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Mapování současného stavu vegetace při horní hranici lesa v Hrubém Jeseníku prostředky DPZBeierová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis has been mapped the current condition and expansion of the vegetation with a focus on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) between 2000 and 2012 in large-scale protected area Praděd by using the methods of remote sensing. For the mapping of the total surface area of 144 hectares was used supervised and unsupervised classification of image data. From the results arised that a species of Vaccinium myrtillus has spread out to vegetation above tree line.
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Hledání sémantické informace v textových datech s využitím latentní analýzyŘezníček, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The first part of thesis focuses on theoretical introduction to the methods of text mining -- Information retrieval, classification and clustering. LSA method is presented as an advanced model for representing textual data. Furthermore, the work describes source data and methods for their preprocessing and preparation used to enhance the effectiveness of text mining methods. For each chosen text mining method there are defined evaluation metrics and used already existing, or newly implemented, programs are presented. The results of experiments comparing the effects of different preprocessing type and use of different models of the source data are then demonstrated and discussed in the conclusion.
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Aplikace dataminingových metod na bankovní dataMelichar, Miloš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with pre-processing of two data sets with information on clients, loans and debit cards. The data sets were separately pre-processed and modeled by SPSS Modeler using a number of methods and algorithms. For the modeling purposes, three classification data mining tasks were defined: loan approving or rejecting, loan rating and debit card type assignment. By using the selected methods of machine learning techniques the classification models were built for each task. Models accuracy was tested by script written in SPSS language for automation. All tasks were supplemented by clustering technique based on latent factors gained by factor analysis. Factor analysis combined with clustering presents another approach in pattern discovery.
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Řešení revitalizace konkrétních ploch průmyslových a armádních brownfieldů / Revitalization of specific areas of industrial and military brownfieldsDUŠEK, Milan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on issues of a real, military and industrial brownfield. There is explained the term ''brownfield'' in the first part of this thesis and then there are described types, classifications, methods of mapping, opportunities of revitalization and their financing. The second part is focused on a real, industrial and military brownfield in the South-Bohemian region, his history and a potential utilization in the years to come.
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Ekonomické aspekty vzdělávání na jazykových školách v ČR / Economic Aspects of Education at Language Schools in the Czech RepublicDvořáková, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
The Master´s thesis is focused on financial sources invested in education at language schools in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part gathers data associated with the topic and is based primarily on the specialized literature. From the characterization of linguistic companies, it is obvious that this type can be described as a non-formal type of education. According to the international classification it belongs to the post-secondary non-tertiary education. Information obtained in the theoretical part will be important for the analytical part of the thesis. The practical section describes mostly language schools, analyses their offer of linguistic classes for public in detail. Both economic and non-economic criteria will be analysed and compared. The conclusion of the thesis presents evaluation of the previous parts. It is clear that the competition in the particular market is strong, and therefore it is necessary for every company to strive for some kind of competitive advantage. Regarding the choice of a suitable linguistic course from the point of view of a student, we suggest several factors that one should consider. Generally, it has been proven that investment in any kind of education is always considered a good investment.
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Marketing management apelačních vín v ČR se zaměřením na VOC MODRÉ HORY a VOC PÁLAVAŠimonová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
There are described resources, information obtain proceeding, extent and research methods in the first part of the thesis. The fourth chapter, Elemental literary summary, explains basic terms of marketing and public relations. Next part of this charter, deals with description the classification of wines according to different criteria, and explain the differences between the Germanic and Romanic system of labeling wines. It is also explained how the Czech Republic classifies wine as VOC, what are the conditions for its production and what should this sign guarantee. Definitely is not missing a description of VOC Modré Hory and Voc Pálava. In the chapter Trends at the wine market in Czech Republic, we executed an exploration of wine market and marketing surrounding brand analysis. The Communication policy and communications environment chapter describes a role of wine in a society and separates a consumers to the particular segments accoriding to the object groups. The Marketing and terroir chapter explains an acceptance of a role of terroir on the global market and what´s the VOC contribution. How to pass the terroir heritage to the consumer; if a terroir use as an instrument of a tourism, opportunity to emplace just this wine to the plane boards or if use an importance of biodiversity within the framework of marketing terroir message. The Marketing strategy chapter describes an acquisition of clients through the social media, further a potentialities wine investments and the social networks in touch of wine. The fifth chapter summarizes a results of this thesis. Evaluates a gained data and interprets a results of the consumer questionnaire and producer questionnaire. Tha last part of fifth chapter is a verification of defined hypothesis.
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Hodnocení SDS-PAGE proteinových profilů hlíz pro jejich potencionální využití při charakterizaci odrůd brambor (Solanum tuberosum L.) / Evaluation of SDS-PAGE tuber protein profiles for their potential use in potato cultivar characterizationPEŠINA, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
The use of various types of gel electrophoresis for characterization and identifying plant varieties is well estabilished. This diploma work deals with the possibility characterize potato cultivar (Solanum tuberosum L.) by the help of electrophoretic technique SDS {--} PAGE tuber protein profiles. Soluble potato tuber proteins can be classified according to their molecular weight (kDa) into three groups: First, the major tuber protein patatin (37 {--} 44 kDa); second, a group constituted of protease inhibitors (6 {--} 24 kDa); and third group containing all other proteins. First two group manifest genetic variability, which is necessary evalute for its potential using of potato cultivar characterization.
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Využití klasifikace MKF k možné inkluzi občanů s mentální retardací do společnosti / Application of the ICF classification for a possible inclusion of mentally retarded persons into societyŠULOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation thesis is the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) with mentally retarded persons, or the examination of ways of application of its data for a possible inclusion of mentally retarded persons into society. The thesis deals with the system of the ICF classification, its application within the framework of research as well as the subsequent possible application in practice when reviewing the situation of disabled persons.The results of the thesis bring a recommendation how it is possible to proceed when reviewing the situation of a mentally retarded client in practice and how to use the ICF classification as a tool of support of psychosocial inclusion of these persons.
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Vyhodnocení indikátorů obezřetného podnikání ve skupinách českých bankDvořáková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Návrh možností nového využití plochy vybraného brownfieldu v Jihočeském kraji / New possibilities of selected brownfield locality use in the South BohemiaJAKUBEC, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
In its theoretical part, the (Diploma) Thesis "New Exploitation Concept of the Picked Brownfields in Southern Bohemia District" concerns brownfield issues, defines the terms and describes their classifiaction from diferent points of view. Next the Thesis defines procedures of identification and mapping of brownfields. My work indicates authorities dealing with the topics, revitalization possibilities and possibilities of investment in particular investment intents. Applied part of the Thesis aims at one chosen property in South Bohemia District, describes history and today's condition and possibilities of their future use.
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