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Étude d'écoulements transitionnels et hors équilibre par des approches DNS et RANS. / Study of transitional and non-equilibrium flows through DNS and RANS approaches.Laurent, Célia 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le décrochage est un phénomène aérodynamique instationnaire susceptible d'apparaître sur de nombreux profils aérodynamiques. Il résulte d'un décollement important de l'écoulement vis-à-vis de la paroi de l'aile et dégrade considérablement les performances de vol. Sur certains profils de pales d'hélicoptères, d'éoliennes ou de rotors, ce phénomène se produit dans des conditions d'utilisation normales et justifie la recherche de méthodes de modélisation accessibles industriellement. Le décrochage est initié au bord d'attaque par l'apparition d'une petite région de recirculation de fluide appelée bulbe de décollement laminaire où l'écoulement transitionne de l'état laminaire vers l'état turbulent. Ce phénomène encore mal connu met en jeu transition et écoulements hors équilibre auxquels les outils de modélisation RANS habituellement employés ne sont pas adaptés. Dans cette étude, un bulbe transitionnel typique d'un écoulement de bord d'attaque de pale d'hélicoptère (profil OA209 à un nombre de Reynolds Rec∞=1.8x106 et 15° d'incidence) est isolé sur une plaque plane. Une simulation DNS de cet écoulement est réalisée à l'aide du logiciel FUNk de l'ONERA afin de servir de base de données pour l'amélioration des modèles RANS. L'évolution des bilans de l'équation de transport de l'énergie cinétique turbulente ainsi que les principales hypothèses RANS (isotropie de la turbulence, Boussinesq, équilibre production/dissipation) sont analysées. Une étude des principaux modèles RANS développés dans le logiciel elsA de l'ONERA est ensuite réalisée en pondérant les grandeurs turbulentes par une fonction de transition reproduisant l'intermittence de la turbulence. Le modèle k-ω de Wilcox couplé à une fonction de transition optimisée a donné les résultats les plus proches de la DNS et a donc été l'objet d'une analyse plus approfondie, notamment une évaluation des principales équations bilans et une application de ce modèle et de sa méthode de transition à un cas de transition naturelle de plaque plane. / The stall is an unsteady aerodynamic phenomenon that may occur on many aerodynamic profiles. It consists in a large separation of the flow from the wall of the wing and significantly deteriorates the flight performances. On some blade profiles such as helicopters, turbines or rotors, this phenomenon occurs under normal conditions of use and justifies the research of industrially accessible modeling methods. The stall is initiated at the leading edge by the appearance of a small region of fluid recirculation called a “laminar separation bubble” where the flow transitions from the laminar to the turbulent state. This still poorly understood phenomenon involves transition and non-equilibrium flows for which commonly used RANS modeling tools are not suitable. In this study, a transitional bubble typical of an helicopter leading edge flow (OA209 profile at a Reynolds number Rec∞=1.8x106 and 15° of incidence) is reproduced on a flat plate. A DNS simulation of this flow is performed using the ONERA FUNk software to serve as a database for RANS models improvements. The evolution of turbulent kinetic energy budgets as well as the main RANS assumptions (isotropy of turbulence, Boussinesq hypothesis, production/dissipation balance) are analyzed. The main RANS models developed in the ONERA elsA software are then studied by weighting the turbulent quantities with a transition function reproducing the intermittency of the turbulence. The k-ω Wilcox model coupled with an optimized transition function gave the best results and was therefore kept for a more in-depth analysis, including an assessment of the main budgets and an application of this model and its transition method to a natural transition test case on a flat plate.
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Engineering water dissociation sites in MoS2 nanosheets for accelerated electrocatalytic hydrogen productionFeng, Xinliang, Zhang, Jian, Wang, Tao, Liu, Pan, Liu, Shaohua, Dong, Renhao, Zhuang, Xiaodong, Chen, Mingwei 21 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Earth-abundant MoS2 is widely reported as a promising HER electrocatalyst in acidic solutions, but it exhibits extremely poor HER activities in alkaline media due to the slow water dissociation process. Here we present a combined theoretical and experimental approach to improve the sluggish HER kinetics of MoS2 electrocatalysts through engineering the water dissociation sites by doping Ni atoms into MoS2 nanosheets. The Ni sites thus introduced can effectively reduce the kinetic energy barrier of the initial water-dissociation step and facilitate the desorption of the −OH that are formed. As a result, the developed Ni-doped MoS2 nanosheets (Ni-MoS2) show an extremely low HER overpotential of ∼98 mV at 10 mA cm−2 in 1 M KOH aqueous solution, which is superior to those (>220 mV at 10 mA cm−2) of reported MoS2 electrocatalysts.
