêuticas que minimizem e retardem a perda de função renal são altamente desejáveis. OBJETIVOS: Em pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical: 1. Objetivo primário: Avaliar o impacto de alterações do parênquima renal não neoplásico, dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais sobre o desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal crônica. 2. Objetivo secundário: Correlacionar alterações do parênquima renal não neoplásico, dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais com a variação da taxa de filtração glomerular estimada pré e pós-operatória. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 65 pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical por quadros de carcinoma de células renais. Nesses casos, procedeu-se a análise histológica do parênquima renal não neoplásico e as alterações encontradas foram correlacionadas com o aparecimento subsequente de IRC. Para avaliação da função renal, foi utilizada a taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFGe) por meio da fórmula MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) pré-operatória e última consulta. O estado do parênquima renal não neoplásico foi avaliado por meio de parâmetros histológicos: 1. Presença de glomerulosclerose, calculada pelo número total de glomérulos escleróticos dividido pelo número total de glomérulos avaliados, e expressa em porcentagem e presença de glomérulos hialinizados; 2. Alterações vasculares com a presença de arteriolosclerose. A extensão da oclusão arterial foi quantificada em três grupos: menos de 25%, 26% a 50% e acima de 50%. 3. Presença de fibrose intersticial e atrofia tubular. O impacto destas alterações no comportamento da função renal foi avaliado por meio do desenvolvimento IRC, definida com uma TFGe menor que 60ml/minuto/1,73m2 na avaliação mais recente e de acordo com os protocolos do Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative. RESULTADOS: Após um seguimento médio de 49,06 meses, foi observado uma queda média de 26,52% na função renal nos pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical. Trinta e cinco dos 65 pacientes evoluíram para IRC. Em uma análise univariada, presença de glomerulosclerose (OR=3,8), arteriosclerose (OR=3.3), fibrose intersticial (OR=3.8), hipertensão arterial (OR=3.7), Diabetes Mellitus (OR=11.6) e idade maior que 60 anos (OR=3.4) associaram-se à evolução para IRC (p < 0.05). Em uma regressão logística multivariada, índice de comorbidade de Charlson (OR= 2,3), GS (OR= 1,2) e TFGe pré-operatória (OR= 0,96) foram estatisticamente significantes. Para cada 2,5% de aumento de alterações glomérulos, houve uma diminuição percentual de 28% da TFGe. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações histológicas do parênquima renal não neoplásico e parâmetros clínicos podem ser utilizados para predizer pacientes que evoluirão para IRC após uma nefrectomia radical / INTRODUCTION: Radical nephrectomy is inevitably associated with a variable renal function decrease. Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent and there are few options for treatment in end stage CKD. The goal, as urologist, should be on optimizing renal function after surgery and not just avoiding dialysis. OBJECTIVES: In patients submitted to radical nephrectomy: 1. Primary objective: Assess the association of histopathological parameters in non-neoplastic renal parenchyma with new onset chronic kidney disease after surgery. 2. Secondary objective: Assess the association of demographic and clinical parameters with new onset chronic kidney disease after surgery. METHODS: Data were extracted from 65 patients who underwent radical nephrectomy. Using The MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) formula, we calculated the estimated glomerular filtration rate preoperatively and at last follow-up. The study end point was development of CKD, defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60ml/minute/1,73m2. A renal pathologist assessed three histological features in the nonneoplastic parenchyma, including global glomerulosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. For glomerulosclerosis assessment, the percent of affected glomeruli was determined. Arteriosclerosis or the extent of arterial luminal occlusion was graded into three groups, including 1-0% to 25%, 2-26% to 50% and 3-greater than 50%. Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy were evaluated as absent/present. RESULTS: After a mean follow-up of 49,06 months, the eGFR rate decreased 26,52% after radical nephrectomy. Thirty five patients developed CKD. In a univariate analysis, the incidence of CKD was associated with glomerulosclerosis (OR=3,8), interstitial fibrosis (OR=3,8), arteriosclerosis (OR=3,3), hypertension (OR=3,7), Diabetes Mellitus (OR=11,6) and age (OR=3,4) after surgery. In a multivariate analysis, Charlson comorbidity index (OR= 2,3), glomerulosclerosis (OR= 1,2) and baseline eGFR(OR= 0,96) were associated with new onset CKD after radical nephrectomy. For each 2,5% increase in glomerular abnormality the eGFR rate decreased 28% from baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Histologic findings in the nonneoplasic tissue, in addition to clinical parameters, can be used to predict which patients are more likely to develop CKD after radical nephrectomy
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Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-02-16T11:14:27Z
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Ana Paula da Silva Azevedo Nora Bezerra.pdf: 347105 bytes, checksum: 0bac0a537c9ddd9ba9747d8e5e69562f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-16T11:14:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ana Paula da Silva Azevedo Nora Bezerra.pdf: 347105 bytes, checksum: 0bac0a537c9ddd9ba9747d8e5e69562f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-22 / Introduction: Even though kidney transplant represents a new perspective to
individuals with chronical kidney disease due to its correlation with a better quality of
life results and morbimortality indexes, the procedure itself is not free of risks.
