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Aplikace metod předzpracování při dolování znalostí z textových datKotíková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on unstructured textual data preprocessing in relation to text mining. A series of experiments oriented to text mining is designed and carried out. The effect of different techniques of textual data preprocessing to the entire text mining process and its results is evaluated based on output of the experiments.
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Stres a hodnocení / Stress and school assessmentŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Stress and school evaluation" has theoretical and empirical character. The aim of the thesis is to compare the occurrence of stress for students in upper primary schools when different forms of evaluation are used. In the theoretical section, the concept of "stress", different types of stress, and definitions of the terms are given. The manifestations and causes of stress, as well as coping mechanisms, are also described and elaborated. One part of this section deals with the developmental stages of adolescents, and a second part is dedicated to the explanation of different school evaluation forms (assessment and verbal evaluation). The particular functions of evaluations are not neglected. Survey results from questionnaires completed by students from two different schools were used in the empirical section of the thesis. The primary hypotheses and assumptions were defined and elaboration of the results was presented, including well-arranged tables and graphs. In the summary of this research, the stress levels and their relations to different types of evaluation methods are reported.
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Návrh možností nového využití plochy vybraného brownfieldu / Proposals of new possibilities of use of selected brownfield localityŘÍHOVÁ, Simona January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Proposals of new possibilities of use of selected brownfield locality" is devided in two parts. In literature search, there are defined brownfield term and other related terms. Then there is the categorization of brownfileds, problems accompanying brownfileds, anchoring in urban planning documents, solutions of brownfields and funding possibilities. The practical part describes the selected area of military brownfiled. It analyzes its historical use, current condition and causes of creation of brownfield. There are designed variants of the new usage possibilities, funding possibilities of these variants and selection of the most suitable variant. It also includes a comparison with other realized designs.
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Příspěvky sekcí (NACE-CZ) k tvorbě hrubé přidané hodnoty / The contributions of the sections (NACE-CZ) to the creation of gross value addedBEDNÁŘOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the contributions of the sections (NACE-CZ) to the creation of gross value added. The first part of this thesis described the theoretical concepts relating to national economic gross value added. Analytical processes were used for the calculations, which may be used only if we are dealing with an additive link between individual factors. The sections' contributions to the creation of national eco-nomic gross value added were evaluated in the practical part, on the basis of the proc-esses set forth in the methodology. In the given time horizon, contributions by institu-tional sectors and groups of sections classified according to the level of technology showed a certain dependency on the actual economic cycle. Although the strongest in-stitutional sector is non-financial enterprises, they were the ones most affected during the crisis period, together with government institutions. On the contrary, the financial institution sector showed a strong position during the crisis period. In terms of the grouping of the sections according to the level of technology, the greatest contribution to national economic gross value added is by groups B1 and B2. The influence of the economic cycle was noted in all the groups but, according to the results, group C did not react quite as sensitively as the other groups.
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Inovační management ve vybraném MSP / Innovation management in chosen companyLACINOVÁ, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis is dedicated to the use of innovation management in small and medium-sized enterprises. The theoretical part contains explanation of terms related to the innovation management, inventions, innovations, classification of innovations, measurement and effectivity of innovations. According to the opinions of many authors, the company that does not innovate is doomed to fail. That is why the often-used motto of companies is "Innovate or die". The chosen company which does not want to be named is described in the practical part. The enterprise is an important printing company with more than 20 years-long history. The aim of the master thesis is to describe and evaluated the realized innovation of the company. The output of the thesis contains plan of the processing map of the innovation, evaluation of the innovation by innovation index KLII and creation of the innovation benefits pyramid. The results of the thesis may contribute to lower costs of realization of future innovations, strengthening of the vision of the company and an increase of competitiveness.