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The development and application of two-time-scale turbulence models for non-equilibrium flowsKlein, Tania S. January 2012 (has links)
The reliable prediction of turbulent non-equilibrium flows is of high academic and industrial interest in several engineering fields. Most turbulent flows are often predicted using single-time-scale Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models which assume the flows can be modelled through a single time or length scale which is an admittedly incorrect assumption. Therefore they are not expected to capture the lag in the response of the turbulence in non-equilibrium flows. In attempts to improve prediction of these flows, by taking into consideration some features of the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum, the multiple-time-scale models arose. A number of two-scale models have been proposed, but so far their use has been rather limited.This work thus focusses on the development of two-time-scale approaches. Two two-time-scale linear-eddy-viscosity models, referred to as NT1 and NT2 models, have been developed and the initial stages of the development of two-time-scale non-linear-eddy-viscosity models are also reported. The models' coefficients have been determined through asymptotic analysis of decaying grid turbulence, homogeneous shear flows and the flow in a boundary layer in local equilibrium. Three other important features of these models are that there is consistent partition of the large and the small scales for all above limiting cases, model sensitivity to the partition and production rate ratios and sensitivity of the eddy viscosity sensitive to the mean strain rates.The models developed have been tested through computations of a wide range of flows such as homogeneous shear and normally strained flows, fully developed channel flows, zero-pressure-gradient, adverse-pressure-gradient, favourable-pressure-gradient and oscillatory boundary layer flows, fully developed oscillatory and ramp up pipe flows and steady and pulsated backward-facing-step flows.The proposed NT1 and NT2 two-scale models have been shown to perform well in all test cases, being, among the benchmarked models tested, the models which best performed in the wide range of dimensionless shear values of homogeneous shear flows, the only linear-eddy-viscosity models which predicted well the turbulent kinetic energy in the normally strained cases and the only models which showed satisfactory sensitivity in predicting correctly the reattachment point in the unsteady backward facing step cases with different forcing frequencies. Although the development of the two-time-scale non-linear-eddy-viscosity models is still in progress, the interim versions proposed here have resulted in predictions of the Reynolds normal stresses similar to those of much more complex models in all test cases studied and in predictions of the turbulent kinetic energy in normally strained flows which are better than those of the other models tested in this study.
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Improved Analysis Techniques for Scatterometer Wind EstimationSchachterle, Gregory Dallin 10 August 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, three improved analysis techniques for scatterometer wind estimation are presented. These techniques build upon previous methods that help validate scatterometer data. This thesis examines the theory connecting the 1D and 2D kinetic energy spectra and uses QuikSCAT data to measure the 2D kinetic energy spectrum of ocean winds. The measured 2D kinetic energy spectrum is compared to the traditional 1D kinetic energy spectrum. The relationship between the 2D kinetic energy spectra and the 1D kinetic energy spectra confirms findings from previous studies that ocean winds modeled in 2D are isotropic and nondivergent. The 1D and 2D kinetic energy spectra also confirm the known conclusion that the zonal and meridional components of ocean winds are uncorrelated. Through simulation, the wind response function (WRF) is calculated for three different QuikSCAT processing algorithms. The WRF quantifies the contribution that the wind at each point of the surface makes to a given wind estimate. The spatial resolution of the different processing algorithms is estimated by their WRFs. The WRFs imply that the spatial resolution of ultrahigh resolution (UHR) processing is finer than the spatial resolution of conventional drop-in-the-bucket (DIB) processing; the spatial resolution of UHR processing is ~5-10 km while the spatial resolution of DIB slice processing is ~12-15 km and the spatial resolution of coarse resolution DIB egg processing is ~30 km. Simulation is used to analyze the effectiveness of various wind retrieval and ambiguity selection algorithms. To assist in the simulation, synthetic wind fields are created through extrapolating the 2D Fourier transform of a numerical weather prediction wind field. These synthetic wind fields are sufficiently realistic to evaluate ambiguity selection algorithms. The simulation employs the synthetic wind fields to compare wind estimation with and without direction interval retrieval (DIR) applied. Both UHR and DIB wind estimation processes are performed in the simulation and UHR winds are shown to resolve finer resolution wind features than DIB winds at the cost of being slightly noisier. DIR added to standard QuikSCAT UHR wind estimation drops the wind direction root-mean-squared error by ~10° to ~24.74° in the swath sweet spot.