Vascular complications rates around the world varies from 1 – 23% and it is are also
associated with a high risk of kidney graft losses. Objective: To evaluate the
incidence of vascular complications among patients submitted to kidney transplant at
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Goiânia on a period of time between January 2013 to
December 2014. Material and Methods: It was analyzed 35 files from patients
submitted to kidney transplant at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Goiânia on a period
of time between January 2013 and December 2014. It was analyzed the following
variables: renal artery stenosis, renal artery thrombosis, renal vein stenosis, renal
vein thrombosis, renal artery pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula, renal artery
kinking, kidney graft torsion and kidney infarction. It was also collected data for:
kidney graft side, donator´s aspects (alive or deceased), receptor´s age, receptor´s
gender, necessity for reintervention and cold ischemia time. Results: It was included
32 patients, 34,38% females and 65,62% males, with median age of 46 years old.
Among all surgical complications it was found 3 events of urinary leakage (9,3%), 2
events of retroperitoneal abscess (6,25%), 1 event of kidney graft torsion (3,12%)
and 1 event of arterial stenosis (3,12%). All kidney grafts came from deceased
donators (100%) and there were no graft losses. Conclusion: Even though the
following study had shown a low incidence of vascular complications related with
kidney transplant, the TIF more than 24 hours was the only independent risk factor
associated with this event. / Introdução: Embora o transplante renal represente uma perspectiva ao
indivíduo portador de doença renal crônica terminal por se correlacionar a melhores
índices de qualidade de vida e de morbimortalidade, este procedimento não é isento
de riscos. As taxas de complicações vasculares variam em todo mundo de 1 – 23%
e guardam importância por estar associadas a elevado risco de perda do enxerto.
Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência de complicação vascular em pacientes submetidos a
transplante renal na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Goiânia no período entre janeiro
de 2013 a dezembro de 2014. Material e Métodos: Foram analisados 35 prontuários
de pacientes submetidos a transplante renal na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de
Goiânia no período de Janeiro de 2013 a Dezembro de 2014. Foram analisadas as
seguintes variáveis: estenose de artéria renal, trombose de artéria renal, estenose
de veia renal, trombose de veia renal, pseudoaneurisma de artéria renal, fístula
arteriovenosa, kinking de artéria renal, torção de enxerto e infarto. Foi coletado em
prontuário: rim transplantado, tipo de doador, idade do receptor, gênero do receptor,
reinternação, tempo de isquemia fria. Resultados: A população estudada incluiu 32
pacientes, sendo 34,38% do sexo feminino e 65,62% do sexo masculino, com média
de idade de 46 anos. Entre as complicações cirúrgicas, ocorreram 3 casos de fistula
urinária (9,3%), 2 casos de coleção (6,25%), 1 caso de torção de enxerto (3,12%) e
1 caso de estenose arterial (3,12%). Todos os enxertos (100%) foram de doador
falecido e não houve perda de enxerto em nenhum caso (0%). Conclusões: Embora
o presente estudo tenha observado uma baixa incidência de complicação vascular
relacionada a transplante renal, o TIF superior a 24hs foi o único fator de risco
independente associado a tal evento (p=0,034).
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Glomerulopathy in normoalbuminuric adolescents with type 1 diabetes : relations between structure, function, metabolic control and ambulatory blood pressure /Torbjörnsdotter, Torun, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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The pathophysiology of renal failure in a shiga toxin plus lipopolysaccharide induced murine model of hemolytic uremic syndromePsotka, Mitchell Adam. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2008. / Title from title page. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online through Digital Dissertations.
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The pathophysiology of renal failure in a shiga toxin plus lipopolysaccharide induced murine model of hemolytic uremic syndromePsotka, Mitchell Adam. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 2008. / Title from title page. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online as viewed 8/06/2009 through Digital Dissertations.