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Klasifikace druhové skladby lesa pomocí dat Sentinel-2 a Landsat / Tree species classification using sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 dataHavelka, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The main objectives of this master thesis are to evaluate and compare chosen classification algorithm for the tree species classification. With usage of satellite imagery Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 is examined whether the better spatial resolution affects the quality of the resulted classification. According to past case studies and literature was chosen supervised algorithms Support Vector Machine, Neural Network and Maximum Likelihood. To achieve the best possible results of classification is necessary to find a suitable choice of parameters and rules. Based on literate was applied different settings which were subsequently evaluated by cross validation. All results are accompanied by tables, charts and maps which comprehensively and clearly summarize the answers to the main objectives of the thesis.
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Proces zavádění formativního hodnocení na základní škole EDUCAnet / Introductoryprocessof formative assessment in elementaryschool EDUCAnetBuršíková, Hana January 2018 (has links)
My Diploma Thesis "Process of the implementation of a formative assessment at the primary school EDUCAnet" deals with the possibilities of the school assessment and offers examples of the gradual change from the classical system to the formative evaluation. The theoretical part is aimed at the explanation of the basic terms connected with the assessment. It demonstrates different assessment methods and gradually specifies possibilities of the formative assessment. Practical part introduces assessment methods used at the primary school EDUCAnet. Final research summarizes EDUCAnet's students attitude to the assessment. To collect the data I used a questionnaire method, which is afterwards evaluated in graphs as well as in comments. The goal of my research is a detection of the formative assessment method, which is preferred by the students. In this context I am also interested in the motivation of the students and their understanding of the role of mistake in their education.
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Fyzikální interpretace speciálních řešení Einsteinových-Maxwellových rovnic / Physical interpretation of special solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equationsRyzner, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
V klasické fyzice m·že být ustavena statická rovnováha v soustavě, která obsahuje extrémně nabité zdroje gravitačního a elektromagnetického pole. Udivujícím faktem je, že tato situace m·že nastat i pro černé díry v relativis- tické fyzice. Tato práce vyšetřuje speciální případ nekonečně dlouhé, extrémně nabité struny, zkoumá geometrii prostoročasu, elektrogeodetiky, vlastnosti zdroje a srovnává řešení se situací v klasické fyzice. Dále se zabýváme analogickou situací v dynamickém prostoročase s kosmologickou konstantou, a řešení porovnáváme s jeho statickou verzí. Nakonec zkoumáme periodické řešení Laplaceovy rovnice, které odpovídá nekonečně mnoha extremálním bodovým zdroj·m rozloženým v pravidelném rozestupu podél přímky. Vyšetřujeme vlastnosti elektrostatického potenciálu a ukazujeme, že v limitě velké vzdálenosti od osy tvořené zdroji pře- chází toto řešení v nabitou strunu. 1
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Analýza zdravotně sociálních důsledků na život pacientů s polytraumatem / Analysis of healthy social effects for the life of patiens with polytraumaPLACER, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Polytrauma is a severe multiple injury posing an imminent threat to human life. Such trauma will then significantly affect the quality of client's life and, consequently, also the constituent parts of his or her personality. The research has shown that, the therapy succes, which is realised in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation, depends on an effective medical care delivered by a multidisciplinary team of specialists and also on an active involvement in the treatment by the clients themselves.The quality of clients' life that the polytraumas entaile is influenced by their age, sex, education, profession, classification of multiple injury and also by harmonious family relationships and support offered by the clients' partners.
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Posouzení jednotlivých navržených možností revitalizace plochy brownfieldu / Assessment of particular proposed possibilities of brownfield locality restorarionKŘTĚNSKÁ, Dagmar January 2018 (has links)
The thesis "The assessment of particular proposed possibilities to revitalize a selected brownfield site" is made of two parts. The first one is theoretical and defines the term brownfield and other linked terms, the division and possibilities of revitalization. The second part is practical. It specifies the selected location and deals with the history of the property and its brownfield. It works out the consecutive possible revitalization of the area. An important part of the thesis makes a comparison with other chosen brownfield sites - Chýnov and Žirovnice breweries.
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