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Simulátor pro ověření funkce bezpečnostních pásů / Simulator for check of seat belts functionNeuwirth, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
Thesis is oriented on project construction universal apparatus for introduction and research effects deceleration and impact with possibility setting initial velocity. Basic application proposed test station is crash simulation for diagnostic safety belts. At first there're in work presented physical value that describe action in progress at impact, further safety belts, their testing and test . Considerable volume of work is devoted to project actuation, system obstruction kinetic energy and basic construction. Subsequently is presented proposed construction and performed strenght calculation. In the end there are summarized basic characteristics proposed construction, short financial opinion, process of installation and safety rules for using this equipment.
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Quantifying the Impact of Traffic-Related and Driver-Related Factors on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and EmissionsDing, Yonglian 02 June 2000 (has links)
The transportation sector is the dominant source of U.S. fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, highway travel accounts for nearly 75 percent of total transportation energy use and slightly more than 33 percent of national emissions of EPA's six Criteria pollutants. Enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 (CAAA) and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) have changed the ways that most states and local governments deal with transportation problems. Transportation planning is geared to improve air quality as well as mobility. It is required that each transportation activity be analyzed in advance using the most recent mobile emission estimate model to ensure not to violate the Conformity Regulation.
Several types of energy and emission models have been developed to capture the impact of a number of factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, the current state-of-practice in emission modeling (i.e. Mobile5 and EMFAC7) uses the average speed as a single explanatory variable. However, up to date there has not been a systematic attempt to quantify the impact of various travel and driver-related factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions.
This thesis first systematically quantifies the impact of various travel-related and driver-related factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. The analysis indicates that vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates increase considerably as the number of vehicle stops increases especially at high cruise speed. However, vehicle fuel consumption is more sensitive to the cruise speed level than to vehicle stops. The aggressiveness of a vehicle stop, which represents a vehicle's acceleration and deceleration level, does have an impact on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, the HC and CO emission rates are highly sensitive to the level of acceleration when compared to cruise speed in the range of 0 to 120 km/h. The impact of the deceleration level on all MOEs is relatively small. At high speeds the introduction of vehicle stops that involve extremely mild acceleration levels can actually reduce vehicle emission rates. Consequently, the thesis demonstrated that the use of average speed as a sole explanatory variable is inadequate for estimating vehicle fuel consumption and emissions, and the addition of speed variability as an explanatory variable results in better models.
Second, the thesis identifies a number of critical variables as potential explanatory variables for estimating vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates. These explanatory variables include the average speed, the speed variance, the number of vehicle stops, the acceleration noise associated with positive acceleration and negative acceleration noise, the kinetic energy, and the power exerted. Statistical models are developed using these critical variables. The statistical models predict the vehicle fuel consumption rate and emission rates of HC, CO, and NOx (per unit of distance) within an accuracy of 88%-96% when compared to instantaneous microscopic models (Ahn and Rakha, 1999), and predict emission rates of HC, CO, and NOx within 95 percentile confidence limits of chassis dynamometer tests conducted by EPA.
Comparing with the current state-of-practice, the proposed statistical models provide better estimates for vehicle fuel consumption and emissions because speed variances about the average speed along a trip are considered in these models. On the other hand, the statistical models only require several aggregate trip variables as input while generating reasonable estimates that are consistent with microscopic model estimates. Therefore, these models could be used with transportation planning models for conformity analysis. / Master of Science
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Study of High-speed Subsonic Jets using Proper Orthogonal DecompositionMalla, Bhupatindra January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Surface Discharges of Buoyant Jets in CrossflowsGharavi, Amir 15 December 2022 (has links)
Understanding the physics of mixing for two fluids is a complicated problem and has always been an interesting phenomenon to study. Surface discharge is the oldest, least expensive and simplest way of discharging industrial or domestic wastewater into rivers and estuaries. Because of the lower degree of dilution in surface discharges, critical conditions are more likely to occur. Having a better understanding of the mixing phenomenon in these cases will help to predict the environmental effects more accurately. In this study, surface discharges of jets into waterbodies with or without crossflows were investigated numerically and experimentally. Three-dimensional (3-D) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models were developed for studying the surface discharge of jets into water bodies using different turbulence models. Reynolds stress turbulence models and spatially filtered Large Eddy Simulation (LES) were used in the numerical models. The effects of inclusion of free surface water in the CFD models on the performance of the numerical model results were investigated. Numerical model results were compared with the experimental data in the literature as well as the experimental works performed in this study. Experimental works for buoyant and non-buoyant surface discharge of jets into crossflow and stagnant water were conducted in this study. A new setup was designed and built in the Civil Engineering Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Ottawa to perform the desired experiments. Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (Stereo-PIV) was used to measure the instantaneous spatial and temporal 3-D velocity distribution on several planes of measurement downstream of the jet with the frequency of 40 Hz. Averaged 3-D velocity distribution was extracted on different planes of measurement to show the transformation of the velocity vectors from a “jet-like” to a “plume-like” flow regime. Averaged 3-D velocity distribution and streamlines illustrated the flow transformation of the surface jets. Experimental results detected the formation and evolution of vortices in the surface jet’s flow structure over the measurement zone. Additional turbulent flow characteristics such as the turbulent kinetic energy (k), turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (ϵ), and turbulent eddy viscosity (υt) were calculated using the measured time history of the 3-D velocity field.