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O impacto de alterações histológicas do parênquima renal não-neoplásico na incidência de insuficiência renal crônica após nefrectomia radical / Histologic abnormalities in non-neoplasic renal parenchyma and the risk of chronic kidney disease following radical nephrectomyRicardo Araujo Brandina 22 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A nefrectomia radical está associada com algum grau de comprometimento da função do rim remanescente em pacientes com câncer renal. A etiologia da insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) nesses casos é complexa, tem prevalência relativamente alta e existem poucas alternativas terapêuticas quando ela se estabelece. Métodos que permitem prever o aparecimento desse quadro e possibilitem condutas terapêuticas que minimizem e retardem a perda de função renal são altamente desejáveis. OBJETIVOS: Em pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical: 1. Objetivo primário: Avaliar o impacto de alterações do parênquima renal não neoplásico, dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais sobre o desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal crônica. 2. Objetivo secundário: Correlacionar alterações do parênquima renal não neoplásico, dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais com a variação da taxa de filtração glomerular estimada pré e pós-operatória. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 65 pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical por quadros de carcinoma de células renais. Nesses casos, procedeu-se a análise histológica do parênquima renal não neoplásico e as alterações encontradas foram correlacionadas com o aparecimento subsequente de IRC. Para avaliação da função renal, foi utilizada a taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFGe) por meio da fórmula MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) pré-operatória e última consulta. O estado do parênquima renal não neoplásico foi avaliado por meio de parâmetros histológicos: 1. Presença de glomerulosclerose, calculada pelo número total de glomérulos escleróticos dividido pelo número total de glomérulos avaliados, e expressa em porcentagem e presença de glomérulos hialinizados; 2. Alterações vasculares com a presença de arteriolosclerose. A extensão da oclusão arterial foi quantificada em três grupos: menos de 25%, 26% a 50% e acima de 50%. 3. Presença de fibrose intersticial e atrofia tubular. O impacto destas alterações no comportamento da função renal foi avaliado por meio do desenvolvimento IRC, definida com uma TFGe menor que 60ml/minuto/1,73m2 na avaliação mais recente e de acordo com os protocolos do Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative. RESULTADOS: Após um seguimento médio de 49,06 meses, foi observado uma queda média de 26,52% na função renal nos pacientes submetidos à nefrectomia radical. Trinta e cinco dos 65 pacientes evoluíram para IRC. Em uma análise univariada, presença de glomerulosclerose (OR=3,8), arteriosclerose (OR=3.3), fibrose intersticial (OR=3.8), hipertensão arterial (OR=3.7), Diabetes Mellitus (OR=11.6) e idade maior que 60 anos (OR=3.4) associaram-se à evolução para IRC (p < 0.05). Em uma regressão logística multivariada, índice de comorbidade de Charlson (OR= 2,3), GS (OR= 1,2) e TFGe pré-operatória (OR= 0,96) foram estatisticamente significantes. Para cada 2,5% de aumento de alterações glomérulos, houve uma diminuição percentual de 28% da TFGe. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações histológicas do parênquima renal não neoplásico e parâmetros clínicos podem ser utilizados para predizer pacientes que evoluirão para IRC após uma nefrectomia radical / INTRODUCTION: Radical nephrectomy is inevitably associated with a variable renal function decrease. Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent and there are few options for treatment in end stage CKD. The goal, as urologist, should be on optimizing renal function after surgery and not just avoiding dialysis. OBJECTIVES: In patients submitted to radical nephrectomy: 1. Primary objective: Assess the association of histopathological parameters in non-neoplastic renal parenchyma with new onset chronic kidney disease after surgery. 2. Secondary objective: Assess the association of demographic and clinical parameters with new onset chronic kidney disease after surgery. METHODS: Data were extracted from 65 patients who underwent radical nephrectomy. Using The MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) formula, we calculated the estimated glomerular filtration rate preoperatively and at last follow-up. The study end point was development of CKD, defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 60ml/minute/1,73m2. A renal pathologist assessed three histological features in the nonneoplastic parenchyma, including global glomerulosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy. For glomerulosclerosis assessment, the percent of affected glomeruli was determined. Arteriosclerosis or the extent of arterial luminal occlusion was graded into three groups, including 1-0% to 25%, 2-26% to 50% and 3-greater than 50%. Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy were evaluated as absent/present. RESULTS: After a mean follow-up of 49,06 months, the eGFR rate decreased 26,52% after radical nephrectomy. Thirty five patients developed CKD. In a univariate analysis, the incidence of CKD was associated with glomerulosclerosis (OR=3,8), interstitial fibrosis (OR=3,8), arteriosclerosis (OR=3,3), hypertension (OR=3,7), Diabetes Mellitus (OR=11,6) and age (OR=3,4) after surgery. In a multivariate analysis, Charlson comorbidity index (OR= 2,3), glomerulosclerosis (OR= 1,2) and baseline eGFR(OR= 0,96) were associated with new onset CKD after radical nephrectomy. For each 2,5% increase in glomerular abnormality the eGFR rate decreased 28% from baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Histologic findings in the nonneoplasic tissue, in addition to clinical parameters, can be used to predict which patients are more likely to develop CKD after radical nephrectomy
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