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Modeling optical turbulence with COAMPS during two observation periods at Vandenberg AFBHorne, Jimmy D., Jr. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The objective of this thesis is to investigate the forecastability of optical turbulence using the U.S. Navy's Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS). First, a detailed synoptic study was performed over the Eastern Pacific region for observation periods in October 2001 and March 2002 to focus on mesoscale features affecting Vandenberg AFB. Second, a modified version of COAMPS version 2.0.16 model output was evaluated to ensure reasonable modeling of the mesoscale. Next, temperature and dewpoint temperature vertical profiles of COAMPS, modified with the Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) Method, were compared with balloon-launched rawinsondes, initially, then with higher resolution thermosondes. Optical turbulence parameters were then calculated from the data and a comparison between synthetic profiles and thermosonde-derived profiles were qualitatively and quantitatively studied. Then the vertical resolution of the model was increased for selected forecasts to determine the potential for forecast improvement. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy
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Dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecules in intense fieldsMagrakvelidze, Maia January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Uwe Thumm / We study the dynamics of diatomic molecules (dimers) in intense IR and XUV laser fields theoretically and compare the results with measured data in collaboration with different experimental groups worldwide. The first three chapters of the thesis cover the introduction and the background on solving time-independent and time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The numerical results in this thesis are presented in four chapters, three of which are focused on diatomic molecules in IR fields. The last one concentrates on diatomic molecules in XUV pulses.
The study of nuclear dynamics of H[subscript]2 or D[subscript]2 molecules in IR pulses is given in Chapter 4. First, we investigate the optimal laser parameters for observing field-induced bond softening and bond hardening in D[subscript]2[superscript]+. Next, the nuclear dynamics of H[subscript]2[superscript]+ molecular ions in intense laser fields are investigated by analyzing their fragment kinetic-energy release (KER) spectra as a function of the pump-probe delay τ. Lastly, the electron localization is studied for long circularly polarized laser pulses.
Chapter 5 covers the dissociation dynamics of O[subscript]2[superscript]+ in an IR laser field. The fragment KER spectra are analyzed as a function of the pump-probe delay τ. Within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we calculate ab-initio adiabatic potential-energy curves and their electric dipole couplings, using the quantum chemistry code GAMESS.
In Chapter 6, the dissociation dynamics of the noble gas dimer ions He[subscript]2[superscript]+, Ne[subscript]2[superscript]+, Ar[subscript]2[superscript]+, Kr[subscript]2[superscript]+, and Xe[subscript]2[superscript]+ is investigated in ultrashort pump and probe laser pulses of different wavelengths. We observe a striking ‘‘delay gap’’ in the pump-probe-delay-dependent KER spectrum only if the probe-pulse wavelength exceeds the pump-pulse wavelength. Comparing pump-probe-pulse-delay dependent KER spectra for different noble gas dimer cations, we quantitatively discuss quantum-mechanical versus classical aspects of the nuclear vibrational motion as a function of the nuclear mass.
Chapter 7 focuses on diatomic molecules in XUV laser pulses. We trace the femtosecond nuclear-wave-packet dynamics in ionic states of oxygen and nitrogen diatomic molecules by comparing measured kinetic-energy-release spectra with classical and quantum-mechanical simulations. Experiments were done at the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) using 38-eV XUV-pump–XUV-probe.
The summary and outlook of the work is discussed in Chapter 8.
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